The VietNam Forum-11

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CUT i YALE SOUTHEAST ASIA STUDIES Jones C. Scotty Director Conprighe © 1968 by Yale Soutneast Asia stutioe aE Ee PORUH ae ae 198M 0735-5855 senior Editors Oliver W_ Wolters Faceutive Eaitare Huynh Sanh Trdg fessctate Editors: Kevin Bowens Jeromy W.CuS. Thavidsone Gerald C, Mickey, Hue~Taw Ho-Tai» David Hunts David G2 Moers Lucy Nguyén Hong Niiéns Nguyén Thé Anh, Christine P. White fausiness Managers M- Kay Mansfeld tect Couch Representatives Nguydn Mong Gide sn vremow FORM io ubitod taco a yoar by Us Couns ny receive VIERA FORM, pease ne) US7.00 far exc Tene sumcription ratess WSH12.00 a year an the United Seotiay W!SLd.O0 a yoar elembere. Checks or reney orders OF CiBameinm 11 An outline of Vietmamee Dinka Nines ‘ou he resp for Inept Ale Rei 22 ta enti sociale ps vlctmlan Bi Tg ids ep thea lb-Taiex ‘erica in te Vistnameoe annale 0. W, Wolters 92 Six exeayo on Vistnonsoe history ‘Te marvelous enoounter at Blue Crock (rane. of leh ofa BY oof] isha Sanh Mg 150 sec fn cae Nantn Thuyge Phare 173 Nand Kuytin 193 Pees esy 6 Gem pti Agel Sp aoe enone to te Ret 95485 Lous A Maer 214 18 obey Wein an uelges ourrages mur Io Vistna Nuyda 8 A 260 Senior E6ttors Oliver We Wolters Executive Egiter: Hudnh Sanh Théng AN OUTLINE oF VIETNAMESE Dink-Hoa Neuse 1 Background “The language described ere non ois aie speakers sing Vina sPidmply tng Vir ierary apps: tempor Vian) wed tn Aiegoot Kink some 3 ion nbbtants wh ve inthe ta lowands Sri” pi ove one millon vereas Vietnamese. n France, the Usa, Caradon Ausatis ete. The oer ethnic groupe (Chinese CCambovians. tains and the highlander ealled"Montagacds)Kaow ‘Gictamese a can set in thi contacts th the Vietnamese. ‘Sunough Chinese years of Chineae rule, the Vietranese cae under the permanent spell of Grinsse culture, The uppar class learned fw to rea ded ite Chinese characters, even though the splen Vieemmese lumginge sas not the same at aty of the varios Chinese ones. “Chinese versions of Mbeya Dadhsee epee dally 2a Bukhisonigrated to Vietam. ‘They enjayal great triumph there aleng with Chinese Tas, Medical Vietnenns celebrated loth the Baldhist Ulan Festival (or Fes. tiv of the vessels wich save Jost souls frm sages fant the Taoist birthday of ie Jade Hoperor. Ay for Us thin of te three Chinese taxi Confucianism aig ‘he Chinese Tang. dymsty Vietrenest stats, stiiel Oe fucian philesopty both in thelr homeland ent in the case politan Chinese capital of Gunga itsell Tey. pucocd feamimtions in it asl even sexed as buteucrats tn the Ghinese eapire. Cn the ninth cenay, a mre chwvinistle Tg court severely limited the mater of scholars fron "tonen" bo could win higher exazaion degrees.) So ty the Ith century, en the Lf ihmasty beg to rule a nady invpenint Vietnam, the Chins ‘cultural ingeint on Vietnamse Life sas already indelible, Sut wut is really extraonlinary ts thot the satiens dyasties of this post-protectorate Viceras, Letwee OID A.D, and 1555, 4id not diminish Vietran's cultural borrorig. feem China Rather, they increased it, ‘here are sine. chviou> reasons vay they did so. Unttl a few centuries agp, Chim with ts inventions of everything from paper and silk to porce- nin and ginger, was probably the mat sven civten on on our plant, econaically an scientifically, a9 fen ester historians nav realize, Vietnamese. rulers gite sensibly did not vent to deprive themselves of access 1 Ohinese innovations, atx used the cultural bridges nhc haf already been tuile between the bo estes to cont ne ‘The Vietnam Forun 11 2 See ee scat 2 os ee ea, Fo Oe oa en Bh an a” mi meal ne a ae oes ee Ne neil ote od hae CS rier bare arene fi pei ee, ey Das me coer Sete ee iif ‘as ee eee eae ene eee oe Te Wena Pao brag Spe ee ey ae See Sn Sa ml nl ela ae ee Se oe ce saree ce eee eee eee ae ene ee crear ee eee ee es oe ae oe eee : a a ae oeislatoe ee ee eee ea See cee eee the cameniane Pech tration of this Weta cae eg eerie oe ‘Sch ietarlienc acmanied Vito's icy aeept~ ae re Oe ln Bits fe eee reas Sie tore an Vita st tis Chiese "aserain” replat Seer an es oer eae aa Cee een St ee ees ee 26 ‘The Vietnam Forum 11 4 wlsest to cheese a5 their envoys to Ching, not their root camming statesmen or diplomts, tut cel sect acca lished classical poets or longus. This was to prow: to the Otiness thit sere Vietnamese could sorthily anster Ginfucian culture. to. For an Merican parallel, you'd haae’to ‘mine the US. goverment sending. an Anglople ‘rerican writer Like lley ores ar Te S. ict to Landon to sere as anbasolor there, all in order to give the Biglish the flee daa that drican culture was’ correct because ft naa co mich lke theirs, at, sas the carly Waster reaction to the fact that Victran's major tradition) insstuvions, ih a the se yy te buremcrny, the law cale, and even the family, AL” reseabled counterpart. institutions in hina? Not t= risingly, it ves to treat Vietum as a smear eccentric fod stunted extension of China, axl rothirg more. In 1923, Farle ridge, tar te chet ‘of the Far Eastern Divisict of Ue US, Buca of Poreign al Domstic Gamerce, pub- ished a confused, cccasionsly teist tne Oriental Trade Methods, Jin which Tee clained) thie “ines influence is frident in the acre damsemitic institutions. of Aum, Com inching and Teen (the three ragions of Vietran), while one of Gatodia have been sonimtel to a considerable agree by the mee conservative idea of Inia,” therefore the sore "progressive" Vietnamese "exhibit an amoant of Intelligaee ant temcity of parma generally locklng in typical people of southeastern Asia In 1942, Alan Haygiten Beederice published a travel beck about. Viet, entitled Little Quine, wich sisted thatthe Vietnamese fave never pretevad’ cot to ca everything. to. Chima"y even Af one could detect a "native subetmatim of beliefs! Concealed bemath "thick Gunse varnish", Aa in 158, Chao Bittirger published the first political history of Wetnm ever written in English by a meer scholar Tes titlet The Sealer Drag, NOT THE "SMALLER DRAGON" by was premdem Viet aot ever, really, jt a "Lite Ue Chin" or a "amier dragai”? This is ave of the swprene (questions of Hast Asian an Southeast Asian history, a ‘The Vietnam Forua 11 2 Sx is acquired many incrutations of eroticn an prejudice, he simplest answer {0 this question is thet Gum, after Teng its, Vietmese protectorate during, the political toms of Ue 10h century, tried wony tines to reincor— frat Vielwem into its cmpire, and fatlel on every oc Bian The Vietroese will to inlepenlence was (00. strong fo yerit it; and thot vill eprskses could never fame existed witht ome intition, reaching through all facial clasas, right daw to the searingly crustacean pol~ ties SE the bmixoselled villages, Ut there ses a spo Gal Vietnmese collective identity of seme sort. The Viet femeses mation is, £0 put it Dimely, one of the Tongs fenlring acts of faith in burn history. TT fee rom only to meition a few of the moe glories serrots in Viet" struggle to preserve its independence. Jr Nowtbec “MO, rim iovaded Vicewm with an amy of tami of tensombs of snldiers, By cne VAT, the Chinese fimoders baal seized. the Victsumae King's capital nd fal Ligudated the King iteolt, eveataally comerting Vietnam leck into a Ghime olay oc protectorate. In other words, Vietwm still seond culturally “Uninc” fGnagh to the experor of Grins to jusify its resboorption Seo Ching, ae Hf ft were not mach different fro a somséat frteroas oth Chinese province Like Guizhou or Gauge. Stter tenty years, andthe thet yoars between 1407 fend 1427 were’ years of aqpay in Chinese court politics. hich seo increasingly vows! by the question of bow 10 ‘pt out of View. hn Til6, in the wantains of Tech Wa province, a influential” local grandee rom 1B 1di and eighteen of his met trustiocthy frien sere an cath to drive out tle Chinese and restore Vietnomee independence. By December Yor, fighting o brillant gerritla war, 12 LA seceded fn doing “pot thot, The ser wrecked the fiscal balance (f the 15th century Cuncse arpire, Chinese soldiers in Vietnam deserted in droves, od siafits and failed tients had to be sent to replace than. By 1427 the only Ghinese cart figures wie Still favored the contimation of the 28 ‘The Vietnaa Forum 11 vor in Vietnam sere the generals sho had begin it aad the court euurhs, Socistied by Ue Chinese army's withiral, Lt Uf renewed Vietm's wenbership in wo rinese tributary system and founded his oom dyoasty (the LE dyresty, 2 17S). But he and his associates also isswal a megni cent Literary declaration of inepavice, the "Grea Prolae~ {on about the Pacification ‘of, the Qhinese™ ith Ni? cio). The "Creat Proclamtion” secertedy morahlyy, that the customs of the north (Guns) al the saith (Wietrae) were diferent, and that "the great daeain of the Et People” had a civilization of sts con, ‘AC the ed of the Ith century, the whole drama ws, ropental, The LE dymoscy hod become ossified after three aan 9 elf centuries. In 1788, 1b ws rather messily ove own during. Vietrpwse pensant rebellion led by three brothers, lawn to usfraw the tame of their famlet as the Tay-ato brothers, The emperor of China, suo hal recent!) sent armies into Wma and Titet, decided to invade Vitam, ia nana purpose see to restore the Lé djasty hich oo. just ben dismantle, tut his real prpose wes ta regain ‘antrol over Viet and possibly even distaber it. Unfortuately for hia, the Tij-sdhe were aiperb soldiers. Ten te ester missieraries who sere eVevitnesced to ‘Sine of the Tij-als camigns were dprescel by sich things as the speed with hich thelr amy could travel, enks to its moterful ye of pout porters, Ohe of the Taye fn brothars, Naujés Hf, male hiseelf emperor of. Viet, In wary 1785, during’ the lunar New Year's holiday, be aurchal a surprise attade against the Chinese ivlers rear seder Heeoi and won a definitive victory over thn. Ts tine the enperor of Chim decided to itn fram Victron quay. The Vietnamese were not impressed by hs caution, Tere is a stuningly vivid Vietwemese historical chronicle, ‘written. in the. late 1%s, hich reprrices Ue alleged conersations of the real prople of this era sl unsparingly describes the characters of a crosle! cast of Vietrunase historical actors, almet with the artistic poner of a govel by Stenihal. “he authors of this werk (ising 18 obit chdhg chi, or ‘The Chronicle of the Polity of the Imperial 12 Drasty) relate tnt the TBj-sdh emperor ‘jhe Vietnam Forum 1 » ‘after Qsina pulled tac from Viet, tad an inspiration. Hie would now coxqr Guin. This mst quisotic of all Viet faeese rulers thoight he could facilitate such a comps y mbing an allionce with bendits and secret societies side Chins. He sa balding large aks capable of trans frting Vietnamese sar elegiunts across the san to Gamo, then he died, sukenly and premturely, An 1792. HISTORICAL SELF-CONFTDENCE, ALL this sygests that Vietnamese borrowing from Qhina os founded upon, not st. an unstable determination to remain sysrate Troe Chine, but a growing, historical elf-eonfidence, Wace did this self-cenfidere com from? Wo duit som of it Tel existed even ancrg the Hrerve Age Grusstors of te Weta, and fore fer accimalt th the victories of heres lke 12 Igi. Bit the real irony fs that the penetical Confucian tumian vhich hod spec th Vietsam as part of Ohinese classical civilization tured the pronaiorn Vietsomese ujger class into an elite of his tory-oilictad todacrme and biblioghiles, and sas dag, ily strengthened their sense of ving a mission inde poet of Unt of Chinese rulers. isa memes of this last pine, Let ae in tradice 12 Qip Bin (1725-1781). LA Quy Ha would have been fa pnlue in any society. lo is one of the Teth cantry's Sareely gifted philomgters ope historia, and his woxk Se certainly one of Vietim's contributions to werd eivi {aation. LE Quf Din tegen his career at a child prodigy. len be ves a ml infant, he could shape the soe into Hee forms of the Bight Tigran (fram the ancient. Qhipese vere of divination and phitocpty, the Yijing) and then ‘srt cn his fel ond stnly the heavens. Wen he vas four years old, 12 Qu) Blo was) rating ‘ng poctry. When he tas 23, 2 Quf Bin wrote one of his relatively aisar werk, ‘history of medical Viettom wich, altheugh it has probab- 1y st survived to the present intact, became a bok of falnast 40 pages shen itis comertal into wedern romanized Vietrmese, I's a msterplece, Like 12 Qu Bn's other eitings, cee reason being that” it takes wore totalistie fant nore “anthropological” agprosch to history than mat 30 ‘The Vietnam Forum 11 1h century Buropenn historians mang, omalyeing. ach things a6 changes in msie as well 26 charges in politics. Leif Min, ike other Vietwmese Contvcians, “believed in a yowallelign between changes in the hanes (astro tog called "the Hterary forme of eave", or thud ue) font congo io umn Life ne recorded in dsteratuve (ehh veh, the "Literary forme of fame being"). Ohe hal to 1oek for the pattems of a eniveree that ys Seen in piste cal end poytological terme combined: peychottysical term (Gof a sort shich Nester scientists would have despise, Gt least before Einstein an his collengas mule it clear Unt himen beings could noe cbserve reality sathout snflo acing wt they chnerval), Ae a result, LE Qif Bin and other Vietrammar Confuciats tore an ardently coer font fattitale to