Task 2

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Template for Task 2 (Week 10) Observing a Maths Lesson

Student (activity and Purpose / objective of the

Activity Time Interaction Teacher (activity and actual language used)
actual language used) activity

T- askes student to open their books and says the objectives Ss- open their books To engage
10 min T- Ss
Ss-T T- shows questions on the data show about the statics signs. To be ready and to be able to
link the prior knowledge with
T- askes Ss how to write the statics signs and write it on the board Ss- answers on the board the new lesson

Review T- askes Ss are you ready now for the new lesson
10 T-Ss T- introduce and explain the new lesson, conduct a poll To learn how to make
mins Ss-T Ss- Listen to the surveys and conduct poll
T- shows schedule of different foods explanation

S-T T- choose S to come in front of the class and askes 10 S what is S- askes 10 students what To practice on the learning
the food do they like. food do you like?
15 mins S-S
T- tell S to write the number of the students who liked any of the Ss- answer I like…
T-Ss foods in statics sign on the board

T- askes the leaners to copy the answers on the book S- write the statics signs
on the board

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