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A vision can be political, religious, environmental, social, or

technological in nature.

Defined broadly, a visionary, is one who can envision the future. For
some groups this can involve the supernatural or drugs. The visionary
state is achieved via meditation, drugs, lucid dreams, daydreams, or

By extension, a visionary can also be a person with a clear,

distinctive and specific (in some details) vision of the future, usually
connected with advances in technology or social/political
arrangements. For example, Ted Nelson is referred to as a visionary
in connection with the Internet.

Other visionaries simply imagine what does not yet exist but might
some day, as some forms of visioning (or gazing) provide a glimpse
into the possible future. Therefore, visioning can mean seeing in a
utopian way what does not yet exist on earth—but might exist in
another realm—such as the ideal or perfect realm as imagined or

Examples are Abraham Lincoln, in advocating equality and self

respect for Black Americans, and Mahatma Gandhi, for advocating
peace and non-violence.

Some people use mathematics to make visionary discoveries in the

nature of the universe while others are deep in medical sciences
giving innovative remedies.

In that sense, a visionary may also function as a secular prophet.

Some visionaries emphasize communication, and some assume a
figurehead role in organizing social groups.

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