Lab 3

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Lab 3: Functions

Please make sure to save everything into a directory and zipped. The name of the file is Please read the instruction carefully or else I will email back for a resubmission.


1. In your own words, what is the main idea of Object Orientated Programming?
2. What does the def statement do and what is the purpose?
3. What Module and function lets the user to utilize the Linux Command Line?
4. Recreate program and save it on the directory of the VM.
5. Utilizing the answer for Q3 and write a python program that look the content of


6. Create a menu program of your choosing and save it in your directory with the following:
a. Create a loading menu that makes the user wait for a few seconds before loading up.
b. At least four menu selections (Ex: Buy, Sell, Transfer and Leave)
c. Each menu selection requires:
i. At least one user input
ii. Display back the user’s input
d. Depending on the menu here are some to add into your program: (These are some
i. Store
1. Require displaying the totals and/or tips or any fees.
2. Also require at least a few options like a regular restaurant. (No 1- 5
item menu)
ii. Script
1. Require the script to utilize the Linux Command Line to fulfill the
2. Require making at least a few scripts that do something different from
each other. (Like updater, loading directories or making and looking into
files within Linux)
iii. Tool
1. Utilize a few modes or section to your program (like Calculator, Number
Generator, Currency Conversion or solving Math Algorithms)
iv. Game (This requires more thinking and a separate meeting with me)
1. At least have a few plots and clash of conflicts/interest.
2. Require user inputs
3. Utilize the random generator
4. Make a few obstacles for the player.
e. Also have a professional and functional look to your program like when prompting user
for input to show some sort of requirement for the input or displaying a result display.
7. In your word document please write at least a paragraph or more about your idea of a script you
want to make. (This can be anything from another menu to a basic text game also cannot be the
same as the hands-on)

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