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Systems Thinking for Design – FAQs

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Roll No. Session Question Response

EDM24 4 What is “Difference” as a “Difference” is key idea in
principle of complex networks? cybernetics. It is the difference
between a desired state and an actual
state that triggers feedback action.
Information is also defined as “a
difference that makes a difference”
EDM24 4 In a system consisting of a The degree distribution is an indicator
number of parallelly operating of the nature of model that we have
parts, there may be a number of developed, and possibly the real-
merge nodes and burst nodes in world problem that we are modeling.
the discovery matrix, which may It can be used to check if our model is
result in a normal distribution reasonable or not. The word ‘random
curve. Does this necessarily mean network’ only suggests that there is a
that the system approach is possibility that any node may be
missing or uselessly considering connected to any other node.
something? However, when we are modeling a
real-world problem this will not be
the case unless the key elements are
too abstract. Most real world
networks are somewhere between
random and power
distribution. There is nothing useless.
you only refine the parameters of the
model based on additional
information. this is an ongoing
EDM24 4 In considering a holistic view of Yes, you could treat them as
the system, we may drag in environment unless of course you are
certain elements that are pre- doing the study for a government.
established, such as Govt. policies Those outside the system can have
and foreign policies, which may needs from the system and can
either facilitate or constrain our introduce policies that can affect the
function. Do we consider these as system. It is important to consider
environments as we cannot do these. a bank wanting to introduce a
much to change them? How mobile app needs make it compliant
about stakeholder’s with RBI guidelines because RBI is in
interest/needs? some ways a custodian of customer
EDM 24 4 How do we gauge the variety of The needs of stakeholders typically
Responses and Stimuli for a represent the external stimuli. Your
system? Can you give us an alterables are your responses to those
illustration?(Principle 18) stimuli. the question is whether the
few set of alterables that you have at
your disposal as a company or
product can satisfy all the
expectations of stakeholders. the key
is to design alterables that can meet
multiple needs or recognize the
pattern in the needs and address
CED2 6 how are cybernetics and artificial Neural networks is a subset of
neural network connected or cybernetics. Cybernetics is about
related? control and communication in living
things and machines. Observations
about how living things regulate
themselves, exhibit goal directed
behaviours have inspired ways to
control machines by building the
concept of feedback in machines.
Information processing is one of the
key elements of communication and
control (or cybernetics). It can help in
improving effectiveness of control
and communication. Brains store and
process complex information by
relying on network structure among
billions of neurons. If we need to build
machines that can sense and respond
to external stimuli, then they also
need to have internal information
processing capabilities. So, having
artificial neural networks inside a
machine helps in the overall process
of control and communication.
group-9 5 In visual Visual map (or concept map) is a
map, should we refine or expand visual representation of the data in
our problem area? the discovery matrix. The map should
help see some patterns that may not
be obvious while looking at a matrix.
In discovery phase, you may add new
elements to the matrix/map and
expand the problem space. As you
move closer to diagnosis, you could
use the map to define the boundary.
group-9 4 How to make relations b/w key In the matrix, we are essentially trying
elements in matrix? to see if there are any cause-effect
dependencies between the elements
(not time or structural). You may ask
“will a change in element A change
element B?” Next, you can look at the
polarity - is it a positive or negative
reln. In the matrix we should avoid
asking “does A precede B”? That will
result in a time dependency graph. If
we ask “is A a subset of B” or “is A a
particular type of B” then we get class
diagrams (typically used in object
oriented modeling) or in Entity-Reln
diagrams. We are not interested in
structural mapping here. We are only
interested in the functional relations
among elements / entities.
5 Difference b/w problem of Domain of interest could be say
roup-9 interest & domain of interest? “banking” or “mobile
communications”. Problem of interest
is the issue you are interested in. For
instance, “digital banking” or “Mobile
group-7 3 how to differentiate b/w It is the boundary that separates the
environment and boundary? system from its
environment. Boundary could be an
element or a line that distinguishes
the system elements from the
environmental elements. For
instance, in human body, skin is the
boundary element that separates the
organs from the external
environment. Access Control could be
a boundary element. In certain cases
you may not have a particular
element, but draw a line to segregate
system elements from environmental
5 what is inferred from random and Random graphs are cases where any
power law distribution graphs? element has an equal chance of
getting connected to any other
element. The degree distribution will
be a normal curve. Networks where a
few nodes have a large number of
connections compared to the rest
exhibit power law. Such graphs are
sensitive to changes in the key nodes.
If the most important node is
removed, then the network can
collapse. On the other hand, such
nodes can be critical in information
diffusion. You can see this in twitter
or facebook. Some people when they
tweet, depending on their position in
the network can have maximum
6 How to take positive and negative first identify cycles in the discovery
feedback loops? matrix / visual map. Then assign
polarity to each link in the cycle. if the
total number of -ves is an odd
number, then it is a negative
feedback. otherwise, positive.
6 How do these loops affect our If the feedback loops contain the
system behaviour? functional elements that we wish to
control, then we need to see whether
they are subject to negative or
positive loops. For example, if we
wish to control the pollution to a
certain level, then there have to be
some negative feedback loops around
the element “pollution”. If they exist,
but the situation is not under control,
then we have to ask whether the loop
is ineffective due to delay or error and
introduce the necessary correction. If
there is a positive loop around
pollution, then we have to see if it is
going up or down. if it is going down,
then good. otherwise, we have to try
to find ways to weaken the positive
loop or introduce negative loops.
5 what is the role of constraints in We live in a world of constraints.
stakeholders matrix? Stakeholder analysis helps identify
such constraints and factor them into
solution design. Constraints like in the
Naval Dockyard example can point to
what is the unique challenges in a
particular situation. Sometimes, just
working on overcoming some
constraint could lead to a new idea.
like in the Industrialization example it
can point to potential sources of
edm03 While designing a product for a The organizational contexts and prior
wide base of consumers of varied work of the organization typically set
socio-economic conditions, how some boundaries. However, when we
is designer to choose the class to look at it from New Product Devp or
whose needs he should cater to, as an entrepreneur the scope is
more importantly? wider. The social importance of the
problem and the business potential
typically help in narrowing down to
issues worth focusing on.
esd 16 4 What do we infer from random Answered earlier
network,scale free network and
small word network

