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European Journal of Sport Science

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The metabolic and temporal basis of muscle

hypertrophy in response to resistance exercise
a a a a
Matthew S. Brook , Daniel J. Wilkinson , Kenneth Smith & Philip J. Atherton
MRC-ARUK Centre of Excellence for Musculoskeletal Ageing Research, Clinical, Metabolic
and Molecular Physiology, University of Nottingham, UK
Published online: 20 Aug 2015.

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and temporal basis of muscle hypertrophy in response to resistance exercise, European Journal of Sport Science, DOI:

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European Journal of Sport Science, 2015


The metabolic and temporal basis of muscle hypertrophy in response to

resistance exercise



MRC-ARUK Centre of Excellence for Musculoskeletal Ageing Research, Clinical, Metabolic and Molecular Physiology,
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University of Nottingham, UK

Constituting ∼40% of body mass, skeletal muscle has essential locomotory and metabolic functions. As such, an insight into
the control of muscle mass is of great importance for maintaining health and quality-of-life into older age, under conditions of
cachectic disease and with rehabilitation. In healthy weight-bearing individuals, muscle mass is maintained by the equilibrium
between muscle protein synthesis (MPS) and muscle protein breakdown; when this balance tips in favour of MPS
hypertrophy occurs. Despite considerable research into pharmacological/nutraceutical interventions, resistance exercise
training (RE-T) remains the most potent stimulator of MPS and hypertrophy (in the majority of individuals). However,
the mechanism(s) and time course of hypertrophic responses to RE-T remain poorly understood. We would suggest that
available data are very much in favour of the notion that the majority of hypertrophy occurs in the early phases of RE-T
(though still controversial to some) and that, for the most part, continued gains are hard to come by. Whilst the
mechanisms of muscle hypertrophy represent the culmination of mechanical, auto/paracrine and endocrine events, the
measurement of MPS remains a cornerstone for understanding the control of hypertrophy – mainly because it is the
underlying driving force behind skeletal muscle hypertrophy. Development of sophisticated isotopic techniques
(i.e. deuterium oxide) that lend to longer term insight into the control of hypertrophy by sustained RE-T will be
paramount in providing insights into the metabolic and temporal regulation of hypertrophy. Such technologies will have
broad application in muscle mass intervention for both athletes and for mitigating disease/age-related cachexia and
sarcopenia, alike.

Keywords: Muscle, protein turnover, hypertrophy, resistance exercise training

Introduction In addition, skeletal muscle acts as an endocrine

organ, secreting factors that can work in an auto/para-
Skeletal muscle is best recognized for the essential role
crine fashion or travel to other tissues to influence
it plays in maintaining posture and locomotion for
metabolism; possibly in a health-promoting manner
the completion of activities of daily living. Skeletal
(Pedersen, 2013).
muscles represent the largest organ of the body in
On this basis, the well-defined experimental
comprising nearly half of total body mass. Moreover,
and epidemiological links between low skeletal
it is increasingly recognized that skeletal muscles
muscle mass and function, morbidity and all-cause
play an important role in the control of whole body
mortality are perhaps unsurprising (Janssen, Heyms-
metabolism (e.g. glycemic control) and provision
field, & Ross, 2002; Jones, Doleman, Scott, Lund, &
of gluconeogenic precursors that can be liberated to
Williams, 2015; Metter, Talbot, Schrager, & Conwit,
support extra-muscular tissue needs (Felig, Owen,
2002). Crucially, skeletal muscle exhibits marked
Wahren, & Cahill, 1969; Pozefsky, Tancredi,
plasticity; that is, muscle phenotype is grossly
Moxley, Dupre, & Tobin, 1976; Shulman et al.,
subject to environmental influence – particularly in
1990; Zurlo, Larson, Bogardus, & Ravussin, 1990).
response to physical activity (Folland & Williams,

Correspondence: Matthew S. Brook, MRC-ARUK Centre of Excellence for Musculoskeletal Ageing Research, Division of Metabolic and
Molecular Physiology, Postgraduate Entry Medical School, Royal Derby Hospital, University of Nottingham, Uttoxeter Road, Derby
DE22 3DT, UK. E-mail:

© 2015 European College of Sport Science

2 M. S. Brook et al.

2007; Wernbom, Augustsson, & Thomeé, 2007) and of dietary proteins (Bennet et al., 1989; Bohé, Low,
inactivity (Breen et al., 2013; de Boer et al., 2007). Wolfe, & Rennie, 2001), with leucine contributing
Perhaps the best-recognized remodelling associated the majority to these effects (Smith, Reynolds,
with physical activity (and the focus of this YIA Downie, Patel, & Rennie, 1998; Wilkinson et al.,
award invited review) is in response to “resistance 2013). The mechanism(s) by which leucine (and
exercise training” (RE-T), the act of forcing weights other EAA’s (Smith et al., 1998)) induce increases
against a fixed (isometric RE) or non-fixed in MPS is via actions on anabolic signalling proteins
(dynamic–eccentric/ concentric RE) external load. (i.e. the mechanistic target of rapamycin; mTORc1
Yet despite considerable research efforts, the mech- (Atherton, Smith, Etheridge, Rankin, & Rennie,
anisms and temporal basis by which muscle hypertro- 2010; West et al., 2009, 2011). For example, rising
phy occurs remain poorly understood. intramyocellular concentrations of AA promote gua-
nosine triphosphate (GTP) charging of Rag
GTPases, recruiting mTOR to the lysosome for coor-
dinated activation. Furthermore, in the presence of
Skeletal muscle protein turnover and its
leucine, leucyl-tRNA synthetase trans-locates to the
quantification in humans
lysozyme where it functions as a GTPase activating
Downloaded by [Ecole Hautes Etudes Commer-Montreal] at 05:53 22 August 2015

In addition to containing substantial stores of glucose protein to activate mTORc1 (Bonfils et al., 2012;
(as glycogen) and lipids (as triglycerides), skeletal Han et al., 2012; Sancak et al., 2008, 2011). Thus,
muscle represents the body’s largest reserve of leucine not only acts as a substrate for MPS, but
amino acids (AA; principally stored within proteins). also a signal to promote enhanced mRNA translation
In periods in-between meals, AA are released from (Han et al., 2012). Whilst leucine signalling is clearly
muscle proteins as a result of prevailing muscle a significant driver in MPS, the mechanisms by which
protein breakdown (MPB) to provide gluconeogenic EAA stimulate MPS remain unclear, with evidence
substrates and building blocks for continued protein suggesting that sensing of increased extracellular
synthesis in other tissues (Greenhaff et al., 2008; EAA is the primary signal for MPS (Bohé, Low,
Owen, Smalley, D’Alessio, Mozzoli, & Dawson, Wolfe, & Rennie, 2003). Further, recent studies
1998). Crucially, these AA are replenished upon have shown metabolites of leucine such as β-
intake of food (i.e. dietary proteins) via the stimulation Hydroxy β-methylbutyric acid and α-Ketoisocaproi-
of muscle protein synthesis (MPS) (Bennet, Conna- cacid can stimulate MPS (Escobar et al., 2010; Wilk-
cher, Scrimgeour, Smith, & Rennie, 1989; Rand, inson et al., 2013) and so more research is needed in
Pellett, & Young, 2003). It is the dynamic balance this area to unravel the mechanism/s that regulate the
between these building-breaking cycles of muscle pro- stimulation of MPS.
teins that controls the stability of muscle mass in Increases in MPS in response to dietary protein-
healthy humans, causing muscle hypertrophy in intake are maximized by the consumption of ∼20 g
response to RE-T, postnatal and adolescent growth, EAA-rich protein sources. Heightened MPS is transi-
as well as atrophy in response to disuse and disease ent (lasting ∼2–3 h) and thereafter returns to basal
(Atherton & Smith, 2012; Phillips, Glover, & values, even in the face of continued plasma and intra-
Rennie, 2009; Rennie, Wackerhage, Spangenburg, myocellular aminoacidemia (Atherton, Etheridge,
& Booth, 2004). In response to activity and/or nutri- et al., 2010; Bohé et al., 2001; Cuthbertson et al.,
tion, there are pronounced changes in MPS (de 2005). Excessive dietary protein intake therefore
Boer et al., 2007; Greenhaff et al., 2008; Phillips does not induce skeletal muscle hypertrophy; at
et al., 1997). Whilst we acknowledge the important least in the absence of RE. This phenomenon has
role of MPB in the modulation of muscle mass, been termed “muscle-full”, being the point at which
MPB is traditionally a difficult process to study in MPS cannot be elevated further through the con-
vivo, furthermore the main effects on MPB are pri- sumption of additional AA (i.e. additional substrate
marily driven through the actions of insulin (Green- instead being diverted towards oxidation (Atherton,
haff et al., 2008). It is believed therefore that the Etheridge, et al., 2010; Moore, Robinson, et al.,
modulation of MPS is predominant in driving 2009; Witard et al., 2014)). Fundamentally, suffi-
muscle mass changes rather than MPB and so MPS cient dietary protein intake is important for mainten-
will be primarily discussed in this review. ance of muscle mass by balancing the daily fasting/
In the post-absorptive rested state, rates of MPS are feeding responses of MPS and MPB; yet the
typically ∼0.03–0.07% h−1, increasing to ∼0.06– amount and timing of protein intake required
0.1% h−1 following the consumption of food (Babraj throughout the day is incompletely defined.
et al., 2005; Cuthbertson et al., 2005; Moore, Tang, Our understanding of the underlying processes
et al., 2009). This stimulation of MPS arises solely regulating muscle mass has developed via utility of a
from the essential amino acid (EAA) constituents range of isotopically labelled tracer techniques
Resistance exercise and muscle hypertrophy 3

