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Οδυσσέας Γκιλής

Πρώτη αναφορά
της λέξης-έννοιας

Θεσσαλονίκη 2016


Προλογικό σημείωμα ................................................................................................................ 5

. Οδύσσεια ......................................................................................................................... 5
Εγκ. ΔΟΜΗ. πολιτική οικονομία ............................................................................................. 10
ΔΟΜΗ. Οικονομία. .................................................................................................................. 10
Νομισματική. ........................................................................................................................... 19
Καπιταλισμός .......................................................................................................................... 20
LSJ-The OnΓρ. Liddell-Scott-Jones Greek -English Lexicon. .................................................... 22
Λεξικο Μπαμπινιώτη ............................................................................................................... 23
Ιστορία της Οικονομίας .......................................................................................................... 33
Η οικονομία της αρχαιότητας ................................................................................................ 33
Η οικονομία των πολιτισμών της Μεσοποταμίας ................................................................. 33
Η οικονομία του αρχαίου ελληνικού κόσμου ....................................................................... 34
Η οικονομία της αρχαίας Ινδίας ............................................................................................ 35
Η οικονομία του Μεσαίωνα .................................................................................................. 35
Τα «θεμέλια» της σύγχρονης οικονομίας (1450-1750) .......................................................... 36
Εμποροκρατία.......................................................................................................................... 36
Η οικονομία της Νεώτερης Εποχής ....................................................................................... 36
H οικονομία της Βιομηχανικής Επανάστασης ....................................................................... 37
Επιστημονικό πεδίο................................................................................................................. 37
Οικονομία του κράτους ......................................................................................................... 38
Διεθνής οικονομία .................................................................................................................. 38
Οικονομία και περιβάλλον .................................................................................................... 39
Παγκοσμιοποίηση και οικονομία ........................................................................................... 39
Η λέξη οικονομία σε διάφορες γλώσσες ............................................................................... 39
Antoine de Montchrestien ...................................................................................................... 40
Antoine de Montchrestien ...................................................................................................... 41
Greece Greek .......................................................................................................................... 52
Greek language ....................................................................................................................... 64

Η λέξη Οικονομία .................................................................................................................... 75

The Greek word Economy...................................................................................................... 83
Μάρξ και Αριστοτέλης............................................................................................................. 97
David Ricardo Greek ............................................................................................................. 105
Alfred Marshall Μάρσαλ, Άλφρεντ ....................................................................................... 119
Adam Smith Greek ................................................................................................................ 124
Tomas Malthus Greek ........................................................................................................... 138
Μάλθους, Τόμας Ρόμπερτ..................................................................................................... 138
John Stuart Mill Greek .......................................................................................................... 148
William Petty Greek ............................................................................................................. 163
Joseph Alois Schumpeter Greek ............................................................................................ 176
Max Weber............................................................................................................................ 187
Paul Samuelson Greek........................................................................................................... 190
J. M. Keynes Greek ................................................................................................................ 203
Library Economics liberty. The conciase encyclopedia of ecoconomics. .............................. 216
Η από τον Αριστοτέλη Χρηματιστική .................................................................................... 217
Καινή Διαθήκη Λουκάς Οικονομία ....................................................................................... 238
Αγία Γραφή οικονομία .......................................................................................................... 239
Λατινική γλώσσα Oeconomia ............................................................................................... 242
Ενδεικτικά αποσπάσματα από κλασικά κείμενα ΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΙΑ-TLG ..................................... 256
Ενδεικτικά αποσπασματα από αρχαία κείμενα . TLG. Χρηματιστική ................................... 266
History of economic theory Greek word Economy .............................................................. 272
Oikos and Economy ............................................................................................................... 273
Oikos and Economy, GREGORY CAMERON ........................................................................... 307
to Economy............................................................................................................................ 308
of Metaphor .......................................................................................................................... 310
Economy ................................................................................................................................ 311
and Economy ......................................................................................................................... 315
Notes ..................................................................................................................................... 316
Works Cited ........................................................................................................................... 317
ΕΥΡΕΤΗΡΙΟ ............................................................................................................................. 318

Προλογικό σημείωμα

Από τον Όμηρο, Όμηρος. Οδύσσεια. (8 Π. Χ. Βιβ. 2 γραμ. 78) …ὑμέας

ἐσθέμεναι κειμήλιά τε πρόβασίν τε· 1 (75) εἴ χ’ ὑμεῖς γε φάγοιτε, τάχ’ ἄν
ποτε καὶ τίσις εἴη· τόφρα γὰρ ἂν κατὰ ἄστυ ποτιπτυσσοίμεθα μύθῳ
χρήματ’ ἀπαιτίζοντες, ἕως κ’ ἀπὸ πάντα δοθείη· Που γράφει για το
Στον Ξενοφώντα ΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΙΚΟΣ (5-4 B.C.) Κεφ. 1τμ. 1 γρ. 1
(1) ΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΙΚΟΣ Ἤκουσα δέ ποτε αὐτοῦ καὶ περὶ οἰκονομίας
τοιάδε διαλεγομένου· Εἰπέ μοι, ἔφη, ὦ Κριτόβουλε, ἆρά γε ἡ οἰκονομία
ἐπιστήμης τινὸς ὄνομά ἐστιν, ὥσπερ ἡ ἰατρικὴ καὶ ἡ…
Και μετά στον Πλάτωνα, Απολογία του Σωκράτη-και σε άλλα έργα του-
(5-4 B.C.) σελίδα 36 Τμ. b Γρ. 7 τῆς ἀξίας; τί οὖν; τί ἄξιός εἰμι παθεῖν ἢ
ἀποτεῖσαι, ὅτι (5) μαθὼν ἐν τῷ βίῳ οὐχ ἡσυχίαν ἦγον, ἀλλ’ ἀμελήσας
ὧνπερ οἱ πολλοί, χρηματισμοῦ τε καὶ οἰκονομίας καὶ στρατηγιῶν καὶ
δημηγοριῶν καὶ τῶν ἄλλων ἀρχῶν καὶ συνωμοσιῶν καὶστάσεων τῶν ἐν τῇ
πόλει γιγνομένων, ἡγησάμενος ἐμαυτὸν…

Και λίγο αργότερα, στον Αριστοτέλη στα Ηθικά Νικομάχεια (4 B.C.)

σελ. 1141b Γρ. 32…δὲ καὶ φρόνησις μάλιστ’ εἶναι ἡ περὶ αὐτὸν καὶ ἕνα·
καὶ (30)ἔχει αὕτη τὸ κοινὸν ὄνομα, φρόνησις· ἐκείνων δὲ ἣ μὲν
οἰκονομία ἣ δὲ νομοθεσία ἣ δὲ πολιτική, καὶ ταύτης ἣ μὲν βουλευτικὴ ἣ δὲ
δικαστική. Εἶδος μὲν οὖν τι ἂν εἴηγνώσεως τὸ αὑτῷ εἰδέναι· ἀλλ’ ἔχει
διαφορὰν πολλήν· Αλλά και στα Πολιτικά (4 B.C.) σελ. 1253b Γρ. 2
δικαίου κρίσις. (1253b). Ἐπεὶ δὲ φανερὸν ἐξ ὧν μορίων ἡ πόλις
συνέστηκεν, ἀναγκαῖον πρῶτον περὶ οἰκονομίας εἰπεῖν· πᾶσα γὰρ
σύγκειται πόλις ἐξ οἰκιῶν. οἰκονομίας δὲ μέρη ἐξ ὧν πάλιν οἰκία
συνέστηκεν· οἰκία δὲ τέλειος ἐκ δούλων καὶ ἐλευθέρων…ακόμη στον
Οικονομικό του Αριστοτέλη. Aristote. Économique”, Ed. van Groningen,
B.A., Wartelle, A.Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1968.Bekker σελ. 1343a, Γρ.
ὥσπερ ὁ παλαιὸς λόγος, ἀρχήν τε καὶ τελευτὴν καὶ μέσα τῶν ὄντων
ἁπάντων ἔχων, εὐθείᾳ περαίνει κατὰ φύσιν πορευόμενος· τῷ δὲ ἀεὶ
ξυνέπεται δίκη, τῶν ἀπολειπομένων τοῦ θείου νόμου τιμωρός», «ἧς ὁ

γενήσεσθαι μέλλων μακάριός τε καὶ εὐδαίμων ἐξ ἀρχῆς εὐθὺς μέτοχος

εἴη.» ΟΙΚΟΝΟΜIΚΟΣ ΠΡΩΤΟΣ. Ἡ οἰκονομικὴ καὶ <ἡ> πολιτικὴ
διαφέρει οὐ μόνον τοσοῦτον ὅσον οἰκία καὶ πόλις (ταῦτα μὲν γὰρ αὐταῖς
ἐστι τὰ ὑποκείμενα), ἀλλὰ καὶ ὅτι ἡ μὲν πολιτικὴ ἐκ πολλῶν ἀρχόντων
ἐστίν, ἡ οἰκονομικὴ δὲ μοναρχία.

Το ίδιο στον 4 π. Χ. αιώνα ο Αρχιδάμας (4 B.C.) Fragment 15 Τμ. 25 Γρ.

6 ἐξεργασίας οὐ παραδέχονται τοὺς αὐτοματισμούς, ἀλλ’ ἀναγκαῖον ἢ
μηδὲν χρῆσθαι τοῖς ἀπὸ τῆς τύχης ἐνθυμήμασι δοθεῖσιν, ἢ
χρώμενον (5)διαλύειν καὶ συνερείπειν τὴν τῶν ὀνομάτων οἰκονομίαν,
καὶ τὰ μὲν ἀκριβῶς τὰ δ’ εἰκῇ λέγοντα ταραχώδη καὶ διάφωνον καθιστάναι
τὴν ἑρμηνείαν. (26) καίτοι τίς ἂν εὖ φρονῶν ἀποδέξαιτο τὴν τοιαύτην…
Αμέσως μετά ο Επίκουρος. Επιστολή στον Ηρόδοτο, (4-3 B.C.) Τμ. 79
Γρ. 8 ταῦτα· τάχα δὲ καὶ πλείους, ὅταν τὸ θάμβος ἐκ τῆς τούτων
προσκατανοήσεως μὴ δύνηται τὴν λύσιν λαμβάνειν κατὰ τὴν περὶ τῶν
κυριωτάτων οἰκονομίαν. διὸ δὴ καὶ πλείους αἰτίας
εὑρίσκομεν τροπῶν καὶ δύσεων καὶ ἀνατολῶν καὶ ἐκλείψεων καὶ τῶν
τοιουτοτρόπων ὥσπερ καὶ ἐν τοῖς κατὰ μέρος…
Στον 2ον π. Χ. αιώνα ο Αίλιος Ηρωδιανός (A.D. 2) Σελ. 94 Γρ. 2.
(94) ΠΕΡΙ ΤΩΝ ΕΝ ΛΟΓΩ ΣΧΗΜΑΤΩΝ. Σχῆμά ἐστι λόγου ἢ λέξεως
οἰκονομία μετ’ εὐκοσμίας ἐκπεφευγυῖα τὴν ἰδιωτικὴν ἁπλότητα τῆς
ἀπαγγελίας. ἔστι δὲ τὰ τῷ λόγῳ παρακολουθοῦντα σχήματα.
Αυτά τά ελάχιστα, από τα εκατοντάδες και χιλιάδες αποσπάσματα στα
αρχαία κλασικά και Βυζαντινά και θεολογικά κείμενα που αναφέρονται
στην λεξη-έννοια οικονομία.
Υπάρχουν πάνω από 10.000 αναφορές για τη λέξη οικονομία, οικονομικός,
οικονομική κ. λ. π.
Αιώνες μετά η λέξη επαναχρησιμοποιείται από τον Antoine de
Montchrestien (1575 de octubre de 1621)Το γνωστότερο έργο του είναι
Traité de l'Oeconomie polttique (Ρουέν, 1615),..
Η οικονομία [η λέξη προέρχεται από την αρχαία ελληνική «οἰκονομία »
(= «οἶκος» + «νέμομαι» ), που σημαίνει διαχείριση της οικίας, δηλαδή του
νοικοκυριού] μπορεί να οριστεί επίσημα και γενικά ως το σύνολο των
συνειδητών και συστηματικών ενεργειών των ανθρώπων, που διαβιούν σε
κοινωνία, και περιλαμβάνει την παραγωγή, διανομή, ανταλλαγή και την
κατανάλωση περιορισμένων σε ποσότητα αγαθών και υπηρεσιών, από
διαφορετικούς παράγοντες σε μια δεδομένη γεωγραφική τοποθεσία. Οι

οικονομικοί παράγοντες μπορεί να είναι ιδιώτες, επιχειρήσεις, οργανισμοί

ή κυβερνήσεις.
Μετά τους πρώτους που χρησιμοποίησαν την λέξη οικονομία , δηλαδή ο
Ξενοφών Γέννηση: 431 π.Χ., Ερχία, Απεβίωσε: 354 π.Χ., Θράκη και
Αριστοτέλης Γέννηση: 384 π.Χ., Στάγειρα Χαλκιδικής, Απεβίωσε: 322
π.Χ., Χαλκίδα στο έργο τους Οικονομικός.
Η τελευταία και άλλες διαδικασίες διαπραγμάτευσης αποτελούν το
αντικείμενο μιας άλλης μελέτης, που ο Αριστοτέλης αποκάλεσε
«Χρηματιστική» και την ενασχόληση με αυτή τη θεωρούσε στείρα ή και
επαίσχυντη. Η οικονομία , επίσης, σαφώς διακρίνεται από την πολιτική, η
οποία αποτελεί το αντικείμενο μιας άλλης πραγματείας του Αριστοτέλη,
(σύμφωνα με την πραγματεία αυτή) και επιδιώκει να δημιουργήσει την
αρμονία και τη δικαιοσύνη μεταξύ των διαφόρων κατηγοριών των ατόμων
και των οικογενειών που απαρτίζουν την «πολιτεία».
Βέβαια από τους αρχαίους η χρήση της λέξης είχε σημασία
ιδωτιοικονομική, στα του οίκου.
TI MO. Κινέζος φιλόσοφος και θεωρητικός της κοινωνικής (480 έως 400
της αρχαίας εποχής). Μεταξύ των αρχών της ηθικής δεοντολογίας που
περιελάμβανε την οικονομία και την λιτότητα ως βάση της
κοινωνικής οργάνωσης. Σύμφωνα με τον Μο Ti, οι τέχνες είναι άχρηστες
επιπλοκές και πολιτιστική βελτιώσεις τεχνητές δημιουργίες που θα πρέπει
να εγκαταλειφθεί για να επιστρέψετε στην απλή και φυσική ζωή.
Οι οικονομικοί στοχαστές του Μεσαίωνα είναι πρώτα απ 'όλα θεολόγοι.
Ανάμεσα στους αξιοσημείωτους συγγραφείς του Μεσαίωνα, μπορούμε να
αναφέρουμε το Θωμά Ακινάτη (Thomas Aquinas) και τον Ιμπν Χαλντούν
(Ibn Khaldun). Στο σύγγραμμά του Summa Theologica, ο Ακινάτης
εξετάζει πολλά οικονομικά θέματα, συμπεριλαμβανομένης της
αιτιολόγησης της ατομικής ιδιοκτησίας, του εμπορίου και του κέρδους. Ο
Γιόζεφ Σουμπέτερ Joseph Schumpeter, θεώρησε αρχικά τους
Σχολαστικούς, από τα τέλη του 14ου αιώνα ως τον 17ο αιώνα, ως τους
πλησιέστερους ώστε να θεωρηθούν «ιδρυτές» της οικονομικής
επιστήμης. Με μια συλλογιστική στο πλαίσιο του «φυσικού νόμου»
προδιέγραψαν τη σύγχρονη οικονομία στον τομέα της νομισματικής
πολιτικής, στα επιτόκια και στη θεωρία της αξίας, στο πλαίσιο του
«φυσικού νόμου»[17]. Αφού ανακάλυψε το σύγγραμμα Μουκαντίναχ
(Muqaddimah), του Ιμπν Χαλντούν, ο Σουμπέτερ τον θεώρησε τον πιο
κοντινό «προπάτορα» της σύγχρονης οικονομίας[18], αν και οι

περισσότερες από τις οικονομικές θεωρίες του έγιναν γνωστές στην

Ευρώπη σχετικά πρόσφατα[19].
Από αλλού για τον Θωμά Ακινάτη και αμέσως συνέχεια. GROVE CITY
COLLEGE St. Thomas Aquinas: Economics of the Just Society Austrian
Student Scholars Conference. Hagan, Michael J. 12/12/2012. There are a
number of reasons why Aquinas only considered man in society: the
influence of the Ancient Greek idea of society, Aquinas’ understanding of
man as a social animal, the fact that he was writing for the purpose of
establishing matters of justice, and the fact that his goal was not a
systematic work in Economics. It is also important to note that the idea of
society it much different today that it was in quinas’ time. In the
philosophy of the Ancient Greek s, there was much emphasis on seeking
justice in politics. The notion of the Greek city-state was founded in
establishing and upholding an objective idea of justice.

Ισχύει η παραπάνω σημείωση. Journal of Markets & Morality. Volume 6,

Number 2 (Fall 2003): 479–495. 2003. Catholicism and the Economy:
Augustine and Aquinas on Property Ownership. This essay attempts to lay
out the understanding of property ownership found in the writings of Saint
Augustine and Saint Thomas Aquinas. The reason for focusing on the
thought of these two authors is, in part, that much of the contemporary
discussion of Church teaching and the Economy omits mention of these
most prominent figures in the tradition. An additional reason for
considering their work is that they both engage the argument laid out by
Aristotle on property, thus bridging the distance between classical and
Christian thought. The importance of this question can be seen when one
assesses how contemporary…Richard J. Dougherty University of Dallas
policy makers might employ these principles in a largely secular social

Η ίδια η οικονομία , κατά το Μεσαίωνα, βρίσκονταν κοντά στο επίπεδο

διαβίωσης. Οι περισσότερες συναλλαγές γινόταν μέσα σε κοινωνικές
ομάδες. Στην κορυφή αυτών βρισκόταν κάποιοι κατακτητές που
συγκέντρωσαν κεφάλαια με επιχειρηματικό ρίσκο, για να
χρηματοδοτήσεουν τις εκστρατείες τους. Τα κεφάλαια αυτά μπορούσαν να
προέρχονται από αγαθά που έρχονταν και μέσω εξερευνήσεων. Γνωστοί
έγιναν έμποροι της εποχής όπως ο Τζέικομπ Φάγκαρ (Jakob Fugger, 1459-
1525) και ο Τζιοβάνι ντι Μπίκκι των Μεδίκων (Giovanni di Bicci de'
Medici, 1360-1428). Οι ανακαλύψεις του Μάρκο Πόλο (Marco Polo,
1254-1324), του Χριστόφορου Κολόμβου (Christopher Columbus, 1451-

1506) και του Βάσκο ντα Γκάμα (Vasco da Gama, 1469-1524), ουσιαστικά
οδήγησαν για πρώτη φορά σε μια παγκόσμια οικονομία . Οι πρώτες
επιχειρήσεις ήταν εμπορικοί οίκοι. Το 1513 ιδρύθηκε το πρώτο
χρηματιστήριο, στην Αμβέρσα. Η «οικονομία » της εποχής είχε
πρωτίστως την έννοια του εμπορίου.
Πλεόνασμα του εμπορικού ισοζυγίου, μέσω επενδύσεων σε οικονομικές
δραστηριότητες, αυξανόμενες αποδόσεις, όπως είχε επισημάνει ο ιταλός
οικονομολόγος Αντόνιο Σάρρα (Antonio Serra) το 1613.
Αιώνες μετά η λέξη επαναχρησιμοποιείται από τον Antoine de
Montchrestien (1575 de octubre de 1621)Το γνωστότερο έργο του είναι
Traité de l'Oeconomie polttique (Ρουέν, 1615), όχι μόνο για το ενδιαφέρον
του περιεχομένου της, αλλά επειδή είναι η πρώτη φορά που
χρησιμοποιήθηκε ο όρος πολιτική οικονομία , thw οποία μπορεί να
θεωρηθεί ως δημιουργός o Montchretien.

Οι πρώτοι υπουργοί οικονομικών άρχισαν την εργασία τους. Τραπεζίτες

όπως ο Ἀμσελ Μάγιερ Ρόθστσαϊλντ (Amschel Mayer Rothschild, 1773-
1855) άρχισαν να χρηματοδοτούν εθνικά προγράμματα όπως πόλεμοι και
υποδομές. Η «οικονομία » τότε είχε το νόημα της εθνικής οικονομίας, ως
ένα θέμα που αφορούσε τις συνολικές οικονομικές δραστηριότητες των
πολιτών του.
Ο Τόμας Ρόμπερτ Μάθιους (Thomas Robert Malthus) (1766-1834)
Επίσης στο έργο του Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Discours sur l'oeconomie
politique (Discursos sobre la economía política), 1758.
MORELLET, André. Economista y escritor francés del grupo de los
enciclopedistas, amigo de Turgot (1727-1819). Es el autor de Réllexions
sur les avantages de la libre labrication et de l'usage des toiles peintes en
France (1758); Fragment d'une lettre sur la police des grains (1764);
Dialogues sur le commerce des blés (1770); Memoire de la Compagnie des
Indes (2 vols. 1769). Trabajó extensamente en la recopilación de un nuevo
diccionario de comercio y en la traducción del libro de Smith, The Wealth
of Nations, sin que llegasen a publicarse, aunque lo primero fué
aprovechado por J. Penchet en su Dictionnaire universel de géographie
commerr;ante (5 vols. 1800).
MONTEMARTINI, Giovanni. Eminente estadístico italiano (1867-
1913). Reorganizó el departamento estadístico nacional de Italia

convirtiéndolo en uno de los más activos y eficaces de Europa. Es autor de

la Municipalizzazione dei publici servigi (1902); Il rispamio nella
economía pur:a (1905); Teorica del le produttivitci marginali (1899), y Le
curve tecnichi di oCCUpazione industriale (1912).

Εγκ. ΔΟΜΗ. πολιτική οικονομία (Κοινων.-Οικον.). Κλάδος των

κοινωνικών επιστημών όπου συναντώνται η οικονομική και η πολιτική
επιστήμη, αλλά και η αρχική ονομασία της οικονομικής επιστήμης από
τους κλασικούς οικονομολόγους όπως, για παράδειγμα, τους Άνταμ Σμιθ,
Ντέιβιντ Ρικάρντο και Άλφρεντ Μάρσαλ. Εξάλλου, η μαρξιστική
βιβλιογραφία χρησιμοποιεί τον όρο σε αντιδιαστολή με τη νεοκλασική
οικονομική θεωρία και τη θετική οικονομική. 
Στη σημερινή εποχή δεν
υπάρχει αυστηρή και σαφής χρήση του όρου. Ορισμένα πανεπιστήμια
εννοούν ως π.ο. τον κλάδο της οικονομικής επιστήμης που ασχολείται με
την ανάπτυξη, την ευημερία, τη φτώχεια, τη διαφθορά και την οικονομική
πολιτική από πολιτική άποψη. Άλλοι επιμένουν να ονομάζουν το σύνολο
της οικονομικής θεωρίας στην παράδοση των κλασικών. Για παράδειγμα,
το τμήμα οικονομικών επιστημών του Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών επιλέγει
αυτό τον όρο, σημειώνοντας ότι αυτό «υπογραμμίζει την πεποίθηση ότι τα
μεγάλα θεωρητικά ζητήματα της οικονομίας δεν είναι προσπελάσιμα παρά
μόνον εάν μελετηθούν στο πλαίσιο μιας θεωρητικής προσέγγισης η οποία
να συνδυάζει την οικονομική θεωρία με τις υπόλοιπες κοινωνικές και
πολιτικές επιστήμες».

ΔΟΜΗ. Οικονομία.

οικονομία. Επιστήμη η οποία μελετά την παραγωγή, τη διανομή και την

κατανάλωση του πλούτου και συγχρόνως τους νόμους που τις ρυθμίζουν.
Με το ίδιο περιεχόμενο χρησιμοποιούνται πολύ συχνά και οι όροι
οικονομική επιστήμη, οικονομικές επιστήμες ή οικονομική. Ήδη από την
αρχαιότητα και τον Μεσαίωνα η προσοχή των φιλοσόφων είχε στραφεί
στην κατανόηση διαφόρων οικονομικών φαινομένων, όπως το χρήμα, το
εμπόριο και ο πληθωρισμός. Ο Πλάτων και ο Αριστοτέλης
ασχολήθηκαν με την πολιτική και έμμεσα με την ο., στην οποία
αφιέρωσαν μόνο αποσπασματικές σκέψεις, αν και ορισμένες από αυτές
είχαν μεγάλη επίδραση τους επόμενους αιώνες. Για παράδειγμα, η
διάκριση μεταξύ αξίας χρήσης και ανταλλακτικής αξίας για τα αγαθά
αποτελεί διαπίστωση του Αριστοτέλη, η οποία κυριάρχησε στη σκέψη
των μεσαιωνικών στοχαστών, αλλά επίσης και των κλασικών
οικονομολόγων του 18ου και 19ου αι. Ορισμένοι συγγραφείς της
ελληνορωμαϊκής αρχαιότητας, όπως ο Ξενοφών, ο Πλίνιος ο
Πρεσβύτερος, ο Βάρρων, ο Κολουμέλας και ο Κάτων, συνέγραψαν

αναλυτικότερες μελέτες οι οποίες αφορούσαν ειδικότερα τον αγροτικό

τομέα, αλλά περιορίστηκαν ουσιαστικά σε πρακτικές συμβουλές. Στη
διάρκεια του Μεσαίωνα τα οικονομικά προβλήματα προσέλκυσαν την
προσοχή των θεολόγων, οι οποίοι τα προσέγγισαν μέσα από το πρίσμα της
ηθικής. Κύρια αρχή των θεωριών τους είναι η ανταλλακτική δικαιοσύνη:
στις ανταλλαγές πρέπει να επικρατεί ισότητα ανάμεσα σε εκείνα που
προσφέρει ο καθένας από τους συναλλασσόμενους. Ο Αλβέρτος ο Μέγας,
ο Θωμάς Ακινάτης και άλλοι προσπάθησαν να καθορίσουν ποια πρέπει να
είναι η δίκαιη τιμή και ποιος ο δίκαιος μισθός και καταδίκαζαν ως
τοκογλυφία κάθε δάνειο με τόκο, επηρεασμένοι από τις σχετικές απόψεις
του Αριστοτέλη. Παράλληλα υποστήριξαν ότι η ιδιοκτησία δεν είναι
απόλυτο δικαίωμα και ότι η παρέμβαση του ηγεμόνα στην οικονομική ζωή
είναι κανονική και σκόπιμη.
Η κυριαρχία των ηθικών αντιλήψεων στην
οικονομική σκέψη υποχώρησε, καθώς η Αναγέννηση και η Μεταρρύθμιση
μετέβαλαν τις ηθικές και κοινωνικές αντιλήψεις. Η ανάπτυξη, οι
γεωγραφικές ανακαλύψεις και το άνοιγμα νέων ναυτικών και εμπορικών
οδών οδήγησαν στην αντικατάσταση της αγροτικής κοινωνίας από έναν
νέο, εμποροκρατικό κόσμο. Η δημιουργία των αποικιακών κρατών και η
εισροή πολύτιμων μετάλλων από την Αμερική αντικατοπτρίζονται, από το
τέλος του 15ου αι., στη σκέψη της πρώτης πραγματικής οικονομικής
σχολής, του μερκαντιλισμού (βλ. λ. εμποροκρατία), που κυριάρχησε
περίπου επί τρεις αιώνες. Ο όρος μερκαντιλισμός χρησιμοποιήθηκε στο
τέλος αυτής της περιόδου από τους επικριτές του, με πρώτο τον Σκοτσέζο
οικονομολόγο και φιλόσοφο Άνταμ Σμιθ, δημιουργό της ηθικής θεωρίας
και θεωρούμενο πατέρα της σύγχρονης πολιτικής οικονομίας. 
με τους μερκαντιλιστές, το θεμέλιο της δύναμης και του πλούτου ενός
έθνους στηρίζεται στη συσσώρευση της μεγαλύτερης δυνατής ποσότητας
χρυσού και αργύρου, ενώ όλα τα κράτη είναι σε ανταγωνισμό μεταξύ τους,
καθώς το κέρδος του ενός είναι ζημιά για το άλλο. Για την αύξηση των
νομισματικών αποθεμάτων, συνιστούσαν την απαγόρευση της εξαγωγής
πολύτιμων μετάλλων και την αύξηση της εισαγωγής τους με διάφορα
συστήματα (όπως οι δασμοί στις εισαγωγές, η επιχορήγηση των εξαγωγών
κ.ά.), τα οποία έτειναν στην εξασφάλιση ενός ενεργητικού ισοζυγίου
πληρωμών και επομένως στην εισροή χρυσού στη χώρα. Παράλληλα, η
αντίληψη αυτή δικαίωνε την εκμετάλλευση των αποικιών για τη
δημιουργία πλούτου προς τις μητροπόλεις (απαγόρευση εισαγωγών από
άλλα κράτη εκτός της μητρόπολης κ.ά.). Αν και στηριζόταν σε
λανθασμένη βάση (τη σύγχυση του πλούτου με το νόμισμα, την
ψευδαίσθηση ότι είναι δυνατή η διατήρηση ενός μόνιμα ενεργητικού
ισοζυγίου πληρωμών) οι εμποροκρατικές θεωρίες, τις οποίες υποστήριζαν,
μεταξύ άλλων, οι Αντόνιο Σέρα, Τόμας Μουν, Ζαν Μποντέν κ.ά.,
επηρέασαν σημαντικά την πολιτική των ευρωπαϊκών κρατών. Τον 17ο αι.,
ενώ λησμονήθηκε ο αρχικός σκοπός της υποβοήθησης της εισαγωγής

νομίσματος, οι εμποροκρατικές αντιλήψεις προσέφεραν τα όργανα της

προστατευτικής πολιτικής, σκοπός της οποίας ήταν η προστασία από τον
ξένο ανταγωνισμό. Έτσι, ο εμποροκρατισμός μεταμορφώθηκε σε
προστατευτισμό, που εφαρμόστηκε κυρίως στην Αγγλία (με τον νόμο περί
ναυτιλίας) και στη Γαλλία (με την πολιτική του Ζαν Μπατίστ Κολμπέρ,
υπουργού του βασιλιά Λουδοβίκου ΙΔ’) και πάνω στον οποίο στηρίχτηκε
στη συνέχεια η ανάπτυξη των εθνικών βιομηχανιών. Η εφαρμογή των
εμποροκρατικών αρχών είχε ως συνέπειες αφενός την παρακμή της
γεωργίας, η οποία θυσιάστηκε για το συμφέρον της εκκολαπτόμενης
βιομηχανίας, και αφετέρου τις υπερβολικές κρατικές παρεμβάσεις στην
οικονομική ζωή, που ήταν επιβλαβείς για την ανάπτυξη τόσο της γεωργίας
όσο και της βιομηχανίας. 
Οι παρεμβάσεις αυτές προκάλεσαν ζωηρή
αντίδραση, κυρίως στη Γαλλία, τόσο στο πεδίο της θεωρίας όσο και στο
πεδίο της οικονομικής πολιτικής κατά τα μέσα του 18ου αι. Εκφραστές
της αντίδρασης αυτής ήταν οι φυσιοκράτες (Φρανσουά Κενέ, Πιερ Ντι
Πον ντε Νεμούρ κ.ά.), που στήριξαν πρώτοι την ο. σε επιστημονικές
βάσεις: εμπνεόμενοι από τις φιλοσοφικές ιδέες των εγκυκλοπαιδιστών,
προσπάθησαν να εξηγήσουν τη φυσική τάξη η οποία ρυθμίζει την
οικονομική ζωή. Εφόσον το συμφέρον των ατόμων δεν μπορεί να είναι
αντίθετο προς αυτή την τάξη (η οποία είναι προϊόν της θείας πρόνοιας), η
επιδίωξη του προσωπικού συμφέροντος εξυπηρετείται μόνο από ενέργειες
που είναι σύμφωνες με το γενικό συμφέρον. Γι’ αυτό είναι ανάγκη να
εξασφαλιστεί σε όλους τους ανθρώπους η μεγαλύτερη ελευθερία και να
περιοριστούν οι επεμβάσεις του κράτους, όπως η δημιουργία προνομίων
και μονοπωλίων, οι οποίες είναι επιβλαβείς για το γενικό συμφέρον και
αντίθετες προς τη φυσική τάξη. Φτάνοντας στην αντιδιαμετρική υπερβολή
την επανεκτίμησή τους για την αγροτική εργασία, οι φυσιοκράτες
βεβαίωναν ότι, από όλες τις οικονομικές ασχολίες, μόνο η γεωργία
προσφέρει καθαρό προϊόν, δηλαδή δημιουργεί νέα αγαθά, εκτός από
εκείνα που δαπανήθηκαν για την παραγωγή: γι’ αυτό η αγροτική τάξη είναι
η μόνη παραγωγική τάξη. Με τον Γάλλο οικονομολόγο Τιργκό (18ος αι.),
η φυσιοκρατική θεωρία βρήκε στη Γαλλία τη συγκεκριμένη εφαρμογή της
στην οικονομική πολιτική, με νόμους που διαπνέονταν από φιλελεύθερο
πνεύμα, όπως η κατάργηση των εσωτερικών δασμών και το ελεύθερο
εμπόριο των σιτηρών. Ο αγροτικός φιλελευθερισμός των φυσιοκρατών
άνοιξε τον δρόμο στον γενικό οικονομικό φιλελευθερισμό, ο οποίος, στα
τέλη του 18ου και όλο τον 19ο αι., βρήκε την έκφρασή του στην
αποκαλούμενη κλασική οικονομική σχολή.
Η Βιομηχανική επανάσταση
στο πεδίο της τεχνικής (που άρχισε στη Μεγάλη Βρετανία με την εισαγωγή
του μηχανικού αργαλειού και της ατμομηχανής), η Γαλλική επανάσταση
στο πολιτικό πεδίο (με τις ατομικές ελευθερίες, που επεκτάθηκαν και
στους τομείς του εμπορίου και της εργασίας), η θεωρία του Ντέιβιντ Χιουμ
στο φιλοσοφικό πεδίο (ο οποίος υπήρξε υποστηρικτής της ωφελιμότητας

του ανταγωνισμού, ανάμεσα στα άτομα αλλά και στα έθνη) συνετέλεσαν
στην εμφάνιση της νέας θεωρίας, την οποία διατύπωσε για πρώτη φορά ο
Γάλλος Ρισάρ Καντιγιόν στη Μελέτη για τη φύση του εμπορίου (Essai sur
la nature du commerce en général, 1755) και την ανέπτυξε ο Σκοτσέζος
Άνταμ Σμιθ, στο κυριότερο έργο του, Ο πλούτος των εθνών (An Inquiry
into the Nature and Causes of The Wealth of Nations, 1776).
Ανατρέποντας τη φυσιοκρατική αρχή, κατά την οποία η γεωργία είναι η
μόνη πραγματικά παραγωγική εργασία, ο Σμιθ αποκάλυψε την ακριβή
οικονομική έννοια της παραγωγής, στην οποία συμμετέχουν (με τον
καταμερισμό της εργασίας) όλες οι πράξεις, τόσο οι αγροτικές όσο και οι
βιομηχανικές και οι εμπορικές. Ο μηχανισμός των τιμών προσαρμόζεται
αυτόματα στην προσφορά και στη ζήτηση κάθε προϊόντος και η ελεύθερη
δράση των ατομικών ενεργειών εξασφαλίζει αυτόματα την ικανοποίηση
του γενικού συμφέροντος. Γι’ αυτό, το κράτος πρέπει να απέχει από κάθε
επέμβαση στην ο., τόσο στο εσωτερικό όσο και στις ανταλλαγές με το
εξωτερικό, εφόσον η ελεύθερη κυκλοφορία των εμπορευμάτων θα
ωφελήσει στον διεθνή καταμερισμό της εργασίας.
Τις ατομιστικές και
ωφελιμιστικές προϋποθέσεις στις οποίες στηρίζεται η θεωρία του Άνταμ
Σμιθ και τα φιλελεύθερα συμπεράσματα στα οποία καταλήγει,
ακολούθησαν στη συνέχεια οι οικονομολόγοι της αγγλικής κλασικής
σχολής. Αυτοί όμως διακρίνονταν καθαρά από τον δάσκαλό τους στο ότι
έτρεφαν ελάχιστη εμπιστοσύνη στην αγαθότητα των φυσικών
αποτελεσμάτων (τα οποία καθόρισε η θεία πρόνοια) και της ελεύθερης
δράσης της ατομικής πρωτοβουλίας. Ο Τόμας Ρόμπερτ Μάλθους,
Διαμαρτυρόμενος πάστορας στο επάγγελμα, ήταν ο εμπνευστής μιας
περίφημης θεωρίας για τον περιορισμό των γεννήσεων: ο ανθρώπινος
πληθυσμός αυξάνει κατά γεωμετρική πρόοδο, ενώ τα μέσα συντήρησης
αυξάνουν μόνο κατά αριθμητική πρόοδο· η ανθρωπότητα θα φτάσει έτσι
γρήγορα στο σημείο όπου δεν θα είναι δυνατόν να υπάρχει τροφή για
όλους. Η ισορροπία μπορεί να πραγματοποιηθεί μόνο με δύο τρόπους: με
κατασταλτικά φυσικά μέσα (όπως είναι οι πείνες, οι επιδημίες, οι πόλεμοι),
τα οποία περιορίζουν τον πληθυσμό στο σωστό επίπεδο, και με
προληπτικά μέσα, δηλαδή με την εγκράτεια και τον εκούσιο περιορισμό
των γεννήσεων. Η κρατική πρόνοια δεν μπορεί να ωφελήσει καθόλου τις
άπορες τάξεις· αντίθετα, επιδεινώνει τη θέση τους, γιατί τις ενθαρρύνει να
γεννούν παιδιά. Απαισιόδοξος υπήρξε και ο Ντέιβιντ Ρικάρντο, σύμφωνα
με τον οποίο η αύξηση του πληθυσμού, αυξάνοντας συγχρόνως τη ζήτηση
τροφίμων, όπως το σιτάρι, καθιστά αναγκαία την καλλιέργεια διαρκώς
λιγότερο εύφορων γαιών. Έτσι είναι μοιραίο να ανεβαίνει η τιμή του
σιταριού (και το κόστος της ζωής) με ζημιά των λαϊκών στρωμάτων, ενώ
αντίθετα, λίγοι προνομιούχοι (οι ιδιοκτήτες των πιο εύφορων γαιών) με
την αύξηση των τιμών θα επωφελούνται από μια διαρκώς μεγαλύτερη
έγγεια πρόσοδο. Αντίθετα, αφού κάθε πιθανή βελτίωση του βιοτικού

επιπέδου των μαζών οδηγεί σε αύξηση του πληθυσμού και της προσφοράς
εργατικών χεριών, οι μισθοί των εργατών τείνουν να φτάσουν στο
ελάχιστο αναγκαίο για την επιβίωσή τους. Για τον Ρικάρντο, επίσης, κάθε
επέμβαση των κυβερνήσεων απλώς θα επιδείνωνε την κατάσταση: για να
αναχαιτίσει την άνοδο των τιμών και την αύξηση της προόδου, το κράτος
πρέπει να αποφεύγει τις συνηθισμένες του επεμβάσεις στον γεωργικό
τομέα και συγκεκριμένα, να αποφεύγει την επιβολή προστατευτικών
δασμών στα σιτηρά που εισάγονται από νέες χώρες, όπου το κόστος
παραγωγής είναι ακόμη χαμηλό. Ο Ρικάρντο παρείχε τη θεωρητική βάση
στον φιλελευθερισμό, στο θέμα του διεθνούς εμπορίου, με τη θεωρία του
συγκριτικού κόστους, στην οποία αποδεικνύει ότι είναι συμφέρον κάθε
χώρας να ειδικευτεί στην παραγωγή των προϊόντων για τα οποία είναι
καλύτερα προικισμένη.
Αντίθετα, ο γαλλικός φιλελευθερισμός
στηρίζεται σε ένα αισιόδοξο όραμα: όλα πάνε προς το καλύτερο, μέσα
στον καλύτερο δυνατό κόσμο, άρα είναι περιττή η παρέμβαση του
κράτους, η οποία μπορεί μόνο να διαταράξει αυτή την αρμονία. Κύριος
εκπρόσωπος της αποκαλούμενης αισιόδοξης κλασικής οικονομικής
σχολής υπήρξε ο Ζαν-Μπατίστ Σε, στον οποίο οφείλεται, μεταξύ άλλων,
η θεωρία των διεξόδων, σύμφωνα με την οποία δεν είναι δυνατή μια γενική
κρίση υπερπαραγωγής, αλλά μόνο μερικές κρίσεις, όταν η παραγωγή είναι
κακά προσανατολισμένη (αφθονία ενός προϊόντος και έλλειψη άλλου). Αν
δεν υπήρχαν κρατικές παρεμβάσεις ο μηχανισμός των τιμών θα φρόντιζε
μόνος του να πετύχει τη διόρθωση της ανισορροπίας. Η αισιόδοξη στάση
της σχολής αυτής εκφράζεται ακόμη από τον τίτλο του κυριότερου έργου
του Φρεντερίκ Μπαστιά, Οικονομικές αρμονίες (Harmonies économiques,
1850). Οι παραπάνω μετέφεραν στην ηπειρωτική Ευρώπη τη μάχη
εναντίον του προστατευτισμού, η οποία είχε αρχίσει στη Βρετανία από την
Ένωση του Μάντσεστερ. Περίφημο είναι το σατιρικό έργο του Μπαστιά,
Σε αίτηση των πωλητών σπερματσέτων (Pétition des marchands de
chandelles), στο οποίο τονίζει ειρωνικά τα μεγάλα πλεονεκτήματα «που
θα προέκυπταν αν –σφραγίζοντας όλα τα παράθυρα, τις πόρτες και τους
φεγγίτες από τους οποίους μπαίνει το φως του ήλιου– έμπαινε τέρμα στον
απαράδεκτο ανταγωνισμό αυτού του άστρου που, πλημμυρίζοντας το
βασίλειο της Γαλλίας με φτηνό φως, βλάπτει την εθνική βιομηχανία των
σπερματσέτων...». Η αγγλογαλλική συνθήκη του 1860 επισφράγισε τον
θρίαμβο του φιλελευθερισμού.
Τα δύο αντίθετα ρεύματα της κλασικής
οικονομικής σχολής συναντήθηκαν στη θεωρία του Τζον Στιούαρτ Μιλ.
Αυτός έδωσε στη φιλελεύθερη θεωρία την πληρέστερη διατύπωσή της,
καθιερώνοντας την έννοια του Homo Οικονομικός , δηλαδή του
οικονομικού ανθρώπου ο οποίος, κινούμενος μόνο από την ηδονιστική
αρχή (την επιδίωξη της μεγαλύτερης ικανοποίησης με τη μικρότερη
προσπάθεια), συμβάλλει στην πραγματοποίηση του γενικού συμφέροντος
με τη λειτουργία του ελεύθερου ανταγωνισμού (βλ. λ. άνθρωπος

Οικονομικός). Αυτός βραβεύει τους ικανότερους και διώχνει τους

ακατάλληλους: καθετί που συντρίβει ο ανταγωνισμός είναι κακό και
καθετί που αναπτύσσει είναι καλό. Αν, από το ένα μέρος, ο Μιλ τράβηξε
έως τον ακρότατο βαθμό τον φιλελεύθερο ατομικισμό, από το άλλο άνοιξε
και τη φάση της αναθεώρησης και της κριτικής. Η λεγόμενη θεωρία του
κατώτατου μισθού, σύμφωνα με την οποία δεν είναι δυνατή καμία
βελτίωση των αμοιβών των εργατών, η θεωρία των διεξόδων, που
απέκλειε τη δυνατότητα εκτεταμένων οικονομικών κρίσεων (των οποίων,
αντίθετα, η πραγματικότητα αποκαλυπτόταν δραματικά με την περιοδική
επανάληψη κυμάτων ανεργίας και αθλιότητας), η εχθρότητα εναντίον
κάθε επέμβασης της κρατικής εξουσίας στα κοινωνικά ζητήματα,
επέμβαση που θεωρείτο ανώφελη και επιβλαβής, η απαγόρευση, με τη
δικαιολογία του ανταγωνισμού, κάθε εργατικής οργάνωσης: αυτές ήταν οι
ιδέες με τις οποίες οι νέες βιομηχανικές τάξεις έβαζαν τελεία και παύλα
στην πατερναλιστική κοινωνία του ancien régime, η οποία με τον έναν ή
τον άλλο τρόπο φρόντιζε για τη δίκαιη τιμή και τον δίκαιο μισθό και μέσα
στην οποία οι βιοτέχνες και οι εργάτες είχαν βρει στη συντεχνία μια
καθιερωμένη προστασία. Στη θέση της άρχισε να οικοδομείται ένας νέος
κόσμος, που γινόταν ολοένα πλουσιότερος και προόδευε γρήγορα χάρη
στην εκβιομηχάνιση, αλλά ο οποίος ρυθμιζόταν από τον σκληρό νόμο του
ανταγωνισμού, που άφηνε ελεύθερη την εκμετάλλευση των εργατών με
τους μισθούς πείνας και τα εξαντλητικά ωράρια εργασίας (εργάσιμες
ημέρες 16-18 ωρών είχαν επιβληθεί στα αγγλικά εργοστάσια σε γυναίκες
και σε παιδιά). Ο Μιλ όμως δεν αποδέχτηκε ως μοιραία και αναπόφευκτη
την κοινωνική αθλιότητα και ανισότητα· δέχτηκε στο σημείο αυτό την
επέμβαση του κράτους, δεν θεωρούσε την ατομική ιδιοκτησία φυσικό και
απόλυτο δικαίωμα, αλλά συμβατικό θεσμό ο οποίος μπορεί να μεταβληθεί
από τον νομοθέτη, προέβλεψε την εξαφάνιση της μισθωτής εργασίας με
την ανάπτυξη των συνεταιρισμών των παραγωγών, ενώ επιζητούσε την
τροποποίηση της έγγειας προσόδου, με τη φορολογία, προς όφελος του
κοινωνικού συνόλου.Η κριτική αντίδραση εναντίον της κλασικής
οικονομικής σχολής αναπτύχθηκε σε όλη τη διάρκεια του 19ου αι. (και
ιδίως κατά το δεύτερο μισό του) και στράφηκε κυρίως εναντίον του πολύ
γενικού και αφηρημένου χαρακτήρα που οι κλασικοί ήθελαν να δώσουν
στους οικονομικούς νόμους, εναντίον της ατομιστικής προϋπόθεσης από
την οποία ξεκινούσαν και της έννοιας που προέκυπτε από αυτήν, του
Homo Οικονομικός , ο οποίος κινείται μόνο από το προσωπικό του
συμφέρον, εναντίον των κοινωνικών συνεπειών του βιομηχανικού
καπιταλισμού, τις οποίες η φιλελεύθερη προκατάληψη απαγόρευε να
θεραπεύσουν, εναντίον, τέλος, της ελεύθερης συναλλαγής, που γινόταν
διαρκώς περισσότερο αντίθετη προς πολλά ιδιωτικά συμφέροντα (των
επιχειρηματιών αλλά και των εργατών) και γι’ αυτό αντιπαθής στην κοινή
γνώμη.Η ιστορική σχολή, που εμφανίστηκε και αναπτύχθηκε στη

Γερμανία, αρνήθηκε την αξία των γενικών και αφηρημένων νόμων.

Σύμφωνα με αυτήν, η οικονομική πραγματικότητα υπόκειται σε συνεχείς
μεταβολές και κάθε κοινωνία σε κάθε εποχή ρυθμίζεται από ειδικούς
νόμους, οι οποίοι μπορούν να μελετηθούν μόνο με τη χρησιμοποίηση της
επαγωγικής μεθόδου, που θα πρέπει να εφαρμόζεται στα βεβαιωμένα
συγκεκριμένα γεγονότα, δηλαδή στην οικονομική ιστορία και στη
στατιστική. Η ιστορική σχολή επέκρινε και τον ατομικισμό, εναντίον του
οποίου επικεντρώθηκαν οι επιθέσεις πολυάριθμων άλλων τάσεων, από
τους ουτοπιστές σοσιαλιστές και αναρχικούς των αρχών του 19ου αι. (Σεν-
Σιμόν, Ρόμπερτ Όουεν, Σαρλ Φουριέ, Λουί Μπλαν, Πιερ-Ζοζέφ Προυντόν
κ.ά.) έως τους θεωρητικούς του επιστημονικού σοσιαλισμού στο β’ μισό
του ίδιου αιώνα (Φερντινάν Λασάλ, Καρλ Μαρξ κ.ά.) και, στα τέλη του
ίδιου αιώνα, τους χριστιανοσοσιαλιστές, που εμπνέονταν από την
εγκύκλιο Rerum novarum του πάπα Λέοντα ΙΓ’. Από όλες αυτές τις τάσεις
που επέκριναν την κλασική οικονομική θεωρία, τη μεγαλύτερη σημασία
παρουσιάζει το έργο του Καρλ Μαρξ, γιατί άσκησε πολύ μεγάλη επίδραση
τόσο στο πεδίο των πολιτικών θεωριών όσο και σε αυτό της οικονομικής
Οι οικονομικές και τεχνικές υποδομές, οι συνθήκες της
παραγωγής, καθορίζουν, κατά τον Μαρξ, τα κοινωνικά εποικοδομήματα:
στην παραγωγή (που γίνεται συλλογικά) της μεγάλης βιομηχανίας έπρεπε
να αντιστοιχεί όχι πια η ατομική ιδιοκτησία αλλά η συλλογική
(κολεκτιβιστική). Επεκτείνοντας τη θεωρία του Ρικάρντο, που
τοποθετούσε τη βάση της αξίας των αγαθών στην εργασία που
καταναλώθηκε για την παραγωγή τους, διατύπωσε τη δική του θεωρία περί
υπεραξίας, κατά την οποία ο κεφαλαιούχος κατακρατεί για δικό του
συμφέρον εκείνο το μέρος της αξίας που περισσεύει μετά την πληρωμή
των μισθών στους εργάτες. Έτσι επέρχεται η αυξανόμενη συσσώρευση
των κεφαλαίων, ενώ οι εργατικές μάζες, που δεν εισέπραξαν μισθούς
ανάλογους με την αξία των εμπορευμάτων που παρήγαγαν, δεν είναι σε
θέση να γίνουν αγοραστές όλων των εμπορευμάτων. Αυτό προκαλεί τη
διαρκώς επαναλαμβανόμενη διατάραξη της ισορροπίας μεταξύ της
παραγωγής και της κατανάλωσης, δηλαδή την κρίση υπερπαραγωγής, που
οδηγεί στην καταστροφή των μικρών επιχειρήσεων και επιταχύνει τη
διαδικασία της συγκέντρωσης όλης της παραγωγής σε λίγες μεγάλες
επιχειρήσεις. Μια σειρά οικονομικών κρίσεων, διαρκώς σοβαρότερων,
προέβλεπε ο Μαρξ, θα οδηγήσει στην κατάρρευση του καπιταλιστικού
καθεστώτος και στην αντικατάστασή του από τον κολεκτιβισμό· η
πραγματικότητα του 20ού αι., ωστόσο, τον διέψευσε, τόσο για τα κράτη
που προέβλεψε αυτή την αλλαγή (τα βιομηχανικά κράτη της Γερμανίας
και της Μεγάλης Βρετανίας), όσο και γι’ αυτά στα οποία την απέκλειε σε
πρώτη φάση, αλλά τελικώς εκεί υιοθετήθηκε (αγροτική Ρωσία). Ο
νομοτελειακός χαρακτήρας της αλλαγής υπήρξε, άλλωστε, και το
μοναδικό σημείο κριτικής στο κατά τ’ άλλα θεμελιώδες έργο του Μαρξ.

Από τελείως αντίθετη ιδεολογική κατεύθυνση προήλθαν οι επιθέσεις

εναντίον του φιλελευθερισμού, στη μορφή του της ελευθερίας των
συναλλαγών, από τους οπαδούς του αποκαλούμενου οικονομικού
εθνικισμού (Φρίντριχ Λιστ στη Γερμανία, Χένρι Τσαρλς Κάρι και Σάιμον
Νέλσον Πάτεν στις ΗΠΑ), οι οποίοι έβλεπαν στον προστατευτισμό (βλ.
λ.) το ιδανικό εργαλείο που θα εξασφάλιζε την ανάπτυξη της εθνικής
βιομηχανίας (προφυλάσσοντάς την από τον ξένο ανταγωνισμό) και μιας
όσο το δυνατόν πολύμορφης εθνικής οικονομίας (αντί ενός διεθνούς
καταμερισμού της εργασίας στηριγμένου στην ειδίκευση της παραγωγής),
ικανής να περιλάβει όλες τις κύριες γεωργικές, βιομηχανικές και
εμπορικές εργασίες. Ύστερα από την πρόσκαιρη νίκη της ελευθερίας των
συναλλαγών μετά το 1860, ο προστατευτικές ιδέες κατόρθωσαν να
επιβληθούν πάλι σχεδόν παντού κατά τα τέλη του 19ου αι. Στην περίοδο
ανάμεσα στους δύο παγκόσμιους πολέμους η τάση αυτή ενισχύθηκε
περισσότερο από τους υποστηρικτές της αυτάρκειας, κατά τους οποίους
σκοπός της οικονομικής πολιτικής είναι να εξασφαλίσει όχι τόσο την
ευημερία όσο την οικονομική ανεξαρτησία του έθνους.
Με την
υποκίνηση τόσο της σοσιαλιστικής όσο και της εθνικιστικής σχολής, η
συζήτηση μετατοπίστηκε έτσι από το πεδίο της καθαρής ο. σε αυτό των
κοινωνικών και πολιτικών θεωριών. Στα τέλη του 19ου και στο πρώτο
τέταρτο του 20ού αι. πραγματοποιήθηκαν προσπάθειες από διάφορες
οικονομικές σχολές για την αποκατάσταση και την αναθεώρηση της
οικονομικής επιστήμης πάνω σε αυστηρά επιστημονικές βάσεις,
διευρύνοντας τις θεωρίες της κλασικής σχολής και δεχόμενες συγχρόνως
ό,τι ορθό μπορούσαν να βρουν στις επικρίσεις που διατυπώνονταν
εναντίον της. Σε αυτή την περίοδο έλαβε χώρα η λεγόμενη οριακή
επανάσταση (βλ. λ. οριακή θεωρία) με τις εργασίες των Λεόν Βαλρά,
Καρλ Μένγκερ και Γουίλιαμ Στάνλεϊ Τζέβονς. Η αυστριακή σχολή
(Μένγκερ, Όιγκεν φον Μπομ-Μπάβερκ κ.ά.), που ονομάζεται και
ψυχολογική, επειδή κατέφυγε στην ψυχολογία για να λύσει το πρόβλημα
της αξίας μέσω της έννοιας της οριακής χρησιμότητας, παραμέρισε την
εργασιακή θεωρία της αξίας. Η μαθηματική σχολή χρησιμοποίησε τη
μαθηματική μέθοδο για να ερευνήσει όχι μόνο τις σχέσεις αιτίας και
αποτελέσματος μεταξύ των οικονομικών φαινομένων, αλλά και τις
(αρκετά συχνότερες) σχέσεις αλληλεξάρτησης. Αυτή θεωρεί το
οικονομικό σύστημα ως σύμπλεγμα δυνάμεων οι οποίες ενεργούν προς
αντίθετες κατευθύνσεις και τείνουν να βρεθούν σε μια θέση ισορροπίας.
Ανάλογα με το αν οι μελετητές εξετάζουν χωριστά κάθε τομέα της ο. ή
όλους τους τομείς συγχρόνως, η μαθηματική σχολή υποδιαιρείται στη
σχολή των μερικών οικονομικών ισορροπιών (Αντουάν Ογκιστέν Κουρνό,
Γουίλιαμ Τζέβονς, Άλφρεντ Μάρσαλ, Φράνσις Έτζγουορθ κ.ά.) και στη
σχολή της γενικής οικονομικής ισορροπίας ή, αλλιώς, σχολή της Λοζάνης
(Λεόν Βαλρά, Βιλφρέντο Παρέτο, Ίρβινγκ Φίσερ, Ενρίκο Μπαρόνε

κ.ά.).Αποτέλεσμα της οριακής επανάστασης ήταν η δημιουργία της

νεοκλασικής σχολής, κυρίως με την εργασία του Άλφρεντ Μάρσαλ, η
οποία συμφιλίωνε τα διδάγματα των κλασικών με την οριακή ανάλυση και
αποτελεί τη βάση του μεγαλύτερου μέρους της σύγχρονης οικονομικής
θεωρίας. Περίπου την ίδια περίοδο έγινε και ο διαχωρισμός της πολιτικής
οικονομίας των κλασικών, στην οικονομική επιστήμη από τη μία και στην
πολιτική επιστήμη από την άλλη. 
Μια σειρά ριζικών εξελίξεων, οι
οποίες σημειώθηκαν στην παγκόσμια οικονομική ζωή μετά τον Α’
Παγκόσμιο πόλεμο, επέδρασαν ουσιαστικά στην εξέλιξη της σύγχρονης
οικονομικής επιστήμης: αρχικά, η εμφάνιση και η επικράτηση
οικονομικών συστημάτων, τα οποία εμπιστεύονταν, κατά ένα μέρος ή
συνολικά, τη λύση των προβλημάτων της οργάνωσης και της κατανομής
της παραγωγής σε έναν συγκεντρωτικό σχεδιασμό και όχι στις ελεύθερες
πρωτοβουλίες των ατόμων και του μηχανισμού των τιμών. Τέτοιες ήταν
όχι μόνο οι χώρες με κολεκτιβιστικό κοινωνικό σύστημα, αλλά και σχεδόν
όλες οι χώρες με πολεμική ο. Επιπλέον, όχι μόνο οι δύο παγκόσμιοι
πόλεμοι, αλλά και οι συνέπειες της μεγάλης οικονομικής κρίσης που
ξέσπασε το 1929, προκάλεσαν παντού μεγάλη επέκταση του
παρεμβατισμού του κράτους, η οικονομική πολιτική του οποίου ήταν
υποχρεωμένη να αντιμετωπίσει προβλήματα όπως η σταθεροποίηση του
εθνικού εισοδήματος, η εξασφάλιση της πλήρους απασχόλησης, το
ισοζύγιο του εξωτερικού εμπορίου. Τέλος, παρουσιάστηκαν στο
προσκήνιο νέες, οικονομικά υπανάπτυκτες χώρες. Στα νέα αυτά γεγονότα
ανταποκρίνεται η εμφάνιση νέων τεχνικών και νέων θεωριών. Είναι πλέον
όλο και μεγαλύτερη η προσφυγή στη μαθηματική γλώσσα, στην
παράσταση του οικονομικού συστήματος με θεωρητικά πρότυπα,
προσαρμοσμένα όσο γίνεται περισσότερο στη συγκεκριμένη
πραγματικότητα. Για τη γνώση της πραγματικότητας αυτής, η
οικονομετρία (βλ. λ.) εφαρμόζει τις τεχνικές της στατιστικής στα
οικονομικά γεγονότα. Νέες τεχνικές, όπως η επιχειρησιακή έρευνα,
προσπαθούν να λύσουν τα περίπλοκα προβλήματα που δημιουργούνται
από τη συγκέντρωση των αποφάσεων που παρατηρείται τόσο στις
σχεδιασμένες οικονομίες όσο και στις εξαιρετικά μεγάλες σύγχρονες
Όμως, αυτός που προκάλεσε επανάσταση στην
οικονομική σκέψη ήταν ο Τζον Μέιναρντ Κέινς, το κύριο έργο του οποίου
Η γενική θεωρία της απασχόλησης, του τόκου και του χρήματος (The
General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, 1936) προκάλεσε
αίσθηση η οποία μπορεί να συγκριθεί με εκείνη που είχε προκαλέσει στην
εποχή του Ο πλούτος των εθνών του Άνταμ Σμιθ. Ο Κέινς ανέτρεψε τις
καθιερωμένες ιδέες, σύμφωνα με τις οποίες το οικονομικό σύστημα τείνει
αυτόματα προς μια σταθερή ισορροπία πλήρους απασχόλησης και,
αποδεικνύοντας ότι μπορεί να υπάρχει μόνιμη ανεργία, ανέλαβε τη μελέτη
των οικονομικών ανισορροπιών. Για τον σκοπό αυτό διατύπωσε νέες

θεωρίες σχετικά με το εισόδημα και την κατανάλωση, την κατανάλωση

και την αποταμίευση, την αποταμίευση και την επένδυση. Αντίθετα προς
τη θεωρία των διεξόδων, απέδειξε ότι το χρήμα δεν είναι ένας απλός
μεσάζων στις ανταλλαγές και ότι νέοι δρόμοι της οικονομικής πολιτικής
διανοίγονται στο νομισματικό πεδίο και στο πεδίο των επενδύσεων. 
δεκαετία του 1950, αλλά κυρίως την επόμενη, πραγματοποιήθηκε
αναβίωση της ποσοτικής θεωρίας του χρήματος και επιστροφή στις
νεοκλασικές θεωρίες της αυτορρύθμισης της οικονομίας με τον Μίλτον
Φρίντμαν (βλ. λ.) και τη λεγόμενη σχολή του Σικάγου· πρόκειται για τον
λεγόμενο μονεταρισμό (βλ. λ. μονεταρισμός). 
Έπειτα από δεκαετίες
οξείας σύγκρουσης μεταξύ των νεοκλασικών και των κεϊνσιανών αρχικά
και των μονεταριστών και των νεοκεϊνσιανών στη συνέχεια, μπορεί να
υποστηριχθεί ότι σήμερα τείνει να γίνει παραδεκτό από τους σύγχρονους
οικονομολόγους ένα ευρύ πεδίο το οποίο περιλαμβάνει πολλά στοιχεία και
των δύο βασικών κατευθύνσεων ανάλυσης. Βλ. λ. οικονομική
πολιτική.Διαφημιστική αφίσα που προπαγανδίζει την ευημερία που έφερε
η οικονομική πολιτική του Ρούζβελτ («Νιου Ντιλ») το 1933· σύμφωνα
με αυτή, στις ΗΠΑ, μια χώρα από παράδοση φιλελεύθερη, εφαρμόστηκε
για πρώτη φορά η έννοια της άμεσης παρέμβασης του κράτους στα
οικονομικά θέματα..

Η επιστήμη η οποία μελετά τα νομίσματα από κάθε άποψη, οικονομική,
ιστορική και καλλιτεχνική. Η αρχαία ν. είναι ο κλάδος της ν. ο οποίος
μελετά τα αρχαιότερα νομίσματα στη λεκάνη της Μεσογείου, και ειδικά
τα ελληνικά, ρωμαϊκά, κελτικά, φοινικικά, εβραϊκά, ετρουσκικά και
ιταλιωτικά νομίσματα. Η μεσαιωνική και σύγχρονη ν. περιλαμβάνει την
περίοδο από την πτώση του Δυτικού Ρωμαϊκού κράτους (476) έως τον 21ο
αι., μελετά τα νομίσματα των βαρβαρικών βασιλείων, της Βυζαντινής
αυτοκρατορίας, της μεσαιωνικής και σύγχρονης Ευρώπης, των αποικιών
των ευρωπαϊκών χωρών στις άλλες ηπείρους και των εκτός Ευρώπης
κρατών. Η ανατολική ν. περιλαμβάνει, αντίθετα, το ευρύ πεδίο των
νομισμάτων που έκοψαν οι Άραβες (μετά τον Μωάμεθ) και τα
μουσουλμανικά κράτη, καθώς επίσης τα ινδικά, τα κινεζικά και τα
ιαπωνικά νομίσματα.
Το ενδιαφέρον για τα αρχαία νομίσματα άρχισε να
εκδηλώνεται από τον 14ο αι. Από τους πρώτους συλλέκτες νομισμάτων
ήταν ο Πετράρχης, ο οποίος δώρισε τη συλλογή του στον αυτοκράτορα
Κάρολο Δ’. Στους επόμενους αιώνες σχηματίστηκαν οι πρώτες
πριγκιπικές συλλογές, από τις οποίες ιδιαίτερα αξιόλογες ήταν οι συλλογές
των Έστε στη Μόντενα, των Μεδίκων στη Φλωρεντία, των Αραγωνίων
στη Νάπολη, του Ματθία Κορβίνου στη Βούδα της Ουγγαρίας.
ημέρες μας, η ν. έχει πολυάριθμους λάτρεις, συλλέκτες και ειδικευμένους

μελετητές οι οποίοι αφοσιώνονται στη συλλογή των νομισμάτων και στη

μελέτη των διαφόρων τομέων της. Σχεδόν σε κάθε χώρα υπάρχουν
νομισματικές εταιρείες, περιοδικά ειδικευμένα στη ν. και δημόσιες
συλλογές νομισμάτων που αποτελούν ολόκληρα μουσεία ή είναι τμήματα
μεγαλύτερων μουσείων. Από τις πιο γνωστές δημόσιες συλλογές είναι του
Βρετανικού Μουσείου στο Λονδίνο, του Cabinet des Medailles στο
Παρίσι, των μουσείων του Βερολίνου και του Ινστιτούτου Σμιθσόνιαν
στην Ουάσινγκτον.

(Οικον.-Πολ.). Όρος που έχει λάβει ποικίλες σημασίες στην ιστορία και
στον οποίο αποδίδονται διάφοροι ορισμοί με οικονομικό, νομικό,
κοινωνιολογικό, πολιτικό, ιστορικό και ιδεολογικό χαρακτήρα·
συνώνυμος με αυτόν είναι ο ελληνικής ετυμολογίας όρος κεφαλαιοκρατία.
Οι διάφορες αυτές σημασίες δεν μπορούν εύκολα να διαχωριστούν με
σαφήνεια η μία από την άλλη· αντιθέτως συμπλέκονται μεταξύ τους και
αλληλοεπηρεάζονται κατά διάφορους τρόπους.
Στην οικονομική
επιστήμη, ως κ. ορίζεται (και αυτή ίσως αποτελεί τη συνηθέστερη έννοια
του όρου) ένα σύστημα παραγωγής και ανταλλαγής, που χαρακτηρίζεται
από την οικονομία της ελεύθερης επιχείρησης ή της αγοράς. Στο πλαίσιο
αυτού του συστήματος οι παραγωγικές δυνάμεις ανήκουν στα άτομα, τα
οποία, μέσω της εκμετάλλευσής τους, επιδιώκουν το ατομικό κέρδος.
Όταν οι επιχειρήσεις είναι πολλές και μικρού μεγέθους, ο κ. επιτρέπει, σε
γενικές γραμμές, μια αγορά ελεύθερου ανταγωνισμού. Αντίθετα, όταν οι
επιχειρήσεις είναι σχετικά λίγες και μεγάλες, επικρατεί καθεστώς
μονοπωλιακού κ., στο οποίο η επικράτηση των μεγάλων παραγωγικών
μονάδων επιφέρει την προοδευτική μεταβολή του ανταγωνιστικού τύπου
και τη δημιουργία καταστάσεων μονοπωλίου ή ολιγοπωλίου. Η έννοια του
κ. ταυτίζεται με αυτήν του φιλελευθερισμού αν τονιστούν τα
χαρακτηριστικά της οικονομίας της αγοράς ή της επιχειρηματικής
δραστηριότητας που δεν υπόκειται στην παρέμβαση του κράτους.
ο όρος κ. χρησιμοποιείται για να χαρακτηρίσει εκείνο το οικονομικό
σύστημα στο οποίο το κεφάλαιο λειτουργεί ως κύριος συντελεστής της
παραγωγής και κατέχει σημαντικότερη θέση σε σχέση με τις παραγωγικές
δυνάμεις της εργασίας και των μέσων παραγωγής. Όταν χρησιμοποιείται
με την έννοια αυτή, ο όρος κ. χαρακτηρίζει έναν εξαιρετικά
βιομηχανοποιημένο τύπο παραγωγικής δραστηριότητας, στον οποίο
παρουσιάζεται συσσώρευση κεφαλαίων και επανεπένδυσή τους στην
παραγωγική διαδικασία με την παράλληλη δημιουργία μιας σειράς
εγκαταστάσεων υποβοηθητικών στην παραγωγή (εργοστάσια, μηχανές,

φράγματα, διώρυγες, σιδηρόδρομοι κλπ.). Ο τύπος αυτός διαφέρει από τον

τύπο της προκαπιταλιστικής ή καθυστερημένης οργάνωσης, όπου η
κατοχή κεφαλαιουχικών αγαθών ήταν ποιοτικά και ποσοτικά
Μεταγενέστεροι ορισμοί που διατυπώθηκαν από την
οικονομική ορολογία, συχνά σε συνδυασμό με αυτούς που
προαναφέρθηκαν, υπογραμμίζουν μια σειρά χαρακτηριστικών στοιχείων:
την ανάπτυξη της τεχνικής, τη σημασία της χρήσης του χρήματος και της
τραπεζικής πίστης, τον ρόλο του επιχειρηματία και την επιδίωξη του
ατομικού κέρδους, την άνιση κατανομή του κοινωνικού εισοδήματος, την
έντονη κεφαλαιοκρατική συσσώρευση που επακολουθεί, την οργάνωση
των αγορών, την καταστροφή της βιοτεχνίας ως τυπικής μορφής της
οικονομίας, την επικράτηση των μεγάλων βιομηχανικών επιχειρήσεων,
την οργάνωση της τυπικά ελεύθερης εργασίας κλπ.
Από νομική άποψη,
κ. είναι το οικονομικοκοινωνικό σύστημα στο οποίο αναγνωρίζεται η
ατομική ιδιοκτησία των μη προσωπικών εννοιών του κ. (τα εργοστάσια
Από τη σύνθεση των οικονομικών και νομικών εννοιών του κ. που
προαναφέρθηκαν, απορρέει η έκφραση κρατικός κ. που ενίοτε
χρησιμοποιείται για τον χαρακτηρισμό μιας οικονομίας της αγοράς όπου
τα μέσα της παραγωγής ανήκουν εν μέρει ή κυρίως στο κράτος. Ιστορικά,
μια τέτοια κατάσταση παρουσιάστηκε αμιγώς στην πρώτη περίοδο έπειτα
από τη Ρωσική επανάσταση, στη Σοβιετική Ένωση: η εξουσία των σοβιέτ
εθνικοποίησε τις ιδιωτικές επιχειρήσεις, χωρίς όμως να τις ενσωματώσει
στα πλαίσια ενός σχεδιασμένου οικονομικού συστήματος.
κοινωνιολογική άποψη, η λέξη κ. χαρακτηρίζει μια κοινωνική οργάνωση
κατά την οποία η εξαφάνιση ή η βαθύτατη αλλαγή των καθιερωμένων
μορφών εργασίας προκαλεί τυπικά φαινόμενα, όπως η αστυφιλία, ο
σχηματισμός μεγάλων μαζών μισθωτών, η αποδυνάμωση του ρόλου της
ευρύτερης οικογένειας και η αντικατάστασή της από τη λεγόμενη
πυρηνική οικογένεια, η αλλοτρίωση κλπ. Ιδιαίτερα, χαρακτηρίζει ένα
σύστημα ομαδικής ζωής στο οποίο η οικονομική διαφοροποίηση του
πληθυσμού προκαλεί τον διαχωρισμό του σε δύο ευρύτερες ομάδες, τόσο
σε πνευματικό και ψυχολογικό επίπεδο όσο και στη μορφή της κοινωνικής
συμπεριφοράς. Στην πρώτη από τις ομάδες αυτές ανήκουν οι καπιταλιστές
(αλλιώς, κεφαλαιοκράτες), δηλαδή οι κάτοχοι των μέσων παραγωγής, που
εκμεταλλεύονται τόσο την απόδοση των μέσων παραγωγής όσο και την
προσφερόμενη εργασία, μέσω της υπεραξίας. Στη δεύτερη ομάδα ανήκουν
οι μισθωτοί, δηλαδή εκείνοι που ζουν μόνο (ή κυρίως) από την εργασία
τους, υπό κατώτερες υλικές συνθήκες και κοινωνικά υποταγμένοι.
Τονίζοντας τον ρόλο της κοινωνικής και πολιτικής υπεροχής της πρώτης
ομάδας, την οικονομική παντοδυναμία της και την εκμετάλλευση σε βάρος

της δεύτερης ομάδας, οι μαρξιστικές θεωρίες κατέληξαν στην άποψη ότι

υπάρχει μια αδιάκοπη σύγκρουση που ταυτίζεται με τη νεότερη μορφή της
πάλης των τάξεων, δηλαδή της σύγκρουσης μεταξύ καπιταλιστών και
Αντίθετα, άλλοι ορισμοί με κοινωνιολογική βάση τονίζουν
ότι ο κ. ευνοεί την έξαρση αρετών (όπως η εργατικότητα και η
αποταμίευση) και την επιδίωξη του πλούτου όχι ως μέσο για υλικές
απολαύσεις αλλά ως όργανο για την απόκτηση κοινωνικού κύρους και
ανάπτυξης των ατομικών δεξιοτήτων. 
Για τους ιστορικούς, ο κ.
αποτελεί το διακριτικό χαρακτηριστικό της σύγχρονης εποχής, δηλαδή της
ιστορικοοικονομικής εποχής που διαδέχθηκε τη φεουδαρχία. Σε αυτές τις
περιπτώσεις, η έννοια τείνει να ταυτιστεί με αυτήν της αστικής τάξης και
ενίοτε με την επικράτηση –σε οικονομικό και πολιτικό επίπεδο– της
Βιομηχανικής επανάστασης. Άλλοτε, αντίθετα, γίνεται λόγος περί παλαιού
κ. (ο αποκαλούμενος τοκογλυφικός ή τραπεζιτικός) και περί νεότερου κ.
(εμπορικού και βιομηχανικού). Η διάκριση αυτή στηρίζεται στο γεγονός
ότι παλαιότερα το κεφάλαιο αντιπροσώπευε κυρίως ένα χρηματικό ποσό
που οι ηγεμόνες και οι έμποροι δανείζονταν με τόκο, για τη
χρηματοδότηση πολέμων (οι πρώτοι) και εκτάκτων κερδοσκοπικών
επιχειρήσεων (οι δεύτεροι), ενώ αργότερα απέκτησε τον χαρακτήρα ενός
χρηματικού ποσού ενσωματωμένου απόλυτα στις συναλλαγές και στις
βιομηχανίες. Υπάρχουν, τέλος, οι μελετητές που ενδιαφέρονται για την
εξελικτική πορεία του κ., χωρίζοντάς την σε φάσεις ακμής, ωριμότητας
και παρακμής.

