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Spinor structures and nonlinear connections in vector

bundles, generalized Lagrange and Finsler spaces

Sergiu I. Vacaru
Institute of Applied Physics, Academy of Sciences, 5 Academy Str., Chisinau-028,
Republic of Moldova
~Received 11 January 1995; accepted for publication 21 June 1995!
It is our purpose here to show that the spinor theory admits generalization for
curved spaces with local anisotropy ~for example, for Finsler, Lagrange, and gen-
eralized Lagrange spaces!. © 1996 American Institute of Physics. @S0022-

The space–times with local anisotropy have generated growing interest in theoretical and
mathematical physics.1– 8 In different models of locally anisotropic space–times one considers
nonlinear and linear connections and metric structures in vector bundles ~isotopic anisotropy! and
tangent bundles ~space–time anisotropy! on locally isotropic space–times @~pseudo!-Riemannian,
Einstein–Cartan, or more general types of curved spaces with torsion and nonmetricity#. It seems
likely that locally anisotropic space–times ~la-spaces! make up a more convenient geometrical
background for developing, in a self-consistent manner, classical and quantum statistical and field
theories in dispersive media with radiational or turbulent and random processes. In this connec-
tion, the formulation of spinor theory on la-spaces presents substantial interest. Questions on
spinors and la-space geometry were considered, for example, in the frame of Finsler bundles on
space–time5 and of the spinor gauge field theory,9 but up to the present, we do not have a rigorous
mathematical definition of spinors on la-spaces.
The aim of this paper is to present a geometric study of the Clifford and spinor structures in
vector and tangent bundles provided with nonlinear and linear connections and metric structures
and to formulate the spinor theory for spaces with the most general anisotropy of metric called
generalized Lagrange spaces1,2,10 GL-spaces.
The geometry of vector bundles, endowed with mutually adapted nonlinear connection, dis-
tinguished connection and metric structures and the geometry of GL-spaces are briefly reviewed in
Sect. II. Distinguished Clifford algebras are introduced in Sec. III. Then, in Sec. IV, we define
Clifford bundles and spinor structures on vector bundles and GL-spaces. Almost complex spinor
structures on GL-spaces are studied in Sec. V. A brief introduction into algebraic and geometric
theory of distinguished spinors in vector bundles and GL-spaces is given in Sec. VI. Finally, the
results presented in the paper are discussed in Sec. VII.


In this section we present for our further considerations the necessary definitions and basic
results on vector bundles and spaces with local anisotropy.1,2,11,12
Let us introduce differentiable bundle spaces: the principal bundle, denoted as P 5~P,p,Gr,M !
where P and M are differentiable manifolds, map p : P→M is a differentiable surjection, and Gr
is the structural group, the vector bundle, v -bundle, denoted as j 5(E,p,M )5(E,p,Gr,M ,F!
where differentiable manifolds E and M are called, respectively, the total ~E5tot j! and base
~M 5bas j! spaces of v -bundle j, map p:E→M is a differentiable surjection, typical fiber F is a
real vector space of dimension m, dim F5m, and as the structural group Gr of bundle j we
consider the group of linear transforms of F, i.e., Gr5GL(m,R!.

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For a base space M of dimension n, bundle j has E a space of dimension n1m. Local
coordinates on j are denoted as u5(u a )5(x i ,y a ), (i51,2,...,n), (a51,2,...,m), where x5(x i )
are considered as local coordinates on M and y a as coordinates on fiber F x . Coordinate transforms
on v -bundle j are defined as

u a 5 ~ x i ,y a ! →u a 8 5 ~ x i 8 ,y a 8 ! , ~1!

where x k 8 5 x k 8 (x k ), rank ( ] x k 8 / ] x k ) 5 n,

y a 8 5M aa 8 ~ x ! y a , i M aa 8 ~ x !i P Gr,

matrices M aa 8 have the property that for a superposition of coordinate transforms

(x i ,y a )→(x i 8 ,y a 8 )→(x i 8 ,y a 8 ),

M aa 9 ~ x 8 ! M aa 8 ~ x ! 5M aa 9 ~ x ! ,M aa 8 ~ x ! 5 d aa 8 .

The concept of nonlinear connection, i.e., N-connection, was introduced in the frame of
Finsler geometry; the definition of N-connection as a global geometric structure was first given in
Ref. 13 ~see related topics in Refs. 14 and 15!. In Refs. 1, 2, 9, and 10 N-connection structures are
studied in detail.
Definition 1: A nonlinear connection in a vector bundle j is a distribution
$ E u →H u E,T u E5H u E ^ V u E % on E defining a global decomposition, as a Whitney sum, into
horizontal, HE, and vertical, VE, subbundles of the tangent bundle TE:

TE5HE ^ VE. ~2!

To a N-connection one associates a covariant derivation

¹ X A5X i H ]Aa
1N ai ~ x, A ! s a J ~3!

on M , where s a are local linear independent sections of (E,p,M ), A5A a s a is a tensor field in E,
and X5X i s i is a vector field on M decomposed on local basis s i .
Differentiable functions N ai from ~3! written as functions on x i and y a , N ai (x, y) are called
coefficients of the N-connection and satisfy these transformation laws under coordinate transforms
~1! and ~2!:

] x i8 ] M aa 8 ~ x ! a
N i 88 a8 a
5M a N i 2 y .
]xi ]xi

Remark 1: Linear connections are particular cases of N-connections, when N ai (x, y) are
parametized as N ai (x, y)5K a bi (x)X i y b ; functions K a bi (x) defined on M are called as Christoffel
In vector bundle j we can introduce a local frame basis adapted to the given N-connection,

X a5
a5 S X i5
dx i 5 ] i 2N i ~ x, y !
]y a ,X a 5
dy a5
. D ~4!

The dual to ~4! basis is defined as

X a 5du a 5 ~ dX i 5 d x i 5dx i , X a 5 d y a 5dy a 1N ai ~ x, y ! dx i ! . ~4a!

