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Devotees were coming since the very early morning hours.

View of the village of El Palmar De Troya

Many devotees are dressed in habits and wear large scapulars.
They formed a path in the dirt, marked by foot and knee prints
Statue of the Divine Pastoress at the entrance of the place of apparitions.
One of the few Lentisco Trees over which the Virgin usually appears.
An altar was erected at the site where the first apparition took place.
On the tongue of the seer suddenly appeared a Sacred Host.
No prohibition could stop the devotees from congregating by the altar of
"La Alcaparrosa"
Rosaries and the "Way of the Cross" formed the base of prayers at
the place of apparitions.
Manuel Alonso Corral, Bishop of the Holy Face.
Clemente Dominguez exhibiting his stigmata.
Some of the devotees, obedient to the Archbishop (of Seville), separate from
those by the altar and join the group at the Lentisco Tree where at times the
Virgin appears to Maria Luisa Vila.
The groups of devotees pray under the direction of the apostles.
While suffering from the silence on behalf of the official hierarchy, mystical
phenomena continued to be displayed. (In the photo, Clemente Dominguez in
one of his spectacular ecstasies.)
The water from the well in Palmar works innumerable cures.
Devotees wait in line to receive their provisions of miraculous water.
At times there is a flood of cures attributed to the water from Palmar.
A devotee who holds the keys to the well distributes the miraculous water.
In the center, Escolastico Medina, Apostle of Eastern Andalusia, is a witness
of some of the miraculous events.
While they build the great temple, the place of apparitions has been covered
by a corrugated roof.
Clemente Dominguez shows the wounds in his hands produced by a pointed
object which Padre Pio used to pierce him in an apparition.
An expression of total rapture is common amongst all those in ecstasy.
Antonio Anillos transmits a message from Heaven while in ecstasy.
Clemente Dominguez shed blood for 16 hours without interruption.
The wound in Clemente's side measured 10 centimeters (4 inches).
An impressive reenactment of the Passion which Clemente Dominguez
suffered in El Palmar.
Various scenes of the mystical Communion of Rosario Arenillas
on the 12th of October, 1975.
In El Palmar the sun emitted concrete, colored rays while spinning.
Visitors in the place of apparitions claim frequent strange solar phenomena.
On the 15th of May, 1970 the sun spun on an imaginary axle.
Next to or sometimes within the solar disk a figure of the Virgin appeared.
Bursts of light illuminated the earth while an intense perfume filled the air.
Relic from the blanket on which our Lord Jesus Christ shed His Most Precious Blood.

After I depart--communicated our Lord--, make many relics out of this blanket
and disseminate them all over the Earth. They will cure the sick and also alleviate
those with spiritual maladies.
(Temporary) Emblem of the Order of the Carmelites of the Holy Face
Manuel Alonso Corral, bishop and administrator of the new Carmelites
in the place of apparitions, conversing with one of the authors of the book.
Clemente Dominguez and Joachim Gomez Buron during a
brief rest period at the Nocturnal Adoration in El Palmar.
(Left-right) Father Fulgentius, Archbishop Peter Martin Ngo Dinh Thuc, Father Leander
The x-Vietnamese Archbishop Peter Martin Ngo (Dinh Thuc),
consecrating Clemente Dominguez a bishop.
The consecration of the first bishops.
Various aspects of the episcopal consecration of Fathers Francis Sandler,
Michael Donnelly and Camilo Estevez in the early morning of the New Year.
The Palmarian Bishop Manuel Alonso Corral celebrating Mass.
Bishops Manuel Alonso and Clemente Dominguez
pose for a picture after receiving their new positions.
Louis Moulins the "gypsy" paint artist from the banks of the
River Seine (Paris), now a bishop in El Palmar.
A religious sister from the black race having arrived from Canada.
Written and signed Act by the hand of the X-Vietnamese Archbishop
Peter Martin Ngo Dinh Thuc.


Clemente Dominguez falls into ecstasy during the celebration of his first Mass.
Photograph of Jesus which was recognized and kissed by the Virgin.
Various Palmarian bishops celebrate Mass
simultaneously in the place of apparitions.
Sister Ramonina from the Order of Saint Clare,
now Superior of the female religious order.
The sisters of the Holy Face in the interior of their convent.
Chapel of the Central House of the Carmelites of El Palmar.
Clemente Dominguez, a true patriarch of the new Palmarian Church.

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