LSJ-The OnΓρ. Liddell-Scott-Jones Greek -English Lexicon.

Project Director: Maria Pantelia. Οἰκονομ-ία, ἡ, management of a

household or family, husbandry, thrift, Pl.Ap.36b, R.498a, X.Oec.1.1,
Arist.EN1141b32, Pol.1253b2 sqq.: pl., Pl.R.407b; households,
Arist.GA744b18. 2. generally, direction, regulation, Epicur.Ep.1p.29U.;
esp. of a State, administration, αἱ κατὰ τὴν πόλιν οἰ. Din.1.97; principles of
government, Chrysipp.Stoic.2.338; τῶν γεγονότων Plb.1.4.3, al.; πολιτικὴ
οἰ. Phld.Rh. 2.32 S.; ἡ τῆς ἀρχῆς οἰ. Hdn.6.1.1; of a fund, SIG577.9 (Milet.,
iii/ii B.C.). 3. arrangement, ἡ περὶ τὸν νοσέοντα οἰ. Hp.Epid.6.2.24; ἡ περὶ
τῶν ὠνίων οἰ. market, fair, SIG695.35 (Magn. Mae.); οἰκονομία ι
proceedings, IG9(1).226 (Drymaea) ; τίνα οἰκονομίαν προσαγήγοχας what
steps you have taken, PCair.Zen.240.10 (iii B. C.); αὕτη φύσεως οἰ.
Plb.6.9.10; of a literary work, arrangement, ἡ κατὰ μέρος οἰ. D.S.5.1, cf.
D.H.Pomp.4, Comp.25, Sch.Od.1.328: pl., Plu.2.142a. 4. in Egypt, office
of οἰκονόμος, PTeb.24.62 (ii B.C.), al. 5. stewardship, LXX Is.22.19,

Ev.Luc.16.2. 6. plan, dispensation, Ep.Eph.1.10, 3.2. 7. in bad sense,

scheming, M.Ant. 4.51. II. public revenue of a state, BMus.Inscr.897.14,
al. (Halic., iii B.C.). III. transaction, contract, or legal instrument, CPR4.1
(i A. D.), BGU457.10 (ii A. D.), etc. IV. magical operation or process,
PMag.Par.1.161, 292, 2009.

Λεξικο Μπαμπινιώτη

οικονόμα (η) [χωρ. πληθ.}(λαϊκ·.) η γυναίκα που φροντίζει να μην κάνει

πολλά έξοδα ή και να εξοικονομεί, να αποταμιεύει χρήματα, οικονομετρία
(η) (οικονομετριών! οικον. κλάδος τής οικονομικής επιστήμης που
εφαρμόζει στατιστικές μεθόδους για τον έλεγχο των οικονομικών
θεωριών, την εμπειρική ανάλυση των οικονομικών σχέσεων και την
πρόβλεψη των οικονομικών μεγεθών. —
οικονομετρικός, -ή. -ό. [ετυμ. Ελληνογενής ξέν. όρ.. < γαλλ.
econometric), οικονομία (η) {οικονομιών) 1. (α) διαχείριση εσόδων και
ρξόδων. υλικών αγαθών και πόρων (β) οικιακή
οικονομία βλ. λ. οικιακός 2. (α) το σύνολο των δραστηριοτήτων, των
θεσμών και των μέσων, που σχετίζονται με την παραγωγή και την
κατανάλωση υλικών αγαθών, την ικανοποίηση των υλικών αναγκών στο
πλαίσιο μιας κοινωνίας: δημόσια / παγκόσμια / υγιής εύρωστη / ισχυρή /
ανταγωνιστική / στάσιμη ~ |j η πορεία τής ~ (ραίνεται ανησυχητική (β)
εθνική οικονομία βλ. λ. εθνικός (γ) ανοικτή οικονομία η οικονομία πυυ έχει
συναλλακτικές σχέσεις με άλλες οικονομίες (δ) κλειστή οικονομία η
οικονομία που περιορίζει τις δραστηριότητές της στα εθνικά όρια (ε)
οικονομία τής (ελεύθερης) αγοράς το οικονομικό σύστημα, στο οποίο ο
μηχανισμός τής αγοράς καθορίζει την παραγωγή, την κατανομή και την
κατανάλωση αγαθών, με αντίστοιχο περιορισμό τής παρέμβασης τής
κεντρικής εξουσίας· στην πράξη ταυτίζεται με την ελεύθερη οικονομία
(βλ. παρακάτω) συν. καπιταλισμός (στ) ελεύθερη οικονομία το οικονομικό
σύστημα, στο οποίο επικρατούν η ελεύθερη δράση της ιδιωτικής
επιχείρησης, ο ανταγωνισμός και η ελεύθερη αγορά, τα ο ποία καθορίζουν
την παραγωγή, την κατανομή και την κατανάλωση αγαθίόν. κατ’
αντιδιαστολή προς την οικονομία όπου επικρατεί ο κεντρικός σχεδιασμός·
στην πράξη ταυτίζεται με την οικονομία τής (ελεύθερης) αγοράς (βλ. ε) (ζ)
μικτή οικονομία το οικονομικό σύστημα στο οποίο συνυπάρχουν ιδιωτικές
και κρατικοποιημένες επιχειρήσεις (η) ναυτιλιακή οικονομία βλ. λ.
ναυτιλιακός (θ) στατική οικονομία βλ. λ. στατικός (ι) συναλλακτική
οικονομία βλ . λ. συναλλακτικός (ια) οικονομία αγροτική ο τομέας τής
οικονομικής δραστηριότητας που σχετίζεται με τη γεωργία, την

κτηνοτροφία, τη δασοκομία, την αλιεία και το κυνήγι (ΐβ) οικονομία

ανεπτυγμένη οικονομία που χαρακτηρίζεται από υψηλό κατά κεφαλήν
εισόδημα των πολιτών, μικρό ποσοστό ανεργίας, παραγωγικότητα,
σημαντική εκμετάλλευση των πλουτοπαραγωγικών πηγών κ.λπ. (ιγ)
οικονομία αναπτυσσόμενη / (μει ωτ.) υπανάπτυκτη η μη ανεπτυγμένη
οικονομία (ιδ) οικονομία διευθυνόμενη / ελεγχόμενη οικονομικό καθεστώς
πυυ συνδυάζει την ελεύθερη οικονομική δραστηριότητα τον ατόμων με
τον ρυθμιστικό ρόλο τού κράτους προς την κατεύθυνση τής εξυπηρέτησης
των συμφερόντων τού κοινωνικού συνόλου (ιε)
οικονομία ιδιωτική η οικονομία τής οποίας φορέας είναι οι ιδιώτες (ιστ)
οικονομία παγκόσμια η οικονομία ως ολότητα με παγκόσμιες διαστάσεις
(παραγωγή, κατανάλωση κ.λπ.) (ιζ) σχεδιασμένη κεντρικά οικονομία η
οικονομίαςτην οποία η παραγωγή, η διανομή και η χρήση των
παραγωγής προγραμματίζεται κεντρικά από έναν κρατικό φορέα
προγραμματισμού· αλλιώς κεντρικός σχεδιασμός 3. (α) η οικονομική
(βλ. λ. Οικονομικός): σπουδάζω συν. οικονομικά, οικονομολογία (β)
οικονομία βλ. λ. πολιτικός 4. η αποφυγή περιττών δαπανών: κάνει ~. για
τα βγάλει πέρα 5. οικονομίες (οι) τα χρήματα που αποταμιεύει κανείς: ~
ζωής 6. η μετρημένη χρήση, η επιδίωξη και η πρακτική τού να επιτυγχάνει
κανείς όσο το δυνατόν περισσότερα, χρησιμοποιώντας όσο το δυνατόν
~ χρόνου / δυνάμεων [[ η ~ τής γλώσσας ΛΝΤ. σπατάλη 7. (α) φιλολ. ο
με τον οποίο σχεδιάζει και διατάσσει ο συγγραφέας τα επιμέρους στοι χεία
συγκροτούν την πλοκή ενός έργου, ώστε να οδηγούν λογικά και αβίαστα
λύση: η ~ τού μυθιστορήματος (β) (γενικότ.) (στον κινηματογράφο, στο
κ.α.) ο τρόπος με τον οποίο χρησιμοποιεί κανείς τα μέσα που διαθέτει,
ώστε να
επιτυγχάνει τυυς στόχους πυυ έχει θέσει: η ~ τού σεναρίου || η σκηνική τού
δράματος 8. (α) θεολ. θεία οικονομία το σχέδιο τού Θεού για τη σωτηρία
κόσμου με την ενανθρώπηση τού Χριστού (β) κατ’ οικονομίαν (i) με
προγραμματισμό: δεδομένης τής αδυναμίας τού ανθρώπου να ικανοποιήσει
όλες τις επιθυμίες του. πρέπει να ρυθμίζουμε τη ζωή μας ~ με τις κατάλληλες

επιλογές (ii) εκκλης. άσκηση φιλανθρωπίας από την Εκκλησία με βάση την
τής επιείκειας για την εξυπηρέτηση τής πνευματικής ζωής τού πιστού, όχι
θέματα πίστεως αλλά μόνο ποιμαντικού χαρακτήρα: κατ' οικονομίαν δεν
επιβλήθηκαν αυστηρές ποινές.
Ιετυμ. αρχ. < οικονόμος. Η λ. απαντά (ως δάνειο) σε πολλές γλώσσες, λ.χ.
Economy, γαλλ. Economic, γερμ. Okonomie κ.ά. Ιίολλές φρ. αποτελούν
δάνεια, λ.χ. ελεύθερη / μικτή / ελεγχόμενη οικονομία {< (χγγλ. free / mixed
state-controlled Economy), ανεπτυγμένη / ιδιωτική / παγκόσμια οικονομία
αγγλ. static / developed / private / global Economy) κ.ά.| οικονομικά (τα)
1. η
οικονομική κατάσταση (κοινωνίας ή ατόμου): τα ~ τού κράτους βαδίζουν
το κακό στο χειρότερο )| τα μου δεν βρίσκονται σε καλή κατάσταση δεν
πάνε καλά / είναι περιορισμένα 2. η οικονομική επιστήμη: σπουδάζει ~ στην
Αγγλία. οικονομικίστικος, -η. -ο κ. οικονόμίστικος (μειωτ.) αυτός πυυ
χαρακτηρίζεται από εμμονή στη θεωρητική οικονομία, σε δυσνόητες
οικονομικών μεγεθών και τη χρήση αριθμών (με αποτέλεσμα να αγνοεί
πραγματικότητα και να. μην έχει ενδιαφέρον).
οικονομικίστικα κ. οικονομίστικσ επίρρ. ^ σχολιο λ. ακατα/.αβίστικος.
[είύμ. < Οικονομικός + παραγ. επίθημα -ίστικος. πβ. κ. δημοτικ-ίστικος\.
οίκονομικοπολιτικός, -ή, -ό [ 1894] αυτός που σχετίζετ αι με τ ην
οικονομία και
την πολιτική; η ~ θέση τής Ελλάδας στην f..t. Οικονομικός, -ή. -ό Ιαρχ.|
1.(α) αυτός που σχετίζεται μ ε την οικονομία: ~ πολιτική / εξέλιξη / κρίση /
υπηρεσία / σκάνδαλο / θυσίες / δομές ι συνέπειες / σταθεροποίηση /
σύγκλιση ι σπουδές / σύμβουλος / βοήθεια / επιτελείο / συνεργασία /
πρόοδος / πόλεμος / εξαθλίωση / θεωρία1 άποψη / διεκδικήσεις /
εξυγίανση / δείκτης / ανάλυση / αναλυτής ί ανεξαρτησία / χάος /
ατασθαλίες / εφημερίδα / ανάπτυξη / αυτάρκεια ι ένωση / ύφεση 1
μαρασμός ι μεταρρύθμιση / εκκρεμότητα/ δραστηριότητα ||
Υπουργείο Οικονομικών (β) οικονομική επιστήμη η επιστήμη που μελετ ά
οικονομικά φαινόμενα και τους νόμους που διέπουν την παραγω γή,
κατανομ ή και

κατανάλωση υλικών αγαθών και υπηρεσιών (γ) οικονομική ζώνη η περιοχ

ή στην
οποία μια επιχεί ρηση ασκεί τ ην οικονομική της δραστηριότητα (δ)
Δίκαιο το σύνολυ των νομικών διατάξεων που ρυθμίζουν τις οικονομικές
σχ έσεις
στο πλαίσιο δεδυμένης έννομης τάξης (ε) οικονομικό έτος βλ. λ. έτος (στ)
οικονομικό έγκλημα το έγκλημα που διαπ ράττετ αι στο πλαίσιο
επιχειρηματικών δραστηριοτήτων (π.χ . κατάχρηση, φοροδιαφυγή, αθ
ανταγωνισμός, συκοφαντική δυσφήμηση κ.λπ.) (ζ) Οικονομικός
άνθρωπος (λατ.
homo Οικονομικός ) ο τύπος ανθρώπου. του οποίου η συμπεριφορά
σύμφωνα με την κλασική σχολή οικονομικής σκέψης (Α. Σμιθ. Τ.Ρ .
Μάλθους κ.ά.).
από τις οικονομικές του επιδιώξεις (π.χ . ενός επιχει ρηματί α από την
επιδίωξή του
να αυξήσει τα κέρδ η τυυ) (η) Οικονομικός συνασπισμός βλ . λ.
(θ) οικονομικό αγαθό κάθε αγαθό που καλύπτει ανθρώπινη ανάγκη και για
να το
αποκτήσει ο άνθρωπος πρέπ ει να το παραγάγει ο ίδιος ή να το αγοράσει
οικονομικό σύστημα η μορφή τής οικονομίας στο πλαίσιο ενός
κοινοτικού συστήματος. λ.χ. το κομουνιστικό, το φιλελεύθερο κ.ά. (ια)
Οικονομικός θεσμός ο θεσμός που σχετίζεται με την παραγωγική
διαδικασία (λ.χ.
η βιομηχανί α, η διανομή των αγαθών, οι ανταλλ αγές κ.λπ .) (ιβ)
Οικονομικός /
κεντρικός σχεδιασμός τυ σύστημα τής σχ εδιασμένης κεντρικά οικονομίας
(βλ. λ.
οικονομία) (ιγ) οικονομικό μέγεθος (i) πο σό. αριθμός που χρησιμοποιείται
οικονομικές μελέτες: σύγκριση οικονομικών μεγεθών || παρατηρώ τα
οικονομικά μεγέθη (ii) (κ. οικονομική συσκευασία) (για προϊόντα)
συσκευασία η οποία π αρέχ ει μ εγαλύτερη ποσότητα και στοιχίζει λιγό
απορρυπαντικό σε ~ 2. αυτός που σχετίζεται με τ ην απόκτηση χρημάτω ν
γενικότ. υλικών αγαθών: ~ βοήθεια / κίνητρα / προβλήματα■ φ ρ. (α)

Οικονομικός παράγοντας (i) το πρόσωπο που διαθέτει σημαντική θέση

επιχει ρηματικό κόσμο (μεγαλοβιομ ήχανος. τ ραπ εζίτης κ.λπ.):
σημαντικός ~
προσφέρθηκε να στηρίξει οικονομικά την προσπάθεια τού συλλόγου
μας (ii) οτιδήποτε επιδρά στη διαμόρφωση μιας κατάστασης στην οι
κονομία (β)
Οικονομικός πρόσφυγας / μετανάστης το πρόσωπο που εγκαταλείπει τη
του αναζητώντας καλύτερο βιοτικό επίπεδο και όχι για πολιτικούς ή άλ
λόγους 3. (για πρόσ.) αυτός που προ βαίνει σε λελογισμένες δαπάν ες Σ
λιτοδίαιτος. φειδωλός, ολιγοδάπανος λ ντ . σπάταλο ς 4. (για π ράγμ ατα)
(α) αυτός
που δεν κοστίζει πολύ, αυτός που έχει συμφέρουσα τιμή (β) αυτός που δεν
υποβάλλει τον ιδιοκτήτη του σε μεγάλα έξοδα (π.χ. δεν καταναλώνει π
καύσιμα): αυτοκίνητο 5. (γενικότ.) αυτός που μ ε όσο το δυνατόν λιγό τερα
μέσα επιτυ γχάνει όσο το δυνατόν περισσότερα αν τ. αντιΟικονομικός
6.οικονομικό (τυ) οτιδήποτε σχετίζεται με δαπάνη, κόστος ή τις δυνατό
εξόδων: για όσους το ~ δεν αποτελεί πρόβλημα,
____________προτείνουμε διακοπές
σε μέρη εξωτικά || αφού είδαμε τις εργασιακές υποχρεώσεις σας, ας
συζητήσουμε και το ~ (αμοιβή, μισθό). οικονομικ-ά/-ώς [μτγν.] επίρρ.
οικονομικότητα (η) ο βαθμός στον οποίο επιτυγχάνεται το μέγιστο δυνατό
αποτέλεσμα με τα ελάχιστα δυνατά μέσα. οικονομισμός (ο) | i895J οικο ν.
κοι νω νι ολ. το δόγμα που υπ ερτονίζει τη σημασία των οικονομικών
παραγό ντων
κατά την παρατήρηση και ερμ ηνεία τ ής κοινωνικής εξέλιξ ης.
[ΕΤΥΜ. Ελληνογενής ξέν. όρ.. < γαλλ . economisme).
οικονομίστικος, -η. -ο ♦ οικονομικίστικος
οικονομολογία (η) 11871J Ιχωρ. πλ ηθ.} η οικονομική επιστήμη. —οι-
κονομολογικός, -ή, -ό [ 18651.
οικονομολόγος (ο/η) |Ι839] 1. ο/η επιστήμονας που ασχολείται με την
οικονομολογία · 2. (σπάν.-καταχ ρ.) πρόσωπο που φροντίζει να έχει
έξοδα συ ν . φειδωλός, ολιγοδάπ ανος λν τ. σπ άταλος οικονόμος (ο/η) 1.
πρό σωπο
που περιορίζει τις δαπάνες του. αυτός που καταφέρν ει ή φροντίζει να μ ην

πολλά Σ Υ Ν. φειδωλός, λι τός. αν τ. σπάταλο ς 2. το πρόσωπο που έχει

αναλάβει τη
διαχείριση των οικονομικών πλούσιας οικογένειας, μονής, οικοτροφείου ή
ιδρύματος 3. ε κ κλιις. (α) ο κληρικός που αναλ αμβάν ει τη διαχ είριση
περιουσίας τής επισκοπής ή τής μητ ρόπολης (β) (ω ς τιμητικός τίτλος)
ιερέας που
έχει π ροσφέρει σημ αντικές υπηρεσίες στην Εκκλησία.
[ε ίύ μ . αρχ., σύνθ. εκ συναρπαγής από τη φρ. οικον νέμεινί νέμεσθαι,
σημ. «αυτός που διαχ ειρίζετ αι και διοικεί τα τού οίκου»),
οικονομοτεχνικός, -
ή. -ό αυτός που σχετίζεται μ ε συγκεκριμένο (χντικείμενο από
οικονομικής και
τεχνικής απόψεω ς: μελέτη [[ « ~ προύπολογισμός έργων
αποκατάστασης πληγεισών περιοχών» (εφημ.). — οικονομοτεχνικ-ά / -
ώς επίρρ. οικονομώ (κ. -άω) ρ. μετβ. [αρχ.[ [οικονομ-είς κ. (λαϊκ.) -άς... |
νόμ-ησα. -ούμαι κ. (λ αϊκ.) -ιέμ αι, -ήθηκα. -ημ ένος) 1. βάζω στην άκρη,
φρο ντίζω
να μην ξοδεύω (γι α να έχω περίσσευμα): χρήματα Σ ΥΝ. αποταμιεύ ω 2.
προμηθεύομαι, εξ ευρίσκω, εξοικονομώ με κάποιον (συνήθ. επιτήδειο)
τρόπο· φ ρ.
τα (οΐ)κονομάω κερδίζ ω αρκετ ά λεφτά 3. χειρίζομ αι με τ ρόπο
αποτελεσματικό 4. (μεσοπαθ. οικονομούμαί) (α) (+ από) εξασφαλίζω (κάτι
δυσεύρετο ή δύσκολα απο__

Antoine de Montchrestien

Antoine de Montchrestien (or Montchrétien) (c. 1575 7 or 8 October

1621) was a French soldier, dramatist, adventurer and economist.Το 1615
που δημοσίευσε Traicte Υπουργείου Οικονομίας politique, που βασίζεται
κυρίως στα έργα του ο Jean Bodin. Στην ιστορία της οικονομικής
σκέψης, είναι η πρώτη χρήση της «πολιτικής οικονομίας» στον τίτλο
ενός έργου που ισχυρίζονται ότι είναι ένα Πραγματεία. Αμφισβήτησε
τη θέση του Αριστοτέλη σχετικά με την ανεξαρτησία της πολιτικής από
άλλους κοινωνικής ζωής, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των οικονομικών
δραστηριοτήτων. Ως εκ τούτου, αναπτύσει ορισμένα βασικά στοιχεία της
μεταγενέστερης σκέψης mercantilist,: όπως η αξία των παραγωγικών
εργαστηριακή χρήση και την απόκτηση πλούτου στην προώθηση της
πολιτικής σταθερότητας. Από όλο αυτό το διάστημα, το οποίο ευνοούσε
Montchrestien με αρκετές επίσημες θέσεις (συμπεριλαμβανομένων
Κυβερνήτης της Châtillon-sur-Loire το 1617) Ποια ήταν οικονομικά
συμφέρουσα, και πήρε τον τίτλο «βαρώνος» και παντρεύτηκε.

Από τη Βικιπαίδεια.

Η οικονομία [η λέξη προέρχεται από την αρχαία ελληνική «οἰκονομία »

(= «οἶκος» + «νέμομαι» ), που σημαίνει διαχείριση της οικίας, δηλαδή του
νοικοκυριού] μπορεί να οριστεί επίσημα και γενικά ως το σύνολο των
συνειδητών και συστηματικών ενεργειών των ανθρώπων, που διαβιούν σε
κοινωνία, και περιλαμβάνει την παραγωγή, διανομή, ανταλλαγή και την
κατανάλωση περιορισμένων σε ποσότητα αγαθών και υπηρεσιών, από
διαφορετικούς παράγοντες σε μια δεδομένη γεωγραφική τοποθεσία. Οι

οικονομικοί παράγοντες μπορεί να είναι ιδιώτες, επιχειρήσεις, οργανισμοί

ή κυβερνήσεις. Οι συναλλαγές συμβαίνουν όταν δυο παράγοντες
συμφωνούν σε μια αξία ή τιμή ενός (τουλάχιστον) αγαθού ή υπηρεσίας. Η
τιμή αυτή συνήθως εκφράζεται σε ένα συγκεκριμένο νόμισμα.

Στο παρελθόν, η οικονομική δραστηριότητα θεωρήθηκε ότι περιορίζεται

από τους φυσικούς πόρους, την εργασία και το κεφάλαιο. Η άποψη αυτή,
όμως, αγνοεί την αξία της τεχνολογίας (που σημαίνει συχνά αυτοματισμό,
επιτάχυνση των διεργασιών και ελάττωση του κόστους λειτουργίας) και
της καινοτομίας (που σημαίνει νέα προϊόντα, υπηρεσίες, διεργασίες και
αγορές, αλλά και επέκταση των αγορών, διαφοροποίηση των αγορών,
εξειδικευμένες αγορές και αύξηση των εσόδων από τις διάφορες
λειτουργίες), ιδιαίτερα αυτών που παράγουν πνευματικές ιδιιοκτησίες.

Μια δεδομένη οικονομία είναι το αποτέλεσμα ενός συνόλου διεργασιών

που περιλαμβάνει τον πολιτισμό, τις αξίες, την εκπαίδευση, την
τεχνολογική εξέλιξη, την ιστορία, την κοινωνική οργάνωση, την πολιτική
δομή, τα νομικά συστήματα, καθώς και τη γεωγραφία, τους φυσικούς
πόρους και την οικολογία του περιβάλλοντος, ως κύριους παράγοντες.
Αυτοί οι παράγοντες δίνουν συμφραζόμενα, περιεχόμενα και ένα σύνολο
συνθηκών και παραμέτρων με βάση τις οποίες λειτουργεί μια δεδομένη
οικονομία . Οι μεγαλύτερες εθνικές οικονομίες ανα ήπειρο είναι οι
ακόλουθες: οι ΗΠΑ στην Αμερική[1], η Γερμανία στην Ευρώπη[2], η
Νιγηρία στην Αφρική[3], η Κίνα στην Ασία[4] και η Αυστραλία στην

Σε μια οικονομία της αγοράς τα αγαθά και οι υπηρεσίες παράγονται χωρίς

κρατικά εμπόδια ή παρέμβαση και ανταλλάσονται σύμφωνα με την
προσφορά και τη ζήτηση ανάμεσα στους οικονομικούς παράγοντες, με
μέσο ανταλλαγής μια πιστωτική ή χρεωστική αξία που είναι αποδεκτή
μέσα σε ένα δίκτυο, όπως είναι μια νομισματική μονάδα και μια
εκαθαριστική τιμή. Τα κεφάλαια και η εργασία μπορεί να κινηθεί
ελεύθερα σε οποιαδήποτε περιοχή εμφανίζεται κάποιου είδους έλλειψη
που συνοδεύεται από ανάλογη αύξηση της τιμής και έτσι δυναμικά και
αυτόματα ανακουφίζει κάθε τέτοια απειλή.

Σε μια κεντρικά σχεδιασμένη οικονομία υπάρχει ένας κεντρικός

πολιτικός παράγοντας που ελέγχει τι παράγεται και πώς γίνονται οι

Σε μια πράσινη οικονομία η ανάπτυξη στο εισόδημα και στην

απασχόληση κατευθύνεται από δημόσιες και ιδιωτικές επενδύσεις
λαμβάντας υπόψη τη μείωση των εκπομπών διοξειδίου του άνθρακα και
άλλων ρυπαντών, την αύξηση της αποτελεσματικότητας της

χρησιμοποιούμενης ενέργειας και φυσικών πόρων, για να εμποδιστεί η

μείωση της βιοποικιλότητας και η υποβάθμιση των οικοσυστημάτων[6].

Ωστόσο, η λέξη «οικονομία » έχει και πολλές άλλες σημασίες. Στην

καθημερινή μας ζωή μπορεί να σημαίνει πολύ απλά από την εξοικονόμηση
χρημάτων, μέχρι τη γενικότερη οικονομική κατάσταση ενός κράτους ή
και του πλανήτη ολόκληρου. Η επιστημονική της έννοια όμως, αντιστοιχεί
στον παραπάνω αναφερόμενο ορισμό. Σύμφωνα με αυτόν τον ορισμό, η
οικονομία στηρίζεται σε οικονομικές θεωρίες και τρόπους διαχείρισης για
την εφαρμογή τους. Η χρήση του όρου «οικονομία », μόνο με την έννοια
της πολιτικής οικονομίας, ήταν δημοφιλής από τέτοιους νεοκλασικούς
οικονομολόγους, όπως ο Άλφρεντ Μάρσαλλ (Alfred Marshall). Η λέξη
«οικονομία » έγινε έτσι δηλαδή, συνοπτικά συνώνυμη, με την έννοια της
«οικονομικής επιστήμης» και μπορεί να θεωρηθεί ότι μπορεί να
υποκαταστήσει τον όρο «πολιτική οικονομία ». Αυτό αντιστοιχεί στη
σημαντική (πλέον) επιρροή των μαθηματικών μεθόδων που καθιερώθηκαν
πλέον να χρησιμοποιούνται ευρύτερα στην επιστήμη[9].

Ο όρος «οικονομία » μπορεί, λοιπόν, να αναφέρεται επίσης στην

κατάσταση μιας χώρας ή μιας περιοχής (στενότερης ή ευρύτερης από
χώρα), δηλαδή η θέση της (σε σχέση με τους οικονομικούς κύκλους)
μπορεί να είναι κυκλική ή δομική. Με την έννοια αυτή, η οικονομία
αποτελεί ένα βασικό μετρήσιμο μέγεθος και σύνολο μετρήσιμων μεγεθών
για ένα σύστημα ή καθεστώς, που επικρατεί στη χώρα ή την περιοχή στην
οποία αναφέρεται. Με την άλλη έννοια, της οικονομίας, δηλαδή της την
εξοικονόμησης χρημάτων, ή καλύτερα, της περιστολής δαπανών, η
οικονομία μπορεί πράγματι να είναι το αποτέλεσμα μιας εσωτερικής πιο
αποτελεσματικής οργάνωσης, που συχνά ονομάζεται «εσωτερική
οικονομία ». Η μείωση του μέσου κόστους που οφείλεται στην αύξηση
του μεγέθους μιας εταιρείας είναι μια οικονομία κλίμακας, όπως λέγεται.
Η οικονομία , όμως, μπορεί να προκύψει από ένα φαινόμενο έξω από τον
παράγοντα λήψης αποφάσεων. Αυτό ονομάζεται «εξωτερική οικονομία »
και μπορεί να είναι θετική, ουδέτερη ή αρνητική, ως προς το αποτέλεσμα
της μεταβολής που επιφέρει.

Η οικονομία , με τη σύγχρονη έννοια του όρου, άρχισε να αναδύεται από

τις απλές εμπορικές πρακτικές και να αναπτύσσεται από τον Άνταμ Σμιθ
(Adam Smith) σε σημαντικό αναλυτικό σώμα, που χωρίζεται γενικά σε
δύο κύριους κλάδους: τη μικροοικονομία , ή τη μελέτη της ατομικής
συμπεριφοράς και μακροοικονομία , όπως αναδύθηκαν στην περίοδο του
μεσοπολέμου. Σήμερα, η οικονομία εφαρμόζει αυτήν την ανάλυση (και
την εξέλιξή της) για τη διαχείριση πολλών ανθρώπινων οργανώσεων, που
περιλαμβάνουν κυβερνήσεις, ιδιωτικές εταιρείες, συνεταιρισμούς, κ.ά..

Μερικές περιοχές εφαρμογής της οικονομικής θεωρίας περιλαμβάνουν

και επηρεάζουν, για παράδειγμα, το διεθνή χρηματοοικονομικό τομέα, την
εθνική ανάπτυξη, το περιβάλλον, την αγορά εργασίας, τον πολιτισμό, τη
γεωργία, κ.τ.λ..

Μια οικονομία αποτελείται από το οικονομικό σύστημα μιας χώρας ή

άλλης μονάδας της ανθρώπινης κοινωνίας. Περιλαμβάνει το εργατικό
δυναμικό, το κεφάλαιο, τους φυσικούς πόρους, την παραγωγή, το εμπόριο,
τη διανομή και την κατανάλωση αγαθών και υπηρεσιών στην περιοχή που
η ανθρώπινη κοινωνία δραστηριοποιείται. Αυτοί οι παράγοντες δίνουν το
πλαίσιο, το περιεχόμενο, και καθορίζουν τους όρους και τις παραμέτρους
με τις οποίες η οικονομία λειτουργεί.

Ιστορία της Οικονομίας

Η οικονομία της αρχαιότητας

Κύριο λήμμα: Παλατιανή οικονομία

Από τον καιρό που κάποιος άνθρωπος προμηθευόταν ή έφτιαχνε και

διένεμε αγαθά ή υπηρεσίες, υπήρχε κάποιο είδος οικονομίας. Οι
οικονομίες μεγάλωσαν σε μέγεθος και πολυπλοκότητα όταν οι κοινωνίες
επίσης έγιναν μεγαλύτερες και πιο πολύπλοκες. Αυτό άρχισε να γίνεται
κυρίως όταν βασίστηκε στο πλεόνασμα της αγροτικής και της
κτηνοτροφικής παραγωγής. Για τους περισσότερους ανθρώπους, η
ανταλλαγή των αγαθών (και των υπηρεσιών) γινόταν μέσω κοινωνικών
σχέσεων. Υπήρχαν επίσης έμποροι που συναλλάσσονταν σε αγορές.
Υπήρχαν πολλοί άνθρωποι που πωλούνταν ως δούλοι λόγω αδυναμίας
πληρωμής χρεών ή αιχμαλωσίας τους κατά τη διάρκεια πολέμων, αλλά και
πειρατικών ενεργειών.

Η οικονομία των πολιτισμών της Μεσοποταμίας

Από τα τέλη της 6ης χιλιετίας π.Χ. οι πόλεις-κράτη της Σουμερίας

ανέπτυξαν (σταδιακά) μια μεγάλης (για την εποχή) κλίμακας οικονομία ,
που βασίστηκε αρχικά στις συναλλαγές βασικών προϊόντων, με
επιχειρήσεις και εμπόριο αγαθών. Οι πρώτοι νομικοί κώδικες από τη
Σουμερία, θα μπορούσαν να θεωρηθούν ως τα πρώτα οικονομικά κείμενα.
Πολλές από τις ιδιότητες που καταγράφηκαν εκεί, είναι ακόμη σε χρήση,
στις τιμές αποτίμησης του σήμερα, όπως κωδικοποιήθηκε η διαδικασία
ανταλλαγής χρημάτων με εμπόρευμα, οι έννοιες όπως χρέος, ποσοστά,
τόκοι, πρόστιμα, Κληρονομικό Δίκαιο, τρόποι φορολογίας της ιδιωτικής
περιουσίας ή πώς αυτοί (οι φόροι) μπορούν να διαιρεθούν (σε δόσεις),
κ.τ.λ..[10]. Τα μεσοποταμιακά «δισκία Κανίς» (tablettes Kanish)[11] που

βρέθηκαν και στην Ανατολία, δείχνουν μια έντονη εμπορική


Οι Βαβυλώνιοι και οι γειτονικές πόλεις-κράτη τους ανέπτυξαν αργότερα

ένα πρώιμο σύστημα της οικονομίας, περίπου όπως το σκεφτόμαστε
σήμερα, από την άποψη των κανόνων και νόμων για τα χρέη, τις νομικές
συμβάσεις και τους νομικούς κώδικες σχετικά με τις επιχειρηματικές
πρακτικές και η ιδιωτική ιδιοκτησία[12].

Η εφεύρεση της σφηνοειδούς γραφής, και η χρήση της πέρα από

αποδείξεις πληρωμών ή χρεών και η (επακόλουθη) εφεύρεση της λίστας
εφαρμόστηκαν για πρώτη φορά γύρω στο 2600 π.Χ., με γραφή και
παράδοση αλληλογραφίας και καταγραφή ιστορίας, θρύλων,
μαθηματικών, αρχείων αστρονομίας και κειμένων για άλλους σκοπούς[12].

Το σέκελ (Shekel) αναφέρθηκε ως μια αρχαία μονάδα βάρους αλλά και

νομισματικής αξίας. Η πρώτη χρήση του όρου έγινε στη Μεσοποταμία
γύρω στο 3000 π.Χ. και αναφερόταν σε μια συγκεκριμένη μάζα κριθαριού,
που συσχετίστηκε μετρήσιμα με άλλες αξίες αγαθών, όπως ο άργυρος, ο
ορείχαλκος, ο χαλκός, κ.ά.. Το «σέκελ» ήταν αρχικά μονάδα μέτρησης
βάρους κριθαριού και αργότερα προέκυψε και ως νομισματική μονάδα
αξίας ίσης με τη συγκεκριμένη μάζα, όπως ακριβώς αργότερα στη Μεγάλη
Βρετανία χρησιμοποιούνταν ο όρος «pound» (λίβρα) αρχικά μονάδα
βάρους και αργότερα καθιερώθηκε και ως νομισματική μονάδα
(στερλίνα), που αντιστοιχούσε ακριβώς στην αξία της μάζας μιας λίβρας
αργύρου[13]. .

Η οικονομία του αρχαίου ελληνικού κόσμου

Ελληνική δραχμή της Αίγινας. Πρόσοψη: Χερσαία χελώνα. Αντίστροφη:
Επιγραφή ΑΙΓ(ΙΝΑ) και δελφίνι. Το αρχαιότερο νόμισμα-χελώνα που έχει
βρεθεί χρονολογήθηκε στο 700 π.Χ..

Η οικονομία είναι μια ελληνική λέξη που εμφανίζεται σε δύο (2)

τουλάχιστον (γνωστές) αναφορές. Η μία είναι του Ξενοφώντα και η άλλη
είναι του Αριστοτέλη. Σύμφωνα με τις αναφορές αυτές, σκοπός της
οικονομίας είναι η γνώση και η διατύπωση των νόμων για τη
βελτιστοποίηση της διαχείρησης ενός νοικοκυριού, που θεωρείται ως
μονάδα για τη συλλογική παραγωγή μιας ευρύτερης οικογένειας ή φυλής.
Για την εκτίμηση της έννοιας του πλούτου παίρνεται υπόψη τόσο η
αφθονία των διαθέσιμων αγαθών, όσο και η χρησιμότητά τους, αλλά όχι η
συσσώρευση του χρήματος μέσω της τοκογλυφίας. Η τελευταία και άλλες
διαδικασίες διαπραγμάτευσης αποτελούν το αντικείμενο μιας άλλης
μελέτης, που ο Αριστοτέλης αποκάλεσε «Χρηματιστική» και την

ενασχόληση με αυτή τη θεωρούσε στείρα ή και επαίσχυντη[14] Η

οικονομία , επίσης, σαφώς διακρίνεται από την πολιτική, η οποία αποτελεί
το αντικείμενο μιας άλλης πραγματείας του Αριστοτέλη, (σύμφωνα με την
πραγματεία αυτή) και επιδιώκει να δημιουργήσει την αρμονία και τη
δικαιοσύνη μεταξύ των διαφόρων κατηγοριών των ατόμων και των
οικογενειών που απαρτίζουν την «πολιτεία».

Η οικονομία της αρχαίας Ινδίας

Από τις σκέψεις του ινδού φιλοσόφου Χανάκυα (340-293 π.Χ.) και μετά
του Ιμπν Χαλντούν, περίπου μια χιλιετία αργότερα, βρίσκουμε και πάλι
πτυχές της σύγχρονης οικονομίας[15]. Ο συγγραφέας L. Κ. Jha ήταν
σύμβουλος του θρόνου της Αυτοκρατορίας των Μαουρύα της αρχαίας
Ινδίας, αλλά επίσης και ένας παραγωγικός συγγραφέας,
συμπεριλαμβανομένου του τομέα της πολιτικής οικονομίας. Το απώγειό
του συγγραφικού του έργου ήταν το κείμενο Arthashastra (δηλαδή: «Η
επιστήμη του πλούτου και της ευημερίας», επομένως πιο σύντομα: «Η
οικονομία »).

Η οικονομία του Μεσαίωνα

Οι οικονομικοί στοχαστές του Μεσαίωνα είναι πρώτα απ 'όλα θεολόγοι.

Ανάμεσα στους αξιοσημείωτους συγγραφείς του Μεσαίωνα, μπορούμε να
αναφέρουμε το Θωμά Ακινάτη (Thomas Aquinas) και τον Ιμπν Χαλντούν
(Ibn Khaldun). Στο σύγγραμμά του Summa Theologica, ο Ακινάτης
εξετάζει πολλά οικονομικά θέματα, συμπεριλαμβανομένης της
αιτιολόγησης της ατομικής ιδιοκτησίας, του εμπορίου και του κέρδους. Ο
Γιόζεφ Σουμπέτερ Joseph Schumpeter, θεώρησε αρχικά τους
Σχολαστικούς, από τα τέλη του 14ου αιώνα ως τον 17ο αιώνα, ως τους
πλησιέστερους ώστε να θεωρηθούν «ιδρυτές» της οικονομικής
επιστήμης. Με μια συλλογιστική στο πλαίσιο του «φυσικού νόμου»
προδιέγραψαν τη σύγχρονη οικονομία στον τομέα της νομισματικής
πολιτικής, στα επιτόκια και στη θεωρία της αξίας, στο πλαίσιο του
«φυσικού νόμου»[17]. Αφού ανακάλυψε το σύγγραμμα Μουκαντίναχ
(Muqaddimah), του Ιμπν Χαλντούν, ο Σουμπέτερ τον θεώρησε τον πιο
κοντινό «προπάτορα» της σύγχρονης οικονομίας[18], αν και οι
περισσότερες από τις οικονομικές θεωρίες του έγιναν γνωστές στην
Ευρώπη σχετικά πρόσφατα[19].

Η ίδια η οικονομία , κατά το Μεσαίωνα, βρίσκονταν κοντά στο επίπεδο

διαβίωσης. Οι περισσότερες συναλλαγές γινόταν μέσα σε κοινωνικές
ομάδες. Στην κορυφή αυτών βρισκόταν κάποιοι κατακτητές που
συγκέντρωσαν κεφάλαια με επιχειρηματικό ρίσκο, για να

χρηματοδοτήσεουν τις εκστρατείες τους. Τα κεφάλαια αυτά μπορούσαν να

προέρχονται από αγαθά που έρχονταν και μέσω εξερευνήσεων. Γνωστοί
έγιναν έμποροι της εποχής όπως ο Τζέικομπ Φάγκαρ (Jakob Fugger, 1459-
1525) και ο Τζιοβάνι ντι Μπίκκι των Μεδίκων (Giovanni di Bicci de'
Medici, 1360-1428). Οι ανακαλύψεις του Μάρκο Πόλο (Marco Polo,
1254-1324), του Χριστόφορου Κολόμβου (Christopher Columbus, 1451-
1506) και του Βάσκο ντα Γκάμα (Vasco da Gama, 1469-1524), ουσιαστικά
οδήγησαν για πρώτη φορά σε μια παγκόσμια οικονομία . Οι πρώτες
επιχειρήσεις ήταν εμπορικοί οίκοι. Το 1513 ιδρύθηκε το πρώτο
χρηματιστήριο, στην Αμβέρσα. Η «οικονομία » της εποχής είχε
πρωτίστως την έννοια του εμπορίου.

Τα «θεμέλια» της σύγχρονης οικονομίας (1450-1750)


Οι ιστορικοί περικλείουν την «εμποροκρατία» στη χρονική περίοδο 1450

1750[20]. Στην περίοδο αυτή, αναδύεται η έννοια του κράτους που πρέπει
να επιβληθεί σε δύο μέτωπα: α) Την εξωτερική όψη της παπικής εξουσίας
και β) Την ενοποίηση της εσωτερικής περιοχής[20]. Οι στοχαστές του
μερκαντιλισμού υποστηρίζουν την οικονομική ανάπτυξη μέσω του
πλούτου των εθνών και τελικά μέσω του εμπορίου που επιτρέπει σε ένα
πλεόνασμα του εμπορικού ισοζυγίου, μέσω επενδύσεων σε οικονομικές
δραστηριότητες, αυξανόμενες αποδόσεις, όπως είχε επισημάνει ο ιταλός
οικονομολόγος Αντόνιο Σάρρα (Antonio Serra) το 1613.

Η οικονομία της Νεώτερης Εποχής

Οι Ευρωπαϊκές κατακτήσεις σε άλλες ηπείρους, που ονομάστηκαν

αποικίες, έγιναν βραχίονες των αντίστοιχων ευρωπαϊκών κρατών. Σε
άνθηση βρισκόταν τα εθνικά κράτη Ισπανία, Πορτογαλία, Γαλλία,
Μεγάλη Βρετανία και Ολλανδία, που προσπάθησαν να ελέγξουν το
εμπόριο με τελωνειακούς δασμούς και φόρους, με σκοπό να
προστατεύσουν τις εθνικές οικονομίες τους. Η εμποροκρατία ήταν η
πρώτη προσέγγιση και το ενδιάμεσο μεταξύ του ιδιωτικού πλούτου και του
δημόσιου συμφέροντος. Η λαϊκοποίηση στην Ευρώπη επέτρεψε στα κράτη
να χρησιμοποιήσουν την τεράστια περιουσία της εκκλησίας για την
ανάπτυξη των πόλεων. Η επιρροή των ευγενών (σταδιακά) μειώθηκε. Οι
πρώτοι υπουργοί οικονομικών άρχισαν την εργασία τους. Τραπεζίτες
όπως ο Ἀμσελ Μάγιερ Ρόθστσαϊλντ (Amschel Mayer Rothschild, 1773-
1855) άρχισαν να χρηματοδοτούν εθνικά προγράμματα όπως πόλεμοι και
υποδομές. Η «οικονομία » τότε είχε το νόημα της εθνικής οικονομίας, ως

ένα θέμα που αφορούσε τις συνολικές οικονομικές δραστηριότητες των

πολιτών του.

H οικονομία της Βιομηχανικής Επανάστασης

Ο πρώτος οικονομολόγος του κόσμου, με την πραγματική έννοια του

όρου, ήταν ο Σκωτσέζος Άνταμ Σμιθ (Adam Smith) (1723-1790). Αυτός
όρισε τις βάσεις της «εθνικής οικονομίας»: τα προϊόντα προσφέρονται σε
μια φυσική τιμή που παράγεται από τον ανταγωνισμό, το συδυασμό
προσφοράς και ζήτησης και τον καταμερισμό της εργασίας. Αυτός
υποστήριξε ότι το βασικό κίνητρο για το ελεύθερο εμπόριο είναι το
προσωπικό κέρδος. Η αποκαλούμενη «υπόθεση του προσωπικού κέρδους»
έγινε μια ανθρωπολογική βάση για την οικονομία . Ο Τόμας Ρόμπερτ
Μάθιους (Thomas Robert Malthus) (1766-1834) μετέφερε την ιδέα της
προσφοράς και ζήτησης στο πρόβλημα του υπερπλυθυσμού. Οι ΗΠΑ
έγιναν ένα μέρος που εκατομμύρια ομογενείς από όλες τις Ευρωπαϊκές
χώρες έψαχναν ελεύθερη οικονομική εξέλιξη.

Η «Βιομηχανική Επανάσταση» ήταν μια (χρονική) περίοδος από το 18ο

αιώνα ως το αιώνα, με μεγάλες αλλαγές στη γεωργία, στη μεταποίηση,
στην εξόρυξη και τις μεταφορές. Αυτό το σύνολο των αλλαγών είχε
πρωτοφανούς μεγέθους επιπτώσεις στις κοινωνικοοικονομικές και
πολιτιστικές συνθήκες (αρχικά) στο Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο και συνεπώς μετά
επεκτάθηκε σε ολόκληρη την Ευρώπη, τη Βόρεια Αμερική και τελικά
(πρακτικά) σε ολόκληρο τον πλανήτη. Η μετάβαση στη Βιομηχανική
Επανάσταση σηματοδότησε ένα μεγάλο σημείο καμπής στην ανθρώπινη
ιστορία. Σχεδόν κάθε τομέας της καθημερινής ζωής τελικά επηρεάστηκαν
με κάποιον τρόπο. Στην Ευρώπη άρχισε να επεκτείνεται ο καπιταλισμός,
αντικαθιστώντας το (παλαιότερο) καθεστώς της εμποροκρατίας (που
σήμερα ονομάζεται προστατευτισμός) και οδήγησε σε οικονομική
ανάπτυξη. Η περίοδος ονομάστηκε (μεταγενέστερα) «Βιομηχανική
Επανάσταση», γιατί το σύστημα παραγωγής και του καταμερισμού της
εργασίας επέτρεψε τη μαζική παραγωγή των αγαθών (και πολλών

Επιστημονικό πεδίο

Σαν επιστημονικό πεδίο η οικονομία ασχολείται με την βέλτιστη

κατανομή περιορισμένων πόρων. Τα σύγχρονα οικονομικά χωρίζονται
βασικά σε Μικροοικονομικά, Μακροοικονομικά και Οικονομετρία. Πιο
πρόσφατος κλάδος είναι τα Πειραματικά Οικονομικά/Οικονομικά της
Συμπεριφοράς που ξεκίνησαν από τα Μικροοικονομικά αλλά

χρησιμοποιούν ευρέως μεθόδους της Οικονομετρίας και πρόσφατα

χρησιμοποιούνται και στα Μακροοικονομικά.

Τα οικονομικά και οι παράπλευροι κλάδοι που τα ακολουθούν (π.χ.

Χρηματοοικονομικά, Διοίκηση Επιχειρήσεων, Οικονομικά της Υγείας,
Πολιτική Οικονομία , Οικονομικά της Δημόσιας Επιλογής και ακόμα
Μαθηματικά οικονομικά) ασχολούνται γενικά μπορούμε να πούμε με τις
οικονομικές επιλογές κρατών, επιχειρήσεων και ανθρώπων.

Μια βασική αρχή που διδάσκεται σε όλες τις κοινωνικές επιστήμες και
αποτελεί επιτομή για την οικονομία είναι ότι καθορίζει με τον ένα ή τον
άλλο τρόπο τη ζωή μας. Αυτό αποτελεί καθημερινή διαπίστωση και κοινή
λογική καθώς από τα οικονομικά που διδάσκονται στα πανεπιστήμια
μέχρι τα οικονομικά μιας απλής νοικοκυράς υπάρχει μια αλληλένδετη

Οικονομία του κράτους

Πολλές φορές η οικονομία αναφέρεται στην οικονομία του κράτους. Με

άλλα λόγια την οικονομική κατάσταση που βρίσκεται το κράτος.
Ασχολούνται όλοι με αυτό το θέμα γιατί πολύ απλά όλοι συνεισφέρουν
στην οικονομία του κράτους με τον ένα ή τον άλλο τρόπο. Αυτό καθιστά
όλους τους ανθρώπους μέρος του οικονομικού συστήματος που λειτουργεί
αέναα και με έναν κυκλικό και επαναλαμβανόμενο τρόπο. Τα αγαθά
μετατρέπονται σε χρήματα και με τα χρήματα αγοράζουμε αγαθά. Το ίδιο
και με την παροχή υπηρεσιών. Το οικονομικό σύστημα ωστόσο
περιλαμβάνει πλήθος περίπλοκων μηχανισμών όσον αφορά την λειτουργία
του που το καθιστά πολύ ευαίσθητο στην οποιαδήποτε μεταβολή.

Διεθνής οικονομία

Από την στιγμή που υπάρχει αλληλεπίδραση μεταξύ των κρατών,

ανταλλαγή αγαθών και υπηρεσιών ισχύει και η έννοια της διεθνούς
οικονομίας. Οι κανόνες της ελεύθερης αγοράς των ελεύθερα
διακινούμενων προϊόντων στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση αλλά και οι
εξαγωγικές σχέσεις που επικρατούν ανά την υφήλιο καθιστούν την
οικονομία διεθνή παράγοντα στις σχέσεις μεταξύ των κρατών. Επιπλέον
η άμεση επίδραση στις οικονομίες των κρατών επέρχεται από το γεγονός
της ύπαρξης των διαφόρων νομισμάτων των χωρών ανά τον κόσμο. Το
γεγονός και μόνο ότι εμπορεύονται νομίσματα και επηρεάζονται οι αξίες
των εξαγόμενων αγαθών επιδρά άμεσα στις οικονομίες των κρατών. Για
να δώσουμε ένα παράδειγμα στην κατανόηση αυτού του μηχανισμού
μπορούμε να συγκρίνουμε την εξαγωγική ικανότητα των Η.Π.Α. όταν το

δολάριο είναι ασθενές έναντι του Ευρώ και όταν είναι ισχυρό. Ένα ασθενές
δολάριο κάνει τα εξαγόμενα προϊόντα περισσότερο ελκυστικά ενώ ένα
ισχυρό δολάριο αποθαρρύνει τις εξαγωγές και συνεπώς αυξάνει τις

Οικονομία και περιβάλλον

Η λεγόμενη οικονομία της αειφορίας ή αλλιώς πράσινη οικονομία

λαμβάνει υπόψη της το γεγονός ότι οι φυσικοί πόροι δεν είναι ανεξάντλητο
αγαθό. Η χρήση φυσικών πόρων οφείλει να εξισορροπείται και ολόκληρος
ο κύκλος ζωής (κατασκευή χρήση και τελικά απόρριψη ή ανακύκλωση)
των προϊόντων να λαμβάνεται υπόψη. Το φυσικό περιβάλλον δεν μπορεί
να είναι αποδέκτης των υπολειμμάτων της παραγωγής αλλά εντάσσεται
στον αειφόρο κύκλο της πράσινης οικονομικής δραστηριότητας.

Παγκοσμιοποίηση και οικονομία

Μέσα από την νέα εποχή της παγκοσμιοποίησης η οικονομία έχει αλλάξει
πρόσωπο και έχει περιέλθει σε ένα πιο διευρυμένο πεδίο δράσης. Οι
εξαγωγές και οι εισαγωγές, τα χρηματιστήρια, οι αλληλεπιδράσεις των
νομισμάτων και πολλά άλλα πεδία της οικονομίας επηρεάζονται πλέον όχι
μόνο από τις τοπικές αγορές αλλά από τις παγκόσμιες. Αυτό έχει σαν
συνέπεια να δημιουργούνται πολυεθνικές εταιρείες που
δραστηριοποιούνται σε πολλά κράτη συγχρόνως.

Οι απόψεις για το κατά πόσο ωφελήθηκε η παγκόσμια οικονομία από τις

τελευταίες αλλαγές διίστανται. Πολλοί εκφέρουν την γνώμη ότι πλέον οι
αγορές έχουν γίνει αλληλοεξαρτημένες και μια πιθανή κατάρρευση μιας
εκ των μεγάλων οικονομιών μπορεί να συμπαρασύρει και τις υπόλοιπες
και έτσι να έχουμε αλυσιδωτές αντιδράσεις και ραγδαία κατάρρευση όλων
των οικονομιών του πλανήτη.

Η λέξη οικονομία σε διάφορες γλώσσες

Αγγλικά Economy
Αζερμπαϊτζάνικα iqtisadiyyat
Αλβανικά ekonomi
Αρμένικα տնտեսություն
Αφρικάνς ekonomie

Βασκικά Ekonomia
Βεγγαλικά অর্নীতি

Βιετναμέζικα kinh tế

Βιρμανικά စီးပှာီးရ ီးမှာ

Βοσνιακά privreda
Βουλγαρικά икономика
Γαλλικά économie
Γερμανικά Wirtschaftlichkeit

Antoine de Montchrestien

From Wikipedia. Antoine de Montchrestien (or Montchrétien) (c. 1575 7

or 8 October 1621) was a French soldier, dramatist, adventurer and

Montchrestien was born in Falaise, Normandy. Son of an apothecary

named Mauchrestien and orphan at a young age, Montchrestien came
under the protection of François Thésart, baron de Tournebu and des
Essarts, and became the valet of Thésart's children (allowing him to
participate in their studies); he would later (1618) marry Thésart's daughter
Suzanne. Later in his life he would also be favored by Henri II de Bourbon,
prince de Condé.

Montchrestien initially sought a literary career (inspired by François de

Malherbe): in 1595 he published his first tragedy, Sophonisbe or La
Carthaginoise. In 1601, he published five more plays: the tragedies
L'Ecossaise (on Mary Stuart), Les Lacènes, David ou l'Adultère, Aman, and
the pastoral La Bergerie. In 1604, he added his tragedy Hector (which may
not have been performed).

Montchrestien was involved in several duels (illegal in France from 1602

on); in 1603 he was left near dead; in 1604 or 1605 he killed his opponent
and was forced to flee to England temporarily to avoid royal prosecution,
but most likely through the influence of James I, to whom he dedicated his
tragedy, L'Ecossaise, he was allowed to return to France, and he
established himself at Auxonne-sur-Loire, where he set up a steel foundry.

In 1615 he published Traicté de l'économie politique, based chiefly on the

works of Jean Bodin.[1] In the history of Economic thought, it is the first
use of 'Πολιτεία. l Economy' in the title of a work claiming to be a treatise.
It challenged Aristotle's position on the independence of politics from
other social life, including Economic activities. It also developed some
major elements of subsequent Mercantilist thought, such as the value of
productive labor use and wealth acquisition in promoting Πολιτεία. l
stability. From around this time, Montchrestien was favored with several
official positions (including governor of Châtillon-sur-Loire in 1617)
which were financially advantageous, and he took the title "baron" and

In 1620 Montchrestien joined the rebellion of the Huguenots (there is no

evidence that he shared the religious opinions of the party for which he
fought; he had earlier belonged to the moderate party which had rallied
round Henry IV) and was forced to fight against his former protector the
prince de Condé. Unable to hold the city of Sancerre, Montchrestien
returned to Normandy to attempt a raise troops, but on the night of October
7, 1621, he was discovered in an inn at Les Tourailles, near Falaise, and
was killed. Tried posthumously, Montchrestien's body was put on the
wheel and burned for lèse-majesté.

Το 1615 που δημοσίευσε Traicte Υπουργείου Οικονομίας politique, που

βασίζεται κυρίως στα έργα του ο Jean Bodin. Στην ιστορία της
οικονομικής σκέψης, είναι η πρώτη χρήση της «πολιτικής οικονομίας»
στον τίτλο ενός έργου που ισχυρίζονται ότι είναι ένα Πραγματεία.
Αμφισβήτησε τη θέση του Αριστοτέλη σχετικά με την ανεξαρτησία της
πολιτικής από άλλους κοινωνικής ζωής, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των
οικονομικών δραστηριοτήτων. Ως εκ τούτου, αναπτύσει ορισμένα βασικά
στοιχεία της μεταγενέστερης σκέψης mercantilist,: όπως η αξία των
παραγωγικών εργαστηριακή χρήση και την απόκτηση πλούτου στην
προώθηση της πολιτικής σταθερότητας. Από όλο αυτό το διάστημα, το
οποίο ευνοούσε Montchrestien με αρκετές επίσημες θέσεις
(συμπεριλαμβανομένων Κυβερνήτης της Châtillon-sur-Loire το 1617)
Ποια ήταν οικονομικά συμφέρουσα, και πήρε τον τίτλο «βαρώνος» και

Antoine de Montchrestien

Aman. A Critical Edition. By George Otto Seiver 1939.


Annales Poetiques depuis l'Origine de la Poesie Francoise Σελίδα 219 1780

... Heäor , Amaou la Vanite', Pecossaise ou la Bcrgèrc, dont l'objet est la
mort de Marie Stuart. Celui du Frère Remy est en vingt Livres; la
Annales poétiques, ou almanach des muses, depuis l'origine de la ...1780
Antoine de Montchrestiem, né à Falaise , d'un Apothicaire de cette ville ,
fit plus de bruit dans le monde par ses ... la mort de son Tomt XV1U Kk
mari ; puis, ayant été accusé d'avpir tué en trahison NOTICE. ai7
Annuaire du Département de la Manche Τόμος 27 Σελίδα 49 Julien Gilles
Travers 1855 Lorsqu'Antoine Montchrestien se mit au service du parti
protestant, il eut commission de soulever ses coréligionaires en
Normandie. On sait que Cerisy-la-Salle et quelques châteaux voisins lui
étaient dévoués , et qu'il avait dans le pays de ...
Antoine de Montchrestien Frederic P. Miller, Agnes F. Vandome,
McBrewster John 2010 Please note that the content of this Βιβ. primarily
consists of articles available from Wikipedia or other free sources onΓρ. .
Antoine de Montchréstien La reine d'Escosse (L'Escossoise) ...1970
Antoine de Montchrestien, Les Lacènes, a critical edition, an ...Gladys
Ethel Calkins 1943
Antoine de Montchrestien, Les Lacènes: a critical edition Gladys Ethel
Calkins – 1943.
Antoine de Montchrestien: La Reine D'Escosse (l'escossoise): A ...Joseph
D. Crivelli – 1971.
Antoine de Montchrestien: Les Lacènes. A Critical Ed 1943.
Antoine de Montchretien Σελίδα 131 Note A. Les diverses éditions
desOeuvres d'Antoine de Montchrétien sont rares; c'est ce qui nous engage
à en donner ici ... 2° Lei Tragédies d'Antoine de Montchrestien , sieur de
Vasteville, plus une Bergerie et un poème de Suzanne, à Mg ...
Antoine de Montchrétien: poète et économiste normand Aristide Joly 1865
Bibliothèque de Lyon. Catalogue des livres qu'elle renferme dans la
...Bibliothèque municipale 1819 Antoine de Montchrestien. Le sujet est
la mort héroïque de Cléomêne», rcÎl de Spar' te. Chaque acte est tèrmiuê

par des chOeurs' Llolnbre de Tzërition vieui dîxus la pièce annoncer à

Cléone qu'il va. cesser de vivre' ' Lacrymanie (La) , ou' La ...
Bibliothèque du théâtre françois depuis son origine: contenant un ... Louis-
César de La Baume Le Blanc de La Vallière, Michael Gröll, Charles-
Nicolas Cochin (fils) 1768 On trouve ces six ouvrges , qui sont suivis d'un
poème de Su\anne , dans un volume intitulé , Les Tragédies d'Antoine de
Montchrestien S. de Vasteville. Rouen, Jean Petit, 160 a , in-S». Les
mêmes. Rouen THEATRE FRANÇOIS. 305 railles.
Bulletin Τόμοι 1-3 Σελίδα 244 Société historique et archéologique de
l'Orne 1883 L'agent que les chefs huguenots de la Rochelle avaient chargé
de soulever la Basse-Normandie était le fils d'un apothicaire de Falaise,
Antoine Montchrestien, qui se faisait appeler de Vattevilles. Doué d'une
ambition et d'une activité peu ...
Bulletin de la Société historique et archéologique de l'Orne Société
historique et archéologique de l'Orne 1883 L'agent que les chefs huguenots
de la Rochelle avaient chargé de soulever la Basse-Normandie était le fils
d'un apothicaire de Falaise, Antoine Montchrestien, qui se faisait appeler
de Vattevilles. Doué d'une ambition et d'une activité peu ...
Bulletin de la Société historique et archéologique de lO̕rne Société
historique et archéologique de l'Orne 1882
Coligny, les Protestants et la mer Σελίδα 197 Martine Acerra, Guy
Martinière 1997 Mais celui qui en est l'objet, Antoine de Montchrestien,
a des liens puissants avec l'une et avec l'autre. Ce Normand, qui publie
pendant les États généraux de 1615 un Traité de l'économie politique, a
vécu une grande partie de sa vie dans ...
Collection des économistes et des réformateurs sociaux de la France 1924.
David Antoine de Montchrestien, Lancaster Eugene Dabney 1963
David: Éd. Critique : By Lancaster E. Dabney 1963
Dictionnaire des théâtres de Paris: contenant toutes les piéces qui
...François Parfaict, Claude Parfaict 1756 LACENES , ( les) ou la
CONSTANCE , Tragédie d'Antoine de Montchrestien , représentée en 1
J95J. & imp. dans les (Euvres de cet Auteur. Hist. du Th. Franf. année
1599. LACHAUT, ( Mlle ) Actrice de l'Opéra Comique , fille d'un
Perruquier ...
Economie politique patronale 1970

Elementi precorneliani nell'opera tragica di Antoine de Montchrestien

Euvres Τόμος 6 Σελίδα 463 1862 A peine la Cléopatre de M. de Benserade
a paru, qu'elle a été suivie du Marc Antoine de M. Mairet1, qui n'est que le
même sujet sous un autre titre. Sa Sophonisbe même n'a pas été ... Voltaire
donne : « du Trissin. » 3. Antoine Montchrestien ...
Euvres de P. Corneille: Pertharite, roi des Lombards. Edipe...Pierre
Corneille, Charles Joseph Marty-Laveaux 1862 A peine la Cléopatre de
M. de Benserade a paru, qu'elle a été suivie du Marc Antoine de M.
Mairet1, qui n'est que le même ... Antoine Montchrestien, sieur de
Vasteville, auteur de tragédies et d'un Traicté de t économie politique,
mort en i6ai.
Fiches100 pour comprendre l'histoire économique contemporaine Le rôle
de l'État est donc de mettre en Oeuvre tous les moyens, en favorisant
notamment le commerce, permettant cette accumulation de métaux
précieux. Comme l'affirme Antoine de Montchrestien : « Toute société
semble être composée de ...
French Sacred Drama from Bèze to Corneille: Dramatic Forms and Their
...J. S. Street 1983 ... and Virey showed an increased interest in scenes of
violence and passion rather than reflection. Antoine de Montchrestien
moved perhaps a little further in this direction: his plays showed the
perpetration of sin no French sacred drama 0118.
Guerres, sacrifices et persécutions: Une relecture de Garnier, ...Stephanie
A.H. Belanger 2010 Ce livre analyse ce qui a pu inciter les auteurs français
de l'époque des guerres de religion à la Fronde, à représenter certains
aspects de la justification de la guerre, du sacrifice et du martyre et ce, à la
lumière des théories ...
Hector, tragédie Antoine de Montchrestien
Histoire de la littérature française au XVIIe siècle -: L'époque ... Τόμος 1
Antoine Adam 2014 L'époque d'Henri IV et de Louis XIII Antoine Adam.
Antoine Montchrestien. Il était né probablement en 1575, et il aurait pu,
par conséquent, emplir de son activité le premier tiers du XVII e siècle.
Mais cet esprit original ne consacra au théâtre ...
Histoire de la littérature française au XVIIo Τόμος 1 Σελίδα 187 Antoine
Adam 1997 Antoine Adam. Jean de .S'che'landre “' Si l'on veut se faire
une juste idée de ce qu'est devenue la tragédie au début du ... M

ontchrestien (1) Le mieux doué des écrivains dramatiques de cette époque

est sans doute Antoine Montchrestien.
Histoire de l'église du Mans Σελίδα 34 1863 Antoine Montchrestien
n'imita pas cette conduite prudente, et faillit allumer la guerre civile dans
le Passais et une partie de notre diocèse (1). Il était fils d'un apothicaire de
Falaise, passait pour avoir de l'esprit, et avait composé des pièces de ...
Histoire des Normands Τόμος 1 Σελίδα 555 Jean Revel 1919
BOISBOBERT. — BENSERADE Né à Falaise, en 1570, Montchrestien
est l'auteur de pièces théâtrales où brillent les plus belles qualités; parmi
elles, on cite « L'Ecossaise », « 'La Carthaginoise ». La vie d'Antoine
Montchrestien est un roman ...
Histoire du canton d'Athis, Orne, et de ses communes: précédée d'une
...Hector de Masso La Ferrière-Percy (comte de) 1858 Enfin, voici l'arrêt
rendu par les juges de Domfront : « Nous disons que le dit Antoine
Montchrestien , autrement « Mauchrestien , est dûment atteint et
convaincu de crime de « leze-majesté au premier chef, pour les factions,
menées , asti ...
Histoire du Cotentin et de ses îles: 3. ptie. 1461-1789 Σελίδα 23 1885 Il se
nommait Antoine Montchrestien ou Mauchrcstien (4) ; il se (1) Cahiers
des États sous Louis XI II, t. II, p. 953. — Mémoires de Pierr» Ttiomas,
sieur du Fossé (Édit. du lu Soc. de l'ilist. de Norm.\ 1. 1, p. 13). (2) M. de
Ulainvillc fut nommé, ...
Introduction à la sociologie Σελίδα 19 Michel De Coster, Bernadette
Bawin-Legros, Marc Poncelet 2001 D'ailleurs, l'appellation curieuse d'une
discipΓρ. très proche de la sociologie, à savoir l'économie politique s
appliquant, elle aussi, à l'étude des faits sociaux, s'explique historiquement
parce qu un certain Antoine de Montchrestien hasarde ...
Introduction aux sciences sociales Σελίδα 72 Jean-Yves Phelep 2009 Le
courant « mercantiliste » Née, nous l'avons vu, de la plume d'Antoine de
Montchrestien, membre éminent du courant dit « mercantiliste »,
l'économie politique s'est tout d'abord présentée non comme une science
mais comme un art: celui ...
John Florio: The Life of an Italian in Shakespeare's England Σελίδα 173
Frances A. Yates 2011 ... modernlanguage dialogues (though there were
new editions of old ones) until Peter Erondelle's French Gardenia 1605/ for
which Samuel Daniel and Antoine de Montchrestien, the French
"classical" dramatist, wrote commendatory verses, ...

