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February 26, 2018

To Whom It May Concern,

It is with pleasure that I recommend Adan Padilla to you. I am Adan’s AP Statistics teacher and have known him
over the course of the current school year. Adan would be an outstanding selection for your scholarship because
he is intelligent, motivated, and driven.

Adan challenges himself by taking rigorous courses and successfully completes them. He is also focused on his
campus and his community. While he has participated in Future Business Leaders of America, he currently serves
as the club president. He has been committed to our track and cross country teams for three years. Because he is
so passionate about running, he has also volunteered within the local youth league for cross country training.

Impressively, when Adan enters college, he will be the first to do so in his family. This is not just an ambitious
goal for Adan. It is a realistic goal. I have every confidence that Adan can be successful in a college setting. His
goal is to become an Actuary, and it is clear to me as his Statistics teacher that he possesses the aptitude for
attaining the degrees required for this major.

In closing, I hope that you have found that Adan would be an incredible candidate for your scholarship. I highly
recommend Adan Padilla. There is no doubt in my mind that he will become an outstanding, successful college
student with your help. In selecting Adan, you would be selecting a model student and citizen who will be
determined to be successful through his work in the future. Please contact me at ​​ if you
have any further questions.


Emily R. T. Shelburne
Mathematics Department, Teacher
Merced High School

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