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Service-Learning Summative Reflection

Chelsea Acree

Bon Secours Memorial College of Nursing

NUR 4144 Professional Role Development: Servant Leadership

Professor Barbara Ellcessor, DNP, RN, RNC-OB

March 28, 2018

I Pledge Honor Code-


Service-learning Summative Reflection

My expectations of service-learning throughout the nursing program include contributing

to the common good, helping those in need, experiencing a sense of community, increasing my

awareness and knowledge pertaining to the needs within the community, growing as an

individual, and developing new skills. The numerous service-learning opportunities that I have

participated in over the course of the past six semesters have been invaluable and fulfilled my

desired outcomes. My experiences have been intrinsically rewarding and heartwarming as I have

served as an instrument of God’s work to make a positive difference in the community and in the

lives of those in need. Reflecting on my personal growth, service-learning has provided

opportunities for transformation. Service-learning allows me to feel part of a larger purpose, and

provides an opportunity to engage in the community. I have developed my own voice and

discovered what I am passionate about as my service-learning activities have been diverse. My

communication skills have improved profoundly among various populations (i.e., mental health,

geriatric, etc.), enhancing my confidence in my delivery of nursing care to a diverse client-base.

My experiences have been very eye-opening to needs in the surrounding areas. I have built upon

my awareness and knowledge regarding the needs of the community and its populations, and

ways in which I can contribute to making a difference.

A universal strength that I have identified in my service-learning experiences is the

genuine appreciation conveyed by those being served. Such kind reinforcement is motivating to

continue volunteer efforts. Recognized weaknesses include lack of resources and helping hands.

A solution to address the aforementioned weaknesses includes raising awareness. I feel social

media has become an essential leisure for the majority, and serves as an excellent platform for

dispersing news. Recruiting volunteers in the community can be achieved through advertising on

popular forms of social media, such as Facebook. This is a cost-efficient means of reaching

hundreds and thousands of individuals.

I feel my Christian faith influenced my experience and perception of the service-learning

opportunities. My religious background instilled the importance of possessing a giving heart and

shunning from passing judgement. I am mindful to provide caring help that I would want for

myself or a loved one.

Throughout the nursing program, I have participated in a number of service-learning

activities, each unique and offering understanding and insight into various populations within our

local community. I have increased my awareness and knowledge regarding the needs of each

population served; however, each is unique. For example, while there may be overlap

occasionally, the needs identified in the geriatric client population do not parallel with those of

the Noah’s Children community. An overarching need that I have found to be consistent amongst

all populations aided in my service-learning opportunities involves a lack of resources, such as

tangible items and helping hands. My service-learning actions were relevant to both the specific

needs unique to each population and the overarching need. For example, while implementing a

service-learning activity with mental health clients, my classmates and I provided resources of

arts and crafts, while addressing individualized communication needs, skills development, etc.

I have found my service-learning opportunities to be intrinsically rewarding, and I

genuinely value the heartwarming experiences. They have reinforced my desire to continue

serving others. My concept of service-learning has evolved throughout the nursing program. It

has taken on a deeper meaning, and encompasses much more than learning through doing.

Mutual benefits occur for both the one serving and those being served. Service-learning is a

profoundly meaningful experience with several outcomes pertaining to knowledge, personal and

social growth, career development, the common good, and the growth and wellbeing of

individuals and their community being served.

I consider civic engagement to be an act of involvement within one’s community for an

improved future. It entails collaboration with peers, integrating each individual’s unique

knowledge, values and skill sets to make a positive difference. To remain engaged within my

local community after I graduate, I will contribute a helping hand to efforts that I am passionate

about, such as visiting nearby skilled nursing facilities during holidays to uplift the spirits of

elderly clients. I will continue to donate resources to organizations helping those in need, such as

contributing nonperishable food items to FeedMore, central Virginia’s hunger-relief

organization. Grocery shopping at nearby produce markets and small-owned businesses is

another means of engaging within the community.

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