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Winter Project Report SSCMR 2009-2011


Winter Project Report SSCMR 2009-2011




















Winter Project Report SSCMR 2009-2011





18. RESEARCH 34-39


19. FINDINGS & 40



Winter Project Report SSCMR 2009-2011

Primary objectives
 To know the perception of people towards plastic money.

Secondary objectives
 To know the importance of plastic money in the daily life of consumers’ W.R.T credit and
debit cards.
 To study the benefits of debit card and credit cards.
 To find out the market leader among the various banks/companies issuing credit and debit
 To know the problems faced by respondents using plastic money.
 To study the satisfaction level of consumers towards plastic money.


Need of the study

Winter Project Report SSCMR 2009-2011

It is rightly said the plastic money is need of hour. People are using these cards on a vast
scale. But after considering the review of literature it is seen the whole payment process of
processing these cards is not safe and customer are facing many problems relating to plastic
money. That’s why study is focused on consumer perception regarding the plastic money.
Need of the study is to get to know about the comparative analysis of plastic money. There
are many ethical issues and challenges in the market of plastic money which is required to be
studied. This study is concerned with the Seven perks of plastic money Convenience,
Budgeting technology, Reputation boosting, Corporate might, Cops and robbers, The float,
Openness to negotiations.

Scope of study: the following are the areas covered by plastic money:
ATM cards are slowly being transformed into value-added debit cards. Bankers and analysts
see tremendous scope for growth in debit cards. "There is tremendous potential for debit
cards. It will soon be substituting cheques. Utility payments will soon be made through debit
cards, either at the ATMs or at the counters. The debit card can be used to withdraw cash
from ATMs of other banks depending on whether the debit card-maker has a Visa or a
Maestro tie-up. Visa and MasterCard both confirmed yesterday that they had been notified of
the breach and had in turn notified several banks and credit card companies of the potential
data compromise. They declined to say how many companies have been notified. Credit cards
As well as convenient, accessible credit; credit cards offer consumers an easy way to track
expenses, which is necessary for both monitoring personal expenditures and the tracking of
work-related expenses for taxation and reimbursement purposes.


Plastic money or polymer money, made out of plastic, is a new and easier way of paying for
goods and services. Plastic money was introduced in the 1950s and is now an essential form
of ready money which reduces the risk of handling a huge amount of cash. It includes debit
cards, ATMs, smart cards, etc. Credit cards, variants of plastic money, are used as substitutes

Winter Project Report SSCMR 2009-2011

for currency Credit cards in India are gaining ground. A number of banks in India are
encouraging people to use credit card. The concept of credit card was used in 1950 with the
launch of charge cards in USA by Diners Club and American Express. Credit card however
became more popular with use of magnetic strip in 1970.
Credit card in India became popular with the introduction of foreign banks in the country.
Credit cards are financial instruments, which can be used more than once to borrow money or
buy products and services on credit. Basically banks, retail stores and other businesses issue
these. It was introduced around and has now become an essential form of ready money. One
of the main reasons for introducing plastic money, especially credit cards is to reduce the risk
of handling a huge amount of cash by individuals/merchants. The growth and popularity of
plastic money in India has been phenomenal in the last few years.
In the present day world, no one wants to be bothered by the presence of huge cash in his or
her wallet and the Indians are no exceptions. The unprecedented growth in the number
of credit card users has stimulated the Indian economy by a significant extent. The arrival of
malls, multiplexes, online shopping stores and shopping complexes have contributed to the
growth of the use of plastic cards.
The Best credit cards in India are usually meant for specific user group such as women,
students and small business owners. These cards are offered to the prospective customers
with appealing deals.

Over the years, Indians have been averse to credit cards. This is primarily because they
believed that spending through credit is a sure shot way of getting into the debt trap. Of
course, movies highlighting the sad state of a borrower did not exactly help matters. And
even the local kirana shops have the famous lines Aaj Nagad, Kal Udhari (cash today, credit
tomorrow).But the situation is not actually that scary. And it is all about right timing. Credit
cards can be a useful tool at the hands of savvy consumers who can effectively use the
benefits offered by cards.It is important to know that credit card is a financial tool that needs
to be used responsibly. While it ensures cash flow, it is not advisable for customers to borrow
for a longer period of time. Use it effectively and take good advantage of the time line and
clear your debts, without any additional costs.

Major Banks issuing Credit Card in India

Winter Project Report SSCMR 2009-2011

 State Bank of India credit card (SBI credit card)

 Bank of Baroda credit card or BOB credit card
 ICICI credit card
 HDFC credit card
 IDBI credit card
 ABN AMRO credit card
 Standard Chartered credit card
 HSBC credit card
 Citibank Credit Card

Global player in Credit card market are Master Card, VISA Card, American Express, Diners
Club International.

The first 6 digits of credit cards number are known as the issuer identification number
(IIN),previously known as bank identification number (BIN).These identify the institution
that issued the to the card holder

The IIN ranges used by the major card schemes are

VISA: Card number start with a 4.
Master Card: Card start with No.51 and 55
Diners Club: Card number beginning 36 or 38
Amex Ex: Card number beginning 34 or37


Winter Project Report SSCMR 2009-2011

Concept of credit card

Progress in civilization in its turn has brought out radical changes in the manner of trading.
The need for something intrinsically useful and easily applicable in everyday dealing is
clearly felt. Cash in the form of currency notes and coins makes up just one form of the
payment system. Development in banking while also giving inputs to the further development
of cash brought about a second phase in payment namely paper instructions such as cheques
and credit transfers. The requirement for greater flexibility and convenience has led to
electronic payments, and this is where plastic cards have proved their worth. It allows the
card issuers to limit the sum of money the card-holders wish to spend. The spending of card-
holders who have defaulted on payments or who are over their credit limit can be restricted
until the balances are cleared.

