Fuzzy Logic Expert System For Diagnose Decreased Efficiency of Power Plant

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Fuzzy Logic Expert System for Diagnose Decreased Efficiency of

Power Plant

Totok Gunawan1 and Andika Respati Firdaus2

Department of Instrument and Control Engineering

PT Indonesia Power UJP Adipala, Adipala Cilacap, 53271, Indonesia

The efficiency calculation conducted in Adipala power plant at this time is still done manually
by taking the parameter data from DCS and some parameters in local, and done in certain
period of time. Probability loss of efficiency monitoring data is very high because the
operating parameters are dynamic. In the period of uncalculated efficiency value, the plant
performance is unknown. Consequently, the operating losses will be possible, and there is no
supporting data to make decision for urgent and or quick improvement.
Fuzzy Logic Expert System for Diagnose Decreased Efficiency of Power Plant which is called as
“EMO” is made with the aim to calculate the power plant efficiency by online and real time.
EMO can provide equipment repair recommendations, in case of decreased efficiency
performance. The diagnostic method and recommendation is using fuzzy logic expert system.
EMO has been implemented in Adipala power plant and can help provide equipment repair
recommendations when there is a decrease in power efficiency performance. It can be
applied in all power plants either with DCS, PLS or other type of control system platform.
The parameters from local equipment by using DCSs or PLCs are initially used as input for
current efficiency condition calculation. Furthermore, the proposed fuzzy logic model is
developed based on efficiency calculations and matched with EPRI data. This analysis is done
in real time so it delivers more efficient and accurate equipment efficiency monitoring and
equipment improvement recommendations. This overcomes the lack of conventional
efficiency monitoring methods of the equipment.

Keywords: Efficiency Monitoring; Expert system; Fuzzy logic; Heat rate diagnosis; Failure

On leave from the Engineering Physics Dept., Faculty of Industrial Technology, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh
Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia. Email: totok.gunawan@indonesiapower.co.id. Tel: 62857-3117-1710
On leave from the Electrical Engineering Dept., Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Institut Teknologi Telkom,
Purwokerto, Indonesia. Email: andika.respati@indonesiapower.co.id Tel: 62858-7038-0088

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