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By K.K.Parthiban / Venus Energy Audit System & Sri Devi Boiler Equipment and Spares.

Boilers suffer forced outages when there is a deviation in plant water chemistry. Power plant steam
generators are more sensitive to water chemistry deviations as they operate at high pressures. Even
few hours of compromise in water chemistry can cause tube failures. At times, this can cause
deposition of solids in turbine blades. Recently we conducted a shut down audit of a 300 MW PF
boiler at African continent. In this article, we bring out interesting observations on water chemistry.

About the steam generator

The steam generators are designed with controlled circulation for an evaporation rate of 992 TPH, at
a superheater outlet pressure of 173.9 bar and temperature of 540 deg C. The feed water temperature
input to steam generator is at 258 deg C. The unit has reheater steam flow of 914 TPH, coming in a
pressure of 41.3 bar, 335.6 deg C and leaving at 39 bar at 540 deg C.

Sea water is used in condenser. The feed water is treated with ammonia for pH correction. 1-2 ppm
of Trisodium phosphate is used for boiler water pH maintenance.

The boiler had been in operation for almost 15 years. The plant is taken for a major overhaul every
eight years. This year, we were invited for detailed inspection of the plant. Though we had several
observations in the plant on boiler pressure parts, erosion protection system, coal burner system,
Ljungstrom airheater, flue gas and air ducting, we bring out our observations in the steam drum,
deaerator, turbine and the water chemistry in this article.

Observations in steam turbine

The turbine showed signs of carryover of boiler water. The backup data on SWAS parameters were
available only for 1 month. It did not show up deviations at any point of time. Earlier data was
available only with one average data representing 24 hrs. Hence occasion of carryover could not be
pin pointed.

Photo 1- HP stage turbine blades showing deposition of Photo 2: This photo shows the deposits in the outlet
solids. This is due to carry over of solids along with end of HP stage. The deposits can be seen over the
boiler water. This photo is at inlet end. blades.
Photo 3: Inntermediate turbine bladdes show reed tinge Ph
P hoto 4: statiionary vaness of Intermed
diate turbinee
and depositss. sta
age were seeen with depossits.
As we cann see theree is quite a lot of deeposits in the turbinee. Interestinngly there is a cationn
conductivitty meter whhich did noot detect thhe carry ov ver incidencce. Continuuous carry over
o can bee
easily deteccted by sodiium test. A deposit anaalysis was reecommendeed by us.

ns in steam
m drum

Photo 5- Stteam drier chevrons

P c shoow reddish marks Pho oto 6: Entiree steam drum m was seen with reddishh
indicating thhere had been water chem
mistry deviattions. dep
posit, indicating pH deeviations eitther in feedd
watter or in boiller water at ssome point off time.

Photo 7: Chevron
P C sepparator plaaced above turbo Pho
oto 8: Thiss photo is from a diff fferent plannt
separator allso showed foaming
fo signss. showing the maagnetite layerr formed by proper
p waterr
chemistry mainttenance.
The photoss 5 to 7 show the insidde views of the steam drum.
d We can
c see therre had been n foaming inn
the steam drum.
d Foamming can bee caused byy the low pH
p / high pH situationn of feed water / boiler
water. Startt up / shut down wateer chemistryy & water chemistry during
d tubee failure tim
mes can alsoo
cause corroosion of stteel and theen cause foaming.
fo Photo
P 8 shoows the drrum surfacee of a welll
maintained boiler. Thee dark grey color of thee metal surfface shows the presencce of magneetite layer of
the drum innternal surfaace.

ns in deaerrator storagge tank

Photo 9- Thhe sparger steam

P s pipe is seen coatted with Photo 10: Thhe surface oof the deaerrator storagee
corroded iroon. ta
ank is seen cooated with irron. These are
a not due too
oxxygen corrossion as pits aare absent.

Photo 11: The

P T feed wateer outlet stubb - vortex finnder are Photo 12: Deeaerator tow
wer is seen with reddishh
seen coated with iron duust. co

It was learnnt that theree had not beeen any inccident of co

ondenser tubbe leaks in this unit. Yet
Y it is seenn
that the surrfaces of steeam drum and
a deaeratoor storage taank show pH corrosionn products. This can bee
due to delayy in stabilizzing the pH during startt up.

Unlike nattural circulation boileers, controllled circulattion boilerss offer thee advantagee of forcedd
circulation even beforee light up. Thus
T it is poossible to maintain
m uniiform waterr chemistry even beforee
light up. Prrotocol on water side parameters could be signed
s evenn before ligght up of th
he unit. Thiss
would avoid deviations in water chemistry.

Since this was

w a long shut
s down, it was decidded to condduct the deposit analysiis at differen
nt locationss.
The samplee locations were
w decideed by us bassed on the vulnerable
v l
locations. T
The sketch below
b showss
the locationns for samplling. The saample tubess were cut and inspecteed. Ribbed ttubes are used at burner
elevations and
a plain tuubes are used in the furnnace hopperr walls. Thee tubes did nnot show an ny corrosionn
or accumulation of corrrosion prodducts. Howeever thin meetal oxide laayer could bbe seen.
Figure 1: The above is the guideline for tube sample removal for deposit estimation. High heat flux
area, steaming point, change of direction, tubes with more bends are the criteria for selection.
Inspection of tube inside

Photo 13- furnace sloped tube sample inside is seen. Photo 14: furnace sloped tubes at another location
There was no ongoing corrosion. also confirmed that there is no on going corrosion.

