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Follet Troubles A Process Drama about Compromise: Drama for Grade 1

Session Design by Elizabeth Bohannon and Alexa Duncan

Content Standards
● Drama Create Standard # 5
○ Create character through imagination, physical movement, gesture, sound and/or
speech and facial expression.
● Drama Perform Standard # 3
○ Observe, listen, and respond in character to other actors.
● Drama Connect Standard # 1
○ Identify similarities between story elements and personal experiences in dramatic play
or guided drama experiences.

Essential Questions
● What causes conflict between different cultures?
● How can we stand up for ourselves and each other?
● Why is it important to treat people nicely?

Enduring Understandings
● Students will understand that conflicts can be resolved through discussion and attempting to
understand different points of view.

● Students will be able to portray characters thoughts, feeling and actions through improvisation

Performance Tasks
● Students will conduct interviews where they must listen and react using physical movements to
portray Ogres and Elves in order to fulfill Drama Create Standard 5 and Drama Perform standard
● Students will engage in improvised conversations as elves speculating about how the vegetables
were stolen in order to portray characters thought, feelings and actions through improvisation.
● Pairs of students will share ways to resolve conflict between Ogres and Elves in order to
demonstrate that they understand conflict can be resolved through discussion and
Other Assessments
● Students will draw a picture of a time they solved a problem without violence, like the Ogres
and Elves did in order to fulfill Drama Connect standard 1.
Teacher Materials
● Elf like music (could use this youtube link-
● Scroll of the history of the land of Follet (see attached)
● Scroll of the history of the Vegetable (see attached)
● Ogre town meeting flyer invitation (see attached)
● Ogre History (see attached)
● Vegetable cut outs (see attached)
● Ogre Footprints (see attached)
● Large white butcher paper
● Washable Markers
● Green Poster board (x2)
● Tape
 Tree decorations on wall
 Green lighting in classroom

Student Materials
● Crayons
● Scissors

Day One
1. Have the decorations (optional) hung on the walls and the large green paper hung up in a space
near the back of the classroom where the students can reach it.
2. Place the Ogre town meeting flyer on the ground by the green paper, where students will notice
it when they approach the garden.
3. Tape the large white butcher paper to the floor in the front of the classroom, with enough space
for children to gather around it.
4. Have music ready to play.
Framing / Hook
1. As students enter the classroom, play the elf like music.
2. As students enter, ask them to sit in a semi-circle facing the front
a. Teacher explains that the class will be participating in a process drama, during which
both the teacher and students will take on a variety of roles.
i. Depending on students' familiarity with drama conventions, teacher explains
the rules and principles of process drama.
b. Explain to the students that they are currently in the Land of Follet, a land inhabited by
c. Present to them the scroll of the history of the land of Follet. Ask the students what they
think the history of the land may be.
i.You can ask them to make guesses based on the music and the decorations
d. Read the scroll of the History of the Land of Follet.
3. Visualizing the Land of Follet
a. Show students the large piece of paper in the front of the classroom and ask them to
draw a map of the land of Follet, based on the history of the land and their
i. Side-coach as students draw, encouraging them to including the various
landmarks in the story or which they can infer might have existed. Be sure they
include the large crop land and the boundary of where Ogre land touches Follet
NOTE: Be sure that the elf like music is still playing during this time.
b. Discuss the map with the students,
i. Inquire about the various landmarks, what they suggest about possible
occupations elves might have had, etc.
ii. Discuss what components were explicitly mentioned in the Elf History and
which were invented by the students, and why they decided to include those
c. Hang the drawing on the wall so that students can refer to it throughout the session
4. Magic Vegetables Creation
a. Gather students back into a semicircle. Show them the green paper taped to the wall.
Explain to them that this is a very special garden.
b. Read the scroll labeled Magical Vegetable History.
i. Ask the students about the story and how they would feel if they did not have
their vegetables.
c. Explain to the students that they will color the magical vegetables in the land of Follet.
i. Have the students return to their desks.
ii. Pass out the vegetable papers.
iii. Have the students color and cut out their vegetables
5. Magic Vegetable photos
a. Once the students are done, gather them in the front of the classroom with their
vegetables and explain to them that they are elves in the land of Follet. Explain to
students that they will be doing still images (or frozen poses) as family/ community
Elves in the land of Follet.
i. Setting their vegetables aside, have the students all make a pose using their face
and body of how the elves would feel if they did not have the magical
a. Observe and discuss the different expressions and comment on how
they felt sad and tired.
ii. Have the students make a pose using their face and body of how the elves felt
because they had the magical vegetables.
a. Students may use the vegetables for the pose if they choose.
b. Observe and discuss the different expressions; comment on how they
were happy and joyous.
iii. Divide the students into small groups. Have them do a still image of a day in the
life of the Elves in Follet using the vegetables.
a. Explain to the students that each group decides if they are family
members or coworkers or friends. Each person should have a specific
role and task that they are doing in their still image.
b. Have each group share their still image with the class.
i. Have the class share what they thought the image was
ii. Have the group share what they were depicting in their image
a. Repeat steps a and b for each group.
6. Ogre Troubles
a. Once they are finished, help the students tape their vegetables onto the garden.
NOTE: Be sure to use small tape, because pulling vegetables off of paper
could cause tears in the paper. While the students hang up their
vegetables a student should notice the flyer on the floor near the
garden, if they don’t, be sure to point it out, or discover it yourself.

