Chapter 1

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One of the goals of the k-12 program is to develop learners for the competencies, work et
hic, and values relevant to pursuing further education and/or joining the world work. Work imm
ersion is a key feature of the SHS curriculum. It can be conducted in different ways depending o
n the purpose and needs of learners. Learners are the one responsible for accepting challenges in
side work immersion.

In today’s world, where just about everything is more convenient and accessible due to a
dvances in technologies, across almost all sectors, it may seem as though it’s a misnomers to eve
n mention any disadvantage of technological advances, however learners have easily adopted mo
re information that they need, by the help of technologies. The department of education (DEPED
) given enclosed guidelines for work immersion of every students. Learners allow them to find n
ew things and experiences that may build themselves a good and professional person.

Learner’s or students need to be have an accurate and appropriate behavior. Learners mus
t be the one who are able to manage themselves in time consuming inside their work immersion.
They also need to have a mentally, physically, spiritually, healthy so they can wisely. Being a go
od worker, its more benefits that you can get and also learn because work immersion also develo
p your interaction with other person’s. and by that they can easily learn new things and they can
continuously learn. Teachers are also responsible in giving development in their knowledge skill
s and to acquire more deeply information about their job attainment in immersion.

Being ‘on time’ or ‘punctual’ means being able to arrive, complete tasks and meet
obligations at or by a designated time. It is very important to be punctual. It shows that you can
be trusted. If you say you will meet someone at 8am and you don’t actually arrive until 8.15, you
have essentially broken your promise to them and gone against your word. This may lead the
other person feeling that you are unreliable. This is particularly important in the workplace as
repeated lateness could lead to you losing your job. If you are late for a medical appointment,
staff may simply cancel your appointment. It is important for all stake holders in education to
consider students late coming to school as a major variable or factor for the success of quality
education. Late coming to school by students could be as a result in a factor, thus teachers and
school administrators ought to work hard with the view to reducing the problem.

The Punctuality of a child to school or work immersion could change him to become a
better individual who uses his time judiciously in future career. Thus, this effort should be a
collective one, for one stakeholder many not be able to overcome. Reduction of students late
coming may serve as a means for the reduction of mass failure in national examinations. More
commitment on the side of the students to education is needed to better their academic
performance. This study focus on the punctuality of the TVL 04 students in specialization of the
CSS students in their work immersion to be needed and to enhance the well being of a society
and promote positive outlook and healthy behavior.

Statement of the Problem

The study aims to determine the effects of punctuality to the students of TVL 04 during t
heir work immersion. This also aims to answer the following guidelines needed in this chosen stu

1. What’s the students profile in term of punctuality?


-if age affect the punctuality of the TVL 04 CSS senior student during work immers
ion ?


-if sex affect the punctuality of the TVL 04 CSS senior student during work immers
ion ?

1.3 transportation;
-if transportation affect the punctuality of the TVL 04 CSS student senior during w
ork immersion?

1.4 family status;

-if family status affect the punctuality of the TVL 04 CSS student senior during wo
rk immersion?

2.How will the students be describe in terms of ;

2.1 immersion performance;

2.2 Punctuality;

3.Is there a significant effect in the punctuality of the TVL 04 computer system serv

icing senior high school student during their work immersion?

Significant of the Study

Learning as the aspect of development that connotes of behavior, skills and knowledge that
results from practices and experience which sought for quality education.

The generalization of this present study would be a great contribution to immersion studen
t in term of values in their job immersion. Vital result of this investigation could be highly signifi
cant and beneficial specially to the following.

CSS Student.They are considered the main concern of this research, this research will hel
p the css student to unlock a new knowledge about job immersion and give them clear insight an
values and knowledge skill to be needed on immersion. And understand and appreciate the impor
tance of attitude and knowledge skill when job immersion. This research also help the student to
enhance and develop the practice of the student in developing positive attitude toward the other a
nd develop potential, self confidence and self worth

Teachers.This refers to CSS teacher who took specially in computer. They are the instrume
nt to learned their student. This research open a opportunities for the teacher to know the student
performance on their job immersion and where they need to give a consideration on their teachin
g technique.

Parents.This research inform the parent of the student about job immersion and what is to
be considered attitude of the students, And that’s reflect on how parents grow their child in term
of character, values and proper behaviors toward the others that help the student to generate it int
o action on their work immersion.

Superior. As the boss of the company. It will help to him or her to know the performance a
nd characteristics of the employees that can apply to her or his company.

Future Researcher. This research help future researcher to adopt more information’s and
knowledge that they need in their future jobs.

Scope and Limitation

Values are the most integral of every employer such as learner’s into their work immersi
on ,and eventually get their job satisfaction which essentially should make them happy and satisf

This research involves the 30 TVL-4 CSS student of Bataan National High School in ter
m of values during work immersion. Its includes the concrete behavior and more concern about t
he punctuality of the CSS student on their job immersion. Furthermore it only attempt to identify
the different personalities in term of behavior and attitudes as well the knowledge that needs of t
he css student in their job immersion.

Definition Of Terms

Knowledge- information, understanding, or skill that you get from experience or education.

Curiculum - the totality of student experiences that occur in the educational process.

Values - the degree of importance of some thing or action, with the aim of determining what act
ions are best to do or what way is best to live, or to describe the significance of different actions.

Performance -the action or process of performing a task or function.

Punctuality – ariving or doing something at the expected or planned time.

Note In Chapter I

Knowledge, skill and attitude needed to success-


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