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NURS1020 Clinical Course Evaluation

Mid-term Evaluation

Student: Amelia Pletch

Clinical Instructor: Alicia Anderson

Missed Clinical Hours: 12 (weather and Alicia sick) Missed Lab Hours: 0
NURS 1020 Course Learning
Objective Evidence/Indicators of Progress: (The student has ...) Progress
Satisfa Unsati
ctory sfac-
Established therapeutic nurse- -Got down on eye level with resident who was quite confused and
resident relationships in residential distraught to make her feel like I wasn’t talking down to her, she
/long-term care settings. began to respond when I did this
-Helped resident get untangled from her blanket being stuck in her
wheelchair which was making her upset because she could not do it
on her own
-While bathing a resident who was in pain I let her hold my hand to
provide some comfort

Performed skills relevant to -Talked to two residents who are husband and wife in their room
situating an individual within and commented on their pictures of family as a way to engage in
his/her personal, familial and conversation and show my interest in what they had to say. They
community context seemed to enjoy talking about their family and having someone to
talk to.
-Maintained conversation with a resident who was confused and
talking about things that weren’t quite making sense, however I
figured that this was her normal behavior and realized that people
probably don’t usually engage in much conversation with her so I
did for a while which she seemed to enjoy.
Developed and demonstrated skills -Performed SPICES assessment on resident who was able to give
in basic assessment techniques mostly accurate answers to determine overall health. I spoke clearly
and explained/repeated any questions the resident needed me too.
relevant to the long-term care -Donned and doffed gloves properly and when appropriate
population (whenever performing personal care on a resident and then taking
them off when done performing care).
-Assisted in bathing a resident and assessing for any sores while
making sure she was comfortable and ensuring she has been
thoroughly bathed, dried off, moisturized and dressed.
Demonstrated skills in providing -Brought residents to dining area or helped them get ready for
resident-centered support for dinner by putting them in the right spot and helping them with their
activities of daily living aprons.
-Helped two residents eat dinner by encouraging them and stepping
in when necessary.
-Saying things like “good job” when the resident was able to
properly feed themselves to encourage doing as much as they can
by themselves.
-Used hand over hand guide to cue the next step while eating,
guiding their fork to the plate where there was food when needed.
-Respected the wishes of residents who said they were done eating
and had eaten an appropriate amount, I did not force them to eat
-Respected the wishes of residents who did not want to come to the
dining room for dinner.
Developed knowledge about the -Talked to resident about how she liked the facility. She said it was
experience of residents living in a wonderful, staff was amazing and food was good. However, she
long-term care setting says that it isn’t the most ideal situation (as she would rather be
living with her husband) but recognizes that she needs the help.
-I have noticed that some residents seem lonely whereas some seem
to enjoy themselves.
-If I were to put myself in their shoes I can see how being in a long-
term care facility could make me feel helpless and sad so I try to
keep that in mind when I see a resident having a bad day or not
responding positively to care.
Demonstrated safe and ethical -Performed sit to stand and Hoyer lifts with the PSW’s when
clinical practice at the level permitted and watched when one of the residents was not allowed
appropriate for a year one nursing to be lifted by students.
student -Began to help with lifts and feeding after I had learned it in lab
and learned the facility’s protocol for these tasks.
-Always closing the door when performing care on residents to
maintain privacy

Participated in professional -I journal after every day of clinical to reflect on my day and what I
development based on reflective think could have gone better and what went well, as well as reflect
practice and clinical inquiry on my thoughts and feelings about the day. For example, after my
first day I documented how I was feeling much more confident
about this placement once I was in the setting because up to that
point I had been feeling very nervous.
-Discussing experiences with the other members of my clinical
group every shift has been beneficial for comparison and additional
learning if they did something I haven’t done yet or vice versa.
Examined personal attitudes -At first, I was very nervous about performing care on the elderly
regarding the elderly and other but am much more comfortable after being exposed to the
residents of long-term care homes environment.
-The elderly have amazing pasts to tell and love to talk, learning
about them has been something I look forward to each shift.
-It is much easier to have enjoyable conversations with them than I
had originally thought. I thought that since some of the residents
had dementia that it would be hard to talk to them, probably
because of the stereotypes surrounding people in long term care
facilities that they are boring and have nothing to say.
Developed a basic knowledge of -One of the patients I cared for had gangrene on her foot which was
the clinical manifestations and very painful for her. As a result, she liked to hang her foot off of
relevant nursing interventions of her bed which would sometimes lead her to falling off the bed.
chronic diseases When we performed afternoon care on her we were careful to keep
her leg up on the bed so that when we were getting her situated for
a lift she wouldn’t fall and hurt herself. We had to hold her leg up
by ourselves to make sure she didn’t drop it. Normally, the railing
would be up or the bed would be lowered to prevent a fall.

Clinical Instructor Comments (Please include strengths as well as needs for improvement. There must be
comments to elaborate on any
objective marked “unsatisfactory”.

I hope that you are enjoying your 1020 placement thus far and I am eager to see your development through the next half
of the rotation. You are eager to learn and enthusiastic about your development as a nurse, you are well on your way to being
successful in 1020 clinical, keep up the good work!

Signature of Instructor___________________________________________________

Signature of Student_____________________________________________________

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