history. Past written records, ad all the thaan Ihuvicur they recorded, were taaght Co bea im Prtant ac the movaents of Ue stars. Few elites can have he greater assurance Un the Viet emese ‘tnt coe could urlerstand the transcendental prio ciples of humm ethics by rewing and writing. histor hn he exmpilet his cum history of Vietnam in 120, 18 Qu) Bio em Time ans doing whet Gane fet done earl Gr. Rut the stuly of history, lich Chinese classical vals ‘couraged, inevitably directed Vietnamese attention agin fan apn’ tw the wrongs ey Unghie. they. fel suffered fat Chinese hands. Ten the treat-ainied LE Qu fn did fot merely reccant 12 Li's sar aguinst the Chinase empire three centuries earlier; he also. proficcl en inventory fof lost Vietmese tacks and archives, goirg Back U0 1005 Ade, many of sich bed been destroyed or carried ly by Guinase Sivaders. “This was "injustice collecting” on 4 formidable scale, We con samnrize by saying that, Vict tents bokcloving marine had a most ticulowsly pre sent nimory of a lost, or stolen, cultural patriaeny, Thi memory euld be treemmned Titer into 20th century tonal am, THE EXAMINATION SYSTEM The civil service exaintion syst, Maich ext inrtro- cod into Vietram in 1075 A.D., recruited Vietnamese aan ‘The Vietnam Forum 11 a darins or goverment: buremerats, Te ie another gad ox imple, along with method of writing history, of a contrib fier to Vetamece Life, Chinese in originy wich in fact reinforced a see of Vietamoe eas. OF course the ecm [diam tested Vietromese stirents’ hooodge of Gnfucian hileconiy and of Crinese prose pam, and diverted thelr ttenticn ny From the natural scence in China It lf, (hthematice eemintions vere. sometimes stage in ‘edicwal Vietrm, ae in 1505, for an alleged 30,000 partici mts; this didnot alter the general trendy hich worked forint scientifie develoment.) And a Presch witness of Ge of the last of the old exminatin, bold in a narthom own 4a 1505, thought thatthe spectacle of the asonblage Of upper-clas Vietrounse stents arm with writing brush and joper, waiting for the eamimtions to brgin in "ten oe faelve themed sual tents pressing claw together cn [like] a aiitary camp” dae aametiing of the "sobbi~ fits, the silentnese, te congealedess," of "the old Ai te weld, Bit smetines, at in the carly IND, the ex Gminstions tested the seen" opinions cn important potri~ emitters, xh a8 Vietnam's border dispste with Gaia. “The exmination system help to anke teachers the mst figures of authority in Vietumen Tife outside 2 ‘The Vietnam Forum 11 WOMEN AND FAMILY at tut mot least, a vole side of Vietnmese life es tot Siniciznd nearly erough to me the legend of isttle Guim" plausible, Fimily life is one exmple.. Te niece Gonfucian fnily Systen, wich vas brogit to Viet rem with the first Chinese conpest, sas patriarch and patrilineal. Bat contenporary Wester observers fave found pleads in Vietnn's history hich almet orem to moke SE a feminist's poralise. Cortainly pronder Victna, unlike ‘Chine, pratuced extraordinary ‘wane politicians fd writers, Tbe mt portant early Vietnamese rebellion faptins Chinese rule, between 40 ar 43. AD., st led by eo rarrlable wen, Ue Tbe sisters, We’do not koow fac mich about thn as ve would: Like, but they appear to thie een the daughters of an entrences aristocratic. fa fly. The Tbe. sisters tn a eupporcing cast. In 1976, the Wiens Publishing Hae in Hint ablished a bad, FRamle Cammlers in the Tine of the Trig Sisters, vic tried to detify some erty Vietrenese venen military levers of the First century A.D, ‘Athagh the mmory of the Thhg sisters yas to haut ‘the thoughts of the met timid Canfucion clerks on both sides of the frontier for the ext eighteen centuries, xe cammot deny Unt their world Tea became remote by te Jee medioval peril, as Vietumese fauies increasingly conscrated Confucian teachings. Like Chinese families, Vietnamese failies became tesed upon male danimition, ani sinctioned de facto polygmy by means of conubinage. Vierremese families also siensote their srvival by an cestor worship, ty filial piety, by a tan on the inter marriage of patrilineal relatives, ad by marriages in Shick women mrrict cut of their oa fanilies into their Instards', and owed their busend” parents greater formal mourning Gbligations, vm they died, than they owed their or their port, groms' families tad to purchase their brides, in effect thraagh may gifts to the vemm"s par ants, fo old Vietmmece satirical pon socked the plight of the gift-giving bridegraam: ‘me Vietnam Forum 11 33 ne you need one hundred colle of puich Broce, one Inndred joke, and tamtyish stars fron the bea fc atom, You teats, cond Iaomiera bovee fall Lime container made of goldves you tect eighty ‘oomard cyan and “come, oofenty thousand goate and igo, and one fundeed supe of fanour wine, You Dees fer the Beard of the gud of thunder [ato had shaved Fis beard oo that Lightning sould not et fire to cles, std ninety widow bate another inpossibiity, Famcie tats teing believed to Be Alghly prowiecue fant obeys. attachedl.., 16 you cat eatisty these ima, ung mon, 2°11 téptan along behind you. Jini yety oe Inset before 1800, the Vietrmex ‘court placed Linits upon male danimtion shich vere wien in fowl Grina, Such Linkts spared to be a discreet response {w social eectations in Vietnan vich resisted the mst ortiedor (hinese fashions, The greatest of all tratiticral Vietremese lar cofeo-not! the 19th century one alrealy Giseusosd, which soe a copy of Chinese las, but an earlier re—allowed daighters to iaberit fanly property epally (ity sme, Te also insisted that motrinnial property, Instead of being Incorporated into the husband's estate, te managed on a basis of @pality betwen husband and wife, esther of these legal principles hod existed in Ghinese 1a, Toeener, trafitioral Vietsan, unlike hina, produced teilliant and widely Incin fomle weiters, if mot politi- ions, right down to the 160s, Ghe of the very last of te distingulhed joctosses of the traditional order, Tid Higy wo also. the scot. Sntractably Vietnamese in eyo coe suspects the The sisters might have appreciated. She wrote quite freely onl favily about sex, In fact oe ty well be one of the supreme imples in verld Literary history of feminist—of sort—sto rowellod in writing witty pomograpty, using st to pit men in their place. Folite Vietrmese Confirian society pretended to think tha 18 sin Ith was a sonster, and that amst of her powtry was inepuale, But, oddly’ ermphy it vs spc, fecaise everyioiy remnbered it, ard a great deal of it uu ‘The Vietnan Forum 11 Is survived for alasst bo centuries, ‘Altogethor Vietnam, Like Korea a Jepen, vas a creative pwcicijont in 2 universal classical civilization witch fest originated in hina, but was by no mans the sole mse session of the Han Chinese people, Great men Like 12 Dim represented the Wetranesc variant of Asian Neo-Conf- canis at ita very best, ust as Fras represatted the rorthem Barojeen variant of Ue Biropean Renaissance at ses very beste THE FRENCH GOLTATH. ie have seen that the Vietnamese tirelessly played the role of Dnvid in wnt ha to be one of the longest miming Drvid-ani-Goliath confrentations story ira, Hos, then wis France able to seize Vietnam and the rast of Indochina ‘> easily in the 19th century? French colonialism did not Fequire great expenditures of effort. & sere 3500 Preach Soldiers, heg-ridien by the threat of dysentery and cholera, sere able to accupy the three provinces arcurd the city (Saigon in southern Vietram by 1862. And a smell French fopalitionary force of caly 17,000 nen ccoquared the Rel River delta of northern Vietnam in the syring. of 1584 to complete the wrk of colonization, By 1887 Vietnam hal (isoppeared ato the French Indechinese Union, In French Sivochina, a French governor-general, stationed in Het, fvercised’ supreme aichorizy" over "what his compatriots Unuphe vere an Tismsture people” as qutable as children, fa Iikh century French weitere enjoyed describing the Vise remese. Uy Ned David's prowess ‘so uchuracteristically alle! him ard left him atthe mercy of a iment Light weight GoliathFrance no longer being the foremost Kester ie first glance the answer soms sinple enoigh, Frarce as an industrial state, Vietwa wes a preindstrial agrari~ fn Kinglon, and te armies of ary presmdustrial agrarian ‘eng would be no match for 16th century European artsl— ery ond steom-pnece! gunboats. But BS? bankers failed to alter the calms of Wetnanese history a cenry later, aod the simple mer proves surprisingly difficult to sallow sme Vietsam Forum 1 35 ie got closer to tho truth, pechaps, when we recognize tint 15th century Views tas, socially spacing, a howe bafly divided againae itself, The Confucian emperor at BE, wo wore timice exbroidared with dragons ado pro= funded to be the deputy en earth of te natural forces Gf the iniverse, sw aloof fren the Vietremao people al Could not effectively rally tha for sy ttlenal cause. Fant rebellions against the amerar, oF his tae collect fy ere common. Actually, by mom standards, the lane {tome ne the poll tases which the Wetnamese court extract fl from its ponents were not very cnoroa Bit we mst fet think of exploitation purely in tone of the quaatity Of the legal tates, Procolonal Vietnam ws wf an econ fist Tike Gamar Myrdal wnld calle "soe" state. Its tiger class, eepecially its per class. alninistrators, (ie fatally ineine! to the furtherapoe of private family Srtesesta rather thon public nas, apd to disulgence a well in beibe-taing_carrupeion. ‘Tho opium addiction of ‘sme of them, a new factory hardly help. One French eye itness (Lire) oven upisad that atypical, Vietnamese istrict mmgistrate received a milary fan the alperor orth aba Uinee French raves, but augeented it ith the Vietmmee oquvalent of 200 or 3,(0D francs, in gilts and bites, fran the Tickles people he adinistored. In Mistern term, ve could say that the Viet the French compere recbled tie "soft" British polity of Sir Robert Vlpote, before £t me its historically crus transition to the strongir, less corruptible "han political system 6 ‘The Vietnas Forun 11 rulers! building sua, and thas sere quite unike te imtieval European poate sho. tolled witht complaint Gh Grristion cathedrals, In 1865, the Vietramoco court ix den by a coolie resale on” its very. doorstep. The hih oivesd. peasants sho sere serughing to finish te fageror TY Bits grandiose "ten theusas years” ton struck their jobs, forcing. the frightened eaperor to apologize find to issue than better foal and clothes. Apart fram ai Iinistretive corrupeion andthe series” of such labour Comctigtion, there vere other demoralizing hardships lich Slkenat the hold of the elite upon the peasants, ining Fanine wa cholera epidetics sich as tho ones wich killed Innvredo of tsar of Vietemese in IAA) ced again at the enf of Ue IBID, THE COMING OF THE. CHRISTIANS he this point, a foreign religion—CatboLic Christianity hai tapi to replace MibwyenaBaldhism oe the religion Of salvation for mny joor Vietnamese, Wat is strikang, Show Christianity in 19h century Vietnam is. that its Psetration as most formidable in the geographical canter Othe Gofocian cultural and social onery the Bad River tletta in the narth, and not so strong in the Mekong River felta dae sath, a frentier area wathout the sme deeply Toot Gnfuriontsn, Ne still dont understand all Ue fencers for this, But we can hardly avoid noticing that the Rad River delta ses were population jressure was mast feute in Viet sed where formland tes searcest. Th the mre recently vcccupied uth, land was still plentiful fn Living cenit ion a tit easier, Perhope same Five per~| ent of the total fopulation—or over half a silhion Viet Inamese—tiat borane Catholics by the tine te French colony es established. Trench civoniclers are virtually wrninoxs in tee opinion iat it wes the poor he vere becoming CathoLics in the argest mnbers, Ae Allert de Powourville wrote in, 163, the mpority of Wietramese Catholics vere to be found "ame, tie toys, the conks, nd lower gain then Unit, and amg tie Floating au questionable population of the marketplaces of the big toms", That, of caurso, 16s a distalnful and ‘the Vietnam Forum 11 a7 eejisiced vey of putting 1¢, ant there vere sony reson Jor the lonliness of Ith contary Gwistlane. Fresch ot Vietronese priests paid poor people for alloving themezlves to te toptizal; a the pecanotion of Christians by the Vietramise court, between 1K and 1862, Delpad to paperize Vietsomse Cattolies 1f they were sot alreaiy poor by com felling, then to tribe buremerats not to arrest ta. Yet [eatill seems clear that the division beswa socal class in Wletrese 1ife fod, to an unprecedented deyree, ‘meow a religioss division as well in Ue 1508. “This teHgious divisien worl as French military fn Vielres increased. Before the French arrived, Ghtholies and non Ostholics ha often cozxistal reasonably tell with each other, cfen within che sme village. Even fiw itis not beard of, Sn noxther Vietnam, for one Village te fave both Owistion and oonChristion temlets. [Ne times the Vietramese ugpar class fea ewe offered assist farce, tot eamity, to Nleweder de Res, the brilliant Graule nissioary wi 50 ilefatigably daticotod himalé ib the Ghristlantzation of Viet 4n the 16006, al voce great. dictionary of the Wietmmese langage (plished