(primarily “stable isotope” tracers). By introducing a & Riechman, 2012) but a range of tissues throughout
labelled AA (i.e. by replacing more common the body (Bederman, Foy, Chandramouli, Alexander,
elements of 12C, 1H or 14N with their heavier & Previs, 2009; Dufner et al., 2005; Neese et al.,
13C, 2H or 15N isotopes) into the precursor pool 2002). In addition, D2O offers exciting new opportu-
(from which muscle is synthesized) and taking sub- nities to study longer term (days–weeks–months)
sequent muscle biopsies, the rate of incorporation regulation of MPS in humans (Robinson, Turner,
of this labelled AA into tissue protein can be deter- Hellerstein, Hamilton, & Miller, 2011; Scalzo et al.,
mined using mass spectrometric approaches, and a 2014) and with continued advancements in analytical
measure of fractional synthetic rate (FSR i.e. MPS) techniques enables sensitive measures of daily muscle
can be derived (Rennie et al., 1982). After establish- protein turnover and indeed individual protein turn-
ing “baseline” FSR, any investigative intervention over (Decaris et al., 2015; Kasumov et al., 2013; Wilk-
can be applied, such as exercise/nutrient combi- inson et al., 2014). However, acute AA tracers offer
nations, and resultant changes in FSR, recorded. their own benefit, particularly with regard to protein
Despite these techniques being limited to short- breakdown and oxidation measures, and their appli-
term measures (∼<24 h) and requiring specialist cation will continue to provide valuable insights into
clinical resources, that is, I.V infusions, blood the acute regulation of muscle protein turnover. For
Downloaded by [Ecole Hautes Etudes Commer-Montreal] at 05:53 22 August 2015

