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Chapter 1

Introduction to Applied Reservoir

• What is reservoir simulation

• The life cycle of a reservoir simulation study

• Roles of reservoir simulation in reservoir life


• Classification of reservoir simulators

Q1: What is Reservoir Simulation?
What is reservoir simulation?
• Reservoir simulation uses computer models to
predict the flow of fluids (typically, oil, water, and
gas) through porous media.
– Formation properties
– Fluids properties
– Fluid-rock interaction properties

– Darcy’s Law
– Mass conservation
– Energy conservation
– Boundary condition
An Example of Reservoir Models
Reservoir simulation is a complex tool
• Compound of knowledge from multiple disciplines
– Physics

– Reservoir engineering

– Mathematics

– Advanced computation

– Computer programming
Reservoir simulation is a tool
• Reservoir engineering tools
– Well testing

– Well logging

– Production decline analysis

– Material balance analysis

– Reservoir simulation
Reservoir simulation is a double-blade
• It is a valuable tool
– Save money
– Model reservoirs in detail
– Predict reservoir performance

• It is also a misleading tool

– Need correct reservoir characterization
– Need correct representation of reservoir
– Proper model optimization and selection
– Heavily rely on background knowledge on geological
and production history information
What are important for a successful
reservoir simulation study?
• A conceptual model of your reservoir

• Understand geological models

• Understand reservoir simulation models change with


• Keep both the numerical and real models of reservoir in

your mind

• Understand patterns in your data

Q2: What are phases in a reservoir
simulation study?
What is reservoir simulation?
• Reservoir simulation uses computer models to
predict the flow of fluids (typically, oil, water, and
gas) through porous media.
– Formation properties
– Fluids properties
– Fluid-rock interaction properties
– Boundary/initiation condition

– Darcy’s Law
– Mass conservation
– Energy conservation
Q3: What are roles of reservoir
simulation in the reservoir life cycle
Reservoir life cycle
1. Exploration stage
– Main players: exploration geologists
Reservoir life cycle (con.)
1. Exploration stage
– Main players: exploration geologists
– Goals of reservoir engineers
• Reservoir
• Fluids in the reservoir
• Fluid flow properties
• Flow patterns

– Reservoir engineering tools

• Core analysis
• PVT fluid property test
• Well tests
• Well logging calculation
• Volumetric reserve determination
Reservoir life cycle (con.)
2. Exploitation stage
– Main players: development geologists and reservoir

– Goals:
• Optimum development of the field
• Best long-term depleting plan
• Daily production and storage

– Reservoir engineering tools:

• Pressure transient analysis
• Reservoir simulation
• Material balance analysis
• Production decline analysis
Reservoir life cycle (con.)

3. Enhanced recovery design

– Main players: reservoir engineers

– Goals:
• Increase the ultimate hydrocarbon recovery

– Reservoir engineering tools:

• Displacement efficiency
• Vertical and horizontal sweep efficiency
• Reservoir simulation
• Economics evaluation
Reservoir life cycle (con.)
4. Performance monitoring and optimization
– Main players: Reservoir engineers

– Goals:
• Update model assumptions used for reservoirs

– Reservoir engineering tools:

• Reservoir performance parameters monitoring
• Material balance analysis
• Reservoir simulation
Q4: How is reservoir simulation
software classified?
Classification methods
• Classification criteria
– Type of reservoir and reservoir fluids
• Gas
• Black-oil
• Compositional

– Number of phases of reservoir fluids

• Single-phase
• Two-phase
• Three-phase
Classification methods (con.)
• Classification criteria
– Coordinate systems used in the model
• Cylindrical
• Rectangular

– Number of dimensions
• One-dimensional
• Two-dimensional
• Three-dimensional
Classification methods (con.)
• Classification criteria
– Recovery process
• Reservoir simulation is a valuable tool

• Reservoir simulation has increasing important

roles in reservoir development

• Reservoir simulation study is a time consuming


• Reservoir simulation models can be classified in

different ways.

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