tiene in 1651) aide hin the first califier of the remniz~ Gi Vietrmese script, One of Aleanier's first Vietemese Converts hal been a princess, called Catarine by the Jes ts. who put the story of the life of Jesus into Vieenamese veroe, Uheil Biroyes colonialism gave Catholics @ prvi egal golitieal position, and an ettire system of alien iudurioral standards to imitate, ceir religion esl not estranged than so much from traditional Wetremaxe culture. Ope anti-Catholic French weiter wrote approvingly if com dkscentinely in 1850 Unt "the saul of an Amanite, ford ty 4000 years amd 100 generations, would noth bow to atuiatlate with the acts of faith, the scruples, the fenthusiamns, the repagmanes of the Christian souls” and fee told his redere afout "Mrmnited” he fad xct_ sho bad taken a rather leisurely approach to their om hoptisre, Ppotyning, ten uncil after their Gk birthdays so they (Could first mie their thankful sacrifices co the village {eitfes for having allowed than to attain tht ages ‘lt with the atrival of French paloats off the Vict~ 8 ‘The Vietnam Forum 11 reese const, ant there by Kegoleon TTT as part of an alleged Cristian "crue", nor-Christion Vietramese begat to reyird their Oitholic neighbors at Ue Fifth columises of a foreign eneny. Aa anti-Christian text called "be Secret hronicles of Jems of the Wet" (14) thy Gin 1B Df tye), written between 1794 and 1812 by coveral. former Vietrantee’pricets, vernal rather confuselly thet 1t sae trengn for the Vietwamoe Catholic clergy to let thamselves tes Menfnffed as vassals" by foreign ruler, acai the Pope. By Ue ex of the J5Ms, the final French takeover of Vietnam was eccomponie by a terrifying civil ar, unl ‘ny other in Southenst Asia. In this civil var the’ provin- ial scholar clags adopted the slogan, "Pacify the. Pench fon! Kill all hetero Vietramasd" (fib Bay sie) ane Slaugitered Catholic villagers, The slaphter sas cnly te lace ant bitterest landaark in the Hi mnarchy's com tury-lorg Inability to unify and orgie Vietnmese: socety ell encigh to keep the French at by. RIPE FOR REVOLUTION So meh for the French congest of Vietnam, betien 1609 said 1885, Let ve me turn to the question of vat ceabled Vietrmmse revolutionaries 9 recover, from this (Cangust ant eventually arma tnt Bign Bid Ph in 1956, Firat of all, tie French colonial regine mgnified the sisfortines of Vietrummae paasnts, mking a seial tevoli- tien ssn more desirable, both for’ thawelves and for Viet- famese intellecunls vi could campare these misfortunes vith Life in other societies real axl imped, Tore are may examples of the colonial govermment’s abuse of the oor. One very Faron male of exploitation involved gover Int wnopolies covering the sale of opius, wine, on salt. the the midile of te 1b, thar mecopolies supplied ‘up to %0 percent of all the taxes tho colotial reyime cal~ ected, Precalonial Vietnmose peas tual boon free to brew rice wine ae they plas. Soidenly they hee! to obtain fsoennmit’ permits to wake wine, after ich they bad to fll tee wine they mde to the goverment, which sold it tack to thm through Licensed French retailers at 0 profit. Rants aio ade and conan Cher oan wine iTegally ‘The Vietnam Forum 11 ” sere pinished, This wae a sort of incipient state capitatian free not upon outside inestaent and technical. malerizae fon, but un an extraocdimary restriction of the Fresson (Grolderet to be little wore than animals. They were often fe called peasants, indeed, but "Ttlthy Amanites” or Stages! (a git derived tron te Victumese tom for Ncotrysite, nb ud). "he Froth reprici ir vorlside oiton of colnios fo kind of culture-defying global clearlagiouse of lama fabor. Greumtly, they shppal thoes of peasnts fron the crerpoqulated Vietnamese north either to big rubber Platatins in scathem Vietnaa, or to the chrae, nickel, Gl phosgute wines and cotton farms of their tuo colenies {in the South Pacific, Nov Caledonia and the New Hebrides. [Ne one tine French contractors could buy nothern Vietnamese feasts at 25 franca a heed an resell than to plantation fant mine owners in the South Pacific for 125 franes each. Wiotever the destination, this) traffic. in ccolies ment mas. penal servitide for’ the aaj, ani for others, death fro disease, mlautrition or iLi-trestment. Within Wieenm, French colonialism facilitated popula tion growth, thanks to 1t9 tnpaciticn of mere thorough, Sf oppressive, rural peace, an to the Limited introduction fof aodem tropical maieine. Colonlabisn ala accolerated Ue growth of @ profitable, if tecinically aiventuross luntlordian. Che French writer fas arial that this fatal Combination of population gro and a lonlon-darinated ‘oneny wich exported 3ts ree surpluses, led to mast ble decline inthe per capita amant ‘of rice consumed fn the colony between 1900 aad 1557. Actuntly, my Viet rameos eventuslly became too poor to eal mh rice at all. Tn 1937, one fancus Vietnmece jouallst sugested that por Vietzeme ould be divided into threo catagories: Frople vinse meals included bran ane a few vegetables (Tike the dicts of the pige of rich laniaaers); paople vio Lived 40 ‘The Vietnam Forum 11 on bron ce eter (ike the diets of the pigs of poorer Broparty-omners); nd people ho could not afford to. tay any bran, tut nourished thawelves by taxing samples of tran in heir Tocal mets file pretenting to” bargain with the bran sellers. The general” poverty and sylor of the Viet camteynide, epecinlly in the north, hast become so pestilential that wen the young toether= bom novelist Tedt Linh mie hie first visit’ to. France in 1927 he thaght that, ccmpared to their Viet can terparts, all French farm wien Jerk oo gleoningly clean ani healthy that thoy remidod him of beautiful pros utes, Linh weote of his 1927 ‘trip to France ‘iat "the farther de ship got fram Vietsan ant the closer 1¢ got to Frame, ve (ste ere ic I still sergied about’ the Line wien I sas going retum fre!" Nat Linh leared. from cee voyage that the cenmny, therefore, wat ot So mah o specific matienal people ‘wth timeless and inpenctrable characteristics, tt pee Liar political arrangement. based upon differences in ttmo- leggy. This ws a Liberating, discovery. Nic even the mt giftal and highly qualified Vietsmese ‘the Vietnam Forum 11 4a vee ever allned to bold a high pasition in the GElental absinistration, This ves protmbly the mst por nt, and scot subversive, colenial dexble standard, A very fer Vietrume Layers or scientists with degrees From the test French universities aight retum t Ueir melon! only to fad theaselves functioning as urlerlings to Frexch en si vere less educate! Ia ald mch sore, Not surpeisingly, anticolonal setinents began to germinate Sh the ainds of middle scoot stunts and goverimet. clerks 5 well as in thoee of mal outa. As an other Nesters colonies ‘in Southeast Asia, there vas one maler sector Gf the colonial establisteent. Wo shich Asian plocckers ould gain meaningful acces, Tat ws the ruiley’ service. ‘he Preah, Like the British in Malays, wrapped tharelves fn the fiction Unt all. sbitas telenged to a predestined agper class, They feared that this Fiction wuld be gravely S> ey let Vietromese do it. (In Malaya, the British de Lberately discourmel the Tower class Miglisheen bo ai rotel tere to drive rathay locamtives. They vere qulcly ‘yy Asian ant Burasian tenia drivers imported from Ilia.) ‘BIE econemic nuimtion and racial discrimination were still mot errigh to create the mny-cided ministries of resistance wich lamched the Vietmpese rewlution, One Of the grest vdrtuns of French colonialism, its ineroduction fof Frach literary culture to Sauthesst’ Asia, soon mode Victmamie dotellectuals umuietly are of the septician ‘of Voltaire, the irony of Amtole France, an the poplin ‘f Russa, all of which veakenod their tolerance of colo- Tialian its0lf, Ala, the Vietwmese people, ad especially the Vietnamese intelligentsia, never forget that they vere tie beirs of an ancient mation, Unliko the Ditch Base "ie dies, shich fd been coments! of mailer Kinglams whose forvines vere in constant Hux, ani vhore the ration of fan Inknestan sation hel to be virtually irwented, French Filed Viet merely Ind to brisg up t date its strong recolonial senae of itsslf aa a coherent historical polity. By the tine of World fir T, yopular Vietnamese press 42 ‘The Vietnam Forwn 11 hos appeared, ving romniznd Vietrmese. Tes jpuralists tote articles and bodes which talked abut Wetman herole est. For instanee, tho great Jpurralist Phan Rin po ished one take in 1909) (ioe hi df nh, "Btraordinary ople of the Soh Saas) which presented vivid biegrapies of inportant mie Vietnmeee perars, slers,_ and Seiters, He pblished omother tock in 1913 (Itty Ago tity, "Ihe Groot Ring tho. Prince") which decribed in Colloquial laginge the career of the Vietnmse general fo ft defepted Hublat Ken's Mogol armies. in 125 A.D, Pon HE Bloh's friends “copurel his boxks to the clforts made by sciters in Reralsmnce France to tranlate atin tales of ‘mefievel heroes into colloquial French ot teir comparison sist Is tht Vievwmese jourelists of the early 2th cary quite selfeaeciosly dev a Povallel between their efforts al the creation of mae Ition-states Like France teclf’ in early apie Birop, ‘at they could 29 reattly drav aah a parallel, and could so easly tse the history of France an an antote to French Siratice In Vietran, based iT for the peace of the colony. ‘THE ROOTS OF RESISTANCE Hun ao, orginizal resistance to French dination, ‘expecially of the sort relying upon revolutionary political fauties, es very difficult at first. The very notion of Political parties was alien. The term in the Vietnamese Tinyinge sich cae to be toed to men a political party (Gh) originally meant “faction” of "eligi and fad a Soreughly: bod odor stout it. Furthemoxe, the colonial police arrested any political party. lento vio did. not eem utterly tam, Tho rmaber of Vietrmmese inpriscned Sn colonial pile (above the district level) for political easns sos Tiniaally about 9,000 to 11,000 in the early 190s, If tha does tot som Like very my, key in ald nt the aumier of Russians oho vere detained ard inter rogated for political offenses in Rassia during the reign of'tear Alesinler TH (I5SI-15%), a tine of severe repre Sien in that coutry, 15 about’ 4,000 poople: and Russia Of the E80 fi a mich eore nuwezous Gusta population then Vietnam in the 100s. ‘the Vietnaa Forum 1 4 In 1907, bonever, against such difficulties, some pati tie Vietsemeoe format a Nationalist party. Te sas, in Gifect, a. Vietnamese version of the Ghiese Kunmintars, hich he ust remified Chim by force of ams. In Retna) 4) wnt political calm reminal in Freoch Todhina ves Gottered forever wien the Vietnamse Wationalist party iovely foented an arued uprising against France in the fmanain tom of Yen Bit mxtinest of Yori. Vietronee filitiaien at Yan BSi mutinded, aided by NocionList party finbers disguise! as vegetable peldlera sho heel infiltrated de tom amed sith homomde bs. The uprising itself fae hopeless. Bit the French Aid ot dare arrest all N= Comlise party smpathivers, sho includ atleast ove Weenrese provincial. governar with great prestige aming ighlan! winocities, The Trech id Gry to ame face by ining the reninal Iealers of the Yen Bai revol FE dion tie mest prominent woe a young man ced Kguyét ‘hii Hie. . efore the French killed hi, Nasa Thi the wrote ‘a letter to the deputies of the Prench Nations) Assenbly. ‘Tey never caw tee letter, The Inlochion colonial. goverment fagpressal ity but one Fech reporter mommged tb oe the eriginl docment, vhich, according to him rend in yar ‘Snty youre ay native land ae becn enslaved By Ghe Franch, 1 two therefore the eight and tho ay fo tend my comtry and ey brothers... in 1927, T onpinised the dananite Sitionalist pasty, soot {Tet cn to fooning on Aananite republican goverment ity, withose being amojed by any revolutionary fowment, they mort abavon sl brutal” a inhman (ethos... and give edocation to the. oople, a ‘ovolep native industry ant comarce, Please accel fof xeapect, Your eran, Uhe revolutionary: Thai pe. 44 The Vietnam Forum 11 uO CHT MINH AND THE COMMUNISTS The French repression of meh of te Vietrmmese Rater fst purty in 10D gwe the Vietromeso Cammists their chance. Briefly, the Tica Cammmist. prt oe formed in Ye British colcay of Hong Keng in 1990, under the direc ‘en of ene of the, 2h caibuy's wnst tema politi clans: the sa oon test by his psukay 1 nt Mish (190-1989). 