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(1) Syllabus/Political Science Syllabus/Political Science (2)

under :
Session Paper Number of Marks Duration
Note : 60 out of which
First I 50 questions are 50%2=100 1¼ Hours
There are Three Papers for each of the subjects. Paper-I on to be attempted
Teaching and Research aptitude, Paper -II and Paper-III
50 questions all
based on the syllabus of concerned subjects. Details are First II ofwhich are 50%2=100 1¼ Hours
furnished below : compulsory
75 questions all
Second III of which are 75%2=150 2½ Hours
Subject : General Paper on Teaching & Research Aptitude compulsory

The test is intended to assess the teaching/research aptitude of 2. The candidates are required to obtain minimum
the candidate. They are supposed to possess and exhibit cognitive marks separately in Paper-II and Paper -III as given below
abilities like comprehension, analysis, evaluation, understanding
the structure of arguments, evaluating and distinguishing Minimum marks (%) to be obtained
deductive and inductive reasoning, weighing the evidence with Category Paper-I Paper-II Paper-III
special reference to analogical arguments and inductive General 40 (40%) 40 (40%) 75 (50%)
generalization, evaluating, classification and definition, avoiding
logical inconsistency arising out of failure to see logical relevance OBC 35 (35%) 35 (35%) 67.5 (45%) rounded
due to ambiguity and vagueness in language. The candidates are off to 68
also supposed to have a general acquaintance with the nature of PH/VH/ 35 (35%) 35 (35%) 60 (40%)
a concept, meaning and criteria of truth, and the source of SC/ST
knowledge. Only such candidates who obtain the minimum
There will be 60 questions, out of which the candidates can required marks in each Paper, separately, as mentioned above,
attempt any 50. In the event of the candidate attempting more will be considered for final preparation of result.
than 50 questions, the first 50 questions attempted by the However, the final qualifying criteria for eligibil-
candidate will only be evaluated.
ity for Lectureship shall be decided by Steering Committee
1. The Test will be conducted in objective mode from before declaring of result.
SET 2012 onwards. The Test will consist of three papers. All
3. The syllabus of Paper-I, Paper-II and Paper-III will
the three papers will consists of only objective type questions
remain the same.
and will be held on the day of Test in two separate sessions as
(3) Syllabus/Political Science Syllabus/Political Science (4)

Political Elite : Elitist theory of Democracy.

POLITICAL SCIENCE Power, Authority and Legitimacy.
Revolution : Theories and Types.
Dependency : Development and Under Development.
1. Political Theory and Thought 3. Indian Government and Politics
National Movement, Constitutional Developments and the
Ancient Indian Political Thought : Kautilya and Shanti Prava. Making of Indian Constitution.
Greek Political Thought : Plato and Aristotle Ideological Bases of the Indian Constitution, Preamble, Fun-
European Thought - I : Machiavelli, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau damental Rights and Duties and Directive Principles.
European Thought - II : Bentham, J. S. Mill, Hegel, Marx and Constitution as Instrument of Socio- Economic change, Con-
Green. stitutional Amendments and Review.
Contemporary Political Thought - I : Lenin, Mao, Gramsci. Structure and Process - I : President, Prime Minister, Counci
Contemporary Political Thought - II : Rawls, Nozic and of Ministers, Working of the Parliamentary System.
Communitarians. Structure and Process - II : Governor, Chief Minister, Council
Modern Indian Thought : Gandhi, M. N. Roy, Aurobindo of Ministers, State Legislature.
Ghosh, Joy Prakash Ambedkar, Savarkar. Panchayati Raj Institutions : Rural and Urban, their working
Concepts and Issue - I : Medieval Political Thought : Church Federalism : Theory and Practics in India ; Demands of Au-
State Relationship and Theory of Two Swords. tonomy and Separatist Movements ; Emerging trends in Cen-
Concepts and Issue - II : Behaviouralism and Post- tre-State Relations.
Behaviouralism, Decline and Resurgence of Political Theory. Judiciary : Supreme Court, High Courts, Judicial Review, Ju-
Democracy, Liberty and Equality. dicial Activism including Public Interest Litigation cases, Ju-
2. Comparative Politics and Political Analysis dicial Reforms.
Evolution of Comparative Politics as a discipline; nature and Political Parties, Pressure Groups, Public Opinion, Media; Sub-
scope. altern and Peasant Movements.
Approaches to the study of comparative politics : Traditional, Elections, Electoral Behaviour, Election Commission and Elec-
Structural, Functional, Systems and Marxist. toral Reforms.
Constitutionalism : Concepts, Problems and Limitations. 4. Public Administration
Forms of Government ; Unitary – Federal, Parliamentary – Development of Public Administration as a discipline; Ap-
Presidential. proaches to the study of Public Administration : Decision-
Organs of Government : Executive, Legislature, Judiciary – Making, Ecological and Systems; Development Administra-
their interrelationship in comparative perspective. tion.
Party systems and Pressure Groups : Electoral Systems. Theories of organization.
Bureaucracy – types and roles. Principles of organization : Line and staff, unity of command,
Political Development and Political Modernization. hierarchy, span of control, centralization and decentralization,
Political Culture, Political Socialization and Political Com- Types of organization–formal and informal; Forms of organi-
munication. zation; department, public corporation and board.
(5) Syllabus/Political Science Syllabus/Political Science (6)

