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SPE 24367

Waterflooding Heavy Oils

G.E. Smith, Consultant
SPE Member

Copyright 1992, Society of Petroleum Engineers, Inc.

This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE Rocky Mountain Regional Meeting held in Casper. Wyoming, May 18-21, 1992.

This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program CommMee following review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(@. Contents of the paper,
as presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to correction by the author@).The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect
any position of the Society of PetroleumEngineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at SPE meetings are subject to publication review by EditorialComminees of the Society
of Petroleum Engineers. Permissionto copy is restrictedto an abstract of not morethan 300 words. Illustrationsmay not be copied. The abstract shouldcontain conspicuous acknowledgment
of where and by whom the paper is presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O. Box 833836,Richardson, TX 75083-3836 U.S.A. Telex, 730989 SPEDAL.

ABSTRACT in the Uoydminster Region of Alberta. Two in particular

are the Wainwright Field near Wainwright, Alberta and the
Medium/heavy oils are successfully waterflooded in the Wildmere Field west of Uoydminster. Heavy oil water
Uoydminster region of Alberta. Two major areas are floods are different from those in lighter oils due to the
Wainwright and Wildmere. This paper gives an relatively high absolute permeability of the reservoir and
explanation as to how and why those waterfloods work large pore throats with low aspect ratios, the
well and the insights gained from a theory of fractal flow. displacement instability resulting from an adverse
Oil is gradually "wrung" out of the formation while water is mobility ratio, the poor economics and therefore poor
circulated for some pressure support but primarily for gas injection water quality, the weak nature of the rock matrix
saturation control. Injection water is quite dirty and plugs and several other factors. The differences in mechanisms
the formation. Induced fracture networks allow the lead to differences in performance, some of which are
formation to simultaneously filter the input water and unexpected and yield a very effective process in some
dispose of the filtrate, a procedurewhich would otherwise cases.
be quite costly. Differences between fractal flow and
frontal displacement are discussed along with the various FRONTAL DISPLACEMENT
mechanisms of pressure support , gas saturation control,
mixed phase flow, imbibition and emulsification. The theory of waterflooding is quite old in industry terms.
Conclusions are drawn which include expected Buckley & Leverett pioneered the theory and our applied
pressures, errors and special care required in voidage understanding has changed little since their time. In their
calculations. A schematic analogue of the life history of theory, displacement starts with only connate water and
the injection/production interchange and suggestions for oil as incompressible phases. The shock front divides a
well and pattern conversions are also made. In difficult region with only movable oil (being displaced), from one
economic times, optimizing current production by with only movable water. Only oil is produced prior to
altering the pressure gradients in the reservoir can yield a breakthrough and only water after.
good return.
For partially depleted core, the notion of the
displacement of one fluid by another is represented by a
leaky piston (Figure I). The oil bank which builds in front
Heavy oil waterfloods are operated by several companies of the displacing water is viewed as completely saturating
the porous medium up to an immobile (connate) water
saturation, just as in Buckley-Leverett theory.
1References and illustrationsat end of paper
2 Waterflooding Heavy Oils SPE 24367
The "leakage" of the piston is the oil left behind in the into a high viscosity fluid, even in an otherwise empty
swept matrix, in the form of discontinuous ganglia* . It container where the fluids are apparently completely
can also be viewed as injection water which "leaks" homogeneous, the displacing fluid will channel through
through the piston by virtue of a small continuous mobile the resident fluid in a manner identical to the chemical
water saturation within the bank. In the region between dissolution shown. The injected low viscosity fluid will
the oil bank (piston) and the producing well, water and "fracture" the resident fluid in a fractal pattern. In high
oil/gas are continuous phases and all can move, as the mobility ratio displacements, in a Hele-Shaw cell, viscous
piston displaces the current saturations. Oil, water and fingering will also occur in a fractal pattern even in an
gas are produced and oil production (& WOR) is apparently homogeneous medium. In real reservoirs the
relatively constant until the oil bank reaches the presence of both large and small scale heterogeneity will
producer. At bank arrival there is a surge of oil only aggravate the instability and result in even more
production (with little or no water or gas) and then the driving mechanisms for fractal development.
producer breaks to water.
Not all aspects of fractal displacement are bad. The
Continued injection cannot drive residual oil from the sweep, in a displacement sense, can obviously be poor
reservoir because it is tied up in discontinuous ganglia but, as the varying images (Figures 3ad) show, it can
which cannot be re-mobilized at easily achievable also be quite reasonable. Because the fractal channels
pressures. Further recovery awaits a mobilization are a gross form of the doublet mechanism, they are not
mechanism which can be a miscible solvent, a surface themselves subject to residual trapping but rather the
tension reducing surfactant, a thermal front or a residual is oil which is bypassed and unswept. It may still
gaslwater interface which the oil can spread upon, etc. be a continuous phase however. Oil production therefore
continues, often at economic rates, long after
In less ideal displacements in more heterogeneous breakthrough of water. (Compare Figure 4 Oil
media, some pores or layers form continuous parallel Production [%PV] vs. Cumulative effluent [PV] where
flow paths for water and injected water is produced long there is no oil produced after 0.5 PV injection and Figure
before the oil bank arrives. Displacement is none-the-less 5 for a Wainwright preserved core from 3).
frontal and stable; however, the graph of production is
much less abrupt. The continued production of oil is sometimes visualized
as "drag"; the oil being viscously dragged or emulsified
Also, in low rate displacement, capillary imbibition is a and carried by the large volumes of water being
significant process and after early arrival of the displacing circulated in the system. In my view these mechanisms
water (down the smaller pores) oil production continues are not the whole story and other important ones are:
to ultimately yield a very high recovery (see collinsl, p
161). Water invades progressively larger pores and oil Pressure support
retreats to the largest pores, but saturations remain Multi-phase (gasloil) expansion and flow
almost constant with distance. This is a "wringing" Gas/Oil (GOR) control
process or a "sideways displacement". Imbibition
Gravity drainage

