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ECE 8708 Wireless Communications : Multiple Access Techniques

Chapter 9
Multiple Access Techniques
for Wireless Communications

Yimin Zhang, Ph.D.

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Villanova University

Yimin Zhang, Villanova University 1

ECE 8708 Wireless Communications : Multiple Access Techniques

Time Division Duplexing (TDD)
Frequency Division Duplexing (FDD)
Multiple Access
Spread Spectrum Multiple Access
- Frequency Hopped Multiple Access (FHMA)
- Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)
Packet Radio
Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA)

Yimin Zhang, Villanova University 2

ECE 8708 Wireless Communications : Multiple Access Techniques

Brief Historical Overview

• Late 1940’s: Push to Talk FM Systems
– Half Duplex Mode
• Improved Mobile Telephone Service (ITMS)
– Fully Duplex, Auto-dial, Auto-trunking Phone Systems
• Techniques and Theory Developed in 1950’ & 60’s
• AT&T Proposes Cellular System to FCC in 1968
• 1983 FCC Authorizes US Advanced Mobile Phone System
– Deployed in Chicago
– 666 Duplex Channels (40 MHz in the 800MHz band)
• Late 1991- U.S. Digital Cellular (USDC) Implemented
• Code Division Multiple Access Developed by Qualcomm.
• New Personal Communication Service
– Licenses in the 1800/1900 MHz Band Auctioned
Yimin Zhang, Villanova University 3
ECE 8708 Wireless Communications : Multiple Access Techniques

Duplex Methods of Radio Links

Base Station

Forward link
Reverse link

Mobile Station

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ECE 8708 Wireless Communications : Multiple Access Techniques

Frequency Division Duplexing

• Frequency Division Duplexing (FDD) provides two distinct bands

of frequencies for every user.

Yimin Zhang, Villanova University 5

ECE 8708 Wireless Communications : Multiple Access Techniques

Time Division Duplexing

• Time Division Duplexing (TDD) uses time instead of frequency to

provides both a forward and reverse links.

Yimin Zhang, Villanova University 6

ECE 8708 Wireless Communications : Multiple Access Techniques

Trade-offs Between FDD and TDD

• Frequency Division Duplexing

– Geared toward Individual Channels for each User
– Frequency Separation must use Inexpensive Technology

• Time Division Duplexing

– Eliminates Need for Forward and Reverse Channels
– Time Latency

Yimin Zhang, Villanova University 7

ECE 8708 Wireless Communications : Multiple Access Techniques

Multiple Access Techniques

Base Station

Forward link
Reverse link
Mobile Station

Mobile Station
Mobile Station Mobile Station

Yimin Zhang, Villanova University 8

ECE 8708 Wireless Communications : Multiple Access Techniques

Multiple Access Techniques

Multiple Access
• Spread Spectrum Multiple Access
- Frequency Hopped Multiple Access (FHMA)
- Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)

Packet Radio
• Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA)

Yimin Zhang, Villanova University 9

ECE 8708 Wireless Communications : Multiple Access Techniques

Multiple Access Techniques

• Term has its Origin in Satellite Communications
• System of Earth Stations and a Satellite
• Used to Mean Sharing a Communications Channel (of W Hz) among a
Group of Users
• Signal Space of Time Bandwidth
– Where T = k/R
– Signal Space D = 2TW

Yimin Zhang, Villanova University 10

ECE 8708 Wireless Communications : Multiple Access Techniques

Multiple Access Techniques

Yimin Zhang, Villanova University 11

ECE 8708 Wireless Communications : Multiple Access Techniques

Frequency Division Multiple Access

• FDMA channel carries only one phone at a time.

• Bandwidth is relatively narrow

(30 kHz).

• Since FDMA is a continuous

transmission scheme,
fewer bits are needed
for overhead purpose
(e.g., sync) as
compared to TDMA.

• Requires tight RF

Yimin Zhang, Villanova University 12

ECE 8708 Wireless Communications : Multiple Access Techniques

Nonlinear Effects in FDMA

• Antenna at base station shared by channels

• Nonlinearities of power amps and combiners
• Results in signal spreading
– Generates intermodulation
– Causes adjacent channel interference and adjacent service

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ECE 8708 Wireless Communications : Multiple Access Techniques

Yimin Zhang, Villanova University 14

ECE 8708 Wireless Communications : Multiple Access Techniques

Advanced Mobile Phone System (AMPS)

• First U.S. analog cellular system

• Based on FDMA/FDD
• NBFM modulates the carrier
• Total number of channels is given by:

B t − 2 B guard
N =
Bt : total spectrum allocation
Bguard : guard band allocated at the edge of the spectrum band
Bc : channel bandwidth

Yimin Zhang, Villanova University 15

ECE 8708 Wireless Communications : Multiple Access Techniques

Time Division Multiplex Access

Yimin Zhang, Villanova University 16

ECE 8708 Wireless Communications : Multiple Access Techniques

Time Division Multiplex Access

• Data transmitted in a buffer-and-burst method

Preamble Æ Address
and synchronization
info for base station
and subscriber

Guard times Æ
Synchronization of
receivers between a
different slots and

Yimin Zhang, Villanova University 17

ECE 8708 Wireless Communications : Multiple Access Techniques

Time Division Multiple Access

Yimin Zhang, Villanova University 18

ECE 8708 Wireless Communications : Multiple Access Techniques

Time Division Multiple Access

• TDMA shares a single carrier frequency with several users, where
each user makes use of nonoverlapping time slots.
• Data transmission in TDMA systems is not continuous, but in
• TDMA uses different time slots for transmission and reception, thus
duplexers are not required. If FDD is used, TDMA/FDD systems
intentionally induce several time slots of delay between the two
links so that duplexers are not required in the mobile unit.
• Equalization is usually necessary, since the rates are generally
• High synchronization overhead is required in TDMA.
• Guard times are necessary to separate users; Guard times should
be minimized.

Yimin Zhang, Villanova University 19

ECE 8708 Wireless Communications : Multiple Access Techniques

Efficiency of TDMA
Frame efficiency ⎛ b ⎞
ηf = ⎜⎜ 1 − OH ⎟⎟ × 100 %
⎝ bT ⎠
Number of overhead bits per frame

bOH = N r b r + N t b p + N t b g + N r b g

Nr : number of reference bursts per frame

Nt : number of traffic bursts per frame
br : # of overhead bits per reference burst
bp : # of overhead bits per preamble in each slot
bg : # of equivalent bits in each guard time interval

Total number of bits per frame

bT = T f R Tf : frame duration; R : channel bit rate

Yimin Zhang, Villanova University 20

ECE 8708 Wireless Communications : Multiple Access Techniques

Number of Channels in TDMA System

• Number of channels: total number of slots multiplied by the

channels available

m ( B tot − 2 B guard )
N =
m: maximum number of TDMA users supported on each radio

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ECE 8708 Wireless Communications : Multiple Access Techniques


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ECE 8708 Wireless Communications : Multiple Access Techniques


Yimin Zhang, Villanova University 23

ECE 8708 Wireless Communications : Multiple Access Techniques


Yimin Zhang, Villanova University 24

ECE 8708 Wireless Communications : Multiple Access Techniques

Spread Spectrum Multiple Access
- Frequency Hopped Multiple Access (FHMA)
- Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)

Yimin Zhang, Villanova University 25

ECE 8708 Wireless Communications : Multiple Access Techniques

Frequency Hopping

Typical frequency-hopping waveform pattern

Yimin Zhang, Villanova University 26

ECE 8708 Wireless Communications : Multiple Access Techniques

Direct Spread

Yimin Zhang, Villanova University 27

ECE 8708 Wireless Communications : Multiple Access Techniques

Wideband and Narrowband CDMA

Yimin Zhang, Villanova University 28

ECE 8708 Wireless Communications : Multiple Access Techniques

Code Division Multiple Access

• Many users of a CDMA system share the same frequency band.
• Either TDD or FDD may be used.
• Unlike TDMA and FDMA, CDMA has a soft capacity limit.
• Multipath fading may be substantially reduced. Small-scale fading is
mitigated if the spread spectrum bandwidth is greater than the
coherence bandwidth of the channel.
• RAKE receiver can be used to achieve path diversity.
• Single frequency reuse can be used and soft handover can be
performed to achieve diversity.
• Near-far problem exists and power control is required.

Yimin Zhang, Villanova University 29

ECE 8708 Wireless Communications : Multiple Access Techniques

Summary of Multiple Access


tim ue ncy
e fre

e ncy CDMA
tim qu
e fre

tim ue ncy
e fre

Yimin Zhang, Villanova University 30

ECE 8708 Wireless Communications : Multiple Access Techniques

Space Division Multiple Access

• Adaptive antennas are used at
the base station to direct the
beam towards the desired
user and form a null in the
directions of other users.

