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Popplet Civil Rights Leader Concept Map Rubric

Teacher Name: Mr. Solano

Student Name: ________________________________________

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Writing - There are no There are no There are 1-2 There are several
Grammar grammatical grammatical grammatical grammatical
mistakes in the mistakes in the mistakes in the mistakes in the
concept map . concept map concept map. concept map.
after feedback.
Content - All facts in the 99-90% of the 89-80% of the Fewer than 80%
Accuracy concept map are facts in the facts in the of the facts in the
accurate. concept map are concept map are concept map are
accurate. accurate. accurate.
Writing - The authors The authors The authors try The authors do
Vocabulary correctly use correctly use a to use some new not incorporate
several new few new words vocabulary, but new vocabulary.
words and define and define words may use 1-2
words unfamiliar unfamiliar to the words
to the reader. reader. incorrectly.
Attractiveness & The concept map The concept map The concept map The concept map
Organization has exceptionally has attractive has well- \'s formatting and
attractive formatting and organized organization of
formatting and well-organized information. material are
well-organized information. confusing to the
information. reader.
Spelling & No spelling No more than 1 No more than 3 Several spelling
Proofreading errors remain spelling error spelling errors errors in the
after one person remains after one remain after one concept map .
other than the person other than person other than
typist reads and the typist reads the typist reads
corrects the and corrects the and corrects the
concept map . concept map . concept map

Date Created: Apr 08, 2018 09:28 pm (CDT)

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