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Name Date. Petlod CELL TRANSPORT REVIEW _Cell transport ~ Movement of molecules in and out of the cell 2 ‘batt ig aetfin ante et with the term on the right. 1. dL Lge wane pric aera mini tooaiden cen | Pate transport 2. © ison of mater moll ough sesivelypemeble membrane itfson 3, $e wanorot pice which rqulresthe so enerey Dynamic ori 4. Cod nat seach when prices coties w'move bin aqua amounts 4. Rxocytosie ‘mower et Osmosis Large particles are surrounded by the membrane and taken to thecal, {Active transport 16 Movemeni 6 any prices ftom an area of higher concentration to one ‘of lower concentation, wit the concentration gradient. As Q_ The transport of panicles which does not require energy (Crue the word or phrase that best complete the statement or ansmers the question. 8. The structure most responsible for maintaining cell homeostasis isthe cytoplasm ‘ell wall ‘mitochondria 8. ‘The plasms metre cell hembra) is made Shao amelaper Coma y) prota per 10, Whe of he flovingisNOT afm of using po facilitated diffusion | diffusion < endocytorl ‘osmosis 11 Dita coin ait + ‘Gilbane reached) turgor presure it reached one side has more ll is plain saltwater, mater leaves he cell by ome SO etaeprt phar 13, A call mes prs rom a region oli concentration oa rein af high:ancenain by factatedaiffaion mosis pamive transport Cactvetrasspert> For each seenario, answer the questions and draw an ARROW to illustrate the movement of molecules. 14, Raster ogg coloring: ‘Aue food coloring tablet is placed im cup of vinegar and water. After several seconds, the blue tablet wll gin o dissolve and will eventually sprend evenly throu the gui. ad of aThebiugaye istaveting oma wa concentration. = b peal oe eae aaa ey [ee ar Ne oem ti a oF no 1 follwing thedestionofood eet Baoan a Whereis concentration of glucose ~ blood or cell? —— ce ve gh ep oes ine cl neni demtify this specitic type of el anspor: | ol f diGusin «Ie this active or passive transport? Dos Si Transp 4 Use an arrow to illustrate the movement of glucose molecules. 4 Identify the specific ype of transport being iste: Endocyfosts : ‘b. How are the molecules being moved? —L concentratim > __]___egncentration Does this require enerey?_ Ves entity the specific type of ransport being illustrated: Exocytes!S. 17, Movement of large particles out of the cel: Nene eh comers What pe ofsubstmices would be moved in his ws Lerger Substances 14. For the hoxes sean belo, do the calculations (each environment must ual 100%), draw an ARROW to Mluserate the direction of water movement. State whether the solution is hypertonic, hypotonic, or isotonic. ama ane ae Sane oe wee oreo Tae aN | |e : SE )| et (DONE oa Ts, ae ce

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