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AIESEC in Ain Shams

1. Land & Geography
2. Main Cities
3. Climate
4. History
5. Culture & Traditions
6. Hotspots

1. Districts
2. Hotspots
3. Must Do’s

1. Cuisine
2. Sports
3. Main Events
4. Transportation
2. Average Cost
3. Accommodation
Stay Comfortable
1.Mobile Applications
2.What to bring
3. Do’s & Dont’s

1. IGV Contacts
2. IGT/E Contacts
AIESEC in Ain Shams University

AIESEC in Ain Shams University in EGYPT is one of the

most growing entities in the Network, starting in the
beginning of 2015, AIESEC in ASU was recognized by
AIESEC INTERNATIONAL for its major growth of 9000%
in only one peak, saying that this kind of growth shows
how much the entity can contribute to AIESEC 2020
statements through its great market in the exchange

IGV in AIESEC in ASU just started in Feb 2016 and it

achieved 261 Approvals & 164 RE so far and there is 1
month left till the end of the term.
We have a high NPS “Net Promoter Score” = 8.3 without
any quality cases, these things are indicators on the
quality of the experience we provide to our customers
EGYPT Land & Geography Main Cities Climate History Culture & Traditions Hotspots

With Libya to the west, Sudan to the south, Gaza and

Israel to the east, surrounded by the
Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea, the Nile river within, Egypt is
considered the 30th largest country worldwide
Given geopolitical stems due to its transcontinental strategic
position, linking together Africa and Asia with a land bridge
called the isthmus of Suez and connecting the Mediterranean Sea with
the Indian Ocean with the means of the Red sea (The Suez Canal)
Most of Egypt's landscape is composed of deserts, such as Western, Eastern and
the Sahara desert
EGYPT Land Geography Main
Land &&Geography MainCities
CitiesClimate Culture
Climate & Traditions
History Hotspots Hotspots
Culture & Traditions

To get to know Egypt's cities, Cairo is the capital, Alexandria is the

second largest city. Other countries include: Luxor, Aswan, Giza,
where the Pyramids are found, Suez where the south end of the
Suez Canal is located, Hurghada & Sharm El Sheikh. There are also
Oases including Bahariya, el Dakhla, el Farafra, El Kharga and Siwa.
Protectorates include Ras Mohamed National Park, Zaranik
Protectorate and Siwa. All of which are very beautiful and are
common touristic places
EGYPT Land & Geography Main Cities Climate History Culture & Traditions Hotspots
EGYPT Land & Geography Main Cities Climate History Culture & Traditions Hotspots
EGYPT Land & Geography Main Cities Climate History Culture & Traditions Hotspots

Egypt is located between two seas the

Mediterranean sea & the Red sea , as well as two
deserts the Eastern desert & the western desert . The
abovementioned results in various climate change
throughout the year

The northern coast and eastern coast are known

for their perfect weather in the summer making it

the best place for relaxation and recreation

Temperatures range between an average of 14

degrees Celsius in winter and 30 degrees Celsius
in the summer .

EGYPT Land & Geography Main Cities Climate History Culture & Traditions Hotspots

Historically, Egypt is probably the world's oldest civilization having emerged from the
Nile River around 3,100 BC.
By about 3100 BC these communities have become sufficiently prosperous and stable.
The unifying of Upper and Lower Egypt into a single kingdom is the event pointed to by
the ancient Egyptians themselves as the beginning of their civilization.
From about 6000 BC various communities of hunter-gatherers make the Nile the center
of their territory, around which they roam. But the drying of the Sahara increasingly
confines them to the river area. The unusual habit of this great river flooding every year
and depositing a layer of rich moist soil on the surrounding region is ideally suited to the
development of settled agriculture. The river takes upon itself two otherwise laborious
tasks, irrigation and the enriching of the soil.
As its culture evolved and flourished as outlined below, it always remained distinctively
Egyptian in its religion, culture, arts, language and customs, despite the many wars.
foreign occupations and other forces that have shaped the people and their
environment over the past six thousand years.
After the Pharaonic and Greco-Roman periods, Christianity came to Egypt. For several
centuries Egypt was essentially a Christian country. The Muslim conquest in the seventh
century C . E. brought a new force, but it was some time before there was a Muslim
majority in Egypt. In the sixteenth century, Egypt became part of the Ottoman Empire,
ruled from Constantinople (now Istanbul).
On the eve of modernization, Napoleon and the French army conquered Egypt in 1798.
and remained through 1801. Many writers identify this period of three years as a major
turning point in Egyptian cultural history, while others argue that the process began
earlier and lasted longer.
EGYPT Climate History
Land & Geography Main Cities Climate Culture & Traditions
History Culture TraditionsHotspots