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510 Sergiu I. Vacaru: Spinors in locally anisotropic spaces

By using adapted bases ~4! and ~4a! one introduces algebra DT(E) of tensorial distinguished
fields ~d-fields, d-tensors, d-objects! on j, T 5T qs
which is equivalent to the tensorial algebra of
the v -bundle p d :HE ^ VE→E, hereafter briefly denoted as j d . An element tPT pr qs, d-tensor field
of type ( qs ) can be written in local form as

i •••i a 1 •••a r d d ] ]
t5t j1 ••• jp ~ x, y! i 1 ^ ••• ^ i p ^ dx ^ ••• ^ dx ^
j1 jq
a 1 ^ ••• ^ ^ d y b 1 ^ ••• ^ d y b s .
1 q b 1 •••b s dx dx ]y ] y ar

In addition to d-tensors we can introduce d-objects with various group and coordinate trans-
forms adapted to global splitting ~2!. For example, we define linear d-connections in this form.
Definition 2: A linear d-connection on E is a linear connection D on E conserving under
parallelism the global decomposition ~2! into horizontal and vertical sub-bundles of the tangent
bundle TE.
By using decompositions of N-adapted frames ~4! we define components of connection D,
G̃ a bg , as covariant D̃-derivations of X b :

D̃ g X b :5D̃ X g X b 5G̃a bg X a .

Torsion T̃ a bg and curvature R̃ b a g d of connection G̃ a bg can be introduced in standard


T̃ ~ X g ,X b ! 5T̃ a bg X a ,


T̃ a bg 5G̃a bg 2G̃a gb 1 v a bg , ~5!

and, respectively, R̃(X d ,X g ,X b )5R̃ b a g d X a , where

R̃ b a g d 5X d G̃a bg 2X g G̃a b • d 1G̃w bg G̃a w d 2G̃w b d G̃a w g 1G̃a b w v w g d . ~6!

In formulas ~5! and ~6! we have used nonholonomy coefficients w a bg of adapted frames, defined

@ X a ,X b # 5X a X b 2X b X a 5w g ab X g . ~7!

Let us consider v -bundle j 5(E, p, M ) with paracompact base M .

Definition 3: The metric structure G on total space E of vector bundle j is defined as a
second-order covariant, tensor field nondegenerate, and of constant signature.
In the adapted frame metric G on E is expressed as

G5G ab ~ u ! d u a ^ d u b 5g i j ~ x, y ! dx i ^ dx j 1q ab ~ x, y ! d y a ^ d y b . ~8!

Definition 4: Distinguished connection structure D on E is compatible with metric structure G

on E if

D̃ a G g d 50. ~9!

In Lagrange and Finsler geometry the basic geometric constructions are realized on the tan-
gent bundle (TM , t ,M ) In this case, an N-connection, with local coefficients N ij (x k ,y l ) is associ-
ated to a global Whitney sum decomposition:

TTM 5HTM % VTM . ~10!

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Let consider a d-metric g i j (x, y) on M ~fundamental tensor on M ! as a second-order cova-

riant and nondegenerate tensorial d-field on M .
Definition 5 (see Refs. 1, 2, and 10): A pair M n 5(M , g i j (x, y)) is called a generalized
Lagrange space ~GL-space!.
Remark 2: Lagrange spaces L n are a particular case of GL-spaces: when the d-metric on M
can be expressed as

] 2L
g i j ~ x,y ! 5 ,
]yi ]y j

where L:TM →R ~R is the real number field! is a differentiable function, called a Lagrangian on
Remark 3: We obtain a Finsler space (M ,L), also as a particular case, if L5L 2 , where L is
a Finsler metric on M .
For our purposes it is convenient to use Miron’s1,2 almost Hermitian model H 2n (M ,G,J) of a
GL-space, denoted H 2n -space, a correspondingly defined lift of M n 5(M , g i j (x, y)) to TM ,
0 dj
which is almost compatible with complex structure J a b 5 ( 2 d i 0
) on TM , with J•J52I. In the
construction of H -spaces it is a very important fact that the N-connection on TM uniquely
determines the metric structure G on TM , the H 2n -metric,

G ~ u ! 5g i j ~ x,y ! dx i ^ dx j 1g i j ~ x,y ! d y i ^ d y j ~11!

@with components of d-metric g i j (x, y) defined from relations g i j 2N k i g k j 50# being compatible
with the D̃-connection, i.e.,

D̃ a G bg 50, ~12!

and with the almost complex structure, i.e.,

J a b J g d G b d 5G ag and D a J g b 50.

The spinor formalism proposed in this paper will be formulated for v -bundles provided with
an N-connection structure compatible with the corresponding d-connection and metric structures
~8! and satisfying metricity conditions ~9!. We point out that for GL-spaces, H 2n -metric ~11!
satisfying metricity conditions ~12! is uniquely determined by the N-connection; we shall con-
struct Clifford bundles and define spinor structures generated by this nonlinear connection struc-


The typical fiber of v -bundle j d , p d :HE % VE→E is a d-vector space F 5hF % v F , split
into vertical v F and horizontal hF subspaces, with metric G(g, q) induced by v -bundle metric
~8! @or by H 2n -metric ~11! in the case when E5TM #. Clifford algebras ~see, for example, Refs.
16 –18! formulated for d-vector spaces will be called Clifford d-algebras. In this section we shall
consider the main properties of Clifford d-algebras. The proof of theorems will be based on the
technique developed in Ref. 16 correspondingly adapted to the distinguished character of spaces in
Let k be a number field ~for our purposes k5R or k5C, R and C are, respectively, real and
complex number fields! and define F as a d-vector space on k provided with nondegenerate
symmetric quadratic form ~metric! G. Let C be an algebra on k ~not necessarily commutative! and
j:F →C a homomorphism of underlying vector spaces such that j(u) 2 5G(u)•1 ~1 is the unity in
algebra C and d-vector uPF !. We are interested in definition of the pair (C, j) satisfying the next