samples and muscle biopsies, these techniques have instance, acute AA tracers provide exceptional resol-
generated the majority of what we understand about ution in highlighting responses to single nutrient or
how muscle protein turnover responds acutely, for RE interventions that may ultimately be averaged
example, to nutrition, exercise and with ageing/ out in long-term measures. The approach employed
disease (Atherton, Etheridge, et al., 2010; Chesley, should therefore be carefully chosen to best answer
MacDougall, Tarnopolsky, Atkinson, & Smith, the question asked.
1992; Cuthbertson et al., 2005; Kumar et al., 2009; Deuterium oxide is administered via oral ingestion,
Williams et al., 2012). enriching the body water pool and labelling myocel-
Whilst acute measures of MPS (and signalling) have lular AA (during de novo AA synthesis and intermedi-
facilitated an understanding of how RE-T and nutri- ary metabolism, Figure 1) permitting turnover
ent interactions facilitate muscle protein accretion, measures through precursor product techniques. All
these measures only capture a small window of these AAs become enriched with deuterium (Kasumov
processes, that is, the response to a single bout of RE et al., 2013), and in particular alanine is extensively
in the absence or presence of macronutrient combi- and rapidly labelled through intracellular transamin-
nations. To exemplify the limitations of this approach, ation (Yang, Matthews, Bier, Lo, & Young, 1984).
the magnitude of RE-induced increases in MPS (fol- Cycling of alanine to pyruvate incorporates deuter-
lowing a single bout of RE in the fed state; Mitchell ium at the α and β positions, becoming enriched ∼ 3.7
et al., 2014) are not quantitatively related to hypertro- times greater than body water, representing 90% of
phy after a block of RE-T. These discrepancies may be the total 4 hydrogen’s are accessible (MacDonald
due to different approaches in measuring acute MPS, et al., 2013; Previs et al., 2004; Wilkinson et al.,
with nutritional status, period of acute measurement 2014). As this is an intracellular process, it is
and time after exercise capturing varied “snapshots” assumed that plasma alanine will closely reflect that
of the response. In addition, a proportion of MPS of intracellular alanine and the true precursor for
increases will represent remodelling/reconditioning protein synthesis, alanyl-tRNA. Further, alanine
of the muscle protein pool, as increased protein turn- closely follows the enrichment of body water
over is observed in situations that do not typically without perturbation (Dufner et al., 2005; Previs
result in increases in muscle mass (Atherton et al., et al., 2004) and so acts as a suitable precursor to
2015; Sheffield-Moore et al., 2004). Therefore, in monitor changes in MPS, with enrichment easily
order to move the field forward in the context of measured through samples of body water (i.e.
understanding the metabolic basis of muscle hypertro- saliva). D2O has a long half-life in the body water
phy, new methods are needed which better lend them- pool and so enrichment can be maintained through
selves to providing longer term insight, that is, those regular boluses that enables longer term measure of
reflecting the cumulative and temporal effects of RE- MPS (Robinson et al., 2011). The D2O technique
T. Deuterium oxide (D2O) was one of the first has also been expanded to measure the rate of
stable isotope tracers to be utilized for the study of MPB. This can be achieved by incorporating high
metabolism (Schoenheimer & Rittenberg, 1936). levels of deuterium and monitoring the loss of
Reintroduction of “heavy water” tracer techniques in labelled bound AAs from the pool, in a similar way
recent years has provided great advancements in to the fractional breakdown rates developed by
measuring not only muscle protein metabolism Wolfe and Chinkes (Zhang, Chinkes, Wolfe, &
(Busch et al., 2006; Gasier, Fluckey, Previs, Wiggs, Robert, 2002). However, this requires a lengthy
4 M. S. Brook et al.
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Figure 1. Illustration of pathways for the incorporation of deuterium from D2O into multiple tissue pools. Intracellular cycling of alanine to
pyruvate results in deuterium incorporation from body water at the α and β hydrogen’s, with an enrichment ∼3.7x body water. This labelled
alanine will mix with the alanyl-tRNA pool and be incorporated into new muscle proteins during protein synthesis. As D2O is incorporated
into multiple pools, nucleotides and triglycerides, multiple aspects of muscle metabolism can be measured. G6P Glucose 6 Phosphate, R5P
Ribose 5 Phosphate, PRPP Phosphoribosyl Pyrophosphate, NDP Nucleotide Diphosphate, dNTP Deoxy Nucleotide Triphosphate and D2O
Deuterium Oxide

