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European Cooperation for Refugees (ECR)

04 – 13 May 2018 Training Course in İzmir, Turkey |
0232 483 03 14 | ||
Akdeniz Mah. 1353 Sok. No:1 Taner İş Hanı Kat:5 D:502 Konak-İzmir / Türkiye

About Our NGO ....................................................................................................................................... 2
Summary Info About Project ................................................................................................................... 3
Summary Of Project ................................................................................................................................ 4
Responsibilities Of Participants ............................................................................................................... 5
Your Journey Options .............................................................................................................................. 5
Payment Details....................................................................................................................................... 6
Participant Selection ............................................................................................................................... 6
Insurance ................................................................................................................................................. 7
Certificate ................................................................................................................................................ 7
Accommodation ...................................................................................................................................... 7
Local Transport In Turkey ........................................................................................................................ 7
About İzmir .............................................................................................................................................. 7
FAQ (FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS) .................................................................................................. 8
0232 483 03 14 | ||
Akdeniz Mah. 1353 Sok. No:1 Taner İş Hanı Kat:5 D:502 Konak-İzmir / Türkiye

About Our NGO

Pi Youth Association is a non-profit organisation who works on youth rights and issues. It was
established in 14 March 2014. Pi Youth Association maintains activities regularly for members and
volunteers composed youngsters. Besides these activities, regional, national and international projects
produces, enforces and developes partnership on identified 6 work topics. Every individual who lives
in Turkey between the ages of 15 and 30, especially young people who are disadvantaged in social,
economic, geographical, etc. who enter into women, disabled, refugee and minority classes, is in the
target group of Pi Youth Association.

Our association aims at both working on rights and problems of the youth like woman & people
with disabilities in the society and contributing to their development without being unhealthy and
behind the times. Besides, we carry on our works for popularizing the volunteering between the youth
and being high level of participation in volunteering activities.

Our association is member of various corporate networks related to mission topics in order to
both increase our corporate capacity and the national&international effects of activities and fallow the
developments. You can find the networks we are member of at the fallowing list. You can click their
names for detailed information about them and visit their web sites.

National Networks We are Members; International Networks We are Members;

1. The Anna Lindh Foundation Network of Turkey 1. Anna Lindh Foundation Euromed
2. Youth Organisations Forum 2. Google for Nonprofits
3. Global Compact Network Turkey 3. UN Global Compact
4. TechSoup Turkey Network
5. National Youth Parliament
0232 483 03 14 | ||
Akdeniz Mah. 1353 Sok. No:1 Taner İş Hanı Kat:5 D:502 Konak-İzmir / Türkiye

Hosting Organization : Pi Youth Association (Pi Gençlik Derneği)

Web Site (TR / ENG) :
Telephone : +90 232 483 03 14
E-mail :
Facebook Page (TR) :
Facebook Page (ENG) :
Twitter (TR) :
Instagram (TR) :
Office Address : Akdeniz Mah. 1353 Sokak No:1 Taner İş Hanı Kat:5 D:502 35210 Konak İzmir
Our Office Locaiton : (On Map)

Summary Info About Project

Project Name : European Cooperation for Refugees (ECR)
Project Type : Erasmus Plus KA1-Youth Workers Mobility (Training Course)
Subjects : Youth (Participation, Youth Work, Youth Policy), Post-Conflict / Post-Disaster
Rehabilitation, Inclusion - Equality
Project Number : 2017-2-TR01-KA105-047209
Project Venue : İzmir – Turkey
Project Dates : 1th January 2018 – 31th December 2019
Project Duration : 12 Months
Activity Dates : 4 – 13 May 2018
Number Of Participant : 4 person from each group, total group number 36 person
Age Limit : +18 (18 and over 18)
Partner Countries : Hungary, Italy, Bulgaria, Poland, Lithuania, Macedonia, Romania, Slovakia,
Advance Planning Visit : No, we will manage it by internet
0232 483 03 14 | ||
Akdeniz Mah. 1353 Sok. No:1 Taner İş Hanı Kat:5 D:502 Konak-İzmir / Türkiye

Summary Of Project
Nowadays, it is clear that the return of refugees to their countries will be delayed to an
unknown time and with 24 camps in 10 cities and the largest refugee population in the world, if we
think that more than 75% of Syrians are children, young people and women, projects for raising public
awareness at global and local level are important. The feelings of euthanasia and alienation make it
especially difficult for young people to adapt to economic and social life. We see that the efforts of
NGOs for refugees are generally oriented towards basic needs. The number of NGOs working especially
for children, young people, women and disabled people is very low and the number of qualified
personnel is insufficient. The demand for NGO staff, which will carry out individual studies with the
local Syrian refugees, is increasing day by day. There is occasionally co-operation between NGOs
working on this area, but there is no general coordination and communication network. In order to
develop sustainable projects, especially among NGOs for children and young refugees, there is a need
to increase the dialyzers of youth workers and to improve their capacity. As an association, we think
that it is necessary for NGOs to work on refugees; we have developed this project to raise awareness
of youth workers, increase NGO dialogue, encourage EVS activities, and work on capacity building to
encourage them to address issues related to refugees in youth work. The project aims to make young
people aware of the social activities of Turkish and European youth workers of Syrian young refugees
and to create a social impact in the youth field.

