1:10:18 - The Cattle Frontier and The Oil Frontier

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The Cattle Frontier and The Oil Frontier


Development of the railroad made it profitable to raise cattle in the Great Plains – Cattle Boom

- Cattle could be bought cheap in Texas, loaded on a railroad and sold much higher in

other states.

- Cowboys are not typically what we think – mainly Mexican Americans and African Americans

- Cattle boom is over in the 1880s

o Overgrazing, Competition for water, Corporate owned ranches, all contributed to the

end of the cattle boom

Black Gold: The Oil Frontier

- Southwest Oil Boom begins in January 1901 in Spindletop, Texas

- Andrew Mellon had invested $300,000 for a crew to hunt for oil

o Drilled pipe about 880 feet, eventually stuck oil: “Oil Geyser”

o In Spindletop, massive amounts of oil. Over 100,000 barrels a day.

- Oil changed everything

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