La Bible dans les Tragédies Religieuses de Garnier et de Montchrestien

David Seidmann 1971
La Reine d'Escosse Antoine de Montchrestien, Joseph D. Crivelli 1975
La Reine d'Escosse Antoine de Montchréstien, Joseph D. Crivelli 1975
L'abeille havraise: recueil d'Oeuvres couronnées aux concours ...Société
havraise d'études diverses 1901
Le regard entravé: littérature et anthropologie dans les premiers ...Paolo
Carile 2000 ... de Verrazano à Boucher, en passant par Champlain, Biard
et Sagard et les σελ. s «américanistes» d'Antoine de Montchrestien, ainsi
que les écrits sur la colonisation de Marc Lescarbot, qui bénéficient d'une
attention toute particulière.
L'économie aux concours des grandes écoles 6ème édition: Ouvrage
...Jacques Silvano, Anne-Marie Gronier, Serge Bosc -. voilà pour Antoine
de Montchrestien (1575-1621), qui introduit le terme d'« économie
politique » en 1615, le plus sûr moyen pour administrer un État et obtenir
l'obéissance des sujets. Cette modification de l'objet de l'économie rompt
avec ...
L'écossaise (Marie Stuard Reyne d'Ecosse): tragédie Antoine de
Montchrestien 1603
L'époque de Pascal Antoine Adam 1951 Historia de las ideologías Σελίδα
525. François Châtelet (ed.), Gérard Mairet (ed.) 1989 ... de Platón al
Tratado de economía política de Antoine de Montchrestien (1616),
pasando por las múltiples reflexiones dedicadas a las técnicas de
administración del campo familiar o del tesoro real, los textos económicos
son numerosos.
Les avantages comparatifs de Ricardo: La spécialisation est-elle ...Jean
Blaise Mimbang, 50 minutes, 2014 Pour des auteurs comme Jean Bodin
(philosophe français, 1530‐1596) et Antoine de Montchrestien
(économiste français, 1575‐1596), le commerce est un jeu à somme nulle
fait de gagnants et de perdants. La physiocratie tire son origine du ...
Les débuts de la tragédie héroïque: Antoine de Montchrestien 1575-1621
Françoise Charpentier 1981
Les grandes peurs Τόμος 2 Σελίδα 47 Madeleine Bertaud 2004 À notre
connaissance, sept dramaturges l'ont traité: André de Rivaudeau, Aman,
tragédie saincte (1566) l; Pierre Matthieu, Esther, tragedie (1585) puis

Vasthi, premiere tragedie Aman, seconde tragedie (1589)2; Antoine de

Montchrestien, ...
Les Morts Violentes Σελίδα 313 Eugène GRU 1864 _ Antoine
Montchrestien de Vatteville, né à Falaise d'un apothicaire en 15.., n'est pas
à confondre avec l'abbé de Vatteville dont la vie fut très-excentrique aussi
et qui mourut en 1710. Inutile de dire que la jeunesse d'An_— toine se
passa en ...
Les Tragédies d'Anthoine de Montchrestien... Σελίδα 26 Antoine de
Montchrestien 1627 Antoine de Montchrestien. Ciel trop inhumain
coniurnntion miilbeur`} при; nuifire icy but pour y 'viure en douleur. Muir
oli moy , Ciel cruel, quel mul ou quelle ...
Les Tragédies d'Anthoine de Montchrestien... Ed. nouvelle augmentée
...Antoine de Montchrestien 1627
Les Tragedies de Ant. De Montchrestien sieur de vasteuille plus Vne
...Antoine de Montchrestien, Pont-de-Veyle 1604
Les tragédies de Montchrestien Antoine de Montchrestien, Louis Petit
de Julleville – 1891.
L'Etat classique: regards sur la pensée politique de la France dans ...Henry
Méchoulan, Joël Cornette 1996 Antoine de Montchrestien est l'auteur du
Traité de l'économie politique, paru en 1615. Les essais de dénombrement
des habitants et des ressources se heurtaient à la méfiance générale qui leur
prêtait des visées fiscales. Saint-Simon y ...
Literature of Travel and Exploration: R to Z, index Σελίδα 1342 Jennifer
Speake 2003 Editor of Dramatic Works, by Jean de la Taille (1972), Two
Tragedies, by Antoine de Montchrestien (1972), France et Grande
Bretagne depuis la chute de Charles Premier a celle de Jacques II (1990),
by Jean Ducis, Othello (1992), Essays in ...
Macroéconomie 3e éd.: en 24 fiches Σελίδα 86 Henri-Louis Védie 2011 II
L'essentiel à savoir A. L'approche mercantiliste ou de la justification d'une
approche protectionniste Pour les mercantilistes, le commerce est toujours
de nature conflictuelle. Rappelonsnous ce que disait Antoine de
Montchrestien : « Nul ne ...
Mémoires et proces-verbaux Τόμος 32 Σελίδα 151 1866 Or, circonstance
à noter comme un piquant incident, le capitaine de cavalerie qui tua
Antoine Montchrestien, l'économiste normand, était un chevalier de

Turgot, l'un des ancêtres du célèbre économiste qui fit la gloire de ce nom
, et qui se ...
Mémoires et procès-verbaux Τόμος 32 Σελίδα 151 1866 Or, circonstance
à noter comme un piquant incident, le capitaine de cavalerie qui tua
Antoine Montchrestien, l'économiste normand, était un chevalier de
Turgot, l'un des ancêtres du célèbre économiste qui fit la gloire de ce nom,
et qui se ...
Memoires pour servir a l'histoire des hommes illustres dans la ...Jean-Pierre
Niceron, Antoine Briasson ((París)) 1735 avec un catalogue raisonne de
leurs ouvrages Jean-Pierre Niceron Antoine Briasson ((París)) ... Traité de
l'Qsconomie Politique; dédie' au Roi & à la Reine M ere du: Roi, par
Antoine de Montchrestien t fieur de Vattevtli fans date pp.
Montchrestien's "Sophonisbe",: Paralleldruck der drei davon ...Ludwig
Fries 1889
New International Encyclopedia Τόμος 16 Σελίδα 189 1916 Our
expression "Πολιτεία. l Economy" is merely a translation of the phrase
coined by Montchrestien. He was slain during a Huguenot stir near
Falaise, Oct. 8, 1621. Consult: Duval, Mimoire sur Antoine de
Montchrestien (Paris, 1868); ...
Oeuvres Complètes: Volume 2 (comprenant les Tomes 7 à 13) De Cock
Jacques Le terme d'Oeconomie n'avait été appliqué au domaine public
qu'en 1615 dans le Traité d'Antoine de Montchrestien, étant jusque là
réservé à l'univers domestique. Or, la vision commune aux économistes est
bien celle-ci : la société est un ...
Oeuvres Τόμος 3 Σελίδα 556 1862 Ce qui leur a donné échec et mat a été
la mort d'un nommé Montchrestien ' , qui étoit le directeur de toute cette
affaire, et alloit deçà delà par les maisons des huguenots, s'assurant ... Le
poëte Antoine Montchrestien, sieur de Vasteville.
Oeuvres Τόμος 6 Σελίδα 463 Pierre Corneille 1862 A peine la Cléopatre
de M. de Benserade a paru, qu'elle a été suivie du Marc Antoine de M.
Mairet1, qui n'est que le même sujet sous un autre titre. Sa Sophonisbe
même n'a pas été ... Voltaire donne : « du Trissin. » 3. Antoine
Montchrestien ...
Oeuvres complètes Τόμος 3 Σελίδα 556 1862 Ce qui leur a donné échec
et mat a été la mort d'un nomme Montchrestien', qui étoit le directeur de

toute cette affaire, et alloit deçà delà par les maisons des huguenots,
s'assurant ... Le poète Antoine Montchrestien, sieur de Vasteville.
Oeuvres complètes de Malherbe Τόμος 2 Σελίδα 556 François de
Malherbe, Lalanne 1862 Ce qui leur a donné échec et mat a été la mort
d'un nommé Montchrestien 6 , qui étoit le directeur de toute cette affaire,
et alloit deçà delà par les maisons des huguenots, s'assurant ... Le poète
Antoine Montchrestien, sieur de Vasteville.
OEuvres de Malherbe Τόμος 3 Σελίδα 44 François de Malherbe, Marie
Ludovic Chrétien Lalanne 1862 M. de Montchrestien ' est celui de qui je
le tenois, et qui le m'a dit, non une fois ou deux, mais une douzaine. Depuis
ma dernière lettre, nous avons recouvert' ... Antoine Montchrestien, poële,
né à Falaise. Malherbe a raconté sa fin tragique, ...
Oeuvres de Malherbe, recueillies et annotées Τόμος 3 Σελίδα 556 François
de Malherbe 1862 Ce qui leur a donné échec et mat a été la mort d'un
nommé Montchrestien', qui étoit le directeur de toute cette affaire, et alloit
deçà delà par les maisons des huguenots, s'assurant ... Le poète Antoine
Montchrestien, sieur de Vasteville.
Oeuvres de Malherbe: 3 Τόμος 1 Σελίδα 556 François de Malherbe 1860
Ce qui leur a donné échec et mat a été la mort d'un nommé Montchrestien',
qui étoit le directeur de toute cette affaire, et alloit deçà delà par les maisons
des huguenots, s'assurant ... Le poète Antoine Montchrestien, sieur de
Oeuvres de Malherbe: Préface. Additions et corrections. Lettres.
...François de Malherbe, Livy, Lucius Annaeus Seneca 1862 M. de
Montchrestien est celui de qui je le tenois, et qui le m'a dit, non une fois
ou deux, mais une douzaine. Depuis ma dernière lettre, nous avons ...
Antoine Montchrestien, poëte, né à Falaise. Malherbe a raconté sa fin
tragique, en i6ii, dans ...
Oeuvres de Malherbe: Préface. Additions et corrections. Lettres. ...Ludovic
Lalanne 1862 M. de Montchrestien 6 est celui de qui je le tenois, et qui
le m'a dit, non une fois ou deux, mais une douzaine. Depuis ma dernière
lettre , nous avons recouvert ... Antoine Montchrestien, poëte, né à Falaise.
Malherbe a raconté sa fin tragique, ...
Oeuvres de Malherbe: Préface. Notice par m. Bazin. Lettres. ...François de
Malherbe, Livy, Lucius Annaeus Seneca 1862 Ce qui leur a donné échec
et mat a été la mort d'un nommé Montchrestien', qui étoit le directeur de

toute cette affaire, et alloit deçà delà par les maisons des huguenots,
s'assurant ... Le poëte Antoine Montchrestien, sieur de Vasteville.
Old English Glasses: An Account of Glass Drinking Vessels in ...Albert
Hartshorne 1897 De Sérouville, Volcyr, quoted, 99. Des Ferrys, les éleves,
89. De Thiétry, glass-makers from Lorraine, 155. DeVasles, the seigneur,
pays for “vayres” and “acucres,” 94. De Vatteville, Antoine
Montchrestien, Tr12z'le'd'e'conomz'e gfiolitioue, ...
Power and Protest in the Countryside: Studies of Rural Unrest in ...Robert
Paul Weller, Scott Evan Guggenheim 1982 The Burden of Government In
his Traité de I 'économie politique, published in I6l5, Antoine
Montchrestien had reflected on the cost of war. “It is impossible,” he
mused, “to make war without arms, to support men without pay, to pay
them without ...
Profil Histoire de la littérature en France au XVIIe siècle Robert Horville,
Georges Decote 2002 Il s'affirme surtout dans latragédie, avec notamment
Hector (éditéen 1604)de Antoine de Montchrestien (1575 ?1621)et
Pyrame etThisbé (1621) de Théophile de Viau (15901626) quiraconte les
amourstragiques de Pyrame et Thisbé dans ...
Reconstruire Troie: permanence et renaissances d'une cité emblématique
Michel Fartzoff 2009 3 Nicolas Filleul, Achille (pièce jouée au collège
parisien de Harcourt, publiée la même année 1563) ; Robert Garnier, La
Troade (1579) ; Antoine de Montchrestien, Hector (1604). Pour la période
considérée, on doit faire aussi mention de La ...
Reine d'Escosse Antoine de Montchrestien, Christopher Norman Smith
Rhetoric: Readings in French Literature Σελίδα 79 Michael Hawcroft 1999
1 On the significance of rhetoric in Renaissance tragedy, see R. Griffiths,
The Dramatic Technique of Antoine de Montchrestien: Rhetoric and Style
in French Renaissance Tragedy (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1970), and G.
Jondorf, French ...
Robert Garnier and the Themes of Πολιτεία. l Tragedy in the Sixteenth
...Gillian Jondorf 1969 There was no personal contact between Gamier,
the provincial lawyer, Catholic and loyalist, and Antoine de
Montchrestien, the adventurer who was executed as a Protestant rebel.
Montchrestien's style is certainly as rich as Garnier's, his ...

Robert Garnier: Sa vie, ses poésies inédites Σελίδα 224 Henri Chardon
1970 Antoine de Montchrestien. -Luc Percheron, auteur de Pyrrhe. —
Nicolas de Montreux. — Thomas Lccoq, auteur de Gain. — Levayer de
Bouligny, auteur du Grand Selim. — Pousset de Montauban. A partir de
Garnier la tradition du théâtre ...
Scientific American: Supplement Τόμος 32 Σελίδα 193 1891 Our intention
is not to guide our readers through the arcana of the science created by
Antoine Montchrestien, but rather to make known certain industries that
the greater part of the public is ignorant of, and the interests of which are
brought ...
The Dramatic Technique of Antoine de Montchrestien. Rhetoric and
the literature of the french renaissance Σελίδα 95. It was at Rouen that the
son of an apothecary at Falaise, Antoine Montchrestien, published in 1601
a volume of five tragedies, one of which had already appeared separately
at Caen under the name of Sophonisbe1. The author was a young ...
The Πολιτεία. l Economy of Joining the European Union: Iceland's
...Magnus Bjarnason 2010 The term Πολιτεία. l Economy appears for the
first time in 1615, when Antoine de Montchrestien wrote “Traicté de
l'Oeconomie politique” (Treaty of the Πολιτεία. l Economy). Up until one
century ago many academic institutions studied politics and ...
The Tragic Histories of Mary Queen of Scots, 1560-1690: Rhetoric, ...John
D. Staines 2009 On one hand, the majority of French critics celebrate
Montchrestien for making a tragedy whose pathos transcends the ... The
Dramatic Technique of Antoine de Montchrestien: Rhetoric and Style in
French Renaissance Tragedy (Oxford, ...
Tragedies. Antoine de Montchrestien 1604 Aman: A Critical Edition.
George Otto Seiver, Antoine de Montchrestien – 2013.
Traicté de l'économie politique Antoine de Montchrestien 1889
Traicté de l'oeconomie politique....Antoine de Montchrestien 1615
Traité de l'Oeconomie politique d'Antoine de Montchrestien: Les
...Encyclopaedia Universalis 2015 MONTCHRESTIEN. ANTOINE. DE.
(1576. env.1621). Fils d'un apothicaire, Montchrestien se fait connaître,
dès 1596, en faisant jouer sa tragédie La Carthaginoise ou la liberté à
Rouen. En 1601, il publie un livre de tragédies (L'Écossaise ou ...

Trente-deuxième session tenue à Rouen au mois d'aout 1865 1866 Parlons

maintenant du second, Antoine Montchrestien. Celui-ci eut le malheur de
devenir chef de parti et périt dans ces luttes où la religion faisait avec la
politique une alliance suspecte : de là l'auréole qui entoure ce nom, plus
sinistre que ...
Two Tragedies: Hector and La Reine dEscosse Σελίδα 3 Antoine de
Montchrestien 2015 Hector and La Reine dEscosse Antoine de
Montchrestien. adherence to the rebels he had gained nothing but an
unsavoury reputation. It is not even certain that Montchrestien had
religious motives for taking partin the revolt on the Huguenot ...
Writing a New France, 1604-1632: Empire and Early Modern French
Identity Dr Brian Brazeau 2013 We will discuss the vision of New France
as a Christian colony in relation to divergent voices in the form of
Barthelemy de Laffemas's writings and Antoine de Montchrestien's Traite
de l 'Oeconomie politique, mentioned above. In the face of ...

Greece Greek

A Critical Bibliography of French Literature Σελίδα 161 Richard A.

Brooks, H. Gaston Hall, David Clark Cabeen 1947 Seidmann, D. Antoine
de Montchrestien. In his: La Bible dans les tragedies religieuses de Garnier
et de Montchrestien. Nizet, 1971. p. 77-144. 6409 A Sorbonne thesis
written under the direction of Raymond Lebegue. Not a model of
profound ...
A HandΒιβ. to the Reception of Greek Drama Betine van Zyl Smit 2016
Montaigne, Michel de Montchrestien, Antoine de Montreal Montreaux,
Nicolas de Monty Python (TV series) Moodie, Graham Moravia Morgan,
Lady Morillo, General Pablo Morwood, James Moscow Art Theater Moses
Mossman, Judith Mother ...
A History of French Literature Σελίδα 931 ΚΕΦ. IX W. Cloetta, Beitràge
zur Litteratur-Geschichte des Mitlelalters und der Renaissance, 1890-1892.
— G. Lanson, Esquisse ... G. Lanson, Antoine de Montchrestien, in Revue
des DeuxMondes, 1891 (or in Hommes et livres, 1895).
A History of French Literature Τόμος 2 Σελίδα 215 Charles Henry Conrad
Wright 1912 reaction against pure Hellenism was already setting in, and
Garnier's Greek elements are often from Seneca. Seneca, and to a minor

degree Euripides, followed ... spirit and method of the French Humanistic
drama. Antoine de Montchrestien ...
All about Tragedy, and Other Dramatic Traditions Series-Edward Albee:
Students' Academy ... Antoine de Montchrestien, Alexandre Hardy,
Théophile de Viau, François le Métel de Boisrobert, Jean Mairet, Tristan
... The Greek tragic authors (Sophocles and Euripides) would become
increasingly important as models by the middle of ...
Aman. A Critical Edition. By George Otto Seiver 1939
Aman: A Critical Edition George Otto Seiver, Antoine de Montchrestien
Annales Poetiques depuis l'Origine de la Poesie Francoise Σελίδα 219 1780
FRËRE REMY DE BEAUvAIS, Ca'pucin de la Province des Pays-Bas; _
FRÈiIE M. A. DURANT, Chartreux; Et Jacques 'LE CLERC, Curé 8C
Annales poétiques, ou almanach des muses, depuis l'origine de la ...1780
Antoine de Montchrestiem, né à Falaise , d'un Apothicaire de cette ville ,
fit plus de bruit dans le monde par ses ... Montchrestien íe fit ensuite
solliciteur de procès , pour une dame qu'il épousa après la mort de son Tomt
XV1U Kk mari ; puis, ...
Antoine de Montchrestien 1889
Antoine de Montchrestien Les débuts de la tragédie héroique: Antoine
de Montchrestien ; (1575 ...
Antoine de Montchrestien Frederic P. Miller, Agnes F. Vandome,
McBrewster John 2010 Please note that the content of this Βιβ. primarily
consists of articles available from Wikipedia or other free sources onΓρ. .
Antoine de Montchrestien, Les Lacènes, a critical edition, an ...Gladys
Ethel Calkins 1943
Antoine de Montchrestien, Les Lacènes: a critical edition Gladys Ethel
Calkins 1943 Shakespeare and the French Borders of English Michael
Saenger 2013 Sr. De Montchrestien (probably Antoine de
Montchrestien), commendatory poem for Peter Erondell's The French
Garden, 1605, sig.[A4]v,Γρ. 9; reproducedasFigure 1.4. 52. Deanne
Williams has pointedoutthat therewas an importantshift over ...

Antoine de Montchrestien: La Reine D'Escosse (l'escossoise): A ...Joseph

D. Crivelli 1971
Antoine de Montchrestien: Les Lacènes. A Critical Ed 1943
Antoine de Montchrétien: poète et économiste normand Aristide Joly 1865
Bibliothèque de Lyon. Catalogue des livres qu'elle renferme dans la
...Bibliothèque municipale 1819 Lgilabyrifllllfl du monde: Auto sacr.
Caldéron. (En espagnol.) _ Lacèxxes (Les ), ou la Constance' Tr' 5 a. 159g.'
Antoine de Montchrestien. Le sujet est la mort héroïque de Cléomêne»,
rcÎl de Spar' te. Chaque acte est tèrmiuê par des chOeurs' ...
Bibliothèque du théâtre françois depuis son origine: contenant un ...Louis-
César de La Baume Le Blanc de La Vallière, Michael Gröll, Charles-
Nicolas Cochin (fils) 1768 contenant un extrait de tous les ouvrages
composés pour ce théâtre, depuis les mystères jusqu'aux pieces de Pierre
... sont suivis d'un poème de Suanne , dans un volume intitulé , Les
Tragédies d'Antoine de Montchrestien S. de Vasteville.
Catalog of Entries. Third Series: 1971: January-June Library of Congress.
Office 1973 ... ECONOMY. 10TH, 1971. ANT6INE DE
MONTCHRESTIEN . Antoine de Montchres tien : La Reine d'Escosse (L'
Escossoise ) See CRIVELLI, JOSEPH ... ANTON, JOHN P. Essays in
Ancient Greek philosophy. Edited by John P. Anton with ...
Catholic Economics: Alternatives to the Jungle Angus Sibley 2015
Economy comes from the Greek oikonomía = “household
management”; so its original meaning was simply domestic. Economy ...
The first writer to mention Πολιτεία. l Economy seems to have been the
colorful character Antoine de Montchrestien ...
Coligny, les Protestants et la mer Σελίδα 197 Martine Acerra, Guy
Martinière 1997 Mais celui qui en est l'objet, Antoine de Montchrestien,
a des liens puissants avec l'une et avec l'autre. Ce Normand, qui publie
pendant les États généraux de 1615 un Traité de l'économie politique, a
vécu une grande partie de sa vie dans ...
Comparative Advantage: Specialize to rule Σελίδα 9 50 MINUTES.COM,
2015 For authors like Jean Bodin (French philosopher, 1530-1596) and
Antoine de Montchrestien (French economist, 1575-1596), trade was a
zero-sum game made up of ... Physiocracy originated in Greece and means
“Government of Nature”.

Concise Survey of French Literature Σελίδα 61 Germaine Mason 1959 and

Antoine de Montchrestien ... he treats in the Greek manner a biblical
theme: the Jewish king Sedecie has been taken to captivity in Babylon by
the ... Montchrestien had greater originality and relied less on the
imitation of Ancient models.
David Antoine de Montchrestien, Lancaster Eugene Dabney 1963
David: Éd. Critique : By Lancaster E. Dabney 1963
Dictionnaire des théâtres de Paris: contenant toutes les piéces qui
...François Parfaict, Claude Parfaict 1756 contenant toutes les piéces qui
ont été représentées ... des faits anecdotes sur les auteurs ... et sur les ...
acteurs ... François ... LACENES , ( les) ou la CONSTANCE , Tragédie
d'Antoine de Montchrestien , représentée en 1 J95J. & imp. dans ...
Dictionnaire historique et critique, ou Recherches sur la vie, le
Bonnegarde 1773 tirées des dictionnaires de Mrs. Bayle & Chaufepié ...
avec un grand nombre d'articles nouveaux & de remarques d'histoire, de
critique & de littérature de Bonnegarde ... MONTCHRESTIEN. Ses
aventurer. Antoine de Monrenizssrxm, fils d'un apothiquaire de Falaife en
Normandie, perdit (on pere dès fa premicre jeunelÏc.
Dictionnaire universel des sciences morale, économique, politique et
...1782 MONNOIE , f. f. Confidèratlons économiques & politiques fur les
Monnaies. i01 MONTAGNE, Auteur Moralifle. i4i Morale ou doflrine de
Montagne , fur la conduite de la vie. ibid. MONTCHRESTIEN , ( Antoine
de ) Auteur Politique. i45 ...
Dr Brian Brazeau 2013 We will discuss the vision of New France as a
Christian colony in relation to divergent voices in the form of Barthelemy
de Laffemas's writings and Antoine de Montchrestien's Traite de l
'Oeconomie politique, mentioned above. In the face of ...
Economía de la empresa: Σελίδα 7 Juan Manuel Soriano Llobera, Jesús
Viscarri Colomer, Juan Antonio Torrents Arevalo 2012 La etimología de
la palabra economía se remonta al griego (oikos = patrimonio o casa;
nomos = regla), concibiéndose como un conjunto de reglas para el
gobierno del patrimonio familiar. Desde Antoine de Montchrestien (1615)
se aplicó a ...
Economia mediului: Σελίδα 11 COMAN Gheorghe 2004 “Muntele şi
omul se aseamănă, dar cu deosebirea că de unde prin munte pământul tinde
spre cer, prin om cerul a coborât pe pământ”. William Shakespeare 1.1. Ce

este ... Economia familială, casnică. În 1615 însă Antoine de

Montchrestien ...
Economie politique patronale 1970
Elementi precorneliani nell'opera tragica di Antoine de Montchrestien
Esther Σελίδα 56 George Saintsbury 1886 Nor is it possible to denythat,
according to the standard of the Greek drama which Racine intended after
his own fashion to follow, the tragedy is amply tragic... It is otherwise with
the remarkable Aman of Antoine de Montchrestien (see p.
Euro igual Neoliberalismo mais Socialismo: Σελίδα 67 Rui José da
Conceição Nunes 2013 Essas tensões de longa duração levaram alguns
pensadores a apoiar a teoria do poder absoluto, como Jean Bodin e Antoine
de Montchrestien. Nas suas mentes, a autoridade política, quando exercida
por um estado militarmente forte, era ...
Fiches 100 pour comprendre l'histoire économique contemporaine Le
mercantilisme, que l'on peut situer environ entre le XVIe siècle et le début
de XIXesiècle, est à lafois une doctrine et ... Comme l'affirme Antoine de
Montchrestien : « Toute société semble être composée de gouvernement
et de commerce. » ...
Françoise Charpentier 1981 Traicté de l'économie politique
French Humanist Tragedy: A Reassessment Σελίδα 221 Donald Stone
1974 Delcourt, Marie, Etude sur les traductions des tragiques grecs et
latins en France depuis la Renaissance... Griffiths, Richard, The Dramatic
Technique of Antoine de Montchrestien: Rhetoric and Style in French
Renaissance Tragedy... Humphrey D., Form and Meaning in Drama: A
Study of Six Greek Plays and of Hamlet.
French Renaissance Tragedy: The Dramatic Word Σελίδα 166 Gillian
Jondorf 2006 Pour une lecture de la tragédie humaniste: Jodelle, Garnier,
Montchrestien. Saint-Etienne. 1981. Les Débuts de la tragédie héroïque:
Antoine de Montchrestien (1575-1621). Forsyth, Elliott. 1962. La
Tragédie française de Jodelle à Corneille ...
French Sacred Drama from Bèze to Corneille: Dramatic Forms and Their
...J. S. Street 1983 Gofflot, L.-V.: Le Théâtre au collège du moyen âge à
nos jours, Paris 1907 Gombrich, Sir Ernst: Art and Illusion: a Study in the
... Richard: The Dramatic Technique of Antoine de Montchrestien:
Rhetoric and Style in French Renaissance Tragedy, Oxford 1970 'The ... to

Theatre: Form and Convention in the Renaissance, Chicago 1944 Kitto, H.

D. F.: Form and Meaning in Drama: a Study of Six Greek Plays ...
Histoire Générale de la Littérature Du Moyen Âge en Occident Adolf Ebert
1889 reaction against pure Hellenism was already setting in, and Garnier's
Greek elements are often from Seneca. Seneca, and to a minor degree
Euripides, followed in ... and method of the French Humanistic drama.
Antoine de Montchrestien (c.
Historia de las ideologías Σελίδα 525 François Châtelet (ed.), Gérard
Mairet (ed.) 1989 El análisis de lo que supone y de lo que implica tal
descubrimiento se encuentra en el estudio del texto fundador de la ... de
Platón al Tratado de economía política de Antoine de Montchrestien
(1616), pasando por las múltiples reflexiones ...
Introduction à la sociologie Σελίδα 19 Michel De Coster, Bernadette
Bawin-Legros, Marc Poncelet 2001 LES ORIGINES Si la réflexion de
l'homme sur la société dans laquelle il vit remonte, sans doute, dans la nuit
des temps, ... elle aussi, à l'étude des faits sociaux, s'explique
historiquement parce qu un certain Antoine de Montchrestien hasarde ...
Introduction aux sciences sociales Σελίδα 72 Jean-Yves Phelep 2009 Aux
origines de la réflexion économique: « mercanti listes » et « physiocrates
» a. Le courant « mercantiliste » Née, nous l'avons vu, de la plume
d'Antoine de Montchrestien, membre éminent du courant dit «
mercantiliste », l'économie ...
Introduction to French Classical Tragedy Σελίδα 3 C.J. Gossip 1981 As
with his contemporaries Robert Garnier and Jacques Grévin, or Antoine de
Montchrestien, who appeared some forty years later, Jodelle's inspiration
came from classical Greece or Rome; they were true sons of the
Renaissance. But it is ...
John Florio: The Life of an Italian in Shakespeare's England Σελίδα 173
Frances A. Yates 2011 ... modern language dialogues (though there were
new editions of old ones) until Peter Erondelle's French Gardenia 1605/ for
which Samuel Daniel and Antoine de Montchrestien, the French
"classical" dramatist, wrote commendatory verses, ...
La reine d'Escosse: tragédie Antoine de Montchrestien, Gustave Michaut
Le mythe du sauvage Σελίδα 402 Olive Patricia Dickason 1993 Memoire
pour servir de breve instruction, tant aux Directeurs & Commissionnaires

Provinciaux de la grande Compagnie de l'Amerique ... Mémoires de

Commissaires du Roi et de ceux de Sa Majesté Britannique...
Montchrestien, Antoine de.
Le regard entravé: littérature et anthropologie dans les premiers ...Paolo
Carile 2000 (Montaigne) Du sujet de ce livre et de ses raisons Les études
réunies dans cet ouvrage abordent toutes des sujets ... Biard et Sagard et
les σελ. s «américanistes» d'Antoine de Montchrestien, ainsi que les écrits
sur la colonisation de Marc ...
L'économie aux concours des grandes écoles 6ème édition: Ouvrage
...Jacques Silvano, Anne-Marie Gronier, Serge Bosc Aux XVIe et XVIIe
siècles apparaît un nouveau type de discours qui s'autonomise par rapport
aux autres discipΓρ. s ... conditions de l'accroissement des richesses, voilà
pour Antoine de Montchrestien (1575-1621), qui introduit le terme d'« ...
L'écossaise (Marie Stuard Reyne d'Ecosse): tragédie Antoine de
Montchrestien 1603
Les avantages comparatifs de Ricardo: La spécialisation est-elle ...Jean
Blaise Mimbang, 50 minutes, 2014 La théorie Des avantages comparatifs
dans L'hisToire économique À cause des moyens de transport et des ...
Pour des auteurs comme Jean Bodin (philosophe français, 1530‐1596) et
Antoine de Montchrestien (économiste français, ...
Les grandes peurs Τόμος 2 Σελίδα 47 Madeleine Bertaud 2004 Le dernier
des Livres historiques de la Bible, celui d'Esther, rassemble en un récit
linéaire trois épisodes de l'histoire ... Antoine de Montchrestien, Aman,
paru en 1601 dans le recueil publié sans date sous le titre de Tragedies et
dédié au ...
Les Tragédies d'Anthoine de Montchrestien... Ed. nouvelle augmentée
...Antoine de Montchrestien 1627
Les Tragedies de Ant. De Montchrestien sieur de vasteuille plus Vne
...Antoine de Montchrestien, Pont-de-Veyle 1604 Antoine de
Montchrestien, Pont-de-Veyle., ...
Les tragédies de Montchrestien Σελίδα xli Antoine de Montchrestien,
Louis Petit de Julleville 1891
L'Etat classique: regards sur la pensée politique de la France dans ...Henry
Méchoulan, Joël Cornette 1996 regards sur la pensée politique de la France
dans le second XVIIe siècle : textes Henry Méchoulan, Joël Cornette.

JUSTICE PÉNALE ... Antoine de Montchrestien est l'auteur du Traité de

l'économie politique, paru en 1615. Les essais de ...
Literature of Travel and Exploration: An Encyclopedia Σελίδα 1342
Jennifer Speake 2014 Editor of Dramatic Works, by Jean de la Taille
(1972), Two Tragedies, by Antoine de Montchrestien (1972), France et ...
Essays: Bus; Cape of Good Hope, Pre-1806; Collections of Literature of
Travel and Exploration, Anthologies; Greece, ...
Literature of Travel and Exploration: R to Z, index Σελίδα 1342 Jennifer
Speake 2003 Editor of Dramatic Works, by Jean de la Taille (1972), Two
Tragedies, by Antoine de Montchrestien (1972), France et ... Essays: Bus;
Cape of Good Hope, Pre1806; Collections of Literature of Travel and
Exploration, Anthologies; Greece, ...
Ma bibliothèque poétique: Éditions des 15e et 16e siècles des ...1973
Éditions des 15e et 16e siècles des principaux poètes français. HLES //
TRAGEDIES // DEANT. // De Montchrestien sieur / / De Vasteville. A
ROUEN, // Chez ... d'Henri de Bourbon,. 1S1 MONTCHRESTIEN,
Antoine de Les Tragédies , [1601]
Macroéconomie 3e éd.: en 24 fiches Σελίδα 86 Henri-Louis Védie 2011 I
Objectifs Le commerce international a toujours donné lieu à débat au cours
des siècles passés, même lorsquon échangeait peu entre ... Rappelonsnous
ce que disait Antoine de Montchrestien : « Nul ne gagne que d'autres ne
perdent ».
Medea, Magic, and Modernity in France: Stages and Histories, 1553–1797
Amy Wygant 2016 So an ode on the Médée by Berruier tells of La Péruse
going to Greece, saving Euripides, and bringing him home to France (La
... 70 See Richard Griffiths, The Dramatic Technique of Antoine de
Montchrestien: Rhetoric and Style in French ...
Medea, Magic, and Modernity in France: Stages and Histories, 1553–1797
Ms Amy Wygant 2013 The Dramatic Technique of Antoine de
Montchrestien: Rhetoric and Style in French Renaissance Tragedy.
Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1970 ... the Late Twentieth Century?" Dionysus
Since 69: Greek Tragedy at the Dawn of the Third Millennium.
Memoires pour servir a l'histoire des hommes illustres dans la ...Jean-Pierre
Niceron, Antoine Briasson ((París)) 1735 avec un catalogue raisonne de
leurs ouvrages Jean-Pierre Niceron Antoine Briasson ((París)). í \ A. de ...
Traité de l'Qsconomie Politique; dédie' au Roi & à la Reine M ere du: Roi,
par Antoine de Montchrestien t fieur de Vattevtli/.'m-tf. fans ...

Montchrestien's "Sophonisbe",: Paralleldruck der drei davon ... Ludwig

Fries 1889
Must We Divide History Into Periods? Σελίδα 82 Jacques Le Goff 2015 In
1615 a treatise by Antoine de Montchrestien (1575–1621) proposed the
novel concept of Πολιτεία. l Economy ... Until then, Economy had
referred to household management, its original sense in Aristotle and
other Ancient Greek authors.
New International Encyclopedia Τόμος 16 Σελίδα 189 1916 Pop., 1901,
28,779; 1911, 26,830. MONT CENIS, mdN se-ne'. See Cenis, Mont.
MONTCHRESTIEN, moN'kra'tyaN', Antoine de (c.1576-1621). A French
playwright and economist. His father was an apothecary. Having left his
birthplace, ...
OEuvres Complètes: Volume 2 (comprenant les Tomes 7 à 13) De Cock
Jacques Le terme d'Oeconomie n'avait été appliqué au domaine public
qu'en 1615 dans le Traité d'Antoine de Montchrestien, étant jusque là
réservé à l'univers domestique. Or, la vision commune aux économistes est
bien celle-ci : la société est un ...
Profil Histoire de la littérature en France au XVIIe siècle Robert Horville,
Georges Decote 2002 L'action dramatique estd'une grande complexité et
l'onest loin de la simplicité,de l'unité, qui prévaudront durant l'époque ... Il
s'affirme surtout dans latragédie, avec notamment Hector (éditéen 1604)de
Antoine de Montchrestien (1575 ...
Reconstruire Troie: permanence et renaissances d'une cité emblématique
Michel Fartzoff 2009 La tragédie des vaincus : un architexte troyen dans
le théâtre français, de la Renaissance à l'Âge classique Anne ... collège
parisien de Harcourt, publiée la même année 1563) ; Robert Garnier, La
Troade (1579) ; Antoine de Montchrestien, ...
Reine d'Escosse Antoine de Montchrestien, Christopher Norman Smith
1972 Antoine de Montchretien Σελίδα 131 Note A. Les diverses éditions
desOeuvres d'Antoine de Montchrétien sont rares; c'est ce qui nous engage
à en donner ici ... 2° Lei Tragédies d'Antoine de Montchrestien , sieur de
Vasteville, plus une Bergerie et un poème de Suzanne, à Mg ...
Rhetoric: Readings in French Literature Σελίδα 257 Michael Hawcroft
1999 GRIFFITHS, R., The Dramatic Techmque of Antoine de
Montchrestien: Rhetoric and Style in French Renaissance Tragrdy
(Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1970). GRIMAREST, J.-L., LE GALLOIS,
SIKUR DE, La Vie de M. de Moliere, ed.

Robert Garnier and the Themes of Πολιτεία. l Tragedy in the Sixteenth

...Gillian Jondorf 1969 But Montchrestien, following the Γρ. provided
by his source (Pierre Matthieu's Histoire des dernier s troubles de ... Pierre
Matthieu is pointed out by Frances A. Yates, 'Some new light on
L'Ecessaise of Antoine de Montchrestien', in M.L.R., vol.
Robert Garnier: Sa vie, ses poésies inédites Σελίδα 224 Henri Chardon
1970 ÉCOLE DE GARNIER L'école de Robert Garnier. Ses imitateurs.
— Antoine de Montchrestien. -Luc Percheron, auteur de Pyrrhe. —
Nicolas de Montreux. — Thomas Lccoq, auteur de Gain. — Levayer de
Bouligny, auteur du Grand Selim.
The Alcalde Οκτ. 1968 Σελίδα 20 His publications include a critical edition
of David by Antoine de Montchrestien, Βιβ. s on Claude Billard and Βιβ.
s on French dramatic literature. "To keep from going rusty,” Dr. Dabney
will continue to teach French correspondence courses ...
The American Cyclopaedia: A Popular Dictionary of General Knowledge
George Ripley, Charles Anderson Dana 1875 The light in which trade was
regarded by the Romans may be gathered from Cicero, who in his De
Officii says : " The gains of merchants, as well ... Slavery was the very
foundation of the industrial system of both Greek s and Romans, as war
was of the national policy... and the first bearing the title of Πολιτεία. l
Economy, is the Traite de Veconomie politique, by Antoine de
Montchrestien (4to, Rouen, 1013).
The Cambridge History of French Literature Σελίδα 253 William
Burgwinkle, Nicholas Hammond, Emma Wilson 2011 This shift can be
seen in the radical changes in tragedy between Antoine de Montchrestien's
Hector (1607) and the ... tragedy was shaped by the ideal of recreating
Greek and Latin models in French, in an often ornate and learned style
but ...
The Century Dictionary: The Century cyclopedia ofnames ... ed. by ...1911
This pitch was on the whole well maintained by Antoine de
Montchrestien, a man of a singular history and of a singular genius...
Montchrestien wrote a treatise on Πολιτεία. l Economy (he is even said
to have been the first to introduce the term into French), some poems, and
six .... The prevailing religion is orthodox Greek .
The Classical Heritage in France Σελίδα 546 Gerald N. Sandy 2002 1972a,
Estienne Jodelle, "Ijc Recueil des Inscriptions" (1558): A Literary and
Iconographical Exegesis (Toronto: ... Griffiths R.M. 1970, The Dramatic

Technique of Antoine de Montchrestien: Rhetoric and Style in French

Renaissance ... Hagg T. 1983, "The Renaissance of the Greek novel," in
The Novel in Antiquity (Oxford: ...
The Dramatic Technique of Antoine de Montchrestien. Rhetoric and
The dramatic technique of Antoine de Montchrestien: Rhetoric and
...Richard Griffiths 1970 Why was it that Seneca, rather than the Greek s,
became the main model ? At first sight this seems very odd. For these
writers spent all their time praising the Greek dramatists, and comparing
each other to Euripides, etc. Why, with occasional ...
The Encyclopaedia Britannica: A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and ...1894
Writers of chap-Βιβ. s borrowed the story, which is again found on the
stage in Antoine de Montchrestien's tragedy of Hector .... She soars long
over Greece before she is able to find her lover; at length she discovers that
he is going to wed the ...
The New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature: George Watson
1974 La Serre, Puget de. Histoire, vie et mort, de Jacques V, roi d'Ecosse
ensemble Phistoire de la belle Dunglas. Paris 1621. — Thomas Morus ou
le triomphe de la foi et de la Constance. Paris 1642. Montchrestien,
Antoine de. L'Escossaise: ou le ...
The New Werner Twentieth Century Edition of the Encyclopaedia ...1907
The Πολιτεία. l Economy of Joining the European Union: Iceland's ...
Magnus Bjarnason 2010 The term Πολιτεία. l Economy appears for the
first time in 1615, when Antoine de Montchrestien wrote “Traicté de
l'Oeconomie politique” (Treaty of the Πολιτεία. l Economy). Up until one
century ago many academic institutions studied politics and ...
The Reader's Encyclopedia of World Drama Σελίδα 284 John Gassner,
Edward Quinn 2002 Indeed, while he reproduces in Greek Aristotle's
definition of tragedy. he adds his own: “A tragedy is the imitation of the ...
Antoine de Montchrestien (I575l62l) wrote Senecan tragedies decades
after Garnier's Bradamante. but the sixteenth ...
The Scottish Review Τόμος 18 Σελίδα 452 1891 In the number dated
September the 1st, considerable space is occupied by a sketch which M. de
Segonzac gives of his travels in the west of Africa... of the works, of
Antoine de Montchrestien. The inventor of the term ' Πολιτεία. l
Economy ' and the author of the first Mary Stuart tragedy... 1 and what

position did she occupy in, or what influence did she exercise, on, the
religious thought and life of Greece, or, ...
The Tragic Histories of Mary Queen of Scots, 1560-1690: Rhetoric, ...John
D. Staines 2009 In the revised edition, published in Les Tragedies
d'Anthoine de Montchrestien (Rouen, 1604) and again in Les Tragedies
... The Dramatic Technique of Antoine de Montchrestien: Rhetoric and
Style in French Renaissance Tragedy (Oxford, ...
Tragedies Antoine de Montchrestien 1604 Les Tragédies d'Anthoine de
Montchrestien... Σελίδα 2 Antoine de Montchrestien 1627 Antoine de
Montchrestien. l l »'2. L'I5scoss«o1's1r'A L'Eßiugnol non content ole/`on
... Aim 'veut contre tout droit eefle /jle me Muir; ftfkns le Ciel qui m'uime,
gr qui me fuuorife, ll ferait rei?/fir „ее inique enxreprife: _ _ Mu Tumife
l'loonneur ...
Traicté de l'oeconomie politique....Antoine de Montchrestien 1615
Hector, tragédie
Traité de l'Oeconomie politique d'Antoine de Montchrestien: Les
...Encyclopaedia Universalis 2015 MONTCHRESTIEN. ANTOINE. DE.
(1576. env.1621). Fils d'un apothicaire, Montchrestien se fait connaître,
dès 1596, en faisant jouer sa tragédie La Carthaginoise ou la liberté à
Rouen. En 1601, il publie un livre de tragédies (L'Écossaise ou ...
Two French Biblical plays: Haman Antoine de Montchrestien, Perry
Gethner 1990
Two Tragedies: Hector and La Reine dEscosse Σελίδα 144 Antoine de
Montchrestien 2015 Hector and La Reine dEscosse Antoine de
Montchrestien ... Like other French Renaissance dramatists,
Montchrestien does not give colour to minor characters such as heralds:
the ... i.e. Idomeneus, leader of the Cretans in the Greek army. 78.
Western Drama Through the Ages: A Student Reference Guide Kimball
King 2007 This new type of sacred drama, which essentially imposed
Ancient Greek tragic structure onto Judeo-Christian story material, ...
Important works include Jacques Gre v́ in's La Mort de Ce ś ar (1561),
Antoine de Montchrestien's Hector (1604), ...
Who is this Schiller Now?: Essays on His Reception and Significance
Jeffrey L. High, Nicholas Martin, Norbert Oellers 2011 10 Antoine de
Montchrestien, The Fallen Crown: Three French Mary Stuart Plays of the
Seventeenth Century, ed. Michael G. Paulson (Washington: UP of

America, 1980), 71. Subsequent citations as FC with σελ. number(s). “O

jour des plus ...
Writing a New France, 1604-1632: Empire and Early Modern French

Greek language

A History of French Literature Σελίδα 215 reaction against pure Hellenism

was already setting in, and Garnier 's Greek elements are often from
Seneca. Seneca, and to a minor ... Antoine de Montchrestien (c.i ...
Montchrestien's plays are lyric and declamatory in character, and his
language is smoother and more polished, even if less vigorous, than that
of Garnier.
A History of French Literature Τόμος 2 Σελίδα 215 Charles Henry Conrad
Wright 1912 reaction against pure Hellenism was already setting in, and
Garnier's Greek elements are often from Seneca. Seneca, and to a minor ...
Antoine de Montchrestien ... Montchrestien's plays are lyric and
declamatory in character, and his language is smoother and more polished,
even if less vigorous, than that of Garnier.
American Βιβ. Publishing Record Σελίδα 1621 1970 106
An introduction to Marxist Πολιτεία. l Economy Σελίδα 26 Bade
Onimode 1985 This meant that Ancient China and Greece, where Petty
commodity production and money Economy first developed, also ... The
term 'Πολιτεία. l Economy' itself was first used by the French economist,
Antoine de Montchrestien (1575-1621) in his ...
Βιβ. s and Pamphlets, Including Serials and Contributions to Periodicals
British Βιβ. News Σελίδα 10 1970 ... Dictionary of geography Dictionary
of liter , literature in the English language Vol... others 217 Drama and the
dramatic 960 Dramatic technique of Antoine de Montchrestien 799
Draper, R. P. 61 Draper ... difficulties with young fane 23 Early Greece

326 Early Greek astronomy to Ariireu 52 Early keyboard instruments

637 ...
Cahiers élisabéthains Τεύχη 53-56 Σελίδα 140 1998 Carleton Renaissance
Plays in Translation CP4 jean de la Taille, The Rivals (Les corrivaux) (TF9
General Editors: ... The framing tale of the two ragged brothers is joined to
a Boccaccian farce and an elaborate love story from Greek ... Set in the
streets of Paris of the 1560s, it offers a panorama of servants, noblemen,
and merchants with their colloquial language... Antoine de Montchrestien,
Haman; Anon., The Perfidy of Haman Tr. Perry Geth.ner ...
Calendar Σελίδα 64 University of Aberdeen 1905
Catalog of Entries Σελίδα 1282 1961 on Greek translation; Trustees Under
the Will of Mary Baker Eddy; 29Dec61; A559156... Visite a l'ami de
Moscou (A call on Kuprin) Traduit de l'anglais par Nicolete Darcis, pseud.
of Nicole Ponsart et Pierre Darcis, pseud. of Pierre ... (Tiiot"AS ALWA)
Fol"IDATION. word-study college programs... Claude Antoine... SEE
Anton, Emil, STE Charlot, SEE Rojat, SEE Gigon, EDITIONS
Catalog of Entries. Third Series: 1961: July-December. Library of
Congress. Office 1962 on Greek translation; Trustees Under the Will of
Msry Baker Eddy; 29Dec6l; A539156... Visite a l'ami de Moscou (A call
on Kuprln) Traduit de l'anglais par Nicolete Darcis, pseud, of Nicole
Ponsart et Pierre Darci3, pseud, ... Word-study college programs... SEE
Ciccione, Claude Antoine... EDITIONS MONTCHRESTIEN.
Chambers' Encyclopædia: A Dictionary of Universal Knowledge. 1893
Chambers's Encyclopaedia: A Dictionary of Universal Knowledge
Chambers's encyclopædia Τόμος 4 Σελίδα 84 1897 ... Kobert Gamier and
Antoine de Montchrestien ; but the choruses were by degrees dropped as
unsuitable to modern audiences... The tragedy was of the Greek or rather
the Senecan kincl, without choruses, and with a slight relaxation of some
of the ... Unlike most bastard kinds this proved fertile, and under the
generic name of drame may le said to have important representatives at the
present day.
Chambers's Encyclopaedia: Dionysius to Friction Σελίδα 84 1896

Classical and Modern Literature Τόμοι 5-6 Σελίδα 192 1984 The language
of alienation and suffering in periods of moral, social, and Πολιτεία. l
crises: focus on emotional reactions rather than on ... Soare, Antoine. [460]
"Les tragedies de l'assassinat et VHeclor d'Antoine de Montchrestien."
Ren&R, n.s. 7 (1983): 173-191. Sources in Seneca's Hercules Oetaeus.
Stump, Donald V. [482] "Greek and Shakespearean Tragedy: Four Indirect
Routes from Athens to London.
David Patrick, William Geddie 1924 ... Kobert Gamier and Antoine de
Montchrestien ; but the choruses were by degrees dropped as unsuitable to
modern audiences... The tragedy was of the Greek or rather the Senecan
kind, without choruses, and with a slight relaxation of some of the ... Unlike
most bastard kinds this proved fertile, and under the generic name of drame
may be said to have important representatives at the present day.
Dictionary Catalog of the Research Libraries of the New York Public
Dramatic Narrative: Racine's Récits Σελίδα 183 Nina C. Ekstein 1986 In
Ancient Greece, prior to Aeschylus' innovation of adding a second reciter,
the stage was occupied by a single reciter and a ... See Richard Griffiths,
The Dramatic Technique of Antoine de Montchrestien ... Far from being
an exclusively theatrical term, "récit" is a standard French word for
"narrative" in the generic sense.
Dynamic Economic theory: a viability approach Σελίδα xv Jean Pierre
Aubin 1997 i5The Greek root "oiko" means house. The word "Economy"
appeared in French in 1615 in the title of the treatise Traite d'iconomie
politique by Antoine de Montchrestien, in opposition to the word "
mesnagerie" meaning at the time private ...
Encyclopaedia Britannica: A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and ...1891 ...
Writers of chap-Βιβ. sborrowed the story, which is again found on the stage
in Antoine de Montchrestien's tragedy of ... Although Guido knew some
Greek , he did not translate Dictys and Dares, as some MSS. affirm, but
reproduced the ... copy the errors of the latter amd to give the name of
Peleus lo Pelias, Jason's uncle.
Forgotten Virgo: Humanism and Absolutism in Honoré D'Urfés "l'Astrée"
Kathleen Wine 2000 If the former sought to purify the language of poets,
the latter offered a guide to courtiers, whose speech and manners ...
Boileau, champion of the Ancients, hardly believed that Ronsard should
have forgotten his Greek and Roman models... lan9The term is from

Sore1's Bibliotheque franfoise, cited in Antoine Adam, Histoire de la

litteratureduXVIfsiecle,\o\. 1 (Paris: Domat Montchrestien, 1948), 132.
Guide to French literature: beginnings to 1789 Τόμος 1 Σελίδα 959
Anthony Levi 1994 Favourite of Mme de Pompadour attended the diners
du Caveau founded by Piron, Coll6, and CreTrillon fits, 182 painting ... of
the vernacular attacked by du Bellay, but defended in Aneau's Quintil
Horatien congratulates Rabelais on his Greek , ... 260 Lefevre d'Etaples
and, 443, 445, 446 Bougainville, Louis-Antoine de (1729-1814), soldier
who fought at Quebec, ... 426 on superiority of French language and
literature, 648 Bouillon, secretary of Gaston d' Orleans of whom little more
is ...
Histoire Générale de la Littérature Du Moyen Âge en Occident Adolf Ebert
1889 reaction against pure Hellenism was already setting in, and Garnier's
Greek elements are often from Seneca. Seneca, and to a minor ... Antoine
de Montchrestien (c... Montchrestien's plays are lyric and declamatory in
character, and his language is smoother and more polished, even if less
vigorous, than that of Garnier.
Historical Abstracts: Modern history abstracts, 1775-1914 1989 Dan,
Pierre (Histoire de Barbarie el de Ses Corsaires). Economic ... 16c-20c.
871 — . Caravanserais. Greece. Khans. Macedonia. 1774-1913. 6693 — .
Cities. Geography. Persia. Water. 1 5c-20c... Montchrestien, Antoine de.
Ibrahim Sultan Sophonisbe: Teilband 1: Text, Teilband 2: Kommentar
Lothar Mundt 2013 Montchrestien, Antoine de: Montchrestien's
„Sophonisbe“... A series of texts relating to Aesop or ascribed to him or
closely connected with the literary tradition that bears his name. Collected
and critically edited. Vol. 1: Greek and Latin texts.
Index-guide to Library of the World's Best Literature, Ancient and
...Edward Cornelius Towne 1899
International Who's Who in Poetry 2004 Σελίδα 467 Europa Publications
2003 Mitford, William (1744-1827), English historian, author of a History
of Greece (1785-1810). Mitre, Bartolome ... Moir, David Macbeth( 1798-
1851), Scottish physician and poet who wrote under the name Delta...
Montchrestien, Antoine de (c.
Introduction to French Classical Tragedy Σελίδα 3 C.J. Gossip 1981 ... or
Antoine de Montchrestien, who appeared some forty years later, Jodelle's
inspiration came from classical Greece or ... in name only, for they lack

the tension and plot development which, it can be argued, are a prerequisite
of true drama.
La maniere: Σελίδα 169 Jacques de La Taille, Pierre Hans, Claudio
Tolomei 1970 La tragédie sans tragique: Le néostoicisme dans TOeuvre de
Pierre Corneille, Paris, 1966... Montchrestien, Antoine de... Pratt, Norman
T., Jr. Dramatic Suspense in Seneca and in his Greek Precursors... "Major
Systems of Figurative Language in Senecan Melodrama," Transactions
and Proceedings of the American ...
Library of the World's Best Literature, Ancient and Modern Charles
Dudley Warner, Hamilton Wright Mabie, Mrs. Lucia Isabella (Gilbert)
Runkle 1902 ... .32 12732-42 Montchrestien, Antoine de (157o-1621), a
French dramatist; author of tragedies, and poems of merit, and of ... Jean
(1595-1674), a French scholar in Greek , Latin, Italian, and Spanish; a
leading founder of the French Academy; ...
Library of the World's Best Literature: Guides to systematic readings
Charles Dudley Warner 1899 His greatest activity was in the quarter of a
century before his death in 1622 .32 12732-42 Montchrestien, Antoine de
... Jean (1595-1674), a French scholar in Greek , Latin, Italian, and
Spanish; a leading founder of the French Academy; author ...
L'onomastica di Roma: ventotto secoli di nomi : atti del convegno, ...Enzo
Caffarelli, Paolo Poccetti 2009 André 1 950 = Jacques André, Les noms
latins du chemin et de la rue, «Revue des Études latines», 28, pp... DEVINE
STEPHENS 2006 = Anne M. Devine Laurence D. Stephens, Latin Word
Order, Oxford, University Press... ERNOUT MEILLET 1965 = Alfred
Ernout Antoine Meillet, Dictionnaire Étymologique de la langue latine,
Paris, Kincksieck (4 ediz.)... en particulier et des portes de Rome en
général, in Mélanges André Magdelain, Paris, LGDJ Montchrestien, pp.
Medea, Magic, and Modernity in France: Stages and Histories, 1553–1797.
Amy Wygant 2016 70 See Richard Griffiths, The Dramatic Technique of
Antoine de Montchrestien: Rhetoric and Style in French Renaissance ...
Glaukos is “light blue, a flash” in Greek , and the Greek s called Athena
the goddess “with the brilliant gaze,” glaukopis.
Medea, Magic, and Modernity in France: Stages and Histories, 1553–1797
Ms Amy Wygant 2013 What remains, then, and that which Corneille
sublimely translated as one word, "Moi," is redefined but five Γρ. s later as
what will ... So an ode on the Medee by Berruier tells of La Peruse going
to Greece, saving Euripides, and bringing him home to France (La Peruse,

Medee, ed... 70 See Richard Griffiths, The Dramatic Technique of Antoine

de Montchrestien: Rhetoric and Style in French Renaissance ...
MLN Τόμος 23 Σελίδα 174 1908 If they can be shown to have imitated the
Greek usage and to have done so after the manner of Seneca, another
indication will be ... Antoine (1578), La Troade (1579), Antigone (1580),
Les Iuifves (1583); Montchrestien, Sophoniabe (1596, republished in 1601
as La ...Four actors are here sufficient, for the enfans de Cleopatre are
considered as mutes, saying only, “Adieu, Madame,” and “Allons.
Modern Language Notes Τόμος 23 Σελίδα 174 1908 If they can be shown
to have imitated the Greek usage and to have done so after the manner of
Seneca, another indication will be ... (1573), Cornelie (1574), M. Antoine
(1578), La Troade (1579), Antigone (1580), Les Iuijves (1583);
Montchrestien, Sophonisbe (1596, ... 10 Four actors are here sufficient, for
the enfans de Cleopalre are considered as mutes, saying only, "Adieu,
Madame," and " Allons.
Modern Language Quarterly Τόμος 6 Σελίδα 239 1945 Le Comte, Edward
S. Endymion in England : The Literary History of a Greek Myth. New
York: King's Crown Press, Division of Columbia ... $3.75. Calkins, Gladys
Ethel. Antoine de Montchrestien : Les Lacenes, a Critical Edition. A
Paperbound Βιβ. s in Print Σελίδα 13 R.R. Bowker Company 1975
Anthologse de la litterature francaise, 2 vols. 2nd ed. Ed. by Henri Clouard
... 3.50x (ISBN 0-87536-232X) HRAFP Anthropology Language Science
in Educational Development LC 73-75746. (Orig.) 2.00 (ISBN ... Heath.
Antoine de Montchrestien: Two Tragedies. .... Apollo Eds. Apollo History
of Greece. Cyril E Robinson.
Progress of Mediaeval and Renaissance Studies in the United States
...James Field Willard, Samuel Harrison Thomson 1933 ALLEN, J. D.,
Portuguese wordformation : suffixes... N. Y. U. (W) ASHTON, J. R.,
Ovid's Heroides and their Greek translation as source material for the
General Estonia of Alfonso ... BINDER, CATHERINE, Antoine de
Montchrestien's Hector.
Progress of Medieval and Renaissance Studies in the United States ...1937
A Source Βιβ. for the History of the French Language, (with U. T.
Holmes). Schweitzer, J. W., Univ. Alabama, University, Ala. [493]
Georges de Scudiry's 'Almahide' : Authorship, Analysis, Sources and

Structure, Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Press, 162 pp... [497] Antoine de

Montchrestien's Aman... Latin & Greek , Univ.
Publications of the Faculty and Staff Τεύχος 6809 Σελίδα 79 1963 Texas
Foreign Language Association Bulletin W, 4 (December, 1963). ΒΙΒ.
REVIEWS ... ARTICLES “Four Modern Greek Poets.” Poetry (January,
1963). Dabney, Lancaster E. PLAYS EDITED Antoine de Montchrestien,
David. (Critical Ed.).
Racine and Seneca Σελίδα 169 Ronald W. Tobin 1971 La tragédie sans
tragique: Le néostoicisme dans l'Oeuvre de Pierre Corneille, Paris, 1966...
Montchrestien, Antoine de... Pratt, Norman T., Jr. Dramatic Suspense in
Seneca and in his Greek Precursors... "Major Systems of Figurative
Language in Senecan Melodrama," Transactions and Proceedings of the
American ...
Rhetoric: Readings in French Literature Σελίδα 257 Michael Hawcroft
1999 GRIFFITHS, R., The Dramatic Techmque of Antoine de
Montchrestien: Rhetoric and Style in French Renaissance ...
HAWCROFT, M., Word as Artion: Racine, Rhetoric, and Theatrical
Language Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1992)... KENNEDY, G. A., Tlu Art
of Persuasion in Greece (Princeton: SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY 257.
Shakespeare and Character: Theory, History, Performance and ...Paul
Yachnin, Jessica Slights 2009 ... by the suggestion of a "character" or a
fixed "type" — another word of typographic origin used to designate
"characters... Numerous writers offered up "characters"; these included
Claude Billard de Courgenay, Roland Brisset du Sauvage, ... Jacques
Grevin, Jean de Hays, Pierre Mathieu, Anthoine de Montchrestien,
Nicholas de Montreux, and Marc-Antoine Muret... of Lucian of Samosata,
a Roman-Syrian rhetorician of the Greek diaspora whose texts were used
in college curricula ...
Shakespeare and the French Borders of English Michael Saenger 2013 200.
51. Sr. De Montchrestien (probably Antoine de Montchrestien),
commendatory poem for Peter Erondell's The French Garden, 1605, sig...
Paula Blank, Broken English: Dialects and the Politics of Language in
Renaissance Writings,p. 66.
Studies in the Romance Languages and Literatures 1971 La tragedie sans
tragique: Le neostoicisme dans Fceuvre de Pierre Corneille, Paris, 1966...
Montchrestien, Antoine de... Pratt, Norman T., Jr. Dramatic Suspense in
Seneca and in his Greek Precursors... "Major Systems of Figurative

Language in Senecan Melodrama," Transactions and Proceedings of the

American ...
The Aberdeen University Calendar Σελίδα 64 University of Aberdeen 1919
'Mirabaud, Paul, and Reuterskiold, A. de... Modern language quarterly...
Source Βιβ. of the history of education for the Greek and Roman period.
New York 1901. Monson, Aug. D. J., 9th Baron. See Elers, Geo.
Montchrestien, Antoine de.
The Alcalde Οκτ. 1968 Σελίδα 20 Περιοδικό Memorial contributions may
be made to a graduate scholarship fund in Dr. Mackin's name through the
Geology Foundation of the ... of Classics, offering Latin and Greek , as
well as courses in classical civilization and a seminar in classical
archaeology... His publications include a critical edition of David by
Antoine de Montchrestien, Βιβ. s on Claude Billard and Βιβ. s on French
dramatic literature.
The Βιβ. seller Τεύχη 3367-3379 Σελίδα 59 1970 UniversaLCourse of
Lectures on the Theory of Language and (Priestley) SC8.318. facsim.of
1762c... 40/ Daily Express (5.70) Gen 85079 021 2 Greek Dialects and the
Transformation of an Indo-European Process ... Dramatic Technique of
Antoine De Montchrestien: Rhetoric and Stvle in French Renaissance
The Century Cyclopedia of Names: A Pronouncing and Etymological
...Benjamin Eli Smith 1895
The Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia: A Work of Universal Reference
...William Dwight Whitney, Benjamin Eli Smith 1897
The Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia: A Work of Universal Reference
...1895 This pitch was on the whole well maintained by Antoine de
Montchrestien, a man of a singular history and of a singular ...
Montchresticii wrote a treatise on Πολιτεία. l Economy (he is even said
tohave been the first to introduce the term into ...
The Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia: Cyclopedia of names 1906
The Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia: The Century cyclopedia of
The Century Dictionary: The Century cyclopedia ofnames ... ed. by ...1911
This pitch was on the whole well maintained by Antoine de Montchrestien,
a man of a singular history and of a singular ... Montchrestien wrote a

treatise on Πολιτεία. l Economy (he is even said to have been the first to
introduce the term into ...
The Chautauquan Τόμος 6 Σελίδα 606 1886 Antoine de Montchrestien, a
French poet and economist who lived in the seventeenth century. 9. That
such ... It is derived from the Greek work for amber, which as nearly as
can be represented in English letters was electron. 2. Dr. William ...
The Chautauquan Τόμος 6 Σελίδα 606 Theodore L. Flood 1886 Antoine de
Montchrestien, a French poet and economist who lived in the seventeenth
century. 9. That such ... I. It is derived from the Greek work for amber,
which as nearly as can be represented in English letters was electron. 2. Dr.
William ...
The dramatic technique of Antoine de Montchrestien: Rhetoric and
...Richard Griffiths 1970 For these writers spent all their time praising the
Greek dramatists, and comparing each other to Euripides, etc. Why, with
occasional ... Tragedy, for them, was just one more literary vehicle for the
'illustration' of the French language. Du Bellay's ...
The Eighteenth Century: A Current Bibliography Τόμος 18 Σελίδα 138
1992 The word Economic politique was coined as early as 1615 by Antoine
de Montchrestien and established a Γρ. between domestic husbandry (the
etymological meaning of Economics in Greek ) and government policy.
Even though the term ...
The Encyclopaedia Britannica: A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and ...1894
Writers of chap-Βιβ. s borrowed the story, which is again found on the
stage in Antoine de Montchrestien's tragedy of Hector (1603) — a ... of
Christianity, and the spirit of chivalry are strangely at variance with the
stories familiar to us in the language of imperial Rome... She soars long
over Greece before she is able to find her lover; at length she discovers that
he is going to wed the princess of Corinth.
The Encyclopaedia Britannica: a dictionary of arts, sciences, and ...Thomas
Spencer Baynes 1898 A dozen chanscns de geste Were translated into
Flemish towards the middle of the 13th century ; and Jacob von ...
Although Guido knew some Greek , he did not translate Dictys and Dares,
as some MSS. affirm, but reproduced the Raman de Troie of Benoit, and
so closely as to copy the errors of the latter and to give the name of Peleus
to Pelias, Jason's uncle. As the ... Writers of chap-Βιβ. s borrowed the story,
which is again found on the stage in Antoine de Montchrestien's tragedy
of ...

The Encyclopedia Britannica: Latest Edition: A Dictionary of Arts, ...1899

fuerza de la sangre Σελίδα 27 Michael G. Paulson, Tamara Álvarez-Detrell,
Alexandre Hardy 1984 Hardy appears very identity-conscious and assigns
each principal player a name. Leocadia ... Antoine de Montchrestien
borrowed the subject matter of La ... The latter work traces the theme to
Ancient India, Persia and Greece and shows one of its many variants in
the Oedipus legend and the unpunished murder of Laius (p.
The New Werner Twentieth Century Edition of the Encyclopaedia ...1907
The Publishers' Trade List Annual Τόμος 4 Σελίδα 342 1976
The Reader's Encyclopedia of World Drama Σελίδα 284 John Gassner,
Edward Quinn 2002 Indeed, while he reproduces in Greek Aristotle's
definition of tragedy. he adds his own: “A tragedy is the imitation of the ...
Antoine de Montchrestien (I575l62l) wrote Senecan tragedies decades
after Garnier's Bradamante. but the sixteenth ...
The Scottish Review Τόμος 18 Σελίδα 452 1891 In the number dated
September the 1st, considerable space is occupied by a sketch which M. de
Segonzac gives of his travels in the west of Africa... works, of Antoine de
Montchrestien. the inventor of the term ' Πολιτεία. l Economy ' and the
author of the first Mary Stuart tragedy... in the Greek mythology 1 and
what position did she occupy in, or what influence did she exercise, on, the
religious thought and ...
The sententiae in the dramas of Corneille Σελίδα 48 William Leonard
Schwartz, Clarence Byron Olsen 1939 Les malheurs que lon pleure
Reçoivent quelque allegement Et ne donnent tant de tourment. (G., Marc
Antoine... He employs them with discretion, which can hardly be said of
Seneca, Montchrestien, and Garnier... we find that the term cannot be used
with the same derogatory implications when applied to Corneille...
Although the sententiae of Corneille cannot be compared as regards
content with the profoundest of the Greek sententiae, it can be said that
Corneille comes close to ...
Theatre Τόμος 3 Σελίδα 172 1971 The Dramatic Technique of Antoine de
Montchrestien: Rhetoric and Style in French Renaissance Tragedy... Study
of the work of the French lawyer whose plays, adapted from Greek themes
... Examines theories of language and gesture as they are suggested in the
writings of Diderot and his contemporaries with special ...
Two French Biblical plays: Haman Σελίδα 110 Antoine de Montchrestien,
Perry Gethner 1990 Haman Antoine de Montchrestien, Perry Gethner.

NOTES TO ... Sextus Empiricus quotes a passage from an early Greek poet
named Critias which makes a similar argument (Adversus ... The word
paquet could mean "attack," as in the expressions "dresser un paquet" and
"adresser un paquet" noted in Huguet's dictionary.
Two Tragedies: Hector and La Reine d'Escosse Σελίδα 18 Antoine de
Montchréstien, Christopher Norman Smith 1972 Hector and La Reine
d'Escosse Antoine de Montchréstien Christopher Norman Smith ... The
extent to which Montchrestien counts on our being familiar with the story
is indicated by the host of names which are mentioned with never a word
of explanation... The Greek original, now lost, of De excidio Troiae
historia ( The History of the Fall of Troy) was probably written in the first
century a.d. ; in Latin ...
Two Tragedies: Hector and La Reine dEscosse Σελίδα 18. Antoine de
Montchrestien 2015 Hector and La Reine dEscosse Antoine de
Montchrestien ... counts on our being familiar with the story is indicated
by the host of names which are mentioned with never a word of
explanation... The Greek original, now lost, of De excidio Troiae historia
(The History ofthe Fall ofTroy) was probably writtenin the first centuryA.
Utopias and Realities of Urban Sustainable Development...Voula Mega,
Riccardo Petrella 1997 The first two words are of common Greek origin,
oi'kos, which describes a "household" including the entirety of its
inhabitants (young or old, ... The management of this household
represents the first sense of the word Economy, which by metonymy also
describes the ... In 1615, Antoine de Montchrestien published his Taité d
'Economie Politique this seems to have been the first time that this
terminology ...
Western Drama Through the Ages: A Student Reference Guide Kimball
King 2007 Molina, Tirso de, 279, 280, 282 Moll Cut-Purse (Dekker and
Middleton), 43 Monck, Nugent, 318 The Monkey Dance (Bhattacharya),
173 Monster (MacIvor), 139 Monstrous Regiment, 421 Montchrestien,
Antoine de, 56 Montdory, 55, ... ''concept'' music, 362; expressionist
devices within, 436–437; Gaelic, 178; Greek drama, 11; Indian drama,
161, 162, 163, 164; ... See also ballet, Russian; operas; specific musicals
by name Music Box Review (Berlin), 359 The Music Man (Willson),
361 ...
Western Drama Through the Ages: Theater movements and issues Kimball
King 2007 Molina, Tirso de, 279, 280, 282 Moll Cut-Purse (Dekker and

Middleton), 43 Monck, Nugent, 318 The Monkey Dance ... 173 Monster
(Maclvor), 139 Monstrous Regiment, 42 1 Montchrestien, Antoine de, 56
Montdory, 55, 59 Monteverdi, Claudio ... "compilation revue," 362-363;
"concept" music, 362; expressionist devices within, 436-437; Gaelic, 178;
Greek drama, 11; ... See also ballet, Russian; operas; specific musicals by
name Music Box Review (Berlin), 359 The Music Man (Willson), ...
Whitaker's Cumulative Βιβ. List: A Classified List of ...1970 Minnesota
P. (3.70) 8166 0546 7 Greek Πολιτεία. l Oratory.
A.N.W.Saunders. sC8.272... Dramatic Technique of Antoine De
Montchrestien: Rhetoric and Style in French Renaissance Tragedy.
D8.252. 60/ Oxf.U.P. (7.70) 19 815395 3 ...
Whitaker's Five-year Cumulative Βιβ. List Τόμος 2 Σελίδα 543 1968 30 9
Drama of Language: Essays on Goethe and Kleist (Burckhardt) M8.175,
£3.30 Johns Hopkins P (7.70) Lit 8018 1049 ... California P. (12.70) Ent
520 01624 6 Dramatic Technique of Antoine De Montchrestien: Rhetoric
and Style in French ...

Η λέξη Οικονομία

A General OutΓρ. of God's Economy and the Proper Living of a God-Man

Witness Lee 1998 We are here to read Your holy Word; in Your holy Word
there is life and light. We pray that You would release Your life and light
again.” A young brother may add something, saying, “O Lord, Your word
is Yourself. Therefore, when we read ...
African Dream Σελίδα 179 Suleman Chebe 2011 “The word Economy
comes from the Greek word 'oikonomia', which means the
management of household resources,” said Martin Dawda, a senior
policy adviser to the Ghana Government. I had met Mr Dawda in his office
at the Ministries, ...
All About Pagration (Pan+kratos): Ancient Greek Martial Art Σελίδα 608
Gregory Zorzos Γρηγόρης Ζώρζος 2009 Θυμίζουμε κάτι αντίστοιχο με
αυτά που έγραφε ο οικονομολόγος Finlay ότι δηλαδή η λέξη «οικονομία »
(Economy) δεν είναι ελληνική λέξη, αλλά αγγλική (sic). Πάντως μέσα σε
όλα αυτά έστω και έμμεσα παραδέχονται ότι οι αρχαίοι έλληνες ...

Basic Training Σελίδα 49 Many of us have been Christians for years, but
we have never heard a message on God's Economy. It is difficult to find a
Βιβ. in Christian Βιβ. stores with the word Economy in the title.
Nevertheless, this word Economy is the focal point of the ...
Bible Explorer's Guide: How to Understand and Interpret the Bible. John
Phillips The other extreme, of course, is to deny that there is any
dispensational teaching in the Bible. I shall try to avoid both pitfalls. The
Greek word for dispensation, oikonomia, refers to an act of
administering. It is derived from two words, oikos ("a ...
Bibliothecae historicae libri qui supersunt Τόμος 1 Σελίδα 308 Diodorus
(Siculus.) 1746 ... οικονομία :..
Common Innovation: How We Create the Wealth of Nations Σελίδα 27 G
M Peter Swann 2014 I am sure most readers need no reminder that the
English noun, 'Economy' ultimately derives from the Ancient Greek ,
οἰκονομία (hereafter, oikonomia). The word came into English from
French, into French from Latin, and into Latin from ...
Crucial Elements of God's Economy Witness Lee 2006 ECONOMY.
AND. GODΓΡ. SS. Scripture Reading: 1 Tim. 1:37; 3:1516;2:2;4:78;
ONLY FOR CHRIST AND ... The word Economy is commonly used
today as a financial term.
Darkness Before Dawn: Redefining the Journey Through Depression
Various Authors, Tami Simon 2015 TS In your Βιβ. Care of the Soul, you
introduce something you call “the Economy of the soul,” and I am curious
about how our experiences of the dark night might fit into that. TM When
I use the word Economy, I point to the various experiences ...
Economy Bible-NRSV Σελίδα 187 Hendrickson Publishers 2006 We
declare to you what was from the beginning, what we have heard, what we
have seen with our eyes, what we have looked at and touched with our
hands, concerning the word of life— 2this life was revealed, and we have
seen it and testify ...
Economy, Difference, Empire: Social Ethics for Social Justice Σελίδα 70
Gary Dorrien 2010 It was absurd to believe modern Bible scholars instead
of God's Word. Graham had flirted with that absurdity just before his
famous 1949 revival in Los Angeles. In a story he retold for the rest of his
life, he had read enough of Niebuhr and Karl ...

Elements of Πολιτεία. l Economy Σελίδα 297 Samuel Phillips Newman

1835 To illustrate this distinction, and shew more fully the meaning of the
word consumption, as it is applied to the appropriation of revenue, I offer
the following example : A farmer raises a hundred bushels of grain, which
is a part of his annual ...
Experiencing Rome: Culture, Identity and Power in the Roman Empire
Janet Huskinson 2013 It will not be a systematic Analysis of the Roman
Economy, but rather a collection of illustrations and a consideration of the
... It derives from the Ancient Greek word oikonomia, which meant
household or estate management, and this origin ...
God's New Testament Economy Σελίδα 23 Witness Lee 1986 [23] ΚΕΦ.
THE EARTH Scripture Reading: ... 4:1; 12:28 THE WORD'S
INCARNATION The first crucial item of God's New Testament Economy
is the incarnation of the Word.
How To Gain Wealth With Just One Word: Gene Geter 2013 I believe the
global Economy can't be fixed only by the governments, but the world just
needs to be more positive. The global Economy has been bad for quite
sometime because of the world's negative thinking about it. That people
are simply ...
Land and Privilege in Byzantium: The Institution of Pronoia Σελίδα
251Mark C. Bartusis 2013 Oikonomia When the posotes was used to
quantify an entire grant in aggregate, this is often expressed as “the posotes
of the oikonomia” of this or that person ... Gradually the word pronoia fell
from use, supplanted by a new word, oikonomia.
Life-Study of Ephesians: Messages 64-97, 3 Σελίδα 629 Witness Lee 1991
IMPORTANT TERMS Economy In relation to God's purpose, the word
Economy is unfamiliar to many Christians.
Long0-Term Outlook for the Word Economy. Σελίδα 32 ISSUES:
IN THE NEXT DECADE There are several distinct but interrelated
underlying currents in the international Economy, which will to a large
extent influence the growth ...
Oikonomia tou antropinou biou. (Oeconomia vitae humanae translata a.
...Philip Dormer Stanhope (Earl of Chesterfield graece) 1833 (Η λεξη!