Egypt's culture and traditions mainly are a mix of Pharaohs and tribal origin,
evolved throughout centuries. Here are some important modern traditions you
should know before visiting Egypt.
Egyptians are extremely friendly toward the foreigners and tourists. If asked,
people of Egypt will always share their service and enthusiasm with the people
whom hardly they know.
In Egypt, family integrity matters a lot and head of the family takes the entire
responsibility to run the family in proper manner and with great focus on
Here people put special respect for family value and family relation. Perhaps this
is one of the reasons, traveling to Egypt is safer than any other top global
destinations, even for women traveling alone.
In Egypt tipping is cordially accepted and often expected. You can offer tips for all
the people who has helped you during your travel but do not offer them small
coins or notes. These activities are taken as insulting for the people you have
tipped. However, your tipping should be spontaneous.
EGYPT Land & Geography Main Cities Climate History Culture & Traditions Hotspots

Hurghada was once a fairly small and unimposing fishing village, located next to the Red
Sea and boasting a number of sandy beaches. Today, the resort town of Hurghada is
almost unrecognizable from its past life and has grown to become one of the most
visited tourist destination in Egypt, with more than 100 different hotels, many of which
line the shoreline. Hurghada is especially popular for its diving opportunities.

Located on the coast of the Mediterranean sea, Alexandria is Egypt's leading port and
transportation hub. Founded in 331 BC by Alexander the Great, the city was once
considered the crossroads of the world. Many of Alexandria's most famous historic sites,
including a library that housed more than 500,000 books, were destroyed by devastating
earthquakes in the 14th century. Today the city is a faded shade of its former glorious
cosmopolitan self, but still worth a visit for its many cultural attractions and glimpses of
its past.
Dahab is located some 85 km (53 miles) north of Sharm el-Sheikh on the Gulf of Aqaba,
near the southern tip of Sinai. Once an isolated coastal village, Dahab turned into a
hippie hangout in the 1980's and became something of an "alternative resort", mixing
cheap accommodation with a laid back lifestyle. The combination of Red Sea and Sinai
desert make Dahab perfect for world class windsurfing, scuba diving, rock climbing and
desert trekking with the Bedouin.
CAIRO Districts Hotspots Must Do’s

Dokki and Mohandeseen

Located on the west bank of the Nile. with upmarket restaurants. shopping. and
Gezira and Zamalek
Midan Tahrir Upmarket suburb on the Gezira is and in the Nile. with hotels, the Cairo Tower.
Mid an El Tahrir is the very centre of the modern city: big hotels. transport the Opera House. as well as some nice shopping. restaurants. cafes. and
nexus and the Egyptian Museum. with downtown extending through Midan accommodation. Also. is where the Gezira Sporting Club is located.
Talaat Harb up to Midan Ataba. Midan Tahrir (literally, "Liberation Square") is Giza
famous for the massive 2011 protests that ousted president Mubarak. Massive Giza district is a sprawling western district of the city overlooking the Nile where
political rallies still occur on this square. the Giza Zoo is located as well as a few other attractions. Giza Governorate
Midan Ramses contains the Haram district where the Giza Pyramids are located. The
Contains Cairo's main railway station and a burgeoning retail and Governorates of Cairo and Giza have more or less merged into the same city of
accommodation zone. Greater Cairo. although originally they were two different cities. The term Giza
Garilen City commonly refers to the district of Giza which is within Cairo. not the actual
A suburb close to the city centre and the Corniche el-Nil. a good option for location of the pyramids!
central accommodation. Heliopolis and Nasr City
Islamic Cairo The two of them are actually completely distinct areas. Heliopolis is an older
The centre of historic Cairo. located east of downtown: contains the Citadel. district where well-to-do Egyptians and higher class people live. built by a Belgian
Mohamed Ali Mosque. Khan el Khalili (the main bazaar or souq). historic architect. Nasr City is newer. and contains City Stars. Cairo's biggest and most
mosques and medieval architecture. as well as some of Cairo's turkish baths modern shopping mall. and retail social complex. The airport is actually located a
orHammams. bit further east of this area out in the desert near Masaken Sheraton
Old Cairo Maadi
Located south of downtown. includes Coptic Cairo. Fustat (Cairo's historical A more quiet residential suburb catering to many foreign expatriates. located
kernel) and Rhoda Island. southeast of Cairo. where upper-class Egyptians live.
CAIRO Districts Hotspots Must Do’s

