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hypothalamus : release hormones that start and stop of pituitary hormones*

. thymus : important for normal immune function *
: pituitary gland*
: it consist of three lobes-
. anterior lobe-1
. posterior lobe -2
. middle lobe -3
: hormone of anterior pituitary lobe*
Hormone Site Of Action Action
TSH Thyroid gland Release thyroid hormone
(T4 – T3 )
ACTH Adrenal cortex Release of glococorticoid hormone ( cortisol )
GH Most body cells Growth of bone and muscles
FSH Ovaries and testis Ovary :- promote maturation of ovum and
production of estredol
. Testis :- production of sperm
LH Ovaries and testis Ovary :- Stimulate ovulation and formation of
corpus luteum and release progesterone
Testis :- release testosterone
PRL Mammary gland Milk Secretion
: hormone of posterior pituitary lobe*
Hormone Site Of Action Action
ADH Kidney Promote water
re-absorption and blood pressure
Oxytocin Mammary gland and uterus . Mammary gland :- stimulate lactation
Uterus :- stimulate contraction
-: Hormone of middle Pituitary lobe *
It is secret 1 hormone only :- Melanocytes stimulating hormone ( MSH ) , Which
increase skin pigmentation ( secrete melanin dye )

-: Pituitary dysfunctions *
. Gigantism :- hyper secretion of growth hormone in children -1
Acromegaly :- hyper secretion of growh hormone in adult, specially in hand and -2
. feet
. Dwarfism :- hypo secretion of growth hormone in children -3

-: Thyroid Gland :- it is the biggest gland in size . it secret 2 major hormones *

Tri-iodothyronine (T3 ) -1
Thyroxine ( T4 ) -2
- . Thyroid gland increased the basal metabolism
-: Thyroid dysfunctions-
. Hypothyrodism :- decrease of thyroid activity -1
. Hyperthyroidism :- increase of thyroid activity -2

.If TSH increased the T3 & T4 decreased ( hypothyroidism ) -

.If TSH decreased the T3 & T4 increased (Hyperthyroidism ) -

-: Parathyroid Gland *
-: It secret 2 major hormone
. PTH ( parathyroid hormone ) ----} increased calcium level -1
. Calcitonin . ----} decreased calcium level -2

-: Parathyroid dysfunctions
. Hypoprarthyrodisim :- decreased PTH amount -1
-: Lab finding
. a- hypocalcemia
. b- phosphate in blood and no in urine
. c- Alkline phosphates normal

. Hyperparathyrodissm :- increased PTH amount -2

-: Lab findings
a- Hypercalcemia
. b- No phosphate in blood and found in urine
. c- alkaline phosphates increased

-: Adrenal Gland -
-: Consist of 2 parts
-: adrenal cortex ---- outer region ----- yellow color . and secret 3 steroid hormone -1
. a- glucocorticoid ( cortisol )
.b- Mineralcorticoid ( Aldosteron )
c- Androgens ( testosterone )

adrenal medulla ---- inner region ---- gray color . and secret 3 hormones called -2
-: chatecholamines
a- dopamine
b- epinephrine
c- nor – epinephrine

-: hypofunction of adrenal cortex -

Addison disease :- it caused by dysfunction or destruction of adrenal gland -1
. resulting in deficiency of glucocorticoid & Mineralcorticoid
-: Hyperfunction of adrenal cortex-
. Cushing's syndrome :- it caused by excessive of glucocorticoid -1
. Conn's syndrome :- it caused by excessive of Aldosterone -2

-: Pencreas :- it secret 2 hormones*

Insulin ( decreases glucose in blood ) 2- Glucagon ( Increasesd glucose in blood ) -1
-: the islet of langerhans containing 4 types od cells -
Beta cells ----------} insulin + amyline -1
. Alpha cells --------} Glucagon -2
. Delta cells ---------} Somatostatin -3
. Gamma cells ------} Unknown function -4

: Reproductive Endocrine Function *

: the main type of sex hormone*
male sex hormone(testosterone)-1
female sex hormone (estrogen progesterone ) -2
. Estrogen : stimulation contraction of uterus *
. progesterone : essential during pregnancy *

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