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512 Sergiu I. Vacaru: Spinors in locally anisotropic spaces

universality conditions. For every k-algebra A and arbitrary homomorphism w:F →A of the un-
derlying d-vector spaces, such that ( w (u)) 2 →G(u)•1, there is a unique homomorphism of alge-
bras c :C→A transforming the diagram

into a commutative one. The algebra solving this problem will be denoted as C~F ,G! @equiva-
lently as C(G) or C~F !# and called as Clifford d-algebra associated with pair ~F , G!.
Theorem 1: The above-presented diagram has a unique solution (C, j) up to isomorphism.
Proof: ~We adapt for d-algebras that of Ref. 16, p. 127.! For a universal problem the unique-
ness is obvious if we prove the existence of solution C(G). To do this we use tensor algebra
L (F ) 5 % L qspr
(F ) 5 % `i50 T i (F ), where T 0 ~F !5k and T i ~F !5F ^ ••• ^ F for i.0. Let I(G) be
the bilateral ideal generated by elements of form e (u)5u ^ u2G(u)•1 where uPF and 1 is the
unity element of algebra L~F !. Every element from I(G) can be written as S i l i e (u i ) m i , where
l i , m i PL~F ! and u i PF . Let C(G)5L~F !/I(G) and define j:F →C(G) as the composition of
monomorphism i:F →L 1~F !,L~F ! and projection p:L~F !→C(G). In this case pair
(C(G), j) is the solution of our problem. From the general properties of tensor algebras the
homomorphism w:F →A can be extended to L~F !, i.e., the diagram

is commutative, where r is a monorphism of algebras. Because ( w (u)) 2 5G(u)•1, then r van-

ishes on ideal I(G) and in this case the necessary homomorphism t is defined. As a consequence
of uniqueness of r, the homomorphism t is unique.
Tensor d-algebra L~F ! can be considered as a Z/2 graded algebra. Really, let us introduce
L ~0!~F !5( `i51 T 2i ~F ! and L ~1!~F !5( `i51 T 2i11 ~F !. Setting I ( a ) (G)5I(G)ùL ~a!~F ! @~a!
5~1!,~2!#, we have I(G)5I (0) (G) % I (1) (G). Define C ( a ) (G) as p~L ~a!~F !!, where
p:L~F !→C(G) is the canonical projection. Then C(G)5C (0) (G) % C (1) (G) and in consequence
we obtain that the Clifford d-algebra is Z/2 graded.
It is obvious that Clifford d-algebra functorially depends on pair ~F , G!. If f :F →F 8 is a
homomorphism of k-vector spaces, such that G 8 ( f (u))5G(u), where G and G 8 are, respectively,
metrics on F and F 8, then f induces an homomorphism of d-algebras

C ~ f ! :C ~ G ! →C ~ G 8 !

with identities C( w • f )5C( w )C( f ) and C(IdF ) 5 IdC(F ) .

If Aa and B b are Z/2-graded d-algebras, then their graded tensorial product Aa ^ B b is
defined as a d-algebra for k-vector d-space A a ^ B b with the graded product induced as
(a ^ b)(c ^ d)5(21) ab ac ^ bd, where bPB b and cPAa~a,b50,1!.
Now we reformulate for d-algebras the Chevalley theorem.19
Theorem 2: The Clifford d-algebra C(hF % v F ,g1q! is naturally isomorphic to
C(g) ^ˆ C(q).
Proof: n:hF →C(g) and n 8 : v F →C(q) be canonical maps and map
m:hF % v F →C(g) ^ˆ C(q) is defined as m(x, y)5n(x) ^ 111 ^ n 8 (y), xPhF , yP v F . We

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Sergiu I. Vacaru: Spinors in locally anisotropic spaces 513

have (m(x, y)) 2 5[(n(x)) 2 1(n 8 (y)) 2 ]•15[g(x)1q(y)]. Taking into account the universality
property of Clifford d-algebras we conclude that m induces the homomorphism

z :C ~ hF % vF ,g % q ! →C ~ hF ,g ! ^ˆ C ~ v F ,q ! .

We also can define a homomorphism

y :C ~ hF , g ! ^ˆ C ~ v F , q ! →C ~ hF % vF , g % q!

by using formula y (x ^ y)5 d (x) d 8 (y), where homomorphisms d and d8 are, respectively, induced
by imbeddings of hF and v F into hF % v F :

d :C ~ hF , g ! →C ~ hF % vF ,g % q ! ,

d 8 :C ~ v F , q ! →C ~ hF % vF ,g % q ! .

Because xPC ( a ) (g) and yPC ( a ) (q), d (x) d 8 (y) 5 ( 2 1) a 8 d 8 (y) d (x).
Superpositions of homomorphisms z and y lead to identities

y z 5IdC ~ hF , g ! ^ˆ C ~v F , q ! ,
z y 5IdC ~ hF , g ! ^ˆ C ~v F , q ! .

Really, d-algebra C(hF %vF ,g1q! is generated by elements of type m(x, y). Calculating

y z ~ m ~ x, y !! 5 y ~ n ~ x ! ^ 111 ^ n 8 ~ y !! 5 d ~ n ~ x !! d ~ n 8 ~ y !! 5m ~ x, 0! 1m ~ 0, y ! 5m ~ x, y ! ,

we prove the first identity in ~13!.

On the other hand, d-algebra C(hF , g) ^ˆ C( v F , q! is generated by elements of type n(x) ^ 1
and 1 ^ n 8 (y). Because ( z y )(n(x) ^ 1)5 c ( d (n(x))5n(x) ^ 1 and ( z y )(1 ^ n 8 (y))
5 c ( d 8 (n(y))51 ^ n 8 (y), we prove the second identity in ~13!.
Following from the above-mentioned properties of homomorphisms z and y we can assert
that the natural isomorphism is explicitly constructed. h
In consequence of theorem 2 we conclude that all operations with Clifford d-algebras can be
reduced to calculations for C(hF , g! and C( v F , q! which are usual Clifford algebras of dimen-
sion 2 n and, respectively, 2 m .16,20
Of special interest is the case when k5R and F is isomorphic to vector space Rp1q,a1b
provided with quadratic form 2x 21 2•••2x 2p 1•••1x 2p1q 2y 21 2•••2y 2a 1•••1y 2a1b . In this case,
the Clifford algebra, denoted as (C p,q , C a,b ), is generated by symbols e (x) (x) (x) (y)
1 , e 2 ,...,e p1q , e 1 ,
e 2 ,...,e a1b satisfying properties (e i ) 521 (1<i<p), (e j ) 521 (1< j<a), (e k ) 51 (p
(y) (y) 2 2 2

11<k<p1q), (e j ) 2 51 (n11<s<a1b), e i e j 52e j e i , i Þ j. Explicit calculations of C p,q

and C a,b are possible by using isomorphisms16,18

C p1n,q1n 'C p,q ^ M 2 ~ R! ^ ••• ^ M 2 ~ R! .C p,q ^ M 2 n ~ R! >M 2 n ~ C p,q ! ,

where M s (A) denotes the ring of quadratic matrices of order s with coefficients in ring A. Here we
write the simplest isomorphisms C 1,0.C, C 0,1.R % R and C 2,05H, where by H is denoted the
body of quaternions. We summarize this calculus as ~as in Ref. 20!

