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Strike System for Chapter

This is a new strike system for Chapter. These changes will go into effect as of 09/10/2016. The
purpose of changing this system is to streamline Chapter and reduce the number of people who
talk throughout. This will help reduce the average Chapter time as in the past we have had
incredibly long chapters due to excessive chatter. Exec members will not be exempt from the
effects of this new system, meaning that if an exec is chatting with someone in a manner
deemed inappropriate or not concerning fraternity business, they will receive the same
sanctions as listed below. Accountability starts at the top and in order to change the culture of
the fraternity, we have to act as a unit in this change.

● Distributed for the first two times a brother is called out
● Any amount of chatter greater than 2 separate incidents warrants two strikes and a fine
for each time after the second time.
○ Fines are $10 for each additional
● Consequences for Accumulated Strikes
○ 3 strikes = Miss next social event OR sober monitor at next fraternity-sponsored
party (whichever occurs first)
■ Eg: Social events at Latitude 22 or Beach/Mountain Weekend
○ Each strike after 3rd = Miss next social event OR sober monitor at next fraternity-
sponsored event
■ 4th strike, 5th strike, and 6th strike = three separate social events/sober
monitor duties
● Strikes reset at the very beginning of each semester
● Additionally, if it’s something you can say during New Business or Annoucements, wait
until then to announce it.

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