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Defensive Dynam- urge wae de dent eyes to {he ely of vie- BY DANNY "GATOR" PRITBOR ” PHOTOS BY JESSE CLEMENTS ‘T HAPPENS TO ALL OF US. WE GET TO A POINT IN OUR TRAINING WHERE PERFORMANCE LEVELS PLATEAU AND THINGS GET A BIT STAGNANT. WE SEARCH FOR THE NEXT BEST THING, BUT FOR THE MOST PART WE STAY IN THE RUT FOR A WHILE. IF YOU ARE IN THE RUT, THEN THis ONE IS FOR YOU. Recenty, | had an opportunity to travel to Forward Movement Training Center located in Boise, Idaho, to as- sist Deliberate Dynamics with a force-on force program ocusing on defensive combatves and basic low light op Training courses provided by Deliberate Dynamics are Unique, as they bring together a select group of subject matter experts from various skllsets. The 0.01. Cadre comes from ether military or police special operations For More Info suring students are getting the best, most up-to-date in- Pome aol 703517 formation available on the open matket. contacts “This short course was designed to push students out of | Sattunte oan their comfort zone and open their eyes to the reality of ines violent armed encoun of the extended course offerings, such as mecical, defen eso: Cig eco sive combatives and low light firearms programs rs, The objective showeased some | Delbert ynanis, DELCIBERF DYNFMIC “IT IS OFTEN SAID PAIN IS THE ULTIMATE TEACHER. THE FEAR OF DEATH OR GREAT BODILY HARM WILL GREATLY AFFECT PERFORMANCE OUTCOMES. THEREFORE, WE MUST TRAIN TO OVERCOME THE INSTINCT OF FEAR.“ GAME CHANGER For those seeking to excel past range drills and exercises, this sa game changer. tis often said pain is ‘the ultimate teacher. The fear of death or great bodily harm will greatly affect performance out comes. Therefore, we must train to ‘overcome the instinct of fea. When we train with Firearms, is ' progression: learn basic movement patterns and fundamentals, repeat the gle, gain speed and improve times, The yce is repeated over and ‘over. What is accomplished is valida tion of manipulation and marksman: ship sill, and it becomes the extent of training. Ths isthe equivalent of a fighter hitting a bag and shadow boxing. Most will never step into the fing with another fighter. The ring, fr force on force FOF), is where skills are put into ation and teste. The learning curve is steep, ast does not take long to correct infae tions after you are hit few times. Force-on-force training is the closest a teacher can take a student to the real thing without los of life. Many fear-based reactions during real world encounters are the same in FOF Let's face it if we are to under stand how to operate at this level, we need to train to a point of rea: ‘The purpose of FOF is 10 reason- ably simulate many of the stresses— timing and difficulties associated with dofensive and offensive smal arms conflcts—as well as improve decision making, Quality scenarios create levels of stress to challenge the decision mak ing process. Through repetition, it fa clitates and speeds up “correct” ‘decision making while under the in- fluence of adrenaline produced by ‘the adrenal medulla during SNS act vation (se the sidebar). Rather than being overwihelmed by asituation, the brain adapts and learns how to operate under this type of stress. It ill build reference pathvays and firing solutions to quickly cjcle you to a decision, FOF permits us to hone in on prin iple-based training, suchas staying calm under extreme cress, under- standing and maintaining proper ds tance during an engagement and ‘maintaining control of your breath: ing, Itclearly reveals critical errors not ‘apparent or readily observable with other training methods. tis training at adifficult evel, against targets ‘that think, move and shoot back You are raining with others who TTS TRAINING AT ) A DIFFICULT LEVEL, AGAINST TARGETS THAT THINK, MOVE AND SHOOT BACK.” For Better Results Scr Inside Force-On-Force Training Ting elt shouldbe ideo recded | vita tes taig oes prancunt Ses Cee ee een tener pene eter eet en tat eee Ce a ener ora meee rn) Ce eee Cae toae eee ee s Pee oe ey ens ee Ceres Mette er ae ee ee er ey Ce eeeare renee or aie cen’ ec Stes and inst ah st safety proton with red ove eee oe reece Cee ae eet etn peter in’ arrears have the same or more knoviledge and Skil increasing the learning curve. ing to fight through the pain. Taking hits and remaining calm in the fight something that needs to be pro grammed. Many times see students on ther fist FOF evolutions take a hit and scream out, “Lam hit,” and they act as if the fight is over. After a fe the intial shock of being hit subsides and students are able to continue on in the fight. Whether you are in law en: forcement, military ora legally armed citizen, train to stay in the fight and ever give up. ‘As mentioned in my previous articles, which have run in Engaged Media's Tac: tical Taining, the pillars that support the operator or defensive minded ci + Mindset + Physical skills and conditioning sTectcs, aka. skillset jpment ‘on-force integrate pillas, exposing any weaknesses the student has, Common deficiencies are a lack of adequate physica fitness and hese four breath contro, which commonly leads to panic and bad decsions. The goal is to identify where your deficiencies are and focus on improvement. REDIT IS DUE We al have teachers and mentors who have helped us on our path. Much lof what we know today about indivi Lal and team-based force-on-for training at this level is du to pio bative Concepts and later was the direc: tor of the Surefire Institute, ‘The knowledge he passed has down, h most of my career and the principles he taught stil old pare nr “FORCE-ON-FORCE Ls akehyar 7) aXe ce aie a aizla MCA Rok Kel 7 hia

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