wash out period to remove D2O from the body water individuals (Robinson et al., 2011). Therefore, the
pool preventing further label incorporation (Holm D2O tracer has great potential for interrogating the
et al., 2013); therefore, the practicalities of measuring true metabolic and temporal basis of hypertrophy.
MPB using D2O may be limited. Deuterium is incor-
porated into all tissues within the body and is further
incorporated into all sub-cellular substrates, i.e.,
The basis, and measurement of, muscle
mitochondrial, DNA and lipids (Hellerstein, 1999;
hypertrophic responses to RE-T
Miller, Robinson, Bruss, Hellerstein, & Hamilton,
2012; Robinson et al., 2011). By sampling the Skeletal muscle hypertrophy, the result of cumulative
tissue of interest, for instance muscle, and the post-RE increases in MPS, and increased strength via
ability to separate the sample into sub-fractions, greater contractile material or neural recruitment are
that is, myofibrillar, collagen, sarcoplasmic and mito- the most defining physiological adaptations to RE-T
chondrial, provides the opportunity to measure the (Mccall et al., 1996; Narici et al., 1996). Muscle
turnover of individual protein pools intimately hypertrophy represents an increase in muscle fibre
involved in muscle metabolism. Demonstrating the cross sectional area (CSA) due to the addition of
utility of this method, it was shown that MPS was new sarcomeres, the basic contractile proteins of
elevated over the 24 h following a bout of RE muscle. This is manifested as an increase in whole
(Gasier et al., 2012) and more recently that MPS is muscle size and ultimately enables greater force pro-
sustainably elevated even over 8 days (Wilkinson duction to cope with greater external loads. The
et al., 2014). Further, Robinson et al. showed that majority of muscle growth occurs through enlarge-
it was possible to quantify MPS using D2O over ment of existing muscle fibres, hypertrophy, rather
6-weeks; reporting that aerobic-type exercise led to than splitting or addition of new fibres, that is, hyper-
greater longer term measures of MPS in elderly exer- plasia. As such, hypertrophy at the cellular level can
cise trained individuals compared to young sedentary be detected by an increase in fibre CSA. However,
Resistance exercise and muscle hypertrophy 5