αὐτῆς στήριγμα. ό ποῦς αὐτῆς δεν επιθυμιῖ' νὰ ίιπάγη περιπλανῶμενος.

Ένδύεται μὲ ὰπλότητα, τρέφεται μὲ ἔγκράτειαν, ή ταπείνωσις, καὶ ή
πραότης είναι τα;" στεφανος δόξης, ός,τις την περικυκλιόνει τὸ μέτισπον.
ΚΗ φωνὴ ...
Principles Of Πολιτεία. l Economy Σελίδα 779 Clasicos-Economia, John
Stuart 2012 Word. from. Project. Gutenberg. This file should be named
30107-pdf.pdf or This and all associated files of various
formats will be found in:
Updated editions will replace the previous ...
Stewardship & the Economy of God Σελίδα 115 John H. Reumann 2014
C H A P T E R V | Applying the Rediscovered Word “Stewardship” in
God's Economy Our quest began with a question: What is stewardship?
Just fund-raising, or a banner under which to try to integrate all of theology
and ethics and whatever ...
Syntax Within the Word: Economy, Allomorphy, and Argument Selection
...Daniel Siddiqi 2009 The goals of Syntax within the Word are three-fold.
The broadest of these goals is to propose a realization of this central
conflict within morphosyntactic theory. Minimalist tradition has included
a number of Economy constraints on the grammar ...
The Acquisition of Word Order: Micro-cues, information structure,
...Marit Westergaard 2009 Microcues, information structure, and
Economy Marit Westergaard ... study in Κεφ. s 5—9 are discussed in
terms of the syntactic model of word order that was outΓρ. d in Κεφ. 3, a
split-CP clause structure and a number of micro-cues.
The Creative Economy: How People Make Money from Ideas John
Howkins 2002 The word first appeared in the thirteenth century in the
same great trading cities in northern Italy which later invented doubleentry
Βιβ. keeping and issued the first patents. Since it was based on the Latin
for head, 'caput', it very probably has ...
The Divine Dispensing of the Divine Trinity Σελίδα 105 Witness Lee 1990
In the Gospel of John this word means reality... First of all, the word
dispensation is the noun form of the verb dispense... In this connotation
dispensation becomes an equivalent to the Greek word oikonomia, which
is anglicized into the ...
The Divine Economy Σελίδα 7 Witness Lee 1986 The matter of God's
Economy is greatly developed in Paul's writings. Ephesians is a Βιβ. on
God's eternal purpose to have the church as the Body of Christ. In such a

Βιβ. , Paul uses the word Economy (1:10; 3:2, 9). In Ephesians the
Apostle ...
The Economy and Dispensing of God Σελίδα 30 Witness Lee 1990 First
Peter 2:2 says, “As newborn babes, long for the guileless milk of the word,
that by it you may grow unto salvation.” Through regeneration, the ... In
other words, it is the word of God's Economy and dispensing. Most
Christians do not pay ...
The Economy of God Σελίδα 7 Witness Lee 2005 The word Economy
used in the title of this Βιβ. may sound somewhat strange to the reader.
“God's Economy” is a quotation from 1 Timothy 1:4. Economy is the
anglicized form of the Greek word oikonomia, which denotes primarily
a ...
The Economy of God and the Mystery of the Transmission of the Divine
...Witness Lee 2001 Truth is the word of God. It is not our words but the
word of the Bible. In John 17 the Lord Jesus prayed to the Father, saying,
“Sanctify them in the truth; Your word is truth” (v. 17). The Bible is an
extraordinary Βιβ. . The Four Βιβ. s and Five ...
The Economy of the Word: Language, History, and Economics Σελίδα 1
Keith Tribe 2015 ΚΕΦ. 1 Introduction: Not a Method, but a Grammar
Here I may notice a discussion that has been raised ... as to the pretensions
of Πολιτεία. l Economy to be regarded as a science at all. I certainly think
the language sometimes used by ...
The Elements of Constitutional Law and Πολιτεία. l Economy Σελίδα 84
Daniel Raymond 1840 Property is the only subject of value, and as property
alone constitutes individual wealth, those writers who confound national
and individual wealth have attached very great importance to the word
value, and have displayed a great deal of ...
The Free Word Order Phenomenon: Its Syntactic Sources and Diversity
Joachim Sabel, Mamoru Saito 2005 Introduction In this article, I discuss
the phenomenon of potentially derivationally ambiguous word orders in
languages ... Program, it is possible to restrict multiple derivations which
are compatible with one word order via Economy principles.
The Magazine of Domestic Economy Τόμος 2;Τόμος 1837 Σελίδα 129
1837 Ik examining the comparative merits of the labours of those who
contribute to the comforts of our domestic Economy, it will ... and the
degree of preparation they require, being regulated by the quality of the
intended " ware," which word ware is ...

The Moral Economy Σελίδα 20 John P. Powelson 2000 Finally, Κεφ. 1 2

constructs the moral Economy out of the solutions to the problems in part
1 and the institutions proposed in part 2. "Take Back the Word" Among
many definitions of "liberal" in Webster's Third International Dictionary,
the ...
The Satanic Chaos in the Old Creation and the Divine Economy for the
...Witness Lee 1992 Thus, we need to realize that when we were saved, the
divine Economy came into us. In the New Testament the word Economy,
an anglicized form of the Greek word oikonomia, is strongly used. For
instance, this word is used in Ephesians 3, ...
The Science of Πολιτεία. l Economy Σελίδα 217 Henry George 2006
Wealth as fixed in Progress and Poverty — Course of the scholastic
Πολιτεία. l Economy— The reverse method of this ... Value from
production " and " value from obligation " — The English tongue has no
single word for an article of wealth — Of ...
The World Situation and the Direction of the Lord’s Move Σελίδα 23
Witness Lee 1991 We have spoken much concerning God's Economy.
The word Economy is the Greek word oikonomia anglicized, which has
been translated intodispensationor stewardshipinthe New Testament. In the
Βιβ. ofEphesians, this Greek wordis used ...
Thy Kingdom Come: Overcoming in a Failing Economy Σελίδα 16
Origins of the Word “MONEY” The origin of the word “money” comes
from the Latin word “moneta”, which comes from the temple of Hera
Moneta where the Roman money came from in the early days of Rome. In
Greek language, “Hera Monetas means the lonely Hera(Monetes in Ionic
dialect ...
Variation and Change in Morphology: Selected papers from the 13th
...Franz Rainer, Wolfgang U. Dressler, Dieter Kastovsky 2010 Because
the optional ME found in Maay does not involve as many possible outputs
and because the relevant constraints (ECONOMY and BE-WORD) are not
locally violable, the A B A mechanism is not useful for Maay, so I will
rely ...
Αιρετικοί. Λεονάρδο Παδούρα 2015 ΑΙΡΕΤΙΚΟΣ: από την ελληνική λέξη
αιρετικός, επίθετο που προέρχεται από το ουσιαστικό αἵρεσις (διαίρεση,
επιλογή), ... όταν αναφέρεται σε κάποια κατάσταση [estar hereje]: σε
κατάσταση πολύ δύσκολη, ειδικά από πολιτική ή οικονομική άποψη.

Απλά μαθήματα οικονομίας: Θεόδωρος Π. Λιανός 2015 Οι συναλλαγές

γίνονται με τη μεσολάβηση του χρήματος. Πράγματι,η λέξη «συναλλαγή»
σημαίνει χρησιμοποίηση χρήματος, διαφορετικά πρόκειται για ανταλλαγή.
Όπως θα δούμεσε επόμενο κεφάλαιο, η μεγάλη χρησιμότητα του H
Από το ίδιο ποτήρι και άλλες ιστορίες: Μισέλ Φάις 2016 ... ηλεκτρόδια
στο κεφάλι και στο στήθος του αρχιαναστενάρη προκειμένου να μετρήσει
την ψυχική οικονομία της ακαΐας του... Όσες φορές στο ρεφρέν
επανέρχεται η λέξη «πατρίδα», ο Σταύρος λυγίζει σαν στραβοσουγιάς
σφίγγοντας το πνευστό ...
Γιατί ο Μάρξ είχε δίκιο: Terry Eagleton 2016 Στην αρχαία Ελλάδα, η
συγκεκριμένη λέξη αναφερόταν σε οποιαδήποτε δραστηριότητα των
ελεύθερων ανθρώπων, σε αντιδιαστολή προς τις δραστηριότητες των
δούλων. Ωστόσο μόνο η οικονομία υπό τη στενή έννοιά της θα μας
επιτρέψει να ...
Έξι φιλοσοφικές ζωγραφιές Χρήστος Γιανναράς 2011 Και έπιπλέον ή
συγκεκριμένη κατάδειξη των στοιχείων που καταγωγικά συγκροτούν τη
λέξη, κάθε άλλο παρά άκυρώνει ή ... τού Θεού, εις τρόπον ώστε η
οικονομία , ό τρόπος άποκαλύψεως τού Θεού εις τον άνθρωπον, ν'
αποτελέσει την βάσιν, την ...
Επανάσταση Δημήτρης Τζιώτης Και αν ένα πρώτο βήμα είναι η ανάπτυξη,
ναξεκαθαρίσουμε τι εννοούμε με τη λέξη ανάπτυξη. Τηνανάπτυξη την
φέρνουν οι άνθρωποι. Η οικονομία είναιοι άνθρωποι: Τα όνειρα κάθε
ανθρώπου, όταν γίνονται πραγματικότητα. Οικονομία είναι το ...
Επισκοπησεισ Δεκαετιων Του "αρχειου"τομων Α'μ' (1921-1960)
'Τπεβιβάσϋη λοιπόν ή οικονομική επιστήμη εις βοηθόν της οικονομικής
πολιτικής και έπανέζησεν, ύπο τάς έξειλιγμένας πλέον μορφάς του, ό
έμποροκρατισμός. Ή θεωρία της ... Πρέπει νά έννοη τά σύμβολα καί νά
όμιλη εις λέξεις....
Η ελευθερία του ήθους Χρήστος Γιανναράς 2002 Οπωσδήποτε, δεν είναι
έδώ ό χώρος για να δείξουμε το πώς στον βυζαντινό πολιτισμό ή τέχνη και
η οικονομία και η ... βάθος και το δυναμικό νόημα της λέξης πρόσλημμα,
όπως λειτουργεί αυτή η λέξη στην έρμηνεία τού χριστολογικού
δόγματος, ...
Η Οικονομικη Προβληματικη Τησ Κατανομησ Τησ Περιουσιασ Άλλα ή
ίδια παρέμεινε και ισχυροποιήθηκε μάλιστα στην έποχή τοΰ μυθικού
οικονομικού μας θαύματος... Οί λόγοι αύτοί βρίσκονται, για νά τό ποΰμε

μέ μια λέξη, στην ϊδια τή βιομηχανική διαδικασία αναπτύξεως. Ή

οικονομική πρόοδος δέν ...
Η στιγμή της στροφής για την ελληνική οικονομία : Σελίδα 517 Θεόδωρος
Κ. Πελαγίδης, Μιχάλης Μητσόπουλος 2014 Η διεθνής οικονομική κρίση
δημιούργησε ήδη ένα ριζικά διαφορετικό περιβάλλον για την ελληνική
οικονομία ... Αναλύσαμε με λεπτομέρεια επιμέρους ζητήματα ώστε να
«ξεψαχνίσουμε» (ναι, αυτή είναι η σωστή λέξη) την έννοια αυτή, να
φέρουμε ...
Η Τριλογία του Πολέμου: Δημήτριος Γληνός 2015 ... τα έργατικά και τα
έργοδοτικά συνδικάτα σε «συντεχνίες», για να ξαναγυρίσουμε στη
κλειστή οικονομία τού μεσαίωνα... ιδιοχτησία στα μέσα τής παραγωγής
και ή άτομική οικειοποίησ στα προϊόντα τής παραγωγής, με μια λέξη
εξασφαλίζεται τό ...
Καπιταλισμός εκτός νόμου: Η οικονομία του παρασκηνίου Marc Roche
Η οικονομία του παρασκηνίου Marc Roche ... η Ροζλίν Μπασλό, είχε
χαρακτηρίσει την Glencore «αλητήρια», γιατί, ως η βασική μέτοχος της
Metaleurop, έκλεισε χωρίς να πει λέξη το εργοστάσιο επανεπεξεργασίας
μετάλλων της ΝουαγέλΓκοντό, ...
Κοινωνια Και Οικονομια Στην Ελληνικη Λιθικη Εποχη Σελίδα 91
Μεταχειριζόμαστε τή λέξη Πρωτοέλληνες και όχι Προέλληνες, όπως
συνήθως τούς ονομάζουν, γιατί ή άνάγνωση τής γραμμικής γραφής, άπό
τούς Μ. … απόδειξε πώς οί κάτοικοι τής Κρήτης, τών Κυκλάδων και τής ...
Λευκή νύχτα Asa Larsson Από την πρώτη στιγμή, Όπως τότε που την
έβαλε να κάνει διάλεξη για την οικιακή οικονομία . Η Λίσα είχε
προσπαθήσει ν' αρνηθεί. Μα η Μίλντρεντ ήταν τόσο... επίμονη είναι μια
γελοία λέξη. Η Μίλντρεντ δεν μπορούσε να χωρέσει σε αυτήν τη λέξη.
Μιλώντας στην κόρη μου για την οικονομία : Γιάνης Βαρουφάκης 2014
Υπάρχουν μάλιστα ολόκληρα θρησκευτικά κείμενα που περιέγραφαν τον
«τοκετό του χρήματος» (απ' όπου ετυμολογικά προκύπτει και η λέξη
τόκος) σαν κάτι που γίνεται στην κοιλιά του όφεως (του φιδιού) που
παρέσυρε τον Αδάμ και την Εύα ...
Ο Οικονομικος Πινακας Του Quesnay Και Η Γενεση Της Πολιτικης
Οικονομιας. Παρά τήν καπιταλιστική διείσδυση στή γεωργία, ή
…εξακολουθεί άκόμα ν' άποτελεϊ το βασικό τομέα τής οικονομίας. ΊΙ ϊδια
ή λέξη οικονομία σημαίνει, έως τό 15ο αι., τη ((διαχείριση τοϋ οίκου»,
σύμφωνα μέ τον ...

Ο ράφτης του Ποσειδώνα: Ιωάννα Φραγκιά 2011 Δε σου είπε γιατί να

'χεις το χέρι σφιχτό» «Η οικονομία είναι απαραίτητη, ιερή, έτσι μου
έλεγε» «Ακριβώς, ιερή», πιάστηκε απ' τη λέξη ο ράφτης. «Σαν τα ιερά
βιβλία! Κι αν κάτι θα με βασανίζει, είναι που εγώ δεν έκανα το σωστό για
τη δική μου ...
Όλα σου τα 'μαθα μα ξέχασα μια λέξη: Δημήτρης Μπουραντάς 2016 Αυτά
αποτελούν τη θεμελιώδη αιτία που βρίσκεται πίσω από την πολιτική, το
συνδικαλισμό, την κοινωνική συνοχή, την οικονομία , την
επιχειρηματικότητα, την παιδεία, την υγεία, την κατανάλωση, την
παραγωγή και την καταστροφή του ...
Το ζητούμενο του ανθρώπου: Γιάννης Κιουρτσάκης 2016 Άς
ξαναπάρουμε τή λέξη «οικονομία », πού βρέθηκε τόσο συχνά στό κέντρο
της συζήτησής μας. Τό νά ακούσω τό κάλεσμά της σημαίνει νά πάω πολύ
πιό πίσω απ' όλες τίς κωδικοποιημένες σημασίες της, πιό πίσω και από
εκείνην πού ανέδειξε ...
Τρυφερή είναι η νύχτα Φ. Σ. Φιτζέραλντ «Κι εμείς κάναμε οικονομία »
είπε η Ρόζμαρι συνειδητοποιώντας ότι αυτή η λέξη σήμαινε άλλα
πράγματα για τη μια και άλλα για την άλλη. «Η μητέρα αναφερόταν
πάντοτε πολύ προσεχτικά σ' αυτό, ως ένα μικρό ξενοδοχείο...» Η Νικόλ
ξέσπασε στο ...

The Greek word Economy

A History of Economic Theory and Method: Fifth Edition Σελίδα 1 Robert

B. Ekelund, Jr., Robert F. Hébert 2006 Every aspiring economist, whether
amateur or professional, must sooner or later confront the fact that
Economics is a heterogeneous ... Greek antiquity gave us the word
Economics, but restricted its meaning to household management.
Roman ...
A House for Hope: The Promise of Progressive Religion for the ...John
Beuhrens, Rebecca Ann Parker 2010 The Greek word oikos (house) is
the root of the word “Economy.” Instead ... She suggests that Godopposes
Economic models that maintain an unjust status quoand instead offers gifts
and makes investments that disrupt thestaid orderofthings, ...
A Householder's Guide to the Universe: A Calendar of Basics for the
...Harriet Fasenfest 2010 The Greek word oikonomos, from which our
word “Economy” is derived, translates literally as “one who manages a

household,” ... Do true Economies, original Economies, exist most

honestly within our land, our homes, and our households?
A Modern Chinese Journey to the West: Economic Globalization and
Dualism Ulric Killion 2006 Therefore, in terms of modern China and
Economic globalization, an additional potential problem is that China's
ontological base may also be Πολιτεία. lly motivated, because ideology
and culture will influence the Economic growth and directional
development of China's Πολιτεία. l Economy... The nomenclature of
philosophy comes from the Greek word meaning "love of wisdom,"
which evolved into special ...
African Dream Σελίδα 179 Suleman Chebe 2011 “The word Economy
comes from the Greek word 'oikonomia', which means the management
of household resources,” ... I asked Martin Dawda why he thought most
African countries have so far failed the dreams and Economic aspirations
of ...
An Environmental History of the World: Humankind's Changing Role in
...J. Donald Hughes 2002 It is a beautiful word in Greek , and is used by
ecologists in some European languages, but it looks and sounds formidable
in ... Economics, trade, and world politics are regulated, whether humans
wish it or not, and whether or not they are ...
An Introductory Dictionary of Theology and Religious Studies Orlando O.
Espín, James B. Nickoloff 2007 390 ECONOMY within the neoclassical
Economic tradition, the bishops assumed that members of capitalist
societies could ... ECONOMY Derived from the Greek word "oikos" or
"house," the word Economy shares the same root as the words ...
Ancient Greece and Rome: Demeter-Law, Roman Σελίδα 24 Carroll
Moulton 1998 Most Economic activity in Ancient Greece centered on
providing people with food, shelter, and the other necessities of daily life.
In fact, our word Economy comes from the Greek word oikonomia,
meaning the management of the household.
Beyond Homelessness: Christian Faith in a Culture of Displacement
Steven Bouma-Prediger, Brain J. Walsh 2008 51 This is a view of
Economic life that is rooted in the most Ancient meaning of the very word
Economy. The Greek word oikonomia has to do with the “rules”(nomos)
of the “household” (oikos). Oikonomia “means the management
(nomos), ...

Bust: Greece, the Euro and the Sovereign Debt Crisis Matthew Lynn 2010
In Bust: Greece, the Euro, and the Sovereign Debt Crisis, leading market
commentator Matthew Lynn blends financial history, politics, and current
affairs to tell the story of how one nation rode the wave of Economic
prosperity and brought a ...
Christianity and Earthkeeping: In search of an inspiring vision Ernst
Marais Conradie 2011 The English words “Economics”, “ecumenics,”
and “ecology” all share the same root and reference... And if English had
adopted the Greek word for steward (oikonomos), we would immediately
recognize the steward as the trustee, the ...
Common Innovation: How We Create the Wealth of Nations Σελίδα 27 G
M Peter Swann 2014 I am sure most readers need no reminder that the
English noun, 'Economy' ultimately derives from the Ancient Greek ,
οἰκονομία (hereafter, oikonomia). The word came into English from
French, into French from Latin, and into Latin from Greek .1 However,
there is a substantial difference between the ... By contrast, 'Economy'
refers to a very large-scale, or macro-Economic unit – the Economy as a
Congregational Revival for America's Heartland Σελίδα 154 Lauren R. Ley
Introduction With a “prophetic vision”, William McBane, who ... It is
worth recalling that the Anglo word Economy has a Greek etymology as
well, economos which literally refers to the ...
Cyprus Company Laws and Regulations HandΒιβ. Σελίδα 14 Usa Ibp Usa
2009 ... a copper-colored silhouette of the island (the name Cyprus is
derived from the Greek word for copper) above two green ... Economy's
reliance on tourism, which often fluctuates with Πολιτεία. l instability in
the region and Economic conditions in ...
Dictionary of Ethics, Theology and Society Σελίδα 267 Paul A. B. Clarke,
Andrew Linzey 2013 ECONOMY The word 'Economy' is derived from
two Greek words, oikos and nomos, which together refer to the ordering
of the household (Meeks 1989). Economic life, in Ancient Greek society,
fundamentally centred around the management ...
Dictionary of Untranslatables: A Philosophical Lexicon Σελίδα 243
Barbara Cassin, Emily Apter, Jacques Lezra 2014 By way of the link with
oikos, however, the word “Economy” continues to carry the mark of its
origins, though confined to material tasks and day-to-day subsistence. I.

Économie and Economy The words économie and “Economy” come

from the Greek oikonomia, which means the ... The field has a technical
character: a text on Economics will most often contain figures and symbols
of physical magnitudes.
Earth Democracy: Justice, Sustainability and Peace Σελίδα 13 Vandana
Shiva 2006 Mahatma Gandhi1 The word Economics is derived from the
Greek word oikos, meaning home. Home is where one is born, grows up,
and is looked after. Mathew Fox wrote, "Our true home is the universe
itself." Robert Frost observes...
Earthly Necessities: Economic Lives in Early Modern Britain, 1470-1750
Keith Wrightson 2002 Economies: structures. and. roles. When sixteenth-
century people used the term 'oEconomy', they employed the word in its
original Greek sense to mean the management of household affairs. The
notion of an Economy or the Economy in the ...
Ecological Economics: An Introduction Michael Common, Sigrid Stagl
'oikos' is the origin of the 'eco' in both ecology and Economics. Oikos
means household. Ecology is the study of nature's housekeeping, and
Economics is the study of housekeeping ...
Ecological Economics: concepts and methods Σελίδα 27 Malte Michael
Faber, Reiner Manstetten, John L. R. Proops 1996 Within the name
'Ecological Economics' we find the Greek word 'oikos' twice. The
meaning of 'oikos' is house. Since Aristotle (1984:38ff1253blff)
Economics is the science of the 'oikonomia', i.e. the science of all
problems concerning the ...
Ecological Restoration of Southwestern Ponderosa Pine Forests Peter
Friederici 2003 Economics. P. J. Daughertv. and. Garv. B. Snider. Forest
restoration in the Southwest has not yet reached a scale that could produce
truly ... The word Economics, like the word ecology, takes its root from
the Greek oikos, meaning household.
Economic and Social History of Ancient Greece: An Introduction. M. M.
Austin, Pierre Vidal-Naquet 1980 It follows that to study the place
occupied by the Economy in a society of this kind one cannot apply the
concepts and terminology of modern Economies, for these apply only to
the world for which they have been created. To replace modern ...
Economic Anthropology Σελίδα 18 Chris Hann, Keith Hart 2011
Economy from the Ancient World to the Age of the Internet English

dictionaries reveal a number of separate but overlapping ... Economy as

Household management The word 'Economy', as we have noted, comes
from a Greek word meaning ...
Economic Emancipation: The Crisis of a Christian Value System and
...Albert Okechukwu Ikpenwa 2011 The Crisis of a Christian Value
System and the Alienation of the Human Person in a Globalized Economy
: Global and ... of salvation to “the Greek word mysterion” which “was
translated into Latin by two terms: mysterium and sacramentum.
Economic History of Greece: Greek Drachma, Economic History of
...LLC Βιβ. s 2010 Please note that the content of this Βιβ. primarily
consists of articles available from Wikipedia or other free sources onΓρ. .
Economic Structures of Antiquity Morris Silver 1995 The Economy of
the Ancient Middle East and Greece is reinterpreted by Morris Silver in
this provocative new synthesis.
Economics After the Crisis: An Introduction to Economics from a ...Irene
van Staveren 2014 An Introduction to Economics from a Pluralist and
Global Perspective Irene van Staveren ... Others recognise a broader role
for Economics as studying the provisioning of the oikos, the classical
Greek word for household: the oikos as the ...
Economics as Literature Σελίδα 123 William Henderson 2006 He insists
that the Economic world and its 'true' regulation can only be created by
imaginative force... The word 'Economy' is derived from oikonomia, a
Greek word suggesting the management of a household (Heinzelman,
1980: ix). Ruskin is ...
Economics Explained Σελίδα 20 1991 An Economy has a working
population of 800 men who can only produce two goods, X and Y. All
other resources are specific to ... Economics is a word having its roots in
the Greek oikonomos which is a combination of two other Greek words.
Economics of Agro-based Industries: A Study of Kerala Σελίδα 161 M. K.
Ramachandran 2009 Certainly, no under developed Economy can achieve
real Economic progress without widespread use of appropriate technology.
Etymologically, the word 'technology' comes from Greek where it meant
the study of system treatment based on ...
Economics of Cult in the Ancient Greek World: Proceedings of the
...Tullia Linders, Brita Alroth 1992 What we cannot see is whether such
workshops had an additional, 'surplus', production also for 'secular' needs

or whether they were producing exclusively for the sanctuaries. On the

Greek mainland, the so-called Cult Centre of Mycenae ...
Economics of Intangibles Σελίδα 10 Gary Zatzman, Rafiqul Islam 2007
Introduction Economics as a science in the "Western", i.e., European,
canons of knowledge originates in the Greek word and ... Each of them
transformed the grammar and meaning of the word "Economy" in the
English language with their ...
Economics of religion in the Mycenaean world: resources dedicated to
...Lisa Maria Bendall 2007 This Βιβ. asks a simple question: What
proportion of the resources available to the palaces was directed towards
support for religion?
Economics: dealing with scarcity Σελίδα 15 Dale M. Sievert 1991
Economic Thought from Ancient to Medieval Times 10 In 400 B.C. the
Ancient Greek s produced the first significant writings on Economics. In
fact, the word Economics has its base in a Greek word, "oikonomos."
Essentially, it means ...
Economics: Ideas and Men Σελίδα 3 Fon Wyman Boardman 1966 Over
the centuries Economic life has continued to get more and more complex...
Our English-language word "Economy" comes from Latin and Greek
words meaning household management, and, as we shall see in the next
Κεφ. , the ...
Economyths: How the Science of Complex Systems is Transforming
...David Orrell 2010 How the Science of Complex Systems is
Transforming Economic Thought David Orrell. ΚΕΦ. . 2. THE.
CONNECTED. ECONOMY. The pernicious love of gambling diffused
itself through society, and bore all public and nearly all private virtue
before it. Charles Mackay ... Today, Democritus is best known for his
theory that matter is made up of atoms, named after the Greek word
atomos for indivisible.
Egypt, Greece, and Rome: Civilizations of the Ancient Mediterranean
Charles Freeman 2014 It is only since the 1970s that what little has
survived in Greek sources about working the land has been correlated with
the ... Mee, Greek Archaeology: A Thematic Approach, Oxford and
Malden, Mass., 2011; and for the Ancient Greek Economy in general,
Κεφ. s 12 to 14 in Walter Scheidel et al. (eds.), The Cambridge Economic
History of the Greco-Roman World, Cambridge and New York, 2007.

Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece Σελίδα 249 Nigel Wilson 2013 The

modern concept of a national Economy is far removed from the origins of
the term itself. Modern economists have developed abstract and analytic
concepts and built up mathematical models to measure and quantify
Economic activities.
Entrepreneurship Σελίδα 72 David Stokes, Nicholas Wilson, Martha
Mador 2010 Entrepreneurial activity is enabled when the right kind of
Economic conditions are in place. We discuss the nature of these ... The
meaning of the Greek word Economy is literally 'one who manages a
household'. It is associated with the means ...
Environmental Economics and Investment Assessment Σελίδα 21 K.
Aravossis 2006 Economic investments are usually accompanied by actions
that could not easily be characterized as environmentally friendly, while
the ... The “eco” part of each word stands for the ultimate evidence, as it
derives from the Greek word “home”.
Environmental Economics: A TextΒιβ. Σελίδα 71 Karpagam M. 1999 —
Isavasya Upanishad he last few Κεφ. s analysed the Economics of
environmental issues. The impact of Economic ... The word “ecology” is
derived from the Greek word “Oikos” meaning 'house' or place to live.
Literally, ecology is the study ...
Evolutionary Foundations of Economic Science: How Can Scientists
...Yuji Aruka 2014 How Can Scientists Study Evolving Economic
Doctrines from the Last Centuries? ... The word 'Economy' can be traced
back to a Greek word: oikonomia. oikos means 'home', while nomos
means 'law', hence Economy was historically ...
Experiencing Rome: Culture, Identity and Power in the Roman Empire
Janet Huskinson 2013 It will not be a systematic Analysis of the Roman
Economy, but rather a collection of illustrations and a consideration of the
themes... However, modern Economic terms such as per capita income,
gross domestic product, balance of payments and the like are not words
that ... It derives from the Ancient Greek word oikonomia, which meant
household or estate management, and this origin provides its first ...
Forest Resource, Economy, and Environment Σελίδα v Anil K. Singh,
Virendra Kumar Kumar, Jagadish Singh 1987 The long-term, indirect
Economic benefits of the protective function of the forests are staggering
indeed. In order to ... Like ecology the word "Economics" is derived from
the Greek root "oikos" (meaning 'household'), and the "nomics" means ...

Fowler's Concise Dictionary of Modern English Usage Σελίδα 201 Jeremy

Butterfield 2016 201 Economic non-standard, though common informally
in BrE as well as AmE, especially when followed by a comparison with as:
... An earlier spelling oecology, reflecting its origin in the Greek word
oikos meaning 'house' (the same root as in Economy), is hardly ever
used... 1 These are both adjectives answering to the word Economy:
Economic in the meanings 'relating to Economics' and 'frugal, ...
From the Ashes of Capitalism Σελίδα 22 Stuart Dobson, Sean Hurley 2016
Growth. Economy. is. an. Anti-Economy. Economic inequality,
diminishing global resources, environmental degradation, ... Coming from
the Greek word oikonomos “management of a household” from oikos
“house” + nomos “managing” hence ...
Fundamental Business Economics Σελίδα 227 C M du Toit, A P du Plessis,
J D Nortje 2014 In this Κεφ. an answer is sought to the question: How
can we define the identity of business Economics in scientific terms ...
importance, 'Economics' can be traced back to the Greek word
oekonomus, which originally meant housekeeping.
Global Sustainable Development and Renewable Energy Systems Olla,
Phillip 2012 The world is entering a very precarious period with
significant environmental, energy, and Economic challenges. There have
been some very interesting linkages and comparisons between the
Economy and the environment (Yale, 2011a)... “Eco” is derived from the
Greek word, oikos, meaning house, or household.
God the Economist: The Doctrine of God and Πολιτεία. l Economy M.
Douglas Meeks The Doctrine of God and Πολιτεία. l Economy M.
Douglas Meeks ... They view Economics as a genuinely modern science,
in part because they study constructs, such as the ... The Greek word from
which we derive Economy, oikonomia, ...
HandΒιβ. on the Geopolitics of Business Σελίδα 36 Joseph Mark S. Munoz
2013 Diasporas have become increasingly important in driving Πολιτεία.
l and Economic ties between their countries of origin (COO) and their
countries of residence (COR)... “Diaspora” is derived from a Greek word
meaning “a scattering or sowing of seeds” and refers to the spread of a
House of Disciples: Church, Economics, and Justice in Matthew Michael
H. Crosby 2004 Church, Economics, and Justice in Matthew Michael H.

Crosby ... Psalm 24 begins, “The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof,
the world and those who dwell therein; for he has founded it upon ... In the
Septuagint, the Greek word for the ...
How the Dismal Science Got Its Name: Classical Economics and the
...David M. Levy 2001 Classical Economics and the Ur-text of Racial
Politics David M. Levy ... When we, in the waning of the twentieth century,
discuss a nineteenth-century proposal to apply a Greek word to the
discipΓρ. , we might worry if we catch the full meaning ...
IFDA dossier Τεύχη 63-74 Σελίδα 47 1988 The ignorance or neglect of
these vital Economies of natural resources processes and survival has been
the reason why ecological ... The words ecology and Economy have
emerged from the same Greek word 'oikos' or the household.
Indian Banking in Electronic Era Σελίδα 1 S.S. Kaptan 2003 The world
'bank' is itself derived from the Greek word 'banque' i.e. a bench...
Consequently, the working of commercial banks must be flexible to enable
them to face new Economic problems and policy to play their useful role
in the Economy.
Industrial Economics and Management Principles Σελίδα 24 Dr. Rajan
Mishra 2008 These terms were first coined and used by Ragnar Frisch and
have now been adopted by the economists all the world over. The term
Micro Economics is derived from the Greek word mikros, meaning
“small” and the term Macro Economics is ...
Industrial Economics and Principles of Management Σελίδα 1 2009 The
word Economics is derived from the Ancient Greek word Oikonomia
which means household management. It implies that Economics is that
domain of knowledge which is concerned with the management of wants
by households. However ...
Inside Capitalism; An Introduction to Πολιτεία. l Economy Σελίδα 5 Paul
Phillips 2007 One of the main things that distinguishes Πολιτεία. l
Economy from orthodox, mainstream Economics is its inclusion of power
in analyzing contemporary Canadian capitalism. The Intellectual Roots of
Πολιτεία. l Economy The Greek word ...
Intellectual History of Economic Normativities Σελίδα 75 Mikkel Thorup
2016 However, as the list indicates, in defining the key concepts of
Πολιτεία. l Economy, Maifreda clearly has the Πολιτεία. l ... The
standard explanation has it that Economy originates from the Greek word
oikonomia, coming from oikos: house, and ...

J. C. Kumarappa: Mahatma Gandhi's Economist Σελίδα 58 Mark Lindley

2007 Some Theoretical Background This Τμ. is for readers unversed in
the history of Western writing about Economics... A nice aspect of this
ploy would have been that the word "Economy" is derived from an
Ancient Greek word for "household.
Jesus Movement: A Social History Of Its First Century Σελίδα 16
Ekkehard Stegemann, Wolfgang Stegemann 1999 Oikonomia Although
it is true that the term Economy is derived from the Greek word
oikonomia, in Ancient Greek linguistic ... Naturally, Economic matters
are implied, but only in the sense that the administration of an Ancient
household also ...
Leading from the Emerging Future: From Ego-System to Eco-System
...Otto Scharmer, Katrin Kaufer 2013 From Ego-System to Eco-System
Economies Otto Scharmer, Katrin Kaufer ... Transforming our current
egosystem Economy into an emerging eco-system Economy means
reconnecting Economic thinking with its real root, which is the ...
Living Earth: A Short History of Life and Its Home Evan G. Nisbet 2012
The word 'Economy' is rootedinthe Greek concept of stewardship
ofthehome, but modern Economic theory has little to sayabout
stewardship. It assumes resourcesare tobe developed, without thoughttothe
stewardship of the planet. In contrast ...
Long-Term Integration of Renewable Energy Sources into the European
...The LTI-Research Group 1998 and energy is subject to Economic
exploitation in industrialised countries than in countries of the third world,
... rational and frugal housekeeping proper division of provisions: these are
the original meanings of the word "Economy" in Greek .
Managing in a Five Dimension Economy: Ven Matrix Architectures for
...G. D. Venerable, II, Greenwood 2009 CHEMISTRY, ECONOMICS
INTEGRATION The word "Economics" came into the English language
by way of the Greek roots oiko (house) and nomos (management), giving
us the ...
Measuring Welfare Beyond Economics: The Genuine Progress of Hong
...Claudio O. Delang, Yi Hang Yu 2015 However, the GPI alone does not
determine whether past and present Economic activities and the benefits
they bring, are ... The word 'Economy', originating from the Greek word
'oikonomia', is defined as 'the management of the household' ...

Mind of Society Σελίδα 23 Provencal, 2013 In its usual definition, an

Economic system comprises all those activities of a human collectivity
which concern the production and the consumption of goods. The word
"Economy" is made up of two Greek words: "oikos" meaning "house,"
and ...
Money and Faith: The Seabury Βιβ. srch for Enough Σελίδα 21 Michael
Schut 2008 God's Economy For that world to become a reality we need an
Economy to help us get there. The one most of the world follows ...
Economics, in Greek oikonomia, is the management of the household.
Theologians stress that the heart of a ...
Nurturing the Prophetic Imagination Σελίδα 94 Jamie Gates, Mark Mann
2012 It uses the word “Economy” according to its original meaning.
“Economy” derives from the Greek word oikonomia, which means to
manage the household of the planet according to the creational order. In
this way of seeing Economics, spiritual ...
Oikonomikos 1998
Pocket Fowler's Modern English Usage Robert Allen 2008 The word is
derived from French (ultimately from échelle meaning 'ladder'), and it has
developed in the same way in that language too... An earlier spelling
oecology, reflecting its origin in the Greek word oikos meaning 'house'
(the same root as in Economy), is hardly ever used... 1 These are both
adjectives answering to the word Economy: Economic in the meanings
'relating to Economics' and 'frugal, ...
Πολιτεία. l Economy Σελίδα xv Daniel Usher 2008 Πολιτεία. l Economy
is the original name for Economics, abandoned a hundred years ago for the
simpler term “Economics” because the content of the subject had
narrowed. The word “Economy” is derived from a Greek word meaning
“the ...
Πολιτεία. l Economy, ideology, and the impact of Economics on the
...Derrick K. Gondwe 1992 7 Toward a People-Centered Πολιτεία. l
Economy The word Economics comes from a Greek word meaning the
management of a household. The family was the original Economic
institution, whose basic purpose was to provide the basic ...
Reciprocity in the Third Millennium: Money or the structure of ...Derek
Queisser de Stockalper 2016 The Emergence of Economic Rules
“Economics is the science that studies human behavior as a relationship

between ends and scarce means that have alternative uses.” 15 The word
Economy can be traced back to the Greek word ...
Render Unto God: Economic Vulnerability, Family Violence, and ...James
Newton Poling 2012 Economic Vulnerability, Family Violence, and
Pastoral Theology James Newton Poling ... The word Economy can
probably be traced back to the Greek word oikonomos, “one who manages
a household,” derived from oikos, “house,” and ...
Routledge International Encyclopedia of Women: Global Women's Issues
...Cheris Kramarae, Dale Spender 2004 Poverty, female-headed
households and sustainable Economic development. Westport, Conn ... It
is fundamentally an Economic concept; in fact, the English word
“Economy” derives from oikonomos, the Greek word for “managing
Social and Economic Life in Second Temple Judea Σελίδα 13 Samuel L.
Adams 2014 The Greek word oikonomia, referring to the structure and
maintenance of the household and its property (oikos means “house,” and
nomos means “law/rule”), is the noun from which the English word
“Economy” derives. Certain texts from the ...
Social Theory: Its Origins, History, and Contemporary Relevance Daniel
W. Rossides 1998 The specialization and insufficiency of the Greek
Economy forced Greek s to engage in extensive market relations, that is, it
forced them ... How can we understand the visible world without the aid of
ad hoc forces conjured up with word magic?
Studying Economics Brian Atkinson, Susan Johns 2001 The word comes
from the Greek word meaning few, and oligopolistic industries are
characterised by having only a few firms. There are many examples. The
oil business is dominated by a few very large firms such as Esso, Shell and
The “New Culture”: From a Modern Perspective Σελίδα 32 Weiping Sun,
Mingcang Zhang 2015 From the ethical and moral point of view to look
at Economy, to develop Economy is to maximize profit, and therefore is
... and takes individual interests as the supremacy for human existence and
development, and Economic goals as the ... In the market competition,
people often forget a basic fact that the word “Economy” in the West is
derived from the Greek word oikonomia “household management.
The Ancient Economy Moses I. Finley 1973

The Ancient Economy Σελίδα 17 Moses I. Finley 1999 Economy. In 1742

Francis Hutcheson, Professor of Philosophy in the University of Glasgow
and teacher of Adam Smith, ... The word "Economics", Greek in origin,
is compounded from oikos, a household, and the semantically complex
root, ...
The Ancient Greek s: New Perspectives Σελίδα 91 Stephanie Lynn Budin
2004 word Economics comes from the Greek Oikonomikos, referring to
the orderly running of a household. Xenophon's essay Oikonomikos
concerned the smooth functioning of an Athenian nobleman's idealized
household. More in Γρ. with the ...
The Corporate Financiers: Williams, Modigliani, Miller, Coase, ...C. Read
2014 When one mentionsthe word “finance” toan interested and engaged
listener, there can beone of many different reactions... The term
Economics isderived from the Greek word oikos, meaning
environmentbut also referring toone's house orlife.
The Economics of Happiness: Building Genuine Wealth Σελίδα 233 Mark
Anielski 2007 Chrematistics: An Ancient Greek term which literally
means the art of money-making or the science of wealth (e.g. riches). CIW:
Canadian Index of Well-being. Common Wealth: This phrase (or “the
commonweal”) incorporates the old meaning ...
The Economics of the Mishnah Σελίδα 13 Jacob Neusner 1990
Distributive Economics, resting on status and preferment, competed with
market Economics because of the advent, in the Near and Middle East, of
Greek , then Roman, government. The GrecoRoman world was one of
private ownership, while ...
The Economy of the Word: Language, History, and Economics Keith
Tribe 2015 Κεφ. 2 examines how the Greek term oikonomía became the
root from which the modern concept of 'Economy' ... The account is by no
means comprehensive; indeed, it would amount to a total history of
Economic writing if it were, and that ...
The Greek and Latin Roots of English Σελίδα 142 Tamara M. Green 2008
ECONOMICS Although the ownership of real property remained the
aristocratic standard of wealth until the end of ... to the Greek s and the
Romans, but lucrative trade, commerce, and speculative investment
flourished in the classical world.
The Idea of Being Indians and the Making of India: According to the
...George Varuggheese 2013 The etymology of the word, 'Economy'

which had its origin in the Greek root word, 'oikomenein' meaning, 'to
manage Earth as ... Sen' s point Of view that 'human capability expansion'
is crucial to the understanding Of Economy and Economics.
The International HandΒιβ. of Gender and Poverty: Concepts, ...Sylvia H.
Chant 2011 Until recent years, these gendered talents escaped the notice
of economists and Economic historians who rather focused on the ... The
term 'Economy' originates with the Greek word for 'household
management' and we can better understand ...
The Invisible Hand: Art in the transition to another Economy Σελίδα 5
Charlie Tims, Shelagh Wright 2013 John Maynard-Keynes The word
Economy is derived from the Greek words Ecos meaning 'house' and
Nomia meaning 'counting'... Economic growth is the maxim of politics,
pushing all other stories of progress into the shade. If GDP isn't ...
The Limits of Hospitality Σελίδα 153 Jessica Wrobleski 2012 ... metric
one, indicating a lack of confidence in the United States' Πολιτεία. l
leadership rather than in its Economic viability... out that the word
”Economy” comes from the Greek word oikos, which is generally
translated ”household” in English.
The Oxford Companion to Classical Civilization Simon Hornblower,
Antony Spawforth, Esther Eidinow 2014 One should therefore speak of
Greek Economies rather than the Greek Economy, and for simplicity's
sake it is convenient to divide ... Our 'Economy' is derived from the
Ancient Greek word oikonomia, but this meant originally and usually
the ...
The Practices of Happiness: Πολιτεία. l Economy, Religion and
Wellbeing John R Atherton, Ian Steedman, Elaine Graham 2010 The early
Greek word for stewardship, oikonomia, plays a prominent part in the
Greek New Testament in Christian tradition in terms of illustrating moral
and Economic adequacy. It provides the root word for Economics, as
managing the ...
The Provoked Economy: Economic Reality and the Performative Turn
Fabian Muniesa 2014 Economic Reality and the Performative Turn Fabian
Muniesa. times. Take the word ... apractice. in the words Ancient Greek
etymology over. afact«. This probably paved the way for attractive
although basically mild understandings of ...
The World of the New Testament: Cultural, Social, and Historical ...Joel
B. Green, Lee Martin McDonald 2013 The cognateterm “Economics,”

therefore, designates the study of Economies and Economic activity. The

modern English word “Economy” derives from the Ancient Greek word
oikonomia,a term that in antiquity usually designated household ...
Tools and Tactics for Operations Managers (Collection) Randal Wilson,
Arthur V. Hill, Hillel Glazer 2013 Stern Stewart & Company owns a
registered trademark for the name EVA for a brand of software and
financial ... The word “Economics” is from the Greek for house ( = oikos)
and custom or law ( = nomos); in other words, Economics is about the ...
Tourism Studies and the Social Sciences Σελίδα 105 Andrew Holden 2004
illustrate the relationship between politics and Economics; outΓρ. the key
theoretical perspectives of development; ... A Greek word, it was
originally used in Ancient times to refer to the dominance of one state or
ruler over another.
Trade in the Ancient Economy Σελίδα 1 Peter Garnsey, Keith Hopkins,
C. R. Whittaker 1983 For Johannes Hasebroek's two Βιβ. s were, as Finley
observed, 'the most controversial twentieth-century works in Greek
Economic history'; and though in his own contribution to the conference
Finley did not aim to 'defend the whole ...
Who Cooked Adam Smith’s Dinner?: A Story About Women and
Economics Katrine Marcal 2015 A Story About Women and Economics
Katrine Marcal ... And if Economics is the science of selfinterest, how does
woman fit in? The answer is that man has ... Even though the word
'Economy' comes from the Greek oikos, which means home, ...
Word Histories and Mysteries: From Abracadabra to Zeus Σελίδα 84
Editors of the American Heritage Dictionaries 2004 The word Economy
can be traced back to the Greek word oikonomos, "one who manages a
household," derived from ... of our word Economy, found in a work
possibly composed in 1440, is "the management of Economic affairs," in
this case, ...

Μάρξ και Αριστοτέλης

allgemeines repertorium Σελίδα 533 CHRISTIAN BECK 1823 ... erneuert:

Explanentur comparenturque inter se Piatonis et Aristotelis placita de
ratione constituendarum regendarum... Marx in gr. Fol. herausgegeben. Es
enthalt: 1. Pläne des schönen Suuls, nach der Lobrede Luciana (Lucians
Werke ...

Anabasis: With an InterΓρ. ar Translation, for the Use of Schools

...Xenophon, Thomas Clark 2012 –
Anthologia Graeca; sive, Poetarum graecorum lusus: Friderici Jacobs
...Friedrich Jacobs 1799 ... ¡u'q opponitur Tokina!, Hgm, vrúo'fl. Aux-ip.
Sidon. Ep. Xl. in eodem argumento: 'A a-áçaç alga-rán noaélzou ¡¡í-\oc b
¡mi 'Marx ... Ilgen in Opusc. phil. T. ll. p. 80. sqqsictQuatuer Aristotelis
filiae Veneri munera afferunt. V. I. Male in Ed. Lips.
Aristotelis De rhetorica libri tres: ad fidem manuscriptorum ... Σελίδα 83
Aristotle, Johann Gottlieb Gerhard Buhle 1833 ad fidem manuscriptorum
recogniti in usum academicae juventutis Aristotle, Johann Gottlieb
Gerhard Buhle ......
Aristotelis Ethicorum Nicomacheorum libri decem Τόμος 2 Σελίδα 115
Aristotle, Edward Cardwell 1830 Aristotle, Edward Cardwell ... Qui
Aristoteli hic vocatur ovcricoAos et bv<repts, apud Theophrastum est
avdabqs cap... sensu quo magister suus usurpat Dicaearchus in Vita Hellad.
p. 117. Geograph. Minor. ed. Hoeschel. p. 187. Marx.
Aristotelis” Poetica 1536 καθ 111-117° Μάρξ νει. 91911 Μαθαίνει
ονομάτων. φ αν .
Aristotelische Rhetorik-Tradition: Akten der 5. Tagung der Karl und
...Joachim Knape, Thomas Schirren 2005 Thesen dieser Art wurden bereits
von F. Marx, Aristoteles Rhetorik (Berichte der königlich sächsischen
Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig 52), Leipzig (1900), und A.
Kantelhardt, De Aristotelis Rhetoricis, Diss. Göttingen (1911) ...
Aristotelous tou Stageiritou ta Sozomena. Operum Aristotelis ...1597 ...
multitudine maximi circa locum hunc funLSub ipfa autem vrfa fuper
vltimam Scythiam. quæ vo ARISTOTELIS
Aristotle Σελίδα 201 Otfried Höffe 2003 Kant contributes to the further
undermining of Aristotle's authority, but in long passages, especially in the
Critique of Pure Reason, he makes use ... The situation is not that different
when it comes to Marx's and Engel's appreciation for Aristotle.
Bibliotheca Norica: Patrizier und Gelehrtenbibliotheken in Nürnberg
...Renate Jürgensen 2002 ... Parva Naturalia Aristotelis dicuntur960 des
Thomas von Aquin sowie aus Venedig Ein teutsches Römisches Brevier ...
(Neuburg an der Donau 1545); Übersetzer dieses Auszugs aus dem
Defensor pads war Marx Müller von Westendorff.

Civil Society and Fanaticism: Conjoined Histories Σελίδα 450 Dominique

Colas 1997 Marx Engels Gesamtausgabe [MEGA]. 12 vols. Frankfurt-
am-Main, Berlin, and Moscow: Marx-Engels Verlag, Marx-Engels
Institute, 1927-35. — ... Commentarii in aliquot Politicos libros Aristotelis
Philippi Melanchthoni. 1529. In CR, vol. 16.
Commentarii collegii Conimbricensis Societatis Iesu in Aristotelis
...Gesuiti : Collegium Conimbricense 1604 Commentariorum collegii
Conimbricensis Societatis Iesu in vniuersam Aristotelis logicam. Tomus
alter Gesuiti : Collegium ...,Μάρξ “...
Commentarii Collegii Conimbricensis Societatis Iesu, in tres libros ...1604
ТЬотг‚Аезйдй), Zi» Marx 8: C_aietanitcxmu. Apollinaris. quzlì. 29.
Fcrranenlis quali. 18. M. AlbertiinSumma de Homine,&
Anima„tra£t'.3.ea_ pite z7. etli Venetus aliud putarit hoc loco, tex-.102.
aiens gullum ô( таит non dilîetre, nili'pet ...
Criticisms of Classical Πολιτεία. l Economy: Menger, Austrian ...Gilles
Campagnolo 2012 Hildebrand, Xenophontis et Aristotelis de Oecon. publ.
doctrinae illustrantur... Value, Price and Profit, London: 1898; edited by E.
Marx (daughter of the author), with a preface by Aveling, from the Report
and the Address pronounced by Marx ...
De republica libri VIII et OEconomica ... accedunt Rerumpublicarum
...Aristotle, Immanuel Bekker, Friedrich Sylburg 1837 Aristotle, Friedrich
Sylburg, Karl Friedrich Neumann Immanuel Bekker. an, p.492. b.
Aleuadum vero res gestas et veteres ut Euphorion (Ephori fragm, p. 7. ed.
Marx) et recentores luculenter descripserunt. Walesius ad Harp, p. 185.
ad ...
De situ et origine Syracusarum, ad explicandum Thucydidis potissimum
...Franz Joseph Göller 1818 ... ejus commentorum hodienum haud paucae
extant reliquiae , ex illisque magna pars auctoris de mirabilrbus
auscultationibus libri , qui Aristotelis homen mentitur, consarcinata est, ut
infra demonstrabo. v. fragmm... Marx. ad Ephor. p. 01.
Elementos fundamentales para la crítica de la economía política: ...Karl
Marx 1998 [Trad. de Pedro Scaron] Karl Marx ... En "Aristotelis Opera
ex recensione Immanuelis Bekkerí... En "Aristotelis Opera", X. ARND,
Karl: Die naturgemásse Volkswirthschaft, gegenüber dem
Monopoliengeiste und dem Communismus, mit ...
Ephori Cumaei Fragmenta Ephorus, Meier Marx, Georg Friedrich Creuzer

Ephori Cumaei Fragmenta Σελίδα 7 Ephorus (Cumaeus), Meier Marx

1815 Ephorus (Cumaeus), Meier Marx. pluries illa verba et de poetis
usurpantur, ubi historia ex iis affertur versibus ... Addcnd. ad comment. in
Aristotelis Polit. p. 499.)...
Ephori Cumaei Fragmenta Σελίδα 7 Ephorus van Cumae, Friedrich
Creuzer, Meier Marx 1815 Ephorus van Cumae, Friedrich Creuzer, Meier
Marx. pluries illa verba et de poetis ustirpantur , ubi historia ex iis affertur
... Addend. ad comment. m Aristotelis Polit. p.499.).
Ephori Cumaei fragmenta, collegit atque illustr. M. Marx Σελίδα 255
Ephorus (of Cyme.), Meier Marx 1815 Meier Marx. 1 \ Liber XXX. 25$
152. (Olymp. CVI. i.) Plutarchus Dio cap. XXXV. p. 974. De morte Philisti
, historici, Dionysii ... Ephoro Pausanias I. 14. p. 49. Fac. 153. (Olymp.
CVI. 4.) Anonymus in Ethica Nic. Aristotelis III. 8. p. 49. Manut. Ad i!
Ephori Cumaei fragmenta, collegit atque illustravit Meier Marx,
...Ephoros de Cumes, Marx 1815 Prolixae Reipublicae Cretensis quae
continuo sequitur, expositioni illustrandae'omnes quotquot huc
facerentveterum scrip` torum locos adhihere,Y superiiuum duxi post
Meursium in Creta, L. III. c. X. sq. Sehnen'. денет, ad Aristotelis Polit. II.
Ηθικά Νικομάχεια. Τόμος 2 Σελίδα 115 Aristoteles, Edward Cardwell
1830 Aristoteles, Edward Cardwell. 5... Qui Aristoteli hic vocatur bvo-
Kokos et bv<r(pts, apud Theophrastum est aiddbris cap... sensu quo
magister suus usurpat Dicaearchus in Vita Hellad. p. 117. Geograph.
Minor. ed. Hceschel. p. 187. Marx.
Ethicorum Nicomacheorum libri decem. Recognovit varias lectiones
...Aristoteles 1830 Aristoteles. S. exoafpem lta cod. L. quod vocabulum
vide a Porsono probatum ad Plurip. Med. asa et ad orest aga confen
Schneid... lSl Marx. Pe incolis rranagræ sermo esta il-nea-n yap aiioelxao-
rdg re xai arapaiimpos ptaonovnpfa aut nim ...
Fragmenta collegit atque illustravit. Meier Marx. Praefatus est ... Cumaeus
Ephorus 1815 В. 858. Nam pcrmutaium fui-sse cum Epliippo ‚ -mediae ›
Comoedia'e poeta, Aristotelis acquall, (vid. Fabric. B. G; I'. 440. Наг1.)
cogitari vix potest. Sed hunc qualefmcunqu-e етгогет omnis redarguil;
antiquitas, cujlus'def-Ephoro testimonia," in ...
GĀristotélous@ Metewrologiká. Aristotelis Meteorologicorum libri iv.
...Aristoteles, Julius Ludwig Ideler 1836 Vale», et Lindenbrog. Tom. III
p. 121 aq ed. Erfnrdt. Adde Marx Ephori fragm. p. 250. Caeterum, cur

color »olus reddi queat a speculis, quae nullam aensibus perspicuam

divisionem admittant, elucet ex iis, quae dispútala sunt de sens, ...
Genesi dello spazio Economico Σελίδα 116 Luigi Ruggiu 1982
POLANYI K., 1957b, Aristotle Discovers the Economy, in Polanyi, 1957.
POLANY K... Studien zu Aristoteles und Hegel, Frankfurt a/M. ROLL E.
1971, Storia del pensiero Economico, Torino. Ross W. D... Studi su
Aristotele e Marx, Treviso.
Interpretationvm hexada alteram Friedrich Marx 1890
Karl Marx, Frederick Engels: Collected Works Τόμος 1 Σελίδα 782 Karl
Marx 1975 Collected Works Karl Marx. WORKS BY DIFFERENT
AUTHORS Aeschylus. Prometheus vinctus. — 30, 31, 68 Aristoteles. De
anima libri tres, Jenae. 1833.— 38, 48, 78, 90, 505 — De caelo.— 51-55,
66-67, 91, 92, 93, 98, 99, 101 — De ...
Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels Gesamtausgabe (MEGA). Σελίδα 952 Karl
Marx 1975 70.17 Aristoteles: Physica. — Marx zitiert dieses Werk in den
„Heften (912.7) zur epikureischen Philosophie", Heft 1, zweimal nach:
Commentarii Collegii Coimbricensis Societatis Jesu, in octo libros
physicorum Aristotelis Stagiritae. Teil 1 u. 2.
Landmark Essays on Aristotelian Rhetoric Τόμος 14 Σελίδα 62 Richard
Leo Enos, Lois Peters Agnew 1998 MARX, Aristoteles' Rhetorik, BSG
52, 1900, pp. 270 ff. 20A. ROEMER, Aristotelis Ars Rhetorica, Leipzig
1923, p. liv. 21SOLMSEN who has pursued the work of SPENGEL,
VAHLEN, ROEMER and MARX, and who has devised his own theory ...
Marx Economic Theory Σελίδα 735 Ernest Mandel 1962 AGHNIDEs, N.
P.: Mohammedan Theories of Finance. Columbia University Press, New
York 1916. ALBERTUS MAGNUs: Opera, Vol. IV: Commentarii in
decem libros ethicorum Aristotelis. Lyon 1651. ALDERFER, E. B. and
MICHL, ...
Marx: 1861 64 Σελίδα 508 Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels 1994 149-51,
254, 258-60, 262-64, 316, 368 Aristoteles. Ethica Nicomachea. In:
Aristotelis opera ex recensione Immanuelis Bekkeri. Accedunt Indices
Sylburgiani. Tomus IX. Oxonii, 1837. — 405 — De republica. Libri VIII.
In: Aristotelis opera ex ...
Opera omnia Τόμος 1;Τόμος 14;Τόμος 16 Σελίδα 211 18ς31 Μάρξ;
πγήχεις τέσσαρας... in τ ́ής πρδς Μήλου; συρρόίξεως, οδτω βαθεϊαν Μαϊ
φρικώδή τήν α ́ποψιν ποιεϊντοϊς 33 ανάγτης θεωμένοις, δίστε πολλούς μέν

μή κρατεϊν Επτά»; ο 212 ARISTOTELIS άλλά πίπτειν σκοτουμένους υπό

τού δέους.
Opera Quae supersunt: Ed. J. G. Hulleman Σελίδα 35 Duris 1841 Ad banc
rationem , ut alios taceam , proxime accesserunt Aristotelis ЯГощцчс
ßaQficcQixa a, Theophrasti 3 ej usque discipuli Demetrii , quem
Phalereum cognominarunt , TIíqí Nójuov opera ... Cff. quo» laudat Marx
, Ephori fragm. p. 93 sq.
Paradoxographoi insunt (Aristotelis) mirabiles auscultationes, ...1839 De
hoc sine dubio recte sic indicat Marx in Ephor. fragm. p. 32, curiosum
aliquem hominem sibi ex Ephori historiis quae ad argumentum illud
maxime facerent excerpsisseg ita ut mirere, non in eandem cum Eberto
sententiam de Theopompo ...
Studies in the Making of the Early Hebrew Βιβ. Σελίδα 132 Marvin J.
Heller 2007 ... the earliest recorded work being given as Fischer's Cursus
optimarum questionum super Philosophiam Aristotelis..., ... letters.6 This
Βιβ. , and the accompanying letters, are described by Alexander Marx as
“A woodcut Hebrew alphabet, ...
Technical Ekphrasis in Greek and Roman Science and Literature: The
...Courtney Roby 2016 [Anonymous] (1964) Rhetorica ad Herennium.
Marx, F., ed. (vol. i). Leipzig. [Anonymous] (1979) De rebus bellicis.
Ireland ... Aristotle (1913) Aristotelis De animalium motione et De
animalium incessu; Ps-Aristotelis Despiritu libellus. Jaeger, W.
The Cambridge Ancient History Σελίδα 594 F. W. Walbank, A. E. Astin
1984 In Aristotelis Physica, ed. H. Vitelli. Berlin, 1887-8 4. Hellenistic
medicine and the life sciences Praxagoras 54. Steckerl, F. The Fragments
of Praxagoras of Cos and his School. Leiden, 1958 Herophilus 55. Marx,
K. F. H. De Herophili ...
The Columbia History of Western Philosophy Σελίδα 811 Richard Henry
Popkin 2013 ... 550 eternal being, 105-107, 109; eternal mind, 106-108,
109 eternal world, 142, 145-46, 178, 180, 189; Aristotle and, ... 238-39;
Kierkegaard and, 547; Marx and, 556; pragmatism and, 593; of things, 559
existentialism, 567, 679, 682, 690, ...
The Founders of Western Thought – The Presocratics: A diachronic
...Constantine J. Vamvacas 2009 Indeed, the extent and diversity of his
work can only be compared to that of Aristotle. Truly prolific, he would be
judged the first Greek encyclopedic mind by Marx and Engels. Later
commentators would classify his work into thirteen thematic ...

The Impact of Idealism: Volume 2, Historical, Social and Πολιτεία. l

...John Walker 2013 ... aftermath, Cambridge:Cambridge University
Press, 2005 Popper, K.,The High Tide of Prophecy: Hegel, Marx, and the
aftermath, vol... La dottrina delle categorieinAristotele,conin appendice la
prolusione accademica del1833'De Aristotelis ...
The Many Roots of Medieval Logic: The Aristotelian and the ...John
Marenbon 2007 Ammonius (1895) In Aristotelis Categorias
Commentarius, ed. A. Busse, Berlin (CAG IV, 4). —— (1897) In
Aristotelis De Interpretatione Commentarius, ed. A. Busse ... F. Marx,
Leipzig (M. Tulli Ciceronis scripta quae manserunt omnia, fasc.1).
The Oxford HandΒιβ. of Aristotle Σελίδα 611 Christopher Shields 2012
Dow, Jamie (2007) 'A Supposed Contradiction about Emotion-Arousal in
Aristotle's Rhetoric', Phronesis 52, 382–402... Marx, Friedrich (1900)
Aristoteles Rhetorik, Berichte der königlich sächsischen Gesellschaft der
Wissenschaften zu ...
The Principle of Contradiction Σελίδα 460 Edward Conze 2016 Volume
September 1864. Vol. 41... Aus dem literarischen Nachlass von Karl
Marx und Friedrich Engels 1841 bis 1850. Edited by ... Disputationes in
XII Aristotelis Stagir.
Από το μηδέν στο ένα: Πώς οι τεχνολογικές startups χτίζουν το μέλλον
Peter Thiel, Blake Masters 2015 ... ο Αριστοτέλης, ο Επίκουρος και ο
Λουκρήτιος δέχονταν όλοι ότι υπάρχουν αυστηρά όρια στις ανθρώπινες
δυνατότητες... Από το Χέρμπερτ Σπένσερ στα δεξιά, τον Ένγκελς στο
κέντρο και τον Μάρξ στα αριστερά, ο 19ος αιώνας μοιραζόταν μια ...
Αριστεία, Μάρξ και Αριστοτέλης | 7 Μαρ 2015 Και
αυτό διότι ο Μάρξ θεωρούσε τον Αριστοτέλη ως τη μεγαλύτερη ιδιοφυία
της αρχαιότητας και στο «Κεφάλαιο» αναφέρεται ουκ ολίγες φορές ...
Αριστοτέλης, Χριστός, Μάρξ , Βασίλης Κ. Νούλας , Πατάκης
...Αριστοτέλης, Χριστός, Μάρξ. Η πολιτική του μέλλοντος, μια προοπτική
για τον ελληνισμό και τον άνθρωπο. Συγγραφείς: Βασίλης Κ. Νούλας.
Θέμα: Φιλοσοφία.
Αριστοτέλης, Χριστός, Μάρξ / Νούλας, Βασίλης Κ., 1939-
Αριστοτέλης, Χριστός, Μάρξ | Βιβλία Public Βρες εδώ το βιβλίο
Αριστοτέλης, Χριστός, Μάρξ Συγγραφέας: Νούλας Βασίλης Κ..
Αριστοτέλης, Χριστός, Μάρξ BiblioNet ριστοτέλης,_Χριστός,_Μάρξ


Ἀριστοτελους πολιτειων τα σωζομενα. Aristotelis Rerumpublicarum
...Aristotle, Carl Friedrich NEUMANN 1827 Aristotle, Carl Friedrich
NEUMANN ... Quo vero numerus librorum Aristoteli suppositorum
maximopere increrit, id fait Ptolemaeorum et Attalorum magnas
bibliothecas Alexandriae et Pergami condendi ... 95) Marx ad Εριουμ οι
Cretica nea.
Γιατί ο Μάρξ είχε δίκιο: Terry Eagleton 2016 …μεσολάβησε μια εντατική
διεργασία επανεκπαίδευσης. Αυτή η επανεκπαίδευση δεν διεκπεραιώθηκε
από σχολικούς δασκάλους ή προπαγανδιστές, αλλά από αλλαγές των
υλικών μορφών ζωής μας. Ο Αριστοτέλης θεωρούσε τη δουλεία κάτι
φυσικό ...
Επανάσταση Δημήτρης Τζιώτης ... Jean-Jacque Rousseau Πλάτων
Αριστοτέλης JacqueΓρ. De Romilly Robert Dahl Αριστοτέλης James Mill
Jean-Jacque Rousseau Jean-Jacque Rousseau Αριστοτέλης John Locke
David Held Benedict Anderson Charles Tilly Karl Marx ...
ΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΟΛΟΓΙΑΣ Δύο μορφές ... «Εκείνο πού εμπόδιζε τόν
Αριστοτέλη — γράφει ό Μάρξ — νά δια· ι κρίνει στή μορφή άξιας των
εμπορευμάτων τό ότι όλες οί εργασίες έκ » φράζονται σάν ανθρώπινη
εργασία, χωρίς διάκρισι καΐ κατά συνέπεια » ίσες, ήτανε ότι ή αρχαία
ελληνική ...
Θέσεις τριμηνιαία επιθεώρηση Το μυστικό του καπιταλισμού. 69-740), ο
Μάρξ εξαίρει την οξυδέρκεια του Αριστοτέλη, χάρη στην οποία ο
τελευταίος «διάβασε» στη χρηματική μορφή την ανάπτυξη της απλής
μορφής της ...
Ό Αριστοτέλης διακρίνει την Οϊκονομικήν και τήν Χρηματιστικήν. Ή
οικονομική άποτελεί τήν άρχαίαν οίκιακήν οΐκονομίαν μέ μικράν ...
Ενταύθα έν μέρει ανήκει ό Μάρξ ό όποιος εθυσε καί ούτος είς τήν , προς
δέ εις τήν άρμονιστικήν ...
Ο Μάρξ και η αρχαία Ελλάδα | Π.Κονδυλης (Kondylis) 1 Δεκ 2012 Ο Π.
Βηχος παρουσιαζει (2002) το εργο του Π. Κονδυλη "Ο Μάρξ και η ... την
αναφορά του Μάρξ στον Αριστοτέλη, όταν ο πρώτος αναπτύσσει, ...

Ο Μάρξ, η εμπορευματοποίηση του χρήματος και ο Αριστοτέλης ...4 Ιουν

2013 Η εμπορευματοποίηση αφορά τα προϊόντα που ανταλλάσσονται κι
όχι το ίδιο το χρήμα που δεν λειτουργεί ως προϊόν αλλά ως
διαμεσολαβητής ...
Περι Της Φιλοσοφιας Τησ Ιστοριας Marx-spengler-toynbee Σελίδα 435
Ινδία ι, Έ λ λ ά ς, Πλάτων, Αριστοτέλης, αύτόθι). 44. Ίνδίαι, 3, Ελλάς,
κυνικοί, Κυρηναϊκοί, Πύρρων, "Αραβες, Κομμουνισταί, άθεοι, Δύσις, ...
Πλάτωνας Αριστοτέλης: Μεταμορφώσεις της Σκέψης Σελίδα 32 Αλέξης
Καρπούζος, Εργαστήριο Σκέψης 2016 Η «αντιμεταφυσική» μεταφυσική
σκέψη, από τον Χέγκελ και μετά (Νίτσε, Μάρξ, Φρόυντ κ.α),
επαναφέρουν και διερευνούν την Αρνητικότητα του Λόγου και αναζητούν
την ασύμφωνη συμφωνία των αντιθέτων και των αντιφατικών, την
ομολογία ...
Ποιος Αριστοτέλης και ποιος Μάρξ. This is Greece Ο Κλόουν Greece 21
Φεβ 2014 Κατά τον Αριστοτέλη, οι σταθερές αυτές προκύπτουν από την
κοινή λογική και ... Και ο Αριστοτέλης αλλά και ο Μάρξ δεν υπολόγισαν
ότι θα ...
Προτάσεις Κριτικής Οντολογίας Χρήστος Γιανναράς 2011 6,5 Φετιχισμός
και θρησκεία Με έκπληκτική όξυδέρκεια ό Μάρξ συνδύασε τον φετιχισμό
τού εμπορεύματος με τη ... «Ου γαρ έκδύο ιατρών γίνεται κοινωνία», λέει
χαρακτηριστικά ό Αριστοτέλης, «άλλ' έξ ιατρού και γεωργού, και όλως
έτέρων και ...
Τι είπε στ’ αλήθεια ο Μάρξ: Χάρι Μπάροουζ Άκτον 2014 Ο Μάρξ
αντιδιαστέλλει σε αυτή την ξεκάθαρη και ωφέλιμη κατάσταση εκείνη στην
οποία τα χρήματα χρησιμοποιούνται ... Στο σημείο αυτό της
επιχειρηματολογίας του ο Μάρξ αναφέρεται αρκετά διεξοδικά στα
Πολιτικά του Αριστοτέλη (Βιβλίο Ι, ...
...1 Οκτ 2015 Η Οικονομική σκέψη του Αριστοτέλη , κατ'άλλους
πρόδρομη ..... Ο Κ. MARX θεωρούσε ότι ο Αριστοτέλης κατόρθωσε να
περιγράψει το ...

David Ricardo Greek

A Bibliographical Dictionary; Containing a Chronological Account ...

Adam Clarke, Edward Harwood 1804 To which are Added, an Essay on
Bibliography ... and an Account of the Best English Translation of Each

Greek and Latin Classic ... Adam Clarke, Edward Harwood ... S. Procli
Analecta, a Vincentio Ricardo, Gr. et Lat. 4to. Rom. Zanetti, 1630.
A Bibliographical Dictionary; Containing a Chronological Account,
...Adam Clarke 1804 In All Departments of Literature, which Have Been
Published in Latin, Greek , Coptic, Hebrew, Samaritan, Syriac, Chaldee,
Æthiopic, Arabic, Persian, Armenian, &c. from the Infancy of ... S. Procli
Analecta, a Vincentio Ricardo, Gr. et Lat. 4to.
A Companion to the Philosophy of Time Σελίδα 72 Adrian Bardon,
Heather Dyke 2013 For the rules of Ancient Greek boxing. Salles, R.
(1998). categorical Possibility and incompatibilism in ... (2011). Review of
Ricardo Salles, The Stoics on Determinism and Compatibilism. Ancient
Philosophy 31(1), 228–235. a good example of ...
A Debt Restructuring Mechanism for Sovereigns: Do We Need a Legal
...Christoph G Paulus 2014 The loan also marked the beginning of
financial mismanagement by the Greek government. In early ... he learnt
that Orlandos and Zaimis in London had already signed a loan agreement
with Jacob & Samson and Ricardo in London for 2 mln.
A Letter to D. Ricardo, Esq., Containing an Analysis of His Pamphlet
...Alexander Crombie 1817 If I compare the prices of corn, of slaves, of
houses, of cattle in Rome, Greece, and Judaea, at the same period, the
comparison justifies me in asserting, that money, at that period, was not
distributed in these countries in such a ratio, as to ...
A Modern Introduction to Γρ. ar Algebra Σελίδα 593 Henry Ricardo 2009
Henry Ricardo. Appendix B: Summation and Product Notation B. 1 Basic
Notation The Greek letter sigma, X, is used to denote the sum (finite or
infinite) of a set of objects of a set, provided that these objects can be added
in a meaningful way.
A Narrative of the Material Facts in Relation to the Building of the
...Alexander Contostavlos 1826 Alexander Contostavlos. that Messrs.
Ricardo might he prepared to accept the drafts which they intended to
draw by the next packet. Meanwhile the deputies, supposing that these two
frigates might be bought ready for sea, and fearing lest, ...
A Prisoner's Argument: 'Life is an Impasse' Σελίδα 107 Ricky Ricardo
2015 'Life is an Impasse' Ricky Ricardo ... I don't understand it; the Greek
language is rumored to be the world's most perfect language. If so, why is
it so hard to learn? If I pass Greek studies, it will be my greatest
accomplishment to date. My celly ...

