II-language: 1-Fill in The Blanks With 6 Words From The List

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Name--------------------------------------------------- 9b--

II-language /3
1- Fill in the blanks with 6 words from the list

suitcase seat takes off sit passport the plane board Lands

Oscar travels at work very often. He goes to Zurich at least once a month. He
usually spends a few days in Zurich. At the airport, he presents his-------------------
-- to the airport staff and boards---------------------- in the last minute. The flight
attendant shows him his-------------------------and offers him a newspaper
Flight attendants give safety instructions. Oscar listens carefully and tightens his
safety belt. The plane -----------------------on time – at .7.00am. Time passes
quickly and the plane --------- in Zurich on time at 8.30am. Oscar takes his ------,
thanks the flight attendants and rushes to work. He takes a train to go to his office
in Zurich.

2-put the words/ verbs in the right form or tense /2

Computers are an amazing thing, you know they (improve)--------------------------

people's lives for the past 15 or 20 years. You know you can do word processing.
You can access libraries of information. You can communicate with your friends 24
hours a day across the globe. You can do art. You can watch movies. You can play
music. All sorts of interesting and cool stuff, that makes life more pleasurable, or
makes life (easy)------------- ----------you know, it's really an amenity that's (be)-
---------------------------- a big part of most people's lives for a long time now, and
they always seem to be improving and getting bigger and (good)--------------------

3- Circle the correct alternative /2

Jake: So, Lyndsay do you like to text message a lot on your cell phone ?
Lindsay: Yeah, actually, I text message a lot.

Jake: I don't do it so much. Sometimes I prefer to just (call- speak-tell) someone

on the phone if I'm in a hurry.

Lindsay: Yeah, I go both ways. Sometimes I know I don't really want to talk to the
person. I just want to ask (them –they- their) one question, so it's so much easier
for me just to text them and say, "Are you going to the party tonight" for example
instead of (call- calling – to call) them, because I know if I call them, I (will
have-have- had) a long conversation.
4- Match the utterances with the corresponding /2

functions (there’s an extra one)

Todd: Jason, actually I'm going to England this summer.

Jason: Really?

Todd: Yeah can you give me some advice about where I should go. I'm going to
have about one week.

Jason: One week. (1) What about staying in the suburbs of London for a start,
because it's a lot cheaper. If you stay in North London then you will spend all your
money on rent. And I guess (2) you should go around Central London. That's
where all the tourist attractions are. That's where all the nightlife is.

Todd: OK, now I was thinking of taking a day trip to Oxford or Cambridge or Bath.
(3) What would you think?

Jason: It depends really. Bath has got a lot of history. (4) I guess Oxford is a lot
quieter, but again there is a lot of nightlife there as well. It really depends what
you want to do, but Bath is good for history, definitely.

A- Asking for opinion

B- expressing opinion 1+ --
C-obligation 3+--
D- suggestion 4+--
5- Fill in the blanks with words from the list /3

Available – destination - to catch - reservation- let’s- flight - catching

How may I help you?

Caller: Yes, I'd like to make a flight ---------------------------------for the twenty-third of this

Travel Agent: Okay. What is your -----------------------------------?

Caller: Well. I'm flying to Helsinki, Finland.

Travel Agent: Okay. Let me check what flights are ---------------------?. [Okay] And when will
you be returning?

Caller: Uh, well, I'd like------------------------------------- a return flight on the twenty-ninth. Oh,
and I'd like the cheapest --------------------------available.

Travel Agent: Okay. Let me see. Um, hmm . . .

Caller: Yeah?

Travel Agent: Well, the price for the flight is almost double the price you would pay if you leave
the day before.

Caller: Whoo. --------------------------- go with the cheaper flight. By the way, how much is it?

Travel Agent: It's only $980.

Caller: Alright. Well, let's go with that

B.Baccush.prep School Mid-semester 2 test 1 Name--------------------------
9th grade -----------------------
Mrs Amel Weslati 9b--

I- Listening comprehension /8 marks

1- Listen and complete the sentence with one word from the text /1
His favourite means of transport is the car because of:--------------------------------

2- Listen and complete the table with information from the text /2
The means of transport The advantages ma

The train Good views of the countryside

3- Listen and complete with 2 disadvantages of the car

 -------------------------------------------------------------- ma
 --------------------------------------------------------------

4- circle the correct function of the given utterance mar
Inviting ks
“Let’s talk about the airplane” expresses: Request
5- spelling: write the word correcly /1
In many countries the train travel is very ……………………………. ks
6- pronunciation
Put the “odd man” out
Plane c ar s ay w ay
bathroom something those nothing
Listening script

Simon: Like many people, I like to travel and there are many ways you can travel, uh, many
forms of transportation. Probably the main three that I wanna talk about now are by car, by train
and by airplane. Now each of these forms of transportation
have there pros and cons. Would you agree?

Friend: Indeed, I would.

Simon: So, what's your favorite form of transportation, of those three?

Friend: I would have to say the automobile.

Simon: Um, well, tell me some of the, the pros of traveling by car.

Friend: That would be mainly freedom. Freedom of movement. Freedom of stop. Freedom to go. Freedom to,
yeah, freedom basically.

Simon: OK, uh, what about a train? What are the advantages of being of a train?

Friend: Ah, I would say, good views of the countryside. You can move around on a train. You're not stuck in a
car. You can go for a cigarette. You can get something to drink. You can go to the bathroom, which you cannot
do in a car.

Simon: OK, and let's talk about the airplane. Why, what are some of the advantages of flying?

Friend: Speed.

Simon: That's it?

Friend: That's all I can say about that, speed.

Simon: OK, uh, let's talk about the disadvantages, the cons. So what, what are some things that a train has,
that is not that great?

Friend: There's nothing I can say bad about a train, except, yeah! Train's good.

Simon: OK!

Friend: Price

Simon: Yeah, price, in many countries train travel is expensive. Uh, we are traveling in Japan, so the train is
very fast and efficient, however, it is expensive, and another thing is, you're confined by schedule and things
like that. How about the disadvantages of a car?
Friend: Ah, pollution, accidents, cost, yeah, cars can be expensive, too, maintenance, gas.

Simon: And how about the plane?

Friend: The disadvantages of a plane. The lack of view,and yeah, that stale, stale air.

Simon: Oh, yeah, also, I could sort of say the fear factor, yeah, and being confined to a small space. Yeah that's

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