C 0,05R, C 1,05C, C 0,15R % R,

C 2,05H, C 0,25M 2 ~ R! , C 3,05H % H, C 0,35M 2 ~ R! ,

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514 Sergiu I. Vacaru: Spinors in locally anisotropic spaces

C 4,05M 2 ~ H! , C 0,45M 2 ~ H! , C 5,05M 4 ~ C! , C 0,55M 2 ~ H! % M 2 ~ H! ,

C 6,05M 8 ~ R! , C 0,65M 4 ~ H! , C 7,05M 8 ~ R! % M 8 ~ R! , C 0,75M 8 ~ C! ,

C 8,05M 16~ R! , C 0,85M 16~ R! .

One of the most important properties of real algebras C 0,p (C 0,a ) and C p,0(C a,0) is the eightfold
periodicity of p(a).
Now, we emphasize that H 2n -spaces admit locally a structure of Clifford algebra on complex
vector spaces. Really, by using almost Hermitian structure J a b and considering complex space Cn
with nondegenerate quadratic form ( aa51 u z a u 2 , z a PC2 induced locally by metric ~8! ~rewritten in
complex coordinates z a 5x a 1iy a ! we define Clifford algebra where
Č 1 5C ^ RC5C % C or, in consequence, Č n .C n,0 ^ RC'C 0,n ^ RC. Explicit calculations lead to iso-
morphisms Č 2 5C 0,2 ^ RC'M 2 ~R! ^ RC'M 2 ~C!, Č n12 'M 2 (Č n ), C 2p ' M 2 p (C) and Č 2p11
' M 2 p (C) % M 2 p (C), which show that complex Clifford algebras, defined locally for H 2n -spaces,
have periodicity 2 on p.
Considerations presented in the proof of theorem 2 show that map j:F →C~F ! is monomor-
phic, so we can identify space F with its image in C~F , G!. On the other hand, endomorphism
u→2u of space F induces an involution on C~F , G!, denoted as u→ū, if uPC (0) ~F , G!
~uPC (1) ~F , G!!; then u5ū ~respectively, ū52u!.
Definition 6: The set of elements uPC(G) * , where C(G) * denotes the multiplicative group
of invertible elements of C~F , G! satisfying ūF u 21 PF , is called the twisted Clifford d-group,
denoted as Ḡ~F !.
Let r̃ :G̃~F !→GL~F ! be the homomorphism given by u→ r ũ, where r̃ u (w)5ūwu 21 . We
can verify that ker r̃ 5R* is a subgroup in G̃~F !.
Canonical map j:F →C~F ! can be interpreted as the linear map F →C~F !0 satisfying the
universal property of Clifford d-algebras. This leads to a homomorphism of algebras,
C~F !→C~F !t , considered by an anti-involution of C~F ! and denoted as u→ t u. More exactly, if
lPu 1 •••u n PF , then t u 5u n •••u 1 and t ū 5 t¯u 5 ( 2 1) n u n •••u 1 .
Definition 7: The spinor norm of arbitrary uPC~F ! is defined as S(u)5 t ū•uPC~F !.
It is obvious that if u,u 8 ,u 9 PG̃~F !, then S(u,u 8 )5S(u)S(u 8 ) and
S(uu 8 u 9 )5S(u)S(u 8 )S(u 9 ). For u,u 8 PF S(u)52G(u) and S(u, u 8 )5S(u)S(u 8 )5S(u 8 u).
Let us introduce the orthogonal group O(G),GL(G) defined by metric G on F and denote
sets SO(G)5 $ uPO(G), detu u u 51%, Pin(G)5 $ uPG̃~F !, S(u)51% and S pin(G)
5 Pin(G)ùC 0 ~F !. For F >Rn1m we write S pin(n1m). By straightforward calculations ~see
similar considerations in Ref. 16! we can verify the exactness of these sequences:

1→Z/2→ Pin ~ G ! →O~ G ! →1,

1→Z/2→S pin ~ G ! →SO~ G ! →0,

1→Z/2→S pin ~ n1m ! →SO~ n1m ! →1.

We conclude this section by emphasizing that the spinor norm was defined with respect to a
quadratic form induced by a metric in the v -bundle j d ~or by an H 2n -metric in the case of
GL-spaces!. This approach differs from that presented in Refs. 5 and 9.

There are two possibilities for generalizing our spinor constructions defined for d-vector
spaces to the case of vector bundle spaces with the structure of N-connection. The first is to use

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Sergiu I. Vacaru: Spinors in locally anisotropic spaces 515

the extension to the category of vector bundles. The second is to define the Clifford fibration
associated with compatible linear d-connection and metric G on a vector bundle ~or with an
H 2n -metric on GL-space!. Let us consider both variants.

A. Clifford d -module structures in vector bundles

Because functor F →C~F ! is smooth we can extend it to the category of vector bundles of
type j d 5 $ p d :HE % VE→E % . Recall that by F we denote the typical fiber of such bundles. For j d
we obtain a bundle of algebras, denoted as C( j d ), such that C( j d ) u 5C~F u !. Multiplication in
every fiber defines a continuous map C( j d )3C( j d )→C( j d ). If j d is a vector bundle on number
field k, the structure of the C( j d )-module, the d-module, on j d is given by the continuous map
C( j d )x E j d → j d with every fiber F u provided with the structure of the C~F u !-module, correlated
with its k-module structure. Because F ,C~F !, we have a fiber to fiber map F x E j d → j d , induc-
ing on every fiber the map F u x E j d(u) → j d(u) ~R-linear on the first factor and k-linear on the
second one!. Inversely, every such bilinear map defines on j d the structure of the C( j d )-module
by virtue of universal properties of Clifford d-algebras. Equivalently, the above-mentioned bilin-
ear map defines a morphism of v -bundles m: j d →HOM( j d , j d ) @HOM( j d , j d ) denotes the
bundle of homomorphisms# when (m(u)) 2 5G(u) on every point.
Vector bundles j d provided with C( j d )-structure are objects of the category with morphisms
being morphisms of v -bundles, which induce on every point uP j morphisms of C( j d )-modules.
This is a Banach category contained in the category of finite-dimensional d-vector spaces on field
k. We shall not use category formalism in this work, but point to its advantages in further
formulation of new directions of K-theory ~see, for example, an introduction in Ref. 16! concerned
with generalized Lagrange spaces.
Let us denote by H s ( j ,GL n1m ~R!! the s-dimensional cohomology group of the algebraic
sheaf of germs of continuous maps of v -bundle j with group GL n1m ~R! the group of automor-
phisms of Rn1m ~for the language of algebraic topology see, for example, Refs. 16 and 21!. We
shall also use the group SL n1m ~R!5$A,GL n1m ~R!, det A51%. Here we point out that cohomolo-
gies H s (M , Gr! characterize the class of a principal bundle p : P→M on M with structural group
Gr. Taking into account that we deal with bundles distinguished by an N-connection we introduce
into consideration cohomologies H s ( j ,GL n1m ~R!! as distinguished classes ~d-classes! of bundles
j provided with a global N-connection structure.
For a real vector bundle j d on compact base j we can define the orientation on j d as an
element a d PH 1 ( j ,GL n1m ~R!! whose image on map