18 sess the yourgest aon of =) inpoverishes Gonficion literate, He left Vietnam in 1911, became a Gammnist in France ty 192) (as the result of his adniration fof Lenin's call for’ a crusie against colanalisn),, and 44d not return to his country neil 1941. Te tells us sam thing about his perspleacity Unt be cauld Live in exile for thirty years, in Baro, Chin, the USR, ant Siam, eed still understand the conditions in View 20 sell tint be could ultiately ake @ sucessful revolution there. “Joan unwittingly gave 16 enormous help. by invading Vietrem in 194-1961 (pss after the French defeat by Hitler ‘in Butepe), a part of ite military puch into. Southeast Aeia, The Fremh colonial ppwerumat's inability to keep We dope out of Weir calany destroyed almast overnight tie mth of French fawvincibility shich led persue! mat Vietramese to acqiese soperficially in the face of French rule, Moreover, during World Wor Tl, the American govern- eat, aml more gucifically the US. Office of ‘Strategic Services (GS), decided that it vantod 18 Oxi Minh to help rerue Allied fliers and prisoners of sar ip Jypanese-oc~ pied Tndechina. For by the end of 19, Hf and his asso Cintes fad created a guerrilla amy inside Viet, led by.a nationalist coalition they called the Vige Minh (Behe shich, of couse, as the Indochina Camaist party). To te Mrerican intelligence officers sho wanted hs eagpera ‘Sen, 18 Ot Minh nev became “the friendly Anante”. Sone Ierican soldiers Lived and verksd with IB at his june cmv in north Vietrem in carly 1945, diseussig the Deelara- {Hon of Iiiepndnce with hin and offering him Qhesterfield cigarettes, He vas deeply interested in tot. Tn Agist end September 1965, 1 a his Gomnit-lod ary seized control of mh of Victron, expacially the rexth, and established their om goverrment in Taroi. They ‘the Vietnam Forum 11 45 aid so by @ beilHont exploitation of several factorst Frexh welness, Jpan's defeat an arene, end a cato~ Ciyaric famine in the terth hich haf been conse in part Gp desperate French and bpanese requisiticns of pens’ Mlege These requleitiene compelled Vietnamese village nota Thee to seize rice from their starving neighbors ain 0 Gare the rice in garda, oheoaely prominent. stone gran Sian, wile waiting for coliilal officials to’ cond to col Jet it, Nealless to sy, this cost my of the notables ‘Ge cence of deference vhich their conservative neigh fers tes) previously accorded thon ab Cnifician "gentle", (iil imle it eonler for Comuniat agents to citer Ue vit font mobilize the pacnnts, Aeecieat OS officers sie tere in north Wetna in 196 thought tat they vere Ue wtneses 0 a gern polar rowlution, Major Aliso ‘Tams, ene of the Teadere of the American O38 cam, wrote: not woo an etruimly festive city for overyent fet, Fel Mt lage wre fying free at foo, row Mes Bo CRE Minh, sho. prosiourt of threats to be enthusinotienlly eiggnrtod bya majority (the population in avery province of Intochiin.. ‘he French were not amie, Raw from the various emia tions Uy hed suffered sioce Hitler ha overilaed thon nT, ty ctl Beno er a. OM Mi fd bis "provision! goverment” in order vo estore their Glory. The ver bepay with @ Proch rial babar of Tipeng terior, tunarde the el of 196, in wich my Vietromese perished, 1B ht Mut, confronts well by a wemingly. still peerful Kuomintang China hich ted! 0 {low for hin, asl unoure that be could dofeat the Frehciy (ahed for Merican help in preventing the var. In Deceber 16, be even offered the US. goverment the use of Cat As By as a future naval base a a revant for doing 9. Nothing came of thiss ‘rue vir wane VICTORY ‘To in thie sar wich 9 worried thei, the! Conmnists attemted to iinolve the entire Vietmmese population, “6 ‘The Vietnam Forum 1 old ond young, mle ont famle, in the struggle. Thy drew ‘pen the military Uae of the mt aaizious Viecmame Strategists of past centuries, cemthing which few Frepelmen tral behored to sauay. Their military crool came to axbrace te following principles: first, the Snportance of surprise; secon, the abantage of continous attack over stationary lefense (because attacking deepened the pot ticat cones ‘ess of the pmople in away tat defensive postures. did ot)3 tied, the use of email resources, cleverly deployed, to defeat larger ressirces nts wisely aged ad fourth, the total deruction of the exam, incluling his goverment fal ha civilian support, rot jst his army. Wor, koreower, tes to be accompanied iy social revolution, imolvrg, tnech things ae the compulsory Sreuleation of miss Literacy ich wnald incrense the population's wl ingness nd abil” Sty to puticipate in onbicolonial acticrs. [iceratas ere treated Like potential eves. Road blacks sexe set tp in Gammist-controlled territory to "check" or "eontral” aor 1Ilterates who were mt atteling goerrillacran schools, an to downd caplanations from then as to ay ey still could not rend, Vietnamese peaonts were offered imieshift "Libracies for the meses" deep 1n the forest, Sin whic) they could read tracts bout the importance of overerming superstitions. Wnt all Us meant sas a sary between 1946 and 1954, lich tnfTled the mest prouily professional French generals, They vere unaccustomed to Living in an environ which nilitary etinds were made to. serve political ends, or {in sbich there see no. distinction between soldiers od civilians. Rays ‘lending tater tuffaloes out to pooture| fail be spies; toothless ald vom could be laying mince ‘Tee French auprene commanier in Thdhin, Hawi Savarre, os @ cnalry officer uo he not been to Vietsam welt he sas appointed to his past there. He ani his. brother ‘officers telittled the military byain tind the Camanist evolution, the exachoolaster Ve Nun Giip. One French officer, lied, derided Gidp as a "hen-eamisicre officer ‘jest learning fw to bande regiments", The mis jadgents icone all the more disastrous wen the general politica situition in easter Asia tured sharply and. conclusively ‘the Vietnam Forum 11 a agin French interes in 1940, with the victory of Yoo eaong's Camansgts in Chi, “Biin Bidn Fh 1s located on the border of morthvester Wictnin, The rene meme "border pacification prefecture’, tad the place itself is a geographical, basin—French air” fice pilots called it "whe cember poe"—full of tan-Nies— famese hill peoples roving sangres, breadfruit, oranens foe oplim. The French were searching for a way "in leh { entice tw Commnist guerillas cut of tho forests an! mio then fight a classic, positioned Inttle of the sort hich the Nester military mind coulé unierstard, an also ff the sort hich Western airpower anf artillecy could finite. General Navarre terefore cinoe. to comit his fest pactate and Foreign Legion formations to the igo Bign Pal valley dn the foe at he could lure the Com rmunists' army into 9 botele ramte fren its base areas nl popular support, an. beyorl its lopistie capetty ‘Sitain, But Glip surouned the Frerch forces. AS aliaysy be fe political motives as well as milttary nes for enter” fing a ttle; a victory at Dio Bién Phi wuld “ensure the eicoens” of the Camnists" land refora, 25 he informed his sence field comiers in January 1954, Clip solved is logistic problas by the trilant stratagm—a 2th tury version of an old. yada principle—of taving ano of thausnds of Vietramese pemsants Urano supplies 1 his anny by bicyele, each single peasant bicyclist carry {ng wore than 4D paupds of rice and mnitions. The French held the valley for 209 days, from Novener 1953 to Mey 1954, suffering wepenable privations during the final siege, ‘Then they surrendered. Ten thal French prisoners ere taken, along with the Algerian prostitutes bo had teen flown’ to Dig Bién a to strengthen their’ male in the last weeks, Radio stations in France replace! all Ueir regular’ programs with marnful classical misic, sich fa the Haquian by Berlice, ‘he Pech colonial era in Viet tam ans finished, hen one look? tack at al the cruelties and miscaleula- ‘ions and vanities hich paved the say to the French defeat, it is tard to agree with Leiiniz, or Dr. Pangloss, tat is. vas the best of all possible worlds, with all its ry "The Vietnam Forum 11 stertcomings having ban necessary ones. Western observers fs well as Victwnese temeelves sho could saver dire f Gmmunist dictatorship were saldened and perplexed. by the Stalinist flir inthe ration sich ultinntely frevailed in Vietrom, Oh Ue other Med, even anti-Communist Vietrumese ald appreciate the ondiring contimity of the Vietnamese tradition abich linked Lé Ig, an Decmmber Lar, wo Gigs hicycleriding posit cammissariat ot ‘ite Bién Prin te spray, of 1954. Beda 1945 and 1960, fase 40 Asian and African cuntries with a population GF raghly BD million srossiully rejected colonial rule Gul wn thie inkjenderee. Bit of those 4) camtries, ily cee—Vietoem-defeatel 8 mir Vester per on te hatletield, (Fea vintoane Essays on Mistory, Culture and Society, The fois Society, hew York, 1985. Feprinted by persion. Joseph Buttirgee, The Smaller Oragane A Political History oF Vietnam (ln Yooks Preegery 1958). Frances Fitagersioy Flee in we Laker the Vistramese ae ‘the faoricare in Vietnam (eu Yorks Uirtage Books, 1972). ‘renee Motoring. Vietmne The Revolutionary Path (Gow Tora Dowie Ce are, etranoas Jinticolonislion 1885-1825 (Ger- darn Ts Pesliistety ey Vletront The Origins of Revolution (Wes Yorvs Sowecey, 1971}- Vietnan (ew ropes Haugrtan RYFFLiny 137] « LA FONCTION SOCIALE DU REPAS VIETNAMIEN nprecé communément alla ode ig (moment ou eiz cust") inn trong tigy es enqultas sur Ialinentation victaniome mttont valor ters Vaccent sur la satidre alimentaire: ce qu'on mange porte la marge d'une culture et jarticipe @ sa treme Sion, Mais sanent, on néglige par la née occasion la imilize de manger dee Victrmlens, Suffit-il de ncter que e riz reste la base de l'alinentation quticierne, i Nacd au Sud, ct nine & 1'éeranger? Got article vise & 6 crire en détails toutes les opbrations de préparation da rie ordimaire qui mont a) at consxmaticn an meget eyas, appelé en vietramien "homent du riz cule” (bd ca). Er plus. de 1a fonction puranent physiologique répendant fa besoin de mitriticn, Le "mment dy iz. cuit” a we for ton sociale: clest le scmmt privilégié de la reprduction dela sxciéeé ay sein de Dunité fanilinle mVietnm. Pour la communauté vietnamierne tronsploacée. 3 1"étranger et ecacioue de préserver se racines culturelles, le "> rink. do riz cuit" garde-t-i1 egcore cette fonction? Sinan, (elles en sont les conséquenoe? Le lecteur voulrait bien se pas Sfoffusquer qu'on ul présente ici un reyes presi ‘Sa6 powriture, puisqwe notre intention est d'insister ‘sr les inter-relations qui se Psst autour du riz. 0 50 ‘The Vietnam Forum U1 1a VTBINAMTRN, "MANGER" SIGNIFTE-T-I1, "MANGER Du IZ"? Ue pie terice, propagte, J. ta fos jar des tiles samires' et por deo altaure striam, tent & accrédiver tue ception inceptable, puisgae Ian régite db Teawie oe Tmanger sigifie peespae tonjpurs “aengee n riz"” Cn ele)". Crest, ablier que dn (manger) stun verbe aussi (for que "nee on Feamatee at dh cd signitie bien Fronger da rig cue, on pout "margee™ bien autre che igus Le viet Ay hb ad (ou sb Fp) vent sis dire hanger pain et Ion peu dire indifFévament ch cn (ongpe ftige), dn Ara (earger das tates dea), i vere a), omit dag tier Ie rie cat (oon), n'est consent cas dn res tare dit le repos, pour les Vietremlens, c'est le met dela, censcamtion—por excellence riz cuit. Tee req, cYost- dire le nent ot Ion mage collect ents ect ign par un terme fda: Da fn (oat, mmnger), Mais il eat sovent Sécigy’ par un terme. bien pls spécifique: fh can (roma, ri cuit), Alm, lew Inmet of ten peut se restaurer dans une jurist Sopelést thc ce omen, riz. cuit min) "ptt Eeinee", iit cae tres Cement, riz cuit, ald), Mepan (au aid") ot cam chidsob tb1—aenen, rie cul ‘oir ou! out), "romas dete". Cela tient au fait qe ‘st [on dispose suffisment de riz, on en merge ax trols roy daw Te milieu urtain, le vrai Squvalent do Ypetit= ‘eter occidental s'apelle. pour cette taison. J sey (onger, mating prentre Te petit-déjetner), 3 cette occa slony eh effet on ne mnge gééralonent as dh ict Th rétabliant cette erreur, ous retltus & 1a fois la place qviocoupe le riz dans i'alinentation vietramicrn ainsi que Te nome. privilégié. de ss) consomat iat go tlienne et fomiliale, car bobs ce (mount, riz cu) oppose ‘the Vietoam Forum 11 st Ggalesent A oth rie ooment, fostin), Entre Lacte de fansmer dy riz (3h cin: manger, riz cuit) et le reps fal Jon consome le riz cuit, appelé "moment du riz cule” (uh ah), ily 0 la disension scale qui est restitobe. UIRE LE 81g 1. LES OPERATIONS Ae Préparation: "awe ie (so gyot froter ave 1a ean par manent cireulaire du ela) Ox me la gia tb. de rig desing A la etsem dans pier 8 males fernées (ri), on treme Le tot dans Vea d'une cette, cy frottant plusieurs fois, pour détmrraser le riz def ‘teorcigdl et pols deo sete de tégmeta et de son, pa fe ranire plus digeste, L'eas du lame (bt vo hap bls laitane ot pou grise, ot gare, elles Seven wilisée pour I'alimntatic des cots. En nme tarps, on trie les grains de psy, les alles, es eure revts inact (ntament of gin: wxcénents Se lat tes) et les petits eailiou (an): cette epfratien ex fyelée dil go. Elle cor iapottace, car Taen ne oot @ bien faire cuire le riz at coluicet n'a gun éeé teié fee soint SL est injuries de préwmter 8 un tevicé un tel de rix ob fl pow truer den Elément ‘ndéairables, ft ain plaisir gustronenique me murait comercer effet han petit cailloy wc en se tap que le in ta! riz inst lav, dfterrgent des lémats iniésirabes, ext nina 3 fagater (odo rt, en ne bang 1 est Eat It Gp note ah), '. Guiasn, On allume le fo) au maim paur chatter Yom “jasu'd Gullitian, Ov diverge le rhe conten dane Je pnier dno 1a sarmite, en pyrunt an de ne ps en rer sa gai ow tae (Te er ir faire timber les gruine ct briares de riz qi at fella at fee Tout grain de riz tome} cbt, cto fire dans Ia. cemire, est perdi, of, come cmwe. grain gt préceu (AgE pore ve: grain Ue rlzy ppite d'or), Costin igre do nn-teaect 6s iz que dian perce! Le folune dau doit dere calolé de mndire & ce qu le rie the fois wera! dane la mumite, le riven! deat dépasse (ud di iz de 12 omy selon la coterance de In mart . The Vietnam