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Plaintiff, )
v. )
Case No.: 6:16-CV-53-NKM
and )
Defendants. )


Defendants BWX Technologies, Inc. (“BWXT”) and BWXT-Nuclear Operations Group,

Inc. (“BWXT-NOG”) (collectively “Defendants”), by counsel, for their Answer to Plaintiff's

Complaint, state as follows:

1. The allegations contained in Paragraph 1 of Plaintiff’s Complaint consist solely of

legal conclusions, to which no response is required.

2. The allegations contained in Paragraph 2 of Plaintiff’s Complaint consist solely of

legal conclusions to which no response is required.

3. In response to the allegations contained in Paragraph 3 of Plaintiff’s Complaint,

Defendants admit that they do business in the judicial district. The jurisdictional statement

contained in Paragraph 3 of Plaintiff’s Complaint is a legal conclusion to which no response is

required. Defendants deny any remaining allegations contained in Paragraph 3 of Plaintiff’s


4. Defendants deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 4 of Plaintiff’s Complaint.

{#1995548-2, 116882-00002-01}
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5. In response to the allegations contained in Paragraph 5 of Plaintiff’s Complaint,

Defendants admit that some or all of the allegations set forth in the Complaint relate to conduct

that appears to have allegedly occurred, if at all, in this judicial district. The remaining

allegations set forth in Paragraph 5 of Plaintiff’s Complaint consist solely of legal conclusions, to

which no response is required.

6. In response to the allegations contained in Paragraph 6 of Plaintiff’s Complaint,

Defendants lack sufficient information or belief to admit or deny when Plaintiff filed a Charge of

Discrimination. Defendants deny that they sexually harassed or retaliated against Plaintiff and

deny any remaining allegations contained in Paragraph 6 of Plaintiff’s Complaint.

7. Defendants lack sufficient information or belief to admit or deny the allegations

contained in Paragraph 7 of Plaintiff’s Complaint, and therefore deny the same.

8. In response to the allegations contained in Paragraph 8 of Plaintiff’s Complaint,

Defendants lack sufficient information or belief to admit or deny when Plaintiff received the

alleged Dismissal and Notice of Rights letter, and therefore deny the same. The remaining

allegations contained in Paragraph 8 of Plaintiff’s Amended Complaint consist solely of legal

conclusions to which no response is required.

9. Defendants deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 9 of Plaintiff’s Complaint.

10. In response to the allegations contained in Paragraph 10 of Plaintiff’s Complaint,

Defendants admit that BWXT-NOG is a subsidiary of BWXT and that BWXT and BWXT-NOG

have locations in Lynchburg, Virginia. Defendants deny any remaining allegations contained in

Paragraph 10 of Plaintiff’s Complaint.

11. Defendants deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 11 of Plaintiff’s Complaint.

12. Defendants hereby adopt and incorporate the preceding paragraphs of this Answer.

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13. Defendants admit the allegations contained in Paragraph 13 of Plaintiff’s Complaint.

14. Defendants deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 14 of Plaintiff’s Complaint.

15. In response to the allegations contained in Paragraph 15 of Plaintiff’s Complaint,

Defendants admit that Plaintiff worked in the “K-Building.” Defendants deny the remaining

allegations contained in Paragraph 15 of Plaintiff’s Complaint.

16. Defendants hereby adopt and incorporate the preceding paragraphs of this Answer.

17. In response to the allegations contained in Paragraph 17 of Plaintiff’s Complaint,

Defendants admit Plaintiff is male. The remaining allegations contained in Paragraph 17 of

Plaintiff’s Complaint consist solely of legal conclusions to which no response is required.