H 1 ~ j ,SL n1m ~ R!! →H 1 ~ j ,GL n1m ~ R!!

is the d-class of bundle j.

Definition 8: The spinor structure on j d is defined as the element b d PH 1 ( j ,S pin(n1m))
whose image in the composition

H 1 ~ j ,Spin ~ n1m !! →H 1 ~ j ,SO~ n1m !! →H 1 ~ j ,GL n1m ~ R!!

is the d-class of j.
The above definition of spinor structures can be reformulated in terms of principal bundles.
Let j d be a real vector bundle of rank n1m on a compact base j. If there is a principal bundle P d
with structural group SO(n1m) @or S pin(n1m)#, this bundle j d can be provided with orienta-
tion ~or spinor! structure. The bundle P d is associated with element a d PH 1 ~j,SO(n1m)! @or
b d PH 1 ( j ,Spin(n1m)#.
We remark that a real bundle is oriented if and only if its first Stiefel–Whitney d-class

w 1 ~ j d ! PH 1 ~ j ,Z/2! 50,

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516 Sergiu I. Vacaru: Spinors in locally anisotropic spaces

where H 1 ~j/Z/2! is the first group of Chech cohomology with coefficients in Z/2. Considering the
second Stiefel–Whitney class w 2 ( j d )PH 2 ~j,Z/2! it is well known that vector bundle j d admits the
spinor structure if and only if w 2 ( j d )50. Finally, in this subsection, we emphasize that taking into
account that base space j is also a v -bundle, p:E→M , we have to make explicit calculations in
order to express cohomologies H s ( j ,GL n1m ) and H s ~j,SO(n1m)! through cohomologies
H s (M ,GL n ), H s (M ,SO(n)!, which depends on global topological structures of spaces M and j.
For general bundle and base spaces this requires a cumbersome cohomological calculus.

B. Clifford fibration

Another way of defining the spinor structure is to use Clifford fibrations. Consider the prin-
cipal bundle with the structural group Gr being a subgroup of orthogonal group O(G), where G is
a quadratic nondegenerate form @see ~8!# defined on the base ~also being a bundle space! space j
@we deal with H 2n -metric ~11! in the case when the base space is a H 2n -space# and denote it as
P~j, Gr! @P(H 2n , Gr!#. The fibration associated to principal fibration P~j, Gr! @or P(H 2n , Gr!#
with a typical fiber having Clifford algebra C(G) is, by definition, the Clifford fibration PC~j, Gr!
@or PC(H 2n , Gr!#. We can always define a metric on the Clifford fibration if every fiber is
isometric to PC( j , G) ~this result is proved for arbitrary quadratic forms G on pseudo-
Riemannian bases17!. If, additionally, Gr,SO(G) a global section can be defined on PC(G).
Let P ~j, Gr! @or P ~H 2n , Gr!# be the set of principal bundles with differentiable base j ~or
H -space! and structural group Gr. If g:Gr→Gr8 is an homomorphism of Lie groups and

P~j, Gr!,P ~j, Gr! @or P(H 2n , Gr!,P ~H 2n , Gr!# ~for simplicity in this section we shall denote
mentioned bundles and sets of bundles as P, P 8 and, respectively, P , P 8#, we can always con-
struct a principal bundle with the property that there is an homomorphism f : P 8 → P of principal
bundles which can be projected to the identity map of j ~or H 2n ! and corresponds to isomorphism
g:Gr→Gr8. If the inverse statement also holds the bundle P 8 is called as the extention of P
associated to g and f is called the extension homomorphism denoted as g̃.
Now we can define distinguished spinor structures on bundle spaces ~compare with definition
Definition 9: Let PPP ~j,O(G)! @or PPP (H 2n ), O(G)# be a principal bundle. A distin-
guished spinor structure of P, equivalently a ds-structure on j ~or on H 2n ! is an extension P̃ of P
associated to homomorphism h: PinG→O(G) where O(G) is the group of orthogonal rotations,
generated by metric G, in bundle j ~or in H 2n -space!.
So, if P̃ is a spinor structure of the space j ~or H 2n !, then P̃PP ( j , PinG) @or
P̃PP (H 2n , PinG)#.
The definition of spinor structures on varieties was given in Ref. 22. In Refs. 23 and 24 it is
proved that a necessary and sufficient condition for a space time to be orientable is to admit a
global field of orthonormal frames. We mention that spinor structures can be also defined on
varieties modeled on Banach spaces.25 As we have shown in this subsection, similar constructions
are possible for the cases when space time has the structure of a v -bundle with an N-connection
~or an H 2n -space!.
Definition 10: A special distinguished spinor structure, ds-structure, of principal bundle
P5 P~j,SO(G)! @or P5 P(H 2n ,SO(G)!# is a principal bundle P̃5 P̃( j ,S pinG) @or
P̃5 P̃(H 2n ,SpinG)# for which a homomorphism of principal bundles p̃: P̃→ P, projected on the
identity map of j ~or of H 2n ! and corresponding to representation

R:S pinG→SO~ G ! ,

is defined.
In the case when the base space variety is oriented, there is a natural bijection between tangent
spinor structures and special spinor structures with a common base. For special ds-structures we

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Sergiu I. Vacaru: Spinors in locally anisotropic spaces 517

can define, as for any spinor structure, the concepts of spin tensors, spinor connections, and spinor
covariant derivations ~see Sec. VI in this paper! a detailed version will be presented in Ref. 26!.



