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S2U2 Settings Description

* After the changes, remember to SAVE

Lock when device wakes up
Auto snooze an active Alarm when power off
Snooze time (min)
Lock System Notification
Disable Message Preview
Show SMS Preview
Show MMS Preview
Show Email Preview

Password Lock
Require Password
Shuffle Password keypad

On Battery Power
Lock when Screen is Blank
Lock when Backlight turns off
Power Off in
but only Blank Screen
Blank Screen on Talk
Lock on Talk
When locked, turn off if Proximity Sensor is blocked
On wake-up, unlock if Proximity Sensor not blocked

On External Power
Lock when Screen is Blank
Lock when Backlight turns off
Power Off in
but only Blank Screen
Blank Screen on Talk
Lock on Talk
When locked, turn off if Proximity Sensor is blocked
On wake-up, unlock if Proximity Sensor not blocked

Date Format
Time Format
Clock Font Folder
Time Format of 2nd Clock
2nd Clock Font Folder
Next Alarm Info
Task Count
Unread MMS

Today's Weather Forecast From

Show current weather
Owner Information
Digital Battery

Show no. of Appointments
No. of days to look ahead
Show All-Day Appointment
Show today past Appointment
Appointment Line
Appointment Alignment
Appointment Date Format
Alarm/Appointment Time Format

Caller ID
Slide to Answer (S2A)
Slide to End
S2A Hard Answer Key
S2A Hard End Key
Power Button to end an incoming call
Ask to send a busy SMS
Dialed ID
Canonical number format
Country/Region Code
Volume Control
Volume Control with Transparent BG
Don't lock Volume Keys
InCall Volume Control

File/Directory (Portrait)
File/Directory (Landscape)
Full Screen Battery
Full Screen Battery on top of wallpaper
Override GIF Speed: 1-slow; 10-fast
Endless GIF Animation
Cache GIF frames by device memory

Change JPG wallpaper every

Change JPG wallpaper randomly
Hide all Soft Keys & Slider
Slider Position
Slide text mirror
Slide text size
Slide to toggle ringer/vibrate
Topmost Curtain
Top Curtain
Bottom Curtain
Curtain Opacity: 0-clear; 32-opaque
Text Shadow
Text Size

S2P (Slide 2 Play)

S2P Control buttons
When Headphone is connected, start S2P
When Headphone is disconnected, close:
When unlock, don't call the running S2P
Change wallpaper as S2P current album pic
Sleep S2P

Lock Sound
Unlock Sound
Inertia of Slider: 1-heavy; 10-light

Vibration LED

Haptic Feedback
Vibrate on connect

Save Theme
Load Theme

Change Language

Unlock by DPAD or Back key
Unlock after screen rotated
Action when connect to power
Action when connect to cradle
Unlock when Stylus is pulled out
Lock when Stylus is put back
Unlock when Keyboard is opened
Lock when Keyboard is closed
Run other app when unlock
Unlock to Home screen
Ignore screen rotation

Don't Suspend Power
Display Mode
SMS Patch for Korean devices
Don't use KeyBoard Hook
Don't lock TouchFLO 3D

Don't lock system

Don't lock HTC long End key press
Replace WM6.5 system manual lock

Check Exceptional EXEs run in foreground only

Exceptional EXEs List

On wake up, delay (ms) start of S2U2
Delay (ms) Blank Screen on Talk
Boot up Delay

Hidden Setting (Registry Key Name under \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\A

S2VEXE\0File, 1File… 8File

S2VEXE\0Paramters, 1Paramters… 8Paramters

* After edited the registry settings, remember to restart iLock2.

updated o

What it does

Lock the device when the device is woken up?

Auto snooze an active Alarm when the device is powered off by S2U2?
The default minutes that S2U2 snooze an alarm
Lock the system Notification (e.g. alarm, reminder)
Disable message/notification/task preview on S2U2?
Immediately show the new unread SMS preview when the device is locked?
Immediately show the new unread MMS preview when the device is locked?
Immediately show the new unread Email preview when the device is locked?

Lock the device with a password?

Set how quickly the device locks with password
Shuffle the password keypad when unlocking?

Lock the device when the screen is turned off?

Lock the device when the screen backlight is turned off?
The amount of time it takes for S2U2 to put your device into sleep mode.
Instead of power off, only blank the screen (does not put the device into sleep mode).
Turns your screen off while in a phone call but device remains awake.
Lock the device during a phone call? Always or only when Bluetooth is on?
When S2U2 locks the device, turns off the device if any object blocks the Proximity Sensor?
On wake-up, unlock the device if the Proximity Sensor is not blocked?