Definition of credit card

A credit card is a credit-token within the meaning of section 14(1), Consumer Credit Act
1974 of the UK which defines a credit-token as a card, cheque, voucher, coupon, stamp, form
booklet or other document or thing given to an individual by a person carrying on a consumer
credit business, who undertakes:-

Winter Project Report SSCMR 2009-2011

 That on the production of it (whether or not some other action is also required), he
will supply, cash, goods and services (or any of them) on credit, or
 That were, on the production of it to third party (whether or not any other action is
also required), the third party supplies cash, goods and services (whether or not
deducting any discount or commission), in return for payment to him by the
In very simple words credit card can be termed as an unsecured personal loan offered to
customers by the banks where the card-holder could purchase goods and services from
authorized merchant or merchant establishments (MEs) of the bank up to a fixed limit on
credit. Such credit is normally made available for a period of 30 to 45 days.
A credit card can also be used to secure airline tickets and car rentals. Having a credit card
can make purchases and reservations easier; however, a credit card should be used
responsibly so that the consumer does not over extend his finances.

Credit cards are usually issued by banks or other financial institutions. Some credit cards may
be available online.


Our society was once upon a time functioning without money; it is again likely to become
moneyless. While ancient society was confronted with the problems of adjusting mutually
satisfactory rates and basis of exchange, future society, with the help of computers,
electronics and telecommunications, credit cards, telephone and other modern means of
communications, would settle financial transactions instantly. Money as a medium of
exchange will serve its function. The difference will be that in future coins, currency notes,
cheques, etc., will be dispensed with in favour of records. India has entered the stage of credit
card system and credit cards are gaining increasing relevance to facilitate industrial,
commercial and agricultural transactions.
Credit was first used in Assyria, Babylon and Egypt 3,000 years ago. The bill of exchange –
the forerunner of bank notes - was established in the 14th century. Debts settled by one-third
cash and two-thirds bill of exchange paper money followed only in the 17th century. The first

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advertisement for credit was placed in 1730 by Christopher Thornton who offered furniture
that could be paid off weekly.
From the 18th century until the early part of the 20th, tallymen sold clothes in return for small
weekly payments; they were called “tallymen” because they kept a record of tally of what
people had brought on a wooden stick. One side of the stick was marked with notches to
represent the amount of debt and the other side was a record of payments. In the 1920s
shopper’s plate – “buy now, pay later” system – was introduced in USA. It could only be used
in shops which issued it.
In 1950, Diners Club and American Express launched their charge cards in USA, the first
‘plastic money’. In 1951, Diners Club issued the first credit card to 200 customers who could
use it at 27 restaurants. With the magnetic strip in 1970, the credit card became a part of the
information age.
The origins of the bank credit card have been traced to John C. Biggins, a consumer credit
specialist at the Flatbush National Bank of Brooklyn, New York. In 1946, Biggins launched a
credit plan called Charge-It. The programme featured a form of scrip that was accepted by
local merchants for small purchases. After the sale was completed, the merchant deposited
the scrip in a bank account, and the bank billed the customer for the total scrip issued.

Plastic Money: the Currency of Modern India

Indian consumers have never had it so good. The soiled notes are definitely out. Carrying
cash is no more `a pain in the neck' as consumers are relying more on the `plastic card' which
gives them money on credit.

Plastic money basically means debit cards and credit cards which is having a magnetic stripe,
logo, signature of the cardholder made of plastic.

Credit Cards have finally arrived in India. The card industry which is growing at the rate of
20% per annum is flooded with cards ranging from gold, silver, global, smart to secure….the
list is endless. From just two players in early 80s, the industry now houses over 10 major
players vying for a major chunk of the card pie.

Winter Project Report SSCMR 2009-2011

Currently four major bishops are ruling the card empire---Citibank, Standard Chartered Bank,
HSBC and State Bank of India (SBI). The industry, which is catering to over 3.8 million card
users, is expected to double by the fiscal 2003. According to a study conducted by State Bank
of India, Citibank is the dominant player, having issued 1.5 million cards so far. Stanchart
follows way behind with 0.67 million, while Hongkong Bank has 0.3 million credit card
customers. Among the nationalized banks, SBI tops the list with 0.28 million cards, followed
by Bank of Baroda at 0.22 million.

Parties involved:

 Cardholder: The owner of the card used to make a purchase; the consumer.
 Card-issuing bank: The financial institution or other organization that issued the credit card to
the cardholder. This bank bills the consumer for repayment and bears the risk that the card is
used fraudulently. American Express and Discover were previously the only card-issuing
banks for their respective brands, but as of 2007, this is no longer the case.
 Merchant: The individual or business accepting credit card payments for products or services
sold to the cardholder
 Acquiring bank: The financial institution accepting payment for the products or
services on behalf of the merchant.
 Independent sales organization: Resellers (to merchants) of the services of the
acquiring bank.
 Merchant account: This could refer to the acquiring bank or the independent sales
organization, but in general is the organization that the merchant deals with.
 Credit Card association: An association of card-issuing banks such as Visa, MasterCard,
Discover, American Express, etc. that set transaction terms for merchants, card-issuing banks,
and acquiring banks.
 Transaction network: The system that implements the mechanics of the electronic
transactions. May be operated by an independent company, and one company may operate
multiple networks. Transaction processing networks include: Cardnet, Nabanco, Omaha,
Paymentech, NDC Atlanta, Nova, Vital, Concord EFSnet, and VisaNet.