Almost complex structures are an important characteristic of H 2n -spaces. As we have men-

tioned in Sec. IV, we can rewrite H 2n -metric ~11! in complex form:

G5H ab ~ z, j ! dz a ^ dz b , ~14!


z a 5x a 1iy a , z̄ a 5x a 2iy a , H ab ~ z,z̄ ! 5g ab ~ x,y ! u x5x ~ z,z̄ ! ,

y5y ~ z,z̄ !

and define almost complex spinor structures. For given metric ~14! on H 2n -space there is always
a principal bundle P U with unitary structural group U(n) which allows us to transform H 2n -space
into v -bundle j U ' P U x U(n) R2n . This statement will be proved after we introduce complex spinor
structures on oriented real vector bundles.16
Let us consider momentarily k5C and introduce into consideration @instead of the group
Spin(n)# the group Spin c (n)5Spin(n)x Z/2, U~1! being the factor group of the product
Spin(n)xU(1) with the respect to equivalence

~ y, a ! ; ~ 2y, 2a ! , yPS pin ~ m ! .

This way we define the short exact sequence

1→U~ 1 ! →S pin c ~ n ! → SO~ n ! →1,

where r c (y,a)5 r c (y). If l is a oriented, real, and rank n, g-bundle p :E l →M n , with base M n ,
the complex spinor structure, spin structure, on l is given by the principal bundle P with structural
group Spin c (m) and isomorphism l ' Px S pin c (n) Rn . For such bundles the categorial equivalence
can be defined as

e c :E TC ~ M n ! →E lC ~ M n ! , ~15!

where e c (E c ) 5 PD Spin c (n) E c is the category of trivial complex bundles on M n , E lC (M n ) is the

category of complex v -bundles on M n with action of Clifford bundle C(l), PD S pin c (n) and E c is
the factor space of the bundle product Px M E c with respect to the equivalence
(p, e);( pĝ 21 , ĝe), pP P, ePE c , where ĝPS pin c (n) acts on E by via the imbedding
Spin(n),C o,n and the natural action U~1!,C on complex v -bundle j c , E c 5tot j c , for bundle
p c :E c →M n .
Now we return to the bundle j. A real v -bundle ~not being a spinor bundle! admits a complex
spinor structure if and only if there exists a homomorphism s:U(n)→S pin c (2n) making the

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518 Sergiu I. Vacaru: Spinors in locally anisotropic spaces

commutative. The explicit construction of s for arbitrary g-bundles is given in Refs. 16 and 20.
For H 2n -spaces it is obvious that a diagram similar to ~16! can be defined for the tangent bundle
TM n , which directly points to the possibility of defining the c S pin-structure on H 2n -spaces.
Let l be a complex, rank n, spinor bundle with

t :S pin c ~ n ! x Z/2U~1!→U~ 1 ! ~17!

the homomorphism defined by formula t~l,d!5d2. For P S being the principal bundle with fiber
Spin c (n) we introduce the complex linear bundle L(l c ) 5 P S x S pin c (n) C defined as the factor space
of P S xC on equivalence relation (pt,z);(p,l(t) 21 z), where tPS pin c (n). This linear bundle is
associated to complex spinor structure on l c .
If l c and l c 8 are complex spinor bundles, the Whitney sum l c % l c 8 is naturally provided with
the structure of the complex spinor bundle. This follows from the holomorphism

v c :Spin c ~ n ! 3S pin c ~ n 8 ! →S pin c ~ n1n 8 ! , ~18!

given by formula [( b , z),( b 8 , z 8 )] → [ v ( b , b 8 ), zz 8 ], where v is the homomorphism making

the following diagram commutative;

Here, z,z 8 PU~1!. It is obvious that L(l c % l c 8 ) is isomorphic to L(l c ) ^ L(l c 8 ).

We conclude this section by formulating our main result on complex spinor structures for
H 2n -spaces:
Theorem: Let l c be a complex spinor bundle of rank n and H 2n -space considered as a real
vector bundle l c % l c provided with almost complex structure J a b ; multiplication on i is given by
0 2d j
( di 0
). Then, the diagram below is commutative up to isomorphism

where e c and ẽ c are defined as in ~15!, H is functor E c →E c ^ L(l c ) and E 0,2n n

C (M ) is defined by
functor E C(M )→E C (M ) given as correspondence E →L~C ) ^ E ~which is a categorial
n 0,2n n c n c

equivalence!, L~Cn ! is the exterior algebra on Cn . W is the real bundle l c % l c provided with
complex structure.
Proof: We use composition of homomorphisms

p r s
m :Spin c ~ 2n ! → SO~ n ! → U~ n ! → S pin c ~ 2n ! 5S pin ~ 2n ! x Z/2U~ 1 ! ,

commutative diagram

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Sergiu I. Vacaru: Spinors in locally anisotropic spaces 519

and introduce composition of homomorphisms

D vc
m :Spin c ~ n ! → S pin c ~ n ! 3S pin c ~ n ! → S pin c ~ n ! ,

where D is the diagonal homomorphism and v c is defined as in ~18!. Using homomorphisms ~17!
and ~18! we obtain formula m (t)5 m (t)r(t).
Now we consider bundle Px Spin c (n) S pin c (2n) as the principal S pin c (2n)-bundle, associated
to M % M being the factor space of the product PxS pin c (2n) on the equivalence relation
(p, t, h);( p, m (t) 21 h). In this case the categorial equivalence ~15! can be rewritten as

e c ~ E c ! 5 Px S pin c ~ n ! S pin c ~ 2n ! D S pin c ~ 2n ! E c

and seen as factor space of PxS pin c (2n)x M E c on equivalence relation

(pt, h, e);(p, m (p) h, e) and ( p, h 1 , h 2 , e);(p, h 1 , h 21
2 e) ~projections of elements p and
e coincides on base M !. Every element of e c (E c ) can be represented as PD S pin c (n) E c , i.e., as
factor space of Px M E c on equivalence relation (pt, e);(p, m (t) 21 e), where tPS pin c (n).
On the other hand, the principal S pin c (2n)-bundle associated to complex structure on M % M
is Px Spin c (n) Spin c (2n) and in consequence e c (E c ) can be represented as PD S pin c (n) E c , i.e., as a
factor space PDE c on equivalence relation ( pt, e);(p, m c (t) 21 , e), when tPS pin c (n).
The complex line bundle L(l c ) can be interpreted as the factor space of Px S pin c (n) C on
equivalence relation (pt, d );(p, r(t) 21 d ).
Putting (p, e) ^ (p, d )(p, d e) we introduce morphism

e c ~ E ! 3L ~ l c ! → e c ~ l c !