18. Defendants deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 18 of Plaintiff’s Complaint.

19. Defendants deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 19 of Plaintiff’s Complaint.

20. Defendants deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 20 of Plaintiff’s Complaint.

21. Defendants deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 21 of Plaintiff’s Complaint.

22. Defendants deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 22 of Plaintiff’s Complaint.

23. Defendants deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 23 of Plaintiff’s Complaint.

24. Defendants deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 24 of Plaintiff’s Complaint.

25. Defendants deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 25 of Plaintiff’s Complaint.

26. Defendants deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 26 of Plaintiff’s Complaint.

27. Defendants deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 27 of Plaintiff’s Complaint.

28. Defendants deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 28 of Plaintiff’s Complaint.

29. Defendants deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 29 of Plaintiff’s Complaint.

30. In response to the allegations contained in Paragraph 30 of Plaintiff’s Complaint,

Defendants admit that Plaintiff was allowed to seek medical attention and was allowed to go

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home for the remainder of the work day. Defendants deny the remaining allegations contained in

Paragraph 30 of Plaintiff’s Complaint.

31. Defendants deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 31 of Plaintiff’s Complaint as


32. Defendants deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 32 of Plaintiff’s Complaint.

33. Defendants deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 33 of Plaintiff’s Complaint.

34. Defendants deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 34 of Plaintiff’s Complaint.

35. Defendants deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 35 of Plaintiff’s Complaint.

36. In response to the allegations contained in Paragraph 36 of Plaintiff’s Complaint,

Defendants admit that an investigation was conducted as a result of certain work concerns

Plaintiff raised. Defendants deny the remaining allegations contained in Paragraph 36 of

Plaintiff’s Complaint.

37. Defendants deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 37 of Plaintiff’s Complaint.

38. Defendants deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 38 of Plaintiff’s Complaint as


39. Defendants deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 39 of Plaintiff’s Complaint.

40. In response to the allegations contained in Paragraph 40 of Plaintiff’s Complaint,

Defendants admit that an issue was raised with respect to Plaintiff parking in a handicapped

parking space. Defendants lack sufficient information or belief to admit or deny the remaining

allegations contained in Paragraph 40 of Plaintiff’s Complaint, and therefore deny the same.

41. Defendants deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 41 of Plaintiff’s Complaint as


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42. In response to the allegations contained in Paragraph 42 of Plaintiff’s Complaint,

Defendants admit that a boot was placed on Plaintiff’s vehicle because it did not have a handicap

parking permit displayed and then was removed when Plaintiff produced a proper permit.

Defendants deny any remaining allegations contained in Paragraph 42 of Plaintiff’s Complaint.

43. In response to the allegations contained in Paragraph 43 of Plaintiff’s Complaint,

Defendants admit that, following an investigation, Trent, Kessler and Lewis were no longer

employed. Defendants deny the remaining allegations contained in Paragraph 43 of Plaintiff’s


44. Defendants admit that Plaintiff resumed working in the K-Building after Trent,

Kessler and Lewis were no longer employed. Defendants deny the remaining allegations

contained in Paragraph 44 of Plaintiff’s Complaint.

45. Defendants deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 45 of Plaintiff’s Complaint.

46. In response to the allegations contained in Paragraph 46 of Plaintiff’s Complaint,

Defendants admit that Plaintiff underwent a fitness for duty examination. Defendants deny the

remaining allegations contained in Paragraph 46 of Plaintiff’s Complaint.

47. Defendants admit that Plaintiff was required to attend counseling because of his own

inappropriate workplace-related conduct. Defendants deny the remaining allegations contained

in Paragraph 47 of Plaintiff’s Complaint.

48. In response to the allegations contained in Paragraph 48 of Plaintiff’s Complaint,

Defendants admit that employees periodically undergo sexual harassment training. Defendants

deny the remaining allegations set forth in Paragraph 48 of Plaintiff’s Complaint.

49. Defendants lack sufficient information or belief to admit or deny the allegations

contained in Paragraph 49 of Plaintiff’s Complaint, and therefore deny the same.

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50. Defendants lack sufficient information or belief to admit or deny the allegations

contained in Paragraph 50 of Plaintiff’s Complaint, and therefore deny the same.

51. Defendants lack sufficient information or belief to admit or deny the allegations

contained in Paragraph 51 of Plaintiff’s Complaint, and therefore deny the same.