Winter Project Report SSCMR 2009-2011


 Charge card

A charge card carries all the features of credit cards. However, after using a charge card you
will have to pay off the entire amount billed, by the due date. If you fail to do so, you are
likely to be considered a defaulter and will usually have to pay up a steep late payment

At the time of using the card he is not declared not as a defaulter even if misses due date. A
2.95 per cent late payment fees (this differs from one bank to another) is levied in the next
billing statement.

 Amex card

Amex stands for American Express and is one of the well-known charge cards. This card has
its own merchant establishment tie-ups and does not depend on the network of MasterCard or

 Smart card

A smart card contains an electronic chip which is used to store cash. This is most useful when
you have to pay for small purchases, for example bus fares and coffee. No identification,
signature or payment authorisation is required for using this card.

The exact amount of purchase is deducted from the smart card during payment and is
collected by smart card reading machines. No change is given. Currently this product is
available only in very developed countries like the United States and is being used only
sporadically in India.

 Diners Club card

Diners Club is a branded charge card. There are a wide variety of special privileges offered to
the Diners Club cardholder. For instance, as a cardholder you can set your own spending

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limit. Besides, the card has its own merchant establishment tie-ups and does not depend on
the network of MasterCard or Visa.

However, since this card is typically meant for high-income group categories, it may not be
acceptable at many outlets. It would be a good idea to check whether a member establishment
does accept the card or not in advance.

 Photo card

In this photograph is imprinted on a card, and then you have what is known as a photo card.
Doing this helps identify the user of the credit card and is therefore considered safer. Besides,
in many cases, your photo card can function as your identity card as well.

 Global card

Global cards allow you the flexibility and convenience of using a credit card rather than cash
or travellers checks while travelling abroad for either business or personal reasons.

 Co-branded card

Co-branded cards are credit cards issued by card companies that have tied up with a popular
brand for the purpose of offering certain exclusive benefits to the consumer. .

 Affinity card

The card issuer ties up with popular organizations/ institutions which are often non-profit
organizations (Citi-WWF card or the stanch art-Cricket cards) to offer an affinity card. When
the card is used, a certain percentage is contributed to the organization /institution by the card

 MasterCard and Visa

MasterCard and Visa are global non-profit organizations dedicated to promote the growth of
the card business across the world. They have built a vast network of merchant

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establishments so that customer’s world-wide may use their respective credit cards to make
various purchases.

 Visa card: Visa, Inc., commonly called VISA, is an economic joint venture of 21,000
financial institutions that issue and market Visa products including credit and debit cards. The
company was originally named Visa International Service Association. The name change
occurred in the fall of 2007 as a part of Visa’s restructuring and IPO plan. The company is
based in San Francisco, California, USA.


Winter Project Report SSCMR 2009-2011


Today, credit cards have many functions and are very versatile. They can be summarized
into the following functions:

The holder may obtain extended credit up to an agreed limit at a published interest rate.

The holder can repay the whole amount at the end of the month, without charge provided no
cash advance has been taken.
On presentation at the appropriate banks, subject to check, cash can be obtained. In most
cases can also be used in ATMs to obtain cash.
Cheque guarantee
A cheque drawn on a bank may be guaranteed up to a published limit provided it is
accompanied by a Cheque Guarantee Card (or in some cases a Visa or MasterCard card)
issued by the bank on which it is drawn.
Cheque encashment
Cheque guaranteed as above may be used to obtain cash from branches of most banks,
although a charge may be levied in certain circumstances.
If the card is a member of Visa International or MasterCard International, you can use your
card at many countries where there are a lot banks who are members of them.
Perhaps the most significant fact to emerge from the summary of card functions is that
strictly speaking, they are not debit cards. Although they can be used to obtain cash via ATM,
the debit will be made from the credit card account and not from the holder's bank account.

Winter Project Report SSCMR 2009-2011

The credit cards discussed above are bank cards. Different bank cards have different card
functions. The functions of bank cards really depend on the individual bank itself. Some bank
card may have all of the above functions and some may not.
There other credit cards that are issued by retail stores such as Petrol Card, Quasi Card and
Private Label Card which may have some of the above functions mentioned above.


All credit cards offer a variety of features. Knowing and understanding these features will
help to decide which card is right for.


Most credit cards charge fees for various things, and it is important to know what these fees
are and how to avoid them.

The annual fee

Some credit card companies charge you an annual fee just for using their card. Because of
stiff competition, you can often negotiate this fee away if you call and speak to a customer
service representative.

Cash Advance Fee

Most credit card companies will charge you a fee for cash advances. These fees can vary but
are usually somewhat hefty. Not only will they charge you a one-time fee, but the interest rate
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for this money will be at a considerably higher rate. Plus, unlike a regular purchase, where
interest begins accruing after some grace period passes, cash advances accrue interest charges
from day one.

Many card companies are competing for your business and are now offering an introductory
cash advance and balance transfer rates for a specific amount of time. This lower rate can be
applied to any balances you may wish to transfer from another card. Although it sounds good,
some companies will charge you a fee for the transfer. Know what the fee is before you
transfer any balances.

Miscellaneous Fees

Things like late-payment fees, over-the-credit-limit fees, set-up fees, and return-item fees are
all quite common these days and can represent a serious amount of money out of your pocket
if you get whacked for any of these fees.


Since there are so many credit card companies, competition is stiff. Adding incentives to their
offers is one of the more popular ways to tip the scales in their favor. Incentives like rebates
on purchases, frequent flyer miles on certain airlines, and extended warranties on purchases
are just a few of the bonuses that card companies will now offer.

For those of you who collect and use your frequent flyer miles, they also have added
incentives like travel insurance and car rental insurance for your convenience. Of course, they
are hoping that with all this traveling, you are using their card to foot at least some of the


Many card companies are looking to keep your business and are therefore making it worth
Winter Project Report SSCMR 2009-2011

your while to use their card. Just simply by using their card you can accumulate points that
will in turn earn you rewards. What kind of reward depends solely on the amount of points
you accumulate. Since you can't accumulate these points without charging things on your
card, this is a classic case of 'you have to spend money to save money.'