Forus 11 1a fs main (co is) ft ase rapes evan de Ve ut In lion Sloe bn sce dy es hrf Ce) aps mfr ae tats mod ad, aide due pie de pres apts (i cB). tency 0 pan Cerne espn de Te (oie oe), a’ a fn pr ie ne fee pay cena, ln crc de red fond ql riage ie tral 31nd la enn, Ch este de apdeer ee Tinres gine gt colle fas ates ot ies dee ‘Garnet Tine sur aie cen let tpn els Legh teat su Te ror dela masta (qu cr auare ey fave Site, ts las village), Com Pl. fatte Se faper une baguette sur l'autre (93 di), mis c'est tabi, car cela spel les cliques Trays ane amine suis (GB poh) coma tein ni en tere she ae ne fot us dare pr, Inne Se ins ee ads sur les baguettes, car ils ne seront pas cuits (cdw scm) coe slags arate dis gund one se feels cote opewtion crilacr apylde gilda, on recone in munis, le plus tnéiquent eile: Oh adoucit alors les flames des combustibles (nid Ids) et Teenare aime Jon rie ats (i tha)s Le riz cle flora mn darotrs Gr pat tft le haw oe were gale thes carlos recone decane Gua aa le cree pos cute pis ifort Neeley mas ce ses ps fois nono, fir cre, ler cult pats Be feral mur la coe chi emelape ats tote Ia Serie afin do cnmcrer ia Clay Sil fat ante ch mene el mnt repay cestdise 31 mento 1'on va concmmr le ris eit, ce eve In moni dy foyer Gen om eran art (trent bri des Une © “Gata timate), pour pig a mts Ses loca et You fe fos salir la iene lage ‘Beane (ei ta) tee omc ee Calpe 11, LES USTEAGILAS (nd! mids) ee teen ra cient ci ttre Ios gress tegettes (Ais c8)y so compet istered stele dans le vocable général. apes "mite, ginlenoe i terre cute (ofl a), ‘the Vietnam Forum 11 3 cawercle (an@),, de taille myeme. TL en existe core calibress fi hai, marmite pour cuire te riz Piptisment, px dex personnes: adit jour trols person Soot oft wt, pour dx personnes; ft bu midi, pr trente MA, trds petite mamite, pixéralewnt utiliste pour iar Sen Sec Tips ites io a aa ar yee ae ok eae ae fi rau on dB rou: foyer constitu’ par des blocs de ee aloe SEE seme, 1 By Ss ee eee Tanta te o22 ee sgenrdlacatiaetes = oes Sarr cums ree eer Cr eae eto Sere on (alt), Ce sont des branchages ou Oe ooes frmomcce Sas eee ieee ew ae eh ceeeae, peng eT Oe sleet ines dee care gs ee Rie Sra ae eee rate Sipe gentry ny eee SS eee ee Sree Somes (eh a to mae Se ee ee ee aes an sees FEM ts ne ne ae Sete RES ee, Sade ty ae Concur de euiston 5a ‘The Vietnam Forum 11 fe tne chaleur incompatible aver la cuisan du riz. ) es dnicomets des régions attenantes ane plates zicoles di Vietaan et, en particulier, des collins entou ‘rant le delta dy Nord etna, forts le bois, tutes sertes de contustibles panent Gere urilisés; tut ce qui bre est blewerus écorce dar tet, brinlilles de puilte, feutlies martes, fibres de came 3 sere... Mais TA encore, ce sent lee tales de pauiy qul sant préférées, car elles fournisant we conse Hon lente. Th milica usin, traficionellenent, on wiisait volon iors Je cherion de bois, qui tend & evenir un oe. TL fst remplacé par de Tanthmacite, oth agrates and affine (Suggesting that Chinese society ves not entirely patriarchal) sas of grester importance Sin miing.“oinistrative appotntnts. Bren during, the Sathom Smg, aden elite culture ce tb be asnclated ith Ue cll service wamintions ard vith neo-Confie Cloris, @ mafority of ainistrative appointzents wre faced on yin privilege, This elite culture ses largely fsserioted with the Onlrgian region, where the Southern Sing, une pressure from the Mongols, hed found refuge, “fhe Chine with sich Wotwmese of the Uf-trdn period were familiar was oo cultural or political meroliths There es grenter diversity across class and region than can fe crecnpusced in @ single Chinese model, Reaiers of Bard Hi Sinfer'e he Vermilion Bint iro bow officials fran the North China plain views the socioty al customs of Litwin, a regich fich under tho T'ang include! both Saith China and moderm-day northern Viettum. Tf, a6 the Serieas Chinese authors quoted by Uhitrere cauld conceive OF BaEVIge ao being hurwai (beyond the civilized pale), She nae ‘applied to mach of Tusngran, the deep South, fe Biayd Mijehaa tae don, the Gnfucianization of South Chins ves a process which lasted well into the Ghing. Uf Tdi Aft, ro Confucian poragan, was sell laure of petsisting localist. interests in Kuan ben fe distriturad bamers calling wpan the laniel elite of that region to resist Kang Ai-shi's policies. The enrliest and nose useful pi-chi (notebok) studied by Unitaore is by Fan Shibsiny, High Camissioner of Ruel Tin in Kasngst, oho wrote sn the 1170s, Since Kuot-lin, shore be way pestol, Les in an area with a predominantly fertin population, one venders ac his stress on Sai-Vi8s!'s ek of "civiliaation”, Qe may surmise Unt Fin 903 particigant in on orgping detote regarding the proper Ettitute to take vis-dovis Nin-ciao and Hei-Viét. Officials {in favor of milstary caxpaigis dasignsl to reconstitute a Tengatyle pa siniea wxild inka both history and Calture in suport of their position. Cawersely, officials ‘the Vietnam Forum 11 85 yposed to such cammnigns vould exphasize the borberit) oP ese aiversaries ood Se Sopsbiity of taniog gi R phe at ary arleha E u a FEegT EE § eg he E ne HI leg 2 a [el r E fied il gree qf & i ral zg hi ge E ti 6 ‘The Vietnam Forum 11 provides facinating sey data on tho career of If Pao TRash sho, too often, is used as 2 supporting actor in ho, ‘story of Lf ThBhg Kigt's career. Ih interpretation rilitary men reprasatel by Lf Thihe Kigt. Taylor aloo fas mary fresh things vo say abet early Vietromee Bud dhisn which will substantially modify the picture provided by Ted Wh Gide. ‘Taylor chamctecizes Lf dynasty religion 05 "sonex Jusive” an) experiaental", noting the contribution of Guinawe, Chas, and Indians to its creation, Tes min objective, be avers, was to provide a tase for "an aiken Sing Vide" identity": Yet, “in spite of this, the Ghirese centring Wigt resplve to resist ascinilacion into tle Grins political and cultural epire. ut the Byi-Vige antieon ‘of deities lop included a fair sprisding of Chinese officials renbered avi venorated for their ef farts to civilize (rood sinieize) the local population, Sncluling efforts to tura the matrilineal carly Viet excie™ ty ito a. patrilineal one. Ultimtely, Taylor auggests, Uf dynasty religion on9 not very different from Crinese Heories of rulership; it differed frm thm in its power to eiupe politics, Thylor cmeluke with the jroweative hight tat the Lf rulers prospered only so lang as they "beliemble in ters of the patter of thought ‘rbodied in Lf dymsty religion”, be would vish to law bore about political, eccnamic,” and social factors at ork before ‘sccepeing such a sweeping statement. By [ fat least, Taylor hae. greatly ‘nereased our of Lf politics and religion and raisal the ecbolarly dotate on Byctige to a nav evel ‘me Vietnam Forum 11 ar iow autority ses expresed, Tn his article, Whitmore Sight 'o Geccite ict vt eigly err Guten ems actually seopt” in the Vietnamese canter, 12 Hsin Called himelt "8" ond tatvoool his soldiers with ee words "thigh ed tanh", us expressing local. aspirations in wyo shich van counter to hiner expectations of civil= jd behavior. Planes with “alaely arrogitd” Cilnese titles were decorated with symbols of Iocal significance. fit fle At 12 important vo racer the Andigens reality below the Ghinese terminology, the role of engage in oping percopcion of reality and values mst met be dior Coamted altogether. ‘The need of the early Vietnamse (ie Chinese terms to describe Iecal phencaena, voles, (me aspirations, arges for tho éasiratulity of placing fem Ina franeaccke of discourse that is both East al Srutheast Asian. ‘he essay by ES. Uhgar on early Vietnamese historias reinforces this armunent, 45 she sexo, the But Vi8t a Uf an Vide didn u Linh tp, written in the 15th axl early th centuries, sere me intrested in describing 2 sacred ipeeraphy then a territorial entity with ll-def ioe! tundaries, or a politically and culturatly distinct peo~ fle, Later istacians, more Stocpal in Chinese hitoriogra- fly” than their predecessors, tecane interested in adding political story. Although’ Ungar does not say soy it ould apjenr tnt they also tecime aore dependent an Chi- ese souress as welll as Chinese cultural criteria, evan sth they rominel crmmitted to the ide of a distinct feeraply and people, This Jed to tensions in their mar fyeives ani interpretations that are apparent in the Wige ff le, 2 anonyme werk weitvon samecine beteen, 120 ot LirT, and in the Lith Nim cfeh quit, wich Tin TMS Thi wrote cirea 1570-140. Uiger stresses. the "tone of defiance and alienation” of the author of the Vit Wik den noting that the, Vige of the Spring and Autom [pried were. described as "“aftoresd Forehead, This. com Dat, tower, shaild be interpreted noe only in Tight Cf gracing Vietnamese assertiveness visd-vis Ohina, nt ale of the prohihition of Byperor Teh Nha Téa (relgred 1278-148) oguinst tattooing cn the ground that it 8 88 ‘The Vietnam Forus 11 uciviiae!, Samthing tesides detionce sn aliemticn Mee toa a wis geet th ie eae aepemce Ge Giinse criteria of civilize tehwtee. The LE Tem Gch pat roves ‘ther eles of th onbigaty Gf Viotnmot ation! ity. the tes tht "yon tts the coon cing the ietmese sf from the ned Yah pple" Ung agpsts tae this any hve te to ibe otir's concern to. avid pela. serial ‘fecifcacen for seare Giese involve In he affairs 20 his comer If at va ideo the cay Mi sragy inst. hovel’ dole ser Vettes forts fo enqrprinte for theives. te apt ad ings oe Slated with Lingua cule east be interpreted a Inout of Grnsaese, Brey scree came retool ot Ming cagnsionn evan of lie to prcednd ty a Chine decision t9 sive latin tothe guia an spirits of he rivera aml snare of Byte ae cmpared ith Ue’ of Ona. Te my Sr cntirely couraiepal Unt’ the Linh Ron chic qa ses cmp le 18 QS) Ly vas in per, sce he Foinwe doom hime. The fourth, erste! by kin Gay concerns oerates of ete If ot Ted deetion, Trtgh Sind ef remfor= te sith his we of tw tom dhociomlia” for Gs per Gh, Gy mes a very cone argent for ceneidering Cera fis ob premio of Victumwe cultural identity. Be ists and Scribes the discircive wees wed ty Bake Vide potters, mite uch thse falar with Vetanese arise and Ings ld fe no role reecirng Simermeting. toting the preen of thee saes for tooy Jj and to uot of cmt. (realy of le Ester origin) in dir dxcretion Gy eogcntat by the ach contury Vets pecers ager oc flchinively. for dest cnsmyien, Wwe for th ter= retical mrket oe well The Hig ccimtion of Viton rhe watered in the Matry OF cers: They.stoqpe Giititing ditrctively Wermmese mits a bear ‘one the reprinted article in ‘Me Vietnam Rom 20, Sumer ‘the Vietnam Forum 11 9 largely Sndistingsishahle from vares profucal in Quins, Gy tiisee te pesibility tat Trelstance two abtler Gitural penetrations of Vietnamse society by Chinese (lies, concepts ad teLiefs was lose effective” after the systemtic attempts of Uke Ming to sinicize the local ‘on destroy its heritage. T thine he is right Se suggesting alan the "onecioss effort to employ the fecorative —lngunge, of che Chinese ceramic. artist for Camercial advantage". Tt aay be inpossible vo determine (Ge cimparative strength of the domestic market in the re and jost-Coopstion periods given the difficulties Bf crecing ceramics of Vietwmese origina, Bit sdthnut ‘Se ccommic explaatien, at is difficult to unlerstand foe the expressions of Wetnomse cultural identaty rep- resented in cermic fmm could have boar o> thoroughly fraicated An the epuce of rsenty years. “Tn Que Vike provides a Lively survey of Vietn's relations with Chins not caly ducing the period covered 4 tile volume, tut all the way up to Frewch colonial ‘inquest. The article by one of Vietnan's leading preci fistorians le notable mostly as on illustraticn of how current events shape historiography. The last article* in the volume is by OLiver Wolters, sin has contrf ued ao mich to Southmast Asian historiogra Pily in gemral, and to pramder Vietmese history more particularly. His easy, an ov to real the section of te yl VGC al kj tain’ Uni dewted to the relgna of Th aah Tn ani Tih Minh én (1200-1357), is a briltiant fugesis, hlters! strecturalist scalpel cots throigh the thick layer of arcane, stylized voeabulary to reveal the realities anf jenenalities of the day. it could be aetuls aii pot aly to exer ction of the, Ba ij tain thi, but also (o other histories a> well. Witten in the id-15C) citturyy che Tain thy provides ‘ve ase of fiw sinicizad Bai-Wiée historians tea be fine, since St yas modeled after Sara King's Tabchah ng-chien, then widely circulated in East Asia and which ‘see the cepeintad article in this tase of the Vietnam 90 ™ Vietnam Forun 11 also inspired Karem dmastic histories, Wolters snalyaes She sarrational Gevices utilized by Plan Pau Tiéa to com enc on aspects of royal losdorchip” gpl goverment. end Specially on the qualities sought by Tran rulers in their Officials, ‘The iden wae fray to provide a mirror for the ages. As Walters notes, the result of Than Pm Tién's farrative strategy is that "ihe rulers! yoice echo down the decades, and) the only veal capetiticn comes row fhe abrasive officials... the narrative calls attention {> officials swt as individuals vith private Lives tut & sabordince parts of the whole system of goverment” Gp. 28). Te is mot alsays prssible to restore