There are many unstable processes which occur in

nature and in engineered systems. Figures 3ad from * PRESSURE SUPPORT
show the results of chemical dissolution. The pattern
The most obvious mechanism of (oil) flow enhancement
formed, and shown, is called a "Fractal". A fractal is
defined as a pattern, (2-D or 3-D) which is self-similar at in dendritic or fractal displacement is the external
any level of magnification and from any viewpoint. No provision of energy to the flow process. In frontal
matter how closely you look at it, it looks the same. displacement we view pressure as a connecting-rod
pushing on a piston. In the unstable process the water
The randomness of the dendritic structure is the result of injection is more of a pair of hands surrounding and
local heterogeneities (static or dynamic), at any point, as squeezing the oil out of the pores. Drive energy is
the process proceeds. If a low viscosity fluid is injected provided by an external means. Pressure in the water
phase is supported and is transferred to the oil phase.
Pressure drives both phases independently toward a
* The process of ganglia formation is often visualized as snap-off and pressure sink at the producers.
short circuiting in pore doublets as shown on Figure 2. It is a less
important trapping mechanism in rocks with low aspect ratios @ore
body/pore throat) like Wainwright.
SPE 24367 G.E. Smith 3
The low flood rate in Figure 4 (frontal vel. 0.1 mid) allows GAS (GOR) CONTROL
frontal displacement. Figure 5 shows the continued oil
production in unstable displacement. Figure 5 also Water injection, properly balanced, can be used to
shows the reducing pressure as the permeability to water prevent this continuous gas phase from developing.
increases but oil still keeps flowing at high WOR and When water injection is used in that sense, most of the
chemical slugs don't improve things much (see 3). In drive energy comes from internal gas drive (expansion of
fact, judging from pressure, the chemicals, rather than the gas/oil phase) and water provides the control. The
displacing oil, permanently imped the flow of water while energy is internal, the control is external. If a material
pressure displaces the oil. balance calculation is done on a heavy oil waterflood, as
normally operated, it can be seen that around 75% of the
The disadvantage of the dendritic geometry is that water energy is internal and 25% is from the water injection.
can develop short circuits directly from injection to The attempt in gas saturation control is to keep the gas
production. These could result in the need to circulate saturation small but non-zero. This is difficult especially
large amounts of water at high velocities in order to raise around wells which are pumped-off. There can therefore
the pressure much above that imposed by the producers. be a balancing act between:

An advantage of the dendritic geometry is that oil remains - maximum well productivi, as a pressure sink,
a continuous phase throughout the majority of the - low pressures resulting in large bubbles, possibly
reservoir and continues to be produced, albeit at high blocking pore throats, and
WOR. - developing a continuous dendritic gas phase out
into the reservoir.
Under primary depletion the gas saturation eventually
becomes large enough that gas becomes a continuous The imbibition process in unstable displacements is
phase and moves independently of the oil, at least near much the same as it is in naturally fractured reservoirs.
the producers. If gas is lost from the hydrocarbon phase The invading water is imbibed into the matrix blocks from
the viscosity increases and the phase shrinks. In a the fractures (high water saturation, injection, fingers) and
gas/oil/water system, as gas is lost the pressure must oil flows into the fractures (high oil saturation, production,
decline and as pressure declines so goes the drive fingers).
energy and productivi. In light oils and reservoir rocks
with small pore throats, gas bubbles cannot form and
move in the reservoir. As pore throats become larger
Thickening and slip of the wetting phase at the oil water
(-lOum ) in higher permeability rocks large numbers of
interface result in the squeezing and drag of the
small bubbles (-2um ) can form and move without
hydrocarbon phase to the pressure sinks. In this
blocking throats. Also, as the viscosity of the oil
mechanism the oil and water phases do not move
increases, the ability of the bubbles to separate and drift
independently as visualized in the relative permeability
to the top of the reservoir diminishes (the boyancy is
concept. The oil moves relative to water, which is also
small and the viscous resistance to movement within the
moving in the thin film of the wetting interface.
oil is large). The bubbles that do form in the reservoir can
block small pore throats easier than larger ones and so EMULSIFICATION
tend to do so. This results in a displacement of the flow
from the smaller to the larger pores; from water filled Some of the hydrocarbon becomes suspended in the
ones to oil/gas filled ones. water phase as a result of native surfactant and in-situ
foam formation. This forms a very weak emulsion or
In high permeability viscous oil reservoirs therefore, the micro-emulsion which is effective in transporting oil and
oil and some gas move as a mixture phase which in improving displacement.
expands in bulk as pressure drops. This seems to be a
beneficial phenomenon overall (see 4). If the gas phase GRAVITY EFFECTS
becomes too large, it separates into a continuous phase.
This continuous gas phase originates at the producer and A primary effect of gravity drainage in heavy oil
grows outwards, again dendritically, and drains gas and watetfloods is in film spreading of the oil on the water
energy at a rapid and wasteful rate. phase as a free gas phase forms. Over geologic time,
even discontinuous oil ganglia, trapped in a segregating
gas phase, can drain out leaving a very low residual oil
saturation in the gas zone.
4 Waterflooding Heavy Oils SPE 24367
In general, heavy oil reservoirs are not trapped by pressure (which is between the injection and producing
completely tight caprocks. It is usually the capillary entry pressures). This part of the reservoir sees very small
pressure that prevents further upward migration of the oil. gradients and flow rates.
Thus, gas is not effectively trapped and it long ago
escaped upwards, except for that in solution. Heavy oil Because of generally poor economics, injection water
reservoirs are usually initially saturated at the prevailing quality is not usually very good. The slow "drag" process
reservoir pressure. has large amounts of water being pumped through the
reservoir and, as a conservation effort, most of the
During primary depletion secondary gas caps can form. produced water is recycled back to injection. Gradually
Since the displacement of viscous oil by gas is inefficient, the formation plugs off at the injection points and
high residual oil saturations probably still exist in continued injection results in high pressures and
secondary gas caps unless the film spreading fracturing. When these formations, which are generally
mechanism allows for the almost complete drainage of uncemented or weakly cemented, fail, at high pore
the oil phase sufficiently quickly. It is possible for pressure, a great deal of deformation and fabric damage
secondary gas caps to have very high oil saturations as takes place. Again the process is unstable and shifts at
well as high permeability to gas. the whim of local heterogeneityto yield dendritic zones of
enhanced permeability access to the formation. These
INJECTION INTO GAS too plug off eventually and a highly resistant "skin" forms
between the injection at high pressure and the majority of
When injecting into such a gas cap there is a large the reservoir at a much lower pressure.
specific surface area between the oil and gas phases.
Water entering, squeezes the gas back into solution in THE END IS HERE
the oil. The resulting loss of volume is very much larger
than when gas is simply compressed and, therefore, it is Jumping straight to the ultimate end of the process, a
easy for water to channel through such gas with very large area of skin prevents access by the pressure source
small pressure gradients. The gas goes into solution to the formation and an effective network of dendritic
leaving water in its place, locally at very high saturation, drainage (now water filled) keeps the bulk of the reservoir
again in a dendritic network and possibly occupying the at the low bottom hole producing pressure imposed by
largest (previously gas/oil foam filled) pores. As a result high-volume lift at the producers (Figure 7). The reservoir
of the above, it is not recommended that injection be is all at a low pressure so oil production cannot occur
undertaken within gas cap zones unless it is believed that and injection at reasonable rates cannot raise that
the gas saturation can be completely displaced and the pressure because of the large resistance between the
zone re-pressurized prior to being put on production. water channels and the matrix in general. The low
resistance dendritic drainage adds up to be a fracture like
WATERFLOOD LIFE CYCLE system and linear flow predominates at both injectors
and producers.
The life cycle of a heavy oil waterflood usually begins with
primary depletion. During that time a gas/oil mixture Oil production ceases quite a bi before one gets to this
phase develops and flows to the wells. Pores and layers situation. The point is: that the injection of pore
with large pore throats pass the majority of this low- plugging water and production at low bottom hole
quality hydrocarbon foam. Much of the rest of the pressures results in a gradual drop in average
reservoir plugs up with gas bubbles getting caught in reservoir pressure which cannot be economically
small pore throats. When water injection begins, it prevented.
channels unstably into the foam filled pores, driving the
gas into solution and the oil into smaller pores or less Figure 8 shows an analogue of the system. Initially the
permeable regions. This compounds the normal viscous injection potential is felt at Node (2) [average reservoir
instability that also results in a similar dendritic potential] because the resistance 1 / k is small. If the
encroachment of injected water into the reservoir. short circuit resistance (1/L&, is large (open circuit: no
channel), there is a large gradient between Node (2) [the
The pressures, initially and ideally, would be high in a oil bearing formation] and the producing well and good
radial region surrounding the injectors. Similarly the production. If a channel (short circuit) develops [(I /k),
pressures would be low in a region dominated by the is small] then the producer goes to the injection potential
producers which are producing at conditions and oil production ceases. Even in the absence of a
substantially below the saturation pressure. Figure 6 short circuit, as injection continues the resistance l/b
shows the situation diagramatically. A large portion of
the reservoir is at a pressure close to the saturation becomes larger due to plugging and the resistance 1/16,
SPE 24367 G.E. Smith 5
becomes smaller due to depletion (saturation changes). 7) Continuous careful management and analysis will
Eventually the average reservoir potential is close to that keep these reservoirs producing economically,
at the producers and depletion is complete. for a long period of time.