Giza Pyramids and the Sphinx

The Giza Pyramids are the real must of Cairo. Like the Colosseum in
Rome, the Blue Mosque in Istanbul and the Eiffel Tower in Paris, this is
Egyptian Museum
the place where you want to go first.
Egyptian Museum is one of the must-visit places in Cairo! The value of the
Khan el Khalili Market and Islamic Cairo collection is invaluable.
Khan el Khalili is a large typical market with a wide touristic area but Al Azhar Park
many unknown parts to get lost in. It covers a vast area in the part of 22improve the looks of the city. and to give people a quiet place to relax.
the city called "Islamic Cairo". Not only you can buy souvenirs as well as
spices. handcrafts and fabrics. but also the area offers a lot more.
Cairo Tower
Cairo Tower is a concrete 187 m (614 ft) high tower. It was built in 1961. Its
The Citadel design is unique. recalling the lotus flower shape. From the top
The Citadel is another very touristic landmark, but one of those you its revolving restaurant. Cairo Tower is on an island called Zamalek, so you
can't miss. It's a very peaceful experience. as the area surrounded by will be surrounded by the Nile. with its feluccas and floating restaurants that
the ancient walls of the Citadel is closed to traffic. make it almost as trafficked as a street.
CAIRO Districts Hotspots Must Do’s

Eat koshary, foul and falafel. Cruise down the Nile. You can
either do this on a traditional Felucca boat or a cruise ship. Ride
horses and camels. Attend Tannoura show. Safari in the desert
and enjoy a Badawaian party. Diving in the red sea. Take a
Balloon in Luxor and explore the city from the sky. Climb the
mountain of Saint Catherine and watch the amazing sunset.
Walk around the old city of Cairo. Relax. enjoy tea, smoke a
uniquely flavoured shisha, and meet new people in local coffee
shops. Sand surfing in the white desert. Walk at night by the
Nile side and drink Humus el Sham. Get gifts from Khan El-
DISCOVER Cuisine Sports Main Events Transportation
DISCOVER Cuisine Sports Main Events Transportation
DISCOVER Cuisine Sports Main Events Transportation
DISCOVER Cuisine Sports Main Events Transportation

The fastest and cheapest method to get anywhere. Taxi fares starts at 5 EGP and increases by 1.8 EGP
It will cost you only 2 EGP For each Km traveled
Logistics Currency Average Cost Accommodation ½ Kg of boneless chicken breast 35 EGP
1 Litre of whole fat milk 13EGP
1 Kg of tomatoes 9 EGP
500 gram of local cheese 30 EGP
1 Kg of apples 22 EGP
2 Kg of potatoes 7 EGP
Can of coca-cola 4 EGP
Bread for 2 persons/day 5 EGP
Pack of cigarettes (Marlboro) 30.00 EGP
Internet USB Modem 3G/4G is for 200 EGP
Main Internet Bundles:
1.25 GB 27.5 EGP / 3.5 GB 66 EGP / 12GB 165EGP
2.25 GB 44 EGP / 7 GB 110EGP / 20GB 275 EGP
Meal. Inexpensive Restaurant 25 to 60 EGP
Meal for 2. Mid i-range Restaurant three 150 EGP
Domestic Beer 0.5L 20 to 30 EGP
McMeal at McDonalds (or Equivalent 40 to 60 EGP
Combo meal)
Cappuccino (regular) 15 to 27 EGP
Water (0.3 liter bottle ) 3 EGP

Personal Care:
Medicine against cold for 6 days 15 to 30 EGP
Deodorant 40 to 60 EGP
Hair Shampoo 2 in 1 30 EGP
4 rolls of toilet papers 20 EGP
Tube of toothpaste 20 EGP
Accommodation General Info Hostel Location Important Notes Hostel Rules

AIESEC In Ain Shams University’s Accommodation takes place in the Down

Town in a hostel named Cairo View.