Photo 15: Tube at burner level - ribbed tube was found Photo 16: Another tube at burner level - ribbed
to be free from corrosion. The pH of boiler water must tube was found to be free from corrosion. The pH of
have been OK during the past few days. boiler water must have been OK during the past few

Photo 17: Observation inside by borescope inspection Photo 18: Another tube sample inside view by
revealed that there is no ongoing corrosion borescope inspection revealed that there is no
ongoing corrosion

The inside tube inspection did not show any pH deviation prior to shutting the unit. However the ring
header inspection door was opened. Some floor tubes were cut and borescope inspection was done to
ensure that there is no choking of orifices at the inlet stubs.

Photo 19- Small amount of dirt is seen at the orifice Photo 20: The ring header was seen with mild
area in one of the sample. However choking is not reddish tint. However this cannot be considered as
seen around the orifice. pH corrosion.

Photo 21: The steam drum here shows the color of Photo 22: The steam drum here shows the improper
internal surface when the feed water / boiler water pH maintained. The photo is taken immediately after
pH are maintained as per requirement, say 9.2 to 9.8 opening the steam drum for inspection. This kind of
( non copper system. appearance was not found at this plant

The SWAS panel parameters were reviewed by us. However detailed data in shorter intervals were
not available for review. It was seen that there was large scale variation in feed water flow. The unit
had a tube failure in LTSH area prior to shut down. High make up water requirement was there.

Photo 24: Boiler water conductivity rises after the

Photo 23: Screen shot showing the wide variations in boiler is shut. Boiler water pH rise informs that the
feed water flow 3 days prior to shut down. HP dosing pump is not switched off in time.
When there is large variance in feed water flow, there can be disturbance in pH in feed water and
boiler water. The ammonia requirement would have increased. If the dosing rate is not adjusted with
due care, there can be shift in pH in feedwater chemistry.


There had been an incident of condenser tube leakage in another unit in the same plant about 12
months back. There had been under deposit corrosion in the next 2 months leading to hydrogen
cracks in sloped tubes at furnace bottom. Many tubes were changed and boiler was pressure flushed
to get rid of loose deposits which were generated due to low pH situation during the condenser tube

Nearly 12 months later there had been tube failures at burner level. There were two failures within a
time gap of 15 days. Plant engineers were of the opinion that it is the after effect of the condenser
tube failure which occurred 12 months back. This cannot be true as under deposit corrosion would
occur in few days time.

One of the failed tube was sent to lab. Another failed tube sample was available at the plant. The
photo of the tube inside can be seen below.

Photo 25- Tube showing under deposit corrosion Photo 26: Tube showing the deposits inside.

Photo 28: HP dosing system area showing signs of

Photo 27- The boiler water pH meter was not
pumping problem / strainer choking incidents.
functional for a long period ( more than 1 year. The
reading was hunting between 4 & 10.37 almost every
2 seconds.

Under deposit corrosion occurs quite fast. The lowering of boiler water pH to 7.5 leads to dissolving
of the magnetite layer immediately. The boiler fire should be put off immediately and the unit should
have been flushed out, as the boiler water is contaminated. Failure to do show will lead to
development of sites wherein the under deposit corrosion begins. depending on the boiler water
treatment regime, the tube failure can be due to hydrogen crack or due to caustic corrosion.

A deposit site created 12 months back, would not be failing now. We explained there is fresh deposit
occurring. This can be due to pH deviation. If the deposits contain Iron and phosphate, it can be due
to boiler water pH deviation. If it contains chlorides, it would be due to condenser tube leak. There
were evidences that the boiler water pH may not be properly being maintained. There are two
conductivity meters available at condenser. We recommended that it shall be provided with cation
conductivity columns so that sea water ingress can be identified easily. Transport of corrosion
product from pre boiler system can be identified by SDI test. We had used SDI test elsewhere to
check ACC tube corrosion during start up.

Contamination of condensate can occur due to condenser tube leak. Boiler water contamination can
occur due to pH deviation. Condensate contamination can be identified by cation conductivity
monitors. As it is an important parameter, even 2 of 3 logic can be used. Cation conductivity of
saturated steam would reveal foaming situations, caused by low boiler water pH. Low boiler water
pH can occur not only due to condenser tube failure. It can be due improper HP / LP chemical dosing
practice. Deviations in water chemistry can result in SH tube failures / Deposition of solids at the
turbine blades / furnace tube failures. Trending of SWAS parameters need to have proper back up for
analysis. It cannot be stored as averaged parameters.

Fundamental of cation conductivity column

 Ammonia or amines that are intentionally present at ppm levels are

removed. This eliminates their high conductivity. The lower ppb
concentrations and conductivity of contaminants can then be “seen”
by the measurement.
 Contaminant corrosive salts are converted to their respective acids
which are typically three times as conductive as the original salt
because of the highly conductive hydrogen ion.

This simplicity and detection sensitivity have made cation conductivity

the most widely used measure of contamination in the power plant cycle.
Refer ASTM D6504, standard Practice for on-line determination of
cation conductivity in High Purity Water.

Engineers from our company, Venus energy audit system, conduct annual
inspection of power boilers and process boilers. Boiler problems related to
tube failures, efficiency issues, under capacity problems, vibration problems,
perennial nagging design issues have been resolved by us. We attend to PF
boilers, CFBC and AFBC boilers and grate fired boilers. Our sister concern
Sri Devi Boiler Equipment and Spares meet the customer needs for spare
pressure parts.
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