Gradual pressure depletion means that a primary source NOMENCLATURE

of drive energy remains internal gas expansion and that
production at GOR's exceeding solution, is necessary. It -effective permeability to oil
also means that the use of the Voidage Replacement -resistanceto flow of oil
-effective permeability to water
Voidage = NpBo + Np(Rp-R&Bg + Wp - Wi -resistance to flow of water
-resistanceto flow of water in a short circuit
is not correct (derivation requires pressure=constant) -gas formation volume factor
and in order to calculate voidage or voidage replacement -oil formation volume factor
ratio a full material balance must be done. This is not -initial oil formation volume factor
difficult and it is always correct. In the absence of a gas
zone, the equation which must be used is: -water formation volume factor
-original oil in place
Voidage = N(Boi-Bo) + NpBo + WpB, - Wi - compaction -oil produced
-initial reservoir pressure
-saturation pressure
-injection pressure
Reservoirs such as Wainwright and Wildmere will -well flowing pressure
always have GOR's above solution. -pore volume
-radius - injection/production influence
Pressure must decline in these reservoirs as
there is no economical way to maintain it and -producing Gas/Oil
there may not be any benefit in trying. -solution Gas/Oil
-water produced
Maintaining zero voidage is probably impossible -water injected
(and detrimental) however voidage must be kept
small. Excess injection will either flow to the
aquifer or will drive oil out of the developed field REFERENCES
1 Collins, R.E., FLOW OF FLUIDS through Porous
The voidage equation: Media, Reinhold, New York, 1961.

Voidage = NpBo + Np(Rp-R&Bg + Wp - Wi 2 Daccord G. & Lenormand, Fractal patterns from

chemical dissolution, Nature. 325,Jan 1987.
normally used is alwavs incorrect in these
situations. 3 Hawkins, B.F, Taylor, K., 81 Nasr-El-Din, H.A.,
Since displacement is not frontal, there is much ENHANCED ALKALINE FLOODING:
to be gained just by changing things around APPLICATIONS TO DAVID LLOYDMINSTER AND
(changing injection or producing rates, WAINWRIGHT SPARKY FIELDS, CIM/AOSTRA
exchanging injectors for producers, drilling in-fill Technical Conference, April, 1991, Banff
wells, etc.).
4 Smith, G.E., Fluid Flow and Sand Production in
Changes to line drive (or converting channeled Heavy Oil Reservoirs Under Solution Gas Drive,
injectors to producers) is probably the only SPE Production Engineering, May 1988 pp169-180
reasonable way to negate short circuits. & CHOA Reservoir Handbook, p113, Canadian
Additional producing wells may be required to Heavy Oil Association, 1991
restore productivii and overall injection rates
should drop by the short circuiting volume.
Water Flood Residual Oil Bank Primaw Residual

(Oil becomes discontinuous

by snap olf)

Figure I:Frontal displacement Figure 2: Pore doublet

- 4 k z m m
Figure 3a: 2D pattern grown Figure w: Pattom
radially from a point from the inside cylinder

Figure ?Ic: 2.7 cm3Imin Figure 3d: 40 cm31min

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 25 3
Curnulaih Core Effluent [PI/)

Figure 4: Heavy Oil Flood in Berea o 0.1 mld

100 400
90 350
60 250
X 50 zoo 5
150 g
loo h
10 50
0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Curnulaik Core Effluent (W)
Figure 5: Heavy Oil Flood in Preserved Core
2.3 mld
Figure 7: Pressure zones late in the life of a
Heay~Oil waterflood

Wh ,I, of the dl
(2) bearing formation
Figure 8: Analogue of system

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