Traumatic Musculoskeletal

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Dislocation-Displacement of a bone from its normal articulation with a joint.

A medical emergency
Common Locations
1. shoulder 6. knee
2. elbow 7. ankle
3. wrist 8. vertebrae
4. digits
5. hip
1. congenital ( e.g congenital hip dislocation)
2. trauma ( e.g. abnormal twisting)
3. disease of a surrounding joint
( e.g Paget's dse)
Clinical manifesttion:
1. pain
2. loss of muscle movement
3. edema
4. xray ( confirm dislocation w/o fracture )
5. change in length of extremity
SUBLUXATION -Injury to joint structure that results in incomplete dislocation.
Treatment: Immobilization, Manual manipulation, exercise
STRAINS - Excessive stretching of a muscle or tendon
Clinical manifestations
1. hemorrhage into the muscles
2. swelling
3. tenderness
4. pain with isometric contraction
SPRAIN- Excessive stretching of the LIGAMENTS
Clinical Manifestations
1. rapid swelling
2.pain on passive movement of a joint

3. increasing pain during 1st few hours due to continued swelling

Nursing Management
I-ntermittent application of ice for 24- 48 hours, followed by heat
E-levation of the part

Repetitive Motion Injries/overuse syndrome

Rotator Cuff Tear

Epicondylitis-Inflammation of a tendon where it attaches to a bone at its origin.(humerus, radius, ulna, knee)
Lateral epicondylitis - “tennis elbow”
- inflammation of the lateral epicondyle of the humerus
Medial epicondylitis - “ golfer's elbow”
- inflammation of the medial humeral epicondyle
Clinical manifestations:Pain and tenderness
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome- Occurs when the median nerve at the wrist is compressed by thickened flexor sheath,
skeletal encroachment, edema of soft tissue mass. It is commonly due to repetitive hand activities
>Carpal tunnel syndrome as it is defined in medical literature is the impingement of the median nerve in
the carpal tunnel (which is the space between the carpal bones that the median nerve passes through to get from
the forearm to the wrist). This results in pain in the palm of the hand, numbness and tingling in the hand,
weakness in the grip, and radiating pain/numbness in the thumb, forefinger and middle finger.

Thumb, 1st and 2nd fingers affected

(+) Tinels sign ( tingling sensation on percussion of inner wrist)
Collaborative Management:
Wrist splints
Avoid repetitive flexion of the wrist
Carpal canal cortisone injections
Surgical release of transverse carpal ligament
Patellar Tendinopathy
Ligament and Meniscal Injuries
Stress Fracture
Fractured Femur and Hip

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