Yimin Zhang, Villanova University 31

ECE 8708 Wireless Communications : Multiple Access Techniques

Packet Radio

2 4

Shared Multiple
Access Medium

M 5

Packet Radio access, many subscribers attempt to access a single channel

in an uncoordinated (or minimally coordinated) manner.
1. Any transmission from any station can be heard by any other stations
2. If two or more stations transmit at the same time, collision occurs
Yimin Zhang, Villanova University Figure 6.1 32
ECE 8708 Wireless Communications : Multiple Access Techniques

Packet Radio Protocols

• Three types of random accesses:

– ALOHA, slotted ALOHA, and CSMA-CD

• Throughput (Traffic occupancy)

R = λτ
λ : mean arrival rate
τ : packet duration

• To obtain a reasonable through put, the rate at which new packets are
generated must lie within 0 < R <1.

• Normalized throughput
T = R ⋅ Pr[ no collision ] = λτ ⋅ Pr[ no collision ]

Yimin Zhang, Villanova University 33

ECE 8708 Wireless Communications : Multiple Access Techniques

Probability of Collision
• The probability that n packets are generated by the user population
during a given packet duration interval is assumed to be Poisson
distributed and is given by

R ne−R
Pr( n ) =

• Letting n =0 results in probability of no collision

Pr( 0 ) = e − R

Yimin Zhang, Villanova University 34

ECE 8708 Wireless Communications : Multiple Access Techniques


Yimin Zhang, Villanova University Figure 6.1 35

ECE 8708 Wireless Communications : Multiple Access Techniques


• Basic idea:
– let users transmit whenever they have data to be sent.
– When collision occurs, wait a random time ( why? ) and retransmit

• Differences between regular errors &collision

– Regular errors only affect a single station
– Collision affects more than one
– The retransmission may collide again
– Even the first bit of a frame overlaps with the last bit of a frame
almost finished, then two frames are totally destroyed.

Yimin Zhang, Villanova University 36

ECE 8708 Wireless Communications : Multiple Access Techniques

• The probability that n packets are generated by the user population
during a duration of 2 packet time intervals

( 2 R ) n e −2 R
Pr( n ) =

• Probability of no collision
Pr( 0 ) = e − 2 R

• Normalized throughput

T = R ⋅ Pr[ no collision ] = R e − 2 R

Yimin Zhang, Villanova University 37

ECE 8708 Wireless Communications : Multiple Access Techniques


1.peak value at R=0.5

with T=0.184

2.for any given T, there

are two values of R,
corresponding to
two modes:
occasional collision
mode with R ≈ T and
frequent collision mode
with R >> T

Yimin Zhang, Villanova University Figure 6.17 38

ECE 8708 Wireless Communications : Multiple Access Techniques

Slotted ALOHA

Yimin Zhang, Villanova University Figure 6.1 39

ECE 8708 Wireless Communications : Multiple Access Techniques

Slotted ALOHA
• Synchronize the transmissions of stations
All stations keep track of transmission time slots and are allowed to
initiate transmissions only at the beginning of a time slot.

• The probability that n packets are generated by the user population

during a given packet duration interval is assumed to be Poisson
distributed and is given by
R ne−R
Pr( n ) =
• Probability of no collision

Pr( 0 ) = e − R

• Normalized throughput
T = R ⋅ Pr[ no collision ] = R e − R

Yimin Zhang, Villanova University 40

ECE 8708 Wireless Communications : Multiple Access Techniques

ALOHA vs. Slotted ALOHA

Peak value at R=1 with

T=0.368 for slotted
ALOHA, double
compared with ALOHA.

Yimin Zhang, Villanova University Figure 6.17 41

ECE 8708 Wireless Communications : Multiple Access Techniques

CSMA (Carrier Sensing Multiple Access)

• Problem with ALOHAs: low throughput because the collision

wastes transmission bandwidth.
• Solution: avoid transmission that are certain to cause collision, that
is CSMA. Any station listens to the medium, if there is some
transmission going on the medium, it will postpone its

Yimin Zhang, Villanova University 42

ECE 8708 Wireless Communications : Multiple Access Techniques

CSMA (Carrier Sensing Multiple Access)

Suppose tprop is propagation delay from one extreme end to the other
extreme end of the medium. When transmission is going on, a station
can listen to the medium and detect it.
After tprop, A’s transmission will arrive the other end; every station will
hear it and refrain from the transmission.

Vulnerable period = tprop in CSMA, compared to τ and 2τ in ALOHAs.

Station A
transmission at
t=0 A sense sense
Station A
at t=tprop A sense sense
Yimin Zhang, Villanova University Figure 6.19 43
ECE 8708 Wireless Communications : Multiple Access Techniques

Three different CSMA schemes

• Based on how to do when medium is busy:

– 1-persistent CSMA
– Non-persistent CSMA
– p-persistent CSMA

Yimin Zhang, Villanova University 44

ECE 8708 Wireless Communications : Multiple Access Techniques

1-persistent CSMA
sense channel when want to transmit a packet, if channel is busy,
then sense continuously, until the channel is idle, at this time,
transmit the frame immediately.