Bottom line is this: Know what you need and what you don't. No sense in paying for any
features that you won't use.


The annual percentage rate (APR) is the interest rate applied a balance carried beyond the
grace period. Credit cards can have different APRs for different types of balances, e.g.
balance transfers or purchases. Balance transfers and cash advances usually have higher
APRs than for purchases.
Your APR may increase when you're late on your payment to a particular creditor, and other
creditors if your card agreement includes a universal default clause.
APRs can be fixed or variable. A fixed APR can change, but the creditor must inform you in
writing before changing the rate. A variable APR changes from time to time.

Grace Period

The grace period is the amount of time you have to pay your balance in full before a finance
charge is applied to your purchase. If you carried a balance from the previous month, you
may not have a grace period for your new purchases. In addition, balance transfers and cash
advances typically do not have a grace period. When balances don't have an applicable grace
period, interest is applied right away.
To find out the length of the grace period refer to the credit card application or your credit
card agreement. Your monthly statements should also include the number of days in the grace

Winter Project Report SSCMR 2009-2011



 Purchase Power and Ease of Purchase

Credit cards can make it easier to buy things. If you don't like to carry large amounts of
cash with you or if a company doesn't accept cash purchases (for example most airlines,
hotels, and car rental agencies), putting purchases on a credit card can make buying things

 Protection of Purchases
Credit cards may also offer you additional protection if something you have bought is
lost, damaged, or stolen. Both your credit card statement (and the credit card company)
can vouch for the fact that you have made a purchase if the original receipt is lost or
stolen. In addition, some credit card companies offer insurance on large purchases.
 Building a Credit Line
Having a good credit history is often important, not only when applying for credit cards,
but also when applying for things such as loans, rental applications, or even some jobs.
Having a credit card and using it wisely (making payments on time and in full each
month) will help you build a good credit history.
 Emergencies
Credit cards can also be useful in times of emergency. While you should avoid spending
outside your budget (or money you don't have!), sometimes emergencies (such as your
car breaking down or flood or fire) may lead to a large purchase (like the need for a rental
car or a motel room for several nights.)
Winter Project Report SSCMR 2009-2011

 Credit Card Benefits

In addition to the benefits listed above, some credit cards offer additional benefits, such as
discounts from particular stores or companies, bonuses such as free airline miles or travel
discounts, and special insurances (like travel or life insurance.) While most of these
benefits are meant to encourage you to charge more money on your credit card
(remember, credit card companies start making their money when you can't afford to pay
off your charges!) the benefits are real and can be helpful as long as you remember your
spending limits.


Blowing Your Budget

The biggest disadvantage of credit cards is that they encourage people to spend money that
they don't have. Most credit cards do not require you to pay off your balance each month, so
even if you only have $100, you may be able to spend up to $500 or $1,000 on your credit
card. While this may seem like 'free money' at the time, you will have to pay it off -- and the
longer you wait, the more money you will owe since credit card companies charge you
interest each month on the money you have borrowed.

High Interest Rates and Increased Debt

Credit card companies charge you an enormous amount of interest on each balance that you
don't pay off at the end of each month. This is how they make their money and this is how
most people in the United States get into debt (and even bankruptcy.) Consider this: If you
have a $100 in savings, most banks will give you at the most 2.0 to 2.5% interests on your
money over the course of the year. This means you earn $2.00 - $2.50 a year on your $100
savings. Most credit cards charge you up to 10 times that amount of interest on balances. This
means that if you have $100 balance that you don't pay off, you will be charged 20-25%
interest on that $100. This means that you owe almost $30 interest (plus the original $100) at
the end of the year. A good way to look at this is in comparison to what you would earn in
interest from a bank or owe in interest to a bank loan: Savings accounts may pay you around
2% interest; if you have a loan from a bank you may pay them around 10% interest (5 times

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as much as you earn off your savings); if you owe money to a credit card company, you may
pay them around 20% interest (10 times as much as you earn off your savings.)

Credit Card Fraud

Like cash, sometimes credit cards can be stolen. They may be physically stolen (if you lose
your wallet) or someone may steal your credit card number (from a receipt, over the phone,
or from a Web site) and use your card to rack up debts. The good news is that, unlike cash, if
you realize your credit card or number has been stolen and you report it to your credit card
company immediately, you will not be charged for any purchases that someone else has
made. Even if you don't realize your credit card number has been stolen (sometimes you
might not know until you receive your monthly statement), most credit card companies don't
charge you or only charge a small fee, like $25 or $50, even if the thief has charged thousands
of dollars to your card. There are several things you can do to prevent credit card fraud:
 If you lose your card or wallet, report it to your credit card company immediately.
 Don't loan your credit card to anyone and only give out your credit card information
to trusted companies or Web sites.
 Check your statement closely at the end of each month to make sure all charges are
 You can find out more about protecting your personal information by visiting
our Personal Safety course.
Credit cards can make life easier and be a great tool, but if they aren't used wisely they can
become a huge financial burden. If you do decide to use credit cards, remember these simple
 Keep track of all your purchases.
 Don't spend outside your budget.
 Pay off your balance on all of your credit cards at the end of each month.
Don't loan your credit or give out your credit card information to anyone but reliable

Winter Project Report SSCMR 2009-2011


There may be many people who suggest that you get a credit card, but before you do you
should carefully decide whether or not you really need a credit card. The answer is that you
can get by without a credit card. Although a credit card can be a useful tool, when used
properly (paid in full every month), it can be a bigger liability than an asset. Here are five
common misconceptions about needing a credit card.