b. Read Ogre town meeting flyer aloud with the class.

i. Ask students what they think the Ogre town flyer means.
ii. Conclude as a class as to what the flyer might mean for the rest of the drama.
Day Two
Set Up
7. Have the decorations (optional) hung on the walls and the large green paper hung up in the
same space.
a. Remove the vegetables from the garden.
8. Place the Ogre footprints in the garden.
9. Hang up the Map of the land of Follet on the wall.
10. Have music ready to play.
11. Vegetable Disappearance
a. As the students enter have the elf music playing.
b. Teacher is in role as the elf ambassador. Explain to the students that all of the
vegetables are missing, and large footprints are the only things that remain.
c. Have the students form a circle in role as elves.
i. Explain to them that they will start rumors (or stories) about how and why they
think the vegetables are gone.
ii. Have one student begin with a simple rumor and then move on to the next
student who should suggest another rumor differing from the first.
NOTE: Remind the students that the rumor has to be within reason, and
likely for the ogres. Each student should start the rumor with “I heard
a. Once the entire class has gone, ask the students which rumors they
think are true and which were a bit unrealistic. Why?
d. In role as Elf ambassador, the teacher should have the students gather together for a
town meeting. Explain to them that they need to do something to get their vegetables
i. Ask the students for ways to get the vegetables back.
ii. After a variety of options are presented, guide the discussion to writing a letter
to the ogres, asking for the vegetables back
e. Take out a large piece of paper and with the help of the students, write a letter to send
to the Ogres, asking them to meet with the Elves.
f. Fold the letter and tell the elves that, you will send the letter. Have the students return
to their desks
12. Trouble in Ogreville
a. Explain to the students that to every situation there are two sides of the story. Now they
will explore the situation in Ogreville, and perhaps learn why the Ogres took the
vegetables. Tell the students that they are now Ogres.
b. Teacher in role as the Ogre ambassador, holding all the vegetables, explain to the
students the situation of why the ogres need the vegetables (see Ogre History Sheet).
i. Tell the students in role as Ogres that you have received a letter from the Elf
a. Read the letter to the Ogres.
b. Ask them if they think it would be a good idea to meet with the Elves
and work out the vegetable situation.
NOTE- encourage students to meet with the Elves.
c. Once the students have decided to meet with the elves have the students all gather in
the center of the room.
13. Ogres Meet Elves
a. Divide the students in half, one half as Ogres and one half as Elves.
b. With teacher in role, As Elf ambassador, welcome the ogres to the land of Follet and
thank them for being willing to work out the vegetable situation.
c. Another teacher in role. As Ogre ambassador apologize for taking the vegetables, and
state that you still need them to save the Ogre lives
d. Have each of the students team up in pairs, (1 elf, 1 ogre) and discuss possible solutions
to the vegetable situation.
i. These solutions may include, planting more vegetables, and selling them to the
Ogres, etc.
a. NOTE: Remind students that are to answer in role as Ogre’s and Elves.
This includes how they speak and with their physical gestures and facial
e. Once each pair has had the opportunity to discuss solutions, have each pair share with
the class one way they can solve the vegetable dilemma.
14. After each group has gone, have the students sit together in a circle. Discuss the drama with the
students relating it to their lives. Questions may include:
a. How did the elves feel when they lost their precious vegetables?
i. Have you ever felt sad when you lost something special?
b. How did the elves stand up to the Ogres?
i. When was a time you had to stand up to someone who may have done you
c. Was it nice of the Ogres to take the Vegetables without permission from the Elves?
i. What should the ogres have done instead?
d. When was a time you chose to do the right thing even though it was scary?
e. How did the ogres and elves feel after they were able to discuss solutions?
f. Why is talking and attempting to understand others a good way to solve conflict?
15. Congratulate students for being great problem solvers and have each student grab their
vegetable out of the pile, and draw on the back a picture of a time they had to solve a problem
without fighting, like the Ogres and Elves did.
16. Once they are done have each student tape their vegetable back in the garden.
Not Meeting Approaching Meets Exceeds
Expectations Expectations Expectations Expectations

