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Mini Lesson Plan EDU 536 (Based on SIOP Model)

Lesson Plan Title: Communication Games—Creating Opportunities for Verbal Interaction #23
Information Sharing

Name: Dahiana Castellon Date: March 5, 2018 Grade Level: 12th

ELD Objectives: Students in grade 12 will be able to communicate ELA Language Standards for Grade Level:
effectively with peers to achieve a common goal. Students will be able to SL.11-12.3 Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of
listen and follow directions correctly and answer question directed to evidence and rhetoric, assessing the stance, premises, links among ideas,
them. word choice, points of emphasis, and tone used.

ELD Language Objective: Students in grade 12 will be able to use target SL.11-12.6 Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks, demonstrating a
language and sentence structure to communicate with peers. command of formal English when indicated or appropriate.

ELD Content Objective: Students is grade 12 will be able to use

ELA Content Standards for Grade Level:
information obtained to complete tasks and goals.
Demonstrate control of grammar, diction, and paragraph and sentence
structure and an understanding of English usage.
Cog. Taxonomy/DOK Levels
Use effective and interesting language, including:
Level 1: Define, Label, Recognize
a. Informal expressions for effect
Level 2: Categorize, Organize, Construct
b. Standard American English for clarity
Level 3: Contrast, Compare, Explain, Differentiate
c. Technical language for specificity

ELD Standards (2014) that apply:

Plan and deliver a variety of oral presentations and reports on grade-
appropriate topics that express complex and abstract ideas, well
supported by evidence and reasoning, and are delivered by using an
appropriate level of formality and understanding of register.

Materials Key Academic Vocabulary Research Based Learning Strategies (provide

text chapters/reference)
- iPads, Chromebooks, or Laptops Collaborate: Work jointly on an activity,
- Paper and Pencils/Pens especially to produce or create something. - Prior Knowledge (SDAIE)
- Worksheet - Theory Base of Instruction: Provide
Integrate: Combine (one thing) with another so Comprehensive Input, Increase Verbal
that they become a whole. Interaction, Contextualize Language,
Reduce Anxiety, Provide Active
Discourse: Written or spoken communication or Involvement Opportunities
debate. - Hands on Activities (SDAIE)
- 50 Strategies for Teaching English
Present: (Of a person) in a particular place. Language Learners pg. 151

Pre-Assessment: How will you determine prior Motivation Strategy: Real World Connection: How are learning goals
knowledge? relevant to students’ lives?
I will show students DIY and How-To videos from
I will use previously done work and interaction YouTube and online. We will watch them and Students need to know how to describe and
to determine student abilities. determine if the videos gave instruction that communicate effectively in such a way that
was appropriate and helpful. others will understand. This will help students’
lives outside of my classroom in life and other
We will then determine what qualities in courses to come.
language and instruction are helpful when using
such type of language. This will help students
complete the assignment in the mini lesson.
All strategies will be research based and from one of the texts. Please Students: Practice and Application
provide reference for each.
Students will make their own YouTube video using their topic. They will
Teacher: Presentation/ Learning Activities (Strategy Steps) have to each speak and present a part of the How-To or DIY instruction to
demonstrate their ability to explain clearly and effectively.
1. Teacher will present a poorly given instruction based
presentation on YouTube.
2. Students will then contribute to a discussion that will determine
what qualities make an effective DIY or How-To video.
3. I will then break students up into groups that I have pre- Collaborative (engagement with others)
selected, mixing EL students with Non-EL students. Students will collaborate to create their assignment and presentation.
4. Students will be given the task of finding a topic that they’d like
to educate the rest of the class on. Interpretative (comprehension and analysis of written and spoken texts)
5. Students will use worksheets given to write down ideas and note Students must comprehend how to use language and use it appropriately
relevant sources. to be successful in their assignment.
6. Students will collaborate to write a script to teach or inform the
Productive (creation of oral presentations and written texts)
class about their selected topic.
Students will produce an effective presentation to teach and instruct the
7. They will use previously discussed criteria to critique their script.
class on a given topic.
Collaborative (engagement with others)
Students will engage with one another while researching and deciding on
a topic to cover.

Interpretative (comprehension and analysis of written and spoken texts)

Students will critique and determine the best ways to present content and
instruction effectively.

Productive (creation of oral presentations and written texts)

Students will produce and effective script describing how to complete
their desired task.

Review and Assessment: What specific assessment tools are being used? Student Reflection: How will you provide for student reflection on
I will use the students’ video project to assess the effectiveness of the
lesson and activity. I will make sure that all students were able to use Students will be able to see how effective their video is by receiving
effective language and target language. feedback from the class and the teacher when it is presented.

Teacher Reflection Extension:

What do you anticipate to be a problem for specific students? Based on data/evidence, what are the next steps for future lessons?
Provide evidence for your answer.
 ELD Objective: Students may struggle to execute the desired
outcome due to language barriers. Students may also shy away
from task due to language barrier.
Students will have experience creating video presentations/projects. We
 Content Objective: Students may become off task because I will be will be able to use this skill to incorporate into future assignments. If
using a popular and stereotypically distracting platform (YouTube). students do well with using YouTube, I may incorporate it again in future
assignments but if not I may choose to not include it again to avoid

What theory or theorists would most strongly support use of this


Motivation Research Article: Add growth mindset to your reflection.

1. What part of your lesson prompted students to move into a

growth mindset toward learning 2nd language?

2. Why do you think this particular activity/or learning task

prompted a GM?

3. Mention students by name and describe specific demonstrations

of growth for language learning.

4. How will you let students know they have developed more GRIT /
GM in learning a new language?

5. What changes overall have you seen in your class that indicate
that a Growth Mindset has been supported and expanded to this
point in the semester?

6. What did not work that you will change for next lesson:

7. Next steps based on analysis of this lesson:

Attach copy of student work

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