A Re-Assessment of Aristotle’s Economic Thought Σελίδα xviii Ricardo

F. Crespo 2013 Ricardo F. Crespo. Preface. and. acknowledgements.
After the Euro Crisis 'Greece' became a controversial word... Certainly,
Whitehead did not refer to contemporary Greece but to the Greek
philosophical thinking that flourished over four ...
An examination of the controversy between the Greek deputies and two
...Robert SEDGWICK (Solicitor.) 1826 Ricardo, and you directed them
to draw in fu“ture on that house, for such funds as the building of the
fri“gates might require,—in a conference between the Messrs. “Howland,
Messrs. Bayard, and myself, respecting your “affairs, the Messrs.
Behaviour of Steel Structures in Seismic Areas: STESSA 2012 Federico
Mazzolani, Ricardo Herrera 2012 STESSA 2012 Federico Mazzolani,
Ricardo Herrera ... Purdue University, Indiana, USA Ioannis Vayas,
National Technique University of Athens, Greece Carlos E. Ventura,
University of British Columbia, Canada Akira Wada, Tokyo Institute of ...
British and Foreign State Papers Τόμος 28,Μέρος 2 Σελίδα 969 Great
Britain. Foreign Office 1839 No. 75.—Sir George Sbee to Illr. J. Ricardo.
SIB, Foreign Office, September 8, 1832. I AM directed by Viscount
Palmerston to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 25th ultimo,
inclosing a copy of resolutions passed at a meeting of Greek ...
Chora 5: Intervals in the Philosophy of Architecture Σελίδα xi Alberto
Pérez Gómez, Stephen Parcell 2007 Ricardo L. Castro “chora” () was the
Ancient Greek word for “space.” During the past two hundred years,
space has become associated with the unbounded, homogeneous space of
three mathematically quantifiable dimensions, but this ...
Coal Camp Justice: Two Wrongs Make a Right Σελίδα 265 Ricardo L.
Garcia 2005 Two Wrongs Make a Right Ricardo L. Garcia ... Gus came
to the Ludlow coal camp in 1912 with other Greek immigrants and decided
mining was not for him after witnessing the Ludlow Massacre and its
aftermath. He tried his hand at making ...
Cobbett's Πολιτεία. l Register Τόμοι 60-61 Σελίδα 427 1826
Cobbett's Πολιτεία. l Register Τόμος 60 William Cobbett 1826
Longridge, Barnett, an Ho gson, on board whose vessel ammunition has
been shipped for the Greek Government, ... I am unwilling to believe that
you will subject the Greek Government (of which your Mr. I.' Ricardo
states that e is" now an ...

Creative Crisis in Democracy and Economy Σελίδα 263 George C. Bitros,

Anastasios D Karayiannis 2013 Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ
Rezitis AN (2010) Evaluating the state of competition of the Greek
banking industry. J Int Fin Markets Inst Money 20:68—90 Ricardo D
(1809) The price of gold, three contributions to the morning ...
Daughters of Earth, Sons of Heaven Σελίδα 139 Daniel Ricardo Casias
2014 Daniel Ricardo Casias ... When Rico, then known as Odysseus, was
traveling across Greece recruiting an army to sail against Troy, he traveled
to the land of Peleus, who had sworn an oath for his firstborn son to serve
the armies of Greece.
David Ricardo on Public Debt Σελίδα 152 N. Churchman 2001 It was at
his urging that Ricardo wrote Proposals for an Economical and Secure
Currency (1813), in which he ... George Grote (1794–1871) Grote was a
banker by profession, a supporter of the University of London, and an
historian of Greece.
David Ricardo: A Biography Σελίδα 50 D. Weatherall 2012 David
Ricardo was to meet many of them, and to like many of them. The first he
ever met was Perry. It may have been Perry who was responsible for the
appointment of Richard Porson, the Greek scholar, as the first Librarian of
the London ...
David Ricardo: Critical Assessments Τόμος 1 Σελίδα 70 John
Cunningham Wood 1991 Ricardo was greatly pleased that Lord Grenville
had thanked him for his work... first upon the carpet . . . light literature was
forgotten: poetry reposed on his library shelves: the Hebrew lexicon lay
unopened; his favourite Greek neglected.
Death by Haggis Σελίδα 170 2010 They had been firmly instructed by Mr.
E – to whom Ricardo now referred as “Uncle E” – to remain silent so as
not to spill any beans in front of the ... Mr E and the captain were chatting
jovially in Greek and pointing at things out the windows.
Dualisms: The Agons of the Modern World Σελίδα 187 Ricardo J.
Quinones 2007 The Agons of the Modern World Ricardo J. Quinones ...
in presenting character dualities is Plutarch's Lives of the Eminent Greek s
and Romans. The comparison of things Greek and Roman, beginning with
those made between Homer and ...
Electronic Business and Marketing: New Trends on its Process and
...Tokuro Matsuo, Ricardo Colomo-Palacios 2013 New Trends on its
Process and Applications Tokuro Matsuo, Ricardo Colomo-Palacios ...

1Denis Gabor College, Hungary 2 Alexander Technological Educational

Institute of Thessaloniki, Greece 3ISCN, Austria 4 Cork Institute of
Technology, ...
Engineering for Human-Computer Interaction: IFIP TC2/TC13 ...Stéphane
Chatty, Dewan Prasun 1999 ... for Human-Computer Interaction
September 14–18, 1998, Heraklion, Crete, Greece Stéphane Chatty,
Dewan Prasun ... Ricardo. Orosco. &. Marcelo. Campo. Univ. Autonoma
de Madrid LiAM Dep. Ing. Informatioa. Ciudad Univ ...
Fanon and the Crisis of European Man: An Essay on Philosophy and the
...Lewis Ricardo Gordon 1995 An Essay on Philosophy and the Human
Sciences Lewis Ricardo Gordon ... flawed king to a flawed queen —
Oedipus (whose name for Ancient Greek audiences is recognizable as both
knowing-foot and swollen-foot) and his mother, Jocasta.
For Liberty and the Republic: The American Citizen as Soldier, 1775-1861
Ricardo A. Herrera 2015 The American Citizen as Soldier, 1775-1861
Ricardo A. Herrera ... Their writings incorporated idealized images of the
Ancient Greek poleis, the Roman republic, their colonial forebears, the
Revolutionary generation, the Constitution, and other ...
Foundation Sacrifice in Dante's Commedia Σελίδα 73 Ricardo J.
Quinones 2010 Ricardo J. Quinones ... are very useful in clarifying the
most celebrated rivalry of the poem, that between Ulysses and Virgil,
between Greek and Roman things, the rivalry that Virgil, long before
Dante, made the great argument of the Aeneid.
Generative Theory and Corpus Studies: A Dialogue from 10 ICEHL
Ricardo Bermúdez-Otero, David Denison, Richard M. Hogg 2000 A
Dialogue from 10 ICEHL Ricardo Bermúdez-Otero, David Denison,
Richard M. Hogg, C. B. McCully ... the face of the allegedly perfect
classical languages Latin and Greek gave way to a spreading conviction
that English was not only equal ...
Geostatistical Glossary and Multilingual Dictionary Ricardo A. Olea,
International Association for Mathematical Geology. Committee on
Geostatistics 1991 "An indispensable reference for all workers in, users
of, and educators teaching geostatistical methods for all areas of earth
Greek Literature: Greek literature in the Hellenistic period Σελίδα 306
Gregory Nagy 2001 Ricardo Avallone. "II carme 66 di Catullo e la
Chioma di Berenice di Callimaco," Euphrosvne 3 (l%l) 24, reprinted in

Catullo e i suoi modelli (Naples 1964) 14, argues that Catullus' version is
"una vera gemma di geniale rielaborazione.
Greek Modernism and Beyond Σελίδα 107 Dimitris Tziovas 1997
Monique Chefdor, Ricardo Quinones, and Albert Wachtel. Urbana:
University of Illinois Press, 94-102. Bradbury, Malcolm and James
McFarlane, eds. (1976). Modernism 1890-1930. Harmondsworth:
Penguin. Burger, Peter (1984). Theory of ...
Greek Pottery from the Iberian Peninsula: Archaic and Classical Periods
Adolfo J. Domínguez, Carmen Sánchez, Gocha R. Tsetskhladze 2001
PREFACE This is the first Βιβ. to be published in English to discuss
Archaic and Classical Greek pottery from the Iberian ... from Eastern
Andalusia (on which she wrote her doctoral dissertation under the
supervision of Dr Ricardo Olmos).
Greek Vases in the J. Paul Getty Museum: Volume 4 Σελίδα 95 The J.
Paul Getty Museum 1989 ... Catherine C. Hearst, Donna C. Kurtz, S. M.
Margeson, Ricardo Olmos, Isabelle Raubitschek, and Margot Schmidt.
Abbreviations Beazley, Development: J. D. Beazley, The Development of
Attic Blade-figure, rev. ed., D. von Bothmer and M. B. ...
Green Street Kid: Growing Up by the Chacon Creek and Other Memories
Ricardo D. Palacios 2013 Growing Up by the Chacon Creek and Other
Memories Ricardo D. Palacios ... These were commonly known as the
Greek s, because each of the fraternities and sororities were designated
with two or three Greek letters. Some of these ...
Instructive Novels ... Σελίδα 173 Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra 1750 ...
offering him mountains ofgold, having besides given him Ricardo besore
sor nothing, whofe ransom he prized at two thousand ... of fifteen banks,
manning it with volunteer soldiers, lusty young able men, partly Moors,
panly Greek Christians.
International Trade Σελίδα 33 Theory of Comparative Advantage This
question was considered by David Ricardo, who developed the important
concept of ... Suppose, for example, in our illustration that Greece
developed an efficient manufacturing capacity so that martini ...
Investment Management:A Science to Teach Or an Art to Learn?: Frank J.
Fabozzi, Sergio Focardi, CaroΓρ. Jonas 2014 Ricardo considered that
wages “naturally” tended toward a minimum level—the price that would
allow laborers to subsist and perpetuate ... 7Gregor Mendel was a central
European monk and teacher of mathematics, physics, and Greek .

Knives 2013: The World's Greatest Knife Βιβ. Σελίδα 288 Joe Kertzman
2012 ... SP Gaeta, Roberto Sao Paulo Garcia, Mario Eiras Caxingui, SP
Ikoma, Flavio Presidente Prudente, SP Lala, Paulo Ricardo P And Lala,
Roberto P. Presidente Prudente, SP Neto Jr.,, Nelson And ... GREECE.
Filippou, Ioannis-Minas Athens ...
Linguistic Universals Σελίδα 203 Ricardo Mairal, Juana Gil 2006
Ricardo Mairal, Juana Gil. Haspelmath, M., E. K ̈onig, W. Oesterreicher,
and ... Greek . A Comprehensive Grammar of the Modern Language.
London: Routledge. Hopper, P., and E. Traugott. 1993.
Grammaticalization. Cambridge: Cambridge ...
Linking Ecology and Ethics for a Changing World: Values, Philosophy, ...
Ricardo Rozzi, S.T.A. Pickett, Clare Palmer 2014 Values, Philosophy,
and Action Ricardo Rozzi, S.T.A. Pickett, Clare Palmer, Juan J. Armesto,
J. Baird Callicott. Living on Earth, we ... We live in towns; humans are
“Πολιτεία. l animals” (Greek : polis, “town;” Aristotle, Politics 1. 2).
Cultures shape ...
Lukács Today: Essays in Marxist Philosophy Σελίδα 80 Tom Rockmore
2012 To forget that production for its own sake means to assert, as
sentimental opponents of Ricardo did, that production is not ...
substantially from the priority of theoria over action which Western culture
has tended to favor since its Greek origins.
Memoire Pour Les Piémontais Σελίδα 28 Alerino Palma (graaf.) 1826 But
Colonel Stanhope was then preaching to the Greek s, the Republic, in a
large sense.' and, notwithstanding this, his ... Ricardo; but these gentlemen
sent him to Mr. Spaniolacki!-the latter sent him to Mr. Brent !—\Ir. Brent
sent him to Major C ...
Memories of Alexandria: From a Void to Nothingness Σελίδα 1 Ricardo
Wahby Tapia 2013 From a Void to Nothingness Ricardo Wahby Tapia.
ΚΕΦ. ... My best friend and bosom buddy Yorgho (Greek diminutive for
George) followed us on the blue Bianchi racing bicycle which I had given
him the night before as a parting gift.
Miles from Nowhere: & Other Selected Works of Verse and Spoken Word
Ricardo Fleshman 2005 Ricardo Fleshman ... Consequently, style and the
need for clarity in the printed word forced a shift to return to the more
formal canons adhered to in the traditional Greek and Roman literature,
which were so venerated by the French and ...

Modern Greek Studies YearΒιβ. Τόμοι 10-11 Σελίδα 265 1995 He sees
Halima, the qadi's wife, contrive to keep Mario ( Ricardo's assumed name)
for herself. Ricardo initially uses a false name so that Leonisa will not hear
of him until he goes to her to plan their escape with the assistance of
Morphology Methods: Cell and Molecular Biology Techniques Ricardo
V. Lloyd 2001 Cell and Molecular Biology Techniques Ricardo V. Lloyd
... Rochester, MN • NIKIFOROs KAPRANOS, MD, PhD Department of
Pathology, Molecular Division, Amalia Fleming Hospital, Athens, Greece
• PAUL KOMMINOTH, MD Department ...
Natural Orifice Translumenal Endoscopic Surgery: TextΒιβ. and Video
...Anthony N. Kalloo, Jacques Marescaux, MD, (Hon) FRCS, FACS,
(Hon) JSES, Ricardo Zorron, MD, PhD 2012 TextΒιβ. and Video Atlas
Anthony N. Kalloo, Jacques Marescaux, MD, (Hon) FRCS, FACS, (Hon)
JSES, Ricardo ... The word “endoscopy” comes from the Greek Endon,
inside and Skopeo, to look at, and therefore refers to the ability of a ...
Neuropsychiatry of Traumatic Brain Injury, An Issue of Psychiatric ...
Ricardo Jorge 2014 Ricardo Jorge. assesses reduction in everyday
productivity, lack of interest, lack of initiative, extinction of novelty ...
Athymormia (from the Greek thumos [mood] and horme [impulse]) was
coined by Habib29 to refer to a major reduction in ...
Niles' National Register: Containing Πολιτεία. l, Historical, ...Hezekiah
Niles, William Ogden Niles, Jeremiah Hughes 1827 2,000,000 stock of
the Greek loan of 1325, at(.55J (.1,110,000 Balance of the loan of 1824
28,100 Interest nn bonds ... Ricardo For bonds of the loan of 1824, to the
amount of (.260,000 purchased according to the condition of the present
loan .
Niles' Weekly Register Τόμος 31 Σελίδα 126 1827 Ricardo For bonds
ofthe loan of 1824, to the amount of l.!50,000 purchased according to the
04,000 For a person who in l'lCfl Bonds to the amount of l.
158,000,purchased by Mr. Ricardo to keep up the value of the Greek funds
' 'Bonds to the ...
Okanagan Slow Road: Σελίδα 185 Bernadette McDonald 2014 Live jazz
throbs late into the night every Thursday, and famous chef Ricardo Scebba
dishes up his scrumptious family ... He includes a disclaimer with his
Greek ribs recipe: “I'm not just some over-confident Italian who thinks he
knows how to ...

Our Dramatic Heritage: The Golden Age Σελίδα 404 Philip George Hill
1985 RICARDO. We may yet see that day. But I am astonished that
Diana, with all her pride and watchful elegance, should endure ... We will
drink Greek wine, for I have a desire to speak Greek , and the wine should
loosen the tongue and make the ...
Phosphates in Food Σελίδα 93 Ricardo A. Molins 1990 Ricardo A.
Molins. Κεφ. 4 PHOSPHATES IN MILK AND DAIRY ... Caseins are
referred to by Greek letter prefixes: oft-caseins (o, and 0.3), ß-caseins, k-
caseins and Y-caseins. The most prevalent are the o-caseins (40 to 43% of
total milk ...
Phōtiou tou patriarchou Lexeōn synagōgL·. E codice galeano ...1822 he is
mistaken if he means this for an absolute error, since it is a various reading,
and possibly may be right. The barbarous Greek s coined a new theme,
&¢uu,” [sic] “ instead of άφἰημι. Hence comes the preterite fights, which
occurs twice, ...
Πολιτεία. l Economy of Money and Finance Σελίδα 293 M. Itoh, C.
Lapavitsas 1998 The Greek Polis as a Case Study', paper presented at the
international conference on Economic Thought and ... D. (1810, 1951)
'The High Price of Bullion', in P. Sraffa and M. Dobb (eds), Works and
Correspondence of David Ricardo, vol.
Popular and Visual Culture: Design, Circulation and Consumption Clara
Sarmento, Ricardo Campos, Rúben Pinho 2014 Design, Circulation and
Consumption Clara Sarmento, Ricardo Campos, Rúben Pinho .... Ancient
Greek language graffiti on the main gate of the temple at Deir el-Haggar,
Egypt (New York: Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, 2009).
Psychological Wellness and Holistic Health Care: The Karmu System
Ricardo A. Frazer 2011 The Karmu System Ricardo A. Frazer.
considered ... Greek philosophers made rationality the basis of human
thinking. This laid the ... He accepted the Greek interpretation of psyche as
mind, and attempted to determine the “elements of mind” ...
Retrospect of Western Travel Σελίδα 49 Harriet Martineau, Daniel Feller
2000 For example, take two trading nations, Greece and Sweden, which
both have the capacity to produce olives and martini ... This question was
considered by David Ricardo, who developed the important concept of
comparative advantage in ...
Ricardo's Law: House Prices and the Great Tax Clawback Scam Fred
Harrison 2006 The pressures were enormous, from Greece to Seattle on

the West coast of the United States. Rising poverty levels fuelled popular
discontent (in Greece, 21% of the population lived below the poverty Γρ.
in 2006). Free trade politicians were ...
Ricardus Porsonus Σελίδα 699 1822 The barbarous Greek s coined a new
theme, ¢i¢w," [sic] “instead of άφίημι. Hence comes the preterite iii/us,
which occurs twice, Mark i. 34. :ελ-16 Paulo igitur ante, v. Meom. restitue
dqn'aw. lns258, ms. 256, em. 257, ms. 258, ms. 260, sed 699 ...
Seasonal Forecasts, Climatic Change and Human Health: Health and
Climate Madeleine C. Thomson, Ricardo Garcia-Herrera, Martin
Beniston 2008 Health and Climate Madeleine C. Thomson, Ricardo
Garcia-Herrera, Martin Beniston ... Greece. Panagiotis Th. Nastos Abstract
The associations between various meteorological parameters,
concentrations of PM10, SO2, and O3 pollutants ...
Shakespeare and the Greek Romance: A Study of Origins Σελίδα 44 Carol
Gesner 2015 Ricardo is hotly desired by Halima, the wife of the “cadi”
who is to deliver Leonisa to the “Grand Turk... a reversal of the motif in
which the Greek romance heroine gains time from an unwelcome suitor
with the excuse of a religious vow.
Solace: A Teen Suspense Coming Out Tale Wando Wande 2011 And
Ricardo CruzMendez did not give a fuck. He was too busy tapdancing on
the hot stones of panic. There he was at Yolanda's kitchen table banging
his head against his geometry textΒιβ. . He was seeing Greek , Greek and
boxes, Greek , ...
Speeches of Mr. Randolph, on the Greek Question: On Internal ...John
Randolph 1824 trine that can be broached on this floor .can ever, hereafter,
excite surprise in my mind-I have heard the names of Say, Ganilh, Adam
Smith, and Ricardo, pronounced, not only in terms, but in a tone, of
sneering contempt, as visionary theorists, ...
Structural Change, Competitiveness and Industrial Policy: Painful
...Aurora A. C. Teixeira, Ester Silva, Ricardo Mamede 2014 Painful
Lessons from the European Periphery Aurora A. C. Teixeira, Ester Silva,
Ricardo Mamede ... Failing to take this feature into account is all the more
surprising since it was common knowledge that the Greek Πολιτεία.
lauthorities hadto ...
Tax Revenue Response to the Business Cycle Σελίδα 23 Ms. Cemile
Sancak, Jing Xing, Ricardo Velloso 2010 Ms. Cemile Sancak, Jing Xing,
Ricardo Velloso ... List E: Subsample of EU countries with PIT data

Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy,

Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovak Republic, and the
United ...
The Asiatic Journal and Monthly Miscellany Τόμος 22 Σελίδα 542 1826
There are so many motives calculated to inspire Englishmen with a
sympathy for the cause of the Greek s, that we should be ... He says that as
soon as the second loan was contracted with Mr. Ricardo, Mr. Edward,
Ellice, a member of the ...
The Asiatic Journal and Monthly Register for British and Foreign ...1826
There are so many motives calculated to inspire Englishmen with a
sympathy for the cause of the Greek s, that we should ... Mr. Ricardo, Mr.
Edward Ellice, a member of the Philhellenic Committee of London, in
February 1825, “took or got hold ...
The Asiatic journal and monthly register for British and foreign ...1826
The unfavourable news from Greece co-operated in producing dejection: t
and Spaniolacki, the third deputy, who had ... Ricardo, Ellice, and
Spaniolacki, and some others that it is useless t6 iianie,''made a species of
alliance, and from that ...
The Asiatic Journal and Monthly Register for British India and Its ...1826
There are so many motives calculated to inspire Englishmen with a
sympathy for the cause of the Greek s, that we should be ... Y He says that
as soon. as the second loan was contracted with M . Ricardo, Mr. Edward
Ellice, a member of the ...
The Βιβ. of Disquiet Fernando Pessoa 2002 Ricardo Reis Born 19
September 1887 in Oporto, this classicist and trained physician emerged,
like Álvaro de ... Characterized by Pessoa as 'a Greek Horace who writes
in Portuguese', Reis composed short odes that advocated a stoic ...
The Boston News-letter: And City Record Τόμος 2 Σελίδα 224 Abel
Bowen, Jerome Van Crowninshield Smith 1826 The Greek government
employed two distinguished commercial houses of New-York, Le Roy,
Bayurd &... pounds, they drew on Ricardo for 25,000 pounds, informing
Ricardo, it was in conformity with the direction of the Greek government.
The Development Dimension Migration, Remittances and Development
OECD 2005 On these Γρ. s, this Κεφ. focuses on Greece, and has three
objectives: to discuss how capable are policies for attracting more
remittances; to see whether and to ... 201 Ricardo Settimo Remittances
and Development: The Case of Greece.

The Edinburgh Annual Register Τόμος 19 Σελίδα 211 Sir Walter Scott
1828 Mr Bowring said, that since his earliest infancy, he had been
connected with the cause of Greece, and no heart beat higher for its success
... Mr Ricardo had purchased Greek bonds to keep up the credit of the loan
bonds, which cost 67,895.
The Elgar Companion to David Ricardo: Σελίδα 64 Heinz D. Kurz, Neri
Salvadori 2015 [also] belongs to Ricardo', Sraffa observes (ibid.: §3)...
'For me the Sraffa revolution dates from 1951, the Introduction to
Ricardo's ... Robinson, J. (1979), 'Misunderstandings in the theory of
production', Greek Economic Review, 1(1), 1–7.
The Elgar Companion to Radical Πολιτεία. l Economy Σελίδα 38 Philip
Arestis, Malcolm C. Sawyer 1994 Ricardo, David (195l), On the
Principles of Πολιτεία. l Economy and Taxation, Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press. Sraffa, Piero (1960) ... Ste. Croix, GEN. de ( 198 1 ), The
Class Struggle in the Ancient Greek World, London: Duckworth.
The Examiner Τεύχος 934,Μέρος 87 Σελίδα 579 Leigh Hunt 1826 On
Monday, a meeting of the holders of Greek Bonds was held at the City of
London Tavern," for the purpose of instituting ... to America Bonds to the
amount of 158,0(HH., purchased by Mr Ricardo, to keep up the value of
the Greek funda .
The Goodbye Days Σελίδα 32 Ricardo Fleshman 2003 Ricardo
Fleshman. One of us would walk away from this table having retained
some semblance of dignity ... of the thousands who had dared wager
against him in this game and lost, we remained. "Chappy,” a short balding
Greek who grew ...
The Greek Economy and the Crisis: Challenges and Responses Panagiotis
E. Petrakis 2011 From one point of view, this question condenses the basic
questions raised by classical economists, such as A. Smith (1776, 1977) in
“Wealth of Nations,” D. Ricardo (1817, 2001) in “On the Principles of
Πολιτεία. l Economy and Taxation” and K.
The Life and Economics of David Ricardo Σελίδα 145 John P.
Henderson, John B. Davis 2012 As discussed in later Κεφ. s, Mill certainly
was a great stimulus to Ricardo, but he was not the only source of
inspiration ... Hebrew is a language with no inflection, unlike Greek or
Latin, but as learned by Jewish young people, it is prefatory to ...
The Mafia Mayor Σελίδα 76 Ricardo Sherman 2011 Ricardo Sherman
... “This is Wilson Stevens coming to you live from Detroit at Greek

Town's Coney Island Restaurant, where investigative reporter Tyrone May

died after being shot in a hail of bullets at 12:48 this afternoon. Tyrone
May ...
The Making of the Ancient Greek Economy: Institutions, Markets, and
...Alain Bresson 2015 David Ricardo extended Smith’s ideas, but
introduced a new notion into the theory of international trade, that of
comparative advantage. In his Principles of Πολιτεία. l Economy and
Taxation, Ricardo showed that a country has an interest in ...
The Mediterranean Context of Early Greek History Σελίδα 268 Nancy H.
Demand 2011 289–302. Caminos, Ricardo Augusto. 1977. A Tale of Woe
from a Hieratic Papyrus in the A.S. Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts. Oxford:
The Griffith Institute. Camps, G. 1986. “The Young Sheep and the Sea:
Early Navigation in the Mediterranean.
The Oriental Herald and Journal of General Literature 1827 The late
discussions respecting the appropriation of the Greek Loan, and the
conduct of the several partiesengaged in its ... Ricardo and Loughnan, Sir
Francis Burdett and Mr. Ellice, Mr. Hobhouse and Mr. Bowring, Lord
Cochrane and Mr.
The Oxford HandΒιβ. of Cognitive Linguistics Dirk Geeraerts, Hubert
Cuyckens 2010 Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Maldonado, Ricardo. 2002.
Objective and subjective datives. Cognitive Linguistics 13: 1–65. Manney,
Linda Joyce. 1998. The reflexive archetype and its various realizations in
Modern Greek . Studies in Language ...
The Return of Comrade Ricardo Flores Magón Σελίδα 78 Claudio
Lomnitz 2014 According to Librado, Ricardo knew Spanish, English,
French, Italian, and Portuguese, and he could read a little Latin and Greek
and knew a bit of Náhuatl. He spoke Mexico City argot with ease. Ricardo
could recite by heart from the key ...
The Uniqueness of Western Civilization Σελίδα 402 Ricardo Duchesne
2011 Ricardo Duchesne. By contrast, the constitution of the Greek s states
was democratic. Now, it is true that, in spite of the constitutional
incorporation of all male citizens into the government, most Greek poleis
remained oligarchic in actuality.
The Works and Correspondence of David Ricardo: Volume 10, ...David
Ricardo, Piero Sraffa 1955 This was the loan of £2 millions for the Greek
insurgents issued in London by the Ricardos at 56! in 1825, very little of

the ... remarks on the French Loan wrote of this business : ' David
Ricardo, l'economiste, etait frere du banquier Ricardo, ...
The Works and Correspondence of David Ricardo: Volume 11, General
Index David Ricardo, Piero Sraffa 1973 David Ricardo, Piero Sraffa ...
522 n., VI, 139n.,VII,31n., 93 n., IX, 154 n.; Ricardo Tracts in, X, 400,
402 Gonner, E. C. K., his edition of Ricardo's Principles, X, 364-5, of
Essays, ... For other works see under Purves, George Greek loan, X, 58 &
The Works and Correspondence of David Ricardo: Volume 6, Letters
1810-15 David Ricardo, Piero Sraffa 1952 David Ricardo, Piero Sraffa
... After Ricardo's entry into Parliament Grenfell often sided with him on
Economic questions, although he strongly disagreed with the ... the
historian of Greece, was partner in the banking house of Grote and
The Works of David Ricardo ... Σελίδα 600 David Ricardo, John
Ramsay McCulloch 1846 6 pAR}8"1'“-wees ' . , (1 Brogden's Catholic
Safeguards . . 3 Hart's Army List . . . . 14 Parfy'8 pn,1;,,me,,t,,' ' , _ 15 -—
Liturgy and Ritual . 3 IIase's Ancient Greek s . . . 9 1 ]M}{1ey'5 Q1-em ,
-, ,5 Bubbles from the Brunnen . 6 Head's Pampas .
The Works of David Ricardo, Esq., M.P.: With a Notice of the Life
...David Ricardo, John Ramsay McCulloch 1846 I. A DICTIONARY or
GREEK .uvn ROMAN ANTIQUITIES. Edited by Wu. Sur'rrr, I.I..I). With
Numerous Illustrations on Wood. (1130 σελ. s.) 8vo, 36:. " A work much
wanted, will be invaluable to the young student. and as a Βιβ. of reference
will ...
The Wounds of Possibility: Essays on George Steiner Σελίδα 1 Ricardo
Gil Soeiro 2013 RICARDO. GIL. SOEIRO. Bringing together writers,
translators, poets, and leading scholars of cultural theory, literary ... of why
a handful of Ancient Greek myths continue to give vital shape to our sense
of self and of the world (Antigones), from ...
Theorists of Economic Growth from David Hume to the Present: With a
...W. W. Rostow 1992 One does not have to dig for passages suggesting
diminishing and increasing returns in Ricardo. The two ... allusions to
Greece, Rome, China, India, Latin America, or the less advanced
Economies of Eastern Europe. The index of his ...
There is a Dance for Every Song Σελίδα 104 Mridula Martis 2006 I have
decided to try out one of her classes instead of snacking at my usual Greek

cafe" especially as Peter has worked out a ... Sandra has suspected for
sometime now that she has a massive crush on Ricardo and has left her
husband mainly ...
Venezuela Before Chávez: Anatomy of an Economic Collapse Ricardo
Hausmann, Francisco R. Rodríguez 2014 INTRODUCTION Ricardo
Hausmann and Francisco Rodríguez On the western tip there is a fountain
of an oily liquor next to ... Greece, and Israel and only 13 percent lower
than that of the United Kingdom (Heston, Summers, and Aten 2002).
VLSI-SoC: Design Methodologies for SoC and SiP: 16th IFIP WG
...Christian Piguet, Ricardo Reis, Dimitrios Soudris 2010 16th IFIP WG
10.5/IEEE International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration,
VLSI-SoC 2008, Rhodes Island, Greece, October 13-15, 2008, Revised
Selected Papers Christian Piguet, Ricardo Reis, Dimitrios Soudris.
Proceedings ...
Year Of The Death Of Ricardo Reis Σελίδα 151 Jose Saramago 2013
Ricardo Reis smiled and returned to his newspaper, determined to be the
last guest to enter the dining room... no one knew how to sing, ifit indeed
was singable, and with what music, what must the Greek odes have
sounded like in their time.

Alfred Marshall Μάρσαλ, Άλφρεντ

(Alfred Marshall, Λονδίνο 1842 – Κέιμπριτζ 1924). Άγγλος

οικονομολόγος και πανεπιστημιακός. Σπούδασε στο πανεπιστήμιο του
Κέιμπριτζ, στο οποίο έγινε αργότερα καθηγητής. Το 1890 δημοσίευσε το
έργο του Αρχές οικονομικής επιστήμης, το οποίο αποτέλεσε σημαντικό
σταθμό στην εξέλιξη της οικονομικής σκέψης. Κάνοντας διάκριση
ανάμεσα σε τιμές που διαμορφώνονται σε σύντομο και σε μακρό χρονικό
διάστημα, ο Μ. απέδειξε τη δυνατότητα συμβιβασμού της κλασικής
θεωρίας με ρικαρντιανές τάσεις –σύμφωνα με την οποία η αξία των
οικονομικών αγαθών προέκυπτε από το κόστος παραγωγής– με τις
ανακαλύψεις της οριακής σχολής, που εξαρτούσαν την αξία αυτή από την
αντίληψη της οριακής χρησιμότητας. Σε αντίθεση με άλλους
οικονομολόγους, όπως ο Λεόν Βαλρά και ο Βιλφρέντο Παρέτο, οι οποίοι
είχαν ασχοληθεί με την επεξεργασία μιας θεωρίας γενικής οικονομικής
ισορροπίας, ο Μ. περιορίστηκε στη μελέτη των μερικών οικονομικών
ισορροπιών, επιζητώντας να προσδιορίσει τον τρόπο με τον οποίο θα
επιτυγχανόταν η σταθεροποίηση της ισορροπίας (δηλαδή η εξίσωση
προσφοράς και ζήτησης) σε συγκεκριμένες αγορές. Ανάμεσα στα έργα του

Μ. ιδιαίτερο ενδιαφέρον παρουσιάζουν τα Βιομηχανία και εμπόριο (1919)

και Χρήμα, πίστη και εμπόριο (1923).

Etymology Originally, Πολιτεία. l Economy meant the study of the

conditions under which production or consumption within limited
parameters was organized in nation-states. In that way, Πολιτεία. l
Economy expanded the emphasis of economics, which comes from the
Greek oikos (meaning "home") and nomos (meaning "law" or
"order"); thus Πολιτεία. l Economy was meant to express the laws of
production of wealth at the state level, just as economics was the
ordering of the home. The phrase économie politique (translated in
English as Πολιτεία. l Economy) first appeared in France in 1615 with the
well-known Βιβ. by Antoine de Montchrétien, Traité de l’economie
politique. The French physiocrats, Adam Smith, David Ricardo, and
German philosopher and social theorist Karl Marx were some of the
exponents of Πολιτεία. l Economy. The world's first professorship in
Πολιτεία. l Economy was established in 1754 at the University of Naples
Federico II, Italy (then capital city of the Kingdom of Naples); the
Neapolitan philosopher Antonio Genovesi was the first tenured professor;
in 1763, Joseph von Sonnenfels was appointed a Πολιτεία. l Economy
chair at the University of Vienna, Austria. In 1805, Thomas Malthus
became England's first professor of Πολιτεία. l Economy, at the East India
Company College, Haileybury, Hertfordshire. Glasgow University, where
Smith was Professor of Logic and of Moral Philosophy, changed the name
of its Department of Πολιτεία. l Economy to the Department of
Economics (ostensibly to avoid confusing prospective undergraduates) in
the academic year 1997–98, leaving the class of 1998 as the last to be
graduated with a Master of Arts (Scotland) in Πολιτεία. l Economy.

A. F. Robertson - 1987 - Byres (1983: 7ff) traces references back 2,500

years to the Greek hektemoroi ('sixth partners') and ... While economists
inclining to the left would stress the inequity of sharecropping, those
inspired by Alfred Marshall would see in its inefficiency ...
Alfred Marshall: Critical Responses - Τόμος 1 - Σελίδα 102 Peter D.
Groenewegen - 1998 - Greek thought and Greek action, Πολιτεία. l and
social, were indissolubly welded together. But English action has been
largely separated from English thought. This did, indeed, relatively little
harm while English action was chiefly given to ...
Alfred Marshall's Lectures to Women: Some Economic Questions
...Tiziano Raffaelli, Eugenio F. Biagini, Rita McWilliams Tullberg - 1995

- You will find little in history which is not connected with this change,
depending chiefly on the change in the ethical point of view (on which I
must not now touch) and proceeding almost regularly through the Eastern
civilization to the Greek and ...
C. Sallusti Crispi Bellum Catilinae. Sallust's Catilinarian ...Gaius Sallustius
Crispus, Alfred Marshall Cook - 1884 -
Classified Word Βιβ. , New Testament Greek : Nouns, Adjectives, Verbs
...Alfred Marshall - 1964 -
Coal: Its History and Uses (1878) Thomas Edward Thorpe, Alfred
Marshall, Louis Compton Miall - 2010 - Other Authors Include Arthur
William Green And Alexander Henry Rucker.
Cyril J. Barber - 2004 - The InterΓρ. ar Hebrew/Greek English Bible edited
by Jay Green is a valuable acquisition. ... New Testament study is The
NASB InterΓρ. ar Greek -English New Testament, which is accompanied
by the literal translation of Dr. Alfred Marshall.
Decoding the Apocalypse - Σελίδα 254 Ernest Verity - 2003 - See The
InterΓρ. ar Greek -English N.T. Alfred Marshall. It is a long shaft leading
to the abyss from which no escape is possible for those condemned to spend
eternity there. Rev. 9:2, And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose
smoke ...
Elements of Economics - Τόμος 1 Alfred Marshall - 2008 - This is a pre-
1923 historical reproduction that was curated for quality. Quality assurance
was conducted on each of these Βιβ. s in an attempt to remove Βιβ. s with
imperfections introduced by the digitization process.
Elements of Economics of Industry - Τόμος 1 Alfred Marshall - 2003 -
Historical Abstracts: Modern history abstracts, 1450-1914 Eric H. Boehm
- 1999 - There have been few studies of the Greek diaspora in Russia from
the standpoint of Greek entrepreneurial networks in ... OutΓρ. s the
problems Peter Groenewegen encountered in writing A Soaring Eagle:
Alfred Marshall 1842-1924, the first ...
Industry and Trade - Τόμος 2 Alfred Marshall - 2006 - Though the bulk
of his work was completed before the turn of the 20th century, the global
ramifications of World War I prompted him to reconsider his theories on
international economics, and in 1919 he published the two-volume
Industry and ...

Key Concepts in Race and Ethnicity Nasar Meer - 2014 - In his landmark
essay Citizenship and Social Class (1997 [1950]), T. H. Marshall displays
the Greek and Roman inheritance in his view that the central feature ...
Hobhouse, and economists such as Alfred Marshall and John Maynard
New Testament Greek Primer Alfred Marshall - 1981 -
NRSV-NIV Parallel New Testament in Greek and English Alfred
Marshall - 1990 - The Greek text is the 21st edition of Eberhard Nestle's
Novum Testamentum Graece. The interΓρ. ar English text is Marshall's
own literal translation. Annotation ed by Βιβ. News, Inc., Portland, OR
Official Papers of Alfred Marshall: A Supplement - Σελίδα 56 Alfred
Marshall, Peter D. Groenewegen - 1996 - A Supplement Alfred Marshall,
Peter D. Groenewegen. 18.333 ... As regards Greek , we have taught
several people their Greek alphabet. ... I think a college should always have
a class in which students can learn the Greek alphabet.47 18.334.
Passages for unseen translation selected from Latin and Greek literature
Alfred Marshall Cook, Edgar Cardew Marchant - 1952 -
Passages for Unseen Translation: Selected from Latin and Greek ... Alfred
Marshall Cook, Edgar Cardew Marchant - 1898 -
Principles of Economics, Volume 1 - Scholar's Choice Edition Alfred
Marshall - 2015 - This work has been selected by scholars as being
culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as
we know it.
The Correspondence of Alfred Marshall, Economist Alfred Marshall,
John K. Whitaker, Royal Economic Society (Great Britain) - 1996 - Alfred
Marshall, John K. Whitaker, Royal Economic Society (Great Britain).
studies ... which an old Greek , if he could come to life, would respect more
highly than learned dissertations on the words and thoughts of even the
greatest of the dead.
The Economics of Industry, by Alfred Marshall and Mary Paley Marshall
Alfred Marshall, Mary Paley Marshall - 2015 - This work has been
selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the
knowledge base of civilization as we know it.
The Intellectual Foundations of Alfred Marshall's Economic Science:
...Simon J. Cook - 2009 - In Hegel's Philosophy of History, by contrast,
Marshall found a conception of progress as driven by the internal dialectic

... For Maine the “Greek intellect with all its mobility & elasticity, was
quite unable to restrain itself within the strait waistcoat ...
The InterΓρ. ar Greek -English New Testament. The Nestle Greek Text
...1958 -
The interΓρ. ar Greek -English New Testament: the Nestle Greek text
...1964 -
The interΓρ. ar Greek -english testament: the Nestle Greek text with
...Alfred Marshall - 1972 -
The InterΓρ. ar KJV/NIV Parallel: New Testament in Greek and English
Alfred Marshall - 1990 - These advantages offer you a better
understanding of the Bible as a result. This proven study tool uses Alfred
Marshall's interΓρ. ar English text--the standard, widely used literal
translation of the Nestle's Greek text, 21st edition.
The InterΓρ. ar NASB-NIV Parallel New Testament in Greek and English
Alfred Marshall - 1993 - Alfred Marshall....
The InterΓρ. ar NIV Parallel New Testament in Greek and English: The
...Alfred Marshall - 1999 - The Nestle Greek Text Alfred Marshall. NIV.
New International Version (NIV) is today's most widely read,
contemporary Bible translation. Its "dynamic equivalency" approach ...
The most popular under graduate economics textΒιβ. of the early 20th
The New Cambridge Curriculum in Economics and Associated Branches
of ...Alfred Marshall - 2012 -
The New International Version interΓρ. ar Greek -English New ...Alfred
Marshall - 1976 - the Nestle Greek text with a literal English translation
by Alfred Marshall, and a foreword by J. B. Phillips, also a marginal text
of the New international version Alfred Marshall.
The Prayer of Jesus: A Reading of the Lord's Prayer - Σελίδα 189 Kent
Gramm - 2015 - Minneapolis: augsburg, 1958. MacLeish, archibald.
Collected Poems, 1917–1982. Boston: houghton Mifflin, 1985. Marshall,
alfred. The New International Version Inter Γρ. ar Greek -English New
Testament. Grand rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1976.
The Pretribulation Rapture Theory and Dispensationalism Revisited J.
Mike Byrd - 2014 - A place to begin such Analysis might be to look at a

word for word translation ofthe Greek by a respected Greek scholar. Dr.
Alfred Marshall renders the Greek text (from the 21st edition of Eberhard
Nestle's Novum Testamentum Graece) as ...
The R.S.V. InterΓρ. ar Greek -English New Testament: The Nestle Greek
...Erwin Nestle, Alfred Marshall - 1970 - The Nestle Greek Text with a
Literal English Translation Alfred Marshall Erwin Nestle. he squandered
his property in loose living. ,4And when he had spent everything, a great
famine arose in that country, and he began to be in want. "So he ...
Top Class Competitors: How Nations, Firms and Individuals Succeed in
...Stephane Garelli - 2006 - Victor Hugo (1802–1885) Economics (from
the Greek words oikos “house” and nemo “rules” – thus “household
management”) is the social science which studies ... The English economist
Alfred Marshall coined the term around 1880 in his ...
What in the World Is God Doing: The Essentials of Global Missions: ...C.
Gordon Olson - 2003 - The per B This translation of the periphrastic perfect
passive participle in Greek is confirmed by the Charles B. Williams, ...
People (1963), the Amplified Bible, and the Alfred Marshall InterΓρ. ar
Greek -English New Testament (1958) renderings.

Adam Smith Greek

Adam Smith. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of
Nations, Smith, Adam Published: 1776 If little improvement was to be
expected from such great proprietors, still less was to be hoped for from
those who occupied the land under them. In the ancient state of Europe, the
occupiers of land were all tenants at will. They were all or almost all
slaves; but their slavery was of a milder kind than that known among
the ancient Greek s and Romans, or even in our West Indian colonies.
They were supposed to belong more directly to the land than to their…

Adam Smith. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of
Nations, Smith, Adam Published: 1776 The sending out a colony of this
kind not only gave some satisfaction to the people, but oftenestablished a
sort of garrison, too, in a newly conquered province, of which the
obedience might otherwise have been doubtful. A Roman colony therefore,
whether we consider the nature of the establishment itself or the motives
for making it, was altogether different from a Greek one. The words
accordingly, which in the original languages denote those different

establishments, have very different meanings. The Latin word (Colonia)

signifies simply a plantation. The Greek word apoikia, on the contrary,
signifies a separation of dwelling, a departure from home, a going out of
the house. But, though the Roman colonies were in many respects different
from the Greek ones, the interest which prompted to establish them was
equally plain and distinct.

A Companion to Greek Art Tyler Jo Smith, Dimitris Plantzos 2012 The

economist Adam Smith, for example, traveled with the young Duke of
Buccleuch, while other Tourists enjoyed the benefits of being escorted by
philosophers such as Thomas Hobbes or John Locke. But most of the bear-
leaders, it must be ...
A Complete Analysis Or Abridgement of Dr. Adam Smith’s Inquiry Into
...Adam Smith, Jeremiah Joyce 1797 Adam Smith, Jeremiah Joyce. C ]
A state may ... Land is a fund of a more stable and permanent nature, and
has been the principal source of public revenue of many a great nation ; —
of the antient republics of Greece and Italy. The rent of the ...
A Complete Analysis, Or Abridgment, of Dr. Adam Smith’s Inquiry Into
...Adam Smith, Jeremiah Joyce 1804 Adam Smith, Jeremiah Joyce ... nue
of many a great nation ;--of the antient republics of Greece and Italy... In
antient Greece and Italy, every citizen was a soldier at his own expence :
and in the antient monarchies of Europe, the body of the ...
A History of Economic Theory and Method: Sixth Edition Σελίδα 7 Robert
B. Ekelund, Jr., Robert F. Hébert 2013 This attempt reached a watershed
in 1776 when Adam Smith published An Inquiry into the Nature and
Causes of the Wealth of ... he nevertheless built on an intellectual tradition
of Western thought that reached back as far as Ancient Greece.
A Short History of Writing Instruction: From Ancient Greece to ...James
J. Murphy 2012 From Ancient Greece to Contemporary America James
J. Murphy. Adam Smith, Robert Watson, Hugh Blair, and Thomas
Sheridan delivered rhetoric lectures at the urging of Henry Homes, later
Lord Kames, who believed that such refinements ...
Adam Smith and the Circles of Sympathy: Cosmopolitanism and Moral
Theory Fonna Forman-Barzilai 2010 I33 Indeed, Smith fully embraced the
“middle-Stoic” distinction, as we would call it today, between virtuous acts
and acts that were appropriate — in Greek Stoicism, the distinction
between the hatortho'mata and hatho'honta, and in Cicero's ...

Adam Smith and the Classics: The Classical Heritage in Adam Smith’s
...Gloria Vivenza 2001 The Classical Heritage in Adam Smith’s Thought
Gloria Vivenza. Smith’s conclusion on the different nature of Greek and
Roman style goes beyond the boundaries of oratory: 'This study of
Ornament and Pomp was common not only to all the ...
Adam Smith and the Founding of Market Economics Σελίδα 68 The
Economic wealth of Greece and Rome had likewise vanished. During the
Middle Ages man tilled the soil to keep himself from starvation; he spent
some time in the manufacture of simple clothing to protect himself against
the rigors of the ...
Adam Smith and the Virtues of Enlightenment Σελίδα 324 Charles L.
Griswold 1999 ... the plan of Providence." Smith immediately complicates
this cheerful assessment, for we are also capable of acting ... Newly
translated from the Greek : with Notes, and an Account of his Life
(Glasgow: R. Foulis, 1742). The names of the ...
Adam Smith in Context: A Critical Reassessment of Some Central ...L.
Montes 2003 an inner principle in human nature.52 Smith is aware that
common language might mislead readers to what he ... as it pertains to 'any
passion whatever', Smith reiterates that it has to do with 'joy and grief'.53
The Greek word sumpátheia was ...
Adam Smith in His Time and Ours: Designing the Decent Society Jerry
Z. Muller 1995 To Put Adam Smith’s Evaluation of a market society into
perspective, we must recall the characteristic attitudes of the great ...
society conveyed by the classical Greek and Christian traditions, which
continued to influence intellectual life through ...
Adam Smith Jonathan Conlin 2016 In school Smith not only learned
reading, writing and arithmetic but Latin and some Greek . In The Wealth
of Nations Smith argues that this grammar school curriculum, which saw
'the children of common people' taught 'a little smattering of ...

Adam Smith Reference Archive. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes
of The Wealth of Nations By ADAM SMITH Written: 1766 - 1776 First
Published: 1776 Source: The Wealth of Nations, The Modern Library, 1937
Publisher: Random House, Inc. Transcription/Markup: Brian Baggins
OnΓρ. Version: Adam Smith Reference Archive ( 2000.

Adam Smith Σελίδα 100 Knud Haakonssen 1998 They insisted on this
ideal as strongly as any of their Greek predecessors, and by painting it in

the colours of the Roman virtus or vir bonus and by ... I, 143. ADAM
SMITH’S ETHICS AND ITS STOIC ORIGINS 601 ticular demands 100
Adam Smith.
Adam Smith Σελίδα 20 R. H. Campbell, A. S. Skinner 2014 First, in the
description so commonly applied to him, he was the restorer, or
rediscoverer, of Greek geometry, and ... That Smith held him in lasting
affection is evident in the letter which he wrote to the Principal of Glasgow
University on his ...
Adam Smith: An Enlightened Life Nicholas Phillipson 2010 Smith left
Glasgow in May 1740, shortly before the end of the academic year... and
even of stupidity', but he was well regarded, and according to the Professor
of Greek he was 'a very fine boy as any we have'.1 He went home to
Kirkcaldy to ...
Adam Smith: And the Scotland of His Day Σελίδα 8 C. R. Fay 2011 ... to
particulars (as Sir John Sinclair would say), some general observations on
Adam Smith’s Scotland will be of service... A Roman before knowing
Greece—-it was left to that amazing German, Winckelmann, to guess what
Greek art was ...
Adam Smith: Critical Assessments Τόμος 1 Σελίδα 168 John Cunningham
Wood 2004 Adam. Smith: Moralist. and. Philosopher. G.R.. Morrow.
Source: Journal of Πολιτεία. l Economy. Vol. 35 (3). June 1927, pp. 321-
42. Once upon a time there was a man who read the Wealth of Nations; not
a summary, nor a volume of selected ...
Adam Smith: His Life, Thought, and Legacy Σελίδα 155 Ryan Patrick
Hanley 2016 that Smith managed Latin and Greek quite well. Therefore,
it is very likely that Smith was well aware of the Greek word enkráteia, its
nature and meaning, and its relationship with the cardinal virtue of
temperance or sophrosúne. 30. Aristotle ...
Adam Smith: Selected Philosophical Writings James R. Otteson 2012 ...
various appearances of nature; and they pursue this study for its own sake,
as an original pleasure or good in itself, without regarding its tendency to
procure them the means of many other pleasures Greece, and the Greek
colonies in Sicily, ...
Adam Smith’s Library: A Supplement to Bonar's Catalogue with a
...Hiroshi Mizuta 2008 [Oppiani poetae cilicis De SC 21 venatione libri
IV, et de piscatione libri V, cum verso paraphrasi graeca librorum de

aucupio. Graece et latine. Curavit Joh. Gottlob Schneider. Argentorati

1776.] "Opuscula Mythologica Physica et Ethica Greek ...
Adam Smith’s Moral Philosophy: A Historical and Contemporary ...Jerry
Evensky 2005 According to Smith, Rome was, in contrast to Greece, a
state where respect for the institutions of justice nurtured good citizens:
The superiority of ... 6 “[I]n the early periods of every society ...trials were
62 Adam Smith’s Moral Philosophy.
Adam Smith’s System of Liberty, Wealth, and Virtue: The Moral and
...Athol Fitzgibbons 1995 (EPS 45–6) So Smith said that elementary
machines would be complex, and that the most evolved machines would
be the ... Hume extended the Greek theory, that the earth is an atomic
chaos, to the heavens; Smith extended the other Greek ...
Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations Σελίδα 196 Jerry Evensky 2015 The
Church favored its Latin translation of the New Testament, while reformers
reached back to “the Greek text of the new testament, and even the Hebrew
text of the old, [as] more favourable to their opinions than the vulgate
translation, which, ...
After Adam Smith: A Century of Transformation in Politics and ...Murray
Milgate, Shannon C. Stimson 2011 —John Maynard Keynes, General
Theory WHEN THOMAS MORE punned on the Greek eutopia (ef +
tWpow) or “good place,” to give us the word utopia (of + tWpow) or “no
place”— but a good no place nonetheless—he could scarcely have ...
Against Mechanism: Protecting Economics from Science Σελίδα 191
Philip Mirowski 1992 England. Adam. Smith. and. Empiricism. There
exists a recent trend in discussions of the philosophy of science which has,
... the study of the Greek language in Spanish universities, and the question
of whether the republic of Hamburg derived ...
An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations Adam
Smith 1801 Adam Smith. debasement of, 304Coinage of France and
Britain , examined , 315. Why coin is privately melted down, 333. The mint
chiefly employed to ... Distinction between the Roman and Greek colonies,
95. Circumstance that led to the ...
An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations Adam
Smith (économiste) 1825 Adam Smith (économiste). CHAP... the first
settlement of the different European colonies in America and the West
Indies, was not altogether so plain and distinct as that which directed the
establishment of those of Ancient Greece and Rome.

An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations Τόμος
2 Adam Smith 1914 The archaeology of Economic ideas: the classical
Greek tradition
An Inqury Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations Adam
Smith 1801 Adam Smith. ΚΕΦ. VII. Of Colonies. Part First. Of the
motives for establishing new Colonies. IhE interest which ... was not
altogether fo plain and distinct as that which directed the establishment of
thofe of Ancient Greece and Rome.
An Introduction to Government and Politics: A Conceptual Approach M.
O. Dickerson, Thomas Flanagan, Brenda O'Neill 2009 The origins of
Πολιτεία. l science lie in the classical period of Greek philosophy, whose
greatest writers were Πλάτων and ... Writers such as Adam Smith, who
held the chair of moral philosophy at the University of Glasgow, began to
study and write ...
Aristotle, Adam Smith and Karl Marx: On Some Fundamental Issues in
...Spencer J. Pack 2010 Aristotle: The Growth and Structure of His
Thought. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Lloyd, G.E.R. 1996.
Aristotelian Explorations. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Lowry, S. Todd. 1965. 'The Classical Greek Theory of Natural ...
Balkan Border Crossings: Third Annual of the Konitsa Summer School
Vassilis Nitsiakos, Ioannis Manos, Georgios Agelopoulos 2013 Some trace
the E genius back to classical Greek ideals of rationality and philosophir
Yet in the eighteenth century, when Adam Smith wrote The l/ Nations, a
work often interpreted as a kind of charter for moderl ism because of its
celebration of ...
Biographical Memoirs, of Adam Smith, LL. D., of William Robertson,
...Dugald Stewart 1811 How intimately he had once been conversant with
the more ornamental branches of learning ; in particular, with the works of
the Roman, Greek , French, and Italian poets, appeared sufficiently from
the hold which they kept of his memory, after ...
Capital of the Mind James Buchan 2012 ... inland of the town, in one of
those incidents in his life that seem so incorrigibly unEconomical, Adam
Smith was abducted by gypsies... Nor did he ever relax his early grasp of
the philology and literature of Latin, Greek , French and Italian.
East Central Europe in the Modern World: The Politics of the ...Andrew C.
Janos 2000 This being the case, one of the major tasks of the Πολιτεία. l
scientist would be to identify critical thresholds in technological innovation

with particular reference to "dexterity," Adam Smith’s translation of the

Greek word techne.1 More specifically, ...
Economic Doctrine and Method Joseph Schumpeter 2013 The great
writings of the eighteenth century of which Adam Smith’s Wea/tn
of/Vattons is by far the most important ... This is true not only in the sense
that the Greek thinkers expressed ideas of an Economic character which
in later years were to ...
Economics, Competition and Academia: An Intellectual History of
...Donald Stabile 2007 That Adam Smith had a high knowledge of Greek
philosophy is well-known (Lowry 1979: 66; Lowry 1987: 5–6; Petrochilos
2002: 600), but the extent to which he drew upon Aristotle is arguable
(Soudek 1952: 29; Gordon 1964: 116). In The ...
e-Study Guide for: Investigating Culture: An Experiential ...Cram101
TextΒιβ. Reviews 2013 archbishop•Adam Lyon (20052008) Cartoon
Network My Gym Partner's a Monkey•Adam Malik (19171984),
Indonesia's third vice ... American politician•Adam Sessler ,cohoston
XPlay•Adam Setliff, American discus thrower•Adam Smith (17231790),
economist and author ... Adonis Adonis, also knownin Greek mythology
asafavoriteof Aphrodite is a figure with Northwest Semitic antecedents,
where heisa ...
Great Βιβ. s of the Western World: Adam Smith Σελίδα 338 Robert
Maynard Hutchins 1952 By gymnastic exercises it was intended to harden
his body, to sharpen his courage, and to prepare him for the fatigues and
dangers of war; and as the Greek militia was, by all accounts, one of the
best that ever was in the world, this part of ...
Greece prepares for the twenty-first century Σελίδα 253 Dēmētrēs K.
Kōnstas, Dimitri Constas, Theofanis George Stavrou 1995 Κεφ. 10 The
Greek Media Face the Twenty-first Century: Will the Adam Smith
Complex Replace the Oedipus Complex? MANOLIS E. PARASCHOS
Introduction THROUGHOUT THE VARIOUS historic evolutionary
events that have shaped ...
Greece, the Hidden Centuries: Turkish Rule from the Fall of ...Brewer
David 2012 Turkish Rule from the Fall of Constantinople to Greek Brewer
David ... There were also scientists such as Newton and Linnaeus,
economists (Turgot and Adam Smith), Πολιτεία. l reformers (Condorcet,
Beccaria and Bentham), historians (the Scot ...

Greek Banking: From the Pre-Euro Reforms to the Financial Crisis and
...F. Pasiouras 2012 Actually, the recognition of the incentive problems
that arise when decisions are taken by managers who are not owners of the
firm dates back to the work of Adam Smith (1776), while modern interest
in the field is usually associated with the ...
Greek Revival America Σελίδα 187 1989 Nicholas Middle and an
Ideology for the Greek Revival Under Nicholas Biddle's aegis, the journal
The Portfolio, ... Gavin Hamilton, Lord Karnes, David Hume, and Adam
Smith had their own effects upon the American scene, though ...
Greek Studies in England 1700–1830 Σελίδα 40 M. L. Clarke 2014 ΚΕΦ.
IV Greek in Scotland “He once spoke to some scholars at the Gray's Inn
Coffee House on Bentley's literary ... Such names as Adam Smith,
Robertson, Hume and Dugald Stewart are familiar to everybody, but few
would be able to ...
Historical Abstracts: Modern history abstracts, 1450-1914 Eric H. Boehm
2000 Reviews Adam Smith’s discussion in Wealth of Nations (1776) of
the financing of religious institutions and the ... AZ AMERIKAI GOrOG
KATOLIKUS PUSPOkSEC ELSO EVEI [The first years of the American
Greek Catholic episcopacy].
Injustice in justice. Lies of statistics. Middle-class education. ...William
Lucas Sargant 1870
Intersubjectivity and Objectivity in Adam Smith and Edmund Husserl:
...Christel Fricke, Dagfinn Føllesdal 2012 I was amazed and felt confirmed
in this view when I read again recently in the Greek language another well
known example of immediate compassion from a completely different
cultural tradition. It was the story of the good Samaritan told by ...
Jerusalem: The Topography, Economics and History from the Earliest
...George Adam Smith 2013 The Topography, Economics and History
from the Earliest Times to AD 70 George Adam Smith. ΚΕΦ. XV THE
JEW AND THE GREEK 332-168 B.C. F all the movements of history,
none are more fitted to attract our curiosity than those by ...
Jurisprudence: From The Greek s To Post-Modernity Wayne Morrison
2016 This challenging Βιβ. on jurisprudence begins by posing questions
in the post-modern context,and then seeks to bridge the gap between our
traditions and contemporary situation.

Life of Adam Smith Σελίδα 18 John Rae 2009 Smith would doubtless
improve his Greek to some extent under Dunlop, though from all we know
of the work of that class, he could not be carried very far there. Dunlop
spent most of his first year teaching the elements of Greek grammar with ...
Life of Adam Smith. Together with a view of his doctrine, compared
...1805 That of Jones is, however, extremely defective : his modesty was
indeed great, but it ought not to have excluded his almost univerfal
acquirements ; and his Greek gives us but a poor notion of his (kill in
twenty-four languages, many of which he ...
New Perspectives on Adam Smith’s The Theory of Moral Sentiments
Geoff Cockfield, Ann Firth, John Laurent 2007 3. Adam. Smith’s.
treatment. of. the. Greek s. in. The. Theory. of. Moral. Sentiments: the.
case. of. Aristotle. Richard Temple-Smith INTRODUCTION A modern
reader of Adam Smith’s The Theory of Moral Sentiments may wonder
about the many ...
Principles of Economics Σελίδα 306 33; Adam Smith, An Inquiry into the
Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, Modern Library Edition, New
York, 1937, p. 33; David ... and that Adam Smith distinguished between
the two concepts independently of the Greek philosopher.
Religious Internationals in the Modern World: Globalization and ...A.
Green, V. Viaene 2012 Indeed, bythe time that George Adam Smith
(1856–1942) published hisclassic account ofThe Historical Geography of
... in church historyfrom the beginning': Greek s andLatins have warred
forthe possession of holy places, real andfeigned.
Rethinking Tragedy Σελίδα 148 Rita Felski 2008 Adam Smith, The
Theory of Moral Sentiments, V.2.9 The Pity Debate Pity is problematic.
The emotion that lies at the heart of Ancient Greek tragedy has provoked
intense debate, both in Greco-Roman antiquity and in modern Europe.
S. Todd Lowry 1987 The Wealth of Nations Βιβλία 4-5 Adam Smith,
Andrew Skinner 1999
Scottish Philosophy of Rhetoric Rosaleen Keefe 2014 Adam Smith, one
of the most celebrated Scots of any century, was born in Kirkcaldy on 5
June 1723... theory and history, the timely subject ofbelles lettres, deeper
knowledge of Latin and Greek , and teaching himself French and Italian.
Smith ...

Second Nature: Economic Origins of Human Evolution Σελίδα 41 Haim

Ofek 2001 ... in the cosmos (or the place of slaves in their own backyard),
but had little to do with the real world as Adam Smith saw it... However,
he was surely familiar with the philosophical and practical thinking of the
Ancient Greek s as outΓρ. d above.
Selections from the Greek Anthology Rosamund Marriott Watson 1889
Spectacles of Truth in Classical Greek Philosophy: Theoria in its ...Andrea
Wilson Nightingale 2004 Adam Smith, Theory of Moral Sentiments In the
fourth century bce, Greek thinkers first articulated the idea that supreme
wisdom takes the form of theoria. These philosophers defined their new
conception of knowledge in different ways, using ...
Speeches of Mr. Randolph, on the Greek Question: On Internal ...John
Randolph 1824
The Adam Smith Review Τόμος 4 Σελίδα 41 Vivienne Brown 2008
Smith’s complex sympathetic process. And finally, what concerns us in
this essay, it will lead us to an important Stoic influence. The Greek prefix
sun (later syn), which means together or simply with (as Πλάτων 's Sym-
posium means drinking with), ...
The Adam Smith Review: Τόμος 9 Fonna Forman 2016 In this sense,
rather than a condemnation of colonialism per se, Smith«s attack on the
colonial monopolies is a critique ... Understanding his defence of
liberalism as analogous to the autonomy enjoyed by the Greek apoikia in
face of its mother ...
The Afterlife of Adam Smith: The Influence, Interpretation and ...William
Farina 2015 Although Smith never completed his grand projected work on
the imitative arts, he managed to sneak in a fair amount of interesting
observations in his surviving works, particularly with respect to the
Ancient Greek culture first spawning this ...
The Βιβ. Review Digest Τόμος 24 Σελίδα 920 1929 (Ag •28) Fay, C: R.
Great Britain from Adam Smith to the present day. (S '28) ... N. M. Black
Sparta, (S '28) Greece, Modern Miller, W: Greece. (N '28) Greece. Miller,
W: (N '28) Greek church Splnka, M. Church and the Russian revolution.
The Clinical Practice of Complementary, Alternative, and Western ...W.
John Diamond 2000 ... Locke (representing government and society), and
Adam Smith (representing the Economic approach). The only two

worldview philosophies that had preceded the mechanical worldview were

those of the Greek and the medieval church.
The Division of Labour in Economics: A History Guang-Zhen Sun 2013
Without doubt, the idea of the increasing returnsof specialization is an
oldone.1 The Ancient Greek philosophers from ... mostinfluential notions
aboutthe division oflabor that Adam Smith (1776) famously articulated
more than two millennia later ...
The Essential Adam Smith Σελίδα 43 Adam Smith, Robert L. Heilbroner,
Laurence J. Malone 1987 Adam Smith, Robert L. Heilbroner, Laurence J.
Malone. this a mob can never do. As the citizens in Greece thought it below
them to bear arms, and entrusted the republic to mercenaries, their military
force was diminished, and consequently a ...
The Evolution of Educational Theory in the United States Σελίδα 37
Dickson A. Mungazi 1999 If there is one individual who deserves credit
for transmitting the thoughts of the Greek masters to the New World, that
individual is John Locke (1632-1704). Adam Smith, who gained so much
from Locke's work, was born nearly twenty years ...
The Glasgow Edition of the Works and Correspondence of Adam Smith:
...Adam Smith 1976 Adam Smith. language therefore made, from the
beginning, an essential part of university education. 21 It was not so with
... have been equally dictated by divine inspiration, and therefore of equal
authority with the Greek and Hebrew originals.
The Glasgow Edition of the Works and Correspondence of Adam Smith:
...Adam Smith, Ernest Campbell Mossner, Ian Simpson Ross 1987 I am
with great regard Your most obedient humble Servant Adam Smith 42...
Noticeable among their Βιβ. s on the list are the De elocutione of Demetrius
Phalereus, which was the first Greek text published in Glasgow (1743),
and the one ...
The Glasgow Edition of the Works and Correspondence of Adam Smith:
...Adam Smith 1977 Adam Smith. attends the lectures of the Proffessor of
Civil Law, I shall read with him myselfe an institute of the feudal law,
which ... The Study of Greek and latin is not at all new to him : Logic
requires little attention so that moral philosophy and ...
The Life of Adam Smith Σελίδα 41 Ian Simpson Ross 2010 The
fascination exerted on Smith by this story, until the end of his life, is
indicated by its retention in a highly coloured ... Smith valued classical

drama, and seems to have caught from Dunlop a love for the niceties of
Greek grammar as well as ...
The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D.: Including a Journal of a Tour to
...James Boswell, John Wilson Croker 1831 Greek , sir,' said he, ' is like
lace ; every man gets Langton as much of it as he can V " When Lord
Charles Hay 2, after his return from America, was preparing his defence to
be offered to the court-martial ... Dr. Adam Smith, who was present,.
The Oxford Companion to Classical Civilization Simon Hornblower,
Antony Spawforth, Esther Eidinow 2014 Stoic teleology (see STOICISM)
is the background for Adam Smith’s conception of the 'invisible hand',
which should not be understood apart from Stoic ideas of providence and
The Oxford HandΒιβ. of Adam Smith Christopher J. Berry, Maria Pia
Paganelli, Craig Smith 2013 Spiros Tegos is Lecturer of Early Modern
Philosophy at The University of Crete, Greece. He holds a Ph.D. in 'The ...
He is also the editor of the forthcoming Greek edition of Adam Smith’s
Lectures on Jurisprudence. Edwin van de Haar is a ...
The Philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche Σελίδα 152 H. L. Mencken 2003 ...
Mandeville, La Bruyere, Fontenelle, Voltaire, Kant, La Rochefoucauld,
Helvetius, Adam Smith, Malthus, Butler, Blake, ... perhaps, that his
ancestry ran in two streams, the one coming down from the Greek s whom
he studied as school-boy ...
The Science of a Legislator: The Natural Jurisprudence of David Hume
...Knud Haakonssen 1989 The Natural Jurisprudence of David Hume and
Adam Smith Knud Haakonssen ... in the world have arose from them than
any other nation'.41 4 Greece and Rome Nomadic societies like the ones
mentioned existed in areas of the world where ...
The Social Philosophy of Adam Smith Σελίδα 155 J.R. Lindgren 2012
Adam Smith. London: The Historical Association, 1948. Guthrie, W. K.
C., A History of Greek Philosophy. vol. 3. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1969. Hamowy, Ronald, “Adam Smith, Adam Ferguson
and the Division of Labour,” ...
The social physics of Adam Smith Σελίδα 172 Vernard Foley 1976 Before
retreating in amazement at the sweeping nature of Smith’s analogy,
however, it seems well to cast around for possible Greek referents. One of
these can be noticed best in connection with Smith’s belief that it is the
circulation of money ...

The Stoic Idea of the City Malcolm Schofield 1999 we do know, and,
through them, on later philosophers such as Descartes, Spinoza, Grotius,
Adam Smith, Rousseau, and Kant. Schofield's Βιβ. is the first systematic
attempt to set out what can be reconstructed about the Greek Stoics'
original ...
The Theory of Moral Sentiments ... To which is Added a Dissertation
...Adam Smith 1774 Adam Smith. among the greatest breaches of
decorum of which the Greek theatre has set the example. . The little
sympathy which we feel with bodily pain is the foundation of the propriety
of constancy and patience in enduring it. The man ...
The Theory of Moral Sentiments Σελίδα 25 Adam Smith 2007 Adam
Smith. dred tragedies, we shall seldom feel so entire an abatement of our
sensibility to the objects which they ... In some of the Greek tragedies there
is an attempt to excite compassion, by the representation of the agonies of
bodily pain.
The Theory of Moral Sentiments, Or, An Essay Towards an Analysis of
...Adam Smith 1804 To which is Added, a Dissertation on the Origin of
Languages Adam Smith. became at any time ... Excepting Cleomenes, I
cannot at present recollect any every illustrious, either patriot or hero of
Greece, who died by his own hand. The death of ...
The Theory of Moral Sentiments: To which is Added, a Dissertation on
...Adam Smith, Dugald Stewart 1767 To which is Added, a Dissertation
on the Origin of Languages Adam Smith Dugald Stewart. among the
greatest breaches of decorum of which the Greek theatre has set the
example. The little sympathy which we feel with bodily pain is the ...
The Wealth of Nations Βιβλία 1-3 Adam Smith, Andrew Skinner 1982
The classic eighteenth-century treatise on the principles of Πολιτεία. l
Economics is presented in a definitive text with an introduction,
chronology, and index.
The Wealth of Nations: An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the
...Adam Smith, Jonathan B. Wight 2007 With an introduction by Jonathan
B. Wight, University of Richmond Adam Smith Jonathan B. Wight ... and
the West Indies, was not altogether so plain and distinct as that which
directed the establishment of those of Ancient Greece and Rome.
The Works of Adam Smith Τόμος 4 Σελίδα 161 Adam Smith, Dugald
Stewart 1811 Adam Smith, Dugald Stewart ... It 'was not so with that either
of the Greek , or 'of the Hebrew language... Latin Vulgate, to have been

equally dictated by divine inspiration, and therefore of equal authority with

the Greek and Hebrew originals.
The Works of Adam Smith, LL.D. and F.R.S. of London and Edinburgh:
...Adam Smith 1811 Adam Smith. v The Greek seems to be, in a great
measure, a simple, uncompounded language, formed from the primitive
jargon of those wandering savages, the Ancient Hellenians and
PelasIgians, from whom the Greek nation is said to have ...
The Works of Adam Smith, LL.D. and F.R.S. of London and Edinburgh:
... Adam Smith 1811 Adam Smith. Latin, therefore, was no longer
understood any c H A p. Where by the great body of the people, the whole
L ... an essential "part of the univerfity education, _ It was not so with that
either of the Greek , or of the Hebrew language.
The Works of Adam Smith: Considerations concerning the formation of
...Adam Smith, Dugald Stewart 1811 Adam Smith, Dugald Stewart. The
Greek seems to be, in a great measure, a simple, uncompounded language,
formed from the primitive jargon of those wandering savages, the Ancient
Hellenians and Pelasgians, from whom the Greek ...
The Works of Adam Smith: The nature and causes of the wealth of nations
Adam Smith 1811 Adam Smith. Latin, therefore, was no longer
understood any where by the great body of the people, the whole service
of ... have been equally dictated by divine inspiration, and therefore of
equal authority with the Greek and Hebrew originals.
These volumes include Smith’s assessment of the mercantile system, his
advocacy of the freedom of commerce and industry, and his famous
prophecy that "America will be one of the foremost nations of the world".
United States Congressional Record: Vol.155 Σελίδα 1857 two parties
which came to a head in December 1963 when armed Greek Cypriots
attacked and killed many Turkish Cypriots .... DAVE REIOHERT, NORM
DICKS, JIM MCDERMOTT, ADAM SMITH This project supports the
restoration of the ...
Wealth of Nations (Abridged): Adam Smith, Laurence Dickey 1993 No
Βιβ. has done more to instruct, enlighten, and inform conservatives about
Economics than Adam Smith’s undisputed classic.
Wealth of Nations Σελίδα 414 Adam Smith, Charles J. Bullock 2007
Adam Smith Charles J. Bullock ... the first settlement of the different
European colonies in America and the West Indies, was not altogether so

plain and distinct as that which directed the establishment of those of

Ancient Greece and Rome.
Western Civilization, Ideas, Politics, and Society CTI Reviews 2016 In
Wikipedia. Retrieved September 20, 2016, from Adam Smith. In Wikipedia.
Retrieved September 20, 2016, from
Smith. Aeschylus. In Wikipedia. Retrieved September 20 ...
Western Civilization, Ideas, Politics, and Society, Comprehensive ...CTI
Reviews 2016 Ancient Greece was a Greek civilization belonging to a
period of Greek history that lasted from the Archaic period of the 8th ...
One of the key figures of the Scottish Enlightenment, Adam Smith is best
known for two classic works: The Theory of ...
Who Cooked Adam Smith’s Dinner?: A Story About Women and
Economics Katrine Marcal 2015 The answer is that man has been allowed
to stand for selfinterest and woman has stood for the fragile love that must
be conserved. By being excluded. Even though the word 'Economy'
comes from the Greek oikos, which means home, ...
You, Unstuck: You Are the Solution to Your Greatest Problem Seth Adam
Smith 2015 You Are the Solution to Your Greatest Problem Seth Adam
Smith ... In his Βιβ. The Road Less Traveled, M. Scott Peck uses the Greek
myth of Orestes and the Furies to demonstrate how some of our greatest
struggles can become some of our ...