to these Stlont officials their om distinctive volces, their per fralities, and the pelvate dimensions of their Lives, ft Wolters does as meh as the record will allow to re sore @ motion of humnity to then, Not surprisirely, ft is the reprehensible, byeause, “naisy", officials sich fas Thaky Mo Seu ani TH Gung io come alive, hile these abo did ot make waves are destined to renin Ghly names. cn a. page, Only nce ot twice does Wolters enter "localization, as hen he iscuses wt sch Ghargly straightfonard Guineoe terms "pure and resolute” an mean! ina Vietranoae context (p. 379), and abn te Corps. the goographieal size of Sing China and Byl-Vige Settings for the qwrcise of autocratic’ mle, Bic, throughout, the asomption is thet Chinese values gai’ vocabulary hod cme localized aa well as internal nd, Gre of the contributions of this conference vole, ani more sqeeifically of the articles devoted to Viet, {5 to force us to ponler ax the uility of seeking fault” ines tetween presser East and Southeast Asia. As Kang Ganga notes his introduction, the "indigacus societies fn! cultures in Vietwn tave, Like these of Kaangsi a Tongturg, boon suinerged through lack of, interest” ang fanpilers’ of Chinese “historical records". The thndrad Yish of Ling, than the Vietamese thought they Ielorgat bad their tattored faces. an blackenad teeth, hich wuld relate thm culturally with peoples of South ‘me Vietnam Forum 11 o cout Asia. Pertops, st is tine to rescue this region which eet ganes, bot South China and northern Vietran fren Ge tine of obscurity by crossing its distinctive, Tora Ftouwes neither entirely Ghinase noc completely Soitheast [Sin This wuld allow scholars of beth Hast ard. Sovthenst ila in gore the reretriciw bowaries and false quir— ASS of aolern netiombian ani pepolitical aligmsiss Ted to eunge in more fruitful alague to the benefit of all. POSSIBILITIES FOR A READING OF THE 1293-1357 PERIOD IN THE VIETNAMESE ANNALS 0. W. Wolters ‘he eeay presents reaing of part of a Vietnamese historical test, aa! Ue roaling is tase oh @ Fow procedures derived fm shat’ ig camly kan as strictoraliot ceiticlsa.! Tan nz foverested in this form of cricician for theory's sake but only for its applitabion In the context of historical stays The lest of ach an enterprise auld lays be wbetber axyeing aries worthy of the histarisn's consideration, 2 siple definition of a text's stroctire Ls 1ts presentation ax! languge usnge sfich give iL a recogtisable shape, ard m Feesing approach will We to pay attention to the text's pager ties in order to describe thon, Tee reafing wll be alorg al roe between the Lines, so te focus vl be Lind the came tions that awouce a genre, says in shich mteriale are a ise narration devices," unlerlying systans of Linguste Slgnification, and the effects these fequres fave in ctr tine meaning % vat is being rend, The object of stay Is to throw sone Light nh # text Is rendered intelligible a Copable of ming sense its realer as a specinen of writing, ‘hn exivustive resting, which mine cannot claim to be, cd ocoaute for every featire, Fran a structuralist_persjectve, fl Fentures my be fitting together, and to the extent. to wish hey do, anf os, my tall the roger samething. I wish to im 2 ‘the Vietnam Forus 11 9 sist, heer, tat opti readings are posible within this ezoert of cul, and T vould velco Um. The text in quation 18 art of Ue Genoloplsl rarative saa sy a Ue By VBE Kf at Un Ue Vict oa SEh erport to qu Vietrmne history fun carlos tine ‘ers etext 8 weston In Ghinee, on its First ping fo in 1687-108, T stall concentrate’ on only a action of fe mumtiver Ge years fron 120 oot along after te last ego umasion, to" 1557, wen Ue Tr dpeaty (125-400) eM the eve of ts dachine end evel fall, Tes, sixty nr yars comprise five reigrgericds, sd the era’ pet foes by sch eye Joon abe center} feoed hee, The peri begins imately after Tdi A= ie ws spotnost ele by Ks father, Ted Mtn. N-tn fet in 1, "and in 1314 dete appointed his sn, Mito, Sein, tin Gel in 1300, ont Mideifo ruled tl be disk Sh 57, hl tho telzs acco his crs Hine (19-10) and stn (341-1357). Dron seemed statherin EB and ‘Rol until he dil ota on eke in 198), Wen a Ten hele Es formally appt, ws fl Yomporor” a hs Tather Ae mr kenny tthe ene emperor, Senor nperors reales Sprce iorsty, gh uke perme os Ine ome of ji cmbciel by’ die emerarss Malet, for eam, was Fir go wll ae exporor Troe ISU to 150, view hie other, Mivtin, di Tat interested in the version of the Ted eral nate vai, ant T Ingen to Delseve tits substantially. the Cengaticn of fan Pho Tién, abo completed his earmssored Smrative of Tid history Jn 35, Some inidetstiohe cues tere mle by an olitor, MGB St Lig, In 1077, baz tele exten thes cot ccern me.” Ror a Ge loyetnt” historical Gascon is the catire of the sources okich fod thelr say ‘fio the narrative, and this T sell crslder after T have ot Ug» reafing of Ue present version of the mrrative, T have chosen ay aujct bene T believe th strictralist tues of critician are ove of te Wstoran's tools even shen Nis text Is copleusly. poked with docmertary moterals. at Sitsty Inlecodent iy Something leo of husarical terest amy cone to Ligh aitien to oe ifocstion ae Uw pro- Cases uetehy an disgernble historical work’ is argsed 96 The Vietnam Forum yy #0 its cantents formulated can be sted in thar an vig TG TEXT'S STRUCTURAL FEATURES 1 gall first diserve sme conventions wich on Vietwmese in the faftemeh cstiry wuld: regia at ioe eel his expectations of what he was resding, a tracuralist criticin attaches importance to Ue oy sail y 9 ets gone te ites cr belongs to an inediately reccgyisable one; it is « chronologically dial historical arrive, al its mel, written ee, Keon god Nis most ih cevrth-centiry ny isthe wh urges, hich sas inplred by the Seri and hay fensta ant copeially ty te Tc of pele tinea ae Vietnmese verien of the malely tonaciows of Its pate, nq dices apyeopriate camentions. Each your, for cumple,” ss" trohoad by te suler'e relgrgerily The ruler 1s. ineraly deserted a an “emperot', the title by which he ss also end in his Court. Precise terliology io ual for certain eves Sham King's tem for raler's death (i) wel The Tah ing of a miler’ (A) is dlstingished from the "killing oe 4 subject” GB). A ruler on campaign rey ‘patial in-peren' A The Ce ay ees dtl th ietramese oqeor'sy “inal” (6) Vict, while Ue a of the tsa Gu’ ruler "plume" (8) an! "plliag™ CH). The cantants of sme of the other entries are tar pede able, Celestial hemes, strage faypeningy an tur Seetors ae recorded. The Vietnamese Sapir ge Well te Sa sm funy clues entries at te en of « ear Gut egine “hs Yeateve's The To-ghun Gees Likewise: This. year threw faire in nc? Sach entries inthe Viesomese ‘arate fre sancti fallow by unfortte hypeningos a Fly ae i of grec he sant. Gu rome Ccovention tneluie the melds and als. ye recor of events in the imperial fan cuch as lirik, merges tnd deaths of princes el peincemes an also the peritte pew” ign of se Ten riven to Cat pets cortng 10 Se Tidh sysem of autocratic goerment. Chitunry notices are. por vided for" important princes ant especially for the kg Frince, who 1s accorded a very lng ones lstances of peel Siscondact are describol. This Kind of mtersal tgeter uth sve Vietnam Forum 11 95 nl nissions to China senant for considerable space.t ‘fe test shares with its mel other comvertions besides paternal words ond entries. Warrior devices are sitar taityane the fictional purioe of crating effects, the device at Toe T regan as contrived narrating, sen the copier seems 2 iP applying his om sortence to empusise vat he has already oeale After fe fas descriled. the background to an snperial fre, he acy aide "This is why the edict sas issued,” Emphatic Geeta relieve mmnotiny and are important in a narrative base GetGproology. One perful ond udictously employed effect Cece a seikence with ‘ust Gest). In 1294 the Svee Wietdn presented a jogn to a prince: “hus as his extra~ Wibnary affection for the prince," Prpiasis can also be conveyed Fr aulien recourse to omate prose, Eorrosd frum Chinese clas- Meal titerature. A List of thirteen officials 18 recorded wer fhe dite of 12, snd ve are then told that "eheir ability cor ned cleyince end solidity An equal proportions’. The Analects Hiueides the Tones lacus un th expression is Confucus's efinicion of the "perfect man" (25. Or again, hen the firpiler winks to Toreyraud scnecre, he may use the device Gfoncicipacion or eetrospection, A poxson is menticna before fe omears cn the scone or after be dies; the cexler wlll not Sooo hin. Direct aiscourse ond the obituary notice are two more and dgeetant narrating devices, and T stall veturn to tha later. ‘he effect of the naturalist ion of Sothas Kuang’ ccaven-ons seul) te to alert. Ue Vietnumse reader to the ikelihoad of (Peertain teplency An vhat he wes reling. Ming K. Chan describes Sem Tuwg"s narrative as "a history beck of practical lessns’, aa! the Vietnmece roxior would expect the tert to offer e fericnees in statecraft’ to rulers, guidelines for officials fe their roles, end moral teschiags for educated persons in fpeeral.® In one mjor respect, the realer would not be disap foisted, Ree practical lessons’ of ‘history are sore grwve than resins for a Gmasty's decline, ard Pon Phu Tia, vom I regand fe respnaible for the stuje of the present version of the Trin faralsy was interested in this question, Three of his comey- {arles’ on the narrative reveal tat he considered that the Tra Gnasty's decline began Sn [58 after Dy-tin succeeded his father Mlatin, For example, when in 12% an official wes executed 96 The Vietnam Forum 1) een ppp pele nnn ee ee ee Sere es ee eno eo cites ee ee ae en cone eee ae ee ee oe a ee Se ges oen ae oe ee ae ee Saree ee ee ee ee ee ee ee jal piety’ (4) appears only three tims and in the context oe 2 ee eee (W® is another arresting term in a teaching toxt, for it re peer be foe eee oe ee Bete ee es cael oe ee ee oe ee ee ee ee eer propel eed eerie eee Selecteer eee Se eee ee ee ee ee ee ee eS ee GD), 'formerly' (89), and ‘previously’ (72%), and occasionally Oe eee ‘re Vietnam Forum 11 7 ifficlent detail to constitute sub-narratives. xe is a cxmple of ty furs ‘alter on entry. An entry 1 states what Poin Na IGE ees pointe to che hgh post them tri chinh The eatzy ia then follow by a pte, by “fomeely" Gu), apd we are told Wut Aden fae sent IBA as an aney to Compe and that Aabtén's father, Néirtin, hod sehen faveurahly about him. fhother use ("pre fhowly" 3 ©) follow od dseribes si Hi nl dove in Gem uy he subcuvred the Gham ruler into baving tafore the Te hic al a precrent see ow crete in Vietremse Ou Serain-vassal protccol. The second youse takes us tack in time, Gn ita inoctance is embasisa! by its conclisions Therefore his cxter” (R's apgeintmest to the pet of thom trl chat a. ihe organisation of the marrative into entries onl pauses Iwenks metony ant engages the raske's attention. The reer Val tagin to leesve that the cnr and jase catain certain ewrercly wed words, or weir equivalences, aml Unit the verde are related to each other. 1h distinction aust nat be borne in mind betwen a weuld-be sguturalist critic of todiy aml a Victnomese render of the fifteenth century. T shall cater the latter in emt. Te critic, by mans of scrutiny, will caw to realise Unt he is doling with a et of five recurrent related sory sich I stall Tofer to ae ‘unite’, Mat is siguficant abot the five nits is that Uey are cable of teing systematically Combined vith each other in the swe tht, in Ue nerratives ‘uit will consistently precede or be preced by ope ae mre of the oer units. ‘The full complowent of the units resebles toe T dull refer to a5 a Tamtawe', syntactically orderal. ‘he sentence is a5 follow, ant I have placed the nts in Lo vert commas: ‘pe ruler] appointed! a person ~ vio posoened austable {na mmr sfich corned hin a geod reputation ~ at mst mke it clear that wot T hive descrite as a ‘son usee" never appears as sax in the text, Te sentence is reoverable in its extenled fom aly heh it is: repesented by bio oF more relate emits in the sequence T hawe jas given 98 The Vietnam Forum 1) Ven tuo o mre units appear in an entry or pase, they realy the short wits tecaice their meaning depents cn their ciety for combining vith exh other. ‘The ruler's "favour? Gn the official's 'performnce'. An official with suitahle "a. ribuees’ vill "perfom" ba duties odairably, ans for, Thtries and poses with bo oF more equivalenes of the wits ‘nd alwys. dealing with the relationiip between rulers a Officials ccamt for mach of the marrotive in this erin, Ti have identified mers and often long. instances of this fom of tatration, a! they com to on el after 1335.10 Ajmune proms are, senetiaes recorls! but not follows by other inte Not may Tositence’-sorthy officials are continsousy sentiens, fi T five to assme that they vere the most preminently ney ‘ened in surviving written of oral aecomta, Personal relation Spe within the ingerial fly are sometimes sarrate in pe fat Teas frequen. "The waist say to. signify ‘agyointal’ is "to mike «pera an official’ (J—A)¢ the ruler is ot mentioned tut is in Slied, for only he can appoint an official, and hs is ty Thhave enclosed hia in brackets. Sotines, however the tap ‘cular elrcimstances of a appointaentare given in 1316 