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Turning the Tide, Research Methods Final Paper Reflection

For this selection of written work, I selected my final paper from Dr. David

Shriberg’s Research Methods course. This artifact aligns most with the Commitment to Social

Justice learning outcome, however it also aligns with the research and assessment learning


Through the extensive research that I did on literature that explores the Black student

experience as it relates to their matriculation and attrition rates, I developed a better

understanding of the ethical dimensions of higher education’s role in fostering social justice, as

well as an understanding of some of the historical and contemporary issues within higher

education that affect Black students. In seeking to answer my third research question, which

was, “What are some best practices that student affairs professionals can do to improve Black

students’ college experience, increase retention, and increase college graduation rates amongst

African American students?”, I was able to reflect on how American colleges and universities

can address these issues.

I selected this research topic because I have a strong appreciation of and respect for

diverse perspectives, cultures, lifestyles, ways of knowing, and I know that full diversity and

inclusion this is something that will enhance colleges and universities for the better. I also chose

to research this topic because I have a personal and professional commitment to social justice; it

is near and dear to my heart, and I will work towards improving the experiences of Black

students (and all marginalized student populations) in whatever work I do. Student affairs

should be student centered and focused on serving the student; it is my desire to do just that. I

hope that this research is something I can do in the near future in order to continue putting social

justice into practice.

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