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APRIL 2016 77380/PMD15

Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 marks

PART A — (10  1 = 10 marks)

Answer any TEN questions out of Twelve.

1. Describe any two instrument name of HRD.

2. Write about the structure of HR department.

3. Point out some essentials for effective HR
4. State any two principles of learning style.
5. What do you mean by cognitive psychology?
6. Discuss about the responsiveness in an
7. Write short notes about human resource
8. Differentiate between education and learning.
9. What do you understand about trainer?
10. State any two causes for effective training.
11. Describe about career planning.
12. What are the factors affecting assessment in
PART B — (5 × 5 = 25 marks)

Answer any FIVE questions out of Seven.

13. Explain the concept of HRD.

14. Discuss about the duties of assessment centre.

15. Enumerate the process of maximizing of learning.

16. How do you enrich the human capacity?

17. Describe the advantages and limitations of


18. How should one identify the training needs in an


19. Discuss the advantages of succession planning.

PART C — (4 × 10 = 40 marks)

Answer Q.No. 20 compulsory and answer any

THREE question from Q.No. 21 to 24.

20. Case study (Compulsory) :

First, State financial service, Inc., was the largest
institution of its kind in the State, with over
150 branches at various locations throughout the
State. The company provided variety banking,
investment and insurance services to both retail
and commercial clients in its metropolitan market
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areas. As such the budget department played an
essential role in monitoring the costs and income
of the company and in preparing the budgets for
the various departments. Because accurate
budgeting was so crucial effective company
management the budget department had been
given the additional assignment of preparing
selected budget specialists for greater
responsibilities in the auditing department. In
effect, the budget department was also a
management trainee department.
Nancy Johnson had been appointed head of
budgeting two years ago. Nancy had been working
in one aspects or another of this area for the last
six years. As a result of her hard work and
attentiveness to budget matters, she had reached
this management position.
Her approach to managing the “Budget shop” was
captured in one of her favorite quotes; “It keep my
office door open. If any employees are having any
problems, they will come in and tell me” and with
that said, she tended to stay in her office, doing
her work; as a result, she sheldom saw or talked
with the budget specialists under her charge.
Typically, the specialists would prepare budget
reports for submission to other departments in the

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company. These reports contained very detailed
analysis about spending or revenue patterns. The
business and accounting graduates who were
recruited by the company considered as an
assignment in the budget department a
prestigious, appointment, and as a result, the
budget department could hire or select eager,
energetic employees; however to those ambitions
“go-getters” the reports were boring and tedious.
Their view was quite different from Nancy’s; she
saw these reports as invaluable training exercise.
After preparing a draft work – up of the report,
the specialists would send the draft to Nancy for
review and inspection. Busy with many other
tasks, Nancy would glance than over, then have
her secretary return the report back to the
specialists who prepared it. The specialists, young
and eager to learn, were expecting some feedback
on how well they had produced the reports, so that
they could learn enough for their future auditing
tasks; Nancy felt she was too busy, though and did
not add any commentary to the reports.
Because Nancy just glanced at the reports and did
not give the specialists any helpful instructions in
preparing them, the reports were often sent out
with errors. The department head who received a
faulty report would directly call the specialists
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who prepared it. After few faulty reports the
communications from the higher ranking
department head to the junior specialist became
hostile and rancorus. Since Nancy was completely
bypassed in this communication. She could not
learn of any problems, much less act to help
correct them. Over a period of a few months, the
number of errors grew, and the relations between
the departments heads and the specialists became
tense and hostile.
The specialists shared the some open office space.
Wherever a specialists experienced problems;
Moreover, they felt they were getting no support
from Nancy. As they experienced more hostility
from outside department, they become more
antagonistic towards Nancy. They would often sit
together and discuss how badly things were going.
They believed that Nancy was ignoring and not
helping them, and that there was a lot of
information. She was keeping from them.
Over the months, the specialists send more time
taking together, sympathizing and complaining.
Indeed, the more they talked to one another, the
bolder they become in talking with friends – or
any one else who would listen – out side their
department. They made no secret of their
dissatisfaction and displeasure with Nancy. The
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same kind of disgruntled communication spread
among the different departments heads. However,
they complained to an another about the poor
quality of the budget reports they were receiving
and about how Nancy had things “Screwed up”
But as far as Nancy know, every one – specialists
and department heads alike – was happy and
satisfied with the work of the budget department.
After about 5 months, enough news of the budget
department, Nancy’s boss to move him to act;
finally, on a Monday morning as Nancy was
waking to her desk, her boss asked to see her in
his office. She was shocked when he said; “Nancy,
what in the hell’s gone wrong in budget? I’m
getting calls from department heads who say they
can’t get a correct budget report. And I keep
hearing rumors about all these budget specialist
who are threatening to quite the first chance they
get. Get this problem fixed soon, or I may need to
take some strong action myself”.
Nancy left, visibly shaken. When she reached her
office, she uncharacteristically closed the door,
dropped her briefcase on the floor and sank into
her chair. She stared straight ahead, focusing on
nothing in particular, and thought; “What in the
hell happened? And what do I do now”?

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Questions :
(a) Describe how Nancy’s assumption about
employee problems affected her management
(b) What step should she take to improve her
training responsibilities?
(c) What should she do now, after her boss
lecture about dealing with the situation at

21. Elaborately discuss about recent trends in HRD.

22. Explain what are the skills required for human

relation in a manufacturing organization.

23. Explain the duties and responsibilities of a


24. Describe the factors that influences the behaviour

of an employee.


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