with properties (pt, e) ^ (pt, d )→(pt, d e)5(p, m c (t) 21 d e), (p, m c (t) 21 e) ^ (p, l(t) 21 e)
→(p, m c (t)r(t) 21 d e) pointing to the fact that we have defined the isomorphism correctly and
that it is an isomorphism on every fiber. h
In this section we present a brief introduction to the theory of d-spinors in v -bundles and
H 2n -spaces. To generate Clifford d-algebra we start with Clifford–Dirac equations written in the

s a ~ u ! s b ~ u ! 1 s b ~ u ! s a ~ u ! 52G ab ~ u ! I, ~19!

where distinguished complex matrices s a (u) are parametrized as

s a~ u ! 5 S s i~ u !
s a~ u !
D ,

s i (u), s a (u) being matrices of dimension N h 3N h (N v 3N v ) N h 52 n/2(N v 52 m/2 for even values
of n(m) and N h 52 (n11)/2(N v 52 (m11)/2) for odd values of n(m).

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520 Sergiu I. Vacaru: Spinors in locally anisotropic spaces

To relate the succeeding constructions with Clifford d-algebra ~see Sec. III! it is convenient to
use frame decomposition of metric ~8! @or ~11!#:
G ab 5l aa ~ u ! l bb ~ u ! g âb̂ ,

where the frame components are distinguished as

l jj ~ u ! 0 g î ĵ 0
l aa ~ u ! 5
, g âb̂ 5 ,
0 l âa ~ u ! 0 g âbˆ

where g î ĵ and g âbˆ are diagonal matrices with g î ĵ 5 g âbˆ 5 61. In general, we can treat indices
â , b̂ ,î, ĵ,â,b̂,... as abstract tensorial indices.18
Introducing matrices s â 5 lˆaa s a ~matrix lˆaa is inverse to l aa ) we rewrite Eqs. ~17! as algebraic

equations for components of constant matrices s an :

s â s b̂ 1 s b̂ s â 52G âb̂ I. ~20!

We consider that matrices s â act on corresponding d-vector space F 5hF % v F . To specify

elements we can introduce abstract spinor indices @locally adapted to bases ~4! and ~5!#:

s â 5 ~ s â ! r g 5 S ~ s î ! j k
~ s â ! b c
DJ ,

where r, g,... refer to spin space S5S (h) % S ( v ) ; j, k and b, c refer, respectively, to spin spaces S (h)
and S ( v ) @S (h) and S ( v ) are associated to h- and, respectively, g-decomposition of bundle j d ~of
H 2n -space!#. Suggesting that algebra generated by s2 is irreducible, it is necessary that
dim S (h) 5N (h) and, respectively, dim S ( v ) 5N ( v ) , where

N ~ h !5 H 2 n/2,
2 ~ n21 ! /2
, n52k11,
and N ~v ! 5 H 2 m/2,
2 ~ m21 ! /2
, m52k11

@the minimal dimension of matrices satisfying Eqs. ~18! is N3N, where N5N (h) 1N ( v ) #.
The Clifford d-algebra is generated by sums of n11 elements of the form
ˆ ˆˆ
A 1 I1B î s î 1C î j s î ˆj 1D î j k s î ˆj kˆ 1••• ~21!

and sums of m11 elements of the form

ˆ ˆ
A 2 I1B â s â 1C âb s âbˆ 1D âb ĉ s âbˆ ĉ 1•••
ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆˆ ˆˆ ˆ ˆ
with antisymmetric coefficients C î j 5 C @ î j # , C âb 5 C @ âb # , D î j k 5 D @ î j k # , D âb ĉ 5 D @ âb ĉ # ,... and ma-
trices s î ˆj 5 s [ î s ĵ] , s âbˆ 5 s [â s bˆ ] , s î ˆj kˆ 5 s [ î s ˆj s kˆ ] ,... . Really, we have 2 n11 coefficients
ˆ ˆˆ ˆ ˆ
(A 1 ,C î j ,D î j k ,...) and 2 m11 coefficients (A 2 ,C âb ,D âb ĉ ,...) of Clifford d-algebra on F .
Let us define finite ~because of a finite number of elements s @ î , ˆj ,...,kˆ # and s @ âbˆ •••ĉ # ! sums:

2 22 ˆ 23 ˆˆ
E ikm
5 d ik d mj 1 ~ s î ! k i ~ s î ! m j 1 ~ s î ˆj ! k i ~ s î j ! m j 1 ~ s î ˆj kˆ ! k i ~ s î j k ! m j 1••• , ~22!
1! 2! 3!

2 22 âbˆ b
23 ˆ
cd 5 d c d d 1
E ab s s 1 s s 1 ~ s âbˆ ĉ ! c a ~ s âb ĉ ! d b 1... . ~23!
a b
~ â ! c ~ ! d
a â b
~ âb ! c ~
ˆ a
1! 2! 3!

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Sergiu I. Vacaru: Spinors in locally anisotropic spaces 521

TABLE I. Symmetry properties of e-objects ~O, S, and A denote corre-

spondingly vanishing, symmetry, and antisymmetry of e-objects!.

n~mod 8! (1)
e lm , e
(1) lm (2)
e lm , e
(2) lm

@m~mod 8!# ( (1) e ab , e )

(1) ab
( (2) e ab , e )
(2) ab

0 S S
1 O S
2 A S
3 A O
4 A A
5 O A
6 S A
7 S O

E-objects ~22! can be factorized as

E ikm
5N ~ h ! ~ 6 ! e km ~ 6 ! e i j , for n52k,

E ikm
52N ~ h ! e km e i j , ~ 2 ! E ikm
50, for n53 ~ mod 4! , ~24!

~1! ~2!
E ikm
50, E ikm
52N ~ h ! e km e i j , for n51 ~ mod 4!