Egyptians refer to Downtown as Wust al-Balad, which can be poetically understood to mean “the heart of the
Egypt ”. This crowded, bustling district of Cairo certainly lives up to the name. It is not only the physical center of
Cairo, but also a hub for transportation, business, and culture, centered on Midan Talaat Harb and Midan Tahrir.

Downtown was built in the 1880’s as part of Khedive Ismail’s massive building project to modernize Cairo and
other Egyptian cities. The Khedive’s goal was to make like a European city and he set out to do this by hiring
European architects to design a whole new section of the city with wide boulevards and architecture that calls to
mind Paris during the same era. If you can handle the traffic that chokes Downtown much of the time today, it is
an interesting place to take a walk—full of faded relics of the grandeur of Cairo a century ago.
Accommodation General Info Hostel Location Important Notes Hostel Rules

Hostel name: Cairo View

Location: 44 A talaat harb street, Downtown, Cairo, Egypt
We live Diversity; All Interns both genders from all the Projects & Countries live in the same hostel
Accommodation General Info Hostel Location Important Notes Hostel Rules

● AIESEC ASU provide accommodation for 6 weeks (42 nights + 3 Free Extra Nights = 45)
Extra days Not included and it costs 50 L.E/Night

● According to AIESEC rules, rooms allocated as 4 to 6 Interns per room depends on how big is the room (Boys &
Girls are in separated rooms)

● TN Fees is to be paid once the EP arrives and to be paid in USD.

● Damage insurance must be paid to the reception once you check in (100 EGP around 6$). To be refunded when
you check out if you didn’t damage anything

● Housekeeping responsible to clean the hole hostel each morning and floors in each room (Your bed is your own
responsibility and you can ask for free bed sheets cleaning)

● Laundry “we have two options”

1. First: The hostel laundry and it costs 10 EGP/Piece for large pieces & 5 EGP/Piece for small one
2. Second: You can use the washing machine and the clothes line with membership costs 100EGP for the
whole period (45 days) Otherwise you can’t use both
● WiFi The wifi membership costs 30 EGP for the whole period (45 days)
Accommodation General Info Hostel Location Important Notes Hostel Rules

1. Every intern will know exactly his room and he/she is not allowed to go other rooms UNLESS it was
something urgent and you must inform the hostel owner.
2. Any kind of sexual reslation is not allowed inside the hostel.
3. Drinking alcohol/Doing Drugs/Smoking weed is not allowed inside the hostel.
4. Bringing Outsiders is not allowed inside the hostel.
5. Throwing trash on the floor or in the toilet is not allowed inside the hostel.
6. You will be totally responsible if you break or ruin anything inside the hostel.
7. You can be moved from one room to another but you will be informed hours earlier about it.
8. AIESEC in not responsible about any Intern who joins any kind of event/activity that is not related to
9. You can give anything valuable (Money,Jewellery,laptops...etc) to the hostel owner to keep them safe if
you worried about losing them, He will give you a paper with the stuff that you gave to him and you can
take it back anytime. (DON’T LOSE THAT PAPER)

Stay Comfort Mobile Apps What to bring Do's & Don'ts General Information Emergency

Uber or Careem
will allow you to book a Taxi and track it in real time
will show you the menu of any restaurant you're interested n.
where it familiarizes you with the meal. its prices as well as the
opening hours of the restaurant
will inform you how the traffic is between the two places you're
interested in.
Egypt yellow pages
A guide to the contact information of the
place/person/organization you are interested in contacting.
Google maps
Will help guide you through the city by giving you directions
Wil help you manage your finances and take control of your
Arabic Dictionary+
Will help you translate and Arabic phrase or word to English and
vice versa. as well as familiarizing you with the basic Arabic
Trip Advisor
Will give you ratings and reviews of places around the city
Stay Comfort Mobile
Mobile What
Apps Apps to bring
What to bring
Do's & Don'ts
Do's General Emergency
& Don'ts Information Emergency

Most important things need to be packed:

1. Charging Cables
2. Power Bank in case you traveled
3. Your Laptop and its charger
4. Your Camera and Its staff in case you have one
5. Sun glasses – Sun block products
6. Personal hygiene products
7. Tooth Brush.. Or buy one
8. Medicines if you use ones
9. Light clothes – jackets for night
10. Swimming Suits
11. Dresses for parties
12. Hats because it is very sunny in Egypt
13. Flag of your country
14. Traditional Clothes
15. Traditional food and items for Global Village (your currency, …)
16. Souvenirs to exchange
17. AIESEC wristbands to exchange
18. Always have a copy of your passport with you
19. Bring your own towel
20. Bring your spirit and your smile with you to enjoy it to the max ;)
Stay Comfort Mobile Apps Apps
Mobile WhatWhat
to bring Do'sDo's
to bring & Don'ts
& Don'ts
General Information Emergency

The Do’s The Dont’s

• Hang around in groups. Wear sleeveless tops. shorts. or short skirts in the street.
• Look both ways before crossing the street. Drink tap water. even though it is clean and all Egyptians are used to
• Carry a water bottle with you. at all times. on any trip. it will take a few days of stomach aches to get aquatinted.
• Mineral water is available everywhere.
• Exchange your money in banks or exchange offices ONLY. Talk back to any "Passes" or attempts by strangers to talk to you. simply
• Shout out the name of the location you're going to. when calling a Taxi. ignore them.
• Wear sun-screen lotion.
• Enjoy the country as much as you can. Egypt is not just any country-Egypt is om Swim where there's a black flag up. it means the water is too rough.
el Donia· (the Mother of the World)
• Avoid drinking hard liquor that has no brand name. Kiss your partner in the street
• Learn some Arabic words.
• Tip if you enjoyed the service at a restaurant. Pet street dogs and cats.
• Ask an Egyptian if you can take their picture. They usually won't mind.
• Dress appropriate if visiting a mosque. Women need to cover their hair. and no Take pictures of military building.
skin should be exposed besides the hands. face. and feet. And remember to take
your shoes off Take photographs where you're not supposed to. the flash of the camera may damage
• Spend time talking to the people. Egyptians are interesting. kind and have a paintings on the walls.
great sense of humor. You will learn from them as they will learn from you, it is
always a rich exchange. Don't miss out on that! Forget your ID when you go out.
• Try and be around for Eid at the end of the fasting month. Spending Eid in an
Islamic country can be fascinating. Don’t bring Quadcopter (Drone) because it is forbidden in Egypt
• Ask directions from at least three different people (to be sure you have the right
information) Sometimes people try to help even if they don't know the place. Don’t drink alcohol in the public places as it is forbidden
• Have a copy of your passport with you
Stay Comfort Mobile Apps What to bring Do's & Don'ts General Information Emergency

Unacceptable Clothes inside Cairo: Respect for Religion:

Egypt, being a predominantly Muslim country, is naturally conservative (not like the Gulf • Egypt is predominantly Muslim with an important Christian minority. Islam was defined as
States or Saudi Arabia) but is considered conservative by western standards and it is the state religion in 1980, before this the state was defined as secular.
respectful to obey this code. Islamic religious values are greatly respected in the Egypt however showing any
• Clothing that exposes the stomach/back/shoulders. disrespect towards ANY religious beliefs or practices is considered deeply offensive.
• Sleeveless tops and thin strap tops • Follow a few simple rules of respect:
• Mini Shorts or skirts • Muslims pray five times a day. You will notice that the Mosques call people to pray
• Tight and transparent clothing that describes the body through a speaker system. At this time you will also notice public music is turned off as
• Short pants in public or commercial places like malls and public offices. Muslims perform their daily prayers.
• Beach & Swimming Pool Dress Code: it is acceptable to wear a bikini or whatever you • Be aware that drivers, who are not close to a Mosque, may stop at a convenient lay-by to
want outside Cairo. Nude or topless sunbathing is not advisable. pray privately.