Tomas Malthus Greek

Μάλθους, Τόμας Ρόμπερτ

(Thomas Robert Malthus, Ντόρκιν, Σάρεϊ 1766 – Χεϊλιμπέρι, Χέρτφορντ
1834). Άγγλος οικονομολόγος. Δευτερότοκος από τα οκτώ παιδιά του
Ντάνιελ Μάλθους, σπούδασε στο Christ’s College στο πανεπιστήμιο του
Κέιμπριτζ. Άρχισε τη σταδιοδρομία του ως κληρικός της Αγγλικανικής
Εκκλησίας το 1796 και για αρκετό διάστημα υπηρέτησε ως πάστορας στο
Άλμπερι του Σάρεϊ, αλλά εγκατέλειψε γρήγορα το ιερατικό λειτούργημα
για να στραφεί οριστικά στις οικονομικές μελέτες. Το 1798 δημοσίευσε
την πρώτη έκδοση του έργου με το οποίο συνδέεται η φήμη του, Μελέτη

περί της θεωρίας του πληθυσμού και των επιδράσεών του στη μελλοντική
βελτίωση της κοινωνίας (An essay on the principle of population as it
effects the future improvement of society). Τα επόμενα χρόνια ο Μ.
ασχολήθηκε με την επεξεργασία της δεύτερης έκδοσης του έργου του, η
οποία, εμπλουτισμένη και βελτιωμένη, τυπώθηκε το 1803. Το 1805
διορίστηκε καθηγητής της πολιτικής οικονομίας (ο όρος χρησιμοποιήθηκε
για πρώτη φορά) στο κολέγιο γενικής μόρφωσης της Εταιρείας των
Ανατολικών Ινδιών. 
Η αρχική ιδέα της Μελέτης περί της θεωρίας του
πληθυσμού γεννήθηκε από τις συζητήσεις του Μ. με τον πατέρα του ο
οποίος, φανατικός οπαδός των ιδεών του Ζαν Ζακ Ρουσό, του Μαρί Ζαν
Κοντορσέ και του Γουίλιαμ Γκόντγουιν, υποστήριζε ότι η εξαθλίωση ήταν
συνέπεια των κακών θεσμών και ότι η δίκαιη κατανομή της γεωργικής
παραγωγής θα εξασφάλιζε την ευημερία όλων των ανθρώπων. Ο Μ.
αντιτάχθηκε κατηγορηματικά στην αισιόδοξη αυτή αντίληψη και εισήγαγε
στην κλασική οικονομία μια απροκάλυπτα απαισιόδοξη αντίληψη, ότι η
πραγματική αιτία της εξαθλίωσης βρίσκεται στο ένστικτο της
αναπαραγωγής, που έχει αποτέλεσμα να αυξάνει ο πληθυσμός αρκετά
ταχύτερα από τα μέσα συντήρησης, η αύξηση των οποίων περιορίζεται
από τον νόμο της φθίνουσας απόδοσης. Ενώ τα μέσα συντήρησης δεν
μπορούν να αυξηθούν παρά μόνο κατά αριθμητική πρόοδο, ο πληθυσμός
(με την ανεξέλεγκτη δράση του ενστίκτου αναπαραγωγής) θα έτεινε να
αναπτυχθεί με γεωμετρική πρόοδο. Ο χαλινός στην απεριόριστη αύξηση
του πληθυσμού δημιουργείται ακριβώς από την εξαθλίωση καθώς και από
τις επιδημίες και τους πολέμους, οι οποίοι, ανεβάζοντας τη θνησιμότητα,
αποκαθιστούν την ισορροπία μεταξύ πληθυσμού και διαθέσιμων πόρων.
Στα φυσικά αυτά εμπόδια του υπερπληθυσμού, τα οποία έχουν
κατασταλτικό χαρακτήρα, ο Μ. αντέταξε (στη δεύτερη έκδοση του έργου
του) τη δυνατότητα εμποδίων προληπτικού χαρακτήρα, δηλαδή τη
σεξουαλική εγκράτεια και τον γάμο σε προχωρημένη ηλικία. Αν και οι
θεωρίες του αυτές (οι οποίες αποτέλεσαν το δόγμα του μαλθουσιανισμού)
υποβλήθηκαν αργότερα σε αυστηρή κριτική αναθεώρηση, αναγνωρίστηκε
το γεγονός ότι πρώτος αντιμετώπισε τα προβλήματα αυτά, τα οποία
αργότερα αποτέλεσαν αντικείμενο μιας νέας επιστήμης, της δημογραφίας.
Το όνομα του Μ. συνδέθηκε στενά με τη θεωρία του πληθυσμού και μόνο
τελευταία έγινε αντιληπτή η αξία άλλων συνεισφορών του στην
οικονομική επιστήμη, όπως της συμβολής του στην ανάλυση του
νομισματικού θέματος, της μελέτης του επί της έγγειας προσόδου (η οποία
προηγείται της μελέτης του φίλου και συναδέλφου του Ντέιβιντ Ρικάρντο)
και της μελέτης των κρίσεων και των αιτίων τους, τις οποίες, 120 χρόνια
πριν από τον Κέινς, απέδιδε στην υπερβολική αποταμίευση και στην

ανεπάρκεια της κατανάλωσης.
Άλλα σημαντικά έργα του είναι:

Διερεύνηση της φύσης και της αύξησης της προσόδου (An inquiry into the
nature and progress of rent, 1815) και Οι αρχές της πολιτικής οικονομίας
θεωρούμενες από την άποψη της πρακτικής εφαρμογής τους (Principles of
Πολιτεία. l Economy considered with a view to their practical
applications, 1820).
An Essay on the Principle of Population. An Essay on the Principle of
Population, as it Affects the Future Improvement of Society with Remarks
on the Speculations of Mr. Godwin, M. Condorcet, and Other Writers.
Thomas Malthus London Printed for J. Johnson, in St. Paul’s Church-
Yard 1798.ΚΕΦ. 6. New colonies - Reasons for their rapid increase -
North American Colonies - Extraordinary instance of increase in the back
settlements - Rapidity with which even old states recover the ravages of
war, pestilence, famine, or the convulsions of nature. IT HAS BEEN
UNIVERSALLY REMARKED that all new colonies settled in healthy
countries, where there was plenty of room and food, have constantly
increased with astonishing rapidity in their population. Some of the
colonies from ancient Greece, in no very long period, more than
equalled their parent states in numbers and strength. And not to dwell
on remote instances, the European settlements in the new world bear ample
testimony to the truth of a remark, which, indeed, has never, that I know
of, been doubted. A plenty of rich land, to be had for little or nothing, is so
powerful a cause of population as to overcome all other obstacles. No
settlements could well have been worse managed than those of Spain in
Mexico, Peru, and Quito.

21st Century Economics: A Reference HandΒιβ. Τόμος 1 Rhona C. Free

2010 Adam Smith wrote Wealth of Nations to refute some of the
mercantilist ideas that were prevalent at the time... As far back as the
Ancient Greek s, there was a negative connotation to people operating in
an Economic sphere with the sole ...
An Introduction to World Politics: Conflict and Consensus on a Small
...Richard Oliver Collin, Pamela L. Martin 2012 In Greek mythology,
Cassandra was a female prophet of doom with some strong reservations
about that Trojan Horse the ... The Cassandras The first and most famous
Cassandra was a dour English clergyman named Thomas Malthus, the ...
Arthur Mervyn; Or, Memoirs of the Year 1793: With Related Texts
Charles Brockden Brown, Philip Barnard, Stephen Shapiro 2008 ... and
Economic resources that are most commonly associated today with
Thomas Malthus' An Essay on the Principle of ... Eton argues that the

character of Greek s cannot be adduced from their present behavior as

dominated peoples under ...
Biographical Dictionary of Literary Influences: The Nineteenth ...John
Powell, Derek W. Blakeley, Tessa Powell 2001 MALTHUS, THOMAS
ROBERT 269 a variety of Latin and Greek poets, orators, and historians.
His personal library, much of it now housed at Jesus College, includes
editions of Caesar, Cicero, Horace, Terence, Tertullian, Herodotus, and ...
Byron: The Poetry of Politics and the Politics of Poetry Σελίδα 251 Koraes
Professor of Modern Greek and Byzantine History Language and
Literature Roderick Beaton, Roderick Beaton, Christine Kenyon Jones
2016 Koraes Professor of Modern Greek and Byzantine History Language
and Literature Roderick Beaton, Roderick Beaton, ... whom Byron
probably had read, or at least with whose ideas he could claim some
acquaintance, was Thomas Malthus.
Charles Brockden Brown's Wieland, Ormond, Arthur Mervyn, and Edgar
...Charles Brockden Brown, Philip Barnard, Stephen Shapiro 2009 ... and
Economic resources that are most commonly associated today with
Thomas Malthus'An Essay on the Principle of ... Eton argues that the
character of Greek s cannot be adduced from their present behavior as
dominated peoples under ...
Climate Change and the Course of Global History, A Rough Journey CTI
Reviews 2016 It is the period in which Greek and Roman society
flourished and wielded great influence throughout Europe... Malthus'
theoretical argument It was Thomas Malthus who first made the argument
that Stasis and Growth in the Epoch of Agrarian ...
Design and Aesthetics in Wood Σελίδα 145 Eric A. Anderson, George F.
Earle 1972 This meant, then, that the Greek s, in attempting to
communicate their mathematical conceptioning, defined the circle as ... In
1810, Thomas Malthus, professor of Πολιτεία. l Economics to the East
India Company, was the first economist ever to ...
Dissertations on Man, Philosophical, Physiological, and Πολιτεία. l;
...Jarrold (Thomas), Malthus (Thomas Robert) 1806 Jarrold (Thomas),
Malthus (Thomas Robert). who, in their native country, would scarcely
have left a child to bear their dishonoured name, in exile lay the foundation
of states and empires. ' “The Greek colonies of Syracuse and Agrigentum
in ...

Ecology: Plants, Animals, and the Environment Michael Allaby 2010

Thomas Robert Malthus is known today as Thomas Malthus, but he
always used his middle name and in his lifetime was ... speaking
(declamation) in Latin and Greek as well as in English, an achievement
made more remarkable because he ...
Economics as Literature Σελίδα 97 William Henderson 2006 ... dialogue
as a form of exposition no doubtled him to cast the differences between
Malthus and Ricardo in sharp terms... was, however, predisposed to
attack Thomas Malthus, even working him into an essay on Greece under
the Romans.
Enlightened Metropolis: Constructing Imperial Moscow, 1762-1855
Alexander M. Martin 2013 A typical reaction was that of Thomas
Malthus, who visited the St Petersburg Foundling Home in 1799 and
praised its ... plan, the “Greek Project,” entailed conquering the Ottoman
Empire and replacing it with a revived Byzantine Empire under ...
Environmental Ethics: The Big Questions Σελίδα 415 David R. Keller
2010 This debate goes back to the English demographer Thomas Malthus,
became heated during the late 1960s and '70s, ... 1 Although some Ancient
Greek thinkers addressed the issue of population (for Πλάτων and
Aristotle, the ideal polishas a ...
Gothic Evolutions: Poetry, Tales, Context, Theory Σελίδα xlvi Corinna
Wagner 2014 Publication of Charles Maturin's Melmoth the Wanderer,
Thomas Malthus's Principles of Πολιτεία. l Economy, and John ... Greek
s in their war of independence against the Ottoman Empire; publication of
James Hogg's The Private Memoirs and ...
Human Values from the Greek s to Modern Times: A Continuing Circle
Glenn Shillington Visher 1997 ... Establishing the "Legitimacy" of the
Monarchies Scientific Positivism Founded by Auguste Comte; The Search
for New "Laws" Governing Human Behavior The Search for a Humane
Society; Adam Smith, John S. Mill, and Thomas H. Green ...
Interpretation And Cultural History Σελίδα 100 Joan H Pittock, Andrew
Wear, Anthony Grafton 1991 Malthus's toothache is illuminatingly
discussed in Catherine Gallagher, "The Body Versus the Social Body in
the Works of Thomas Malthus and Henry Mayhew', in C. Gallagher and
T. Laqueur, eds, The Making of the Modern Body, Berkeley and Los
Angeles, ... Greek s and the Irrational, Berkeley and London, 1951; H.

North, Sophrosyne: Self-knowledge and SelfRestraint in Greek Literature,

Ithaca, 1966.
Islam and the Securitisation of Population Policies: Muslim States ...Dr
Katrina Riddell 2013 Ancient Chinese, Middle Eastern and Greek
discourses on optimal population size such as Πλάτων 's theory on
overpopulation ... revisited Ancient arguments in response to national
population concerns; the most famous was Thomas Malthus.
Jurisprudence: From The Greek s To Post-Modernity Σελίδα 234 Wayne
Morrison 2016 From The Greek s To Post-Modernity Wayne Morrison.
institutions ... Austin's confidence in the truth of An Essay on the Principle
of Population, which the Reverend Thomas Malthus placed as the
foundation of Πολιτεία. l Economy, is instructive.
Medieval Islamic Economic Thought: Filling the Great Gap in European
...S.M. Ghazanfar 2004 However, Spengler then says that Alberuni “did
not seek to identify, as did Malthus, the natality-curbing as well as the ...
As pointed out, however, Alberuni, relying on earlier Greek views, did talk
in terms of some of these checks (“deluge or an earthquake”, ... Eight
hundred years later, Thomas Malthus talked in similar terms when he
suggested abstinence and/or postponement of marriages as means of ...
Mika Ojakangas 2016 Even Thomas Malthus, one of the founding fathers
of democracy, deemed Πλάτων and Aristotle as his predecessors. In the
Principles of Population, after first considering the rules set by Πλάτων
regarding the choice of a partner, the age of marriage ...
On Enlightenment Σελίδα 57 D. David Charles Stove, Andrew D. Irvine
2003 Modern biology was conceived — sperm got through to ovum, so to
speak — when Thomas Malthus' idea of ... been plenty of "answers to
Modern Philosophy, ... antidotes to liberty and humanity, ... abusive
Histories of the Greek and Roman ...
Poverty, Inequality and Health in Britain, 1800-2000: A Reader George
Davey Smith, Daniel Dorling, Mary Shaw 2001 Thomas. Malthus,. 1766-
1834. 2. homas Robert Malthus was born into a wealthy family who lived
near Dorking in Surrey. Hestudied mathematics at Jesus College,
Cambridge, but was also widely read in English, French, Greek and
Latin ...
Reader's Guide to the History of Science Σελίδα 432 Arne Hessenbruch
2013 JONES'S Βιβ. on the influence of malaria on the course of Greek
history is one of a number of classics to suggest that ... of Thomas Robert

Malthus, translated by Dorothea L. Meek and Ronald L. Meek, London:

Lawrence and Wishart, 1953; ...
Scientific Development and Misconceptions Through the Ages: A
...Robert E. Krebs 1999 ... but by developing a system of taxonomy (from
the Greek word for "naming in order") he made a great contribution to ...
He had already read about Thomas Malthus, who proposed that
environmental factors (famine, diseases, and climatic ...
Selected Speeches Demosthenes 2014 ... and Other Dialogues Phaedo
Republic Selected Myths Symposium Four Comedies Greek Lives Roman
Lives Selected Essays and Dialogues The Poems NICCOLÒ
Sex Au Naturel: What It Is and Why It's Good for Your Marriage Patrick
Coffin 2010 ... overpopulation in Ancient Greece,1 the modern
overpopulation bandwagon picked up speed in the year 1798 with the
publication of An Essay on the Principle of Population, by an Anglican
clergyman and economist named Thomas Malthus ...
Studies in Human Sexuality: A Selected Guide Σελίδα 52 Suzanne G.
Frayser, Thomas J. Whitby 1995 Foucault believes that the Greek s based
their pursuit of pleasure on stern principles that emerged from the efforts
of ... In the essay on the works of Thomas Malthus and Henry Mayhew,
editor Gallagher shows how the healthy and vigorous ...
The American Desk Encyclopedia Σελίδα 190 Steve Luck 1998 Literally,
it refers to the period between the Archaic and the HELLENIsrIc AGE
phases of Ancient Greek culture... See also CAPrrALIsM', LAISSEZ-
FAIRE; Thomas Malthus Classical music Music composed from c.1750-
1820, whose style is ...
The Library of Greek Mythology Σελίδα 294 Apollodorus, Robin Hard
The Measure of Civilisation: How Social Development Decides the Fate
...Ian Morris 2013 The Greek CityStates,” in Tom Charlton and Deborah
Nichols, eds., The Archaeology of CityStates (Washington, DC: ... Morris,
“Economic Growth in Ancient Greece ... Thomas Malthus, An Essay on
the Principle of Population, 1st ed. (London: ...

The Origins of the Modern World: A Global and Ecological Narrative

...Robert Marks 2007 The Ancient Greek heritage was rediscovered in the
Renaissance ("renewal"), elaborated during the Enlightenment, and ...
Πολιτεία. l economists — Adam Smith, Thomas Malthus, and David
Ricardo — developed another strand to be woven ...
The Word is Worth a Thousand Pictures: Preaching in the Electronic Age
Gregory Reynolds 2001 This nineteenth century trio may be seen as
reductionists after the Ancient Greek philosophical pattern which sought
to explain ... Intellectually he was influenced dramatically by Thomas
Malthus's Essays on the Principle of Population (1797), ...
Western Civilization, Ideas, Politics, and Society, Comprehensive ...CTI
Reviews 2016 ... often credited with systematising Economics, and was
one of the most influential of the classical economists, along with Thomas
Malthus, Adam Smith, and John Stuart Mill... Ancient Greece was a
Greek civilization belonging to a period.
The Changing Earth: Exploring Geology and Evolution Σελίδα 449 James
S. Monroe, Reed Wicander 2014 ... the prevailing belief well into the
1700s was that the works of the Greek philosopher Aristotle (384–322
BC) and the first ... practiced by plant and animal breeders and a chance
reading of Thomas Malthus's essay on population gave him the ...
Evolution and Human Values Σελίδα 171 Robert Wesson, Patricia A.
Williams 1995 ... of a nation's population is older than John Maynard
Keynes, Charles Darwin, or even Thomas Malthus, whose essay On ...
question reaches back into antiquity, to Noah after the flood being
instructed by God to multiply, to the Ancient Greek ...
Arab Πολιτεία. l Demography Τόμος 1 Σελίδα 110 Onn Winckler 2005
"Egypt with 20 million people could have been a Mediterranean country, a
Greece or Portugal... was an English reverend and philosopher, Thomas
Malthus (1766-1834),4 who in 1798 published a Βιβ. entitled An Essay
on the Principle of ...
World Population: A Reference HandΒιβ. Σελίδα 51 Geoffrey Gilbert
2001 Some, like Thomas Malthus, Paul Ehrlich, and Julian Simon, have
forged the basic theoretical and policy frameworks within ... theorist by the
sixteenth-century Italian thinker Botero, and ultimately by Ancient Greek
and Chinese philosophers.
Economics Σελίδα 35 Greek writers such as the philosopher Aristotle
examined ideas about the ”art” of wealth acquisition and questioned ...

British philosopher Adam Smith is often cited as the father of modern

Economics for his treatise The Wealth of Nations ...
The Theory of Monopoly Capitalism Σελίδα 25 John Bellamy Foster 2014
... to the classical Πολιτεία. l economists other than Marx: Adam Smith,
Thomas Malthus, David Ricardo, and John Stuart Mill... In the preface
to the second printing of the Greek translation of Monopoly Capital
(published in English under the title, ...
Health and Sustainability: An Introduction Tee L. Guidotti 2015 The name
“eugenics” comes from “eu,” Greek for good, plus genetics. The
overenthusiastic embrace of eugenics in the perceived risk of
overpopulation by many Malthusians (the overly invested followers of
Thomas Malthus, who will be ...
Evil, Law and the State: Perspectives on State Power and Violence John T.
Parry 2006 In 1798, Thomas Malthus published an essay entitled
Principle of Population... The term came from the Greek “eugenes,”
meaning “good in stock,” and claimed to study the hereditary
improvement of the human race by controlled selective ...
Evil, Law and the State: Perspectives on State Power and Violence. John
T. Parry - 2006 - History. Perspectives on State Power and Violence John
T. Parry ... segregation, forced removals from homes and land, pass and
curfew laws, violence and poverty. ... The term came from the Greek
“eugenes,” meaning “good in stock,” and claimed to ...

The Broadview Anthology of British Literature: The Victorian Era ...Long

before the Victorian era the Ancient Greek thinkers Anaximander (611–
547 BCE), Empedocles (492–432 BCE), and ... After reading Thomas
Malthus's An Essay on the Principle ofPopulation, he came up with his
answer: individuals that ...
On the Origin of Species (Greek Edition) Charles Darwin 2015
"The Hour of Eugenics": Race, Gender, and Nation in Latin America
Nancy Stepan 1991 In some ways the weeding out of unfit individuals
went back to the Greek s, as British eugenists were fond of pointing out, ...
Early in the century, for instance, Thomas Malthus, whose works on the
"laws" of the biological inevitability of human ...
History of Economic Thought: Ancient Economic Thought, Chanakya,
Qin ...Frederic P. Miller, Agnes F. Vandome, John McBrewster 2009 High

Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! The history of Economic

thought deals with different thinkers and theories in the subject that became
Πολιτεία. l Economy and Economics from the Ancient world to the
present day.
Population: Contemporary Responses to Thomas Malthus Σελίδα 24
Andrew Pyle 1994 Contemporary Responses to Thomas Malthus Andrew
Pyle. and includes the cases of the savage nations, of those who at present
inhabit Asia and Africa, of the antient Greek s and Romans, and of several
of the states of modern Europe.
taged in advanced countries, 94, 131-132; birth rates in Ceylon, 65, 89,
England, 65, Europe, 97, 112, India, 70, Japan, 69, 101-102, Russia, 103-
104, Sweden, 88, 89-90, United ...
The Queen of the Air John Ruskin 2007 A Study of the Greek Myths of
Cloud and Storm
The Western Experience Τόμος 1 Σελίδα 1105 1995 ... 660, 662 labor
revolts, 748 Lyons Academy, 621—622 Lyrical Ballads (Wordsworth),
7981i Lyric poets (Greek ), 42, 42b ... Joseph de, 735, 735b Malaya, 834
Malaysia, 990 Malleus Maleficarum, 371 Malraux, André, 955 Malthus,
Thomas R., ...
Sesame and Lillies: Three Lectures John Ruskin 2006 This 1865 collection
of three lectures-"Of Kings' Treasures," "Of Queens' Gardens," and "Of the
Mysteries of Life"-offers an intimate look at his thoughts on culture and
humanity's nurturing of its own education.
HandΒιβ. of Contemporary European Social Theory Σελίδα 413 Gerard
Delanty 2006 ... Bronislaw 90 Malthus, Thomas 6, 85 Mamardashvili,
Merab 160, 161 Mandeville, Bernard 84, 85 Mann, Michael 235, ... Tomas
146 master narratives: Bible 258–60; Greek and Roman narratives 260–2;
modernity 187; overview xx, 257–8, ...
Wealth of Nations (Abridged): Adam Smith, Laurence Dickey 1993
Guided by his conviction that the so-called "Adam Smith Problem" -the
relationship between ethics and Economics in Smith’s thinking -is a core
element in the argument of the work itself, Dickey's commentary focuses
on the devices Smith ...

Love's Meinie John Ruskin 2009 This is a pre-1923 historical reproduction

that was curated for quality. Quality assurance was conducted on each of
these Βιβ. s in an attempt to remove Βιβ. s with imperfections introduced
by the digitization process.
The Real Price of Everything: Rediscovering the Six Classics of ...Michael
Lewis 2007 Presents six classic discourses on Economics by Adam
Smith, Thomas Robert Malthus, David Ricardo, Charles Mackay,
Thorstein Veblen, and John Maynard Keynes, with brief introductions to
each work.
Vintage Reading: From Πλάτων to Bradbury, a Personal Tour of Some of
...Robert Kanigel 1998 In this compilation of newspaper columns of the
same title, Kanigel offers his reviews of eighty Βιβ. s, thirty-three of which
are fiction, the rest nonfiction.
The Stones of Venice -: The Sea Stories John Ruskin 2013 "More than
simply a survey of an Ancient city's most significant buildings, The Stones
of Venice first published in three volumes between 1851 and 1853 is an
expression of a philosophy of art, nature, and morality that goes beyond art
The Two Paths John Ruskin, Christine Roth 2004 Ruskin connects his
theories of art with Economic and practical life.
WESTERN ...Angelo Bertolo 2012 The Βιβ. tries to draw the attention to
the signs of decadence that match the patterns of the decadence of previous
empires in history, and the patterns of growth, of progress – in other
cultural milieus: very few pundits in America, and ...
Historical Abstracts: Modern history abstracts, 1450-1914 Eric H. Boehm
2000 Southampton, 1st Earl of (Thomas Wriothesley). Wolsev, Cardinal...
Greece. Travel Accounts. 19c. i707a — . Daily Life. Memoirs. Military.
Miliutin, Dmitri. Russia. 1816-43. 3838b — . Debates. Ecclesiology...
Malthus, Thomas. Population.

John Stuart Mill Greek

John Stuart Mill Wikipedia John Stuart Mill (20 May 1806 – 8 May
1873) was an English philosopher, Πολιτεία. l economist and civil
servant. One of the most influential ... His main reading was still history,

but he went through all the commonly taught Latin and Greek authors and
by the age of ten could read Πλάτων and Demosthenes with ease....
Από τη Βικιπαίδεια.Ο Τζον Στιούαρτ Μιλ (John Stuart Mill ή J.S. Mill,
20 Μαΐου 1806 – 8 Μαΐου 1873) ήταν Βρετανός φιλόσοφος, πολιτικός
οικονομολόγος και δημόσιος υπάλληλος με ισχυρή συνεισφορά στην
κοινωνική και πολιτική θεωρία καθώς και την πολιτική οικονομία.
Διετέλεσε μέλος του Αγγλικού κοινοβουλίου και θεωρείται σημαίνων
κλασικός φιλελεύθερος στοχαστής του 19ου αιώνα. Έχει γίνει γνωστός ως
«ο αγγλόφωνος φιλόσοφος με την ισχυρότερη επιρροή του 19ου αιώνα[1]».
Η αντίληψη του Μιλ περί ελευθερίας δικαιολογεί την ελευθερία του
ατόμου αντίθετα προς τον απεριόριστο κρατικό έλεγχο. Τα κατορθώματά
του ως παιδί ήταν εξαιρετικά. Σε ηλικία τριών ετών διδάχτηκε αρχαία
ελληνικά και μεγάλες λίστες Ελληνικών λέξεων με τις Αγγλικές
αντίστοιχές τους. Μέχρι την ηλικία των οκτώ είχε διαβάσει τους
Μύθους του Αισώπου, την Ανάβαση του Ξενοφώντα, και ολόκληρο
τον Ηρόδοτο[4], και ήταν εξοικειωμένος με τον Λουκιανό, τον Διογένη
Λαέρτιο, τον Ισοκράτη και έξι διαλόγους του Πλάτωνα. Είχε επίσης
διαβάσει πολύ ιστορία στα Αγγλικά και είχε διδαχθεί αριθμητική,
φυσική και αστρονομία.
On Liberty. John Stuart Mill. 1859. Batoche Βιβ. s Kitchener 2001To
extract from it a body of ethical doctrine, has never been possible without
eking it out from the Old Testament, that is, from a system elaborate
indeed, but in many respects barbarous, and intended only for a barbarous
people. St. Paul, a declared enemy to this Judaical mode of interpreting the
doctrine and filling up the scheme of his Master, equally assumes a
preexisting morality, namely that of the Greek s and Romans; and his
advice to Christians is in a great measure a system of accommodation to
that; even to the extent of giving an apparent sanction to slavery. What is
called Christian, but should rather be termed theological, morality, was not
the work of Christ or the Apostles…Cruelty of disposition; malice and ill-
nature; that most anti-social and odious of all passions, envy; dissimulation
and insincerity, irascibility on insufficient cause, and resentment
disproportioned to the provocation; the love of domineering over others;
the desire to engross more than one’s share of advantages (the pleonexia of
the Greek s); the pride which derives gratification from the abasement of
others; the egotism which thinks self and its concerns more important than
everything else, and decides all doubtful questions in its own favour;—
these are moral vices, and constitute a bad and odious moral character:
unlike the self-regarding faults previously mentioned, which are not

properly immoralities, and to whatever pitch they may be carried, do not

constitute wickedness
A Companion to Families in the Greek and Roman Worlds Beryl Rawson
2010 ... in stages; at the same time, many parents from the same social
milieu pushed their children to get ahead as fast as they were able and John
Stuart Mill learned Greek at three. Debates and disagreements along these
Γρ. s are plentiful today.
A Library of the World's Best Literature Ancient and Modern Vol.
...Charles Dudley Warner 2008 (1806-1873) BY RICHARD T. ELY Ihe
life of John Stuart Mill is in several particulars one of the most remarkable
of ... In his Autobiography, John Stuart Mill says that he cannot remember
the time when he began the study of Greek , but he was ...
Additional Letters of John Stuart Mill Τόμος 32 Σελίδα 136 John Stuart
Mill, Marion Filipiuk, Michael Laine 1991 John Stuart Mill, Marion
Filipiuk Michael Laine, John M. Robson ... This statement in support of
constitutional government in Greece may have been solicited from Mill
following the revolution in 1862 (cf. the hope expressed in Helen
Taylor's ...
An Unconventional History of Western Philosophy: Conversations
...Karen J. Warren 2008 MILL John Stuart Mill was arguably the most
influential English-speaking philosopher of the nineteenth century... Mill
began to learn Greek at age three, Latin at eight, and by age fourteen he
had read most of the Greek and Latin classics, ...
Ancient Greek Πολιτεία. l Thought in Practice Σελίδα 76 Paul Cartledge
2009 Even John Stuart Mill, who was in general a defender of the
Athenian many against its right-wing oligarchic critics (see Irwin ), saw
the trial of Socrates as exemplifying what in his tract On Liberty ( ) he most
feared, namely the ...
Athens on Trial: The Antidemocratic Tradition in Western Thought
Jennifer Tolbert Roberts 2011 Κεφ. . Eleven. THE. TURNING. OF. THE.
TIDE. The battle of Marathon, even as an event in English history, is more
important than the battle of Hastings. —John Stuart Mill, “Grote's History
of Greece [I]” ...
Auguste Comte and John Stuart Mill on Sexual Equality: Historical,
...Vincent Guillin 2009 As John Stuart Mill's puts it in his description of
the central tenets of his father's thought, in psychology, “his fundamental

... Consider for instance how John Stuart Mill started learning Greek at
the age of three: because “in those days Greek and ...
Autobiography John Stuart Mill: Top Biography John Stuart Mill 2015
Top Biography John Stuart Mill. my father termed vocables, being lists
of common Greek words, with their signification in English, which he
wrote out for me on cards. Of grammar, until some years later, I learnt no
more than the inflections of the ...
Autobiography of J.S. Mill & on Liberty; Characteristics, Inaugural ...John
Stuart Mill, Charles W. Eliot, Thomas Carlyle 2010 John Stuart Mill,
Thomas Carlyle Charles W. Eliot ... The struggle between Liberty and
Authority is the most conspicuous feature in the portions of history with
which we are earliest familiar, particularly in that of Greece, Rome, and
Autobiography of John Stuart Mill John Stuart Mill 2015 John Stuart
Mill. his children: in the case of one of whom, myself, he exerted an
amount of labour, care, and ... I have no remembrance of the time when I
began to learn Greek ; I have been told that it was when I was three years
old. My earliest ...
Cengage Advantage Βιβ. s, Western Civilization, Beyond Boundaries,
...CTI Reviews 2016 Reading andinfluence As a philologist, Nietzsche
had a thorough knowledge of Greek philosophy. He read Immanuel
Kant,John Stuart Mill, Arthur Schopenhauer and African Spir, who
became his main opponents in his philosophy, and later ...
Citizenship: Critical Concepts Τόμος 1 Σελίδα 255 Bryan S. Turner, Peter
Hamilton 1994 Source: John Stuart Mill, Utilitarianism, Liberty,
Representative Government, 1910, pp... The rulers were conceived (except
in some of the popular governments of Greece) as in a necessarily
antagonistic position to the people whom they ...
Classics of Moral and Πολιτεία. l Theory (Fifth Edition) Σελίδα 1008
Michael L. Morgan John Stuart Mill (1806–1873) was born in London
on May 20, 1806... Two years after John Stuart Mill's birth, his father met
the philosopher and reformer Jeremy Bentham; for the ... By age three, Mill
had studied Greek and, by eight, Latin.
Collected Works of John Stuart Mill: I. Autobiography and Literary
...John M. Robson 2013 I. Autobiography and Literary Essays John M.
Robson. began to learn Greek . I have been told that it was when I was

three years old. My earliest recollection on the subject, is that of

committing to memory what my father termed Vocables, being ...
Collected Works of John Stuart Mill: The earlier letters, 1812-1848 John
Stuart Mill 1963 John Stuart Mill. 496, 497; idea of Humanity to replace,
560 Godwin, William, 359 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von: obituary ...
compared with Shelley, 336 Greece, encourages immigration, 243 Greek
literature, 469, 470 Greville, Charles, 80n20 ...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology Τόμος 2 John
Stuart Mill, Sir, William Smith, Sir William Smith 2012 This historic
Βιβ. may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download
a free scanned copy of the original Βιβ. (without typos) from the publisher.
Not indexed.
Dissertations and discussions Πολιτεία. l, philosophical, and historical
John Stuart Mill 1867 John Stuart Mill. read history with intelligence,
we are led to think concerning slavery as concerning many other bad
institutions, that the error ... Whatever in Greece most merits the gratitude
of posterity, Athens possessed in fullest measure.
Dissertations and Discussions Τόμος 3 Σελίδα 275 John Stuart Mill 2009
John Stuart Mill. ΠΛΆΤΩΝ . I^HE readers of Mr. Grote's ' History of
Greece ' -were not likely to forget the hope held out in its concluding
volume, that he who had so well interpreted the Πολιτεία. l life of Hellas
would deΓρ. ate and judge that great ...
Dissertations and discussions: Πολιτεία. l, philosophical, and historical
John Stuart Mill 1864
Edith Wharton: Matters of Mind and Spirit Σελίδα 168 Carol J. Singley
1998 Her novels often allude to Greek myth and literature, and her plots
exhibit the symmetry of classical drama... Some commentators, including
John Stuart Mill, ignored Πλάτων 's program for the equality of women
altogether while discussing other ...
England and Ireland John Stuart Mill 1868
Essays on philosophy and the classics John Stuart Mill, J. M. Robson
Fifty Major Πολιτεία. l Thinkers Σελίδα 135 Ian Adams, R.W. Dyson
2007 Educated at home by his father, with the assistance of Jeremy
Bentham and Francis Place, J.S. Mill began Greek when he was three,

Latin when he was eight, logic at twelve and Πολιτεία. l Economy at

thirteen. By 1813, when he was seven, ...
First Persian Invasion of Greece Σελίδα 16 first Persian invasion was a
response to Greek involvement in the Ionian Revolt, when Athens and
Eretria had sent a force to ... For instance, John Stuart Mill famously
suggested that ”the Battle of Marathon, even as an event in British
history, ...
First Philosophy I: Values and Society: Fundamental Problems and
...Andrew Bailey 2004 John Stuart Mill, the most important British
philosopher of the nineteenth century, was born in London in 1806, the ...
his father believed reinforced ignorant and immoral social attitudes — and
educated at home, learning Greek and Latin in the ...
First Philosophy: Fundamental Problems and Readings in Philosophy
Andrew Bailey 2002 John Stuart Mill, the most important British
philosopher of the nineteenth century, was born in London in 1806, the ...
his father believed reinforced ignorant and immoral social attitudes — and
educated at home, learning Greek and Latin in the ...
Friedrich Hayek: A Biography Σελίδα 193 Dr. Alan Ebenstein 2014 In
editing John Stuart Mill's correspondence with Harriet Taylor, Hayek
omitted most of the long letters that Mill wrote her from a trip in Italy and
Greece during the winter and spring of 1854-55. Hayek conceived the idea
of repeating Mill's ...
George Grote and the Study of Greek History: An Inaugural Lecture
...Arnaldo Momigliano 1952
Greek s and Barbarians Σελίδα 1 Kostas Vlassopoulos 2013 The
relationship between Greek s and Barbarians is seen as part of the wider
distinction between West and East; the ... back in 1846, John Stuart Mill
expressed this view in a famous adage: Even as an event in English history,
the battle of ...
Hayek on Mill: The Mill-Taylor Friendship and Related Writings F. A.
Hayek, Sandra J. Peart 2015 The Mill-Taylor Friendship and Related
Writings F. A. Hayek Sandra J. Peart. Nothing is more likely to keep ... of
the Board of Control for India. GREECE 1855 After forty-eight hours
spent foodless on his back 224 John Stuart Mill and harriet taylor.
Human Values from the Greek s to Modern Times: A Continuing Circle
Glenn Shillington Visher 1997 Schiller was influenced by the faction at

Oxford that reflected the thought of John Stuart Mill and T.H. Green. This
controversy adversely affected Schiller's career. He did not receive his
Doctorate in Philosophy from Oxford. His Dissertation was ...
Inaugural Address: Delivered to the University of St. Andrews, Feb.
...John Stuart Mill 1867
Indexes to the Collected Works of John Stuart Mill Σελίδα 552 John
Stuart Mill, Jean O'Grady, John M. Robson 1991 John Stuart Mill, Jean
O'Grady, John M. Robson. J SM plans to visit (1860), XV, 659, 680,
commonly measured by antipathy, X, and Turkey, XIV, 434; XVII, 1763;
XX, Hamburg, banking at, IV, 84; V, 508, Greece (ancient), philosophers
of ...
International Relations in Πολιτεία. l Thought: Texts from the Ancient
...Chris Brown, Terry Nardin, Nicholas Rengger 2002 This unique
collection presents texts in international relations from Ancient Greece to
the First World War.
J. S. Mill: 'On Liberty' and Other Writings Σελίδα 5 John Stuart Mill,
Stefan Collini 1989 John Stuart Mill Stefan Collini. ΚΕΦ. I ... The
struggle between Liberty and Authority is the most conspicuous feature in
the portions of history with which we are earliest familiar, particularly in
that of Greece, Rome, and England. But in old ...
James and John Stuart Mill: Father and Son in the Nineteenth Century
Bruce Mazlish 1988 Yet John Stuart Mill 'was at one time a child,
although his father never treated him as one, thus stunting and blighting,
as John ... Even those who have not actually read his Autobiography have
heard how he learned to read Greek at three and ...
John Stuart Blackie: Scottish Scholar and Patriot: Scottish Scholar ...Stuart
Wallace 2006 that it would 'take 50 years at least to persuade the English'
to accept the idea of learning Greek 'by talking'... Blackie camp was the
French St Simonian and friend of John Stuart Mill, Gustave d'Eichthal,
who advocated the teaching of Greek ...
John Stuart Mill And India Σελίδα 28 The chief object of this experiment,
of course, was his eldest son, John Stuart Mill. The latter began learning
Greek at age three; Latin (by teaching it to his siblings) at eight;
mathematics and history before becoming a teenager; and logic, ...
John Stuart Mill and the Art of Life Σελίδα 238 Ben Eggleston, Dale
Miller, David Weinstein 2011 Social reformers saw Greek -Roman

polytheism as the unifying ethos of an organic society that Christian

monotheism had supplanted forever and opened the avenue toward an
immanent principle of organic unity of mankind. The virtues of the ...
John Stuart Mill and the Ethic of Human Growth Σελίδα 196 Don Habibi
2001 law of nations, only shows that he who so speaks has never
considered the subject.34 Mill's willingness to justify war ... For example,
in his review of "Grote's History of Greece," he writes The ambitious
external policy of Athens is one of the ...
John Stuart Mill and the Religion of Humanity Σελίδα 120 Linda C.
Raeder 2002 Mill is almost Freudian in the determinative emphasis he
places on early childhood experiences... Among the Greek s generally,
social morality was extremely independent of religion... themselves do
while they are alive to influence that distant prospect which they are never
120 John Stuart Mill and the Religion of Humanity.
John Stuart Mill on Liberty and Control Σελίδα 37 Joseph Hamburger
2001 “The common notions of the present time on moral and mental
subjects,” Mill explained, “are as incapable of supporting the Socratic ...
The categories 'stationary' and 'progressive' were also applied to the
development of society in Greece.
John Stuart Mill on Tyranny and Liberty: Wisdom from a Founder of
...Joseph Healy 2016 This Βιβ. showcases his firm belief that each person
should have the right to live as he or she wants to, so long as it does not
harm anyone else.
John Stuart Mill: A Biography Σελίδα 7 Nicholas Capaldi 2004 At the
age of fifteen, Mill was introduced to the writings of Jeremy Bentham, and
this was soon followed, at age sixteen, hy the ... Euripides' Phoenisoe,
Aristophanes' Plutus and the Clouds, and the Philippics of Demosthenes in
Greek ; in Latin, ...
John Stuart Mill: A British Socrates Σελίδα 97 K. N Demetriou, A.
Loizides 2013 Jonathan Riley The Greek ideal of individuality In On
Liberty, John Stuart Mill defends “a Greek ideal of selfdevelopment,”
which apparently involves a mixture of two elements: “'Pagan self-
assertion' is one of the elements of human worth, ...
John Stuart Mill: Autobiography Σελίδα 6 John Stuart Mill 2014 John
Stuart Mill. not only the utmost that I could do, but much that I could by
no possibility have done. What he was ... that I went through the whole

process of preparing my Greek lessons in the same room and at the same
table at which he ...
John Stuart Mill: Moral, Social, and Πολιτεία. l Thought Σελίδα 3 Dale
E. Miller 2010 Harriet was the daughter of a widow who kept a mental
asylum.1 Young John Mill was a prodigy... The method produced its
intended results, at least initially: at age three, John began to read Greek ;
at age eight, he was reading Herodotus ...
John Stuart Mill: Thought and Influence: The Saint of Rationalism
Georgios Varouxakis, Paul Kelly 2010 Introduction John Stuart Mill's
utilitarianism has some interesting connections and indebtedness to the
tradition of virtue ... Mill combines a liberal commitment to egalitarianism
with the insight gleaned from Greek virtue ethical traditions that a ...
John Stuart Mill: Victorian Firebrand Richard Reeves 2015 Greek
history to know', he enthused to Harriet, 'that Acro Corinth is seen as a
great object from all these heights [around Athens]'. The journeys around
the coast of Sicily and across the Peloponnese, however, were demanding.
Mules were ...
John Stuart Mill’s Πλάτων nic Heritage: Happiness through Character
Antis Loizides 2013 At the same time, this Βιβ. focuses on the intellectual
relationship between father and son, studying their responses to the
prevalent trends as to the worth of classical studies and of Πλάτων nic
philosophy in nineteenth-century Britain.
Journals and debating speeches Σελίδα 694 John Stuart Mill, John M.
Robson 1988 John Stuart Mill, John M. Robson ... Referred to: 147, 189,
215, 261, 286, 367, 657 The "Art" of Rhetoric (Greek and English)...
London: Heinemann; New York: Putnam's Sons, 1926. note: Ethicorum ad
Nicomachum libri decern (Greek and ...
Jurisprudence: From The Greek s To Post-Modernity Wayne Morrison
2016 This challenging Βιβ. on jurisprudence begins by posing questions
in the post-modern context,and then seeks to bridge the gap between our
traditions and contemporary situation.
Life of John Stuart Mill William Leonard Courtney, John Parker
Anderson 1889
Logic and Reality in the Philosophy of John Stuart Mill Σελίδα 244
Geoffrey Scarre 2012 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. Arpád Szabó, The Beginnings of
Greek Mathematics. Translated from German. 1978, 358pp... ISBN 90-

277-1343-X W. Remmelt de Jong, The Semantics of John Stuart Mill.

1982, xviii + 248pp....
Lords of Secrecy: The National Security Elite and America's Stealth
...Scott Horton 2015 “Thus when we say that our Western civilization
derives from the Greek s, we ought to realize what it means... John Stuart
Mill, Auguste Comte and Positivism, Collected Works, : – ; and John
Stuart Mill, “Review of Grote's The History of Greece ...
M. de Tocqueville on democracy in America John Stuart Mill 1859
M. de Tocqueville on democracy in America. Bailey on Berkeley's
...John Stuart Mill 1867 John Stuart Mill. nations is not so much greater
as might be supposed. Even on the subject of slavery there are many, and
... When manumitted, they mixed on equal terms with the general
community; and though, in Greece, seldom admitted, ...
Matthew Arnold and John Stuart Mill (Routledge Library Editions:
...Edward Alexander 2014 Both Arnold and Mill deplored that dominance
of the average man over the mind of all which they detected in ... which
they ever admitted preferring, in an absolute sense, to England, was an
Ancient and partly imaginary entity: Greece of the ...
Mill on Democracy: From the Athenian Polis to Representative
Government Nadia Urbinati 2002 Redirecting attention to Mill as a
Πολιτεία. l thinker, Nadia Urbinati argues that this claim misrepresents
Mill's thinking.
Mill Σελίδα 1 Wendy Donner, Richard Fumerton 2009 James Mill, along
with Jeremy Bentham, was a founding father of a group known as the
Philosophical Radicals, of which John ... John Stuart Mill was pushed
very hard – he was taught Greek at the age of three and Latin at the age of
Mill's 'On Liberty': A Reader's Guide Σελίδα 1 Geoffrey Scarre 2007
JOHN STUART MILL John Stuart Mill was born in London in 1806 and
died there in 1873... by James Mill and Bentham to be the standard-bearer
of utilitarian values, John Stuart received an extraordinary home education
(he began Greek ...
Moral Reasoning, Rediscovering the Ethical Tradition Moral ...CTI
Reviews 2016 Reading andinfluence As a philologist, Nietzsche had a
thoroughknowledge of Greek philosophy. He read Immanuel Kant, John

Stuart Mill, Arthur Schopenhauer and African Spir, who became his main
opponents in his philosophy, and later ...
Naturally Good: A Behavioral Histoy of Moral Development from ...John
Henry Morgan 2005 A Behavioral Histoy of Moral Development from
Charles Darwin to E. O. Wilson John Henry Morgan ... Unlike John Stuart
Mill, who began to learn Greek when he was three years old, Spencer was
allowed to study whatever he wished until the ...
Nature Animated: Historical and Philosophical Case Studies in Greek
...M. Ruse 2012 Historical and Philosophical Case Studies in Greek
Medicine, Nineteenth-Century and Recent Biology, Psychiatry, and ...
XI.1843) to Tocqueville (J. St. Mill, The Earlier Letters of John Stuart
Mill 1812–1848, ed. by F. Mineka, with an ...
On Liberty: The philosophical work that changed society for ever John
Stuart Mill 1913 About the Author JOHN STUART MILL (1806-1873),
English philosopher and economist, son of James Mill, was born on the ...
and at the age of three was taught the Greek alphabet and long lists, of
Greek words with their English equivalents.
Patterns of Business Organization (RLE: Organizations) John
O'Shaughnessy 2013 Both Pericles in Ancient Greece and John Stuart
Mill in the nineteenth century argued that states should not only be
evaluated in terms of their efficiencybutalso in termsofthetypes of citizens
they produce and the opportunities they give their ...
Philosophy of Science: The Historical Background Σελίδα 80 Joseph J.
Kockelmans 1968 INTRODUCTION /oh 'John Stuart Mill, son of the
historian, economist, and philosopher James Mill (1773-1836), was born
... When the younger Mill was three years old he began to learn Greek ;
this subject remained his main area of study for ...
Πολιτεία. l Participation and Democracy in Britain Σελίδα 286 Geraint
Parry, George Moyser, Neil Day 1992 For Rousseau this implied a form
of direct democracy on the model of classical Greece. John Stuart Mill
sought more extended citizen involvement within a Πολιτεία. l framework
of representative government. He saw such involvement as an ...
Πολιτεία. l Theorists in Context Σελίδα 195 Stuart Isaacs, Chris Sparks
2004 Stuart Isaacs, Chris Sparks ... These Hellenic ideas also provided the
common ground between the ideas of the continental social theorists and
those of J.S. Mill, for he too ... Mill and the teleological notion of human
fulfilment The Greek s.

Reception Histories: Rhetoric, Pragmatism, and American Cultural

...Steven Mailloux 1998 —John Stuart Mill, "Grote's Πλάτων " (1867)
The Socratic quest [for truth] has been replaced by the relativism of the
sophists... "We have, of course, to refer to these Greek situations because
they are part of our heritage, but some essential things ...
Robinson Jeffers: A Study in Inhumanism Σελίδα v Mercedes Cunningham
Monjian 1958 Robinson Jeffers, christened John Robinson Jeffers, was
born on January 10, 1887 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in the ... It was for
these reasons that Robinson Jeffers, like John Stuart Mill, learned to read
Greek before he was of school age.
Societies, Networks, and Transitions, Volume 2 -Update CTI Reviews
2016 Reading and influence As a philologist, Nietzsche had a
thoroughknowledge of Greek philosophy.He read Immanuel Kant,John
Stuart Mill, ArthurSchopenhauer and African Spir, who became his main
opponents in his philosophy, and later ...
The Basic Writings of John Stuart Mill: On Liberty, The Subjection
...John Stuart Mill 2010 On Liberty, The Subjection of Women and
Utilitarianism John Stuart Mill ... which he implied is commonly held by
Greek s, that Greek s are “everywhere and inherently free” while
nonGreek barbarians are “everywhere and inherently slaves.
The British Empiricists Σελίδα 183 Stephen Priest 2007 MILL IN
HISTORY John Stuart Mill, liberal, empiricist and Πολιτεία. l reformer,
was born in London in 1806, the son of James and Harriet Mill. James ...
The young Mill was learning Greek , mathematics and history at the age
of three. Before he ...
The Cambridge Ancient History Τόμος 10 Σελίδα 461 1982 THE
Jews, the Greek s learned to define themselves as a ... As John Stuart Mill
declared, 'The battle of Marathon, even as an event in English history, is
more important that the ...
The Classical Origins of Modern Homophobia Σελίδα 87 Robert H. Allen
2006 —John Stuart Mill, On the Subjugation of Women The homophobic
tradition that has dominated morals in the West for more than 2,000 years
has been far more an inheritance from Rome than directly from Greece.
The origins of Roman ...
The Correspondence of John Stuart Mill and Auguste Comte Σελίδα xiii
John Stuart Mill, Auguste Comte, Oscar A. Haac John Stuart Mill,

Auguste Comte Oscar A. Haac ... Under the exceptional tutelage of his
father, the young man had already absorbed Latin and Greek and gained
extensive knowledge of philosophy and Economics. But the one-sided ...
The Earlier Letters of John Stuart Mill, 1812-1848 Σελίδα 757 Francis E.
Mineka 1963 See also Grote, George; Grote, Harriet Grote, George: JSM's
study group meets with, 8n, 79n; and Bentham-Mill circle, 14; and 1830 ...
reform, 170; review of Taylor's Statesman, 334; History of Greece, 690,
699 Grote, Harriet (Mrs. George), 14n, 95, 287, 453-54, 572, 672... Daniel
Whittle, 365 Hawkins, J. H., 211 Hayek, F. A., John Stuart Mill and
Harriet Taylor, xvii Hay ward, Abraham, 199, 367 Hazlitt, ...
The Early Mental Traits of Three Hundred Geniuses Σελίδα 707 Catharine
STUART MILL (1806-1873) A Celebrated English ... He began to learn
Greek at 3; and from then to his 9th year he studied Greek classics, making
daily reports of his reading.
The Encyclopedia of the Novel Σελίδα 23 2014 The structure of Historical
Records is different from that of the Greek s, partially because the Greek s
were primarily ... of the ill-fated Sicilian expedition in Βιβ. s 6 and 7 of
Thucydides, which was acclaimed by John Stuart Mill (1806–73) as
“the ...
The Greek Heritage in Victorian Britain Frank M. Turner 1984 Turner's
readable, intelligent, thorough, witty, and magisterial Βιβ. discovers and
narrates a fundamental strain in British intellectual life from the late
eighteenth century until the beginning of World War I. It is THE Βιβ. on
its ...
The Greek Polis and the Invention of Democracy: A Politico-cultural
...Johann P. Arnason, Kurt A. Raaflaub, Peter Wagner 2013 It is often
held, in particular, that despite its invention of democracy Ancient Greece
did not know a concept of personal ... lecture on “Two concepts of liberty”
(Berlin 2002), which in many respects restates Constant's — and John
Stuart Mill's ...
The History of Πολιτεία. l Theory: Ancient Greece to Modern America
Garrett Ward Sheldon 2003 This Βιβ. contains a concise presentation of
the major Πολιτεία. l theories underlying the Western tradition and
contemporary ideological debates in America and the world.
The Mismeasure of Man (Revised & Expanded) Stephen Jay Gould 2006
As a further and obvious test, consider geniuses born into humble

circumstances, where tutors and scribes did not abound to encourage and
then to record daring feats of precocity. John Stuart Mill may have learned
Greek in his cradle, but did ...
The New Diaspora: The Changing Landscape of American Jewish Fiction
Victoria Aarons, Avinoam J. Patt, Mark Shechner 2015 Or John Stuart
Mill, who read the Greek classics at three. Adar was no John Stuart Mill.
He was no little Mozart composing Eine Kleine Nachtmusik. Father was a
researcher at an experimental nuclear station in the desert. Mother often
told the ...
The Rebirth of Dialogue: Bakhtin, Socrates, and the Rhetorical Tradition
James Philip Zappen 2004 C. C. W. Taylor, Socrates, 86-88; Turner, The
Greek Heritage in Victorian Britain, 274-78... Cherwitz and Hikins, "John
Stuart Mill's Doctrine of Assurance as a Rhetorical Epistemology," 73-74;
and Cherwitz and Hikins, "John Stuart Mill's On ...
The Semantics of John Stuart Mill Σελίδα 237 W.R. de Jong 2012
Anschutz, Richard P.: 1969, The Philosophy of J. S. Mill, Oxford
University Press, London. Aristotle: 1961, Categoriae vel Praedicamenta,
translated from the Greek by Boethius, in Aristoteles Latinus, L1–5, edited
by L. Minio-Paluello, Desclée ...
The Westminster Review Τόμος 11 Jeremy Bentham, John Bowring, John
Stuart Mill 1829
The Westminster review Τόμος 6 1826
Theodor Gomperz and John Stuart Mill Σελίδα 20 Adelaide Weinberg
1963 Gomperz quotes Mill's statement that "there exist no real things
exactly conformable to the definitions. There exist ... Cf. System of Logic,
8th ed., Vol. I, p. 259. 3<5 Greek Thinkers, Vol. I, p. 463. 37 Bain, op. cit.,
p. 104. 38 Mill: Dissert. & — 20 —
Utilitarianism (Second Edition): Σελίδα vii John Stuart Mill, George Sher
2002 John Stuart Mill, George Sher ... scope and depth. The young Mill
began his study of Greek at the age of three, began learning Latin at eight,
and subsequently read exhaustively in many areas, including philosophy,
vii Editor's Introduction.
Utilitarianism Σελίδα 101 John Stuart Mill 1867 John Stuart Mill.
Analysis of Mr. Mill's System of Logic. By W. Stebbinq, M.A. Second
Edition. 12mo. 3s. 64 The Election of Representatives, ... 64 An English-

Greek Lexicon, containing all the Greek words used by Writers of good
Vindication of the French revolution of February, 1848; in reply to ...John
Stuart Mill 1873
Western Civilization, Alternate Volume, Since 1300 CTI Reviews 2016
Reading and influence As a philologist, Nietzsche had a
thoroughknowledge of Greek philosophy.He read Immanuel Kant, John
Stuart Mill, Arthur Schopenhauer and African Spir, who became his main
opponents in his philosophy, and later ...
Western Civilization, Ideas, Politics, and Society CTI Reviews 2016
Reading and influence As a philologist, Nietzsche had a thorough
knowledge of Greek philosophy. He read Immanuel Kant, John Stuart
Mill, Arthur Schopenhauer and African Spir, who became his main
opponents in his philosophy, and later ...
Western Civilization, Ideas, Politics, and Society, Comprehensive ...CTI
Reviews 2016 Reading and influence As a philologist, Nietzsche had a
thorough knowledge of Greek philosophy. He read Immanuel Kant, John
Stuart Mill, Arthur Schopenhauer and African Spir, who became his main
opponents in his philosophy, and later ...
Western Πολιτεία. l Thought Σελίδα 38 Urmila Sharma, S.K. Sharma
1998 John Stuart Mill, the eldest son of James Mill, was born in London
on May 20, 1806. No child of James Mill underwent a ... John Stuart's
education started with the study of Greek at an early age of three. At eight,
he began the study of Latin, ...
William Alexander Percy: The Curious Life of a Mississippi Planter
...Benjamin E. Wise 2012 To nineteenth-century British intellectuals like
Benjamin Jowett, Matthew Arnold, John Stuart Mill, and George Grote,
the study of Ancient Greek society suggested powerful correctives to what
they saw as the cultural stagnation created by ...
Women in Western Πολιτεία. l Thought Susan Moller Okin 1979 The
Description for this Βιβ. , Women in Western Πολιτεία. l Thought, will be
Worlds Together, Worlds Apart, A History of the World from the ...CTI
Reviews 2016 Reading and influence As a philologist,Nietzsche had a
thoroughknowledge of Greek philosophy. He read Immanuel Kant, John

Stuart Mill, Arthur Schopenhauer and African Spir, who became his main
opponents in his philosophy, and later ...
Αυτοβιογραφία. Born in 1806, John Stuart Mill was the eldest son of
James Mill and Harriet Barrow (whose influence on Mill was vastly
overshadowed by that of his father). A struggling man of letters, James
Mill wrote History of British India (1818), and the work landed him a
coveted position in the East India Company, where he rose to the post of
chief examiner. When not carrying out his administrative duties, James
Mill spent considerable time educating his son John, who began to learn
Greek at age three and Latin at age eight. By the age of 14, John was
extremely well versed in the Greek and Latin classics; had studied world
history, logic and mathematics; and had mastered the basics of economic
theory, all of which was part of his father’s plan to make John Stuart Mill
a young proponent of the views of the philosophical radicals
Αυτοβιογραφία. Under the tutelage of his imposing father, himself a
historian and economist, John Stuart Mill began his intellectual journey
at an early age, starting his study of Greek at the age of three and Latin at
eight. Mill’s father was a proponent of Jeremy Bentham’s philosophy of
utilitarianism, and John Stuart Mill began embracing it himself in his
middle teens. Later, he started to believe that his rigorous analytical
training had weakened his capacity for emotion, that his intellect had been
nurtured but his feelings had not. This perhaps led to his expansion of
Bentham’s utilitarian thought, his development of the “harm theory,” and
his writings in the defense of the rights of women, all of which cemented
his reputation as a major thinker of his day.

William Petty Greek

From Wikipedia. Sir William Fetty Wap FRS (Romsey, 26 May 1620 –
16 December 1687) was an Porn Artist , scientist and philosopher.Try to
search . He first became prominent serving Oliver
Cromwell and Commonwealth in Ireland. He developed efficient methods
to survey the land that was to be confiscated and given to Cromwell's
soldiers. He also managed to remain prominent under King Charles II and
King James II, as did many others who had served Cromwell…Petty's
father and grandfather were clothiers. He was a precocious and intelligent
youngster, and became a cabin boy in 1637, but was set ashore in
Normandy after breaking his leg on board. After this setback, he applied in
Latin to study with the Jesuits in Caen, supporting himself by teaching
English. After a year, he returned to England, and had by now a

thorough knowledge of Latin, Greek , French, mathematics, and

William Petty. Sir William Petty, The Economic Writings of Sir William
Petty, vol. 1 [1662] 24 April, 1899. [xi] [xii] [xiii] INTRODUCTION.
PETTY's LIFE. William Petty was born on Monday, 26 May, 1623, at
the house of his father, a poor clothier of Romsey in Hampshire. According
to the detailed account of his childhood which he gave to Aubrey, his chief
amusement consisted in “looking on the artificers, e.g. smyths, the
watchmaker, carpenters, joiners, etc.” until he “could have worked at any
of their trades.” “At twelve years of age he had acquired a competent
smattering of Latin,” and before his sixteenth year he was well
advanced in Greek , mathematics and navigation. According to the
detailed account of his childhood which he gave to Aubrey, his chief
amusement consisted in “looking on the artificers, e.g. smyths, the
watchmaker, carpenters, joiners, etc.” until he “could have worked at any
of their trades.” “At twelve years of age he had acquired a competent
smattering of Latin,” and before his sixteenth year he was well advanced
in Greek , mathematics and navigation. It was, perhaps, in his fourteenth
year that Petty [xiv] was overtaken by an accident which gave him
opportunity to turn his precocity to good account.

A History of Classical Scholarship: From the Revival of Learning to ...John

Edwin Sandys 2011 The Stoic philosophy is reviewed in the Introduction
and many parallel passages from Greek and Latin philosophical writings
are cited in the notes... by his publication of the Marmora Arundelliana, a
description of the marbles brought from Asia Minor by William Petty, a
Cambridge ... Petty found at Smyrna a number of Greek inscriptions
originally collected by an agent of the Provencal scholar, Peiresc5.
A History of Probability and Statistics and Their Applications ...Anders
William Petty (162341687) was the son ofa clothier in Romsey in
Hampshire, where the precocious boy received his basic education,
including some mathematics and Latin and Greek .
A History of the ColΝόμοι. , Halls, and Public Buildings, Attached to
...Alexander Chalmers 1810 ... an able antiquary, afterwards Earl of
Marlborough : — Bolton, the celebrated Puritan, one of the first Greek

scholars of his ... whose labours are now superseded by the more copious
and perfect work of a living antiquary : — Sir William Petty, ...
A History of the University of Oxford Including the Lives of the
...Alexander Chalmers 1810 ... .an able antiquary, afterwards Earl of
MarlbOrough z—Bolton, the celebrated Puritan, one of the first Greek
scholars of ... whose labours are now superseded by' the more copious and
perfect work of a living an'tiqtial'y:-—-Sir William Petty, ...
A New and general biographical dictionary Σελίδα 307 1784 PETTY (Sir
William), a singular instance of an universal practical genius', was the elder
son of Anthony Petty, a clothier ... his own account) he not only acOxon'
quired a competent readiness in the Latin, Greek , and In his will, French
tongues, ...
An essay on history: in three epistles to Edward Gibbon, with notes
...William Hayley 1781 William Hayley. of Dionysius, has sunk him into
a Petty Greek grammarian, the client or freedman of that illustrious Roman.
In this treatise of Dionysius, and in one still longer, on the character of
Thucydides, there are some excellent historical ...
An essay on painting: in two epistles to Mr. Romney Σελίδα 84 William
Hayley 1781 in two epistles to Mr. Romney William Hayley. of Dionysius,
has funk him into a Petty Greek grammarian, the client or freedman of that
illustrious Roman. In this treatise of Dionysius, and in one still longer, on
the character of Thucydides, there ...
An essay upon the influence of the translation of the Bible upon ...William
Thomas Petty Fitzmaurice (earl of Kerry.) 183? William Thomas
PettyFitzmaurice (earl of Kerry.) ... but Wicliff, being unacquainted with
the originals in the Greek and Hebrew tongues, could consequently only
translate from the Latin version ; and that unequalled invention, the art of
printing, ...
Ancient Greece and Rome Σελίδα 202 Michael Gagarin 2009 He then
went on to establish a chronology based on stylistic Analysis, and
emphasized Greek art as the origin of perfection... he provided finds to
people on the grand tour and to such notable collectors as Charles Townley
and William Petty, ...
Anglicans and Orthodox: Unity and Subversion 1559-1725 Σελίδα 146
Judith Pinnington 2003 Covel flattered himself that by distributing copies
of the Prayer Βιβ. in Greek he left behind him a better image of the Church

of England which freed ... Southwell to Sir William Petty, 5 October 1687,
Tlie PettySouthwell Correspondence (ed.
Archaeologia, Or, Miscellaneous Tracts, Relating to Antiquity 1809 I,
xxiv. the employment of Mr. William Petty, on that occasion, IX, 178, 182,
nate. a description 'of a Tablet from it, with a plate, ... I, 51. observations
on a Greek Sepulchral Monument, brought from Smyma, and novr in the
posseffion of Maxwell ...
Bibliotheca Manuscripta Lansdowniana Τόμοι 1-2 Σελίδα 104 William
Petty Marquis of Lansdowne 1807 William Petty Marquis of Lansdowne.
□h Lot. tation os Hebrew Words in the Psalms, and Part of ... Wallie's and
Mr. Wanley's Accounts ofa Greek Musical MS. in the Harleiah Collection.
(Brit. Museum) No. 1613. 803 Copies of sundry Papers ...
Bibliotheca Manuscripta Lansdowniana, etc. A Catalogue of the ...William
Petty Marquis of Lansdowne 1807 William Petty Marquis of Lansdowne.
'ter of Mr... -A Latin Petition, with Greek Verscs annexed, os John
Wsiillonghby, a Westminsler Scholar, to Sir W. C. : that he may speed to
Oxford next XVesiminsier School Election, June 26'h,1569.-5.
Bibliotheca manuscripta Lansdowniana. A catalogue of the entire
...William Petty (1st marq. of Landsdowne.) 1807 William Petty (1st
marq. of Landsdowne.) Mi tatlon os ... Mr. Daines Barrington and Mr.
Raper, relative to the above Volume, also Dr. Wallie's and Mr. Wanley's
Accounts of a Greek Musical MS. in the Harleian Collection. (Brit.
Museum) No.
Deeds Done Beyond the Sea: Essays on William of Tyre, Cyprus and the
...Susan B. Edgington, Helen J. Nicholson 2016 The marbles were
purchased in 1625 in Smyrna from Peiresc's agent by Arundel's chaplain
William Petty, who also acquired ... A diplomat who served as ambassador
to the Porte from 1621 to 1628 and had many Greek connections,
including ...
Development of Economic Analysis Σελίδα 61 Ingrid Hahne Rima 2001
10 Details of Petty's life are readily available in The Economic Writings
of Sir William Petty, edited by Charles Henry Hull. 1899 ... While he
interprets Greek Economic thought as being consistent with his definition,
his formal inquiry begins with ...
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography Τόμος 2 Σελίδα 981 William
Smith 1857 William Smith. his garrison, and still secured him a footing in
Sicily. It was not till after a long blockade that his son Apollocrutes ...

Timoleon now turned his arms in succession against all these Petty rulers,
and overthrew them one after another, ...
Dionysius Longinus On the sublime: tr. from the Greek , with notes
...Cassius Longinus 1752
Encyclopedia of the History of Classical Archaeology Σελίδα 92 Nancy
Thomson de Grummond 2015 Thus, when Joachim Sandrart visited
Arundel House in 1627, even the garden was ''resplendent with the finest
Ancient statues in marble, of Greek and Roman workmanship.” Many of
these were acquired by William Petty, Arundel's loyal ...
Financial Management: Principles and Applications Σελίδα 113 J William
Petty, Sheridan Titman, Arthur J Keown 2015 J William Petty, Sheridan
Titman, Arthur J Keown, Peter Martin, John D Martin, Michael Burrow ...
International spotlight In 2010, a highly publicised problem emerged in
Europe, THE GREEK bOND CRISIS known by names such as the 'Greek
François Duquesnoy and the Greek Ideal Σελίδα 15 Estelle Cecile Lingo
2007 In correspondence Arundel would refer specifically to his "Grecian
collection," and he sent agents to Greece for the ... one such agent, William
Petty, had returned to Arundel House with a sizeable number of marbles,
Greek inscriptions, and a ...
Fundamental Immunology Σελίδα 22 William E. Paul 2012 William E.
Paul ... Religious beliefs in Ancient Greece drew contrasts between the
sacred or the pure (katharos) and the polluted (miaros).2 Pollution, or
miasma, was blamed for many Ancient transgressions, from the Petty and
personal, to the gravest, most famously embodied in the Oedipus myth. To
remove the stain of ...
Greek studies in England, 1700-1830 Σελίδα 176 Martin Lowther Clarke
1945 and Revett there was little awareness of Greece... and also, though he
did not visit Greece himself, acquired through his agent William Petty a
number of genuine Greek remains, most famous of which was the
chronological inscription known ...
Histories of the Irish Future Σελίδα 11 Bryan Fanning 2014 William Petty
(1627–87) was the inventive steward of the great transplantation that
reduced the proportion of Irish lands ... In Caen he studied 'the whole body
of common arithmetic', geometry, astronomy, Latin, Greek and French, all
of which ...

In the Footsteps of the Gods: Travellers to Greece and the Quest for
...David Constantine 2011 Travellers to Greece and the Quest for the
Hellenic Ideal David Constantine ... Through his efforts, and more through
those of the extremely resourceful William Petty, the famous Arundel
Marbles — later bequeathed to Oxford, where Wheler ...
John Aubrey: My Own Life Σελίδα 132 Ruth Scurr 2015 ... and if the
Greek professor had not happened to come along in time, the Greek
Testament would have been thrown into the fire for a ... My friend William
Petty conducted a survey of Ireland and in payment was granted
greatestateshereby the ...
Journal of a Tour in the Levant Τόμος 2 Σελίδα 320 William Turner 1820
William Turner. power of bearing. At Barout, and again at Jaffa, I had
resolved to send him back, but suffered my resolution ... He was born at
Rhodes, of poor Greek parents, and entered early into the Petty mercantile
speculations, by which the ...
Mainsail to the Wind: A Βιβ. of Sailing Quotations Σελίδα 197 William
Galvani 1999 A Βιβ. of Sailing Quotations William Galvani ... 495-429
BC) Athenian statesman Petty, Sir William (1623-1687) English Πολιτεία.
l economist and inventor of the catamaran Pflugk, ... 522^38 BC) Greek
lyric poet Plautus, Titus Maccius (ca.
Methods and Applications of Statistics in the Life and Health Sciences N.
Balakrishnan 2010 Biostatistics is that branch of science that applies
statistical methods to biological problems, the common prefix being
derived from the Greek word bios, meaning life. The first major
applications started in the middle of the seventeenth century when Sir
William Petty and John Graunt ... Petty and Graunt essentially invented
the field of vital statistics by studying the reported christenings and causes
of death, ...
New Monthly Magazine Τόμος 33 Σελίδα 9 Thomas Campbell, Samuel
Carter Hall, Edward Bulwer Lytton Baron Lytton 1831 Thomas Campbell,
Samuel Carter Hall, Edward Bulwer Lytton Baron Lytton, Theodore
Edward Hook, Thomas Hood, William Harrison Ainsworth ... Mr. Emerson
commences his present volumes with a history of the late Greek
Revolution, and when he has discussed this, from the ... to dwell upon their
Petty faults and occasional excesses, and to overlook the generous
perseverance and intrepid patriotism ...