The project will be based on youth and migration. The project will provide young leaders with
a basic knowledge of migration in order to help them understand the processes behind this
phenomenon and, by this means, enable them to see the connection between the European
emigration of the 19th and 20th centuries and immigration taking place today. The project also aims
to fight xenophobia between cultures. Every society should be aware of it – the problem of integration
of migrants and especially of young people who belong to the migrant community. Youth work and
youth organizations should become important contributors in integration and intercultural dialogue
work in order to create favorable conditions for cultural diversity. Migration is changing social
structures of European countries it is a crucial issue that youth and non-governmental organizations
working with minorities have to face in their daily work in order to create cohesive societies based on
mutual tolerance and respect.

The main objectives of the projects are; to analyze the impact of immigration on the identity
of immigrants and the host country, to identify different types of discrimination and to determine the
status of immigrants in the context of human rights, to know the history of migration in the Europe
and current situation, reasons of migration, to explore the concepts of freedom of movement,
xenophobia, social exclusion, racism and hate, to understand the impact of discrimination, to stimulate
intercultural learning and dialogue, to raise awareness on the issues, to foster partnerships and
relations with immigrants and organizations through exchange of best practices, to facilitate exchange
of knowledge, analysis of EU policies & to propose amendments develop strategies and policy lines for
the future as a basis for successful campaigning on local, national and European level, and to empower
youth workers and leaders about project development, human rights advocacy, empowerment tools
e.g. campaigning, policy analysis, arts, communication.
0232 483 03 14 | ||
Akdeniz Mah. 1353 Sok. No:1 Taner İş Hanı Kat:5 D:502 Konak-İzmir / Türkiye

Responsibilities Of Participants
• Participants must have full participation in all activities.
• All travel documents must be submitted to the host organization during the project (during the
activity period), as described in the other section, so that travel payments can be made in full and
on time.
• Participants who special needs must inform to the hosting and sending organizations before
activity (Please use participant table for this)
• All the participants get informations about Erasmus+ from sending organizations before project.
• You have MS Excel Document in attachment of e-mail. You need to fill it and send back when your
group is ready to who contact with you from hosting group for this infopack.
• You need to prepare some meeting games for our first days to meet eachother. We should do to
this workshop together
• You need to prepare some activities, presentation, games, music, dance etc. and buy food, drinks,
for your cultural night. Every country will have a cultural night on the project.
• You need to prepare all travel document, invoice to pay your money as soon as possible. There is
info on FAQ Part on this document how they should be.
• If there is someone from your group have health problem you need to fill this info your participant
list table. We sent MS Excel Document by email in attachment to you.

Your Journey Options

As you know project venue is İzmir. You can come only by plane or bus and plane. If you buy ticket
directly to izmir, It can be expensive. Second way; you can buy your ticket to İstanbul after that you
can take a bus. (İstanbul to İzmir). We will meet you at airport or busstation in İzmir.

First Option



Second Option:



Firstly you have to buy your ticket by yourself. We don’t pay %100 of your travel cost. We can
pay %100 maximum your travel cost limit. You can find travel cost limit according country below. You
can come to İstanbul 1 or 2 day before the project if you want to go around in istanbul. You have to be
in izmir on first day of our project.

Our Project’s
First day : 04th May 2018 Sunday (All participant have to be in hotel before lunch)
Last day : 13th May 2018 Sunday (All participant can leave from hotel after lunch)
0232 483 03 14 | ||
Akdeniz Mah. 1353 Sok. No:1 Taner İş Hanı Kat:5 D:502 Konak-İzmir / Türkiye

Payment Details
All participants can get reimbursement for their travel cost untill countries limit. If you spend less than
your limit can getback only %100 of your travel cost according travel invoice. Other part of travel
budget will use for develop for project acitivities.

