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March for Science – Juneau 2018

Mobile device and Action page
Just press or click to push for policy
W​ith a single click send letters to legislators using ​Vote for Science​, a ​March for Science
❖ Tell the Alaska state government to support improved science standards in

❖ Ask President Trump to prioritize appointment of appropriately trained individuals

into critical Federal government science roles:

❖ Contact US Congress and let them know gun violence research is priority:

F​ind out who represents you in Congress using ​Resistbot​, and then write and deliver a
message to them in under two minutes:
❖ Text the word RESIST to 50409

❖ Or visit the website: ​

C​all and speak with your representatives directly, or leave a message. Ask them to fund climate
science research, to support renewable energy innovation, or simply let them know why you are
a fighter against climate change:
❖ Lisa Murkowski, DC office: ​ (202)-224-6665
❖ Dan Sullivan, DC office: (202)-224-3004
❖ Don Young, DC office: (202) 225-5765

March for Science 


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