edm 38 4 what is meant by clustering Pls refer to the papers on the website.
coefficient and degree Degree distribution tells you the
distribution distribution of nodes with certain
number of linkages. Clustering
coefficient tells you about the level of
interconnectivity in the matrix.
g17 Should a common boundary be Boundary is not a ‘class’ - we are not
drawn based on various grouping elements. We are asking
attributes, or do we categorise what is inside the system that I can
them? control, what is outside the system
that I cannot control. I need to design
my system elements to be able to
respond to the external factors and
their variations.
edm 18 4 What is meant by scale free Scale free networks essentially exhibit
network? what is the main use? power laws.They can grow in size very
quickly by adding elements and
connecting them to the most densely
connected element. This idea can be
used to expand the scale of activity.
evd 20 4 what is homeostasis? what is its homeostasis is the negative feedback
role in cybernetics? process. it is a term used in biology to
represent processes that exhibit
stable behaviours. Homeostasis is a
key concept of cybernetics.
Cybernetics is about control and
communication. Cybernetics is also
concerned with other types of
feedback processes.
evd2 3 what is transitive relation of If A influences B and B influences C,
systems?how it helps? then A and C are said to be in a
transitive relation (indirectly
connected through B). It helps in
seeing patterns of connections
between ideas and problems and
check whether our ideas can influence
multiple problems.
g17 Is there a restriction on the No
indegree of an environment?

g17 Is need based product design To a large extent since there is a

always successful customer to test and improve the
product and there is a possibility of
extracting some commercial value
which can in turn sustain further
innovation. Technology based
innovations also succeed, but a
majority of them also fail and run the
risk of closing further innovation
when the firm has no more resources
to invest.
g17 5 In a technical problem different One strategy is to use maps and
stakeholders crop with different models to see if these are really
views of analysis and how do you different views or only different
narrow down and get the shades of a more integrated view.
important ones. Second, if the views are
fundamentally conflicting then you
need to make a choice which means
some will be happy and others will
not be. A third strategy is to live with
the conflict for sometime to see if
some new piece of information
emerges that can resolve the conflict
or some nodes disappear.
GROUP23 5 What is the role of complex Complex systems principles is a body
systems and why is it necessary of knowledge that has been extracted
to classify the key elements into by analyzing a number of natural
different network properties? phenomenon that exhibit high degree
of coherence and complexity.
We try to model a situation in terms
of elements and relations and then
analyze the model (matrix) to derive
inferences. This is a general strategy
in most engineering work. What is
different here is how we leverage
principles of complex systems to
study larger chunks of information
and not isolated pieces.
group 23 6 what is the use of feedback loop Feedback loops can tell you whether
for leading innovation after the the system has the ability to change
objectives(through stakeholder or not. Objectives need to have
analysis )are made. feedback loops around them to
realize them or move in that
esd 1 4 For a viable system , why should Otherwise, the system will not be
Variety of Response ≥ Variety of viable. If you cannot handle cold and
stimulus? do not have appropriate clothing then
it is difficult to survive cold weathers.