@in a similar manner we can factorize E-objects ~23!, correspondingly, for values m52k,
m53~mod 4! and m51~mod 4!#.
From definition ~21!, factorization ~24!, and antisymmetry of s î ˆj kˆ ... and s âbˆ ĉ... one follows
the symmetry properties of e-objects summarized in Table I ~coordinated with canonical isomor-
phisms of Clifford algebras C p,0 and C 0,p ; see Sec. III in this work and similar considerations for
isotropic spaces in Ref. 18. We omit proofs which in most cases are mechanical but rather tedious.
By straightforward calculations the presented formulas show direct relationships between relations
for Clifford d-algebra ~21!–~25! and symmetric properties of spinor metrics and s-objects on the
corresponding periodicity of dimensions n and m ~see Tables I and II!.
For even values of n(m) we can continue reduction of 6 E- and 6 e -objects. We define new

e lm 5 21 ~ ~ 1 ! e lm 1 ~ 2 ! e lm ! , e lm 5 21 ~ ~ 1 ! e lm 1 ~ 2 ! e lm ! ,

ẽ lm 5 21 ~ ~ 1 ! e lm 2 ~ 2 ! e lm ! , e lm 5 21 ~ ~ 1 ! e lm 2 ~ 2 ! e lm !

TABLE II. e-isomorphisms.

Juggling Canonical
n Spinor metrics of indices isomorphisms

0 e M N 52 e NM , e M 8 N 8 52 e N 8 M 8 z A85 e A8B8z B8, S(h) >S8(h)

~mod 4! e M N 52 e NM , e M 8 N 8 52 e N 8 M 8 z A 5 e AB z B S̃(h) >S̃8(h)
2 e RS 8 , e RS 8 z A85 e A8Bz B, S(h) >S̃8(h)
~mod 4! e R8S, e R8S z A85 e A8Bz B S8(h) >S(h)
2k11 e lm , e lm z l 5 e lm z m , S (h) >S̃ (h)
k50,1, z m 5 e mn z n

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522 Sergiu I. Vacaru: Spinors in locally anisotropic spaces

~by similar formulas we introduce objects e ab , e ab , ẽ ab , ẽ ab on fibers of bundle j d !. For simplicity,

hereafter, in this section, we shall restrict our considerations only to horizontal spinor subspaces
S (h) . Introducing splitting of indices l5L % L 8 , m5M % M 8 , a5A % A 8 ,..., we parametrize the
spinor metrics in this form:

e lm 5 S e LM
D , ẽ lm 5 S 0
0 ẽ
L8M 8 D , for n50 ~ mod 4! ,

e lm 5 S 0
e L8M
D , ẽ lm 5 S 0
e LM 8
D , for n52 ~ mod 4!

~the same formulas holds for e-objects with covariant spinor indices!.
From Table I we conclude that e M N , e M N , ẽ M 8 N 8 , ẽ M 8 N 8 are symmetric ~antisymmetric! for
n50~mod 8! ~n54~mod 8!!, ẽ AB 8 5 e B 8 A , ẽ AB 8 56 e B 8 A for n56~mod 8! and ẽ AB 8
52 e B 8 A , ẽ AB 8 52 e B 8 A for n52~mod 8!.
Let us denote horizontal spinors as z N PS(h) , z N 8 P S8 (h) , z N PS̃(h) ~S̃(h) is dual to S(h) !, z N 8
P S8 (h) ~S̃8(h) is dual to S8(h) !, z l PS (h) , and z l PS̃ (h) ~S̃ (h) is dual to S (h) !. By using e-objects we
can raise and lower indices in both cases of irreduced and reduced spinor spaces @for n52~mod 4!
we can exclude, for example, primed indices, or inversely#. These properties and canonical iso-
morphisms between corresponding spaces are summarized in Table II.
The last subject to be considered in this section is the mutual transformation of d-tensors and
d-spinors on j d ~or on H 2n !. Really s-objects from ~19! or ~20! allow us to obtain, for example,
for n52~mod 4!, from d-tensor B a b a spinor d-tensor ~d-spinor!: B M M 8 NN 8
5 ( s a ) M M 8 ( s 8 3 ) NN 8 B a b . On the other hand, a spinor d-tensor w lm , for example, for n52k11,
can be transformed into d-vector w a 5( s a ) lm w lm . So, by using s-objects
[( s a ) i m ,( s a ) RS ,( s a ) AB ,...] we can transform s-tensors into d-spinors and inversely d-spinors
into d-tensors. We note that d-spinor–d-tensor mutual transformations are compatible to Whitney
sums ~2! @or ~10!# for bundle j d ~or H 2n -space!; i.e., ‘‘horizontal’’ ~‘‘vertical’’! d-tensorial indices
must be transformed into ‘‘horizontal’’ ~‘‘vertical’’! spinor indices and inversely.
We end this section by emphasizing that the next step in the formulation of locally anisotropic
spinor theory should be the development of the spinor differential geometry for 1a-spaces.26 –28


We have investigated the problem of definition of spinors on spaces with local anisotropy. Our
approach is based on the formalism of Clifford d-algebras. We have introduced spinor structures
on la-spaces as Clifford d-module structures on v -bundles. We have also proposed the second
definition, as distinguished spinor structures, by using Clifford fibrations. It has been shown that
H 2n -spaces admit as a proper characteristic the almost complex spinor structure. We have argued
that one of the most important properties of spinors in both v -bundles with compatible nonlinear
connection and metric and in H 2n -spaces is the periodicity 8 on the dimension of the base and on
the dimension of the typical fiber spaces.
It should be noted that in this paper the distinguished Clifford and spinor structures have been
introduced in an algebraic topological manner, and that in our considerations the compatibility of
the d-connection and the metric, adapted to a given N-connection, plays a crucial role. Only
Miron’s approach to modeling on tangent bundles of spaces and media with local anisotropy
admits a rigorous geometric definition of spinors. For models of Finsler and Lagrange spaces with
noncompatible connection and metric structure, the definition of spinors is more sophisticated, if
spinors are introduced locally with respect to the given metric quadratic form, the spinor construc-
tions will not be invariant on parallel transport. We shall introduce corresponding discordance

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Sergiu I. Vacaru: Spinors in locally anisotropic spaces 523

laws and values and define nonstandard spinor structures by using a nonmetrical d-tensor ~see
similar constructions for locally isotropic curved spaces, in general with torsion and nonmetricity,
in Ref. 29!.

I am very indebted to R. Miron and M. Anastasiei for support and making available some of
the results on Lagrange and Finsler geometry and related topics on spinors on Hilbert spaces.

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J. Math. Phys., Vol. 37, No. 1, January 1996


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