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Landry 1


Grace Landry

Kim Nunnery


18 October 2017
Landry 2

Grace Landry

Kim Nunnery


16 October 2017



I have always wanted to do something in the medical field and recently Pharmacy has my

heart. My sister is studying to be a pharmacist right now at Texas Tech University and we hope

to one day open up our own pharmacy together.

Job Description

Pharmacists dispense drugs prescribed by physicians and other health practitioners as

well as provide information to the patients about the medications they may be taking. They also

may advise physicians and other practitioners on the selection, dosage, interactions, and side

effects of medications. Some pharmacists are also expected to give vaccinations. Lastly, they can

teach other healthcare practitioners about proper medication therapies for patients.

Work Environment

Most pharmacists work in pharmacies located in grocery stores or drug stores. Some

work in hospitals and other healthcare facilities. Others even work for the government and


Training and Education

Pharmacists are required to have a Doctor of Pharmacy degree and most require at least

two years of undergraduate study. Some require Bachelor’s degrees. As far as training goes,
Landry 3

most of it is done in pharmacy school. However, for extended training, internships can be


Important Job Skills

Important job skills that pharmacists must have are Analytical skills, communication

skills, computers skills, detail oriented, and managerial skills. This is due to all of the duties of a

pharmacist: filling prescriptions, suggesting advice, organizing prescriptions, giving information

on medications, giving vaccinations, etc.

Annual Salary

The annual median wage for Pharmacists is $123,696. The lowest ten percent earned

$87,120 and the highest ten percent earned more than $157,950.

Job Outlook

Pharmacists are projected to grow 3% from 2014-2024, slower than the average for all

occupations. Scientific advances and higher rates of diseases and sicknesses are responsible for

the increase. Employment of pharmacists in traditional retail settings is expected to decrease

slightly as mail order and online pharmacy sales increase.


After researching about Pharmacists, I still would really like to be one. They get paid

pretty well and don’t have to work crazy long hours all of the time. However, there is a lot of

schooling. I do enjoy math and science though so I feel as if this job is a good fit for me.
Landry 4

Works Cited

Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2016-

17 Edition, Pharmacists, on the Internet

at (visited October 18, 2017).

Texas Workforce Commission., “Texas Reality Check” (2017): On the Internet at (visited October 16, 2017).

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