1. Credit Card to Build Credit

You build credit by paying your bills on time. You can build enough credit to qualify for a
home loan by paying your rent on time for several years. You destroy your credit when you
do not pay your bills on time. The utility companies and other businesses can send you to a
collection agency if you do not pay on time. You do not need a credit card to build your credit
history. You may find it a little easier to do with a credit card, but you should be very careful
as you try to do so.

2. Credit Card to Shop Online or Rent a Car

Since debit cards have been introduced you no longer need a credit card to do these things. In
fact you can do everything with a debit card that you can with a credit card, except spend
money that you do not have. You should not be doing that anyway. Debit cards can be used
anywhere a credit card can. This completely debunks the statement that you need one to rent
a car.

3. Credit Card for Emergencies

If you plan well you should set up an emergency fund for emergencies. Your emergency fund
should have at least $1000.00 in it, but you should try to have three to six months of expenses
saved up. This much money should be able to handle any emergency that comes your way. If

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you are stranded on the road and need to be towed you can use your debit card to pay for the
tow, and your emergency fund to cover those expenses.

4. Credit Card to Save Money on Purchases

Many stores will offer discounts for having a store credit card. Stores do not offer cards to
give you discounts; they offer cards because they realize that while most people intend to pay
the card off every month, few actually do. They make more back on interest than they the
discount they offer to you.

5. Credit Card to Earn Rewards

This is a dangerous game to play. If you are responsible and pay off your balance in full each
month, you may consider having a rewards credit card. You should make sure that you have a
credit card with no annual fee. Additionally it is important to remember that the credit card
offers its rewards, because the company realizes that most people are not going to pay off
their credit cards in full each month. This means that they make more money off the
customers, then rewards they give out.

Fraud Question

What kinds of credit card frauds are more prevalent?

Counterfeit and CNP (card not present) continue to be the two main types. Physical
theft of cards is not such an issue. Since online transactions typically don't require the
card to be presented, the information sitting on the card and other customer
authentication details are sometimes compromised and used for transactions. This is
becoming a big problem. However, India has been pro-active in this regard and has
introduced the two-factor identification system, wherein a customer transacting online
must also have a T-Pin for transactions where the card is not present.

What is being done to prevent such fraud?

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Visa is doing a number of things in partnership with issuers to introduce measures

which can easily prevent such frauds.
Since the prevention of theft is of utmost important, banks are offering customers the
option of opting for alerts whenever there is a transaction.
This measure is immediate in nature and can help the customer know about his or her
transactions in real time.Also, we are increasingly encouraging issuers to opt for chip
cards, which can go a long way in controlling fraud. We would like all banks to issue
chip cards to increase security.

Why is a chip card safer?

It is very difficult to copy, as a unique cryptogram or code is generated for each

transaction. So, even if a card is counterfeited, it will be declined.
In India, banks are selectively issuing chip cards to consumers, depending on their
usage pattern.

What are some of the most effective fraud detection tools that Visa has?

Some very sophisticated ones are in place. Some are rule-based tools, wherein a
customer can define a set of rules for transactions like a spending limit, places of
transactions, etc.If there is a deviation from these, and the transaction won't be
complete. In the USA, neural networks (artificial intelligence) are being deployed to
ensure the authentication sits on the back-end. These networks basically study the
pattern of usage by a customer and any deviation comes up for further verification.
So, a customer gets a call if there is a deviation from his or her set pattern.

What can a customer do to avert card-related frauds?

They should first opt for customer alerts each time there is a transaction. Second
would be dynamic authentication by using chip cards.
Also, they should be careful of hidden cameras in ATMs and should watch for fake
ATM fronts, where your card can be skimmed

Winter Project Report SSCMR 2009-2011


The debit card has emerged from the shadow of its older sibling, the credit card. Over the past
decade, debit card has grown from accounting for 274 million transactions in 1990 to 8.15
billion transactions in 2002, to challenge the credit card as the preferred payment card. As it
stands, the debit card industry is a multi-billion dollar engine that helps drive bank profits and
point-of purchase consumer sales - but is also beginning to redefine traditional payment
options in the business and government sectors, such as food stamps, benefits, and payroll.


Two decades ago, the number of debit cards in circulation was approximately 19 million.
This figure is projected to cross 34.4 million by 2016.

A debit card (also known as a bank card or check card) is a plastic card that provides an
alternative payment method to cash when making purchases. Functionally, it can be called an
electronic check, as the funds are withdrawn directly from either the bank account, or from
the remaining balance on the card. In some cases, the cards are designed exclusively for use
on the Internet, and so there is no physical card.

In many countries the use of debit cards has become so widespread that their volume of use
has overtaken or entirely replaced the check and, in some instances, cash transactions.
Like credit cards, debit cards are used widely for telephone and Internet purchases and, unlike
credit cards, the funds are transferred immediately from the bearer's bank account instead of
having the bearer pay back the money at a later date.

Debit cards may also allow for instant withdrawal of cash, acting as the ATM card for
withdrawing cash and as a check guarantee card. Merchants may also offer cash
back facilities to customers, where a customer can withdraw cash along with their purchase.

Debit cards can also allow for instant withdrawal of cash, acting as the ATM card for
withdrawing cash and as a cheque guarantee card. Merchants can also offer "cash back"/"cash
out" facilities to customers, where a customer can withdraw cash along with their purchase.