If more than one station are sensing, then they will begin
transmission the same time when channel becomes idle, so
collision. At this time, each station executes a backoff algorithm to
wait for a random time, and then re-sense the channel again.

Problem with 1-persistent CSMA is “high collision rate”.

Yimin Zhang, Villanova University 45

ECE 8708 Wireless Communications : Multiple Access Techniques

Non-persistent CSMA

Sense channel when want to transmit a packet, if channel is idle, then

transmit the packet immediately. If busy, run backoff algorithm
immediately to wait a random time and then re-sense the channel

This is popular for wireless LAN applications, where the packet

transmission intervals is much greater than the propagation delay to
the farthermost user.

Problem with non-persistent CSMA is that when the channel becomes

idle from busy, there may be no one of waiting stations beginning the
transmission, thus waste channel bandwidth.

Yimin Zhang, Villanova University 46

ECE 8708 Wireless Communications : Multiple Access Techniques

p-persistent CSMA
Sense channel when want to transmit a packet, if channel is busy,
then persist sensing the channel until the channel becomes idle. If
the channel is idle, transmit the packet with probability of p, and wait,
with probability of 1-p, additional propagation delay tprop and then re-
sense again.

Yimin Zhang, Villanova University 47

ECE 8708 Wireless Communications : Multiple Access Techniques


• When the transmitting station detects a collision, it stops its

transmission immediately (Not transmit the entire frame which is
already in collision).
• The time for transmitting station to detect a collision is 2tprop.
• In detail: when a station wants to transmit a packet, it senses
channel, if it is busy, use one of above three algorithms (i.e., 1-
persistent, non-persistent, and p-persistent schemes). The
transmitter senses the channel during transmission. If a collision
occurred and was sensed, transmitter stops its left transmission of
the current frame; moreover, a short jamming signal is transmitted to
ensure other stations that a collision has occurred and backoff
algorithm is used to schedule a future re-sensing time.

Yimin Zhang, Villanova University 48

ECE 8708 Wireless Communications : Multiple Access Techniques


The reaction time in CSMA-CD is 2tprop

A begins to
transmit at
B begins to
transmit at
B t= tprop-δ;
A B detects
collision at
t= tprop
A detects
collision at It takes 2 tprop to find out if channel has been captured
t= 2 tprop-δ

Yimin Zhang, Villanova University Figure 6.22 49

ECE 8708 Wireless Communications : Multiple Access Techniques

Packet Radio: Comparison

1. When a is small, i.e, tprop << τ, the CSMA-CD is best and all CSMAs are
better than ALOHAs.
2. When a is approaching 1, CSMAs become worse than ALOHA.
3. ALOHAs are not sensitive to a because they do not depend on reaction

1 1-P CSMA

Τmax 0.6 Slotted Aloha


0.01 0.1 1
a = tprop /τ
Maximum achievable throughput of random access schemes
Yimin Zhang, Villanova University Figure 6.24 50
ECE 8708 Wireless Communications : Multiple Access Techniques

Capacity of Cellular Systems

• Channel capacity for a radio system is defined as the maximum

number of channels or users that can be provided in a fixed
frequency band Î spectrum efficiency of wireless system.

For a cellular system, the radio capacity is defined as

Bc N

• Bt : Total allocated spectrum for the system

• BC : Channel bandwidth
• N : Number of cells in frequency reuse pattern

Yimin Zhang, Villanova University 51

ECE 8708 Wireless Communications : Multiple Access Techniques

Capacity of Cellular Systems

Carrier to Interference ratio

C D 0− n
I 6 D −n

For maximum interference D0 = R

1⎛ R⎞ ⎛C ⎞
⎜ ⎟ ≥⎜ ⎟
6⎝D⎠ ⎝ I ⎠ min

1/ n
⎡ ⎛C ⎞ ⎤
Q ≥ ⎢6⎜ ⎟ ⎥
⎣ ⎝ I ⎠ min ⎦
Yimin Zhang, Villanova University 52
ECE 8708 Wireless Communications : Multiple Access Techniques

Capacity of Cellular Systems


Q = 3N

The radio capacity becomes

Bt Bt Bt
m= = 2
= 2/n
Bc N Q ⎛ 6 ⎛C ⎞ ⎞
3 B c ⎜⎜ n / 2 ⎜ ⎟ ⎟⎟
⎝3 ⎝ I ⎠ min ⎠
In particular, when n=4
2⎛C ⎞
Bc ⎜ ⎟
3 ⎝ I ⎠ min

Yimin Zhang, Villanova University 53

ECE 8708 Wireless Communications : Multiple Access Techniques

Capacity of Cellular Systems

2⎛C ⎞
Bc ⎜ ⎟
3 ⎝ I ⎠ min

Reducing (C/I)min can increase the capacity.