52. Defendants deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 52 of Plaintiff’s Complaint.

53. Defendants deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 53 of Plaintiff’s Complaint as


54. Defendants deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 54 of Plaintiff’s Complaint.

55. Defendants deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 55 of Plaintiff’s Complaint.

56. Defendants deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 56 of Plaintiff’s Complaint.

57. Defendants deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 57 of Plaintiff’s Complaint.

58. Defendants deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 58 of Plaintiff’s Complaint.

59. Defendants deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 59 of Plaintiff’s Complaint.

60. Defendants deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 60 of Plaintiff’s Complaint.

61. Defendants deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 61 of Plaintiff’s Complaint.

62. Defendants deny the allegations contained n Paragraph 62 of Plaintiff’s Complaint.

63. Defendants deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 63 of Plaintiff’s Complaint.

64. Defendants deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 64 of Plaintiff’s Complaint.

65. In response to the allegations contained in Paragraph 65 of Plaintiff’s Complaint,

Defendants lack sufficient information or belief to admit or deny whether Plaintiff now attends

counseling. Defendants deny the remaining allegations contained in Paragraph 65 of Plaintiff’s


66. Defendants deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 66 of Plaintiff’s Complaint.

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67. Defendants hereby adopt and incorporate the preceding Paragraphs of this Answer.

68. Defendants deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 68 of Plaintiff’s Complaint.

69. Defendants deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 69 of Plaintiff’s Complaint.

70. Defendants deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 70 of Plaintiff’s Complaint.

71. Defendants deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 71 of Plaintiff’s Complaint.

72. Defendants deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 72 of Plaintiff’s Complaint.

73. Defendants deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 73 of Plaintiff’s Complaint.

74. Defendants deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 74 of Plaintiff’s Complaint.

75. Defendants deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 75 of Plaintiff’s Complaint.

76. Defendants deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 76 of Plaintiff’s Complaint.

77. Defendants deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 77 of Plaintiff’s Complaint.

78. Defendants deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 78 of Plaintiff’s Complaint.

79. Defendants deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 79 of Plaintiff’s Complaint.

80. Defendants deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 80 of Plaintiff’s Complaint.

81. In response to the allegations contained in Paragraph 81 of Plaintiff’s Complaint,

Defendants deny that they violated any legal right or duty owed to Plaintiff, deny that Plaintiff is

entitled to the relief requested or to any other relief, and demand strict proof thereof.

82. Defendants hereby adopt and incorporate the preceding paragraphs of this Answer.

83. Defendants deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 83 of Plaintiff’s Complaint.

84. Defendants deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 84 of Plaintiff’s Complaint.

85. Defendants deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 85 of Plaintiff’s Complaint.

86. Defendants deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 86 of Plaintiff’s Complaint.

87. Defendants deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 87 of Plaintiff’s Complaint.

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88. Defendants deny the allegations contained in Paragraph 88 of Plaintiff’s Complaint.

89. In response to the allegations contained in Paragraph 89 of Plaintiff’s Complaint,

Defendants deny that they violated any legal right or duty owed to Plaintiff, deny that Plaintiff is

entitled to the relief requested or to any other relief, and demand strict proof thereof.

90. In response to the allegations contained in the Paragraph beginning “WHEREFORE”

following Paragraph 89 of Plaintiff’s Complaint, Defendants deny that the violated any legal

right or duty owed to Plaintiff, deny that Plaintiff is entitled to the relief requested or to any other

relief, and demand strict proof thereof.

91. Defendants deny all allegations contained in Plaintiff’s Complaint that they have not

expressly admitted in this Answer.


In further answer to Plaintiff’s Complaint, Defendants set forth the following affirmative

and other defenses:


Plaintiff’s Complaint fails to state a claim upon which relief can be granted.


None of the alleged comments or actions set forth in Plaintiff’s Complaint constitute

sexual harassment because they were not made or done because of Plaintiff’s sex.


Plaintiff’s claims should be dismissed, in whole or in part, because he has failed to meet

the jurisdictional or administrative or other prerequisites or conditions precedent for maintaining

all or part of this lawsuit, including, but not limited to, his duty to conciliate or exhaust available

administrative or internal remedies.