Ny Bish fo given a, aitortinate post under peince Mn DM. Te pool officials! attributes’ are the equivalences. of ahvatal Ferwns vith such quilities ax rospectfulneasy rectitude, sir Cerityy. ineorrupeibatity, adm being boasul or quarrels, he equivalence of "perfomance’ is sighifial by xbat an oficial actwlly did and 19 often narrated in detail. ‘he officials distingish thawelves on caqaigns; they gp on sissions to (hina the held pts tn the provinces; they perfor Lega di ties, "Favour ca be signified in several sey sch as "creat el’, Veorgrstulating’s "promoting! presenting an imperil pon, and giving an official en auspicious rane. Sichy theny is bw a wolld-be strecuralist critic obeenes the tert's cinepicume we of langnge. The renting 1s el cn dacrving the son of combimble ond recurring wnt. Wal Gh cceated Viewemeoe of the fifteenth ceatisy pay sine Suewion to te ame ute? He wild avely read carefully the puomges vere the nits were represented because mi of Ge exciting action ses narrated there. Tam also confidet fat he wuld be eqully interested in all five units, but fo pe Vietosm Forum LI 9 9 different ren. Hie wuld realise, an the authority of the eee tet he wo reading aloo Vietkmee govern, oe SmSu1) vecefore bring t his. renting personal Koos of i ‘al oytem, He wold aes, Fron experience, that AE se explicitly or lmplicitly associated with tht nul eek Mreroative. of agpoininent sed) the conseuences for of fidats. Te wits wuld signlfy for him, as 1, too, care to Bee, interrelated ed easel aopects of tho institution fPipmerwent, and the units" cambinabiliey wuld be particular (yobs tothe rulers. Te. rulers wuld understand. tht, Bh te 1205-1357 perial, Avia and Minh-téo appointed able fore I say smething more of the preseme of the "sentence! in Be narrative, T shall note that the units begin to disclose oreives quite sbenly in the Firs yours of sy period. Bore TD the wit for Tappeinted’ (hf) occurs enly irregularly inl is not asneinted with other units. The flest jrkance of Peabinetion of nits is in 1282, shen Tr ThE in was ap foveal"? in the pines: ve. learn hit be ‘performal" sell a3 PMaaheayer in the Sergol wars a was "congratulated. The (hata ave absent in qarlier Wan mes even thongh the marative: Sh ai? staves tht ghucted sen frem Ut time vere being ap- pitted inh Khién, the Liniaaa pest between the ruler aa fhe exscutive Ineh “of the odnistratien hitherto reserved for cuca ha been the yroctice unler the preceding 1 posty (1000-1225), By 128, However, a scholar-official, Bish Gig Vida, received favoured treatment atthe expanse of an fenichy ait not leng aftensands appointaents cane the say of ae vo hot distingistad.themoelves in the Mayol vara. and benetines ae protigés oF the Trin princes. Tertups information about previous generations of officials vas wpamailable to the compiler, tut the earlier Tin rulers’ lipsnlere cn senior princes for asistame may bea better feplinntion of the absence of the "sentence’ before 1292, wien {dh Thi Kiéy ig: mntionst, The princes were the performers 4 the thirteenth century, ard the narrative has mich to sty stout tim, My ssimise is that the services of educated cameners tere being recoguise on acount of their SATIfuL cow. of Solomitie at other responsibilities during the weasy peace Yetueen the first and sooo Mongol invasions (1258-128). Never~ 100 ‘The Vietnam For u eles, their careers under the enclier Tid rulers are Peart within tw frank of the "sentence" “he ‘sentence’ pets ito Its stride after’ 1203, shen iy presence is reflected in various samples of 40 of mre Cite, able cl ordered units nan entry or pase. Instance are ame, us in the ISC-1385 perial tue peter ait in the later Sf Mini-t's reign Yell give afew instances, Other ans ‘are in Appendix "BP 1 fave found oily the intances of entries mt fol by pes Tn 138 de Dt Kile ciel aces the Tuler”fveured him by presenting hin with pom. "Fiat 48 the fifth unit in the setence's sxqanre, and in this erry it otmorte the axes unit of ‘attributes; the oon ests Ue official's qualities, In 1304 Bhi Mic Myc was pote {0 2 jot, an the entry states tht he hl ability, wich te his tactribate’, The ruler pe hin an suspic tn, or Hat voured! him, Th the sme Year Sola Nal Hit sco applied to 2 pst. His Tottribtes! are described as ability eal cccation, ‘A prince did not have these qwilifications, tut the ruler be to hesitation in promting HAt, a comer, Tread "promtic" 48 a mak of "favour", thes instances the wits of "peefonmar' ond rept! are not represeitel, Bit ere are also tee instances of ee tries followed by pauses (12, 15, and 17 in Appendix "E), andthe five nts in coistent sequence can aypmn, in one Or other of these entries. Ths, the entry aba Nye Weer in oat Dt wo Seu the he eee as carelesnese, that Inter he held other’ pots (his "perfoor aaeo'), ant that he hol a certain reputation. The tit of "favour" appears in the entry of 1316 abot Nea Bs, apt te etry ln ent the ini Of “pine per More often, bower, entries, follow! by pases, are reer for the init of ‘appintient", ill the other units are profae- Iy represented in the pases.” The fs may often daa! at length ath ‘rious motters," bit. the preceding ery, ‘appointment, rovents the Yoater fram lasing sight of thon wits which at elated to "aypointent'. At cumple ie provide hy the page mentions! above alae Bain Nh Whi in 1H, The entry records Wii's appointment (si—7%). Tho pauses fotlon, The firsts spe Vietnam Forum 11 101 ety ereigt (40, sk set ef te eo ume al tthe sor epee, Nay r= epee Sa ol ren inl arove of te ene ie fren CE) mane fey T heli, eo Be nl yeewalae, eT fon Sn 128 alee uted rere Miwa la his ftir’ ge hk ater 2a enact dist hin for Sein, i's Nee ee nor enabiseds Tim ert paces sre by (eiauly! CE, 2), deserites TR's eater opponent in ne Crates tes an ‘hints copulation ie) ha, H's no Soins ie eed forthe Ci The ur uni (Oe earl “opine “ibe SP ecmnca al aan") a roto far oe er ie Satan clin the scence Top forthe "oor ft Op Matt et Ue ced se nan to ere re aad how te ent he rlce et fede 0 tke sete hing ant Wherefore thie xi (Oe eine Se Oe tty el ennclotal wit hens gta sees uimcny utonnt my ono tobe te opalaee Beene! an feet tt 1 belie te We coger a eulticiin’ of "awe Wen 9 Ton "re SSR GeShS" cdo. ting, doe Bo no cedeary se Chat stanive to smite Ui heey tp ty a MoRise rary Tae te rts ole Spates te effect of te "Ca Ted by Bs" france in Gong oe oI? ts aweter lta of the so iste aah of sn egy pects iy an ety. eet sae thot Anb-tfn took Phf ‘Inde vith him when he visited the Tran aa lage al eine is tant Ae Oe te dcrtres ing to ou Nihon gy se Bir cae tecaety comet e spect tae ratio ter Re Inks eg Mo dies cpelonicny. Te ffl fea elt ang tere emg De ry Wi me rks apa to tlre he pe Chun nite fone" al Tawa Tagen" fe idan site f entries fo tal Mente Satins tay pes fol gle ty, ug ina fov-cae eet ome fe te mb Te ae pe Oo Saeed ee thagh ee ibe 102 ‘The Vietnam Forwn 1, by sich tems as ‘at that tine’. The patter of unit-Aistritita, 4B casistent, The entries rormlly reeord the appintent thoy hen thie 1s not 20, the "appointaene’ unit my appear at Ge egiming of the poise. With the exception of this case, te muses deal with the other four units. “The reating procedure has boc to identity recurenty combing. ble, ond structured languge, ant this tas revealed the unix. Tying presence of a ‘amtence’, of a oct of five associate, aul interrelated units, Relatlen’ constitute the first peineigle fn stricturaliet perspective, ani the units are interrelate, tecaise, as a fiftecnth-century Vietnamese rear would iain. fily recopnice, they all belang to the language of gover, Tithe emcortainal vere the nits vere situnted in the ese, nl pases, Hit hopper, thn, whew ene reads the narrative Taugjest that the effect is as follow. ‘hen nits appear in the entrics without poses, they ajar sqmstially. Their relations enong emsclves ore thay fsecciationy they belong to an are selected fron the loan Of good goverment. The ruler appoints edited men, vio erfom el and nay havea reputation sad te favured by the rile, D goermatt Like this is teu to be goal. Ohe can therefoe ren! these units, sion put together in an entry, as Ue eq Valence of, or metayhor for, god goverment. oe seal the fees bo real? ‘Tho passes, apparing me ‘often than not after entries recording appoint accom Smples of the remaining four units. The units in the pass fre therefore elaborating on particular wuts other then "a7 pinta’ ich are also ssxclatad vith goo goverment ai Gqecially the init of "performnce'. The puscs deal lar ith ada god officiats actinlly. did, Duc the yous re 2 apecial wy. They are introdiced by ‘at that time", "formerly Ge Npreviously' ond interpase with the Limarity Of their e Cries The effect is t0 slow down reading. Tine is halted a even tured tndaands, although puss cccasirally projet the realer dato the future by mass of sich words as ‘aft sara. “he pauses’ functien, T suggest, is to evoble retin ‘eco reminder of sel reflection on the excellent styled fgoreriment. in this period. Wen a pause is tern by hs Te by the aypointment [in this entry] vas mde", the warrati ‘gre Vietnam Forum 11 i is et paing to mike certain that the reader reflects on partic~ Ser apects of xd givermmnt illustrated in the pause, fed (fen coe comes across © fnamge with pause upsn pause after (be sme entry, the rarrative 15 as close as its narrating de- ‘ees Permit CO expaciating on aspects of good goverment ‘at. (int tne". Nowhere is the narrative in this periat more packed ith unde-strvctured pauses than 1523,_the year shan the List Gf Ourtew good officials 'at tha tim! is recrdal. Hom then ld one rexd the "sentence! by means of which 1 ineroeed the five relatal ant syntactically ordered units (railing the mrratise? The ‘setae’ never appears as auch ‘gt reflects two ronding processes roqirod by the narrative. The first process 1 metaphorical. The wits, ven they apjen in the entries in Mnear sugumnce, read asa concise vey of feferring t gool goverment and terefore reat! as @ metaphor. the sxcrd reaing process cones the pauses, with units other than aypolstent'; they are preceded in the "sentence! by hy thats and signify particular features of goat govermenc. ‘Thus, then one role the passes, one is renting about parts of te thote, vilch, in the narrative, is "goverment! ond is signified by the precaling entries thet record eppaintnent; the pauses, oviding the backgrand to the appointamts, testify to gad Eyocts of the ajpointents and Uerefore to goad. goverment Sfeeli. ‘The units in the pauses are replacing the whole (lac. {pol gnerment) and have the fonction of what is know as sy tiene’ (the part replaces the vole). And so the "eerterce" i Cerporates the tuo reading sles required by the marracve, ‘her first—netaphoric~akes for rapid reading, tho soconl— tet of smectochoe—mlas for slow ard reflective reading.» ‘his: T believe, is how one reads the narrative. vimnover the units appear in entries sid pauses, al the ‘sentence’ corm repos with and gives effect wo the two narrating mies wich fae sense of the tarrative, Fut T do not vant to burden mycel ‘ith this definition of the asieanze’ shen I refer to it below. Tnetead, T shall regard 1 siaply as a readoble statement about ‘pod goterment; At a "reaiable' in the sense that the narrative fp mimdable, Tall contine to refer to the ‘sentence! as a saterent bow good goverment in this peciod. “Tee discussion oo far my seem sumexhat ronoved from the Mstorian's concerns, and T shall return to it later when the fee The Vietnam Forun 1) critic mets we historian, Ih the mntine, coe ca ot the the mxrative's privileging. the tprts" of good Nerney ters of sumer pes hs the effect of providing ple pa Tiitics fer the feotr to reflect on wat happens ocr 8 bog Sijle of goverment, This form of narration 18 What ore wg foe Sn a tort wth didsctie tendencies "Thave paid. attention to the nite base they repre 2 mujer siping oyston So the serrative, ond the questan rics wether cer narrating features cam be taken into ocaae in explaining aty these portieilar wits fave teen elated fm the laqunge of gol, goverment, One nov Hs to ee Binary oppoestion bebeen the miners goal and rare bal oft Cinls, he antithesis tales the for of puting unite Sota aber Sacer turning th upside da, and te effet $s to coma, the norms of pod goverment ‘we eery official was & gia no. Tnthe. Hin Sida, thagh his ame eppnrs in the 152) We of three officiale desea fs, erect ten’, so mot cotirely satisfactory, hile Tih Gung, ciclo from the Hist, was eively rsatitacary, Meir appininnts ate recorded, tis pauses 0 oot explain wy, Sieu's career was fran 138 to 154, and te Crag fron 18} we ao ite ht "ee eres Sl 5 alge fe Rin orisha of Hew ‘Oke Gap tir fume pet tg. the Mae of 125. de etsy of LT Toco Gt he wes att Game fo resco a widsed Viotemese princes fram tho fuera re, ie fulfil his mission a then suo te dev. ay hwars vere conferred cay ut laow not sy. The snsthafceny Officials’ performnce is almst ignore Their characteristic Gttribte, howvery is ensioa! ond. dlacinguites. than fen fpod officials, Tbe god eres are alscet aleys silent, wile the ba cose hive mich to sy. The mrrative, instend of talkeg stout the bd cs, pee to db the talking an tb thet Stsantage. Gre does ot read about gin Viotnmese officials 8 ae does about, good Chinese