Lock the device when the screen is turned off?

Lock the device when the screen backlight is turned off?
The amount of time it takes for S2U2 to put your device into sleep mode.
Instead of power off, only blank the screen (does not put the device into sleep mode).
Turns your screen off while in a phone call but device remains awake.
Lock the device during a phone call? Always or only when Bluetooth is on?
When S2U2 locks the device, turns off the device if any object blocks the Proximity Sensor?
On wake-up, unlock the device if the Proximity Sensor is not blocked?

What format should the date be if enabled? (can be edited in the lang ini file as well)
What format should the time be if enabled? (can be edited in the lang ini file as well)
The path to which the clock files are located. (can be edited in the lang ini file as well)
What format should the time be if the 2nd clock is enabled?
The path to which the 2nd clock files are located.
Should the next alarm time and information be shown?
Should the number of active or due today tasks be shown?
Should the number of unread MMS messages be shown?
Where should S2U2 get the weather information from?
(Spb Weather 1.x, Weather Panel, Pocket Weather, HTC Home Weather, UserWeather, TouchFLO 2D
Weather, TouchFLO 3D Weather)
Show current weather info? ONLY Pocket Weather, TouchFLO 2D, TouchFLO 3D are supported
Should the owner information be shown?
Should a battery guage icon graphic be shown?

How many appointments be displayed on the lock screen?

How many days into the future to display appointments for?
Show the All-Day appointments?
Show today past appointments in italic font?
Show a line between each appointment.
Change the alignment of the appointments
The display date format of the appointment. (can be edited in the lang ini file as well)
The display time format of the appointment. (can be edited in the lang ini file as well)

How and if you want pictures for contacts displayed when calling you?
Activates a one-way slider on the lock screen, sliding right will answer the call.
Activates a two-way slider on the lock screen, sliding left to answer; and right to end the call.
Should S2U2 allow answer phone with button when S2A is on?
Should S2U2 allow reject call with button when S2A is on?
Allows to end an incoming call by pressing the power button?
After rejected a call, should S2U2 ask you to send a busy SMS?
Should S2U2 lock the device when dialing a call?
Should the incoming phone number be displayed in Canonical number format?
Use this code to identify the prefix of the Canonical number.
Allows S2U2 to control your volume with a full screen slider?
Changes the background of the Volume Control so you can see the screen behind it.
Should S2U2 release the lock of Volume Control Keys?
Allows S2U2 to control your InCall volume with a full screen slider?

The location of the portrait wallpaper(s), either a file or a directory in full path.
The location of the landscape wallpaper(s), either a file or a directory in full path.
Choose if you want the battery meter to be shown on the S2U2 screen.
Should the battery meter be shown on top of the wallpaper or a black background?
When using GIF as wallpaper, should the animation speed of the GIF be overridden?
When using GIF as wallpaper, should the animation be repeated endlessly?
When using GIF as wallpaper, cache each frame by device memory (instead of program memory)?
When a folder of wallpapers is assigned, should the wallpaper changes after a certain minute(s)
automatically? Only support JPG files.
When changing the wallpapers, should it be changed randomly? Only support JPG files.
Should the soft slider and buttons be hidden?
Set the position of the slider.
Mirror the sliding text when the slider is on the center.
Change the sliding text size.
When the slider is center, change the left slide function to toggle ringer/vibrate.
Should the topmost curtain (the one behind the system status) be shown?
Should the top curtain (the one behind the clock) be shown? Or as "Float"?
Should the bottom curtain (the one behind the slider) be shown?
Fine tune the opacity of the curtains.
Add shadow effect to most of the text shown?
Change the text size of the information displayed on S2U2.

Should the S2P control buttons be hidden even when S2P is running?
When Headphone is connected, should S2U2 start S2P?
When Headphone is disconnected, should S2U2 close S2P; or close both S2P & Bluetooth?
When unlock, should S2U2 invoke the running S2P?
When S2P is running, should S2U2 change wallpaper to the currently playing album pic?
Set a timer to sleep S2P

When lock manually, S2U2 plays this WAV file (must be in full path).
When unlock, S2U2 plays this WAV file (must be in full path).
Change the inertia of the slider.
The index of the LED which is responsible for the vibration; turn on or off the "Haptic Feedback" to tes
Should S2U2 vibrates shortly when any button is pressed? (press here to test the validity of the
Vibration LED)
Should S2U2 vibrates shortly when a phone call is connected?