muscle hypertrophy involves a multitude of architec- RE increasing MPS ∼3 fold (depending upon the
tural adaptations which fibre CSA cannot solely duration of measurement). In the absence of nutri-
account for (D’Antona et al., 2006). Indeed, tion, myofibrillar protein synthesis returns to baseline
changes in fibre CSA in response to training have approx. 4 h later (Kumar et al., 2009), whilst mixed
been reported to be greater or less than changes in MPS remains elevated for up to 48 h (Phillips et al.,
whole muscle CSA (Aagaard et al., 2001; Narici 1997). Indeed, as with intake of dietary proteins
et al., 1996). These differences maybe a result of (Cuthbertson et al., 2005), RE-induced increases in
variability in fibre (and fibre-type) hypertrophy and MPS exhibit an upper limit and follow a sigmoidal
reproducibility of fibre CSA estimates (Viitasalo, dose response relationship being near maximal
Saukkonen, & Komi, 1980). Further, myofibrillar between ∼60% and 90% of one-repetition
packing in parallel can increase physiological CSA maximum (1-RM) (Kumar et al., 2009). Nonethe-
(CSA area perpendicular to muscle fibres) greater less, higher mechanical loads are not a pre-requisite
than anatomical CSA, whilst muscle hypertrophy is for the stimulation of MPS. For example, RE at
non-uniform along the muscle belly, and influenced 30% 1-RM to failure increases MPS equal to that at
by contraction type (Aagaard et al., 2001; Franchi 90% 1-RM (Burd et al., 2010). Despite large
et al., 2014; Narici et al., 1996). Finally, the point increases in MPS, RE performed in the fasted state
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at which the addition of new contractile protein pro- is in fact catabolic. Without AA substrate to support
duces a detectable increase in CSA of a single fibre is the stimulation of MPS, the duration of the increase
unclear and will likely involve significant rearrange- in MPS is limited, and when combined with
ment of the surrounding extracellular matrix (Miller elevations in MPB that occur to replace damaged
et al., 2005). At the whole muscle level, MRI and tissue or promote tissue remodelling, this results in
CT scans are considered the gold standard for pro- negative protein balance (Biolo, Maggi, Williams,
viding accurate muscle measures (Mitsiopoulos Tipton, & Wolfe, 1995; Phillips et al., 1997). Positive
et al., 1998). However, repeated measures using net balance (i.e. net gain of muscle) is only achieved
these techniques are costly, potentially limiting fre- where RE is combined with AA or dietary protein
quent practice. Although initial costs for all these intake due to potentiating effects on MPS versus
instruments are expensive, dual-energy X-ray absorp- dietary protein intake or RE alone (Biolo, Tipton,
tiometry (DXA) provides measures of muscle mass at Klein, & Wolfe, 1997; Chesley et al., 1992; Louis &
relatively low running costs and minimal radiation Poortmans, 2003; Witard et al., 2014). This is
exposure (Heymsfield et al., 1990). When compared achieved by RE effectively delaying the onset of
to MRI and CT, DXA may overestimate muscle “muscle-full” allowing prolonged synthesis with sub-
mass (Maden-Wilkinson, Degens, Jones, & sequent protein intake (Figure 2; Bukhari et al., 2015;
McPhee, 2013) although shows good agreement in Moore, Tang, et al., 2009; Pennings et al., 2011).
representing training induced changes in body com- This heightened sensitization may persist for as long
position (Nindl et al., 2000). The use of ultrasound as 48 h (Burd et al., 2011; Cuthbertson et al., 2006;
techniques to quantify hypertrophy, that is, as Miller et al., 2005); at least in the untrained state.
muscle thickness – is gaining popularity primarily as The combination of EAA + CHO after exercise has
it offers a cheap and minimally invasive technique shown to moderately attenuate post exercise
that also provides information about architectural increases in MPB, which may enhance the net ana-
adaptations (i.e. fascicle length and pennation bolic response driven through the inhibitory effect
angle; Franchi et al., 2014). The choice of method of insulin on MPB. However, despite known nitro-
depends on the endpoint of the study, for example, gen-sparing effects, CHO has no additional benefits
whether regional or whole body measures of mass, on promoting MPS (Glynn et al., 2010; Gorissen
volume or architectural adaptations are required. et al., 2014; Staples et al., 2011), highlighting that
Nonetheless, it is important to highlight that data in the modulation MPS is the primary driver in hyper-
the literature on “changes” in muscle mass in trophy rather than adaptive effects on breakdown.
response to RE-T depend heavily upon the method However, lack of accurate methods and studies on
chosen to detect muscle growth (Heymsfield, MPB with RE-T prevents dismissal of adaptations
Wang, Baumgartner, & Ross, 1997). in MPB playing potential roles in hypertrophy.
The exact mechanisms by which mechanical
loading is transduced into molecular signals that
produce this rise in MPS are multifaceted (discussed
MPS and signalling responses to
in Hornberger, 2011). Nonetheless, whatever the
unaccustomed and accustomed RE
initiating signals, it has been repeatedly shown that
Mechanical loading of skeletal muscle via RE is a increases in MPS are regulated by activation (i.e.
powerful stimulator of MPS with a single bout of phosphorylation (Dreyer et al., 2006; Drummond,
6 M. S. Brook et al.

Figure 2. Acute and proposed longer term changes in MPS and RE-induced changes in muscle mass. In response to an acute exercise bout
MPS is transiently increased 2–3 fold before returning to baseline ∼4 h, although this may be sustained for longer with the addition of EAA.
Repeated RE-T results in early muscle hypertrophy, ∼3–4 weeks, with any further progression relatively slow in comparison, with increases in
muscle size reported to be 5–15% by 8 weeks. Cumulative response to RE-T measured using D2O have demonstrated ∼30% increases in MPS
over 1 week, in which we propose this response becomes diminished with time and ensuing muscle hypertrophy.