In order to provide the same voice quality, (C/I)min may be lower in a

digital systems when compared to an analog system.

Typically, the minimum required C/I is about 12 dB for narrowband

digital systems, and 18 dB for narrowband FM systems.

Yimin Zhang, Villanova University 54

ECE 8708 Wireless Communications : Multiple Access Techniques

Capacity of Cellular Systems

Trade-off between channel bandwidth and power

Bt Bt
m= m=
2⎛C ⎞ 2⎛C ⎞
Bc ⎜ ⎟ Bc ' ⎜ ⎟
3 ⎝ I ⎠ min 3 ⎝ I ⎠ eq

⎛C ⎞ ⎛ C ⎞ ⎛⎜ B c ⎞⎟
⎜ ⎟ =⎜ ⎟ ⎜
⎝ I ⎠ eq ⎝ I ⎠ min ⎝ B c ' ⎟⎠

Reduce bandwidth to half Æ need to increase C/I by a factor of 4.

Yimin Zhang, Villanova University 55

ECE 8708 Wireless Communications : Multiple Access Techniques



Yimin Zhang, Villanova University 56

ECE 8708 Wireless Communications : Multiple Access Techniques

Capacity of Cellular Systems

In digital cellular systems,

C E b Rb E c Rc
= =
⎛C ⎞ E c Rc
⎜ ⎟ 2
⎝ I ⎠ min ⎛ B ' ⎞
= I = ⎜⎜ c ⎟⎟
⎛C ⎞ E c ' Rc ' ⎝ Bc ⎠
⎜ ⎟
⎝ I ⎠ eq I'

Because Rc ∝ Bc
Ec ⎛ B '⎞
= ⎜⎜ c ⎟⎟
E c ' ⎝ Bc ⎠

Reduce bandwidth to half Æ need to increase bit energy by a factor of 8.

Yimin Zhang, Villanova University 57

ECE 8708 Wireless Communications : Multiple Access Techniques

Capacity Comparison: TDMA vs. FDMA

In FDMA, Bt is divided into M channels, each with bandwidth Bc.

Bt Bt M
m= = =
2⎛C ⎞ Bt 2⎛C ⎞ 2⎛C ⎞
Bc ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
3 ⎝ I ⎠ min M 3 ⎝ I ⎠ min 3 ⎝ I ⎠ min

C = E b Rb I = I 0 Bc

For TDMA with multiple time slots and occupies the same spectrum,

C ' = E b Rb ' I ' = I 0 Bc '

Yimin Zhang, Villanova University 58

ECE 8708 Wireless Communications : Multiple Access Techniques


Yimin Zhang, Villanova University 59

ECE 8708 Wireless Communications : Multiple Access Techniques

Capacity of Digital Cellular CDMA

Denote N as the number of users. SNR in RF

S 1
SNR = =
( N − 1) S N −1

SNR in receiver after despreading

Eb S/R W /R
= =
N0 ( N − 1) S / W N −1
With noise considered
Eb W /R
N0 (N − 1) + (η / S )
Number of users that can access the system
W /R
N = 1+ − (η / S )
Eb / N 0
Yimin Zhang, Villanova University 60
ECE 8708 Wireless Communications : Multiple Access Techniques

Capacity of Digital Cellular CDMA

• Capacity of FDMA and TDMA system is bandwidth limited.

• Capacity of CDMA system is interference limited.
• The link performance of CDMA increases as the number of
users decreases.

• To increase the CDMA capacity

- use sectoring: lower interference and noise (N0 Æ N0’)
- switch off during periods with no voice activities (factor α)

• When the number of user is large

1 W /R
N = 1+
α Eb / N 0 '

Yimin Zhang, Villanova University 61

ECE 8708 Wireless Communications : Multiple Access Techniques


Yimin Zhang, Villanova University 62

ECE 8708 Wireless Communications : Multiple Access Techniques

Time Division Duplexing (TDD)
Frequency Division Duplexing (FDD)
Multiple Access
Spread Spectrum Multiple Access
- Frequency Hopped Multiple Access (FHMA)
- Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)
Packet Radio
Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA)

Yimin Zhang, Villanova University 63

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