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Global environmental, social and economic challenges drive the need for new and
improved solutions for food production and consumption. Stable and sustainable food production
requires continuous innovation in an attempt to achieve the goals of a circular economy .
However, there is a lack of knowledge about how to direct further activities, to develop
technologies as potential solutions for questions related to climate change, loss of soil fertility
and biodiversity, scarcity of resources, and shortage of drinking water.

The mini fish farm that called aquaponis approach that promises to address these
problems in the framework of controlled environment agriculture. Aquaponis is a fast growing
and more sustainable method of food production, Aquaponics is a system that combines with
intensive aquaculture and bio-integrated food production system. Aquaponics combines two
technologies, namely recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) and hydroponics (plant
production in water, without soil) in a closed-loop system (plants use the waste produced by the
fish, thereby continuously cleaning the water).

Hydroponics, also known as ​aquaculture​ or ​tank farming​, began as a way of studying

scientifically the mechanisms of plant nutrition. Hydroponically grown plants may have no solid
material under them at all; instead, their roots often simply hang in water with a rich mix of
nutrients dissolved in it. The principal advantage to hydroponics is the savings from reduced
labor costs, since it's generally carried on in enclosed areas and the irrigation and fertilizing are
done mechanically. Peppers, cucumbers, and various other vegetables are
produced ​hydroponically​ in huge quantities.

Hydroponics is the production of plants in a soilless medium whre by all of the nutrients, which
are supplied in aqueous solution. In China, it was reported that “ frame fields” for growing water
spinach were wides spread in ancient times. The raft gardens we made with a frame of bamboo
and a layer of soil an supplied leaf vegetables for home consumption. Next, in Mexico and also
Bangladesh, organic matter from rafts for floating agriculture.

Intensive farming or intensive agriculture involves various types of agriculture with higher levels
of input and output per unit of agricultural land area. The term "intensive" involves various
meanings, some of which refer to organic farming methods (such as biointensive agriculture and
French intensive gardening), and others that refer to nonorganic and industrial methods.

This system is supported by ongoing innovation in agricultural machinery and farming methods,
genetic technology, techniques for achieving economies of scale, logistics, and data collection
and analysis technology. Intensive farms are widespread in developed nations and increasingly
prevalent worldwide. Most of the meat, dairy, eggs, fruits, and vegetables available in
supermarkets are produced by such farms.

Smaller intensive farms usually include higher inputs of labor and more often use sustainable
intensive methods. The farming practices commonly found on such farms are referred to as
appropriate technology. These farms are less widespread in both developed countries and
worldwide, but are growing more rapidly. Most of the food available in specialty markets such as
farmers markets is produced by these smallholder farms.

Intensive aquaculture in which fish are kept at high density in tanks or raceways and fed a high
quality food. In United States, they only use the intensive aquaculture only since the mid-20th
century. Intensive aquaculture is use as production intensified it was realized that the effluent
was high in nutrients and could cause eutrophication and other environmental impacts.


The most simple definition of Aquaponics is the combination of aquaculture (raising fish) and
hydroponics (the soil-less growing of plants) that grows fish and plants together in one integrated
system. The fish waste provides an organic food source for the plants, and the plants naturally
filter the water for the fish.

The third participants are microbes (nitrifying bacteria). These bacteria convert ammonia from
the fish waste first into nitrites, and then into nitrates. Nitrates are the form of nitrogen that
plants can uptake and use to grow. Solid fish waste is turned into vermicompost that also acts as
food for the plants.In combining both hydroponic and aquaculture systems, aquaponics
capitalizes on their benefits, and eliminates the drawbacks of each.


Aquaponics has features that are well suited to urban environments, or areas where land is scarce
or polluted, as well as in rural areas . It allows intensive production in small spaces, producing
fresh and high quality food, can contribute to urban heat island mitigation , can use harvested
rain water, and thus acts as a reservoir in case of large rain events.

Aquaponics must rely on environmentally friendly methods of pest and disease control, because
otherwise the health of the fish would be negatively affected. In plant production, biocontrol or
integrated pest management can be implemented . However, the use of hormones or antibiotics
in fish rearing is not allowed.

Existing RAS units can also be upgraded to include aquaponics, such as using wastewater from
aquaculture to feed hydroponic systems, or the other way around, adding RAS to a vegetable
grower’s operation. An example of the first solution is the “bolt-on” system by UrbanFarmers
Company, which enables the seamless integration of a RAS unit into an existing hydroponic

The design of successful aquaponics systems depends on the user group. High-yield, soil-less
production requires high input of technology (pumps, aerators, loggers) and knowledge, and is
therefore mostly suited for commercial operations. A good example of this is the newly opened
rooftop farm by UrbanFarmers in Den Haag . However, it is entirely possible to design and
operate low-tech aquaponics systems that require less skill to operate, and still yield respectable
results .The range of applications implies different points for further development pathways for
the, system design and socio-economic aspects.