nee in Saban Euarg's work, In te ‘bibauh tiugchien cect discourse is an. Snportant. owes of Beoging sortyy "Gonficianist" officials to the foros! fr of taching lesons of history veer cover of ral, protests at Gute, The goat Vietnam officials, on the ht sme Vietnam Forum 11 10s Mets ely’ to cimmnicate his rulers. "resolve = iwated in TZ), he ia in trouble with the ruler. The Ser oticials! silee reflects their pceful ond respectful Series al lao tir abiliey Go gon vl wih their : of the snciation of silence with 3 god ‘provided in a, fuse of 125, Wen ether eral Sia! fy atte Chi, CAt did toe qinrel, ant his sllore- mint cial fis Mints. praise, Mt io recone in 1 compiler deliberately evaded an opportnity fot official wlth a Woies. According to. y cntenporary text, the Nom dng ng yey te cer Fyn et potted in TA en rtd filer ny Ode Se lrvestal on a trimpabap charge of reamon? Qe Gl {ol sivised the ruler nat to appoint hia heir ut. ehe expos, el son. The narrative dona not eer te pros ate allows to know io in a pawe under the Gate ecribes M's attribute: ie dated to. speak style of a protesting official of old tines, lstar the generment but mot for wey Joos." Me ie sadn 18, he be wn ete fom lt A SEP RSGPLEeE FREE Ey ie et Bg HEE i Cang's attribute of specch 18 not con rei sth thir rotation are dap ‘states that Sidu accuse! Fm M's others ‘of taking bribas. Mita ordered an et none Unt be sess senior official ing imestigated. The result of the eiry “reskin foe teingirg i chnge sgiet tis colleagues. "L ateltiary pose in Ue tortie Bo i ieated by fret long afteneris', and the subject is Pym Ne. Te cameron anjuone of units folliw, Though Nes leering (m Tattribute') we inferior to Siéu's, hs performance in sétice xe "pure and respectful’ and he’ hed a reputation at the time, Sidhe reputation, Ienever, follow him to the grave. His obitunry notice of 1354 criticizes him for his maegent of affairs, for despising his pers, and for keeping unsuttable ‘ong. ie ee Rey ore ipl APles reel i let at fee 106 The Vietnam Forun jy Tea mM Gnny's voice and romnation distinguish hin soe steeply ftom good official, tn 1305 the Gast off Sivioa! against actrpting he Gem rule's. propos tht ould sary © Vietumse prin, tat Mike Gung a the senior eperor al the popes ws pte. Tn 13 ag te fat sede! the Gum rider's ldo, 0 srior Tey ei dkeeanced hin ond foretold. that he sculd. bing mistorta ty the dymty. In 1315, onlin a pane, abut he ead eo to tes Hale? (Ry Officials were’ diesing a nara eters for shich heavenly ‘iselaised eeepensbi ty. farestiy of 127 he mae his colle Ing rity mtg’, feces} the censor occa him an he woe chil by Mite In the gue of 135, atin Mtn fal arrested Mis fete iovlaw, ‘the. niler censited ike Chg, i vtteced th de sender "It in ensier to capture o tiger thon to set it fie! His Imervettion sale! te priser" ater Famllyy Jo 1) fe protected wen Minvtin deride! w le! an expen da Uhe Black River veylon, We Chrgfllshly argue thet weld tester to attack Une Gam Minit rbd ite an te ne a growling reply, In view of hia garulass borin, cee ip mot surprised Un his obituary mkice in 15K) rns Oat the sas a person walked agua comen ction In rier to alereiae hinselt ad see fone on equation The rotice al tells us tht he kept lowly comary. Situ did te fone, an Ga laplicotien thet a gol repuaticn in the nas fative meas susfocuiry relations With o's peers, "Hawa the equivalence of hing © good tepaation in Ue Tues ees. : The nrraing of Trt, Wn Siu onl Tn Rae Gung depts alma eively on él? Slain, a erucbral fst diel to good officials, sho are typically silent. The ottriitz, erformmnce, an ropa on of Ue fio otagirios are so cee fot, wen ‘dase ults ype in the "sentence", ty eat {ales to sigay wut are regard in the mrrative as mer onal conpnent Of gd mere. Ty redhog has gated tht the 'antence", alas cxeeaed in chcrble and patterned soqunces of its cnbinble unt, res a5 a state abet goal poverent dire the 120-35 period. T do not ew abetier in Sai-m King's narrative 2 Sntlar reing of a” dyasty"© peak years, these were 10 spe Vietnam Forum 11 107 sid Mistery, wuld ve the sme prince to the stants 1 eolatal Linguistic wits, Mig Ky Guns Gacuien of Sm Kang chal with tr compiles motives an attitaks, Seellbllity ant objectivity of hs’ work, am tea apace Be gue historiograty,!> and for these purse be isolates w Ndefclanist" woabulary rater then Gvcribes strctral ‘Glecta of orgnisticn ee linguistic use. T tune ide ed er canvlas of Ue same sequen of its $0 Seam Legs ‘ foriver thay Tove ot tndereden the sale of reearch Mebket deere, Noerthelews, T believe Ont the sequence Be imtable an comeemalial fincton of «particular Spe of tarrating, Meter in Chins or” Vieuanese tex i Sequace merely rites stitutes reflect in gerfommnce Tiertoronce Unt leas to different form of acoenlodpaenty Sfthis soy of oqmetion sine one wald ope in eleig Eth ddactic tendon sere the facts fe to spk for tha ‘Gives. Mceoer, & eneeontemorary Veter text, the Nan fig ate ae, abSch dlicatenyart of the narrtive's materials elgg toe am, supnce of units in camectian ith Past fer an) allo Neuyén Trang Ny Tie maerials availabe vo [2 Wher the thor of this text, wece cirelating sn Vletamn Tee begining of te fiftcokh conry ot the latest and {Eat 8 catty before the narrative was capital. 18 Tike sao taken prise to Gina in 10) or Uereouts and wrote fas ‘aie in Gua, “he cbvicss difereoe tetien Sai-ma Kees raratlve and ue Victrmoe one Ises mein the fom of presentation but Invdut coe teales In te Vieutsbar text local Toyenings re- Gqive teir on iigstic wage, albeit within the Gusese ecco, The slgtiers are Gsrese Jaan vor localised long gy be shot the realog slgfies Vietnmce, and one ay Precopising. tis obvias agect of the lunatic usage fs ty noting to wat the ine words are acully referring. Nou Blah in 116 19 said to te "pe sed reolce’ C4), im lmomable expression, mo dnbt, In Chinese Casical itera fhe, bi wot ie beige is wenbiganedy cal, Binh tid oe by aaything wn be retires rem a aaston to Onin. Presmnly be, ode malo gency. hat is ineresting aa te rarrative's entrypane stricture is ot ito origimlity Vik its renting effect and the frequency and mrticularity of 108 ‘The Vietnam Forum j) its Linguistic usage in the perial in gestion, The stricta 4S aiount in the 1205-1201 period and digintegrates after 135" Gin nore be ssid of the ‘smtonce' or Statement? Oa cp tegin by noting tat the stacamnt's function is not to attention to the ruler alenoy though he is signified by hig Srpointaents and Gooure, Instead, the statement is abot te Telatiowhip between him and his officials, The niler is pat (OF a ont of relationdpe, nl the set provides the state bout good yneriment, The narrative sould be Snperfectly rag, T teliew, if one vere to detach those units which de with the officials and sake than the focus of study. The narrate fs not exclusively abt thon, Ruler sd official belerg ty the "omtance', and aie cheuld not pance on one oc the ter to develop topically oriented states. The ruler appears inthe 'sentereo! in brackets [Ge ore be sid of hs signification in aldition to his relaticadiy Sith good officials? ‘THE, NARRATING OP ANH-TOW AND sENH—T6X ‘he narrating of these rulers, fathor and sony depends to fo large extent’ on tig) strictral fentures: direct disco fod obituary mtice, ‘The rulers are anything bit silent, aa their direct discoorse, often but not invariably in pases, scouts for most instances of this male of narration in Ue 123-157 pected, Minho specks more frequently thm ay oer ‘rd rller, Both rulers are accorded the Longest Iaperial obit ‘ty notices in the Tein amals; Mintfn's is the more extensive fot is alnoet cotirely basal ca discourse. ‘ese narration. featurés disclose 2 sfgnlfying system ch is dliuctrated by the merative's (reatwnt of ‘merit! oc te chien (>). ‘The tem 3s often iwel in the text tut ually ascot with anceymas persons et rollo of merit dros up after warfare Fos written in te firet balf of the Feurteeth contury late the poet's mbitsen to can aerit, Ine perfomance, rept ‘Sen, or favour ate not asmuclatad vith merit as far 26 te Officials reflected in the "oentence’ are coovernad. the Planation mt be tel serit-acccing implies a porsaa meive End is whecoing for thee wo are depicted as selfless. De Silent gueral of 1335 is characteriand a ot using his mit se Vietnam Forum 11 109 pp sure or otro, A god oficial es a gd collage and ‘eR mt wid to qroplice he tlle ath his yur. y fatale ta aitlownsts. A dravtic. ogste in ITB show Sr mccnin otic cul. len to tingly. tain Ma cde ao ning Co ctne is po by caning ote Sey mit cr caeigy and tee wo Wet he ded lg ab attack Be com Hairttn wo trope er he eran clficia od coms “Te on te 221i te how to el th sco Ba fs dered wean abitiony Th we can “cage” G2) ta 9 a ‘Secon ay 0 go bey tes proper Une ihe ile eo evant tnaning fis irre gest for merits and ts ta'tw fincten af erences tower Gt i citad to dhy t te ulers vere eed leit tal age of ties © Ty pm acme ad ect Gin in felirg stowtlow ae pepe he. trtig once bo rules sigufies is alt Ihe tative hoe Shera eqlences fo the fcity ots: el erin sation: ‘comprehending’ (ke), ‘observing’ 8), 'soeing'(2), “having discriminating understanding’ (#4), 'not showing bias’ (SR), oe ting prc” (2 4), ‘bet ble vo he Beet Sater’ min iy and pectin ito! Ge) e riders ‘ele Goce wo a assed Sn Ciness fase Speck as ‘mages’ CE) jin the sense of being 'alltocacing’ (id). Sages He pitas ith pomtcsting Insight, Ni aurpelsngys Mle Lh ao an deeain in LS re atl by ese otstala as ‘sages’ on account of their far-sightedness and breadth of frau Te res are hreire sore distinctly crater thn ci wits 9 the “ames” Sayyed relate ‘Si officials are ming the cass tor recording Geir de Somat al discrimination, In IG Matrtly it 9 psy rer” taney, epinethe lew tatNao Hh Suid fauhty et Sh tomes te tele t collects Te Se airy tells wo. tot iveie adosleged Be: hesty Sen envy to Cio by promiie hn be grt. Bother a Sion tei jel of eiia To 1, ater Iain date are iferoed Ut en hs” date he ba Sen well af AAT Mee his fees Mint a Me pe tot seed tree rulers tt this atte ere no ‘The Vietnam Forum 1) sorthy of ing fobeervl" G2). The heir shuld treat mex, SCRE tamed ota Bo dene TF ct, a Ain tee te tle 8 Sn tee nh tn nl th 2 Wiha! Einats Geils lee copes Cia ts ais mer pee Ta dicted Sinton ae epi oe osc Me tay ele of ch Ae cil nt let He So Sk ee cae al Carts ese Se Tem na, gl tn oe Ios Nev enue al Ie Cre hfe eg Sha “te Tee cee So ted to few ine iis aut eng Ge ccm Sn eee Meal gies Me Wage Gy 2 S iml"usue ached Ge oan he apc Secipting oe sayy at ips: hn ae Mat tl Tees atc dee sete ie Sy, nt en stl Iie mr ky ys eet 0 (einige weaned fe ne tyes, eter ume Mitac isn sl a i i to efits eh afer: ll Pele a ign So det Secs “A ta Me dige te pmo ye ie tobe fata Mh ti, at wt "he Seip adn to pin’ he ce scm econo lnc tae ad ee karen Be Te ia et ox vin pr mimes an Saget i no ace pte se FE Cele ers thy sree pc tn ts ‘Sete doting ists fee ith ge Se Tinos ad ines a ach oc ae Bard a ead pe Taras Sl amid ith 0 ms ig puss aay oon the es a San el mal he is gta uw ru toc Cnet Pitta th ttach, ated iene rie ee Ses Soe he pe Vietnoa Forua 11 am tp pleose the ruler, but the official insteted tt "the distin 2feticen igh and ow mst be mae manifest” (PF L0H). Mi jr mld. scrupstous actantion to correct distinctions, Bat in Pase in 1506 be was able to repatiate 9 false distinction she spolded Tyuig Hin Siu for aiggesting. that he chal (se a his Iti@h rather then a. judicial officer: "1 trugt Sey officials’, retorted Mab-t2n, In 1329 be told Tri Ke (ing thst protecting the people against an invasion from te Detect wis more ingprtant then Moning easy victories. ower Te did so, be explained, the comtry wuld suppose tet he ' comrdond the North would vedo. His jul sas shrewd then that of his officials, whe urgal Alm to postpone the Cayaign. When Court officials protest, they do_so collectively (of menpmasly, and the ruler's repetion of their protest (Sls father's, ‘The Uree mt wnit-poed years (1323, 1505, ta 1355) are all in the earlier years of his reign.,In & pmse (152 ho "pu hiseelf into the mind oF (€ #84 18)" the honest Whe Bh Qu, and in the same year be wa plana ith the "wise torts" orf) of a prince, sf se grateful for the privilege being given even a sbordinate post by the ‘sage’. In an coury of 1507, the ruler ‘curgsd colour’ shen sameone told a tat be, Minn, ome wiser tian Arb-tdo, Tn qe ff direct eccurse be rebuked this aan by saying that coe vo fede sich a remark wculd not tehive dn a filial moner trans his oa father, and the compiler, in @ plece of contrived rarrat= lg cide that "hie ig wy the ruler niche hin’. In 1509 fine asked him why he fastel. The prince vas a critic of ‘thise and Tooisa, Minti "probel into’ (fj Xo) the sly lntetion bebe the quastion and retorted that he vas following bis encestors' practice. ‘velar Instance of Mish-tin's treaith of vision is contained lnm entry of 1129 shen be ine discussing Court persemel with hho sens, A prince advised im to avold monticning wt wn ne ‘The Vietnam Forum 11 "ted, tut Mink-tén spied that he did mot sant to show "bias! (aA. "Geol" should be compared with end distingrished frum SE itis ns wuld follow thelr om propensity ven they Lister ane veked) passages from the Srching

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