Week 2 Instructional Notes Collection

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Student Weekly Notes- Week 2

General Generally better instruction & timing than before spring break
Instruction & Students were refocused & on task-- we also started Class Dojo for
Class Notes management so students were better than usual.
Because students did really well with 4’s on Tuesday (No school Monday)
We as a group talked about doing one fact a day to get more done.
Tuesday we did 4
Wednesday 8,
Thursday 9,
Friday 3.

Most students were able to learn & do the Moby Max work for each day
within that day. 8’s facts took a little longer than the other lessons because
students were still remembering their 4’s to do their 8’s but by the end of
the group most felt confident to do Moby Max. Little individual notes
Multiplication & division check in Friday-- everyone improved in
multiplication. Division (first time) was similar to multiplication first time.

Will need 2-3 days next week to finish all facts (6 & 7)

LH Got all done, on time, engaged in group

JP Got all done, on time, engaged in group

AH Got all done, on time, engaged in group… worked with EB during Moby
Max most days to help one another

TL Got all done, on time, engaged in group


DK (SPED) Needed the most help, did struggle a bit with 4’s that made 8’s harder BUT
was very driven and confident in getting the work done

EB Got all done, on time, engaged in group… worked with AH during Moby
Max most days to help one another

MP Got most done on time, needed the beginning of Thursday to finish 8’s,
(ESOL & mostly engaged in group, but 8’s were definitely the hardest because they
FARMS) were not confident in 4’s

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