Why I No Longer Go To Church

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I have been a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ for

almost 30 years since 10/25/81. Twenty-five of those
years, I served as both a pastor and an evangelist in a
well known, African American denomination. I even founded
my own church in 1996, which I closed in 2009. Today, I do
not attend church, at all. I personally believe that
church is a dangerous place to be, particularly for the
sincere follower of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

I did not want to come out of the church. Nevertheless,

the fruits of obedience have been extremely rewarding on a
spiritual level. In short, the knowledge and wisdom
imparted to me in the last 3 years, and even more so, the
last few months have been astounding. It began in the
summer of 2006. I heard in the spirit a message that
declared that "the church has already been judged." As a
minister of the gospel for 26 years at the time, I
certainly didn't want to believe that this prophetic word
came from God. So for one year, I tried the spirits by
studying church history. The result was my 4th book, "the
Fake Jesus: Fallen Angels Among Us." A year ago, I also
shut down the church that I started myself in 1996.

In order to understand my position, you need to know that

I am not coming from "whether or not there are good
churches or bad churches." Certainly, there are both, and
that has been the case for centuries. In our time, there
are some wonderful, good people and excellent programs
operating in plenty of churches. However, this is the
power of man. This is the power of human flesh. Human
beings can do some good and wonderful things, without God.
For example, man has proven that he can build a rocket and
walk on the moon. Man conceived the very computers that we
all communicate on, with a wealth of information at our
finger tips. This is "a good thing." Likewise, just
because a church is "good," doesn't mean that "God is

My position is this.

The bible fortells through Paul to the Thessalonian

believers that in the last days, a time in church history
would come when God would send "strong delusion." In like
manner, Paul even warned Timothy that in the last days,
there would be a group of demons who would infiltrate the
churches with false and mixed doctrine, capable of even
causing some of the elect to "depart from the faith" and
give heed to or listen and absorb these devilish false

From my work on "the Fake Jesus", I have been convinced

that "THAT DAY" came already. "Strong delusion" has
already been poured out. Paul also wrote that the anti-
Christ was being restrained by the Holy Ghost. Even so,
there would come a day in church history when the Holy
Ghost would be so grieved, that He would be "taken out of
the way." Paul wrote to the Thessalonians that when the
Holy Ghost is taken out of the way, the anti-Christ would
be revealed.

With the preparation of "the Fake Jesus" particularly the

info about Maitreya, I now believe that the Anti-Christ is
really a fallen angel. Certainly this angel will use the
body of a man at some point and he has already done so.
According to Benjamin Creme, mentioned in the Fake Jesus,
Maitreya was revealed in July 1977. I was born again in
March 1977, just 4 months before Maitreya was revealed.

How did I get to church in the first place? Well, I had 3

dreams that sent me to an African American denomination in
1979. I learned just as I finished "The Fake Jesus" a few
years ago, that those dreams came from the
religious fallen angel that is assigned to me. The book
"Come Out of Her, God's People" addresses why the enemy
would actually "send me to church" and why God would allow
it to happen.

It is important to note, that I myself didn't get saved

from "the preached word in a church." I knew the gospel
through the holidays and the movies about Jesus. I had
heard that Jesus had died for my sins and that He was
raised from the dead. I heard, I understood, and I did not

In spite of my godlessness, I got saved because the Holy

Ghost drew me to the cross in March 1977 and caused me to
see that I was a sinner and I began to repent. Then, faith
was dropped into me to believe that Jesus was dead, and got
up from the grave in His physical body. It was like a

lightbulb went off in my spirit, remaining there like a
hard rock for the next 33 years.

Without ever having heard a word preached in a sermon by a

minister behind the pulpit, God saved me anyway. It is an
experience that absolutely no one can take away from me.

If God saved me, an atheist, without any church background

who had never even read the bible, then God can save anyone

The word of God has been heard around the world. There is
no where that the name of Jesus is not known. To preach is
not to stand behind a pulpit with a sermon. To preach is
"to proclaim" or simply "to tell the story of Jesus."

Where in this world are you going to find ANYONE who has
not heard the story of Jesus? The real problem today is
that those who "have heard the word in church" simply do
not understand it. I am willing to say that 95% of
churchfolk do not understand either repentance, rebirth, or
the resurrection. Without an understanding, they are not
saved, yet they believe that they are because "they have
given heed to doctrines of devils." The worst of all the
doctrines of devils is the sinner's prayer and the
invitation to Christian discipleship---doctrines suggesting
that by MAN'S choice, he can enter the kingdom of God.
Whatever happened to "no man is saved of himself, salvation
is a gift from God, lest any man boast that "I accepted
Jesus." No. We don't accept Jesus. HE ACCEPTS US,

The bottomline is that I believe the church age has been

over a long time ago. Perhaps 50 years, definitely since
1977. In fact, every single church on earth is a fruit
of Catholicism. Catholicism is an evil, corrupt tree.
Jesus said that good fruit cannot and will not come from a
corrupt tree.

Certainly, there are people in church who are saved.

However, they are not saved because they heard a sermon
preached in church. They are saved because the Holy Ghost
brought them to the cross.

The reason why every churchgoer NEEDS "Come Out of Her,

God's People" in his or her hands, is "you need to know
about the plagues."

When your OWN eyes have finally been opened, look
out!!! Being deceived by church leaders can be taken as
a personal insult when you perceive that you have been
duped: bamboozled, run a muck, gone astray,
hoodwinked, made a fool of. Don't even go there in your
thoughts about all of that hard earned money we put into
the hands of religious demons. Lord, Help!!!! In my
own case, truth has been so liberating that it has not
mattered that it took 30 years to find. I have pressed on
and I no longer look back. I certainly don't cry over spilt
milk when the Lord has so much meat to share!

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