Types of Debit Card systems

Winter Project Report SSCMR 2009-2011

 Online Debit Card

 Offline Debit Card
 Electronic Purse Card System
 Prepaid debit cards

Debit card

An example of the front of a typical debit card:

1. Issuing bank logo

2. EMV chip

3. Hologram
Winter Project Report SSCMR 2009-2011

4. Card number

5. Card brand logo

6. Expiration date

7. Cardholder's name

An example of the reverse side of a typical debit card:

1. Magnetic stripe
2. Signature strip

3. Card Security Code

There are currently three ways that debit card transactions are processed: online
debit (also known as PIN debit), offline debit (also known as signature debit) and
the Electronic Purse Card System. It should be noted that one physical card can
include the functions of an online debit card, an offline debit card and an electronic
purse card. Although many debit cards are of the Visa or MasterCard brand, there are
many other types of debit card, each accepted only within a particular country or

Online Debit System

Winter Project Report SSCMR 2009-2011

Online debit cards require electronic authorization of every transaction and the debits
are reflected in the user’s account immediately. The transaction may be additionally
secured with the personal identification number (PIN) authentication system and some
online cards require such authentication for every transaction, essentially becoming
enhanced automatic teller machine (ATM) cards. One difficulty in using online debit
cards is the necessity of an electronic authorization device at the point of sale (POS)
and sometimes also a separate PIN pad to enter the PIN

Offline Debit System

Offline debit cards have the logos of major credit cards (e.g. Visa or MasterCard) or
major debit cards and are used at the point of sale like a credit card (with payer's
signature). This type of debit card may be subject to a daily limit, and/or a maximum
limit equal to the current/checking account balance from which it draws funds.
Transactions conducted with offline debit cards require 2–3 days to be reflected on
users’ account balances.

Electronic Purse Card System

Smart-card-based electronic purse systems in which value is stored on the card chip,
not in an externally recorded account, so that machines accepting the card need no
network connectivity are in use throughout Europe since the mid-1990s.

Prepaid debit cards

Prepaid debit cards, also called reloadable debit cards or reloadable prepaid cards, are
often used for recurring payments. The payer loads funds to the cardholder's card
account. Prepaid debit cards use either the offline debit system or the online debit
system to access these funds. Particularly for companies with a large number of
payment recipients abroad, prepaid debit cards allow the delivery of international
payments without the delays and fees associated with international checks and bank

Working of Debit Card

Winter Project Report SSCMR 2009-2011

The user has to present the card to merchant who will swipe it through the electronic terminal
and enter the amount of purchase. The customers need to sign the transaction slip. Account
will be automatically debited for the amount of the purchase and the transaction can be
verified by entering the PIN. Debit Card can be used to access the Account from over 5,000
Shops, Department Stores, Petrol Pumps and Restaurants and over 235 ATMs in India .It can
also be used at over 4 million Visa Electron merchant locations and equally strong
MasterCard outlets. If Debit Card ever gets lost or stolen, card companies protect from
fraudulent usage at the loss.

It is necessary to have a savings or current account with the debit card issuer; by filling an
application form. The card company then couriers the card across around a week’s time. The
Debit card does have a daily limit which could be somewhere around Rs. 15,000 at ATMs,
and Rs. 10,000 at merchant locations. This again is subject to the balance available in the

Advantages and Disadvantages of Debit Cards

The widespread use of debit and check cards have revealed numerous
advantages and disadvantages to the consumer and retailer alike.

Advantages of debit cards

 A consumer who is not credit worthy and may find it difficult or impossible to obtain
a credit card can more easily obtain a debit card, allowing him/her to make plastic
transactions. For example, legislation often prevents minors from taking out debt,
which includes the use of a credit card, but not online debit card transactions.
 For most transactions, a check card can be used to avoid check writing altogether.
Check cards debit funds from the user's account on the spot, thereby finalizing the
transaction at the time of purchase, and bypassing the requirement to pay a credit card
bill at a later date, or to write an insecure check containing the account holder's
personal information.

Winter Project Report SSCMR 2009-2011

 Like credit cards, debit cards are accepted by merchants with less identification and
scrutiny than personal checks, thereby making transactions quicker and less intrusive.
Unlike personal checks, merchants generally do not believe that a payment via a debit
card may be later dishonored.

 Unlike a credit card, which charges higher fees and interest rates when a cash advance
is obtained, a debit card may be used to obtain cash from an ATM or a PIN-based
transaction at no extra charge, other than a foreign ATM fee.

Disadvantages of debit cards

 Use of a debit card is not usually limited to the existing funds in the account to which
it is linked, most banks allow a certain threshold over the available bank balance
which can cause overdraft fees if the users transaction does not reflect available
 Many banks are now charging over-limit fees or non-sufficient funds fees based upon
pre-authorizations, and even attempted but refused transactions by the merchant
(some of which may be unknown until later discovery by account holder).

 Many merchants mistakenly believe that amounts owed can be "taken" from a
customer's account after a debit card (or number) has been presented, without
agreement as to date, payee name, amount and currency, thus causing penalty fees for
overdrafts, over-the-limit, amounts not available causing further rejections or
overdrafts, and rejected transactions by some banks.

 In some countries debit cards offer lower levels of security protection than credit
cards. Theft of the users PIN using skimming devices can be accomplished much
easier with a PIN input than with a signature-based credit transaction. However, theft
of users' PIN codes using skimming devices can be equally easily accomplished with
a debit transaction PIN input, as with a credit transaction PIN input, and theft using a
signature-based credit transaction is equally easy as theft using a signature-based
debit transaction.

