Task 1

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Observation Table, Task 1:

Reasons for speaking in the classroom

Class: grad3/3 Number of learners: 33

Length of lesson: 45 minutes Teacher observed: Fatima Al Ali

Language Learning Goals: Past tense

Materials used: PowerPoint slides, whiteboard, worksheets, Flashcards.

Learner Learner Learner

Reason for speaking
1 Learner repeats the word(s) after teacher
- (whole class together)
2 Learner repeats word(s) after teacher
- (group / pair together)
3 Learner repeats word/phrase after teacher
- (individual )
Learner answers a direct question from a teacher

Learner answers an open question from a teacher

Learner asks the teacher a question

Learner answers a partner in English
- (pair/ group work activity)
Learner answers a partner in Arabic
- (pair/ group work activity)
Learner speaks to the teacher informally
- (Add E for English; A for Arabic)

10 Other reason(s) for speaking

After the observation
Write your answers in the boxes:
 What was the most common reason for speaking?
Asking for helping them if they didn’t understand something about the lesson.
 What was the least common reason for speaking?
Asking for drinking water and going to the bathroom.
 Were there any boxes with no ticks?
Yes, when the learner answers a partner in English and when the learner
speaks to the teacher informally for (learner C).
 How much of the lesson was spent on the teacher using ‘Teacher Talk,’ in
your opinion?
I think whole the class, but sometimes when giving them worksheets, the class
is quieter.
 Do you feel it was too much / too little / just the right amount of talk? Why /
Why not?
It was too much because the student sometimes wants to be quiet and think
about what the teacher says.
 What do you think is an appropriate sequence of interaction patterns?

 Now consider how much Arabic was used. Do you think it was used
Why? / Why not?

Little Arabic from some of the student who didn’t know how to speak English
well, it was used appropriately and did not affect the remaining students.

Extra reflection

You do not have to do this activity. However, if you want a higher grade, you must do it.
If you are interested in thinking about this subject more, consider the following reflection.


Choose one of the following:

A. Why is talk important?

*For teachers? Because the teachers transmit ideas and the teachers give the
student instruction, also students were expected to memorize facts.
*For learners? (Think about the What and How.) Help the learner to articulate
ideas and thoughts, also its good for communication and make the
relationship between each other, by asking some question and discuss some
points. Also giving some advise, some important solutions. We can conduct
courses and workshops.
We can conduct courses and workshops.

B. Why is it important to think about using English for varied purposes in the
classroom? For example, not just for giving an example, but also for correcting, for
praising, for everyday uses, like asking for help, or asking to borrow something?
Learning English is very important, nowadays English is considered the
second language and the use of English in the classroom. English has many
benefits including language proficiency and being able to speak it, also very
important to communicate with teachers and students who have the English
language their first language. English very important to use it in the class for
being able to understand the lesson, also for future when the student attends
colleges or universities.

C.What role do you think Arabic should play in the English classroom?
A very simple role so that the student can acquire the language correctly. Also
to talk perfect and don’t mix the two languages. Also if I want to develop my
language, I should speak and practice it with the student in the class and with
the teacher.

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