Owning the Earth: The Transforming History of Land Ownership Andro

Linklater 2014 1685, William Petty felt it necessary to begin by disclosing
the precocious intelligence that had made him famous: “In the rst place I
declare and arm that at the full age offteen years, I had obtained the Latin,
Greek and French tongues, the ...
Penny Cyclopaedia of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge
1840 So diligent were his habits of study, that at the age of sixty he began
to learn the modern Greek language... PETTY, SIR WILLIAM, an eminent
Πολιτεία. l economist, was born May 16th, 1623, at Romsey in
Hampshire, where his father carried on ...
Period Rooms in the Metropolitan Museum of Art Σελίδα 311 Amelia
Peck, Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N.Y.) 1996 ... Gothic
Revival library, 252-59 Goudiier, Pierre, 108 Grasse (France), room in
house from, 106-15 Greek Revival style, ... 98 La Mesangere, Pierre de,
242 Lancret, Nicolas, 197, 203 Lansdowne, first marquess of (William
Petty Fitzmaurice, ...
Personal Styles in Greek Sculpture Σελίδα 5 Olga Palagia, J. J. Pollitt 1999
If there were limits on their ability to acquire Greek sculpture, however, it
had become much easier, by the beginning of ... and the Aegean islands by
date (first century BC) is argued by M. Weber, "Zur Arundel's energetic
agent, William Petty.
Pinnock's Improved Edition of Dr. GoldSmith’s History of Greece:
...Oliver Goldsmith, William Pinnock, William Cooke Taylor 1836
Abridged for the Use of Schools Oliver Goldsmith William Pinnock,
William Cooke Taylor ... Thus not only was Greece divided against itself,
but in every city and every Petty state there were two parties who viewed
each other with the fiercest ...
Plutarch's Lives,: Translated from the Original Greek , with Notes
...Plutarch, John Langhorne, William Langhorne 1801
Probability Theory and Statistical Inference: Econometric Modeling ...Aris
Spanos 1999 Although descriptive statistics can be traced back to John
Graunt (1662) and William Petty (1690), the systematic use of ... coined
most of the terminology in use today, including that of the histogram
utilizing mostly Greek words (see Pearson ...
Royal Navy Roll of Honour World War 1, by Date and Ship/Unit Don
Kindell 2009 ... RNR, EA 1733 ARCHER, William S, Petty Officer,
216685 (Po) BARRENGER, Herbert G, Engine Room Artificer 4c, ... Able


PARTY Duncan, pre-Dreadnought battleship, one ...
Sir William Petty: Critical Responses Σελίδα 319 T. W. (Terence Wilmot)
Hutchison 1997 For, if I could have given your Lordship any choice
Excerptions out of the Greek or Latin Learning, I should (according to our
English Proverb) thereby but carry Coals to Newcastle, and but give your
Lordship Puddle-water, who, by your own ...
Sir William Petty: Portrait of a Genius Σελίδα 24 Eric Strauss 1954 The
English cabin boy who knew Latin and Greek , soon became a local
celebrity, and, having made up his mind to leave the sea for the time being,
he found a chance ... Petty was more than thirteen and a half years old 24
Some British Empiricists in the Social Sciences, 1650-1900 Σελίδα 5
Richard Stone, Raffaele Mattioli Foundation 1997 Brief Life William
Petty, the originator of national accounting, was one of the most
remarkable products of the English ... to the local school, where he
acquired some mathematics, a competent smattering of Latin and the
rudiments of Greek .
The Athenaeum Τεύχη 1810-1835 Σελίδα 221 James Silk Buckingham,
John Sterling, Frederick Denison Maurice 1862 IllConcerning Two
Blisters of Humanity; being Thoughts on Petty Malignity and Petty
Trickery... By WILLIAM SMITH, Author of Thorndale, Ac "One of those
rare Βιβ. s which, being filled with noble and beautiful thoughts, deserves
an attentive ... An Historical View of the Condition of the Greek Nation
from its Conquest by the Romans until the Extinction of the Roman Power
in the East Second Edition.
The British Plutarch: Containing the Lives of the Most Eminent ...Francis
Wrangham 1816 264 SIR WILLIAM PETTY [1623—1687.] ... made
equal progress in polite literature ; having attained a competent knowledge
of the Greek , Latin, and French languages, and rendered himself master
of common arithmetic, practical geometry, ...
The Changing Firm: Contributions from the History of Economic ...Marco
Enrico Luigi Guidi, Daniela Parisi 2005 ... great philosophers, from the
Greek masters to the leading figures of modern knowledge, whence
science has sprung ... Meanwhile, William Petty (1623-1687) had
established the principles of Economy as a science by discussing
Πολιτεία. l ...

The Concept of Equilibrium in Different Economic Traditions: An ...Bert

Tieben 2012 ... some good will, we are able to trace the roots of
equilibrium thinking as far back as Ancient Greek Economic thought... I
also could have selected other contemporary writers like Sir William Petty
(1623−1687) or John Locke (1632−1704).
The Critical Review: Or, Annals of Literature Tobias George Smollett
1788 In its perfect state, it afforded a chronological detail of the principal
events of Greece, during a period of ... by Mr. William Petty, who, in the
year 1624, was sent by the earl of Arundel for the purpose of making such
collections for him in the East ...
The Diary of John Evelyn Σελίδα 89 John Evelyn, Austin Dobson 2015 ...
company of our Society, Sir William Petty, Dr. Gale (that learned
schoolmaster of St. Paul's)," Dr. Whistler, Mr. Hill,” etc... Dr. Thomas
Gale, 1635–1702; he was Greek Professor at Cambridge, High Master of
St. Paul's School, 1672-97, and ...
The Economics Writings of Sir William Petty Together with the
...INTRODUCTION. PETTY'S LIFE. William Petty1 was born on
Monday, 26 May, 1623, at the house of his father, a poor ... of age he had
acquired a competent smattering of Latin," and before his sixteenth year he
was well advanced in Greek , ...
The English Review, Or, An Abstract of English and Foreign Literature
1788 Ephorus, the disciple of Isocrates, in his chronological history of
Greece, from the reign of the Heraclidæ to the twentieth ... The Parian
Chronicle was purchased in Greece, or in the islands of the Archipelago,
by Mr. William Petty, who in 1624 ...
The General Biographical Dictionary Containing an Historical and
...Alexander Chalmers 1812 A manuscript translation of it, by sir William
Petty, was in ... His son Constantine succeeded him as grand logothete, and
was called by the Greek s, the younger Metaphrastes, from his having
written the lives of some of the saints inthe manner ...
The Genesis of MacroEconomics: New Ideas from Sir William Petty to
...Antoin E. Murphy 2008 New Ideas from Sir William Petty to Henry
Thornton Antoin E. Murphy. Smith was a ... At the age of 14 he moved to
Glasgow University, where he studied Greek , Latin, mathematics, logic,
moral philosophy, and natural philosophy. Here he was ...
The Glory that is Greece Σελίδα 114 Hilda Hughes 1944 His
contemporary, William Lithgow, of Lanark (1582-1645, or later), was a

traveller of a very different type ; restless and of ... From the latter's
correspondence we can follow Petty's visits to Smyrna in 1624 and to
Greece, including visits to ...
The History and Description of Arundel Castle, Sussex ... With an
...Charles WRIGHT (Βιβ. seller, of Brighton.) 1818 The noble Earl soon
afterwards sent Mr. William Petty into Asia, to make collections of rare
curiosities... from a Turk, who had purchased them from a learned man,
sent by the famous Pieresch into Asia and Greece upon the same design.
The Indian Empire: Its People, History, and Products Σελίδα 166 William
Wilson Hunter 1886 Its People, History, and Products William Wilson
Hunter ... Every Petty court had its Greek faction ; and the detachments
which he left behind at various positions from the Afghan frontier to the
Beas, and from near the base of the Himalayas to ...
The Labour Theory of Value Σελίδα 17 Peter C. Dooley 2005 A brief life
of Sir William Petty Sir William Petty (1623–87) was born in Romsey, a
market town in Hampshire, where his father was a clothier of modest
means.1 At school he learned Latin and a little Greek before signing on an
English ...
The Life of Adam Smith Σελίδα 135 Ian Simpson Ross 2010 A further
report of 10 March describes this student attending lectures on Greek ,
Latin, and philosophy (logic) for five ... The father, who was descended
from Sir William Petty, inventor of Πολιτεία. l arithmetic or statistics, was
delighted with this ...
The Life, Correspondence & Collections of Thomas Howard, Earl of
Arundel Mary Frederica Sophia Hervey 1921 William Petty to take his
place. Roe's account of the ... Petty visits Pergamus, Samos, Ephesus, and
other places... Sir Robert Cotton, Selden, and Patrick Young meet "at
dawn" in the gardens of Arundel House to decipher Greek inscriptions.
The Little Schools of Port-royal Σελίδα 149 We have evidence that
Lancelot was installed as teacher of Greek and Mathematics when the Port-
Royal school was ... sceletons and excarnating bowells" was recommended
as a desirable occupation for schoolchildren by William Petty in ...
The Lives of the Professors of Gresham College Σελίδα 146 John Ward
1740 Cromw E L l, Henry, lord lieutenant of Ireland, his letters in favour
of Dr. Petty, 22o. Crosse, Joshua, first of Magdalen, ... DA k 1 N s, William,
fworn Greek lećturer of Trinity college in Cambridge, 44. Chofen divinity
professor in Gresham ...

The lives of the professors of Gresham college: to which is prefixed ...John

Ward 1740 Cromwell, Henry, sord lieutenant of Ireland, his letters in
favour of Dr. Petty, 220. Cros-e, Joshua, first of Magdalen, afterwards ...
William, sworn Greek lecturer of Trinity college in Cambridge, 44. Chosen
divinity professor in Gresham college, ...
The Medieval Chronicle X Σελίδα 173 2016 ... may have obtained it
through a Greek student in England, a likely candidate being Mitrophanes
Kritopoulos (1589–1639), ... (1585–1646),66 whose collection of Greek
inscribed marbles, purchased in Smyrna by his art agent William Petty, ...
The Oriental herald and colonial review [ed. by J.S. Buckingham]. James
Silk Buckingham 1826 William Petty, the ancestor of the Marquis of
Lansdown, and from whom that nobleman, I am persuaded, deems it an
honour ... Petty says, " At the full age of fifteen years, I had obtained the
Latin, Greek , and French tongues, the whole body of ...
The Oriental Herald and Colonial Review. London, Richardson 1824-1829
1826 William Petty, the ancestor of the Marquis of Larisdown, and from
whom that nobleman, I am persuaded, deems it an ... read in the British
Museum, Petty says, “ At the full age of fifteen years, I had obtained the
Latin, Greek , and French tongues, ...
The Oriental Herald and Journal of General Literature 1826 William Petty,
the ancestor of the Marquis of Lansdown, and from whom that nobleman,
I am persuaded, deems it an ... Greek , and French tongues, the whole body
of common arithmetic, the practical geometry and astronomy, conducing
to ...
The Oriental Herald and Journal of General Literature James Silk
Buckingham 1826 William Petty, the ancestor of the Marquis of
Lansdown, and from whom that nobleman, I am persuaded, deems it an ...
Greek , and French tongues, the whole body of common arithmetic, the
practical geometry and astronomy, conducing to ...
The Oriental Herald Τόμος 9 Σελίδα 504 1826 William Petty, the ancestor
of the Marquis of Lansdown, and from whom that nobleman, I am
persuaded, deems it an ... Greek , and French tongues, the whole body of
common arithmetic, the practical geometry and astronomy, conducing to ...
The Origins of Scientific Economics Σελίδα C-115 William Letwin 2013
William Letwin. Petty was born in 1623, the son of a Hampshire cloth-
worker, poor but decent. He attended a country ... given the standard rote

fare of the time; by twelve he 'had a competent smattering of Latin and was
entered into the Greek '.
The Peerage of England; Containing a Genealogical and Historical
...Arthur Collins 1768 OHN Petty, late Lord Wycombe, Earl of Shelburne,
&e. was second surviving son of Thomas Fitz-Maurice, Earl of Kerry in
the kingdom of Ireland, by Anne, his wife, only daughter of the renowned
Sir William Petty, Knt. and sister to Henry Petty, Earl of Shelburne: But
before we ... of Oxford; and, when he attained the fifteenth year of his age,
was mastcr of the Latin, Greek , and French languages, the whole ...
The penny cyclopædia [ed. by G. Long]. Σελίδα 50 Society for the
diffusion of useful knowledge, George Long 1840 So diligent were his
habits of study, that at the age of sixty he began to learn the modern Greek
language... PETTY, SIR WILLIAM, an eminent Πολιτεία. l economist, was
born May 16th, 1623, at Romsey in Hampshire, where his father carried
on ...
The Penny Cyclopaedia of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful ...Society
for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge 1840 So diligent were his habits of
study, that at the age of sixty he began to learn the modern Greek
language... PETTY, SIR WILLIAM, an eminent Πολιτεία. l economist, was
born May 16th, 1623, at Rom6cy in Hampshire, where his father carried
on ...
The Penny Cyclopædia of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful ...George
Long 1840 So diligent »were his habits of study, that at the age of sixty he
began to learn the modern Greek language... Pract ) PETTY, SIR
WILLIAM, an eminent Πολιτεία. l economist, was born May 16th, 1023,
at Romsey in Hampshire, where his father ...
The Penny Cyclopaedia of the Society for the Difussion of Useful
...Society for the Difussion of Useful Knowledge 1840 So diligent were
his habits of study, that at the age of sixty he began to learn the modern
Greek language... PETTY, SIR WILLIAM, an eminent Πολιτεία. l
economist, was born May 16th, 1623, at Rorasey in Hampshire, where his
father carried on ...
The Petty Papers: Some Unpublished Writings of Sir William Petty Sir
William Petty, Henry William Edmund Petty FitzMaurice Lansdowne
(6th Marquis of) 1927 Some Unpublished Writings of Sir William Petty
Sir William Petty Henry William Edmund Petty FitzMaurice Lansdowne

(6th Marquis of). Galicia, 1. 227, 234. Galileo's 77 Saggiatore ... Greek and
Greece, 1. 200, 209 ; 11. 114, 238, 264. Greene ...
The post-chaise companion: or, Travellers directory through Ireland.
...William Wilson (topographer.) 1805 Sir William Petty,. Names. Various
are the appellations by which the Ancient writers of Greece and Rome
designated this island. In the Greek poem on the Argonautic Expedition,
evidently composed about four centuries before the christian era ...
The Wealth of Ideas: A History of Economic Thought Σελίδα 53
Alessandro Roncaglia 2006 3 William Petty and the origins of Πολιτεία.
l Economy1 1... himself by giving Latinand English lessons, and soon
succeeded in gaining admission to the Jesuit college in Caen where he
studied Latin, Greek , French, mathematics and astronomy.
The Will to Believe and Human Immortality Σελίδα 255 William James
previous Essay, on Great Men, etc., called forth two replies, ... The Petty
differences impressed upon ordinary Greek minds by Πλάτων or
Aristotle or Zeno, are nothing at all compared with ...
The Will to Believe and Other Essays in Popular Philosophy Σελίδα 255
William James 2007 William James. THE IMPORTANCE OF
INDIVIDUALS. THE previous Essay, on Great Men, etc., called forth two
... The Petty differences impressed upon ordinary Greek minds by Πλάτων
or Aristotle or Zeno, are nothing at all compared with the ...
The Will to Believe: And Other Essays in Popular Philosophy, and
...William James 1956 And Other Essays in Popular Philosophy, and
Human Immortality William James ... The Petty differences impressed
upon ordinary Greek minds by Πλάτων or Aristotle or Zeno, are nothing
at all compared with the vast differences between every ...
Traces on the Rhodian Shore: Nature and Culture in Western Thought
...Clarence J. Glacken 1976 Trans. from the Latin by William D. Foulke
(New York: Sold by Longmans Green & Co., 1907). — . "Pauli Warnefridi
... Jr., eds., The Renaissance Philosophy of Man (Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 1948), PP-47-!33 Petty, Sir William.
Tracts: chiefly relating to Ireland. Containing: I. A treatise of ... Σελίδα iv
Sir William Petty 1769 The Πολιτεία. l anatomy of Ireland Sir William
Petty. tions. In the first place, I declare and affirm, that at the full age of
fifteen years I had obtained the Latin, Greek , and French tongues, the
whole body of common arithmetick, the practical geometry ...

Vindiciæ Hibernicæe: Or, Ireland Vindicated : an Attempt to Develop

...Mathew Carey 1837 Turks, however oppressive and despotic, was
beneficient and patriarchal towards the Greek s, compared with that of
Ireland under the English deputies for three or for hundred years. A Turk
... f Sir William Petty calculates the destruction that ...
Walks in Oxford. 2 vols. [in 1]. Σελίδα 487 W M. Wade 1817
mathematicians Keil and Bradley ; Dr. William King ; Hutchins, the
historian of Dorsetshire. BRASEN-NOSE. — IddUional ... Lectureships,
of Humanity, Hebrew, Greek , Latin, and Mathematics. Building dates;
Library in 1663, Chapel in 1656.
Walks in Oxford: Comprising an Original, Historical, and Descriptive ...W.
M. Wade 1818 mathematicians Kcil and Bradley ; Dr. William King ;
Hutchins, the historian of Dorsetshire... Lectureships, of Humanity,
Hebrew, Greek , Latin, and Mathematics... author of the " Anatomy of
Melancholy j" his brother, William Burton, who wrote a history of
Leicestershire ; Sir William Petty, of financial celebrity ; Elias Ashmole ...
Walks in Oxford; comprising an ... account of the ColΝόμοι. , Halls
...William M. WADE 1817 William M. WADE ... the Staffordshire
antiqunry; Robert Burton, author of the “ Anatomy of Melancholy," his
brother, William Burton, who wrote a history of Leices~ tershire ; Sir
William Petty, ... Readers, in Rhetoric and Greek ; Visitar, the King.
Will Weatherhelm: The Yarn of an Old Sailor: William Henry Giles
Kingston 19?? William Henry Giles Kingston ... At that time a great many
of the Petty Greek chiefs, driven by the Turks from their hereditary
domains, had established themselves on any rockyisland theycould find,
withasmany followers as theycould collect, ...
William Tyndale: A Biography Σελίδα 325 David Daniell 1994 He does
succeed in one thing; he makes Tyndale seem as Petty as himself. He even
sneers at Tyndale's Greek . Dialectical argument, serious intellectual
debate, is one thing, but that is what the Apology is not. It is personal
resentment, ...

Joseph Alois Schumpeter Greek

A Companion to the History of Economic Thought Σελίδα 31 Warren J.

Samuels, Jeff E. Biddle, John B. Davis 2008 Joseph Spengler's 1964
article dealt the first blow to the Schumperian Great Gap thesis, without

even mentioning it... While we cannot deny the impact of Greek thought
on Islamic civilization – for the latter is a confluence of Arab, Greek , and
Persian (i.e., ... Furthermore, by concentrating on the contributions of Ibn
Khaldun – who lived after the Schumpeterian blank centuries – Spengler,
in effect, did not ...
Ancient Greece and Rome Σελίδα 58 Michael Gagarin 2009 They all rode
in chariots to the public speakers' platform (rostra), where they sat in a row
on ivory chairs for the funeral ... The republic, therefore, did not neatly
conform to the economist Joseph Schumpeter's famous description of
imperial ...
Breaking Up Time: Negotiating the Borders Between Present, Past and
...Chris Lorenz, Berber Bevernage 2013 The economist Ioseph Alois
Schumpeter, who immigrated to the US in the 19305, introduced the
concept of 'creative ... the modern time regime as driven by an irreversible
and inexorable 'fury of disappearance'n: 'The Greek letters last a little ... 20
Joseph Alois Schumpeter, Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy (New
York, ...
Catalog of Entries. Third Series: 1947 Σελίδα 129 1947 A German version,
with variations in the text, was published in Zürich in 1946 under title:
Offiziere gegen Hitler. .... Schumpeter, Joseph Alois, 1883– Capitalism,
socialism, and democracy... Gods & heroes; myths & epics of Ancient
Citizen Politics: Public Opinion and Πολιτεία. l Parties in Advanced
...Russell J. Dalton 2013 Democracy Despite Itself: Why a System That
Shouldn't Work at All Works So Well... “We know Bart, but Homer is
Greek to us,” Los Angeles Times, August 15, 2006, A14. 2... Walter
Bagehot (1978), Joseph Schumpeter (1943), and Walter Lippmann (1922)
were highly critical of the average citizen, claiming people fell far ...
Complicity with Evil": The United Nations in the Age of Modern Genocide
Adam LeBor 2006 It is hard to imagine how such a "democratic" system
can work in practice... the Greek s believed — an expression of citizenship
or even of the human condition (according to Aristotle, man is a
zoonpoliticon)... reason on one's expectations concerning the nature of the
decisions that the citizens Joseph Schumpeter 181 CVII.
Dictionary Of Modern American Philosophers Σελίδα 2160 John R. Shook
2005 A. Schumpeter, ed... Augello, Massimo M.Joseph Alois
Schumpeter: A Reference Guide (Berlin, 1990)... of absence from Cornell

he served as the first chairman of the Philippines Commission and as US

Minister to Greece and Montenegro.
East Asian Transformation: On the Πολιτεία. l Economy of Dynamism,
...Jeffrey Henderson, William Goodwin Aurelio Professor of Greek
Language and Literature Jeffrey Henderson 2011 ... and Crisis Jeffrey
Henderson, William Goodwin Aurelio Professor of Greek Language and
Literature Jeffrey Henderson ... John Maynard Keynes, The General
Theory of Employment, Interest and Money; Josef Schumpeter, Business
Cycles; and Karl Polanyi, The Great Transformation... 5 Brunei is a non-
industrial, 'rentier' micro state (with a population of around 400,000 in
2008), whose GNI is almost ...
Economic Doctrine and Method Joseph Schumpeter 2013 Joseph
SCIENCE1 The science of Economics, as it took shape towards the end of
the eighteenth ... in the thought of Ancient Greece and can clearly be
distinguished from the conceptions of everyday life and the principles of
legislators and founders of religions.
Economics: Economics, Economics CTI Reviews 2016 Jacket Knight
Joseph Alois Schumpeter Uncertainty Jacket is a numerical computing
platform enabling GPU ... Since antiquity a position of honour prestige has
been held by mounted warriors such as the Greek hippe and the Roman
eques, ...
Elgar Companion to Neo-Schumpeterian Economics Σελίδα 20 Horst
Hanusch, Andreas Pyka 2007 2 Joseph Alois Schumpeter's Oeuvre
Schumpeter's scientific heritage is immense. In his bibliography ... The
ambitious aim of this Βιβ. was an Analysis of the development of
Economics, from Ancient Greece until the late 1940s. Schumpeter's ...
Empire Versus Democracy: The Triumph of Corporate and Military
Power Carl Boggs 2012 Although many theorists—Karl Marx, Max
Weber, Joseph Schumpeter, and Franz Neumann among them—foresaw
the ... by a narrow, oligopolistic stratum of privileged elites, could those
classical democratic ideals associated with the Greek s, ...
Encyclopedia of Democratic Thought Σελίδα 150 Paul Barry Clarke, Joe
Foweraker 2003 In Ancient Greece, Πολιτεία. l identity was rooted in
cities and only a small proportion of the adult population was deemed ...
Most of them descend or borrow from Joseph Schumpeter (1947: 269).
who defined democracy as a system for arriving ...

Essays: On Entrepreneurs, Innovations, Business Cycles, and the ...Joseph

Alois Schumpeter, Richard Richard Vernon Clemence 1951 On
Entrepreneurs, Innovations, Business Cycles, and the Evolution of
Capitalism Joseph Alois Schumpeter Richard ... practice: the fact that
Greek science had probably produced all that is necessary in order to
construct a steam engine did ...
Europe in Crisis: Bolt from the Blue? Σελίδα 7 Ivan T. Berend, Tibor Iván
ROAD. TOWARD. THE. CRISIS. In September 2008, an international
financial Crisis exploded in the United States. In November of that year,
Joseph Stiglitz, the Nobel laureate American ...
From Gutenberg to Zuckerberg: What You Really Need to Know About
the ...John Naughton 2011 As a university teacher, it's an adagethat I've
always treasured, andso it was predictable that it would come to mind asthis
Βιβ. draws toa close. What,Iasked ... Since the Ancient Greek s we've
known that technology giveth and technology taketh away. Πλάτων
fretted that ... That's why Joseph Schumpeter described the upheavals by
which capitalism renews itselfas waves of 'creative destruction'. Both
words ...
Global Entrepreneurship and Development Index 2014 Σελίδα 1 Zoltan J.
Acs, László Szerb, Erkko Autio 2015 In country such as Greece, however,
where the uncertainty of a lagging recovery dampens the confidence of
business, ... Over 100 years ago, in the Theory of Economic Development,
Joseph Schumpeter pointed out that entrepreneurs are ...
Greece, Financialization and the EU: The Πολιτεία. l Economy of Debt
...V. Fouskas, C. Dimoulas 2013 The relation C-M-C' represents a
commodity sold for money and buying another, different commodity, with
an equal or ... Drawing from the work of Joseph Schumpeter, many
economists and heterodox Πολιτεία. l economists disagree with this ...
Greek Πολιτεία. l Thought Σελίδα 313 Ryan K. Balot 2008 Laches, see,
for example, W.T. Schmid, On Manly Courage: A Study of Πλάτων 's
Laches (Carbondale, Southern Illinois University ... On relativism in
general, and on Protagoras' self-refutation, I have followed D. Keyt and
F.D. Miller, Jr., “Ancient Greek ... The classic essay by Joseph
Schumpeter is still worth reading: seeJ.
HandΒιβ. of the History of Economic Thought: Insights on the ...Jürgen
Georg Backhaus 2011 In this Βιβ. , the life and work of each of the

founders of Economics is examined by the best available expert on that

founding figure.
HandΒιβ. on the History of Economic Analysis Volume II: Schools of
...Gilbert Faccarello, Heinz D. Kurz 2016 ... Joseph Alois Schumpeter (I);
Adam Smith (I). References and further ... A Banking Perspective,
Princeton, NJ: University Press. Finley, M.I. (1973), The ... Greek
Economic thought as a problem of historical dogma', trans. C. Shiley and
B.B. ...
Henry George: Πολιτεία. l Ideologue, Social Philosopher and Economic
...Laurence S. Moss 2009 was a disciple and follower of Walras, who in
fact nominated Pareto to succeed him in the chair of Πολιτεία. l Economy
at the University of Lausanne in 1893... of value, his theory about the
maximization of “ophelimite” (a term he takes from Greek and with which
he refers to marginal utility), and a ... Joseph Schumpeter (1954: 859)
distinguished among four spheres of Pareto: sociology, the Pareto law of
the ...
Herodotus, Explorer of the Past: Three Essays Σελίδα 38 James Allan
Stewart Evans 2014 and polypragmosyne, and discovered that there was
a penalty he must pay if he transgressed this nomos... Joseph
Schumpeter” once remarked that the Hellenic world found the reason for
Xerxes' campaign utterly baffling... They undertook conquest as a
manifestation of their ethos, and they introduced imperialism into the
Greek world, although Herodotus thought that Croesus had taken the first
History of Economic Analysis Joseph A. Schumpeter 1954 Throughout,
Schumpeter perceived Economics as a human science and this is reflected
in a volume which is lucid and insightful throughout.
Households: On the Moral Architecture of the Economy Σελίδα 7 William
James Booth 1993 In Part One, I explore classical (and much more briefly,
archaic) Greek reflection on the Economy... if there was, it was of such a
primitive character as to be without value (Joseph Schumpeter).4 Both of
these arguments rest on the idea that in ...
ICICKM20085th International Conference on Intellectual Capital, ...Dr
Kevin O Sullivan ... Knowledge Entrepreneurs of Today: Past Research
and Future Challenges Haris Papoutsakis TEI of Crete, Heraklion, Greece
... Also at the beginning of the twentieth century, Joseph Alois
Schumpeter, at that time a young professor at the ...

Introduction to Πολιτεία. l Concepts Σελίδα 110 John Hoffman, Paul

Graham 2006 This resurrects the Ancient Greek argument that democracy
as the rule of the poor could take the form of a popular ... Joseph
Schumpeter, an Austrian economist and socialist, led the way, contending
that the notion of democracy must be ...
Jewish and Greek Communities in Egypt: Entrepreneurship and Business
...Najat Abdulhaq 2016 Kitroeff, The Greek s, p. 3ff... The term
'innovation' is not used in Schumpeter's writings since it was not a
common term in his time... This need by no means be founded upon a
discovery scientifically new, and can also ... Joseph Schumpeter, The
Theory of Economic Development; an inquiry into profits, capital, credit,
interests and the business cycle, translated by Redvers Opie, Harvard
University Press, ...
Joseph A. Schumpeter Historian of Economic Thought Laurence S. Moss
1996 With contributions by leading historians of Economics from six
countries, this volume analyses Schumpeter's contribution to the history
of Economics, considers its lasting significance, and uses it as a
benchmark to assess the current state ...
Joseph A. Schumpeter: Critical Assessments Σελίδα 188 John C. Wood
1991 For a detailed statement of this thesis and a summary of his specific
qualifications, see Schumpeter, op. cit., pp. 28-32. Throughout subsequent
... 47. developed the thesis that "fate" in Greek Tragedy has become. 16.
The work of Pierre S.
Joseph A. Schumpeter: Historian of Economics: Perspectives on the
...Laurence S. Moss 2013 As these authors have demonstrated, medieval
Islamic writers who were influenced by Islamic ethos and Greek and ...
writers and this impact on Christian scholasticism should be regarded as a
refutation of the Schumpeterian Great Gap ...
Joseph A. Schumpeter: life and work of a great social scientist Erich
Schneider 1975 A day without mathematics and Greek was for him a day
lost. Translator's note: This probably comes closest to rendering the
meaning of "Industriepolitik" ("industrial policy"). 3) That the
performance of such a staff radiated to other universities ...
Joseph Alois Schumpeter: A Reference Guide Σελίδα 24 Massimo M.
Augello 2012 The following table presents the figures relative to the
number of reviews devoted to each of Schumpeter's major Βιβ. s... And,

with fewer than 4 contributions: Argentina, Bulgaria, Colombia,

Czechoslovakia, Egypt, Finland, Greece, New ...
Joseph Alois Schumpeter: Entrepreneurship, Style and Vision Jürgen G.
Backhaus 2003 At this point arises the question on the evaluation of
Greek s by Schumpeter. In the Epochen he declares that the most
significant influences which come to us by the Greek s are these by
Aristotle, Πλάτων , the Stoics and Epicureans...
Lords of Secrecy: The National Security Elite and America's Stealth
...Scott Horton 2015 John Adams, A Dissertation on the Canon and Feudal
Law ( ). . Ibid... Joseph Schumpeter, Capitalism, Socialism, and
Democracy ( ), p. . . von Hayek, “The Use of Knowledge in Society,” p. .
. “Thus when we say that our Western civilization derives from the Greek
s, we ought to realize what it means. It means that the Greek s ...
MacroEconomics, Principles: Economics, MacroEconomics and
monetary ...CTI Reviews 2016 Labour productivity can be measured for a
firm, a process or a country. Joseph Alois Schumpeter: Joseph Alois
Schumpeter wasan Austrian economist and Πολιτεία. l scientistbornin
Moravia, then ... Monopoly: A monopoly(from Greek monosμ?
Medieval Islamic Economic Thought: Filling the Great Gap in European
...S.M. Ghazanfar 2004 The “Great Gap” thesis reconsidered1
S.M.Ghazanfar Introduction Joseph Alois Schumpeter (1883–1950)
stands among the ... He argued that “Economic Analysis begins only with
the Greek s”, not to be reestablished until the Scholastics ...
Middle East and Arabic Countries Taxation Law HandΒιβ. Σελίδα 24 Usa
International Business Publications 2007 This has been spelled out by a
number of scholars in the literature on what has come to be termed as
“Mirrors for Princes... Joseph Schumpeter in History of Economic
Analysis (1954), that the intervening period between the Greek s and the ...
Negotiating Diplomacy in the New Europe: Foreign Policy in ...Stefanos
Katsikas 2012 Scholars such as Joseph Schumpeter argued that there is
a strong link between liberal democracy and a market ... such as Greece,
were experiencing periods of unprecedented Economic development,
while authoritarian regimes, such as the ...
Opening Doors: The Life and Work of Joseph Schumpeter Σελίδα 284
Robert Loring Allen 1991 The Life and Work of Joseph Schumpeter
Robert Loring Allen. Bachrach, P. The Theory ... Little Brown, 1967.

Bagotti, T. "Joseph Alois Schumpeter... and Schumpeter." Greek

Quarterly Review of Economics and Πολιτεία. l Science 8 (1953): 1.
Πολιτεία. l Representation and Elections in Britain (Routledge Library
...Peter Pulzer 2013 This Βιβ. deals with the key aspects of the Πολιτεία.
l system in Britain and contains Τμ. s on class and voting, candidate
selection, campaigning, communications, representational theories, from
Greek to Victorian, the role of pressure ...
Politics: An Introduction Σελίδα 89 Barrie Axford, Gary K. Browning,
Richard Huggins 2005 In fact it offers what has become known as a
'process' view of democracy, following the insights of Joseph
Schumpeter in his Βιβ. Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy (1976),
who said that democracy is that 'institutional arrangement for ...
Pre-Classical Economic Thought: From the Greek s to the Scottish ...S.
Todd Lowry 2012 Most historians of Economic thought have implicitly
denied the Greek contribution since most of the histories they have written
begin only with Adam Smith or the scholastics.” Joseph A. Schumpeter's
encyclopedic History of Economic Analysis ...
Prophet of Innovation: Joseph Schumpeter and Creative Destruction
Thomas K McCraw 2009 Joseph Schumpeter and Creative Destruction
Thomas K McCraw ... winston churchill, at a White House luncheon, 1954
Only three years after the relative failure of Business Cycles, Schumpeter
made a ... It ranges through world history and literature all the way from
Ancient Greece and Rome to the time of its publication.1 ...
Public Sector Management: Mission Impossible? Σελίδα xi Ian Chaston
2011 Concurrently, the situation was made worsen because some countries
such as Greece had made inappropriate decisions in their ... As a
consequence of these events, some Governments are now being forced to
implement major cutbacks in public sector spending as ... Joseph
Schumpeter and the Austrian School of Economics, on the basis of the
Analysis of Economic cycles and the Great Depression, ...
Public Sector Reformation: Values-driven Solutions to Fiscal Constraint I.
Chaston 2012 the case of countries such as Ireland and Greece, a reduction
in public sector spending was a mandatory requirement before the IMF and
ECB ... Joseph Schumpeter (1934) examined the performance of firms
during the Great Depression.
Reader's Guide to the Social Sciences Σελίδα 683 Jonathan Michie 2014
Thus the deflationary bias of the gold standard system resulted in a

perverse reaction to adverse demand shocks... and Theory, Glencoe,

Illinois: Free Press, 1957 Schumpeter, Joseph A., History of Economic
Analysis, edited by Elizabeth Boody Schumpeter, ... However, the Greek
s did not develop Economics as a separate discipΓρ. but considered
Economic questions as part of their general inquiry on ...
Reason, Religion, and Democracy Dennis C. Mueller 2009 This Βιβ. also
emphasizes the difference between religion and science as means for
understanding causal relationships, but it focuses much more heavily on
the challenge religious extremism poses for liberal democratic institutions.
Routledge International Encyclopedia of Women: Global Women's Issues
...Cheris Kramarae, Dale Spender 2004 Democracy is most simply
defined by its Greek root words demos (“people”) and kratos (“rule”),
meaning rule by the people... In South Africa, where blacks constituted a
majority of the population living under the minority white system of
apartheid, men and ... On the basis of the work of Joseph Schumpeter
(1942), representative democracy is expected to include the following
minimal characteristics ...
Saving Europe: Anatomy of a Dream Σελίδα 487 Carlo Bastasin 2015
Charlemagne, “Empathy in Short Supply in Greece: Not a Simple Fable
about Ants and Crickets,” The Economist, March ... By contrast, the
economist Joseph Schumpeter argued that capitalism did not begin with
the Industrial Revolution but in ...
Science and Civilisation in China: Volume 7, The Social Background,
...Joseph Needham, Kenneth Girdwood Robinson 2004 Joseph Needham
Kenneth Girdwood Robinson ... necessary to remember that apart from the
heights of Greek achievement, science and technology had consistently
reached a level higher, ... Schumpeter's term for the wide application of
an invention.29 There are even not a few instances where discoveries and
inventions ...
Season of Rains: Africa in the World Σελίδα 207 Stephen Ellis, Desmond
Tutu 2012 Seaford, Richard, Money and the Early Greek Mind: Homer,
Philosophy, Tragedy (cambridge university press, 2004)... Smithies,
Arthur, 'memorial: Joseph Alois Schumpeter, 1883–1950', American
Economic Review, 207 BIBLIOGRAPHY.
Sephardi Entrepreneurs in Jerusalem: The Valero Family 1800-1948
Joseph B. Glass, Ruth Kark 2007 The Valero Family 1800-1948 Joseph B.
Glass, Ruth Kark ... Amzalak family.1 The term "entrepreneur" is based

on Joseph A. Schumpeter's approach — the entrepreneur as an innovator

in the areas of new goods, new methods of production, ...
South Africa Reborn: Building A New Democracy Σελίδα 1 Dr Heather
Deegan 2005 Cheryl Carolus, ANC Deputy Secretary-General, interview,
1996 Conditions From Ancient Greek notions of direct democracy within
a city state and utilitarian models of representative democracy, to Joseph
Schumpeter's 'competitive theory of ...
Teaching as the Practice of Wisdom David Smith 2014 This is a powerful
work of educational theory and philosophy that contains useful advice for
educators wishing to push back against conformity.
Technical Change and Economic Growth: Inside the Knowledge Based
EconomyMr George M Korres 2012 (2006), "Innovation Activities: A
Study for the Determinant Factors and the Role of Female
Entrepreneurship in Greek Enterprises", in Sixth ... Joseph Alois
Schumpeter: EntrepreneurshipStyle and Vision, Kluwer Academic
Publishers, pp.
The Culture of the Publisher's Series, Volume 2: Nationalisms and ...J.
Spiers 2011 ... and the Evolution of Capitalism (Schumpeter, Joseph A.)
46 Catechism of Πολιτεία. l Economy, (J.-B. Say) 31, 46 central ... A (J.-
B. Say) 46 Ephemeris (Vienna 1790–8), first Greek newspaper 87
feminism 17, 24 format 8, 10, 42, 50, 55, 56, ...
The Economics and Sociology of Capitalism Σελίδα 176 Joseph Alois
Schumpeter, Richard Swedberg 1991 Joseph Alois Schumpeter, Richard
Swedberg ... which had grown to maturity, first in the struggle for the coast
of Macedonia itself, and then in a miniature imperialism against the
Scythians and Greek s, and which was on the verge of attacking ...
The Edinburgh Companion to the History of Democracy Σελίδα 7
Benjamin Isakhan, Stephen Stockwell 2012 In the best examples, the spirit
of these laws is generally enshrined in a written constitution, tabled in a
parliament or ... In Joseph Schumpeter's minimalist empirical definition,
democracy 'is that institutional arrangement for arriving at ... This is
startlingly obvious in direct democracies like that of Ancient Greece: if the
amphitheatres of Athens had been empty so too would have been its claim
to democracy.
The Fortunes of Liberalism: Essays on Austrian Economics and the ...F.
A. Hayek, Peter G. Klein 1992 'Here, in this modern collection of essays
on the Australian school by one of its preeminent figures, is the genesis of

this tradition and its place in intellectual history. Freedom, Hayek writes
survives only when people chose to learn the ...
The Global Industrial Complex: Systems of Domination Σελίδα 25 Steven
Best, Richard Kahn, Anthony J. Nocella II 2011 Although many previous
theorists— Karl Marx, Max Weber, Joseph Schumpeter, and Franz
Neumann among them—foresaw oligopolistic, ... the enormous scope of
domination that American ruling elites would accrue even before the
twentieth century drew to a close... and oligopolistic stratum of privileged
elites, could anything resembling classical democratic ideals associated
with the Greek s, Locke, ...
The Growth of the Firm: The Legacy of Edith Penrose Edith Tilton
Penrose, Christos Pitelis 2002 This volume builds on an issue of
"Contributions to Πολιτεία. l Economy" that celebrated 40 years since
Penrose's publication, "The Theory of the Growth of the Firm".
The Making of the Ancient Greek Economy: Institutions, Markets, and
...Alain Bresson 2015 Despite the pollution it caused, it had the advantage
of providing, at a relatively low cost compared with wood, levels of ... the
technical process that leads from invention to innovation, to adopt Joseph
A. Schumpeter's distinction—could take ...
The New Realities Peter F. Drucker 2011 When the printed Βιβ. appeared
in the fifteenth century, what was knowledge' was as ready for a sea change
as the methods for transmitting it... Neither John Maynard Keynes nor
Joseph Schumpeter this century's two great economists were
popularizers'... not attempt to cater to the multitude in the 1930s; nor did
the Βιβ. s on the Greek s by two great classicists Edith Hamilton and
Werner Jaeger.
The Real World of Democratic Theory Σελίδα 39 Ian Shapiro 2010
Joseph Schumpeter went so far as to characterize Rousseau's account as
the “classical” theory of democracy, even though his was really a
neoclassical view—an eighteenth-century adaptation of the Ancient Greek
theory in which democracy ...
The Representative Republic Σελίδα 511 Ferdinand Aloys Hermens 1958
Ferdinand Aloys Hermens. 8. Lowie mentions ... Joseph Schumpeter,
"Social Classes," Imperialism, Social Classes, trans. Bert Hoselitz ... All of
these figures follow Sir Alfred Zimmem, The Greek Commonwealth (New
York, 1922), pp. 171 ff.

The Rise and Fall of Global Austerity Σελίδα 295 E Ray Canterbery 2014
Salomon Brothers, 93, 94, 96 San Clemente, 103 San Francisco, 61, 66,
185 saving is a virtue, 19 saving, 19, 216, 237, 242, 243 ... and wealth, 255
SCBT, 105 Schumpeter, Joseph A., Business Cycles, 32 Schumpeter,
Joseph, 31–34, 57 Schumpeter, Joseph Alois ... 20–24 Smith, H.,
“Greece's George Papandreou Announced 140 billion euro Bailout Deal,”
The Guardian, 162 Smith’s moral critique of ...
The State of the History of Economics: Proceedings of the History of
...James P. Henderson 2002 Because Schumpeter advocated
thetheoretical formulationofhistoryorthe histoireraisonnée,it was
incumbent on him ... S h i o n o y a THETWOST R U CTUR E APPROA
C H Joseph Alois Schumpeter, who maintained a great interest in the
history of Economics throughout his academiccareer,producedanextensive
bodyofworkinthisfield,coveringtheliteraturefrom the Greek
Theory and Practice in the Philosophy of David Hume J. Wiley 2012 A
referenceto cultural relativism comes from Herodotus's Histories (3.38)
wherethe Persian king asksaboutthe funeralpractices of Greek s ... The
Indianseat their dead, which horrifies the Greek s;andthe Greek s burntheir
dead, which horrifies the Indians... See Joseph Schumpeter, Capitalism,
Socialism and Democracy (New.
Third Worlds: Politics in the Middle East and Africa Σελίδα 34 Heather
Ancient Greek notion of direct democracy within a city state, to utilitarian
models of representative democracy, to Joseph Schumpeter's
'competitive theory of democracy' and the pluralism and ...
Vor dem dritten Staatsbankrott? : Der deutsche Schuldenstaat in ...Marc
Hansmann 2012 Willem Buiter/Ebrahim Rahbari, Greece and the fiscal
Crisis in the Eurozone, London 2010, S.1 (CEPR Policy Insight51). Ende
April 2011 lag die ... Die prominentesten A. Schumpeter bereits 1918
feststellte: „Die Finanzen sind einer der ...
Η προτεσταντική ηθική και το πνεύμα του καπιταλισμού Max Weber
2010 Austerity: The History of a Dangerous Idea Mark Blyth 2015 The
problem, according to Πολιτεία. l economist Mark Blyth, is that austerity
is a very dangerous idea. First of all, it doesn't work.
Max Weber

From Wikipedia.The term charisma pl. charismata, adj. charismatic) has

two senses: (1) compelling attractiveness or charm that can inspire
devotion in others, (2) a divinely conferred power or talent.[1] As regards
sense 1, scholars in Πολιτεία. l science, psychology, and management
reserve the term for a type of leadership that is extraordinary; in this field,
the term "charisma" is used to describe a particular type of leader who
uses "values-based, symbolic, and emotion-laden leader signaling.". For
some theological usages the term is rendered charism, with a meaning the
same as sense 2. Since the 1950s, the term has become widely used, with
varying meanings, in religion, the social sciences, the media, and
throughout Western societies. Etymology. The English term charisma is
from the Greek χάρισμα (khárisma), which means "favor freely given" or
"gift of grace". The term and its plural χαρίσματα (charismata) derive
from χάρις (charis), which means "grace". Some derivatives from that root
(including "grace") have similar meanings to the modern sense of
personality charisma, such as "filled with attractiveness or charm",
"kindness", "to bestow a favor or service", or "to be favored or blessed".
Moreover, the ancient Greek dialect widely used in Roman times
employed these terms without the connotations found in modern religious
usage.[11] Ancient Greek s applied personality charisma to their gods;
for example, attributing charm, beauty, nature, human creativity or fertility
to goddesses they called Charites (Χάριτες). Theologians and social
scientists have expanded and modified the original Greek meaning into
the two distinct senses above. For ease of reference, we will call the first
sense personality charisma and the second divinely conferred charisma.
The meaning of charisma has become greatly diffused from its original
divinely conferred meaning, and even from the personality charisma
meaning in modern English dictionaries, which reduces to a mixture of
charm and status. John Potts, who has extensively analyzed the term's
history, sums up meanings beneath this diffused common usage.
Contemporary charisma maintains, however, the irreducible character
ascribed to it by Weber: it retains a mysterious, elusive quality. Media
commentators regularly describe charisma as the 'X-factor'. …The
enigmatic character of charisma also suggests a connection – at least to
some degree – to the earliest manifestations of charisma as a spiritual gift.
charisma (n.) - OnΓρ. Etymology Dictionary. 1930, from German, used
in this sense by Max Weber (1864-1920) in "Wirtschaft u. Gesellschaft"
(1922), from Greek kharisma "favor, divine gift," from ... Earlier, the

word had been used in English with a sense of "grace, talent from God"
(1875), ...
Charisma - New World Encyclopedia The term charisma originates from
the Greek word χάρισμα meaning "gift" or "divine ... It refers especially
to a quality in certain people, both women and men, who ... to the popular
use of the term, "charismatic leader," German sociologist Max Weber ....
(CC-by-sa), which may be used and disseminated with proper attribution.
Charisma | Define Charisma at Charisma definition,
Theology. a divinely conferred gift or power. ... 1635-45; < Late Latin <
Greek , equivalent to char- (base of cháris favor, ... authority," c.1930, from
German, used in this sense by Max Weber (1864-1920) in "Wirtschaft u.
... Earlier, the word had been used in English with a sense of "grace, talent
from God" ...
Max Weber in Politics and Social Thought: From Charisma to
Canonization Joshua Derman - 2012 - History Weber called this type of
rulership “charismatic.”“ In the New Testament, Paul used the Greek
word charisma (lit. “gift of grace”) to refer to the special talents ...
Charism | Define Charism at Origin of charisma. Expand.
Late Latin. 1635-1645. 1635-45; < Late Latin < Greek , equivalent to char-
(base of cháris favor, charízesthai to ... c.1930, from German, used in this
sense by Max Weber (1864-1920) in "Wirtschaft u. ... Earlier, the word
had been used in English with a sense of "grace, talent from God"
(1875), ...
Charisma | Definition of Charisma by Merriam-Webster The Greek
word charisma means "favor" or "gift." In English, it has been used in
Christian contexts since about 1640 to refer to a gift or power bestowed
upon an ...
Κεφ. 2: Charisma [Footnote: The Greek word is charizesthai, and it
means favor or gift of divine origin. ... Modern usage of the term
"charisma" derives from Max Weber (1864-1920), ... [footnote omitted]
Weber used both religious and economic factors to explain ...
K. SAPRU - 2013 - Πολιτεία. l Science Weber uses (i) the term 'power' to
refer to the ability to force people to obey orders; (ii) the term ... Weber
used the Greek word 'charisma' and defines it as the “quality of an
individual ... Κεφ. 9 Max Weber: The Bureaucratic Theory 0.

A WorkΒιβ. for an Introductory Course in Sociology Jose A. Fadul, Ronan

S. Estoque – 2010 Worksheet No.23—Charisma Name _ Partner
(Optional) The word charisma (from the Greek word Xdipiopoi, “gift” or
“divine favor”) refers to ... That is, charisma is often used to describe a
seemingly effortless ability to charm and influence people. ... The German
sociologist Max Weber defined charismatic authority to be one ...

Paul Samuelson Greek

A World of Polities: Essays on Global Politics Yale H. Ferguson, Richard

W. Mansbach 2008 whether they are Alfred Marshall or Paul
Samuelson«s, the models we employ, tend to draw us into a false account«.
For instance, he maintains that since wage and interest rates in the Greek
and Roman worlds remained reasonably stable ...
Adam Smith: Critical Assessments Τόμος 3 Σελίδα 247 John Cunningham
Wood 1984 I must apologize to my friend, Paul Samuelson. for using his
name as a symbol. To have one's ... We saw it also in secular education in
the reverence for the Greek and the Latin authors in Europe, and also for
the classical writers in China.
American Amnesia: How the War on Government Led Us to Forget What
...Jacob S. Hacker, Paul Pierson 2016 Paul Samuelson, Economics: The
Original 1948 Edition (York, PA: Maple Press, 1997), p... Peter G.
Peterson, The Education of an American Dreamer: How a Son of Greek
Immigrants Learned His Way from a Nebraska Diner to Washington, ...
An Introduction to Decision Theory CTI Reviews 2016 300 BC, also
known as Euclid of Alexandria, was a Greek mathematician and is
oftenreferred to as the 'Father of Geometry... Revealed preference:
Revealed preference theory, pioneered by American economist Paul
Samuelson, is a method ...
Archaeological News Τόμοι 4-7 Σελίδα 106 1975 175-179 and G.M.A.
Richter, Engraved Gems of the Greek s and the Etruscans, London, 1968,
pp. 24-25... Listed as transferred in 1926 from Dept. of Greek & Roman
Antiquity 57. 7... Paul A. Samuelson, Economics, New York, 1970, p.
Banta's Greek Exchange: Published in the Interest of the College ...1931
Agnes Samuelson, K A, is state superintendent of schools in Iowa. Orrick

Johns, author, poet, and ... Paul C. Wolman, recently elected as national
commander in chief of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of America, is a
member of $ A. Joseph ...
Beeton's Dictionary of Universal Biography, being the lives of ...1863 “A
History of the 'Origin and Progress of Philosophy among the Greek -i," “0n
the Origin and DecΓρ. of the 'Sc'ienc'ts ... The best of these last were the
'sketches for “Paul and Virginia," Balzac's novels, and “The French People
painted by ...
Billy Williams. The Sacred Project of American Sociology Christian Smith
2014 But see, for example, Robert Nelson, 2002, Economics as Religion:
From Samuelson to Chicago and Beyond, State ... Cecil Greek , 1992, The
Religious Roots of American Sociology, New York: Garland; Dorothy
Ross, 1991, The Origins of ...
Biodiversity and the Law: "Intellectual Property, Biotechnology and
...Charles R. McManis 2012 The generic problem of the optimal level of
public goods was solved in 1954 by Paul Samuelson in 'The pure theory
of ... MCr/MCt The capital Greek letter sigma (∑) indicates summation
over n people counting with the first individual, i = 1.
Βιβ. Review Digest Τόμος 92 Σελίδα 2556 1996 ... French See French
philosophy Philosophy, Greek See Ancient philosophy Philosophy, Hindu
See Hindu philosophy Philosophy, Jewish See ... Ansel, 1902-1984
Photometry Adams, Robert, 1937See also Alexander, Jules Color Arbus,
Diane, 1923-1971 Light Avedon, Richard ... sports Samuelson, J. Joan
Samuelson's running for women Physical geography Photography and
literature See also ...
Βιβ. s in Print Τόμος 9 Σελίδα 1397 1993
Britannica Βιβ. of the Year: Events of 1978 Σελίδα 57 Daphne Daume, J.
E. Davis 1979 Disasters Disasters THE ROOTS OF INFLATION by Paul
A. Samuelson ... A powerful explosion aboard a Greek oil tanker docked
for repairs at a Singapore shipyard stunned workers who had climbed
aboard after lunch break; at least 57 ...
Bronze Age White Painted i Ware in Cyprus: A Reinvestigation Anna
Greta Samuelson 1993 A Reinvestigation Anna Greta Samuelson ...
ARCHAEOLOGY AND LITERATURE Pocket-Βιβ. s 1 December, 1992
Edited and published by Professor Paul Åstrom W. Gibsons vSg 11, S-433
76 Partille, SWEDEN 1... The First Greek Style. 4.

Capital Ideas Evolving Σελίδα 38 Peter L. Bernstein 2011 Paul

Samuelson is the theorist with the longest perspective... that most portfolio
decision makers should go out of business—take up plumbing, teach Greek
, or help produce the annual GNP by serving as corporate executives (sic).
Even if ...
Catalog of Entries Βιβλίο 1972 Σελίδα 3191 1974
Catalog of Entries. Third Series: 1965: January-June Harvard Economic
studies. Samuelson, Paul Anthony... Gallico, Paul. (R) He touched their
lives. Fortress Press. Weekly church bulletin service. He went with Vasco
da Gama. Kent, Louise ... Health and healing in rural Greece. Blum,
Catalonia: An Emerging Economy : the Most Cost-effective Ports in
...Ramon Tremosa i Balcells 2010 The venerable economist Paul
Samuelson said not long before he died at the end of 2009 that 'if all the
money cannot be withdrawn, then an inflation rate of just double digits
would be pretty good!'. The Greek Crisis: an end or a beginning for ...
Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the ... Congress
Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the Congress United
States. Congress 1972
Conversations with Cinematographers David A. Ellis 2012
Courses, Degrees and Information Σελίδα 326 1978 For additional credit,
with the appropriate preparation in Greek language, extra weekly Τμ. is
offered on passages ... Kristine Samuelson Associate Professor
(Teaching): Jan Krawitz Lecturer: Paul Voakes Consulting Professor:
Edwin B.
Demand Functions and the Slutsky Matrix. (PSME-7) Σελίδα 13 Sydney
N. Afriat 2014 The notion entered the scholastic Economic mind like
phlogiston for chemists or atoms for the Greek s: the maximum for choice
or ... Professor Paul Samuelson gave further dignity to the metaphysic by
viewing a demand as a choice and a 13 ...
Dennis Robertson Σελίδα 28 G. Fletcher 2008 ... of American Economics,
Paul Samuelson, captured the same feature in his somewhat less-
sympathetic comments on ... His debut performance, in the University's
triennial Greek play, was a resounding success and was widely reported.

Economia Τόμος 5 Σελίδα 255 1981 ROBINSON, JOAN —

«Mlsunderstandings in the Theory of Production, Greek Economic
Review, 1, August, 1979, pp. 1-7. 129... SAMUELSON, PAUL A. — The
Collected Scientific Papers of Paul A. Samuelson, Ed. by Joseph E.
Stiglitz, Vol.
Economic Sciences, 1991-1995 Σελίδα 238 Torsten Persson 1997 All of
them began with readings from Πλάτων and Aristotle, and I wanted to
learn all I could about the Greeks... It was lucky for me that one of my
undergraduate texts referred to Paul Samuelson's Foundations of
Economic Analysis as "the most ...
Economic Thought: A Brief History Heinz D. Kurz 2016 In this concise
yet comprehensive history, Heinz D. Kurz traces the long arc of Economic
thought from its emergence in Ancient Greece to its systematic
presentation among the classical thinkers of the late eighteenth and early
nineteenth ...
Economics (E-Model Paper): Κεφ. wise Question Bank wtih Solutions
...SBPD Editorial Board 2015 (a) Marshall (b) Ricardo (c) Ragnar .rish
(d) None of these English word Macro has been taken from Greek word
... [JAC, 2012 (Arts)] (a) A. Marshall (b) Paul Samuelson (c) J.S. Mill (d)
Adam Smith Which of the following is not a factor of ...
Economics as Religion: From Samuelson to Chicago and Beyond Nelson,
Robert H. 2014 This edition of Economics as Religion situates the
influence of his work in the scholarly Economic and theological
conversations of today and reflects on the state of the Economics
profession and the potential implications for theology, ...
Economics as Religion: From Samuelson to Chicago and Beyond Robert
Henry Nelson 2001
Economics Σελίδα 821 Paul Anthony Samuelson 1970 Paul Anthony
Samuelson ... Be it in Hitler's Germany, Mussolini's Italy, Franco's Spain,
Salazar's Portugal, Peron's Argentina, or the Greek junta, fascism was
usually characterized by a one-man dictatorship, by one Πολιτεία. l party
with all others ...
Encyclopedia of World Trade: From Ancient Times to the Present Cynthia
Clark Northrup, Jerry H. Bentley, Alfred E. Eckes, Jr 2015 ... of the
Heckscher-Ohlin theorem, most notably those of Paul Samuelson and
Jaroslav Vanek... B.C.E. Hellenistic architecture combined Greek

(Hellenic) forms with those of other cultures brought into contact through
trade, hence its name.
ePub European Conference on Social Media: ECSM Σελίδα 622 Sue
Greener, Asher Rospigliosi 2014 ... Performance Eleftheria (Roila)
Christakou and George-Michael Klimis Panteion University of Social and
Πολιτεία. l Sciences, Athens, Greece ... that can create revenue for
companies, increase their clientele and guarantee financial resources
(Mailath and Samuelson, 2003)... In a survey conducted by Paul Dunay
(2008) with a sample of financial institutions' senior management
executives, 53% of ...
Experimental Methods: A Primer for Economists Σελίδα 122 Daniel
Friedman, Shyam Sunder 1994 Although Aristotle recognized the value
of field observation, he and the other Ancient Greek academicians
discounted the ... It is hardly surprising, then, that Paul Samuelson, Milton
Friedman, and most of their contemporaries at midcentury ...
External relations of early Iron Age Crete, 1100-600 B.C. Σελίδα 380
Donald W. Jones, Archaeological Institute of America, University of
Pennsylvania. University Museum 2000 The Ecology of the Ancient
Greek World. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press. Salmon ...
Samuelson, P. A. 1983. "Thunen at Two Hundred." Journal of Economic
... Stockholm: Paul Astroms Forlag. Sasson, J. M. 1966. "Canaanite
Maritime ...
Finances publiques et croissance économique Σελίδα 385 International
Institute of Public Finance. Congress, Dieter Biehl, Karl W. Roskamp 1983
Bevan, David L. and Joseph E. Stiglitz, 1979, "Intergenerational Transfers
and Inequality," Greek Economic Review, 1, 8-26... Samuelson, Paul A.,
1958, "An Exact Consumption Loan Model of Interest with or without the
Social Contrivance of ...
Foreign Service List Σελίδα 104 United States. Department of State 1968
РС iR-ïi IllED Ruenitz, Robert Irl ...Japan ... STATE I'S-B) AF Ruggiero,
Robert R ...USIA ICR-«li IAN Ruggiero, Robert T... Italy, Naples Ryan,
Ilaureen E. STATE (0-7) I0 Ryan, Robert J Jr .. .... Laos, Vientiane
Samuelson, Stanley .
Four Central Theories of the Market Economy: Conception, Evolution
...Farhad Rassekh 2016 5 Gavin Kennedy (2010) has argued that Paul
Samuelson's 1948 introductory textΒιβ. was highly influential in the ...

The dismissive attitude of the Greek philosophers towards Economics

does not mean they did not write on Economics.
Greece A G Leventis Senior Research Fellow Clare College A G Leventis
Professor of Greek Culture Emeritus Paul ... the 'principles', whether they
are Alfred Marshall's or Paul Samuelson's, the models we employ, tend
to draw us into a ...
Greece and the European Economic Community Σελίδα 258 Frederick
William Butler 1978 European Parliament Working Documents 1976-77,
546/76 (Feb 4, 1977). Roberts, Steve. "Greece Is Facing An Uphill Fight
For Admission to the Common Market." New York Times , Jan 24, 1977,
6. Samuelson, Paul A. "The Greek Tragedy.
IHRC news Τόμος 15,Τεύχη 1-2 Σελίδα 10 2000 Agency and faculty
participants included Therese Gales, Minnesota Advocates for Human
Rights; Robert Hoyle, International Institute of ... Barbara Levine, Jewish
Community Center of Greater St. Paul; Charles Samuelson, Minnesota
Civil Liberties Union; and David Weissbrodt, ... Bill Beyer, Special
Associate to the Director St. Paul AHEPA (Greek s) John Antoniou, Dino
Contolatis, John Pitsavas ...
Illustrating Nature: How to Paint and Draw Plants and Animals Dot
Barlowe, Sy Barlowe 1997 (65191-6) ΓΡ. AR PROGRAMMING AND
ECONOMIC ANALΥSIS, Robert Dorfman. Paul A. Samuelson and
Robert M. Solow. (65491-5) ... (63832-4) GREEK MATHEMATICAL
Imperialism in the Twenty-First Century: Globalization, ... Σελίδα 330
John Smith 2016 Positive Economics is the title of a widely used
Economics textΒιβ. by Paul Samuelson... over 40 percent of Greek
export earnings derive from its large merchant shipping fleet. unlike the
ships themselves, this service does not figure in ...
Institutes of Ecclesiastical History, Ancient and Modern: In Four ...Johann
Lorenz Mosheim 1852 The Greek s, during this century and especially in
the reigns of Constans, Constaniine Pogonatus, and Justinian II., were ...
Paul and John, will be stated more explicitly under the ninth century, at
which time its conflicts with the Greek s came to ...
Intercom Τόμοι 7-8 Σελίδα 35 1965 This film gives an affirmative answer
by recounting two "success stories'— Greece and Taiwan... Plan
administrator), John Kenneth Galbraith (economist at Harvard and former
Ambassador to India), and Paul Samuelson (economist at the ...

Investing: The Last Liberal Art Σελίδα 20 Robert Hagstrom 2013 Paul
Samuelson, who won the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1970, was a man
of great intellect... makers should go out of business—take up plumbing,
teach Greek , or help produce the annual GNP by serving as corporate
Journal of Calendar Reform Τόμος 5 Σελίδα 48 1935 C. L. Samuelson,
Clergyman, Boston... FRANCE: Bureau d'Etudes pour la Reforme du
Calendrier, Paul Louis Hervier, Secy., 5 Rue Bernoulli, Paris.
GERMANY: German ... GREECE: Greek National Committee on
Calendar Reform, Prof.
Journal of library automation Τόμος 11 Σελίδα 236 1978 A search
composed of three terms has been entered as: LCAT DISP A = Samuelson
paul anthony +Economics <1976, 2... BIBLIOGRAPHIC GUIDE TO
Journal of the Hellenic Diaspora Τόμοι 23-24 Σελίδα 37 1997 ... the
economists mentioned are Paul Samuelson and Milton Friedman rather
than Karl Marx and Paul Sweezy, or even John Maynard Keynes. The
First Return to Greece: The Center of Planning and Economic Research In
1959, Papandreou ...
Judaism and the Doctrine of Creation Σελίδα 302 Norbert M. Samuelson
1994 Norbert M. Samuelson. 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 31] 312 ...
For example, see S. Sambursky, The Physical World of the Greek s.
Translated from Hebrew into English b Merton Dagut. London, Routledge
and Kegan Paul, 1956. é~ p. 61.
Modeling and simulation Τόμος 20,Τεύχος 1 Σελίδα 183 University of
Pittsburgh. School of Engineering, Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers. Pittsburgh Τμ. , Instrument Society of America. Pittsburgh Τμ.
1989 ... is not an "investment duty" to be endured but a "pleasure" to be
consumed Is In a sense Isomorphic to the new humanists' view as It Is
Identical with the Greek view of antiquity (i.e. School = leisure)...
Samuelson, Paul, "A Universal Cycle ?
Money, Labour and Land: Approaches to the Economics of Ancient
Greece. A G Leventis Senior Research Fellow Clare College A G Leventis
Professor of Greek Culture Emeritus Paul Cartledge, Paul Cartledge,
Adjunct Professor of Classical Studies Edward E Cohen 2005

More Money Than God: Hedge Funds and the Making of the New Elite
Sebastian Mallaby 2011 n famous congressional testimony in 1967, the
great economist Paul Samuelson delivered his verdict on the ... “Most
portfolio decision makers should go out of business—take up plumbing,
teach Greek , or help produce the annual GNP by ...
Newsweek Τόμος 118,Τεύχη 19-27 Σελίδα 44 1991 Most of them will find
this year's version a lot ROBERT J. SAMUELSON MOVIES Twisted
History Oliver Stone's 'JFK' is. 'Less intrusive': Kahn 's CD Garrison top
right ... The Ancient Greek s had amphitheaters. Renaissance Italians had
grand ...
Nouvelles recherches sur l'Ecole de Lausanne Σελίδα 65
Novum Testamentum Graece (Nestle-Aland): Griechisch-Deutsch Barbara
Aland, Institut für Neutestamentliche Textforschung 2013
Opening Doors: The Life and Work of Joseph Schumpeter Σελίδα 145
Robert Loring Allen 1991 14 Fourteen articles, written by Abram Bergson,
Richard Goodwin, Trygve Haavelmo, Paul Samuelson, Fritz Machlup, ...
Still struggling with the history of Economics at the same time, he also
continued his study of mathematics and Greek , ...
Paul Samuelson and modern Economic theory Σελίδα 2 Edgar Cary
Brown, Robert M. Solow 1983 Finally, John Stuart Mill, who seems to
have had the highest IQ ever observed tells us in his autobiography, in
words that are as charming as they are naive, "Aw, shucks, anyone could
have learned Greek at three and written a history of Rome ...
Paul Samuelson and the Foundations of Modern Economics Paul Anthony
Samuelson, Karigirappa Puttaswamaiah Paul Anthony Samuelson,
Karigirappa Puttaswamaiah. (non-Euclidean) angle with the axis p(R) ...
As the Greek s knew, the exact shape of these copies depends on the
interΤμ. plane, t.e. on the normalization. Figure 3 : Traces of attractive ...
Paul Samuelson on the History of Economic Analysis: Selected Essays
Paul Anthony Samuelson, Steven G. Medema, Anthony M. C. Waterman
2014 Selected Essays Paul Anthony Samuelson Steven G. Medema,
Anthony M. C. Waterman ... out of the act, letting David and his friends
speak their pieces without an accompaniment of Greek Chorus expressions
of approval or disapproval.
People 100 Who Changed 20th-Century America [2 volumes] Mary Cross
Professor Emerita 2013 Paul. Samuelson. (I9. I. 5—2009). aul Samuelson

has been called the foremost academic economist of the 20th century...
Business Week, taking note of the textΒιβ. 's publication in Greek ,
Punjabi, Hebrew, Russian, Serbo-Croatian, and ...
Perfumery and Essential Oil Record Τόμος 59 Σελίδα 627 Archibald C.
Merrin 1968 SAMUELSON For Essential Oils/Perf nme Compounds
Specialities 44/48 Paul Street, London EC2 01-247 6885/6 Please ...
ESSENTIAL OILS FROM GROWERS (Geranium, Vetivert and Ylang a
speciality) ADRIAN & CIE., Marseilles GREEK ...
Peter L. Bernstein Classics Collection: Capital Ideas, Against the ...Peter
L. Bernstein 2012 Samuelson takes a dim view of most portfolio
managers... makers should go out of business—take up plumbing, teach
Greek , or help produce the annual GNP by serving as corporate
executives... Paul Samuelson and Modern Economic Theory, a
celebration of his contribution to Economic theory written in 1983 by
his ...
Publishers' circular and Βιβ. sellers' record: 1875 Σελίδα 45 1875 Hy R.
W. BIRow NE, M.A., Ph.D., Prebendary of St. Paul's, and Professor of
Classical Literature in King's College, London. 8vo... With Copious
Grammatical and Critical Notes; and a Brief Introductory Account of the
Greek Drama, Dialects, and ...
Reader's Digest Almanac and YearΒιβ. Σελίδα 72 1982 ... Italian Saint-
John Perse, French Ivo Andric, Yugoslavian John Steinbeck, American
George Seferis, Greek Jean-Paul Sartre, French (Prize decΓρ. d) Mikhail
... Ragnar Frisch, Norwegian Jan TinberRen, Dutch Paul A. Samuelson,
American .
Samuelson and Neoclassical Economics Σελίδα 27 G. Feiwel 2012 Greek
Economic Review 1:1–7. Samuelson, P. A. 1947. Foundations of
Economic Analysis. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. 1966.
The Collected Scientific Papers of Paul A. Samuelson. 2 SAMUELSON
Semantic Web Challenges: Third SemWebEval Challenge at ESWC 2016,
...Harald Sack, Stefan Dietze, Anna Tordai 2016 Third SemWebEval
Challenge at ESWC 2016, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, May 29 June 2, 2016,
Revised Selected ... the sentence: James Tobin married Elizabeth Fay
Ringo, a former M.I.T. student of Paul Samuelson, on September 14,

Semiperipheral development: the politics of southern Europe in the

...Giovanni Arrighi 1985 In addition, while in the other three countries
fascist regimes were overthrown or progressively undermined, in Greece
in the ... On the contrary, it belongs to what Paul Samuelson has labeled
"market fascism" (quoted in Murteira, 1983: 23).
Study Guide to Accompany Samuelson-Nordhaus Economics Gary Wynn
Yohe, Paul Anthony Samuelson 1992 Gary Wynn Yohe, Paul Anthony
Samuelson. They espouse many types ... While the origins of socialist
thought can be traced back to the Greek s, the socialist movement
developed its real momentum in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
The 7 Most Important Equations for Your Retirement: The Fascinating
...Moshe A. Milevsky 2012 Well, here are some tips and insights based on
Samuelson's equation: 1... Paul Samuelson's equation, Equation #5,
teaches us that volatility—as measured by the Greek letter (s)—is a key
determinant of your optimal exposure and allocation ...
The American Economic Review Τόμος 56,Μέρος 3 Σελίδα 606 1966
Moreover, since the essay's point of departure is a dissent from the views
of Abba Lerner, Paul Samuelson, and others that an ... This study is an
outstanding contribution to the literature, both for its account of the Greek
tax structure and as an ...
The Athenaeum: A Journal of Literature, Science, the Fine Arts, ...James
Silk Buckingham, John Sterling, Frederick Denison Maurice 1861
Wordsworth's Greek it, 4 vols, imperial 8vo... The Collection Includes :
Portraits of Sir Robert and Lady Walpole, and a beautiful Miniature of the
latter— the Interior of Hay man's Studio, with the artist painting Sir .... By
The Collected Scientific Papers of Paul A. Samuelson Paul Anthony
Samuelson, Robert C. Merton 1972 Paul Anthony Samuelson Robert C.
Merton ... concentration coefficient of standardized mean-absolute-
difference-of-income have been used to show that the mixed Economies
of the modern world — such as Sweden, Greece, the U. K., U. S. ...
The Collected Scientific Papers of Paul Samuelson, Volume 3 Paul A.
Samuelson 1972 Paul A. Samuelson ... Irving Fisher had noted with some
derision that Aristotle had been misled by the accident that "interest" in
Greek means "off spring" into ruling that interest was inadmissible in view
of the fact that "money (unlike the rabbit) ...

The Constitutionalist: Notes on the First Amendment Σελίδα 492 George

Anastaplo 2005 Paul Samuelson, Newsweek, Feb... I have elsewhere
argued, in effect, that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization can be for
Greece what the "deep Ditch" has been for England and what federalism is
for us: The Πολιτεία. l man knows that he ...
The Delta Model: Reinventing Your Business Strategy Σελίδα ix Arnoldo
C. Hax 2009 After all we had convened with three Nobel Laureates – Paul
Samuelson, Robert Solow, and Franco Modigliani... We labeled this
initiative “The Delta Project” – Delta being a word and a Greek letter that
stands for transformation and change.
The Economic journal Τόμος 60 Σελίδα 220 ... E. A. Kincaid, Simeon
Leland, Paul Samuelson, Lawrence Seltzer, Arthur Smithies, Tipton
Snavely, Christian Sonne, ... the Government, by the International Labour
Office to study the Greek labour laws and make proposals for their
The Evolution of Technical Analysis: Financial Prediction from ...Andrew
W. Lo, Jasmina Hasanhodzic 2011 The Evolution of Technical Analysis
is the story of how some early technicians failed miserably, how others
succeeded beyond their wildest dreams, and what it means for traders
The Flavour Industry Τόμος 4 Σελίδα 142 1973 ... Telex: 21798 Cables:
YAUCOSA CITRUS OILS Sicilian — Florida— Israeli P. Samuelson &
Co. Ltd 44/48 Paul Street, London EC2 01-247 6885/6 GREEK JUICE
The Greek s and Hedging Explained P. Leoni 2014 141–183, 1973. [114]
Paul Samuelson and financial Economics. The American Economist,
50(2):pp. 9–31, 2006. [115] T. Mikosch. Element arystochastic Publ.,
Singapore; RiverEdge, NJ, 1998. [116] T. Mikosch.
The Lutheran Quarterly Τόμος 18 Σελίδα 124 1888 ... a list of Greek
words peculiar to the individual writers, an index of English words and
one of Greek words, the two combined furnishing an English-Greek
Concordance to the volume. A like volume containing the writings of John
and Paul is ...
The Metaphysics of World Order: A Synthesis of Philosophy, Theology,
...Nicolas Laos 2015 reich, robert B. The Work of Nations: Preparing
Ourselves for the 21st-Century Capitalism... Scribes and Scholars: A Guide

to the Transmission of Greek and Latin Literature. oxford: clarendon,

1991. ribe, Neil M. “cartesian optics and the Mastery of ... Πολιτεία. l
Theory 31 (2003) 533–57. Samuelson, p. a., and William d.
The Motion Picture Guide ... Annual Σελίδα 213 Jay Robert Nash, Stanley
Ralph Nash, Stanley Ralph Ross 1988 Jay Robert Nash, Stanley Ralph
Nash, Stanley Ralph Ross ... Stokke (Helene), Sverre Anker Ousdal
(Christian), Pia Green (Eva), Kalle Wollter, Maria Koblanck, Emma
Samuelson, Ruth Stevens... Adventure/Romance (PR:NR MPAA:NR) 120
DECIBELS (1987, Gr.) 90m Greek Film Center-Sigma c Haris Sozos,
Rubini ...
The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: Translated
The Outlook Τόμος 68 Σελίδα 840 Ernest Hamlin Abbott, Lyman Abbott,
Francis Rufus Bellamy 1901 What are we to think of the character of Paul
in the light of his utterance in First Corinthians, " If, after the manner of
men, I have ... The phrase, " Let us eat and drink, for to-morrow we die,"
is taken from Isaiah xxii., 13, in the Greek version.
The Publishers' Trade List Annual Τόμος 4 Σελίδα 120 1985 Paperbound
West and Cuba (1984 .... Vintage V-840 4.95 V THE WAR DIARIES OF
JEAN-PAUL SARTRE, November 1939-1940 (1985. COBE, CIP) . ....
COOKERY (1985, CIP) ...
the same relation to modern Economics and mathematics as do Ancient
Latin and Greek to their modern counterparts... H. Scott Gordon, Piet
Tommissen, and, most particularly, Paul Samuelson, for valuable
comments on the earlier draft; ...
The Skeleton Key of Mathematics: A Simple Account of Complex
...Dudley Ernest Littlewood 1949 As the title promises, this helpful
volume offers easy access to the abstract principles common to science and
The University of Chicago Magazine Τόμοι 81-82 Σελίδα 70 1988 The
Laing award is given annually Paul A. Samuelson, AB'35, was a recipient
of this year's Britannica Award, recognizing persons "of exceptional ... All
of those works are included in The Complete Greek Tragedies, published
by the Press.