Winter Project Report SSCMR 2009-2011

 In many places, laws protect the consumer from fraud much less than with a credit
card. While the holder of a credit card is legally responsible for only a minimal
amount of a fraudulent transaction made with a credit card, which is often waived by
the bank, the consumer may be held liable for hundreds of dollars, or even the entire
value of fraudulent debit transactions. The consumer also has a shorter time (usually
just two days) to report such fraud to the bank in order to be eligible for such a waiver
with a debit card, whereas with a credit card, this time may be up to 60 days. A thief
who obtains or clones a debit card along with its PIN may be able to clean out the
consumer's bank account, and the consumer will have no recourse

Debit Cards Benefits

Debit Cards offer the following benefits:
 They help people to be disciplined financially, since one cannot splurge with the
limited amount of funds deposited for the card.
 A person with poor credit can obtain a debit card too much trouble.
 Debit cards can be used to make online purchases and payments.
 They provide freedom from carrying cash checks while traveling, herby offering more

Debit Cards: Issuers

The banks issuing debit cards include:

 Bank of America

Winter Project Report SSCMR 2009-2011

 Citibank

 American Express

 Standard Chartered


Debit Cards vs. Credit Cards: Similarities and Differences


 The same financial institutions offer both debit cards and credit cards. Both cards
offer special rewards, such as points and cash back on purchases made through the
 Debit cards and credit cards can be used to make online payments with the help of the
pin number assigned to them.

 They can be used to withdraw money from ATM’s depending on the cash limit
available on these cards.


 In the case of a credit card, the issuer offers credit and overdraft facilities. This facility is
not available with a debit card, which will only debit payments from existing and
available funds within the cardholders account.
 A credit cardholder therefore has a monthly bill to pay in every month that the card is
used. If they don’t pay that bill, high interest charges are applied. A debit card holder is
free from the hassle of paying those bills and from the risk of building up large debts to
credit card companies.

Debit Card Problems can be worse than Credit Card Problems

Winter Project Report SSCMR 2009-2011

When an improper charge appears on the credit card it cannot automatically out the money
and simply need to work with the credit card issuer to have the charge removed from the bill.
When an improper charge occurs with a debit card, however, the funds are automatically
taken from the account and customer is burdened with attempting to get the money back.
Meanwhile, he may experience cash flow problems and the legitimate checks could bounce.

Traveling with your Debit Cards

The reverse side of the debit card will display the names or symbols of the various ATM
systems that will accept the card. Debit card can be used at any ATM in the world as long as
the ATM displays one of the same system names or symbols that is on debit card. When
obtaining funds at an ATM in a foreign country the funds dispersed will be in the currency of
the country going to visit.



Combining the wide acceptability of a credit card and the thoughtful prudence of an ATM
card, the ICICI Bank Debit Card is the most convenient accessory. No more fear of
overspending. No more searching for the nearest ATM. Only more comfort and convenience
in the debit cards provided by ICICI.

Various Products

 The ICICI Bank Private Banking Debit Card

Winter Project Report SSCMR 2009-2011

 The ICICI Bank Gold Debit Card

 The ICICI Bank HPCL Debit Card

 The ICICI Bank Ncash Silver Card

 The ICICI Bank Ncash Debit Card


HDFC BANK Debit Cards give you complete and instant access to the money in accounts
without the risk or hassle of carrying cash.


 Easy Shop International Debit Card

 Easy Shop International Gold Debit Card

 Easy Shop International Business Debit Card

 Easy Shop Woman's Advantage Debit Card

 Kisan card

Winter Project Report SSCMR 2009-2011



About - HDFC Bank Limited, India

The Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited (HDFC) was

amongst the first to receive an 'in-principle' approval from the Reserve Bank
of India (RBI) to set up a bank in the private sector, as part of the RBI's
liberalization of the Indian Banking Industry in 1994. The bank was
incorporated in August 1994 in the name of 'HDFC Bank Limited', with its
registered office in Mumbai, India. HDFC Bank commenced operations as a
Scheduled Commercial Bank in January 1995.

Capital Structure

The Indian Private Equity Fund, Mauritius (IPEF) and Indocean Financial
Holdings Ltd., Mauritius (IFHL) (both funds advised by J P Morgan Partners,
formerly Chase Capital Partners) together hold about 5.5% of the bank's
equity. Roughly 27.5% of the equity is held by FIIs, NRIs/OCBs while the
balance is widely held by about 214,000 shareholders. The shares are listed on
The Stock Exchange, Mumbai and the National Stock Exchange. The bank's
American Depository Shares are listed on the New York Stock Exchange
(NYSE) under the symbol "HDB"

Winter Project Report SSCMR 2009-2011

Managing Director Aditya Puri

Executive Director Paresh Sukhthankar

Executive Director Harish Engineer

Chairman C.M. Vasudev

Assets and Credit Cards Pralay Mondal

About – ICICI Bank Limited,

In 1955, The Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India Limited

(ICICI) was incorporated at the initiative of World Bank, the Government of
India and representatives of Indian industry, with the objective of creating a
development financial institution for providing medium-term and long-term
project financing to Indian businesses. In 1994, ICICI established Banking
Corporation as a banking subsidiary. Formerly known as Industrial Credit and
Investment Corporation of India, ICICI Banking Corporation was later
renamed as 'ICICI Bank Limited'

Capital structure

ICICI Bank is India's second-largest bank with total assets billion (US$ 108.7
billion) at March 31, 2010.

ICICI Bank's equity shares are listed in India on Bombay Stock Exchange and
the National Stock Exchange of India Limited and its American Depositary
Receipts (ADRs) are listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).

Winter Project Report SSCMR 2009-2011


Managing Director and Chanda Kochhar

Chief executive Officer

DeputyManaging Director Sandeep Bakhshi

Executive Director N.S.Kannan


CREDIT CARD: HDFC bank credit cards provide a facility of easy availability of cash and
convenience to the cardholder.



Silver Credit Card

Value plus Credit Card

Health plus Credit Card

Gold Credit Card

Titanium Credit Card



ICICI Bank Credit Cards give you the facility of cash, convenience and a range of benefits,
anywhere in the world. These benefits range from life time free cards, Insurance benefits,
global emergency assistance service, discounts, utility payments, travel discounts and much

Winter Project Report SSCMR 2009-2011


 Premium Cards
 Classic Cards

 Value for Money Cards

 Co Branded Cards

 Affinity Cards

 EMI Card

Who's the banking king? ICICI or HDFC?

