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Name .wma .mp3 .wav

File Extension Windows Media Audio MPEG-1 Audio Layer-3 Wave

History Was meant to be used in Fraunhofer-Gesellshaft It was also created by

the same purpose as made MP3. It has then Microsoft.
MP3 but not as popular. exploded into one of or
It's developed by the most used audio file.

Common Uses Used for Windows Media Mainly used for audio Used for storing an audio
Player files, most common. bitstream on PCs.
Gives good quality. (Microsoft Audio File)

Advantages Very versatile that it can When it's compressed It can be converted into
even view videos the audio file is reduced lots of different file types.
massively leading to a The quality is very close
smaller size but still good to the original.
quality and it's very easy
to share MP3 audio

Disadvantages Only have two format The audio quality may be The space that .wav
choices to export from. quite poor when takes is a lot meaning
compressed. they cannot be uploaded

The difference between these two are is one of them you can pick what song you would like to
listen to while the other, you have to listen to what the radio is playing at that moment without
actually having a radio.

3. Why was streaming audio not popular 10 years ago?

Streaming audio wasn't as popular 10 years ago as not everybody would use the internet and
everybody was using the radio or the TV as their source of music. Not everybody owned a
computer so their were less users as nowadays. Most streaming audio was also very expensive
compared to nowadays also.

4. Investigate how Bluetooth speakers work. Include a diagram you have drawn yourself. What
is Bluetooth, and where/how was it developed?
Bluetooth speakers is basically two wireless devices that connect to each other. Basically an
antenna-equipped chip is contained in both devices which sends and receives signals at a specific
frequency. Bluetooth was developed in America by special scientists.

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