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Tutorial Notes

Warm Up Activities

1. Quick Catches
Instructions - starting with one ball per group, throw quick underarm throws to
each other, encouraging ‘quick catches’
Variation and Variations
Extensions - 2 balls, throw diagonally to a partner
- Throw high, low, side to side
- Diagonally in partners, one partner turns around, other calls name
and throws the ball.
- Have to turn around and catch the ball
- Add speed and variation to the flight of the ball
LEST Learners - Students are to stay in their grids, to ensure the
teacher can watch the whole class
Equipment - 2 balls per group, 4 cones per group
Space- each square grid is 4x4m
Time- 3-7min, or until students seem to be losing interest

Images created with Sportplan (2018)

KTP’s Track, Reach, Give
2. Bean Bag Tag
Instructions - One player starts as tagger with a bean bag
- Class lines up along the square
- Class runs through to other side of square
- Tagger underarm throws (below shoulder height), or tags player
running through
- Once, tagged, students grab a bean bag from one of the cones and
becomes a tagger
- Continues until all students are tagged
Variation and Variations
Extensions - start with more taggers
- If players catch the bean bag thrown at them, they remain in the

LEST Learners
- all students are to remain in the marked area
- 4 cones, roughly 15-20 bean bags
- roughly 20x20m, depending on class size
- 5-8min, or until all players have been tagged

Images created with Sportplan (2018)

KTP’s - Underarm
- Wrist is behind the ball
- Low body position
- transfer weight, follow through directed at target
3. Ball Handling Routine
Instructions 1 student starts with a beanbag and has to tag other students. Once
a student is tagged, they also collect a beanbag and can tag others,
play until all students have a beanbag. Play 2-3 times.

All students now have a beanbag, trying to copy exactly what the
teacher does:
- Throwing the beanbag high into the air and catching it
- Throwing in the air, spinning around and catching
- Throwing high and clapping as many times as possible
- Throw under one leg & catch with other hand. Repeat with
opposite hand & leg
- Hit the ball on an open hand to self. Try non-preferred hand
- Throw and snatch

Variation and Variations

Extensions - get students into partners, and ask them to complete the same
tasks whilst throwing the bean bag to their partner

- Ask students to use tennis balls instead of bean bags

LEST Learners
- students are to stay within the grid at all times to ensure the
teacher can manage the whole class
- 1 bean bag and 1 tennis ball per student
- 15x15m square grid, or large enough to fit all students
- 3-7min, or until students appear to lose interest

(yellow= students,
Red= teacher)

Images created with Sportplan (2018)

KTP’s - Catching
- Track, Reach, Give
4. Partner Ball Toss
Instructions - Students begin 3m from their partner and are passing a ball back

and forth using an underarm throw.

- Teacher uses “step, swing, release” as a verbal cue.

- Students take 10 throws each from 3m, 5m and 10m, moving to

overarm throws.

Variation and Variations

Extensions - students can change the speed and angles at which they throw the

- Students can catch with non dominant hand

LEST Learners
- students are in partners and are facing each other
- 8 cones, 1 ball between two students
- Students are to spread along the first line, then as they progress,
one partner moves back to the further cones
- finishes when all students have completed their throws at each


(teacher= white,
students = red)

Images created with Sportplan (2018)

KTP’s - Underarm
- Wrist is behind the ball
- Low body position
- transfer weight, follow through directed at target
- Overarm
- Step, point, reach, release
- Catching
- Track, reach, give

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