Character Student does not Student Student adopts Student

Creation adopt or portray a inconsistently and portrays a convincingly and
character during portrays a character consistently
the improvisation character consistently portrays a
throughout the throughout the character
dramatization dramatization throughout the

Use of Body Student does not Student makes an Student Student clearly
communicate effort to communicates and consistently
meaning through communicate meaning through communicates
the body meaning through the use of space, through the body
the body but does shape, energy, by effective
not effectively gesture manipulating
manipulate space, space, shape,
shape, energy, energy, and
and gesture gesture

Improvisation Student is unable Students react to Student reacts to Student

to accommodate a new story new story consistently
new elements/obstacle elements/obstacl reacts to new
elements/obstacl- s, but in ways that es in a mostly story
es are not realistic or realistic and elements/obstac-
dramatically compelling le by
compelling manner with only immediately
minor time responding in a
required to realistic and
improvise dramatically

Conflict Student does not Student suggests Student suggests Student

resolution suggest any a weak resolution a clear resolution suggests a clear
resolutions to the for ogre/ elf for ogre/ elf and insightful
ogre/ elf vegetable conflict. vegetable conflict. resolution for the
vegetable conflict. ogre/ elf
The History of the Elves of Follet
A long time ago in a land similar to ours, a small satellite crashed into a little island. As this
satellite hit the ground, it busted open and out popped little creatures with all kinds of fuzzy
hair. These little creatures had travelled quite a far distance across space to find a new home
because their old home had been destroyed by large power hungry creatures who wanted to
take control. This was the small creatures’ last chance at freedom and at last, it seemed that
they had found paradise. Their first order of business was to give themselves and their new
home a name. They chose to call themselves Elves and their land would be known as the land of

Vegetable History

The elves had chosen to bring one object with them on their journey to their new home, a sack
of seeds that would grow their most favorite vegetables. These vegetables were special because
they had unique healing powers that helped the Elves stay healthy and strong. As they began to
explore their new land, they noticed that in a far off distance there was another plot of land
with homes and light. Because of their history with their enemies in their old world, they
avoided this land and planted their vegetables on the opposite side of their new land away from
these strangers.

The History of Ogres

The Ogres had lived in the land for as long as anyone could remember. For thousands of years,
they lived in peace with little problems growing and learning as a species. Then on one odd night
a few hundred years ago, a ball of light fell from the sky and landed in a field in a way off
distance where the ogres hardly ever went. Skeptical, this land was forbidden from the Ogre
population and none of the Ogres wanted to go near this land. But as time passed by, the ogres
forgot about this random incident and began to grow curious of their neighbors. One day a small
ogre was playing along the border of the land that the Ogres claimed when a butterfly flew
across this border and she followed it forgetting about the border. She stumbled over a few hills
until she came to a garden full of vegetables that she had never seen before. These vegetables
were beautiful and unlike anything she had ever learned of. Curious, she took one off of the vine
and carried it back to her family. They opened the vegetable and decided to try it. As the mama
Ogre was cutting up this odd new food, she accidently gave herself a small cut on the hand. Not
thinking much of it, the family of ogres began to eat the food. The mama ogre began to feel an
odd sensation in her hand and when she looked down, she noticed that her cut was now healed
and had disappeared. Amazed but also scared, this family of ogres swore each other to secrecy
and never mentioned what they had learned about their neighbors and this magical vegetable.
A few months later, a baby ogre became very sick and this illness began to spread. The ogres
tried everything that they knew of but nothing was healing these sick little ogre babies. At last,
the family of Ogres remembered that night a little while ago when they had tried that odd
vegetable and discovered its healing powers. The family took this information and shared it with
their people in a town meeting. In this town meeting, the ogre population decided that it was
too much of a risk to contact their neighbors and ask for the vegetables because if they had
magical food, who knew what else they could do to them? This could mean very bad things.
Instead they decided to send a few ogres over to take the vegetables without disrupting the rest
of the garden. In their rush, one of the ogres dropped an invitation to the town meeting where
they had discussed the magical vegetables leaving the elves a clue as to where their precious
vegetables had gone.
Come check it out!


Don’t miss this

important meeting!


Magic Vegetables?


What are the Elves

THURSDAY!! hiding?

Ogre Town Meeting! ────

What other secrets do

Neighboring Town has Magic they have?
Come find out the discoveries made about our neighbors, the
1356 Giants Drive,
Thursday @ 7pm in the Town Hall Ogreville, 84795


Thursday, @ 7 pm

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