Terminology Activity 20161109 3

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Academic Skills Terminology

In pairs, complete each of the questions below. Must include any links or sites sourced.

1. Define the term Internet

A global computer network that provides you with a variety of information and
communication that consist of interconnected networks that uses standard
communication protocols.
Cited source:
American Psychological Association (APA):
internet. (n.d.). Dictionary.com Unabridged. Retrieved March 23, 2018 from Dictionary.com
website http://www.dictionary.com/browse/internet

2. What is the World Wide Web, when was it created, and how was it created?

The world wide web is the information system on the internet that allows documents to
connect to other documents using the hypertext links, which enables the user to search
information by going from one document to another. It was created in 1989 by a British
scientist at CERN by the name of Tim Berners-Lee. Tim became a software engineer at
CERN and noticed that scientist all over the world were having trouble sharing
information. So, he pitched a proposal to his boss at the time, Mike Sendall, who at first
was not convinced, then on Tim’s second try, he was able to come up with three
fundamentals of technology that is used today as far as the world wide web.

Cited Source: Sir Tim Berners-Lee (2008-2018 World Wide Web Foundation). History
of the Web https://webfoundation.org/about/vision/history-of-the-web/

3. Describe network in terms of the class computer lab

Network in terms of the class computer lab would be used to assist students in the
understanding of networking and to help provide them with the best practice and hands
on experience that they would need to gain knowledge of the process in planning a

Cited source: Google. Course Hero (Brightwood College) ..(copyright 2018 Course
Hero, Inc.)

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Academic Skills Terminology

4. What is a browser? Give one example

A browser is a software application people use in order to view web pages on the
internet. Example: Some of the most popular web browsers are Firefox, Google
Chrome and Microsoft Explorer.

Cited Source: Raymond Blockmon (2003-2018 Study.com)..Lesson Transcript


5. What is a search engine? How is this different from a browser?

A search engine is pretty much used to search for information on the Internet. If
you type in specific keywords, it will bring up a website. If differs from a browser
in way that a browser is used to access the information on the net while the
search engine takes you to direction of a website that relates to the words you
type in.

Cited Source: Anirban Banerjee, Blogger since 2016 (What is the Difference between
a Search Engine and a Web Browser) https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-difference-

6. Give an example of a database

An example of a database would be Microsoft Excel, which is used to make a

spreadsheet for numerical data for sales figures or sales taxes.

Cited Source: Google (2018 Quick Base)..Database Software 101


7. Give an example of a reputable website

INFOhio, Learning Management System and Quizlet

Cited Source: Ad by Atlassian (2017)..What are some examples of Credible websites

and non- credible websites?

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Academic Skills Terminology

8. What is phishing? It is a cybercrime in which people are contacted through

email, text, telephone by an individual who is posing as a legitimate business
looking to collect your most sensitive information, such as your SSN, bank/credit
information and passwords.

Cited Source: Google (KnowBe4) unknown author.. http://www.phishing.org/what-is-


9. What is SHOUTING? When someone types a sentence in ALL CAPS.

Cited Source: Google (1995-2018 Netlingo) Unknown Author


10. What is a bookmark or favorite? And how do you create one? They are used to
navigate quickly back to a website that you visit the most. You can create one by
clicking Ctrl+D shortcut key, name the bookmark, select the folder you would like
it to go in and click Add.

Cited Source: Updated: 01/24/018 by Computer Hope (2018. Computer Hope)..How to

Create a bookmark or Internet Favorite.

11. Create a classroom policy for Internet use during classroom time. Must be a
minimum of three sentences

Classroom Policy for Using the Internet:

1.) There will be ABSOLUTELY NO downloading of anything violent, pornography,
or gun programs!!
2.) Please provide your email address before trying to log in online.
3.) All internet access must be turned off during class, unless otherwise instructed
by the teacher.

Cited Source: LaTonya Parks (2018 MyHouse)

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