Chief Executive : Types, functions and roles. of the working of UN; Peace and Development perspective;
Personnel administration : Recruitment, Training, Promotion, Charter Revision; Power-struggle and Diplomacy within UN;
Discipline, Morale; Employee-Employer Relations. Financing and Peace-keeping operations.
Bureaucracy : Theories, Types and Roles; Max Weber and his India’s Role in International affairs relations with its
critics, Civil servent - Minister relationship. neighbours, wars, security concerns and pacts, Mediatory Role,
Leadership, its role in decision-making; Communication. distinguishing features of Indian Foreign Policy and Diplo-
Financial Administration : Budget, Audit, Control over Fi- macy.
nance withe special reference to India and UK.
Good Governance; Problems of Administrative Corruption; PAPER-III (Part A & B)
Transparency and Accountability; Right to Information.
Grievance Redressal Institutions : Ombudsman, Lokpal and ( Core and Elective/Optional)
5. International Relations Unit - I
Contending Theories and Approaches to the study of Interna- Political Theory
tional Relations; Idealist, Realist, Systems, Game, Communi- Nature of Political Theory its main concerns, decline and re-
cation and Decision-making, Power, Interest and Ideology in surgence since 1970’s
International Relations; Elements of Power : Acquisition, use Liberalism and Marxism
and limitations of power, Perception, Formulation and Pro- Individual and Social Justice
motion of National Interest, Meaning, Role and Relevance of Role of Ideology
Ideology in International Relations. Theories of change : Lenin, Mao, Gandhi
Arms and Wars : Nature, cause and types of wars/conflicts
including ethnic disputes; conventional, Nuclear/bio-chemi-
Unit - II
cal wars; deterrence, Arms race, Arms, control and Disarma-
ment. Political Thought
Peaceful settlement of disputes, conflict resolution, Diplomacy, Plato and Aristotle
World-order and peace studies. Machiavelli
Cold war, Alliances, Non-alignment, End of Cold war, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau and J. S. Mill
Globalisation. Karl Marx
Rights and Duties of states in international law, intervention, Gandhi, M. N. Roy, Aurobindo Ghosh
Treaty law, prevention and abolition of war.
Political Economy of International Relations; new International Unit - III
Economic Order, North-South Dialogue, South-South Coop- Comparative Politics and Political Analysis
eration, WTO, Neo-colonialism and Dependency. Approaches to the study of comparative Politics
Regional and sub-regional organisations especially SAARC, Constitutionalism in theory and practice
ASEAN, OPEC,OAS. Executive, Legislature and Judiciary with special reference to
United Nations : Aims, Objective, Structure and Evaluation
(7) Syllabus/Political Science Syllabus/Political Science (8)

India, USA, UK and Switzerland Unit - VIII

Party system and role of opposition. Electoral Process
Separation of Powers, Rule of Law and Judicial Review Development Planning and Administration in India
Bureaucracy and Challenges of Development
Unit - IV
Administrative Culture; Administrative Corruption, and Ad-
Political Development ministrative Reforms.
Political Modernization Panchayati Raj
Political Socialisation and Political Culture Impact of Liberalization on Public Administration
Power and Authority
Political Elite Unit - IX
Theories of International Relations
Unit - V
Ideology, Power and Interest
Making of the Indian Constitution Conflicts and Conflict-Resolution
Fundamental Rights and Duties, and Directive Principles Changing concept of National Security and Challenges to the
Union Executive, Parliament Nation-State System, Arms and Arms-control
Supreme Court, Judicial Activism
Indian Federalism : Theory, Practice and Problems Unit - X
End of Cold War, Globalisation and Political Economy of In-
Unit - VI
ternational Relations in the Contemporary World.
Dynamics of state politics Determinants and Compulsions of India’s Foreign Policy.
Local Governments : Rural and Urban India’s Relations with Neighbours and USA
Political Parties, Pressure Groups, and Public Opinion India’s Role in the UN.
Elections, Electoral Reforms India and Regional Organizations (SAARC, ASEAN), Indian
Class, Caste, Gender, Dalit and Regional Issues, Problems of Ocean.
Nation-Building and Integration ____

Unit - VII
Growth of Public Administration as a discipline; and New
Public Administration Theories of Organisation (Classical,
Scientific, Human Relations) Principles of Organisation.
Chief Executive
Control over Administration - Judicial and Legislative

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