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Plaintiff’s claims should be dismissed because Defendants have not engaged in, and are

not engaging in, unlawful discrimination, harassment, or retaliation because of Plaintiff’s sex or

because of any complaint he may have made.


Plaintiff’s claims and damages are precluded, in whole or in part, by his violation of

Defendants’ policies, practices and/or procedures.


All actions Defendants took with respect to Plaintiff were taken in good faith, for

reasonable and legitimate business reasons and were based on nondiscriminatory factors wholly

unrelated to Plaintiff’s sex.


The alleged losses set forth in the Complaint did not result from anything Defendants

allegedly did or allegedly failed to do.


Plaintiff’s claims are barred, in whole or in part, by his failure to adhere to the applicable

statute of limitations, required time period for asserting claims, and/or other statutory or other

provisions of law.


Plaintiff’s claims are barred, in whole or in part, by the doctrine of unclean hands, laches,

and/or waiver.

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Plaintiff’s claims should be dismissed, in whole or in part, because he is estopped as to

such claims by his own actions.


Plaintiff’s Complaint fails to allege any facts that would support the imposition of

punitive damages against Defendants herein and the imposition of any such damages would

violate the constitutional and/or other rights of Defendants.


Plaintiff’s claims are unavailable, in whole or in part, because Defendant(s) have taken

and are taking available means to ensure that their respective employees are not subjected to

unlawful sex discrimination, sexual harassment, retaliation, or other unlawful conduct.


Defendants are not Plaintiff’s joint employer.


Plaintiff is not entitled to recover against Defendants because no adverse employment

action was taken against him.


Defendant(s) did not engage in any negligent conduct as it relates to Plaintiff and

exercised reasonable care to prevent and correct any alleged harassing or retaliatory behavior or



Plaintiff, by his actions or otherwise, failed to comply with Defendant(s) internal policies

for addressing complaints, including a policy barring sexual harassment and retaliation in the


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workplace and setting forth a procedure for addressing such complaints, and, accordingly,

Plaintiff is estopped, otherwise has waived, or is precluded from asserting his claims for damages

or other relief.


At all times relevant hereto, Defendant(s) maintained reasonable policies and procedures

to prevent and correct harassment, other forms of discrimination/hostile work environment, and

retaliation and Plaintiff failed to avail himself of these policies and procedures. Accordingly,

Plaintiff’s claims against Defendant(s) are barred under the principles enunciated in the Supreme

Court’s Farragher/Ellerth decisions because he failed to take advantage of Defendant(s) existing

policies and other measures designed to prevent and correct unlawful discrimination, harassment

and retaliation in its workplace, or to avoid harm otherwise.


Defendant(s) cannot be held liable to Plaintiff under theories of respondeat superior or

otherwise for the conduct of employees of Defendant(s) that occurred outside the scope of their

employment and because Defendant(s) did not ratify any such conduct.


Defendant(s) cannot be held liable to Plaintiff because one or more of Defendant(s) was

not Plaintiff’s Employer.


Plaintiff’s claims are unavailable, in whole or in part, because there was no causal

connection between events alleged in his Complaint and any damages which he allegedly



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Defendants expressly reserve the right to assert additional defenses, counterclaims, or any

other claims they may deem appropriate after further proceedings in this case.

WHEREFORE, Defendants respectfully request that this Court enter an order dismissing

Plaintiff’s Complaint herein in its entirety and awarding Defendants their attorney’s fees and

costs for defending this suit and for such other relief as the Court may deem appropriate.

Respectfully submitted,


/s/ Michael P. Gardner

Thomas R. Bagby, Esq. (VSB No. 14853)
Michael P. Gardner, Esq. (VSB No. 80380)
10 South Jefferson Street, Suite 1400
Roanoke, Virginia 24011
Telephone: (540) 983-7600
Facsimile: (540) 983-7711

Counsel for Defendants


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I hereby certify that, on this 9th day of December, 2016, the foregoing was filed

electronically with the Clerk of Court using the CM/ECF system, which will send notification of

such filing (NEF) to counsel of record.

/s/ Michael P. Gardner


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