Assignment 1 SI Transcription

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ST Evaluation


When my father and I 當我和父親創立一個公

1. “Given this”: 因此
started a company to 3D 司去 3D 打印人們器官還
print human tissues and 有組織的時候,有人…覺
organs, some people 得我們有點瘋狂。但是在 2. Word choice: 培養 
initially thought we were a 那以後我們有很大的進 培殖/製造
little crazy. But since then, 展無論是我們的實驗室
much progress has been 還有其他…地方的。呃…
3. Word choice: 人的組
made, both in our lab and 我們開始有人問我們,如
other labs around the 果你們可以… 培養 呃人 織  人體部位
world. And given this, we 的組織 你可以 培養 動物
started getting questions 產品嗎?像肉和皮革。
like, "If you can grow
human body parts, can you
also grow animal products
like meat and leather?"

When someone first 當有人第一次(…)提議 1. 當有人第一次這麼提

suggested this to me, quite 的時候,(…)我覺得… 議
frankly I thought they were 呃…他們有點瘋狂,但
a little crazy, but what I 是我很快就發現這… 2. 老實說/說實話我覺
soon came to realize was 呃…並不瘋狂。瘋狂的 得…呃…他們有點瘋
that this is not so crazy 是我們今天所做的事。 狂
after all. What's crazy is 我確信在三十年以後我
3. 我們看到自己…(can
what we do today. I'm 們回首今天,我們看到
be omitted to save
convinced that in 30 years, 自己怎麼去養還有屠
when we look back on 宰…呃…動物去做漢堡
today and on how we raise 肉和包包,我們知道… 4. 怎麼去養還有屠宰數
and slaughter billions of 這有多麼瘋狂。還有。 十億頭動物 (this part
animals to make our 呃…浪費。你知道嗎? was not translated)
hamburgers and our 呃…今天我們要養殖
handbags, we'll see this as (…)六十…六百億個動 5. Word choice: 怎麼去
being wasteful and indeed 物去…為我們提供肉、 養還有屠宰數十億頭
crazy. Did you know that 蛋、奶、呃…皮製品,
動物  牲畜
today we maintain a global 在未來數十年裡,當人
herd of 60 billion animals 口增長至一百億的時
to provide our meat, dairy, 候,這個數量就會 pei… 6. 今天我們要養殖全球
eggs and leather goods? 倍増到…一千億。 六百億
And over the next few
decades, as the world's
population expands to 10
7. Quantifier: 個  頭
billion, this will need to
nearly double to 100 billion

But maintaining this herd 但是要養殖這些動物 1. “One of the…”: 最大

takes a major toll on our 為…對我們的地球做成 的土地和水的使用者
planet. Animals are not just 很大負擔。因為牠們不 之一/其中一個最大
raw materials. They're 止是原材料,也是(嘆氣) 的土地和水使用者
living beings, and already 生物。因為我們的牲畜
our livestock is one of the 已經是用…土地還有水 2. Pronunciation: qì hòu
largest users of land, fresh 最多的(…),也是最大 biàn qiān
water, and one of the 的溫室氣體排放者,造
3. 傷害虐待的危機增加
biggest producers of 成氣候變遷。當我們密
 動物容易被傷害
greenhouse gases which 集式地養殖動物的時
drive climate change. On 候,就會形成疾病的溫
top of this, when you get so 床還有呃…傷害虐待的 4. 因為會把 (trapped by
many animals so close 危機增加。呃我們不可 the SL: “puts…”)(環
together, it creates a 以繼續這樣做。因為會 境)、公共衛生、食
breeding ground for 把(…)公共衛生、食物 物安全……呃有很大
disease and opportunities 安全……呃有很大的危 的危機  都會面臨
for harm and abuse. 機。 危機/風險
Clearly, we cannot
continue on this path which
puts the environment,
public health, and food
security at risk.

There is another way, 有另一個方法。因為… 1. Lack of subject: 我們

because essentially, animal 呃原本…動物產品是一 有另一個方法
products are just 些簡單的組織組成的,
collections of tissues, and 因…現在我們是養殖一 2. Error: Essentially: 原
right now we breed and 些複雜的生物去…去產 本  基本上
raise highly complex 生一些用…簡單組織造
3. Word choice: 產生 
animals only to create 成的產品。如果我們…
products that are made of 呃不著手於……呃動物
relatively simple tissues. 開始,我們著手於他 4. Trim: 這些簡單的產
What if, instead of starting 們…是怎麼形成的,就 品
with a complex and 是生命的最原…始的單
sentient animal, we started 位就是細胞。 5. 如果我們…呃不著手
with what the tissues are 於……呃動物開始
made of, the basic unit of  如果,我們與其
life, the cell? 從複雜、有知覺的動

6. 我們著手於他們…是
怎麼形成的  我們

This is biofabrication, 就是呃生物組織形成… 1. Biofabrication: 生物

where cells themselves can 呃這些細胞可以用來… 製造
be used to grow biological 培殖……人體部分
products like tissues and (…)。在醫療界,它已 2. 可以用來培殖人體部
organs. Already in 經被利用來做身體部 分如組織和器官
medicine, biofabrication 分,像耳朵、氣管、
3. 像耳朵、氣管、皮
techniques have been used (…)、血管還有骨骼等
to grow sophisticated body 等。也成功植入人體

parts, like ears, windpipes, 內。呃在醫療界之外,
skin, blood vessels and 這一個技術也可以是一
bone, that have been 個人道、可持續、也可
successfully implanted into 以控制規模的工業。
patients. And beyond
medicine, biofabrication
can be a humane,
sustainable and scalable
new industry.

General Feedback

1. Avoid hesitations

2. Do not be trapped by the source language: sentence structures and choice of words

3. Build up vocabulary: pay attention to specific terms (Cantonese vs. Putonghua)

4. Putonghua pronunciation: Tones and pronunciation of certain words.


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