There is participation fee for this project. Its 35 Euro per participant.
Travel Limits and Participant Number of Countries

Country Participants Travel Budget Limit*

Bulgaria 4 Person 275 Euro
Hungary 4 Person 275 Euro
Italy 4 Person 275 Euro
Lithuania 4 Person 275 Euro
Macedonia 4 Person 275 Euro
Poland 4 Person 275 Euro
Romania 4 Person 275 Euro
Slovakia 4 Person 275 Euro
Turkey 4 Person 20 Euro
France, Ukraine 4 Person **Nantes Creative Generations
* Travel Limit for one participant and round trip
** Travel Budget will be cover by NCG Cooperation according to NCG Cooperation Award

Participant Selection
Online Participant
Application Form:
0232 483 03 14 | ||
Akdeniz Mah. 1353 Sok. No:1 Taner İş Hanı Kat:5 D:502 Konak-İzmir / Türkiye

All participants must have insurance during project. Please be sure to do it for all participants and
inform us.

The participants will receive a Youtpass certificate issued within the scope of the Erasmus Plus program
at the end of the project and an attendance document to be arranged by our association. You can visit
this website for more information about Youthpass;

We will share accommodation details as soon as possible.

Local Transport In Turkey

We will pick you up from airport in İzmir, Turkey. We will send you details before activity dates.

About İzmir
You can watch from that :
You can read from that :
0232 483 03 14 | ||
Akdeniz Mah. 1353 Sok. No:1 Taner İş Hanı Kat:5 D:502 Konak-İzmir / Türkiye


Q-1 : How should be your travel documents and invoice?
A-1 : We need your orginal tickets to pay your money back. It has to be with payment date,
payment, flight date, your name, routeing. Also we need your boardingpasses. Please Don’t lose them.
Otherwise we can not payback your money.

Q-2 : When can I get my reimbursement?

A-2 : If you dont have any problem with your document, if you didnt over the your travel limit and
if you arived and departure correct dates. We mean that if you do what we wrote on this document;
we can payback your money before you leave from İzmir.

Q-3 : How sould be your coultural night?

A-3 : Culture Night has an important role for youth exchanges. There will be the times that we are
going to share our foods, drinks, dances, music, clothes, etc. There will be 6 culture nights during the
project. We wanted to give enough space for each group to show their cultural elements. You can bring
drinks, foods, deserts, national clothes, etc. You are not obliged to bring all of them, just the ones that
you can afford and show us during the culture nights or you can prepare small theatre sessions about
your culture.

Q-4 : The Daily programme can be change or not, it will be that what you have for now, till last
A-4 : The Daily programme can be change acording accomadition condition, weather, budget limit
etc. Probably you will be sure about Daily program on our first day of project.

Q-5 : Weather?
A-5 : We will inform you again about weather before few days ago from project. Because we dont
have correct info about it for now, there is long time now to be sure about it. If we forgot to inform
you about it, please remind to us before come here.

Q-6 : Which your travel cost cant we payback?

A-6 : We can not pay your taxi, rent a car, gas bill for your travel according Erasmus+ rules.

Q-7 : What are your documents to save and send/bring to us?

A-7 : You have to save and bring us that documents to we pay your money back.
- Your ticket (for details please read “Q-1: How should be your travel documents and
- Your boardingpasses to come/return (If you come by plane)
- Your Original Mandate
- Your Passport Copy (Your Identy and Signet for entry to Türkiye)

Q-8 : Can you stay in İstanbul or other cities and can we pay your accomadition cost for in İstanbul
or other cities?
A-8 : If you come to İstanbul or other cities and if you stay there before/after the project, we can
not pay your accommodation in İstanbul or other cities. Only we can pay your travel cost (Your city to
İstanbul to İzmir) but we will pay 100% your accommodation and 3 meals during the project for İzmir.

Q-9 : Can you arrive to İzmir before project or departure from after the project ?
0232 483 03 14 | ||
Akdeniz Mah. 1353 Sok. No:1 Taner İş Hanı Kat:5 D:502 Konak-İzmir / Türkiye

A-9 : Yes, but it can be maximum 2 day before or after 2 days and we cant pay your accomadition
and meals for these days.

Q-10 : Can you arrive after first days of project or departure before last day of project from İzmir?
A-10 : We are sorry but NO. If you do that you can have problem about reimbursement. But we dont
want to put into trouble you. When we have this we will conact with Turkish National Agency. Just we
want to wonder you. Please becareful your journey dates and inform hosting group before buy your

We want to be sure that as you are group leader, if you read and understand all of this
document and inform your gorup please fill that table.

Country :

Name Of Group :

Name Of Participant :

Date :


Please sign this document and than scan it and send by e-mail to hosting organization.

Legal Representative (Hosting Organization)

Mr. Umut Yiğit DEMİRCİ

Contact Person (Hosting Organization)

Mr. Mert Güzelkasap

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