mfd10 6 If a system is extremely dynamic If the system is able to survive under

in nature does that means it is different conditions, then it has
too complicated or is it complexity. Complicated systems will
complex?How is modular struggle to survive as they will waste
approach implemented in lot of internal energy. Understanding
dynamic system/network? the network structure and clusters
can point to potential strategies for
driving modular product
architectures. I will discuss this in the
ISM session.
group 8 4 How can we relate cybernetics to Can waste management be a self-
waste management? regulating system when its
environment is constantly generating
4 why should we increase We are essentially increasing the
complexity for better problem amount of information we process
understanding? when compared and hold so that new connections
with systems theory? could emerge and point to new
6 How negative feedback loops will It depends on what your problem
impact our problem statement is. If you problem
statement.Will it effect on statement is to stabilize or control
problem definition….? some parameter, then you need to
know its status and have negative
loops to control it.
5 How could we differentiate the typically, entities / classes will
structure and function/behaviour represent structural elements. For
from our visual map…? example if our problem of interest is
engineering education, then factors
such as number of students, number
of faculty, lab infrastructure, teaching
content etc. will represent structures.
Factors that represent the state of the
system will represent
function/behaviour. For example,
overall brand/culture of the
institution, performance of students,
research output of the faculty, level of
industry interaction, etc will represent
behavior. Structure is also called as
group 25 6 how to assign a polarity of the Already discussed above
edm 20 cycle..?

edm 10 6 how to verify loop of a system is It should be a negative feedback loop,

stable or not ..? and there should be no errors or
esd13 6 What are the chances of Not sure I understand the question.
augmented cognition being However, there is a connection
simulated using the principles of between cybernetics and learning.
Cybernetics? One can identify three feedback loops
in a learning process. Learning HOW
(and becoming more efficient at
achieving known objectives), Learning
WHAT (i.e., questioning if we are
pursuing the right objectives), and
Learning WHY (questioning our own
values, which is a more reflexive
thinking about why we are doing what
we are doing).
ced 27 6 How does the increase of positive Discussed above. Positive feedback
or negative feedback loops affect loops tend to move the system away
the system? from equilibrium and push the system
to reorganize itself structurally.
Negative feedback loops attempt to
maintain stability and system
ced 06 6 while assigning polarities to Some attribute or need of the
relations involving stakeholders, stakeholder may change. For example
how can we say that the if you have put Govt as a stakeholder,
stakeholders are increasing or you may actually mean Govt Policy as
decreasing? the element.

ced 06 6 Should the whole loop have positive or Each link has a polarity. A loop is a
negative polarities?/ set of linkages and therefore has an
can a loop have relations with both the overall polarity. If there are odd
polarities? number of negatives in the loop,
then it is a negative feedback loop.
One loop can only be of one type.
But one variable could be part of
two different loops, which may have
different polarities - example one
loop is negative and the other

edm16 6 what should we be understanding from Elements that hold potential for
critical intervention points? changing many other factors in a
holistic and desirable manner

evd 16 6 Can positive loops also Positive loops can only destabilize
stabilise/balance the system? the system - which can be good or
can loops with delays also contribute to bad.
the stability of the system? Negative feedback loops can have
delays. Delays may affect the time
taken to achieve stability. Example,
your thermostat takes time to
recognize the temperature or the
time taken to communicate this info
to the condenser could be long. this
will have an impact on how quickly
you can cool the room.

esd 07 6 Do the relations always have to form a Not necessary. If the system does
loop? not have loops it cannot adapt to
change. Most machines or software
require human intervention since
they do not have corrective
feedback within them.