Their offices reflect their attitudes. ICICI Bank's headquarters in suburban Mumbai is
a huge, imposing edifice in glass and granite. HDFC Bank's office in central Mumbai
is comparatively smaller and more sedately furnished.The two banks have carried
forward their style statement in their approach to business. ICICI Bank thinks big, is
all for growth and hungry for market share.HDFC Bank is more conservative and
cautious, grows at a measured pace, without taking any undue risks.ICICI Bank began
its retail banking venture in mid-1999. By January 2000, it had moved on to
introducing home loans, car loans, personal loans and credit cards.Realising the need
for a bigger retail deposit base, the bank started building a branch and an ATM
network. The acquisition of Bank of Madura in March 2001 added 263 branches,
many of them in cities where ICICI Bank did not have a presence.The merger of the
erstwhile financial institution ICICI Limited with the bank in April 2002, gave it a
ready-made corporate clientele. The flip side was that ICICI Bank had Rs 10,000
crore (Rs 100 billion) of restructured assets for which it had to make provisions.

On the other hand, HDFC Bank kick started its operations in 1995 with a focus on
corporate banking, targeting the top-end of the market. Reminisces Paresh
Sukthankar, head, credit and market risk, HDFC Bank, "Although the asset yields
may have been lower, we were able to cross-sell products so that the overall returns
were better. We may have grown slower than our peers, but the risks were lower."
Winter Project Report SSCMR 2009-2011

HDFC Bank ventured into retail lending in 1998, a year before ICICI Bank. But in
products like credit cards, it was slow to get off the mark. For instance, its credit cards
were launched only two years ago.

By then ICICI Bank had been present in the credit card business for nearly three
years. According to some industry experts, growth for ICICI Bank may have come at
the cost of quality.

The number tell story

Share of the wallet

Bank Bank

Branches 1725 2016

ATMs 4232 5219

Cities 789 932

Total assets
39.723 108.7

20,666 59,599

Credit cards
2.6 5.14

12 24

3,032 4,843

Winter Project Report SSCMR 2009-2011

ICICI Bank has issued 5.14 million credit cards -- that is more than twice the number of
HDFC Bank's credit card users. However, industry observers point out that ICICI Bank's
effective users for credit cards may not be high.

However, consultants believe that HDFC Bank could have leveraged its parent's customers
far more effectively to cross-sell products and grow faster.
Says a banking consultant, "While HDFC Bank has about two years to get ready for the
future, ICICI Bank probably has three years." Should HDFC Bank and its parent be merged,
it could catapult them to a new league.
But round one of the banking sweepstakes has clearly gone to ICICI Bank.

Calling the customer

Both players targeted the same customer -- the upper-middle class. The marketing
channels used by both, including direct sales agents (DSAs), were the same.

Yet, there was a difference. While ICICI settled for nothing less than film star
Amitabh Bachchan as an ambassador, HDFC Bank chose to rely on the trusted
lineage of its housing finance parent, Housing Development Finance Corporation

"While HDFC was no doubt a great brand, it was a single-product brand. Hence, it
was a challenge to make it work with other products."

In the past two years, the bank has spent less than Rs 100 crore (Rs 1 billion) on
advertising and publicity (In comparison, ICICI has spent Rs 185 crore).

HDFC Bank says that its spends have always focused on other channels such as direct
sales and phone banking rather than mainstream advertising. It made sense to get the
direct communication right rather than focus on the masses. Meeting the customer
face-to-face is important."

Is the brand visible enough? The ICICI brand does have greater visibility, though that
HDFC Bank is well-known even in smaller towns.

Winter Project Report SSCMR 2009-2011


 ICICI Bank and HDFC bank has to improve its brand image, i.e. it
has to position itself in the minds of prospects in a better way in
comparisons to others.

 It should provide better career opportunities for the retention of its

potential advisors.

 People who deal with customers should have complete knowledge

about the different products and their features.

 It should more emphasize in advertising, as it is the most powerful

tool to position ant brand in the mindsets of customers.

 It should provide online training and for those who are in jobs and
want to become advisors ICICI should provide evening training
classes, so that they can join the training after doing there jobs.

Winter Project Report SSCMR 2009-2011


In the last two years, spending pattern through plastic money has changed drastically.
Travelling, dining and jewellery are the top three purchases that Indians make through
credit cards. Two years ago, it was jewellery and apparel purchases that formed the
largest chunk of purchases through plastic money. Fuel accounts for a very small
portion of credit card purchases as these are largely paid through debit cards.

Consumers were not only more open to the possibility of owning a financial card, but were
also more than willing to use their cards to settle dues. The status symbol aspect of owning
and using cards, too, played its part in bringing about such robust growth over the space of a
single year. Debit cards, in particular, proved immensely popular.

According to projections for the 2003-2008 period, the number of financial cards in
circulation will register a compounded annual growth rate of nearly 51 per cent so the
satisfaction of consumers has also increased. There are many ethical issues and
challenges for plastic money issuing banks/companies. Security relating to card
should be first priority for each bank/company.

Consumers are preferring these cards mostly for shopping online E-commerce has
given a better way to use the plastic money. At last it is concluded that plastic money
has a very bright future in the coming years because of the increasing trend of e-

After doing a research and studying the materials available on internet, newspapers,
and journals. I want to conclude that people prefers ICICI Bank more than HDFC

Winter Project Report SSCMR 2009-2011

 Marketing Management (10 Edition), Philip Kotler
 Research Methodology (2nd Edition), C.R. Kothari



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