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Pragmatizer by Matthew Speight TMATE

Name: ___M'Lyn Pyfer______________________________ Date: ___4/8/18____________________

Group members: __Kassie,_Gloria,_Shelby Martin_________________________________________

Book/Text: _The Daily 5_Ch._8 & 9______________________________________________________

Pragmatizer: Your job is to find passages in the book/text your group is reading and apply it to real
world opportunities. This will be especially important in expository text. This means identifying a
term, theory or example and then pragmatically applying it to a real classroom/life lesson. The
pragmatizer may collaborate with the connector to expand the real world connections made in that
role. First list the information found in the book and then follow it with the pragmatic use for the
information or theory.

1. When planning a lesson for math, keep brain compatibility in mind. Using just the district’s curriculum
can lead to lesson that are too lengthy so you should only teach the important and necessary concepts for
effective instruction.

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This can be related to our own lesson planning when we are teaching math concepts in our own
classrooms. If we give students more than they can handle, they may not retain the most important aspects
of the lessons, making the whole lesson void of actual learning.

2. By using the gradual release model of instruction, the authors and creators of The Daily 5 have found it
to lead to better student success. This model implements portions of I do, we do, you do instead of the
standard lesson cycle of direct instruction and guided practice.

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Our whole time in the education program, we have been asked to use the standard lesson cycle model,
however, The Sisters state that by using the gradual release model, student success increases. As we move
into our own classrooms, the use of gradual release can be used in place of the standard lesson cycle to
help scaffold students into independence.

3. Barometer children can affect the “weather” in the classroom. By noticing children who show patterns
of disrupting the calm classroom weather, we can intervene and help guide them with 4 levels of

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This method of intervention can be used as a behavior intervention in a classroom that is implementing
The Daily 5. As a special education major, understanding why certain behaviors occur is a huge portion of
what we do. By using these 4 levels of intervention, we can get down to the root of the problem and work
with our students to help find a solution.

Reading Assignment: ______________________________Your next role: _______________________

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