ced 14 5 How specific do we have to go in Alterables should at least address

defining our alterables and constraints? the critical needs of your most
do we have to give them in general, or important stakeholders. otherwise,
specific to each stakeholder? there is no point. You may choose to
draw a boundary and eliminate
some stakeholders and needs that
are not critical from the scope of
your solution.

edm23 6 Can a sub loop of a feedback loop again There can be multiple loops around
be a feedback loop? if it is,how to apply any particular key element. There
cybernetics on it? can be loops within elements of a
loo. For example, if there is a loop
like “discovery-diagnosis-design-
develop-discovery”, you could have
another sub-loop among “discovery-
diagnosis-design-discovery”. The
second loop is a shorter one
compared to the first. It provides
the ability to correct the process
before you go to “developing” the

grp21 6 If we get all positive loops i.e all A system will only positive loops will
positive polarities in feedback analysis be an unstable system or an
.can we conclude that the analysis is extremely chaotic/dynamic system.
good/stable ? or worse? Yes, it is possible that you might
have mis-represented some
polarities or missed some linkages.
You can revisit. But, if you are
convinced there is nothing more to
add, then you should seriously ask if
this represents the real-world
behavior of the problem you are
trying to understand. If that is true,
then introducing some stabilizing
loops could be part of the solution.

evd19 5 In stakeholders analysis many You only need to map stakeholders

stakeholders have connections to Needs. What you need to check is
between them ie they affect each other whether the needs of different
or they have intersections among them stakeholders are same or different.
.should we consider them ? If the stakeholders have the same
the gain we get from set of needs, then you should ask
different stakeholders are also whether you need to distinguish
different, does this give us priority between the stakeholders or not.
among them?
ced42 6 if we get some are negative and some It depends on the strength of these
are positive feedback loops.then what’s loops. If the negative loops are
about that system?(i.e.stable or stronger compared to positive loops,
unstable?) the system could remain stable and
vice versa. It is difficult to predict
future state of the system in such
scenarios. Therefore, we can resort
to simulation to study their behavior
over time. Sometimes systems
produce counter-intuitive behavior.
These can be unearthed only
through simulation.

edm14b025 What are the key factors in deciding Stakeholders can be ranked by their
the relative importance of in-degree. Those with high in-degree
stakeholders, and how to find the inter- typically will be the important
relationship between stakeholders? stakeholders. Stakeholders are
related to each other through the
needs. They may have the same
need or have needs that are based
on the same alterable. When the
dependence is on the same
alterable, but the needs are
different, it can be a source of

coe14b001 Where are self referential loops Self-referentiality is evident in some

evident? living things. They can observe
themselves. Machines typically

mdm14b037 Is it possible to discover cliques of Cliques represent small groups of

inter-connected elements, and what elements that are tightly coupled.
can we infer from this? (in case of large Cliques can protect small set of
systems) elements from external shocks. On
the other hand introducing
interventions within cliques may not
spread far in the system

coe14b002 Can we draw an analogy in between a Systems thinking is about studying

systems thinking approach and some inter-related patterns. Several
natural system? Can a systems systems in the natural world exhibit
approach be considered a mimicry of such inter-related patterns. The field
nature? of complexity or complex systems
studies such systems in different
domains to tease out common laws

mfd14i001 Will classification of needs at the Classification of stakeholders and

stakeholder analysis stage prove to be needs is intended to help identify
of any further use? missing elements.
Group At what stage can we relate our Systems thinking for design is to help
15(batch 1) previous design courses with this one? you look at the design process and
What is the larger objective? problem in a more holistic manner
(over space and time) so that you
can come up with more effective

Group How dynamic is this approach wrt the The approach is built on the concept
15(batch 1) different stages of product and of feedback, which is fundamental
problem design life cycle? source of dynamics. It gives
flexibility to study problems at
different levels of details and in an
iterative manner. Most design
methodologies can be easily seen as
a subset of this approach

Group 15 How do we inculcate the time factor, as Time is an important element in

(batch 1) well as the human error factor? problem solving. When you are in
discovery you gather information
about the history of the problem
(past) and how this history has led to
the current state and emerging
trends. When identify the feedback
loops, you can also simulate it to
study how the system might behave
in future. Human error is addressed
by helping you cover different facets
of the problem, interacting with
stakeholders and team members to
gather missing pieces. The social
approach to problem solving is a
way to reduce human error and bias.

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