Save the current S2U2 graphic files & some settings to a theme file called THEME.S2U2.
Browse and load a particular theme file.

Must download the language pack separately & copy to S2U2's installed folder first.

Should S2U2 accept the Directioanl PAD key or the BACK key to move the slider?
Should the device unlock automatically when the device changed the orientation?
What S2U2 will do when the device is connected to external power?
What S2U2 will do when the device is connected to cradle?
Should the device unlock itself when the Stylus is pulled out (only for HTC Diamond/Pro/HD)?
Should the device lock itself when the Stylus is put back (only for HTC Diamond/Pro/HD)?
Should the device unlock itself when the Keyboard is opened (only for HTC Pro/Pro2)?
Should the device lock itself when the Keyboard is closed (only for HTC Pro/Pro2)?
When unlock, S2U2 runs this application.
When unlock, should the device go to the Home screen?
Should S2U2 ignore the system screen rotation notification and don't change the orientation?

Should S2U2 suspend the device or let the OS to do?

Run S2U2 in different display mode.
Should S2U2 apply the SMS Patch (for Korean devices only)?
Should S2U2 use the system KeyBoard Hook? It's used for hooking up the Volume Up/Down keys.
Should S2U2 lock the TouchFLO 3D when Home key is pressed?
Should S2U2 lock the system? When this option is turned off, S2U2 will lock the device as it's locked b
the system built-in lock.
Should S2U2 lock the long End key press on some HTC devices?
Should S2U2 replace the WM6.5 system manual lock?
When S2U2 is going to lock the device, should the exceptional EXEs be checked only if they are runni
in the foreground?
When S2U2 is going to lock the device, these applications will be checked. If either one is running,
S2U2 will not lock the device.
When the device is waking up, delay the lock in xxx ms.
When a phone call is connected, delay the "Blank Screen on Talk" in xxx ms.
When the device is restarted, delay the start of S2U2 in xxx second.

nder \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\A_C\S2U2)
Customize the application opened when "slide to view", the first digit means:
0 - missed call; 1 - voice mail; 2 - SMS; 3 - MMS; 4 - email;
5 - Flexmail; 6 - WL Messenger; 7 - reminder; 8 - active task.
e.g. when there is a missed call, open iContact's call history instead of the system call history, edit
0File to \Program Files\iContact\iContact.exe; and 0Parameters to -recents (the path may be different
on different language device & where it's installed).

estart iLock2.


On | Off
On | Off
5 min | 10 min | 15 min
On | Off
On | Off
On | Off
On | Off
On | Off

On | Off
Immediately | 1 min | 5 min | 15 min | 1 hour | 4 hours | 12 hours
On | Off

On | Off
On | Off
Off | 5 to 60
On | Off
On | Off
Off | Always | BT only
On | Off
On | Off

On | Off
On | Off
Off | 5 to 60
On | Off
On | Off
Off | Always | BT only
On | Off
On | Off

option 1 to 3
option 1 to 3
option 1 to 5
option 1 to 3
option 1 to 5
On | Off
Off | Active | Due Today
On | Off

Off | option 1 to 7
On | Off
On | Off
On | Off

Off | 1 to 6
Off | 1 to 100
On | Off
On | Off
On | Off
Left | Center | Right
option 1 to 3
option 1 to 3

Off | Full Screen | Thumbnail

Off | Only Locked | Always
On | Off
On | Off
On | Off
On | Off
On | Off
On | Off
On | Off
1 to 998
On | Off
On | Off
On | Off
On | Off

Off | Charging | Always

On | Off
Off | 1 to 10
On | Off
On | Off

On | Off
On | Off
Left | Center
On | Off
Smallest | Smaller | Normal | Larger | Largest
On | Off
On | Off
Off | Normal | Float
On | Off
0 to 32
Off | Normal | Glow
Smallest | Smaller | Normal | Larger | Largest

On | Off
On | Off
Off | S2P | S2P & BT
On | Off
On | Off
1 min to 23 hours 59 mins

Off | 1 to 10

1 to 100

On | Off
On | Off

On | Off
On | Off
Off | Unlock | Lock
Off | Unlock | Lock
On | Off
On | Off
On | Off
On | Off

On | Off
On | Off

On | Off
RawBuffer | DirectDraw | GDI
On | Off
On | Off
On | Off

On | Off
On | Off
On | Off

On | Off

Maximum 20 entries
Off | 100 to 4000
Off | 100 to 4000
Off | 1 to 60

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