Fry, et al., 2009; Kumar et al., 2009) or cellular Furthermore, the specific pools of proteins affected
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re-localization (Kim & Chen, 2000; Koopman, become more specific to the adaptive response; for
Zorenc, Gransier, Cameron-Smith, & van Loon, example, after 10-weeks of RE-T non-myofibrillar
2006)) of signalling proteins involved in “anabolic proteins (mitochondrial) are no longer stimulated,
signalling pathways” (to qualify – those linked to whereas myofibrillar proteins are, that is, to facilitate
the process of mRNA translation). Perhaps the maintenance of increased muscle mass after RE-T
central node of this is the protein kinase mTORc1, (Wilkinson et al., 2008). Recently, D2O and sensitive
long known for its role in cellular growth and respon- IRMS techniques were used to measure cumulative
sive to both mechanical and nutritive stimulation. To short-term responses to repeated exercise bouts
exemplify this, inhibition of mTORc1 (with rapamy- over an 8-day period. Using a unilateral RET pro-
cin) prevents feeding and exercise-medicated gramme and with participants in an otherwise free-
increases in MPS (Bodine et al., 2001; Drummond, living situation, it was demonstrated that even after
Miyazaki, et al., 2009). These trophic effects of only two-exercise bouts myofibrillar protein synthesis
mTORC1 are driven via its activation of substrates was significantly increased over the rest leg. However
involved in both translational initiation (e.g. with subsequent bouts, albeit at the same intensity,
p70SK1, 4EBP1 and eIF’s) and elongation (e.g. showed that increases in myofibrillar protein synthesis
eEF2) (Proud, 2009) processes. were attenuated after just 4 RE bouts (Wilkinson
An important but often overlooked consideration is et al., 2014). This indicates that muscle is already
that MPS (and for that matter hypertrophic) experiencing an attenuated response, highlighting
responses to RE are different depending upon train- the need for “overload” regimes (or “good genes”,
ing status. Indeed, part of the initial elevation in given substantial natural variation in hypertrophy
MPS to an unaccustomed bout of RE is likely to rep- responses; Phillips et al., 2013) to continue up regu-
resent repair of damaged proteins and is largely deter- lation of MPS, and hence hypertrophy.
mined by an individual’s previous exposure to
external loading (Constantin et al., 2013; Murton
et al., 2014), whereas later changes will more likely
The time course of muscle hypertrophy
reflect specific adaptive or maintenance processes.
response to RE-T
In studies comparing how the FSRs of muscle pro-
teins change with training, it was shown that seden- Perhaps surprisingly, the time course of muscle
tary individuals exhibit greater MPS responses to a hypertrophy responses to RE-T remains poorly
bout of RE when compared with strength-trained defined; likely due to the paucity of sufficiently
athletes (Phillips, Tipton, Ferrando, & Wolfe, precise methods to assess early changes. Whilst it is
1999). This was further demonstrated in longitudinal well established that muscle hypertrophy is the
studies whereupon the completion of a unilateral RE- product of cumulative post-RE increases in MPS, it
T programme, reduced protein turnover was evident appears that muscle hypertrophy in response to a pro-
in the RE-trained leg whether RE was performed at gramme of RE-T is not a linear process, that is, great-
the same absolute or relative intensity (Kim, Staron, est hypertrophy is skewed towards the early weeks of
& Phillips, 2005; Phillips et al., 2002). Similarly, unaccustomed RE-T (see next section; Figure 2).
MPS responses (0–28 h post-RE) to successive This is in opposition to earlier dogma that suggested
bouts of RE are attenuated with ongoing training delayed hypertrophy responses to RE-T (Moritani &
(Tang, Perco, Moore, Wilkinson, & Phillips, 2008). DeVries, 1979). In support of dominant early
Resistance exercise and muscle hypertrophy 7

hypertrophy, marked hypertrophy has been observed methodology (i.e. high single biopsy coefficient of
in the quadriceps, of ∼6–7%, after 5-weeks of RE-T variation 10–20%; Folland & Williams, 2007) and
(Norrbrand, Pozzo, & Tesch, 2010; Seynnes, de may not represent that of whole muscle hypertrophy
Boer, & Narici, 2007; Tesch, Ekberg, Lindquist, & (Lexell & Taylor, 1989a, 1989b). To us, these
Trieschmann, 2004), and ∼10–15% in 4–6-weeks studies collectively clearly demonstrate that muscle
in the upper body (Narici & Kayser, 1995; Ogasa- has the potential for rapid hypertrophy and beyond
wara, Yasuda, Ishii, & Abe, 2013). This would this point any further increases occurs at a vastly
suggest, if growth was linear, an increase of ∼0.2– lower rate, despite increased intensity (Ogasawara
0.3%/d occurs (Wernbom et al., 2007; Ogasawara et al., 2013; Olsen et al., 2006). This demonstrates
et al., 2013) after which there is a marked slowing early hypertrophy predominates in response to an
in rates of hypertrophy. This would suggest that RE-T programme – proven by many analytical
there is practically no delay in hypertrophic methods, including architectural adaptations, fibre
responses. In support of this, myofibrillar protein CSA, whole CSA and DXA mass (Constantin
content has shown to be increased after just three et al., 2013; Mayhew, Rothstein, Finucane, &
training bouts (Willoughby & Taylor, 2004). Simi- Lamb, 1995; Seynnes et al., 2007; Woolstenhulme
larly, early hypertrophy has also been demonstrated et al., 2006). Moreover, this notion is also supported
Downloaded by [Ecole Hautes Etudes Commer-Montreal] at 05:53 22 August 2015