Aquaponics has the potential to be sustainable, comprehensive life cycle analysis (LCA)
studies of aquaponic operations and products are scarce . However, it is clear that the
ecological impact of aquaponics could be further improved by tapping into renewable sources of
energy, developing daylight harvesting methods to avoid the use of electrical energy, using
pre-treated or recycled water or rainwater, and improving the climate control of greenhouses. In
an urban environment, aquaponics ought to be further integrated into buildings, allowing for gas,
water and energy exchange between greenhouses and buildings. One example is the ICTA-ICP
Rooftop Greenhouse Lab (RTG-Lab) in Spain .

Improvements are also needed regarding organic material cycles. Fish feed is the main nutrient
input and defines, to a large extent, the sustainability of the operation. Aquaponics (just like
RAS) requires optimal nutrition for fish, and the fish feeds should consist of sustainable, locally
sourced materials (organic, vegetarian, insects). The aquaponic loop should be further closed by
digesting the fish sludge to re-use the nutrients in the aquaponic system or rearing redworms
and/or insects. on plant residues and using these for fish feed, with the residual fish sludge and
plant waste being composted. The goal is to arrive at a zero-waste concept on the farm in order
to reduce the aquaponic footprint. Studies on the greenhouse gas emissions could make this
picture complete.


Currently, aquaponics is a small but emerging business sector that attracts more and more
capital. Although food production is the basic goal of the operation, it is currently combined with
tourism and education in order to improve profitability. Because of its relatively novel
technological cross-cutting approach, aquaponics has no clear legal status within the existing
regulation in Europe . Whilst in the US, aquaponics can be certified as organic, in Europe this is
currently not possible because of the soil-less plant production and due to high stocking rates .
The potential that aquaponic technology carries for social acceptance (because of its approach to
be a low-waste method of food production that conserves water, creates jobs, and contributes to
the local economy). Factors such as knowledge, values, beliefs, cultural and social norms, food
traditions and trends, food shopping and preparation need to be understood in different AP
systems’ cultural and market settings. As we have shown above, AP is a relevant topic in social
media, but little is known about consumer knowledge and behavior. Also, we still do not
understand how it is perceived in comparison with organic or conventional production, in terms
of convenience or health product categories. In general, we do not know enough about how the
sustainability advantages of AP should be communicated to consumers, compared to product
quality such as taste, freshness, health and price .

Aquaponics is especially useful for educators: even a small classroom system offers a wide array
of possibilities for instruction at different educational levels, from primary school to university.
Aquaponics can easily be integrated into all STEM (science, technology, engineering and
mathematics) subjects, not only to demonstrate basic biological and ecological principles, but
also chemistry, physics and mathematics. A variety of competencies and skills can be gained by
operating aquaponics, such as basic lab skills, team work, environmental ethics, to name but a
few. Aquaponics has also been shown to foster systems thinking and creativity. Yet, the specific
organizational settings and curricula need to be considered and the impact needs to be better
understood .


Most popular vegetables are leafy vegetables and herbs-especially lettuce

and basil
1) less suitable for fruit vegetables
2) suitable vegetables
3) Lettuce
4) Basil
5) Spring onion
6) Fruit vegetables such as tomato, cucumber

High tolerance and high marketable fishes are highly suitable for aquaponics are common culture
fishes :

1) Tilapia
2) Catfish
3) grass carp


1) The correct balance of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals needed for
2) Never overfeed the fish, and remove uneaten food after 30 minutes
3) Poor / changing water quality, overcrowding, and physical disturbance can cause stress
4) Which may lead to disease outbreaks
5) Take the time to observe and monitor the fish in order to recognize symptoms
6) early and provide treatment.


1) Reduced labour
2) Aquaponics uses 90% less water than traditional farming
3) NOT require farm land and soil
4) Fish feed is the only nutrient inputs
5) Aquacultural waste products are used
6) Aquaponics protects our rivers & lakes
7) Health & Nutrition value high
8) Higher production rate
9) Provides income from two separate products
10) A lot of current research and improvements going on

1) High initial cost
2) To fill up water tanks
3) To build the system (Greenhouse, pumps etc.)
4) Difficult to grow root crops
5) Requires skill and experience
6) Constant monitoring of water parameters
7) Pests and diseases can be devastating
8) Limitations concerned with fish species reared
9) Competitive market prices
10) Requires electric energy to maintain and recycle water within the system


Organic Aquaponics

1) Natural fertilizer
2) Natural minerals (snail shells)
3) Good marketing – labeling

Use of Technology

1) Smart phone applications

2) Pipe blockage warning
3) System automation

Growing Indoors
1) Can be used underground and indoors
2) Artificial lighting

Growing Upwards

1) Futuristic Concepts
2) Growing locally
3) Dedicated Skyscraper Farms
4) Makes use of limited space availability
5) Space missions


Aquaponics is a more sustainable food production systems. It involves the production of both
fish and vegetables, using a single nutrient source (fish feed). However that aquaponic systems
are primarily vegetable production systems, simply because of the biological nature of the
relationship between fish nutrient production and plant nutrient uptake.The primary advantage of
aquaponics is water use efficiency. Other oft-cited advantages include nutrient utilization
efficiency, product quality and food security.​ ​Our knowledge of the factors that determine the
commercial viability of aquaponics has expanded greatly in recent years, and it is our conviction
that this technology has the potential to play a significant role in food production in the future.
However, there is much yet to be learned about the environmental, operational, and
socio-economic effects of aquaponics.

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