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Closing Lesson: Movie Comparison

• Objectives
o Describe how the elements of the book and movie are alike and different.
o Analyze the effects of and state preferences toward these similarities and differences.
o Hypothesize reasons that movie makers altered characteristics from the book.
• Materials
o Lined paper with a line down the middle (two columns) for initial differences during
movie viewing
o Worksheet —

Plan for Lesson

• Accommodations
o Model-based learning (I do, we do, you do)
o Differences in how many points they need in each box
• Steps
o Fill out Compare and Contrast sheet during movie
o After, fill out the second worksheet analyzing the differences and their importance
o Movie rating out of 5 stars, with stars being a symbol relevant to the book
Thinking Critically about the Movie Adaptation: Effects and Preferences
Element that was changed or kept the same Effect of this decision on the telling of the story Preference: Did this decision increase your
understanding and enjoyment of the story?
Most important


Somewhat important

Not very important

Student Name________________________________________________________ Book Title___________________________________________

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