with increases in muscle CSA after 20 days detected by reports of dampened acute MPS responses to
using MRI (Seynnes et al., 2007), and as soon as 1- accustomed exercise (Phillips et al., 1999, 1997).
week when a greater training stimulus (i.e. 6 sets 8–
12-RM vs. 4 sets 7-RM) is used (DeFreitas, Beck,
Stock, Dillon, & Kasishke, 2011). Likewise, Abe Conclusion
et al. showed that blood flow restriction combined
Whilst we are beginning to understand the complex
with low intensity exercise yielded significant hyper-
mechanisms underlying the regulation of muscle
trophy after four days of training (Fujita, Brechue,
hypertrophy, the progression of muscle mass and phe-
Kurita, Sato, & Abe, 2008).
notypic adaptations to RE-T are unclear. The ability
Data from longer term time-course studies are
to detect changes in muscle size or mass will depend
similar. Defrietas et al. measured muscle CSA every
on the method chosen; however, there is accumulating
week using peripheral CT and showed a 7.8%
evidence using multiple techniques to suggest that
increase after 4-weeks of training with only a further
muscle remodelling/hypertrophy occurs rapidly in
increase of 1.7% over the next 4-weeks of continued
response to RE-T. Further complexity is introduced
RE-T (DeFreitas et al., 2011). Furthermore, in older
as little is known on the time course of muscle hyper-
individuals, increases in DXA-derived muscle mass
trophy between subjects, with individuals likely to
was 4.1% after the first 4-weeks and only increased
plateau at different rates due to the innate capacity to
1.3% in the next 4-weeks (Constantin et al., 2013),
build muscle (Phillips et al., 2013). Whilst traditional
whilst increases in whole body mass or fat-free mass
acute stable isotope tracer techniques can provide us
have shown to be no greater after the first 3 months
with an immediate dynamic snapshot of the responses
of training even in conditions of optimized nutritional
of muscle protein turnover to resistance exercise and/
intake (Hulmi et al., 2009; Volek et al., 2013). Once
or nutrition, the time course of muscle hypertrophy is
again matching this thesis, maximal changes after the
a cumulative process driven by chronic temporal
first 4–5 weeks of RE-T were demonstrated in both
adaptations. In order to better understand this
muscle thickness (Baroni et al., 2013) and fibre
process at a holistic level and to determine the meta-
CSA (Woolstenhulme, Conlee, Drummond, Stites,
bolic and molecular basis of predominating early
& Parcell, 2006). Similarly, Olsen showed a signifi-
hypertrophy and the inter-individual variability in
cant 13.8% increase in fibre CSA after 4-weeks,
responsiveness to stimuli, the application of D2O
without further increase after 16-weeks (Olsen
tracer approaches herald great promise. The appli-
et al., 2006), whilst a creatine supplement group
cation of this tracer technique alongside analytical
showed significantly greater fibre CSA after 4-weeks
techniques already well established (acute tracer tech-
with no further increases after 8- and 16-weeks RE-
niques, imaging and molecular biology) will provide
T (Olsen et al., 2006). In contrast, to this body of
us with unique understanding of this complex yet
data, despite a tendency for greater fibre CSA
important phenomenon.
during the initial weeks of training favouring early
hypertrophy, some authors have reported no detect-
able change until >6-weeks RE-T (Green,
Goreham, Ouyang, Ranney, & Ball-Burnett, 1999;
Staron et al., 1994); nonetheless, as mentioned D.J.W. is a Medical Research Council-Arthritis
earlier, fibre CSA can be a rather subjective Research United Kingdom (MRCARUK) Centre-
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