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Name : Sisca Dewi Arini

NIM : 1720096
Writing: Explanation Essay PROGSUS
 Use simple present
 Explain things or processes in an order or sequence.

Title : What is a tutorial?
Introduction Tutorial occurs in all Western university system. The term tutorial derives from
statement which 1 tutor which means instructor. A tutorial comprises an instructor and a group of
lets the reader
know something students. It used to mean a small group of students, but today, there may be
general about
the subject. as many as 60 or 70 in a group or as few as eight or ten. So, what is a tutorial

Definition of and what does it have to do with you, the student?


First, students attend lectures within their chosen fields of study. These
lectures take place in large halls with seating for up to 300 or even 1000
students. Students must listen carefully and take notes while the lecturer is
speaking. Students do not usually interrupt the lecturer in order to clarify
something they do not understand or did not hear.

3 After the lecture, students should review their notes and prepare for their
tutorial. The tutorial will be held in the week as the lecture, but with fewer
students. The tutor or instructor will not usually be the same person who gave
A sequential
explanation the lecture in the hall.

4 While students attend their tutorials, the tutor will point out important, relevant
issues or points that were made at the lecture. They may also ask for
students’ input in the form of a discussion or prepared paper.

During the tutorial, a student is allowed to ask questions, to speak and

indeed, at times they are required to speak whether they are prepared or
Following the tutorial, students will have time to prepare assignment that may
have to be submitted to their lecturer and/or their tutor. You will learn more
about this later in this book.

♪ Task D: Time discourse markers
Name as many as time markers as you can think of.
For example, secondly or next.
1. Nowadays
2. These days
3. Lately
4. Recently
5. Last night/week/month/year
6. Ago
7. Since
8. Previously
9. Recently
10. Just
11. Soon
12. Presently
13. Finally
14. Once
15. In the end
16. At the end
17. After
18. Before
19. Until
20. During
21. On time
22. Whenever
23. Forever
24. By Monday/next month/next year
25. Immediately

Write each time marker from the text “What is a tutorial?”
 Today
 First
 After
 In the week
 While
 During
 At times
 Following
 Later

♪ Task E: Identifying paragraph requirements
In the following three paragraphs, underline and identify:
1. The topic sentence;
2. Concrete supporting sentence/s;
3. Concluding sentence;
4. Find stage 1, 2, and 3 if you think the paragraph is an introduction;
5. If a paragraph is not an introduction, then do not identify the 3 stages outlined

Paragraph 1          INTRODUCTION
Essay question : Define survey research and discuss the method
Survey sampling is a quantitative method of research which is a 20th century 
phenomenon with most of its growth since the 1930s. Today, it is a widely accepted 
method for providing statistical data on an extensive range of subjects. Disciplines

such as sociology, social psychology, demography, political science, economics, 
education and public health all rely on sample surveys.

The topic sentence: Survey sampling is a quantitative method of research which is a 20th 
century phenomenon with most of its growth since the 1930s.

Conrete supporting sentence: Today, it is a widely accepted method for providing statistical 
data on an extensive range of subjects.

Concluding sentence: Disciplines such as sociology, social psychology, demography, political 
science, economics, education and public health all rely on sample surveys.
Paragraph 2           KIND OF NEWS, NOT INTRODUCTION
Guling, with its curious English­style villas, has a number of beauty spots. Perhaps the
best known is the Cave of the Immortal, where the Daoist monk Lu Dongbin is said to 
have mastered the secret of everlasting life. The Botanical Garden is the only sub­
alpine one of its kind in China. Visitors can also see the former residence of 
Generalissimo Chiang Kai­shek

Essay question : Refugees seeking safe havens around the world are becoming 

a global issue. Discuss.

Some twenty years ago, this writer read that in the new millennium, the biggest 
problem in the earth would be homeless people seeking refuge. These people, it was 
said, would sail from port to port because their own countries were ruined as a result of
pollution, war or famine. Other homeless people would be living in their own countries,
but would have to live on the street without shelter or employment. Sadly, it appears 
that this prophecy has begun to come true as countries that are United Nations 
member seek solutions to the growing number of refugees from growing number of 

♪ Task F: Writing paragraph
1. Write at least one paragraph based on the models above. The paragraph topic
should be subject you are studying or a subject you know.
Blood plasma differs in several important ways from whole blood. First
of all, plasma can be mixed for all donors and does not have to be form the
right blood group, as whole blood does. In addition, plasma can be dried and
stored, while whole blood cannot. Therefore, it is often used in transfusion
because a patient generally needs the plasma portion of the blood more than
the other components.
 Topic   sentence:  Blood   plasma   differs   in   several   important   ways   from
whole blood.
 Conrete supporting sentences:  First of all, plasma can be mixed for all
donors and does not have to be form the right blood group, as whole blood
does.   In   addition,   plasma   can   be   dried   and   stored,   while   whole   blood
 Concluding sentence: Therefore, it is often used in transfusion because a
patient generally needs the plasma portion of the blood more than the
other components.

2. Exchange your paragraph with another student and check them using the check list
your teacher will provide.

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