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2- Complex Patterns of
Complex inheritance of traits
does NOT follow inheritance
patterns described by Mendel.
For Mendelian traits, heterozygous
(Tt) shows the dominant phenotype.!
For incomplete dominance,
the heterozygous phenotype is
an in-between.!

In codominance, both the
alleles are expressed in
heterozygous individuals.!

RR= Red
WW= White
RW= Roan

GG= Grey
WW= White
GW= Apaloosa
BB= Black
WW= White
BW= Speckled
Sickle-cell disease
•  Changes in hemoglobin make
red blood cells sickle shaped.!
•  Heterozygous people have both
normal and sickle-shaped cells.!
Sickle-cell disease and malaria
The sickle-shaped blood cells block
circulation cutting off oxygen supply,
which is BAD…!
The sickle-shaped red blood cells
don’t carry malaria, which is GOOD.!
Those who are heterozygous
have resistance to malaria
without oxygen loss from the
multiple alleles- inheritance
determined by more than
two alleles !
Multiple alleles increase the
number of genotypes and
Blood groups in humans
Human blood has three forms of alleles, !
IA is blood type A (codominant)!
IB is blood type B (codominant)!
i is blood type O (recessive)!

Possible blood types: A, AB, B, O!

Multiple alleles can have a
hierarchy of dominance.
Coat color of rabbits
four alleles code for rabbit color: !
C- Full color (black)!
cch- not full color (grey)!
ch- Himalayan !
c- albino!

The hierarchy of dominance is C > cch > ch > c

Epistasis is when one
allele hides the effects of
another allele.!

Ex: Labrador retrievers!
• Dominant allele E determines
whether the coat will have dark
• Allele B determines how dark the
coat will be.!
• When a dog has recessive ee
alleles, the coat will be yellow,
because the e allele masks the
effects of the B allele.!
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education Complex Patterns of Inheritance!
Sex Determination
sex chromosomes, determine an
individual’s gender. !
• XX: female!
• XY: male!
The other 22 pairs of chromosomes
are called autosomes.!
Dosage Compensation
• The X chromosome has
genes needed for both
females and males.!
• The Y chromosome mainly
has genes for male
dosage compensation or !
x-inactivation- !
in females, one X chromosome
turns off in each cell
The X that stops working in
each cell is random.!

Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education

Barr bodies are inactivated X
chromosomes. !
-They can be seen as dark !
masses in the nucleus.!

sex-linked traits- are
controlled by genes located
on the X chromosome.!
Because males have only one X,
they are more affected by
recessive X-linked traits.
Red-green color blindness
•  Recessive, X-linked trait!
•  Mothers are carriers, but
females rarely have the disease.
•  Recessive, X-linked trait that
causes delayed clotting of

Polygenic Traits
Polygenic traits have more
than one pair of genes.!
•  Include such traits as skin color,
height, and eye color in humans!

Environmental Influences
Sunlight and water
•  Without enough sunlight,
most plants will not produce
•  Without enough water plants
will drop their leaves.!
•  Some organisms experience
phenotypic changes caused by


Twin Studies help scientists separate
genetic factors from environmental
•  Traits that appear more often in
identical twins are more likely
controlled by heredity and genes.!
•  Traits that appear the same in
identical and fraternal twins are more
likely controlled by environment.!
11.2 Homework

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