Alcohol When In Cairo: Tipping:

• Alcohol is available and served in most hotels and restaurants in Egypt. The legal drinking There is a difference between tourists and Egyptians. If you ask Egyptians in Egypt
age is 21. Drinking and driving is illegal. whether to tip in a restaurant or elsewhere, they will tell you it is NOT customary to do it.
Many places will have the service already included in the bill. Don't feel that you're forced
to tip because you've heard it's the norm. Check to see if the bill has service included and
Smoking: if not 10% is reasonable.
• In general most places have smoking areas, please look for signs and be aware of your
Tipping Taxis: There is a zero tolerance policy for drugs in Egypt. You may believe this extends to only
Tipping Taxi Drivers would be at your discretion. There is no need to haggle on the fare. narcotics that are illegal in your own country; however, it extends to some prescription
Just always insist that the meter runs. This is not always customary for most taxi drivers, medications and some over the counter medicines as well. know what you can bring in. If
especially when dealing with expats/tourists. you are in doubt, don’t bring it. If it is a medical necessity check the above sources before
traveling and If you are using doctor prescribed drugs it is advisable to carry a doctor’s note.
Electrical Supply:
220/240 volts, with European standard electrical socket (2 pin). Adaptors can usually be
bought in supermarkets.
Stay Comfort Mobile Apps What to bring Do's & Don'ts General Information Emergency

English Arabic
Thank you Shokran
Hello Marhaba - Salam Alekom
What is your name? Male- Female Esmak eh? – esmek eh?
My name is Yousef Esmy Yousef
Good Eshta - Tmam
How much ….? Be kam ….?
Where is ….? Fen ….
Where are you going? Rayh fen?
I want ….. please Ana (ayez – ayeza) *tea* lwsamaht
I want coffee please *female* Ana ayeza ahwa lwsamaht
I’m sorry Ana asef – Ana asfa
Come on ( when you want them to move) Yalla – yalla bina
They always say it, “If God Wills It” Inshallah
Stay Comfort Mobile Apps Apps
Mobile WhatWhat
to bring Do's &
to bring Don'ts
Do's General
& Don'ts Information Emergency

Emergency Contacts
1) Ambulance 123
2) Police 122
3) Firemen 180
4) Electricity office 121
5) Natural Gas office 129
6) Police rescue tourism 126
7) International trunk service 120
8) Trunk Service provinces 10
9) Telephone directory 140 or 141

What is the current situation in Egypt? Is the country safe now?

Egypt is very safe nowadays, and we are currently living very normally, and without taking any precautions. However, you should behave
normally and take the normal precautions that anyone should take, such as avoiding long conversations with strangers and roaming the streets in the

How will AIESEC in ASU help us?

AIESEC in Egypt will always be there to support you during your stay. From the moment you arrive, we pick you up from the airport, provide you
with accommodation, drop you off on your first day of work, organize trips and outings and many more things.

What are the procedures to get a visa?

Make sure that you ask trusted sources for exact information. We definitely recommend that you contact the
Egyptian embassy in your country. You can check out more information here.

Are there any rules we need to be aware of?

All LCs have their own general rules and housing rules. We generally expect you to be professional and
commit to your working hours. We also expect that you take care of your apartment and respect the other
interns and your LC responsibles.

Is there a certain dress code in Egypt?

No, there is generally no specific dress code. You’ll mostly be needing casual outfits, and possibly one smart
outfit. For girls, it is recommended to avoid wearing revealing clothing, due to the nature of the Egyptian
culture and tradition.

Are smoking and drinking allowed or not?

Regarding smoking, you are free to smoke wherever you please, given that the place you are in allows it. Smoking in the
apartment is extremely prohibited.
As for drinking, this is prohibited in both the apartment and public places, as it is against the Egyptian culture. However,
you will find specific private places, such as pubs and clubs which allow drinking.

How much should we bring with us?

Everything in Egypt is pretty cheap. Breakfast can be for 10 EGP which is approximately 70 Cent USD.
We recommend that you bring with you at least 200 USD for your daily expenses, and 600 USD more for travelling within Egypt, trips and

What to pack?
Generally, you’re going to need all the essentials. Clothing of course, but make sure you bring formal attire as well for any occasions. Also, bring
with you bed sheets, an electric plug and your laptop. It would be great if you could get with you a flag from your home country, traditional
attire, and anything else that represents your country.

Do you have any advice for us?

We mostly have on key piece of advice: trust AIESECers ONLY and ALWAYS.
Contacts IGT/E Contacts

Ahmed Zidan
LCVP IGE 18’19’
Phone: (+20) 1099259624

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