The Varieties of Economic Rationality: From Adam Smith to ...Michel

Zouboulakis 2014 Suzumura, K. (2005) “An interview with Paul
Samuelson: Welfare Economics, 'old' and 'new', and social choice theory”,
Social ... Trigilia, C. (1998) Economic Sociology: state, market and society
in modern capitalism, Greek translation Athens: ...
The World Βιβ. Encyclopedia: B. Τόμος 2 Σελίδα 330 World Βιβ. , Inc
Understanding Globalization: The Social Consequences of Πολιτεία. l,
...Robert K. Schaeffer 2009 The Social Consequences of Πολιτεία. l,
Economic, and Environmental Change Robert K. Schaeffer ... So they
began hiring workers from Europe's periphery, particularly from Spain,
Portugal, southern Italy, Greece, and Turkey... helped what the economist
Paul Samuelson called “market fascism” in Spain to survive.10 All three
countries also received large infusions of Economic aid from external
Understanding Investments: Theories and Strategies Σελίδα 31 NIkiforos
Laopodis 2012 Let us now present two academics, Harry Markowitz and
Paul Samuelson, both Nobel Laureate in Economics, and two ... The
Greek philosopher Archilochus tells us that the fox knows The Investment
Decision Process and Investment ...
United States Πολιτεία. l Science Documents 1981 CITED PEOPLE:
Benrubi, J.; Kolakowski, L.; Guerlac, H.; Earle, E. M.; Paul, H. W.; Hill,
D. J. Finley, J. H.; Hanotaux, G.; Boas, G.; Levy-Bruhl, ... The two-part
argument first shows that other Greek versions of the contract theory,
including those of Antiphon, Hippias, Πλάτων , .... E.; Summers, L.
Harberger, A. C; King, M. A.; Phelps, E. S.; Samuelson, P. A Sidrauski,
M.; Solow, R. M.; Swan, P. L.; Tideman, T. N.; ...
Who's Bigger?: Where Historical Figures Really Rank Σελίδα 225 Steven
S. Skiena, Charles B. Ward 2013 Acolytes of modern conservative
economists such as Milton Friedman {1912—2006) [700] and Friedrich
Haye/e ... mathematician (Calculus) 133 Pythagoras 570—495 ac) C II: G
Greek mathematician (Pythagorean Theorem) 149 Euclid ?—?
YearΒιβ. of the American Iron and Steel Institute Σελίδα 40 American
Iron and Steel Institute 1969 So, without further delay, I'd like to present
Dr. Paul A. Samuelson to lead off this discussion... which may be in the
slightest degree offensive, I would just plead with you that you not follow
the practice of the Ancient Greek monarchs, who used ...

YearΒιβ. Σελίδα 27 Franklin Institute (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1921 Managers,

Paul Beck, Jr., Jno. Harrison ... It extended its educational efforts by
establishing on April 6 a High School in which Mathematics, Drawing,
Geography, History, Latin, Greek , French, Spanish and German were
taught. 304 pupils were ...
Τόμος 5 Σελίδα 118 1962 27537 Samuelson, A. Vincent, 8 Brohm PI.,
Fanwood, N. J 19032 Samuelson, Stanley G., R. 6, Box 235, Sturgeon
Bay, Wis... Sariyams, Petros J., Mj kalis 13a, Athens T 5, Greece Sass,
Robert, 7711 Santa Monica Blvd., Los Angeles <6, Calif.

J. M. Keynes Greek

A Companion to Greek Tragedy Σελίδα 518 Justina Gregory 2008 Greek

tragedy and the British stage, 1566–1997... Dionysus Since 69: Greek
Tragedy at the Dawn of the Third Millennium... Milton Keynes. Also
available onΓρ. . Greek.
A Companion to Sophocles Σελίδα 201 Kirk Ormand 2012 Damen, M.
(1989), “Actor and Character in Greek Tragedy,” Theatre Journal 41: 316–
40. Davidson, J. (2005) ... Milton Keynes. Hermann, K. F. (1840),
Disputatio de distributione personarum inter histriones in tragoediis
graecis. Marburg.
A Companion to the Classical Tradition Σελίδα 432 Craig W. Kallendorf
2010 Theatre Ancient and Modern. Open University, Milton Keynes, 68–
81. Hardwick, L. (2001) Who Owns the Plays? Issues in the Translation
and Performance of Greek Drama on the Modern Stage. Eirene 37
(Theatralia special edition), 23–39.
A Literary History of Cambridge Σελίδα 207 Graham Chainey 1995 ... of
a Greek tragedy to the filling of that space though it was an inevitability he
rebelled against as each act unfolded... At the beginning of October 1906
he wrote to fellow Rugbeian Geoffrey Keynes ( 1 887-1982): 'I expect to
turn up early ...
After Adam Smith: A Century of Transformation in Politics and ...Murray
Milgate, Shannon C. Stimson 2011 —John Maynard Keynes, General
Theory WHEN THOMAS MORE punned on the Greek eutopia (or “good
place,” to give us the word utopia or “no place”— but a good no place
nonetheless—he could scarcely have ...

Against the Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk Peter L. Bernstein 2012
Keynes, agreed: “When the capital development of a country becomes the
by-product of the activities of a casino, the job ... Egyptian tomb paintings
picture games played with astragali dating from 3500 BC, and Greek vases
show young men ...
Alchemical Psychology: Old Recipes for Living in a New World Thom F.
Cavalli 2002 Kazantzakis, Nikos, Zorba the Greek Kelly, Edward
Kerényi, Károly Keynes, John Maynard, “Newton, the Man,” Khunrath,
Heinrich, The Ampitheatre of Eternal Wisdom Kiersey, David Knowledge,
and wisdom Kornfield, Jack, After the Ecstasy, ...
Anglo-Saxon England Τόμος 17 Σελίδα 232 Peter Clemoes, Simon
Keynes, Michael Lapidge 2007 Peter Clemoes, Simon Keynes, Michael
Lapidge. scriptorium (which enjoyed a close ... CONCLUSIONS This
study has reviewed the four current assumptions concerning the knowledge
of Greek in England. The following observations have ...
Anglo-Saxon England: Σελίδα 108 Malcolm Godden, Simon Keynes,
Mark Blackburn 2010 Malcolm Godden Simon Keynes, Mark Blackburn
... field of hermeneutics, nor does it feature words drawn from the
hermeneumata, a set of Greek and Latin glossaries, from which its esoteric
vocabulary was once thought to derive.31 Lapidge, ...
Anglo-Saxon England: Σελίδα 5 Michael Lapidge, Malcolm Godden,
Simon Keynes 2001 Michael Lapidge Malcolm Godden, Simon Keynes
... Dain was thinking principally of the transliteration of Greek uncial
manuscripts into minuscule script; but the process is also known to have
taken place in the transmissional histories of Latin ...
Anthony Collins The Man and His Works Σελίδα 33 James O'Higgins 2012
... and the Epistle of St. Barnabas with Herme's Pastor;4 all in Greek and
Latin; the Works of Justin Martyr in Greek and Latin" ... Keynes MSS.
217, pp. 419–421. The best and most recent work on Simon is J. Steinmann
Richard Simon et les ...
Beliefs and Human Values: A Minimalist Philosophy of Values Richard
Sheriff Jones 2009 J M Keynes put it like this: 'Belief in the material
progress of mankind is not old. During the greater part of history ... The
Greek s took the Phoenician alphabet and out of it constructed the Ancient
Greek language. This language crucially made it ...
Biblical and Ancient Greek Linguistics, Volume 1 Σελίδα 36 Stanley E.
Porter, Matthew Brook O'Donnell 2012 Milton Keynes, UK: Paternoster,

2009. Ravelli, L. J. “Grammatical Metaphor: An Initial Analysis.” In

Pragmatics, Discourse and Text, edited by Erich H. Steiner and Robert
Veltman, 133–47. Norwood, NJ: Ablex, 1988. Reed, Jeffrey T. A ...
Blake's human form divine Anne Kostelanetz Mellor 1974 East Asian
Transformation: On the Πολιτεία. l Economy of Dynamism, ...
Britain and the Greek Economic Crisis, 1944-1947: From Liberation to
...Athanasios Lykogiannis 2002 In the previous year, Keynes had underΓρ.
d the inevitability of an “inflationary gap” between aggregate demand and
aggregate supply in an Economy mobilized for war production. Without
government intervention, this gap would only be ...
Cambridge journal of Economics Τόμος 15 Σελίδα 108 1991 Fitzgibbons
makes no effort to associate Keynes with the classical scholarship of his
time (i.e. to the way in which Greek thought was seen and used by scholars)
or to show us how a set of disparate quotations might be drawn together
around ...
Cambridge Minds Σελίδα 72 Richard Mason 1994 The obituarist of The
Times of London wrote on 2 2 April 1946: Lord Keynes, the great
economist, died at Tilton, Firle, ... ingredients of a Greek tragedy, not least
because it was the Americans and not Keynes and the British who
triumphed at ...
Capital, Accumulation, and Money: An Integration of Capital, Growth,
...Lester D. Taylor 2000 ... Walras, Bohm-Bawerk, Clark, Wicksell,
Schumpeter, Fisher, Hayek, Keynes, Hicks, Robinson, Samuelson or
Solow... My friend, Phil Fleming, who is an expert on Classical Greek ,
tells me that there is no obvious Greek root for the word; ...
Changing Landscapes for Childhood and Youth in Europe Σελίδα 58
Vassiliki Deliyianni 2014 “Women's Employment and Gender Relations
in Greece: Forces of Modernization and Tradition”. European ... Family in
Athens: Family patterns and practice [In Greek ]. Athens: EKKE... Milton
Keynes: Open University Press. Palm, Glen. 1993.
Competing Economic Theories: Essays in Honour of Giovanni Caravale
Sergio Nisticò, Domenico Tosato 2002 In Γρ. with Aristotle, Keynes
believes that the good life has necessary material and institutional
necessary conditions... In the Ancient Greek view of ethics, noble and
heroic states of mind were constantly associated with tragedy, disasters
and ...

Complete Writings: With Variant Readings Σελίδα 480 William Blake,

Geoffrey Keynes 1972 With Variant Readings William Blake Geoffrey
Keynes ... Shakspeare & Milton were both curb'd by the general malady &
infection from the silly Greek & Latin slaves of the Sword. Rouze up, O
Young Men of the New Age! set your foreheads ...
Creative Crisis in Democracy and Economy Σελίδα 258 George C. Bitros,
Anastasios D Karayiannis 2013 Am Rev Polit Econ 3(2):72—96
Karayiannis AD (2008) J. M. Keynes on entrepreneurship... Palgrave
Macmillan, London Katsimi M, Moutos T (2010) EMU and the Greek
Crisis: The Πολιτεία. l-Economy perspective. Eur J Polit Econ 26:568—
576 ...
Dangerous Edges of Graham Greene: Journeys with Saints and Sinners
Dermot Gilvary, Darren J. N. Middleton 2011 Milton Keynes: Open
University Press... Television series: 18 episodes) 1 'When Greek Meets
Greek and Dean' (1975) 2 'Cheap in August' (1975) 3 'Special Duties'
(1975) 4 'The Invisible Japanese Gentlemen' (1975) 5 'Two Gentle
People' ...
Development and Financial Reform in Emerging Economies Kobil Ruziev
2015 Nussbaum, The Fragility of Goodness, Luck and Ethics in Greek
Tragedy and Philosophy, pp... Keynes«s. General. Theory'. 10. 11. 12. 13.
14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 1. Dipak Ghosh presented a paper to the Association
for Heterodox Economics ...
Dictionariolum trilingue John Ray, William Thomas Stearn 1981 This
Βιβ. is a facsimile of the original 1675 edition.
Distribution and Growth after Keynes: A Post-Keynesian Guide Eckhard
Hein 2014 GREEK . LETTERS. a, b, t, q, w, c Coefficients in the
investment functions y, , Coefficients in the net export functions h, r, q, e
Coefficients in the productivity growth functions , x, u Adjustment
coefficients of firms' assessment of the trend rate ...
Early Medieval Studies in Memory of Patrick Wormald Σελίδα 499
Stephen David Baxter 2009 Greek . Serine'. Lynn Jones A σελ. in the New
Minster Liber Vitae records a gift made to the Minster by /Elfgifu/Emma,
twice ... S. Keynes, EEMF 26 (Copenhagen, 1996); W. de Gray Birch,
Liber Vitae: Register and Martyrology of New Minster ...
Economic Analysis and Workers' Management 1986 ... Economics,
Coventry CV4 7AL, Great Britain Open University, Co-operatives
Research Unit, Milton Keynes MK7 6AA, ... Economics, Glasgow G4

OBA, Great Britain GREECE NIKOLINAKOS Marius Institute for Study

of the Greek Economy, ...
Eleftherios Venizelos: The Trials of Statesmanship: The Trials of
...Paschalis M. Kitromilides 2006 Agreement was finally reached on the
supply of the Greek army at the conference held in London 4–9 March
1918... Letter from Keynes to the French economist J. Avenol, London 8
May 1918, and attached 'Memorandum', in AMF B 31857.
European Economic History Σελίδα 253 APPENDIX B The Function of
Money in Archaic Greece by Pierre Vidal-Naquet Was the adoption of a
monetary ... It was doubted already in 1931 by J. M. Keynes (A Treatise
on Money) ; in 1962 at the Conference on Economic History at ...
Evolution and Human Values Σελίδα 171 Robert Wesson, Patricia A.
Williams 1995 (Keynes 1926) Concern about the size and quality of a
nation's population is older than John Maynard Keynes, Charles ...
question reaches back into antiquity, to Noah after the flood being
instructed by God to multiply, to the Ancient Greek ...
Formal Contributions to the Theory of Public Choice: The Unpublished
...Gordon L. Brady, Gordon Tullock 2012 C. L. DODGSON, KNUT
WICKSELL AND LORD KEYNES Editors' Note Black's objective in this
paper is within the context of ... which is mainly a statement of Pythagorean
doctrine, and it frequently recurs in the history of Greek philosophy.
From Crisis to Growth?: The Challenge of Debt and Imbalances Hansjörg
Herr 2012 Keynes. solution. for. preventing. global. imbalances. Paul
Davidson I . Introduction The mainstream Economic solution ... When
Greece's international debt problem became obvious, many observers
suggested that if Greece was to resigned ...
Frontiers of Economics: Nobel Laureates of the Twentieth Century Abu
N. M. Wahid 2002 His early education was concentrated on Greek and
Latin. When he ... That was the most exciting time for him, because at
Cambridge, he came in contact with Richard Kahn, Peiro Sraffa, Joan
Robinson and above all John Maynard Keynes.
Greek , Indian and Arabic Logic Σελίδα 245 Dov M. Gabbay, John Woods
2004 Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1906. [Keynes, 1906] J. N. Keynes. Studies
and Exercises in Formal Logic. Macmillan, London, 1906. [Kneale and
Kneale, 1962] W. Kneale and M. Kneale. The Development of Logic.
Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1962.

Greek Capitalism in Crisis: Marxist Analyses Σελίδα iv Stavros

Mavroudeas 2014 ... Ungsuh K. Park and Geoff Harcourt Money,
MacroEconomics and Keynes Essays in honour of Victoria Chick, volume
I Philip Arestis, Meghnad Desai and Sheila Dow Methodology,
MicroEconomics and Keynes Essays in honour of Victoria ...
Greek Economic Review Τόμος 12 Σελίδα 29 1990 Nevertheless,
because it is in their treatment of the role of money in the generation of
macroEconomic instability that the most striking differences emerge
between Hicks's Suggestion...' and Keynes's General Theory, and because
no account ...
Hayek: A Collaborative Biography: Part 1 Influences from Mises to ...R.
Leeson 2013 This Βιβ. examines the ideas of John Maynard Keynes and
Friedrich Hayek from the 1920s to the present, and ... Following the
method adopted by the Greek essayist Plutarch, who wrote about parallel
lives, Wapshott has come up with the ...
How Markets Fail: The Logic of Economic Calamities Cassidy John, John
Cassidy 2013 Keynes's. Beauty. Contest. For almost four decades, Harry's
atHanoverSquare hasbeena popular Wall Street gin mill. Opened in 1972
by Harry Poulakakos, a Greek immigrant who previously had been a
headwaiter at the nearby Delmonico's, ...
If You Call Yourself a Jew: Reappraising Paul's Letter to the Romans
Rafael Rodriguez 2014 Milton Keynes, uK: Paternoster, 2009. Blass,
friedrich, albert Debrunner, and robert walter funk, eds. A Greek Grammar
of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature. Chicago:
university of Chicago Press, 1961. Borgen, Peder ...
Intercultural Transmission in the Medieval Mediterranean Stephanie L.
Hathaway, David W. Kim 2012 Attridge, Harold W. 'Appendix: The Greek
Fragments'. In The Coptic Gnostic ... Brock, Sebastian P. 'Greek and Syriac
in Latin Antique Syria'. In Literary and Power in the ... Milton Keynes: The
Open University Press, 1974. Conzelmann, Hans.
Jeffrey Henderson, William Goodwin Aurelio Professor of Greek
Language and Literature Jeffrey Henderson 2011 ... and Crisis Jeffrey
Henderson, William Goodwin Aurelio Professor of Greek Language and
Literature Jeffrey Henderson ... Weber, Keynes, Schumpeter and Polanyi.1
Their tradition – that of critical Πολιτεία. l Economy – sought
explanations not ...

John Maynard Keynes Σελίδα 28 Vincent Barnett 2013 According to

Keynes, the Πολιτεία. l outlook of an Englishman (his own term) was
permeated by a sense that his ... BC), in which the Greek forces eventually
defeated the Persian army and the independence of the Greek cities was
John Maynard Keynes, Critical Assessment: Second series Σελίδα 317
John Cunningham Wood 1994 Keynes's method and policy. He suggests
that Keynes's thinking was 'premodern' and rooted in the classical (read
Greek ) conception of virtue and goodness. Thus, when faced with
questions of uncertainty, he supposes that Keynes would ...
John Maynard Keynes: A Biography Τόμος 3 Σελίδα 315 Robert Jacob
Alexander Skidelsky 2000 Keynes introduced what became known as the
'Keynes-Waley' proposal at the first meeting of the joint monetary group
on 15 ... Kyriakos Varvaressos, the governor of the Greek Central Bank,
had pointed to the lack of Fund discipΓρ. on ...
John Maynard Keynes: A Study in the Psychology of Original Work P.
Mini 2016 Keynes was a Heraclitean when, in criticism of Tinbergen's
work, he repeatedly asserted that 'time is not homogeneous” — that is, the
Πολιτεία. l, ... Greek natural philosophers did not have a monopoly of
culture 122 John Maynard Keynes.
John Maynard Keynes: Hopes betrayed, 1883-1920 Σελίδα 423 Robert
Jacob Alexander Skidelsky 1983 DICKINSON, GOLDSWORTHY
LOWES (1862-1932), humanist and philosopher. Ed. Charterhouse and
King's College, Cambridge, 1881. Apostle, 1885. Fellow of King's, 1887.
Best known for his Βιβ. s, A Greek View of Life ( 1 896) , Letters ...
John Maynard Keynes: The economist as saviour, 1920-1937 Robert
Jacob Alexander Skidelsky 1992 Lytton Strachey, who had revisited his
old haunts to support Sheppard on Greek professorship election day, wrote
to his brother James on 26 November: [Keynes's] activities seemed terrific
particularly the social ones, and he confessed he ...
John Maynard Keynes: The economist as saviour, 1920-1937 Robert
Skidelsky 1995 Lytton Strachey, who had revisited his old haunts to
support Sheppard on Greek professorship election day, wrote to his brother
James on 26 November: [Keynes's] activities seemed terrific – particularly
the social ones, and he confessed he ...
Keynes and the British Humanist Tradition: The Moral Purpose of the
...David Andrews 2010 Henry Jackson, who taught Πλάτων to Moore,

would soon become Regius Professor of Greek . Other Apostles

contributed to Moore's education by engaging in extended discussions with
him, including Russell, McTaggart, and Dickinson. Many of ...
Keynes Hayek: The Clash that Defined Modern Economics Nicholas
Wapshott 2011 The debtridden state of the ramshackle Greek Economy
forced the European Union in May 2010 to muster a hurriedly assembled
loan to prevent the Greek government from reneging on its debts. In
November 2010, Ireland, too, was bailed out ...
Keynes, Bloomsbury and The General Theory Σελίδα 59 Piero V. Mini
1991 tary investigation even became a possibility. The clash was another
aspect of that between utilitarian values versus the higher values, between
the philistine and the gentleman, between Bentham and Arnold. The
abolition of compulsory Greek ...
Keynes: A Critical Life Σελίδα xi David Felix 1999 Preface: A Double
Life The title of this volume is a double entendre, the Life meaning both
Keynes's life as it was lived and for which he was responsible, and ...
Alexander the Great represented the leap from the Greek polis to the
Keynes's Economic Consequences of the Peace: A Reappraisal Jens
Hölscher 2015 At this point, I will address the issue of the handling of the
Greek debt Crisis as an illustration of the general approach towards the
debt Crisis that jeopardized the very existence of the Eurozone. The task
of handling the Crisis was given to the ...
Learning Mathematics: From Hierarchies to Networks Σελίδα 150 Prof
Leone Burton 2012 ... NESHER, P., COBB, P., GOLDIN, G. and GREEK
, B. (eds) Theories of Mathematical Learning, Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence
Erlbaum Associates... HARDING, S. (1986) The Science Question in
Feminism, Milton Keynes: Open University Press.
Mathematical Reviews Τόμος 95,Μέρος 3 Σελίδα 1247 1995 A. I.
Volodarskil (Moscow) 95c01010 01A35 01A45 05-03 Fauvel, John (4-
OPEN; Milton Keynes); Wilson, Robin J. .... verb by seventeenth century
mathematicians; (2) the meaning of the Greek word паршотпс as given
in Greek dictionaries, ...
Maynard Keynes: An Economist's Biography Σελίδα 28 Donald
Moggridge 2002 By then Neville Keynes's usual anxieties had taken over
and he was 'in a fearful state of worry'... The subjects covered were (in

order) Latin composition, Latin translation, easy mathematics, Greek

grammar, harder mathematics, Greek ...
Maynard's Revenge Σελίδα vii Lance Taylor 2011 Preface. Maynard
Keynes's revenge is simple. He was correct about how to do ... Some
involve high school algebra, equations written out in words or, even worse,
in symbols (with Greek letters at that!). But serious mathematical
manipulations ...
MEMORIES OF A SECRET AGENT Σελίδα 45 Paul Kramer 2006 Week
show at the Arts Theatre built by John Maynard Keynes and given to
King's College in order to keep Keynes' ... We got a good education and
had no difficulty whizzing through our College Boards, especially ifwe
knew Latin and Greek .
On Greek Religion: Σελίδα ix Robert Parker 2011 The process of
interpreting Greek religion began when the practice of Greek religion
began... in an obvious sense, victims in the sense indicated by J. M.
Keynes in his famous observations on the role of theory in practical affairs:
The ideas of ...
On Skidelsky's Keynes and Other Essays: Selected Essays of G. C. ...G.
Harcourt 2012 Peter Kriesler (4 May 2003) comments that thereis a
parallel herebetween Keynes's position then and the Bastard ... from it; by
contrastthe Danaides of Greek legend had tocarry water to the city of Argos
in broken jars' (Skidelsky, 1992, 447).
One-Month Money: Why money ruins our Economy and how reinventing
...Oliver Davies, Ruggero Bozotti 2014 According to the latest census
data, workforce growth (excluding potential migration) in Italy, France,
Spain, Greece and ... And as we know from Keynes, when the savings of a
fully employed Economy are not absorbed, employment and ...
Oxford Guide to Effective Argument and Critical Thinking Colin
Swatridge 2014 ... always will be in 'the hands of a few'. J.M. Keynes
probably did not have the philanthropic Carnegie in his sights when he
wrote the following: 129... flute will cure epilepsy and sciatic gout.
THEOPHRASTUS, Greek philosopher, c.300 bce c.
Poroi: new translation Xenophon, Ralph Doty 2003 "This study strives
to clarify Xenophon's importance as an Economic thinker and the
originator of the study of macroEconomics, providing a contemporary
and accessible rendering of the Greek into English..."

Postwar Stabilization of Foreign Exchange: The Keynes-Morgenthau

...Benjamin McAlester Anderson 1943
Power: A New Social Analysis Bertrand Russell 2004 ... 48 free speech
179 French Revolution (1789) 89–92, 204 Fuggers 99–100n Galileo 223
General Theory (Keynes) xiii ... War (1914–18) xvii–xx, 223 Greece 37,
148 Greek Church 187 Greek City State 158, 162 Greek history 64 Greek
s 58, ...
Recent Developments in Post-Keynesian Economics Σελίδα 28 Arestis,
Chick Victoria 1992 These questions can also be discussed in terms of the
relative influence on Keynes's moral philosophy of the nineteenthcentury
Cambridge utilitarians Henry Sidgwick and G.E. Moore versus the
Ancient Greek philosophers Πλάτων and ...
Reflections on the Greek Sovereign Debt Crisis: The EU Institutional
...Aristidis Bitzenis, Ioannis Papadopoulos, Vasileios A. Vlachos 2014 In
that framework, member states “will launch the corrective 18John
Maynard Keynes, The General Theory of Employment, Interest and
Money, 2nd edition, eds., Geoffrey C. Harcourt and Peter A. Riach, 2 vols.,
(London: Routledge, 1997).
Roads to Social Capitalism: Theory, Evidence, and Policy Σελίδα xi Peter
Flaschel 2012 The theoretical framework of the Βιβ. attempts a synthesis
of the work of Marx, Keynes and Schumpeter on ruthless ... Greece and
the – in our view – too restrictive IMF type measures used to consolidate
the budget of the Greek government.
Routledge HandΒιβ. of the History of Global Economic Thought Vincent
Barnett 2014 When Keynesian Economics became known in Greece, its
framework of Analysis was rejected by both liberals and interventionists.
Keynes was known in interwar Greece as a monetary theorist and as an
authority on international policy issues ...
Rupert Brooke: Life, Death and Myth Nigel Jones 2014 ... he had brought
with him a trio of his closest friends – Geoffrey Keynes, Hugh
RussellSmith and Denis Browne– although, ... His lecturer in Classical
History was Nathaniel Wedd, a convinced atheist and socialist, while his
lecturer in Greek ...
Science and Culture Σελίδα 377 Joseph Agassi 2013 It got stuck there as it
got stuck with the Ancient Greek view that rationality is all or nothing, not
a matter of degree... In the long run, we are all dead, protested John

Maynard Keynes against economists who had in mind only long run
plans in ...
South-East Europe in Evolution Σελίδα 163 Hardy Hanappi 2014 It should
be clear by now why all this sounds so wrong if applied to the case of
Greece. And it points exactly to the deficiencies of Keynes' Analysis. (i)
The failure to distinguish between the global finance faction and local
national factions of ...
Staging of Classical Drama around 2000 Σελίδα 218 Pavlína N. Šípová,
Alena Sarkissian 2009 in (ed) L. Hardwick, The Role of Greek Drama and
Poetry in Crossing and Redefining Cultural Boundaries Milton Keynes
(2003), and electronically available at Greek Plays/Seminar02. From the
Edited ...
Summary: The Ascent of Money Niall Ferguson: A Financial History
...Capitol Reader 2013 The Greek philosopher Heraclitus insisted, “War is
the father of all things," and there is little doubt that war is the origin of the
bond market... The economist Georges Maynard Keynes identified
inflation as a further vulnerability creditors faced.
The Adam Smith Review Τόμος 7 Fonna Forman 2013 (2008) Virtues
and Interests: British Moral Thought at the Threshold of Modernity,
Athens: Savvalas (in Greek ). Droz, J. (1829) Economie politique: ou ...
reprinted inD.E. Moggridge (ed.) (1989)The CollectedWritingsof
JohnMaynard Keynes,vol.
The Alphabet Versus the Goddess: The Conflict Between Word and Image
Leonard Shlain 1999 Edited by Geoffrey Keynes. Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 1966. —. Poetry and Prose. New York: Doubleday,
1965... Bowra, C. M. The Greek Experience. New York: New American
Library, 1957. Briffault, R. Robert. The Mothers. 2 vols.
The Battle of Bretton Woods: John Maynard Keynes, Harry Dexter
...Benn Steil 2013 John Maynard Keynes, Harry Dexter White, and the
Making of a New World Order Benn Steil ... 444 miles from Minsk,
railway cars carrying 1,795 Greek Jews rolled into the concentration camps
of auschwitz on June 30. half of them were dead.
The Cambridge Apostles, 1820-1914: Liberalism, Imagination, and ...W.
C. Lubenow 1998 Apostles struggled to remove Greek from that peculiar
Cambridge institution, the Preliminary Examination known as the ... some
will become physicians'.277 For Maitland the Greek issue was
fundamentally 'a social question'.278 As Keynes ...

The Dao of Capital: Austrian Investing in a Distorted World Σελίδα 174

Mark Spitznagel 2013 fancy math and even Greek letters, all of which
conveyed rigor and modernity. And he seemed a man of action (whether
constructive or destructive was perhaps secondary). The good Lord Keynes
fearlessly fought the battle against ...
The Development of Economics in Western Europe Since 1945 A. W.
(Bob) Coats 2005 Bank of Greece (1989) Long-term Statistical Series
ofthe Greek Economy, Athens... (in Greek ). Krimpas, G. (1975) Keynes's
General Theory, Athens: Papazissis. Nelson, Robert H. (1987) 'The
Economics profession and the making of public ...
The Diplomas of King Aethlred 'the Unready' 978-1016 Σελίδα 232 S.
KING jETHELREo's ... The beginning of the Greek and 'fiedan' indictions
respectively; see further Harrison, Framework, pp.
The Director: A Novel David Ignatius 2014 KEYNES,. ENGLAND.
Edward Junot traveled to England by cargo container. It was fitted with a
bed, a reclining chair ... Junot heard the shoutsof the ship's crew, voices
spattering out English, Greek , Tagalog anda half dozen more languages.
The Economist Τόμος 212,Τεύχος 2 Σελίδα 1247 1964 The reason is that
the question really boils down to enquiring where we should be but for
Keynes... General Grivas's memoirs, which were published in Greece in
196 1, but rather a freely abridged and slick adaptation of a Greek
The Euro Crisis P. Arestis, M. Sawyer 2012 When the heads of the 17
eurozone governments met in Brussels on July 21, they agreed not just to
bail out Greece for ... a single indebted individual it doesnotnecessarily
follow, as Keynes(1936) was atpainsto stress, thatthe same result will ...
The European Union beyond the Crisis: Evolving Governance, Contested
...Boyka M. Stefanova 2014 Greek Ministry of Finance. 2010. “Update of
the Hellenic Stability and Growth Programme.” Athens, January. Harris,
Seymour E., ed. 1960. The New Economics: Keynes' Influence on Theory
and Public Policy. London: Dennis Dobson.
The Four Ends of the Greek Hyperinflation of 1941-1946 Σελίδα 166
Michael R. Palairet 2000 Wray O. Candilis, The Economy of Greece,
1944-1966... Dimitrios Delivanis & William C. Cleveland, Greek

Monetary Developments 1939-1948: A Case Study of the ... J. M. Keynes,

The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes. Ed. D. E. ...
The Invisible Hand: Art in the transition to another Economy Σελίδα
5 Charlie Tims, Shelagh Wright 2013 John Maynard-Keynes The word
Economy is derived from the Greek words Ecos meaning 'house' and
Nomia meaning 'counting'. Economy refers to the act of 'sharing out
the house'. But in our times Economy has come to mean much more.
The Life and Times of J. Neville Keynes Σελίδα 5 Phyllis Deane 2001 ...
17 years old) reporting details of his end-year examination results at
Amersham Hall, results which were best for mathematics (giving him
second place in the class) and worst for Greek and French (in each of which
he was ranked eighth).
The Major Works C. Patrides, Thomas Brown 2006 Sir Thomas Browne
(1605-82) was a writer of breathtaking range and learning, whose works
demonstrate a warm and humorous view of human nature.
The Moral Philosophy of Management: From Quesnay to Keynes: From
...Pierre Guillet de Monthoux 2016 From Quesnay to Keynes Pierre Guillet
de Monthoux ... and on the other, John Stuart Mill, who studied
Xenophon, Herodotus, and Πλάτων 's dialogues, Since there
unfortunately existed no English¦Greek dictionary at that time, the three-
year-old ...
The Narrative Construction of Identities in Critical Education A. Archakis,
V. Tsakona 2012 Lampropoulou, S. (2011) 'Having a Say: Direct Speech
Representation in Greek Youth Storytelling'. Journal of ...
TheArtofEnglish: Literary Creativity (Basingstoke and Milton Keynes:
Palgrave Macmillan, The Open University), pp.414–62. Lillis ...
The Nature of MacroEconomics: Instability and Change in the ... Athol
Fitzgibbons 2002 Keynes. and. the. Intellectual. Context. For
methodological reasons, Economics only recognizes perfect knowledge
and zero ... The Greek and Christian world-view had been that society was
a complex whole, directed towards a moral end.
The Oxford HandΒιβ. of Greek and Roman Comedy Σελίδα 25 Michael
Fontaine, Adele C. Scafuro 2014 Milton Keynes, UK: The Open
University. Available onΓρ. at
Plays/Conf99/index.htm (accessed Dec. 12, 2012). ——. 2001 . “Comic
Cuts: Snippets ofAction on the Greek Comic Stage.” BICS 45 ...

The Thinker's Thesaurus: Sophisticated Alternatives to Common Words

...Peter E. Meltzer 2015 …telos [Greek ]. See goal (3) object (esp. in the
form of pleading with) v.t.: remonstrate. See plead (4) object (on trivial
grounds) ... [Economist John Maynard] Keynes maintains the vision of an
Economy moving through time: an Economy that is ...
Virginia Woolf and the Bloomsbury Avant-garde: War, Civilization,
...Christine Froula 2007 An ambitious Analysis of Woolf's major writings
in light of the historical conditions to which they respond, this volume
illuminates the convergence of aesthetics and politics in post-
Enlightenment thought and opens a new Κεφ. in Woolf ...
Virginia Woolf: A Portrait Σελίδα 236 Viviane Forrester 2015 ... rivalry
of Maynard Keynes and Lytton Strachey over, 10, 18, 37, 161; and
wedding of LW and VW, 44 Greek language, 113 Green, Henry, 64
Guardian, 116 happiness of VW: and London, 31; and solitude of marriage,
36–37 Hardy, Thomas, ...
What Keynes Means Σελίδα 169 Anatol Murad 1962 Keynes, accepting
the traditional theory of supply, centered attention on demand; he showed
that effective demand is not ... Whereas traditional Economics was
primarily "micro-Economics" (from the Greek mikron— small), Keynes
shifted ...
William Blake, 1757-1827. [Catalogue de l'exposition organisée par ...
1947 He does not seem to have been well acquainted with the Greek and
Latin classics ; but he could read the Italian of Dante, and the Greek of the
New Testament. His knowledge of Boehme, Swedenborg and the Bible
was profound.
Πολιτεία. l Events and Economic Ideas Σελίδα 55 Ingo Barens, Volker
Caspari, Bertram Schefold 2004 In the introduction Knapp thanks J.M.
Keynes, who we know had been the moving force behind the translation.
This does not ... Most unfortunately for us, Knapp decided to shroud his
Analysis in arcane Greek neologisms of his own invention.

Library Economics liberty. The conciase encyclopedia of


François Quesnay. (1694-1774 ). François Quesnay was the leading figure

of the Physiocrats, generally considered to be the first school of Economic

thinking. The name “Physiocrat” derives from the Greek words phýsis,
meaning “nature,” and kràtos, meaning “power.” The Physiocrats
believed that an Economy’s power derived from its agricultural sector.
They wanted the government of Louis XV, who ruled France from 1715 to
1774, to deregulate and reduce taxes on French agriculture so that poor
France could emulate wealthier Britain, which had a relatively laissez-faire
policy. Indeed, it was Quesnay who coined the term “laissez-faire, laissez-

Η από τον Αριστοτέλη Χρηματιστική

Πλόύταρχος. Crassus Plutarchi vitae parallelae, vol. 1.2, 3rd edn.”, Ed.
Ziegler, K.Leipzig: Teubner, 1964.Κεφ. 2, Τμ. 8, Γρ. 4

…προσέχων καὶ διδάσκων, καὶ ὅλως νομίζων τῷ δεσπότῃ προσήκειν

μάλιστα τὴν περὶ τοὺς οἰκέτας ἐπιμέλειαν, ὡς ὄργανα ἔμψυχα τῆς
οἰκονομικῆς. καὶ τοῦτο μὲν ὀρθῶς ὁ Κράσσος, εἴπερ ὡς ἔλεγεν ἡγεῖτο τὰ
μὲν ἄλλα διὰ τῶν οἰκετῶν χρῆναι, τοὺς δ' οἰκέτας δι' αὑτοῦ κυβερνᾶν· τὴν
γὰρ οἰκονομικήν, ἐν ἀψύχοις χρηματιστικὴν οὖσαν, ἐν ἀνθρώποις
πολιτικὴν καὶ βασιλικὴν γιγνομένην ὁρῶμεν· ἐκεῖνο δ' οὐκ εὖ, τὸ μηδένα
νομίζειν μηδὲ φάσκειν εἶναι πλούσιον, ὃς μὴ δύναται τρέφειν ἀπὸ τῆς
οὐσίας στρατόπεδον – ὁ γὰρ πόλεμος οὐ τεταγμένα σιτεῖται κατὰ τὸν
Ἀρχίδαμον, ὥσθ' ὁ πρὸς πόλεμον πλοῦτος ἀόριστος – καὶ πολὺ…

Πλάτων. Euthydemus Πλάτων nis opera, vol. 3”, Ed. Burnet, J.

Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1903, Repr. 1968.Stephanus σελ. 289, Τμ. a,
Γρ. 5

…χρυσίον γένοιτο· ὥστε οὐδ' εἰ τὰς πέτρας χρυσᾶς ἐπισταίμεθα ποιεῖν,

οὐδενὸς ἂν ἀξία ἡ ἐπιστήμη εἴη. εἰ γὰρ μὴ καὶ
χρῆσθαι ἐπιστησόμεθα τῷ χρυσίῳ, οὐδὲν ὄφελος αὐτοῦ
ἐφάνη ὄν· ἢ οὐ μέμνησαι; ἔφην ἐγώ. { – } Πάνυ γ', ἔφη,
μέμνημαι. { – } Οὐδέ γε, ὡς ἔοικε, τῆς ἄλλης ἐπιστήμης ὄφελος
γίγνεται οὐδέν, οὔτε χρηματιστικῆς οὔτε ἰατρικῆς οὔτε ἄλ-
λης οὐδεμιᾶς, ἥτις ποιεῖν τι ἐπίσταται, χρῆσθαι δὲ μὴ ᾧ ἂν
ποιήσῃ· οὐχ οὕτως; { – } Συνέφη. { – } Οὐδέ γε εἴ τις ἔστιν ἐπι-
στήμη ὥστε ἀθανάτους ποιεῖν, ἄνευ τοῦ ἐπίστασθαι τῇ
ἀθανασίᾳ χρῆσθαι οὐδὲ ταύτης ἔοικεν ὄφελος οὐδέν, εἴ τι
δεῖ τοῖς πρόσθεν ὡμολογημένοις τεκμαίρεσθαι.

Πλάτων. Euthydemus Stephanus σελ. 307, Τμ. a, Γρ. 6

…ὥς γε πρὸς σὲ τἀληθῆ εἰρῆσθαι· ὥστε οὐκ ἔχω ὅπως προτρέπω τὸ

μειράκιον ἐπὶ φιλοσοφίαν. {ΣΩ.} Ὦ φίλε Κρίτων, οὐκ οἶσθα ὅτι ἐν παντὶ
ἐπιτηδεύματι οἱ μὲν φαῦλοι πολλοὶ καὶ οὐδενὸς ἄξιοι, οἱ δὲ σπουδαῖοι
ὀλίγοι καὶ παντὸς ἄξιοι; ἐπεὶ γυμναστικὴ οὐ καλὸν δοκεῖ σοι εἶναι, καὶ
χρηματιστικὴ καὶ ῥητορικὴ καὶ στρατηγία; {ΚΡ.} Ἔμοιγε πάντως
δήπου. {ΣΩ.} Τί οὖν; ἐν ἑκάστῃ τούτων τοὺς πολλοὺς πρὸς
ἕκαστον τὸ ἔργον οὐ καταγελάστους ὁρᾷς; {ΚΡ.} Ναὶ μὰ τὸν Δία, καὶ
μάλα ἀληθῆ λέγεις. {ΣΩ.} Ἦ οὖν τούτου ἕνεκα αὐτός τε φεύξῃ πάντα τὰ

Πλάτων. Gorgias Πλάτων nis opera, vol. 3”, Ed. Burnet, J.Oxford:
Clarendon Press, 1903, Repr. 1968.Stephanus σελ. 477, Τμ. e, Γρ. 8

ΣΩ.} Ἀλλὰ μήν που τό γε μεγίστῃ βλάβῃ ὑπερβάλλον μέγιστον ἂν κακὸν

εἴη τῶν ὄντων. { – ΠΩΛ.} Ναί. { – ΣΩ.} Ἡ ἀδικία ἄρα καὶ ἡ ἀκολασία
καὶ ἡ ἄλλη ψυχῆς πονηρία μέγιστον τῶν ὄντων κακόν ἐστιν; { – ΠΩΛ.}
Φαίνεται. {ΣΩ.} Τίς οὖν τέχνη πενίας ἀπαλλάττει; οὐ χρηματιστική; {
– ΠΩΛ.} Ναί. { – ΣΩ.} Τίς δὲ νόσου; οὐκ ἰατρική; { – ΠΩΛ.} Ἀνάγκη.
{ – ΣΩ.} Τίς δὲ πονηρίας καὶ ἀδικίας; εἰ μὴ οὕτως εὐπορεῖς, ὧδε σκόπει·
ποῖ ἄγομεν καὶ παρὰ τίνας τοὺς κάμνοντας τὰ σώματα; { – ΠΩΛ.} Παρὰ
τοὺς ἰατρούς, ὦ Σώκρατες. { – ΣΩ.} Ποῖ δὲ τοὺς ἀδικοῦντας καὶ τοὺς
ἀκολασταίνοντας; { – ΠΩΛ.} Παρὰ τοὺς δικαστὰς λέγεις; { – ΣΩ.} Οὐ

Πλάτων. Gorgias Stephanus σελ. 478, Τμ. a, Γρ. 8

{ – ΠΩΛ.} Παρὰ τοὺς ἰατρούς, ὦ

Σώκρατες. { – ΣΩ.} Ποῖ δὲ τοὺς ἀδικοῦντας καὶ τοὺς ἀκολα-
σταίνοντας; { – ΠΩΛ.} Παρὰ τοὺς δικαστὰς λέγεις; { – ΣΩ.} Οὐ-
κοῦν δίκην δώσοντας; { – ΠΩΛ.} Φημί. { – ΣΩ.} Ἆρ' οὖν οὐ
δικαιοσύνῃ τινὶ χρώμενοι κολάζουσιν οἱ ὀρθῶς κολάζοντες;
{ΠΩΛ.} Δῆλον δή. { – ΣΩ.} Χρηματιστικὴ μὲν ἄρα πενίας ἀπαλ-
λάττει, ἰατρικὴ δὲ νόσου, δίκη δὲ ἀκολασίας καὶ ἀδικίας. { –
ΠΩΛ.} Φαίνεται.
{ΣΩ.} Τί οὖν τούτων κάλλιστόν ἐστιν [ὧν λέγεις]; { –
ΠΩΛ.} Τίνων λέγεις; { – ΣΩ.} Χρηματιστικῆς, ἰατρικῆς, δίκης.
{ – ΠΩΛ.} Πολὺ διαφέρει, ὦ Σώκρατες, ἡ δίκη. { – ΣΩ.} Οὐκοῦν.

Πλάτων. Gorgias Stephanus σελ. 478, Τμ. b, Γρ. 4


{ΠΩΛ.} Δῆλον δή. { – ΣΩ.} Χρηματιστικὴ μὲν ἄρα πενίας ἀπαλ-

λάττει, ἰατρικὴ δὲ νόσου, δίκη δὲ ἀκολασίας καὶ ἀδικίας. { –
ΠΩΛ.} Φαίνεται.
{ΣΩ.} Τί οὖν τούτων κάλλιστόν ἐστιν [ὧν λέγεις]; { –
ΠΩΛ.} Τίνων λέγεις; { – ΣΩ.} Χρηματιστικῆς, ἰατρικῆς, δίκης.
{ – ΠΩΛ.} Πολὺ διαφέρει, ὦ Σώκρατες, ἡ δίκη. { – ΣΩ.} Οὐκοῦν
αὖ ἤτοι ἡδονὴν πλείστην ποιεῖ ἢ ὠφελίαν ἢ ἀμφότερα, εἴπερ
κάλλιστόν ἐστιν; { – ΠΩΛ.} Ναί. { – ΣΩ.} Ἆρ' οὖν τὸ ἰατρεύε-
σθαι ἡδύ ἐστιν, καὶ χαίρουσιν οἱ ἰατρευόμενοι; { – ΠΩΛ.} Οὐκ
ἔμοιγε δοκεῖ. { – ΣΩ.} Ἀλλ' ὠφέλιμόν γε. ἦ γάρ; { – ΠΩΛ.}

Αριστοτέλης πολιτικά. Ethica Eudemia Aristotelis ethica Eudemia]”,

Ed. Susemihl, F.Leipzig: Teubner, 1884, Repr. 1967.Bekker σελ. 1231b,
Γρ. 39

…δ' ἐκεῖνοι μέν εἰσιν ἐν ὑπερβολῇ καὶ ἐλλείψει, ὅπου δὲ

ἔσχατα εἰσί, καὶ μέσον, καὶ τοῦτο βέλτιστον, ἓν δὲ περὶ ἕκα-
στον τῷ εἴδει τὸ βέλτιστον· ἀνάγκη καὶ τὴν ἐλευθεριότητα
μεσότητα εἶναι ἀσωτίας καὶ ἀνελευθερίας περὶ χρημάτων
κτῆσιν καὶ ἀποβολήν. διχῶς δὲ τὰ χρήματα λέγομεν καὶ
τὴν χρηματιστικήν. ἣ μὲν γὰρ καθ' αὑτὸ χρῆσις τοῦ κτή-
ματος ἐστίν, οἷον ὑποδήματος ἢ ἱματίου, ἣ δὲ κατὰ συμ-
βεβηκὸς μέν, οὐ μέντοι οὕτως ὡς ἂν εἴ τις σταθμῷ χρήσαιτο
τῷ ὑποδήματι, ἀλλ' οἷον ἡ πώλησις καὶ ἡ μίσθωσις· χρῆ-
ται γὰρ ὑποδήματι. ὁ δὲ φιλάργυρος ὁ περὶ τὸ νόμισμά
ἐστιν ἐσπουδακώς, τὸ δὲ νόμισμα τῆς κτήσεως ἀντὶ τῆς…

Αριστοτέλης πολιτικά. Ηθικά Νικομάχεια. Aristotelis ethica

Nicomachea”, Ed. Bywater, I.Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1894, Repr.
1962.Bekker σελ. 1112b, Γρ. 4

…νοῦς καὶ πᾶν τὸ δι' ἀνθρώπου. τῶν δ' ἀνθρώπων ἕκαστοι

βουλεύονται περὶ τῶν δι' αὑτῶν πρακτῶν. καὶ περὶ μὲν τὰς
ἀκριβεῖς καὶ αὐτάρκεις τῶν ἐπιστημῶν οὐκ ἔστι βουλή, οἷον
περὶ γραμμάτων (οὐ γὰρ διστάζομεν πῶς γραπτέον)· ἀλλ'
ὅσα γίνεται δι' ἡμῶν, μὴ ὡσαύτως δ' ἀεί, περὶ τούτων βου-
λευόμεθα, οἷον περὶ τῶν κατ' ἰατρικὴν καὶ χρηματιστικήν,
καὶ περὶ κυβερνητικὴν μᾶλλον ἢ γυμναστικήν, ὅσῳ ἧττον
διηκρίβωται, καὶ ἔτι περὶ τῶν λοιπῶν ὁμοίως, μᾶλλον δὲ
καὶ περὶ τὰς τέχνας ἢ τὰς ἐπιστήμας· μᾶλλον γὰρ περὶ
ταύτας διστάζομεν. τὸ βουλεύεσθαι δὲ ἐν τοῖς ὡς ἐπὶ τὸ
πολύ, ἀδήλοις δὲ πῶς ἀποβήσεται, καὶ ἐν οἷς ἀδιόριστον.

Αριστοτέλης πολιτικά. Magna moralia (0086: 022)“Aristotle, vol. 18

(ed. G.C. Armstrong)”, Ed. Susemihl, F.Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard
University Press, 1935, Repr. 1969.Βιβ. 1, Κεφ. 24, Τμ. 2, Γρ. 7

…ἐστι καὶ τὸ παρασκευάσασθαι χρήματα; ἢ οὔ; οὐδὲ γὰρ ἄλλης ἀρετῆς

οὐδεμιᾶς. οὔτε γὰρ τῆς ἀνδρείας ἐστὶ τὸ ὅπλα ποιῆσαι, ἀλλ' ἄλλης,
ταύτης δὲ λαβούσης τούτοις ὀρθῶς χρήσασθαι, ὁμοίως ἐπὶ
σωφροσύνης καὶ τῶν ἄλλων· οὔτε δὴ τῆς ἐλευθεριότητος, ἀλλ' ἤδη
χρηματιστικῆς. Ἡ δὲ μεγαλοψυχία μεσότης μέν ἐστιν χαυνότητος καὶ
μικροψυχίας, ἔστι δὲ περὶ τιμὴν καὶ ἀτιμίαν, καὶ περὶ τιμὴν οὐ τὴν παρὰ
τῶν πολλῶν ἀλλὰ τὴν παρὰ τῶν σπουδαίων, καὶ μᾶλλον δὲ δὴ περὶ
ταύτην. οἱ γὰρ σπουδαῖοι εἰδότες καὶ .

Αριστοτέλης πολιτικά. Πολιτεία. (0086: 035)“Aristotelis Πολιτεία. ”,

Ed. Ross, W.D.Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1957, Repr. 1964.Bekker σελ.
1253b, Γρ. 14

…δεσποτικὴ καὶ γαμική (ἀνώνυμον γὰρ ἡ γυναικὸς καὶ ἀν-

δρὸς σύζευξις) καὶ τρίτον τεκνοποιητική (καὶ γὰρ αὕτη οὐκ
ὠνόμασται ἰδίῳ ὀνόματι). ἔστωσαν δὴ αὗται <αἱ τρεῖς ἃς εἴπο-
μεν. ἔστι δέ τι μέρος ὃ δοκεῖ τοῖς μὲν εἶναι οἰκονομία ,
τοῖς δὲ μέγιστον μέρος αὐτῆς· ὅπως δ' ἔχει, θεωρητέον·
λέγω δὲ περὶ τῆς καλουμένης χρηματιστικῆς. πρῶτον δὲ
περὶ δεσπότου καὶ δούλου εἴπωμεν, ἵνα τά τε πρὸς τὴν
ἀναγκαίαν χρείαν ἴδωμεν, κἂν εἴ τι πρὸς τὸ εἰδέναι περὶ
αὐτῶν δυναίμεθα λαβεῖν βέλτιον τῶν νῦν ὑπολαμβανομέ-
νων. τοῖς μὲν γὰρ δοκεῖ ἐπιστήμη τέ τις εἶναι ἡ δεσποτεία,
καὶ ἡ αὐτὴ οἰκονομία καὶ δεσποτεία καὶ πολιτικὴ …

Αριστοτέλης πολιτικά. Πολιτεία. Bekker σελ. 1256a, Γρ. 1

…δὲ πολιτεύονται ἢ φιλοσοφοῦσιν. ἡ δὲ κτητικὴ ἑτέρα ἀμφο-

τέρων τούτων, οἷον ἡ δικαία, πολεμική τις οὖσα ἢ θηρευ
τική. περὶ μὲν οὖν δούλου καὶ δεσπότου τοῦτον διωρίσθω τὸν
Ὅλως δὲ περὶ πάσης κτήσεως καὶ χρηματιστικῆς θεω-
ρήσωμεν κατὰ τὸν ὑφηγημένον τρόπον, ἐπείπερ καὶ ὁ δοῦ-
λος τῆς κτήσεως μέρος τι ἦν. πρῶτον μὲν οὖν ἀπορήσειεν
ἄν τις πότερον ἡ χρηματιστικὴ ἡ αὐτὴ τῇ οἰκονομικῇ ἐστιν
ἢ μέρος τι, ἢ ὑπηρετική, καὶ εἰ ὑπηρετική, πότερον ὡς ἡ
κερκιδοποιικὴ τῇ ὑφαντικῇ ἢ ὡς ἡ χαλκουργικὴ τῇ ἀνδρι

Αριστοτέλης πολιτικά. Πολιτεία. Bekker σελ. 1256a, Γρ. 4

Ὅλως δὲ περὶ πάσης κτήσεως καὶ χρηματιστικῆς θεω-

ρήσωμεν κατὰ τὸν ὑφηγημένον τρόπον, ἐπείπερ καὶ ὁ δοῦ-
λος τῆς κτήσεως μέρος τι ἦν. πρῶτον μὲν οὖν ἀπορήσειεν
ἄν τις πότερον ἡ χρηματιστικὴ ἡ αὐτὴ τῇ οἰκονομικῇ ἐστιν
ἢ μέρος τι, ἢ ὑπηρετική, καὶ εἰ ὑπηρετική, πότερον ὡς ἡ
κερκιδοποιικὴ τῇ ὑφαντικῇ ἢ ὡς ἡ χαλκουργικὴ τῇ ἀνδρι-
αντοποιίᾳ (οὐ γὰρ ὡσαύτως ὑπηρετοῦσιν, ἀλλ' ἡ μὲν ὄργανα
παρέχει, ἡ δὲ τὴν ὕλην· λέγω δὲ ὕλην τὸ ὑποκείμε-
νον ἐξ οὗ τι ἀποτελεῖται ἔργον, οἷον ὑφάντῃ μὲν ἔρια

Αριστοτέλης πολιτικά. Πολιτεία. Bekker σελ. 1256a, Γρ. 11

…κερκιδοποιικὴ τῇ ὑφαντικῇ ἢ ὡς ἡ χαλκουργικὴ τῇ ἀνδρι-

αντοποιίᾳ (οὐ γὰρ ὡσαύτως ὑπηρετοῦσιν, ἀλλ' ἡ μὲν ὄργανα
παρέχει, ἡ δὲ τὴν ὕλην· λέγω δὲ ὕλην τὸ ὑποκείμε-
νον ἐξ οὗ τι ἀποτελεῖται ἔργον, οἷον ὑφάντῃ μὲν ἔρια
ἀνδριαντοποιῷ δὲ χαλκόν). ὅτι μὲν οὖν οὐχ ἡ αὐτὴ ἡ οἰκο-
νομικὴ τῇ χρηματιστικῇ, δῆλον (τῆς μὲν γὰρ τὸ πορίσα-
σθαι, τῆς δὲ τὸ χρήσασθαι· τίς γὰρ ἔσται ἡ χρησομένη
τοῖς κατὰ τὴν οἰκίαν παρὰ τὴν οἰκονομικήν;)· πότερον δὲ
μέρος αὐτῆς ἐστί τι ἢ ἕτερον εἶδος, ἔχει διαμφισβήτησιν·
εἰ γάρ ἐστι τοῦ χρηματιστικοῦ θεωρῆσαι πόθεν χρήματα καὶ
κτῆσις ἔσται, ἥ γε κτῆσις πολλὰ περιείληφε μέρη …

Αριστοτέλης πολιτικά. Πολιτεία. Bekker σελ. 1256a, Γρ. 18

…τοῖς κατὰ τὴν οἰκίαν παρὰ τὴν οἰκονομικήν;)· πότερον δὲ

μέρος αὐτῆς ἐστί τι ἢ ἕτερον εἶδος, ἔχει διαμφισβήτησιν·
εἰ γάρ ἐστι τοῦ χρηματιστικοῦ θεωρῆσαι πόθεν χρήματα καὶ
κτῆσις ἔσται, ἥ γε κτῆσις πολλὰ περιείληφε μέρη καὶ ὁ
πλοῦτος, ὥστε πρῶτον ἡ γεωργικὴ πότερον μέρος τι τῆς χρη-
ματιστικῆς ἢ ἕτερόν τι γένος, καὶ καθόλου ἡ περὶ τὴν τρο-
φὴν ἐπιμέλεια καὶ κτῆσις; ἀλλὰ μὴν εἴδη γε πολλὰ τρο-
φῆς, διὸ καὶ βίοι πολλοὶ καὶ τῶν ζῴων καὶ τῶν ἀνθρώπων
εἰσίν· οὐ γὰρ οἷόν τε ζῆν ἄνευ τροφῆς, ὥστε αἱ διαφοραὶ
τῆς τροφῆς τοὺς βίους πεποιήκασι διαφέροντας τῶν ζῴων.
τῶν τε γὰρ θηρίων τὰ μὲν ἀγελαῖα τὰ δὲ σποραδικά ἐστιν…

Αριστοτέλης πολιτικά. Πολιτεία. Bekker σελ. 1256b, Γρ. 41


…οὔτε μεγέθει, ὁ δὲ πλοῦτος ὀργάνων πλῆθός ἐστιν οἰκονο-

μικῶν καὶ πολιτικῶν. ὅτι μὲν τοίνυν ἔστι τις κτητικὴ
κατὰ φύσιν τοῖς οἰκονόμοις καὶ τοῖς πολιτικοῖς, καὶ δι'
ἣν αἰτίαν, δῆλον.
Ἔστι δὲ γένος ἄλλο κτητικῆς, ἣν μάλιστα καλοῦσι, καὶ
δίκαιον αὐτὸ καλεῖν, χρηματιστικήν, δι' ἣν οὐδὲν δοκεῖ
πέρας εἶναι πλούτου καὶ κτήσεως· ἣν ὡς μίαν καὶ τὴν
αὐτὴν τῇ λεχθείσῃ πολλοὶ νομίζουσι διὰ τὴν γειτνίασιν·
ἔστι δ' οὔτε ἡ αὐτὴ τῇ εἰρημένῃ οὔτε πόρρω ἐκείνης. ἔστι δ'
ἡ μὲν φύσει ἡ δ' οὐ φύσει αὐτῶν, ἀλλὰ δι' ἐμπειρίας
τινὸς καὶ τέχνης γίνεται μᾶλλον. λάβωμεν δὲ περὶ αὐτῆς…

Αριστοτέλης πολιτικά. Πολιτεία. Bekker σελ. 1257a, Γρ. 18

… οὐ γὰρ ἀλλαγῆς ἕνεκεν γέγονε. τὸν αὐτὸν δὲ

τρόπον ἔχει καὶ περὶ τῶν ἄλλων κτημάτων. ἔστι γὰρ ἡ
μεταβλητικὴ πάντων, ἀρξαμένη τὸ μὲν πρῶτον ἐκ τοῦ
κατὰ φύσιν, τῷ τὰ μὲν πλείω τὰ δὲ ἐλάττω τῶν ἱκανῶν
ἔχειν τοὺς ἀνθρώπους (ᾗ καὶ δῆλον ὅτι οὐκ ἔστι φύσει τῆς
χρηματιστικῆς ἡ καπηλική· ὅσον γὰρ ἱκανὸν αὐτοῖς, ἀναγ-
καῖον ἦν ποιεῖσθαι τὴν ἀλλαγήν). ἐν μὲν οὖν τῇ πρώτῃ
κοινωνίᾳ (τοῦτο δ' ἐστὶν οἰκία) φανερὸν ὅτι οὐδὲν ἔστιν ἔργον
αὐτῆς, ἀλλ' ἤδη πλειόνων τῆς κοινωνίας οὔσης. οἱ μὲν γὰρ
τῶν αὐτῶν ἐκοινώνουν πάντων, οἱ δὲ κεχωρισμένοι πολλῶν
πάλιν καὶ ἑτέρων· ὧν κατὰ τὰς δεήσεις ἀναγκαῖον ποιεῖ…

Αριστοτέλης πολιτικά. Πολιτεία. Bekker σελ. 1257a, Γρ. 29

… καθάπερ ἔτι πολλὰ ποιεῖ καὶ τῶν

βαρβαρικῶν ἐθνῶν, κατὰ τὴν ἀλλαγήν. αὐτὰ γὰρ τὰ
χρήσιμα πρὸς αὑτὰ καταλλάττονται, ἐπὶ πλέον δ' οὐθέν,
οἷον οἶνον πρὸς σῖτον διδόντες καὶ λαμβάνοντες, καὶ τῶν
ἄλλων τῶν τοιούτων ἕκαστον. ἡ μὲν οὖν τοιαύτη μεταβλη
τικὴ οὔτε παρὰ φύσιν οὔτε χρηματιστικῆς ἐστιν εἶδος οὐδέν
(εἰς ἀναπλήρωσιν γὰρ τῆς κατὰ φύσιν αὐταρκείας ἦν)· ἐκ
μέντοι ταύτης ἐγένετ' ἐκείνη κατὰ λόγον. ξενικωτέρας γὰρ
γενομένης τῆς βοηθείας τῷ εἰσάγεσθαι ὧν ἐνδεεῖς <ἦσαν καὶ
ἐκπέμπειν ὧν ἐπλεόναζον, ἐξ ἀνάγκης ἡ τοῦ νομίσματος ἐπο-
ρίσθη χρῆσις. οὐ γὰρ εὐβάστακτον ἕκαστον τῶν κατὰ φύσιν…

Αριστοτέλης πολιτικά. Πολιτεία. Bekker σελ. 1257b, Γρ. 2


…ἁπλῶς ὁρισθὲν μεγέθει καὶ σταθμῷ, τὸ δὲ τελευταῖον

καὶ χαρακτῆρα ἐπιβαλλόντων, ἵνα ἀπολύσῃ τῆς μετρή-
σεως αὑτούς· ὁ γὰρ χαρακτὴρ ἐτέθη τοῦ ποσοῦ σημεῖον.
πορισθέντος οὖν ἤδη νομίσματος ἐκ τῆς ἀναγκαίας ἀλλαγῆς
θάτερον εἶδος τῆς χρηματιστικῆς ἐγένετο, τὸ καπηλικόν, τὸ
μὲν πρῶτον ἁπλῶς ἴσως γινόμενον, εἶτα δι' ἐμπειρίας ἤδη
τεχνικώτερον, πόθεν καὶ πῶς μεταβαλλόμενον πλεῖστον
ποιήσει κέρδος. διὸ δοκεῖ ἡ χρηματιστικὴ μάλιστα περὶ τὸ
νόμισμα εἶναι, καὶ ἔργον αὐτῆς τὸ δύνασθαι θεωρῆσαι πό-
θεν ἔσται πλῆθος χρημάτων· ποιητικὴ γάρ ἐστι πλούτου…

Αριστοτέλης πολιτικά. Πολιτεία. Bekker σελ. 1257b, Γρ. 5

… πορισθέντος οὖν ἤδη νομίσματος ἐκ τῆς ἀναγκαίας ἀλλαγῆς

θάτερον εἶδος τῆς χρηματιστικῆς ἐγένετο, τὸ καπηλικόν, τὸ
μὲν πρῶτον ἁπλῶς ἴσως γινόμενον, εἶτα δι' ἐμπειρίας ἤδη
τεχνικώτερον, πόθεν καὶ πῶς μεταβαλλόμενον πλεῖστον
ποιήσει κέρδος. διὸ δοκεῖ ἡ χρηματιστικὴ μάλιστα περὶ τὸ
νόμισμα εἶναι, καὶ ἔργον αὐτῆς τὸ δύνασθαι θεωρῆσαι πό-
θεν ἔσται πλῆθος χρημάτων· ποιητικὴ γάρ ἐστι πλούτου
καὶ χρημάτων. καὶ γὰρ τὸν πλοῦτον πολλάκις τιθέασι νο-
μίσματος πλῆθος, διὰ τὸ περὶ τοῦτ' εἶναι τὴν χρηματιστικὴν
καὶ τὴν καπηλικήν. ὁτὲ δὲ πάλιν λῆρος εἶναι δοκεῖ τὸ

Αριστοτέλης πολιτικά. Πολιτεία. Bekker σελ. 1257b, Γρ. 9

…τεχνικώτερον, πόθεν καὶ πῶς μεταβαλλόμενον πλεῖστον

ποιήσει κέρδος. διὸ δοκεῖ ἡ χρηματιστικὴ μάλιστα περὶ τὸ
νόμισμα εἶναι, καὶ ἔργον αὐτῆς τὸ δύνασθαι θεωρῆσαι πό-
θεν ἔσται πλῆθος χρημάτων· ποιητικὴ γάρ ἐστι πλούτου
καὶ χρημάτων. καὶ γὰρ τὸν πλοῦτον πολλάκις τιθέασι νο-
μίσματος πλῆθος, διὰ τὸ περὶ τοῦτ' εἶναι τὴν χρηματιστικὴν
καὶ τὴν καπηλικήν. ὁτὲ δὲ πάλιν λῆρος εἶναι δοκεῖ τὸ
νόμισμα καὶ νόμος παντάπασι, φύσει δ' οὐθέν, ὅτι μετα-
θεμένων τε τῶν χρωμένων οὐθενὸς ἄξιον οὐδὲ χρήσιμον πρὸς
οὐδὲν τῶν ἀναγκαίων ἐστί, καὶ νομίσματος πλουτῶν πολλά-
κις ἀπορήσει τῆς ἀναγκαίας τροφῆς·

Αριστοτέλης πολιτικά. Πολιτεία. Bekker σελ. 1257b, Γρ. 18


…οὐδὲν τῶν ἀναγκαίων ἐστί, καὶ νομίσματος πλουτῶν πολλά-

κις ἀπορήσει τῆς ἀναγκαίας τροφῆς· καίτοι ἄτοπον τοιοῦτον
εἶναι πλοῦτον οὗ εὐπορῶν λιμῷ ἀπολεῖται, καθάπερ καὶ τὸν
Μίδαν ἐκεῖνον μυθολογοῦσι διὰ τὴν ἀπληστίαν τῆς εὐχῆς
πάντων αὐτῷ γιγνομένων τῶν παρατιθεμένων χρυσῶν. διὸ
ζητοῦσιν ἕτερόν τι τὸν πλοῦτον καὶ τὴν χρηματιστικήν, ὀρθῶς
ζητοῦντες. ἔστι γὰρ ἑτέρα ἡ χρηματιστικὴ καὶ ὁ πλοῦτος ὁ
κατὰ φύσιν, καὶ αὕτη μὲν οἰκονομική, ἡ δὲ καπηλικὴ
ποιητικὴ χρημάτων οὐ πάντως, ἀλλὰ διὰ χρημάτων μετα-
βολῆς. καὶ δοκεῖ περὶ τὸ νόμισμα αὕτη εἶναι· τὸ γὰρ
νόμισμα στοιχεῖον καὶ πέρας τῆς ἀλλαγῆς ἐστιν.

Αριστοτέλης πολιτικά. Πολιτεία. Bekker σελ. 1257b, Γρ. 29

… δὴ οὗτος ὁ πλοῦτος, ὁ ἀπὸ ταύτης τῆς χρηματιστικῆς.

ὥσπερ γὰρ ἡ ἰατρικὴ τοῦ ὑγιαίνειν εἰς ἄπειρόν ἐστι, καὶ
ἑκάστη τῶν τεχνῶν τοῦ τέλους εἰς ἄπειρον (ὅτι μάλιστα γὰρ
ἐκεῖνο βούλονται ποιεῖν), τῶν δὲ πρὸς τὸ τέλος οὐκ εἰς ἄπει-
ρον (πέρας γὰρ τὸ τέλος πάσαις), οὕτω καὶ ταύτης τῆς
χρηματιστικῆς οὐκ ἔστι τοῦ τέλους πέρας, τέλος δὲ ὁ τοιοῦτος
πλοῦτος καὶ χρημάτων κτῆσις. τῆς δ' οἰκονομικῆς αὖ χρη-
ματιστικῆς ἔστι πέρας· οὐ γὰρ τοῦτο τῆς οἰκονομικῆς ἔργον.
διὸ τῇ μὲν φαίνεται ἀναγκαῖον εἶναι παντὸς πλούτου πέρας,
ἐπὶ δὲ τῶν γινομένων ὁρῶμεν συμβαῖνον τοὐναντίον· πάντες
γὰρ εἰς ἄπειρον αὔξουσιν οἱ χρηματιζόμενοι τὸ νόμισμα.

Αριστοτέλης πολιτικά. Πολιτεία. Bekker σελ. 1258a, Γρ. 6

… εἰς ἄπειρον οὖν ἐκείνης τῆς ἐπιθυμίας οὔσης,

καὶ τῶν ποιητικῶν ἀπείρων ἐπιθυμοῦσιν. ὅσοι δὲ καὶ τοῦ εὖ
ζῆν ἐπιβάλλονται τὸ πρὸς τὰς ἀπολαύσεις τὰς σωματι-
κὰς ζητοῦσιν, ὥστ' ἐπεὶ καὶ τοῦτ' ἐν τῇ κτήσει φαίνεται ὑπάρ-
χειν, πᾶσα ἡ διατριβὴ περὶ τὸν χρηματισμόν ἐστι, καὶ τὸ
ἕτερον εἶδος τῆς χρηματιστικῆς διὰ τοῦτ' ἐλήλυθεν. ἐν ὑπερ-
βολῇ γὰρ οὔσης τῆς ἀπολαύσεως, τὴν τῆς ἀπολαυστικῆς
ὑπερβολῆς ποιητικὴν ζητοῦσιν· κἂν μὴ διὰ τῆς χρηματιστι-
κῆς δύνωνται πορίζειν, δι' ἄλλης αἰτίας τοῦτο πειρῶνται,
ἑκάστῃ χρώμενοι τῶν δυνάμεων οὐ κατὰ φύσιν. ἀνδρείας
γὰρ οὐ χρήματα ποιεῖν ἐστιν ἀλλὰ θάρσος, οὐδὲ στρατηγικῆς…

Αριστοτέλης πολιτικά. Πολιτεία. Bekker σελ. 1258a, Γρ. 9

… ὥστ' ἐπεὶ καὶ τοῦτ' ἐν τῇ κτήσει φαίνεται ὑπάρ-

χειν, πᾶσα ἡ διατριβὴ περὶ τὸν χρηματισμόν ἐστι, καὶ τὸ
ἕτερον εἶδος τῆς χρηματιστικῆς διὰ τοῦτ' ἐλήλυθεν. ἐν ὑπερ-
βολῇ γὰρ οὔσης τῆς ἀπολαύσεως, τὴν τῆς ἀπολαυστικῆς
ὑπερβολῆς ποιητικὴν ζητοῦσιν· κἂν μὴ διὰ τῆς χρηματιστι-
κῆς δύνωνται πορίζειν, δι' ἄλλης αἰτίας τοῦτο πειρῶνται,
ἑκάστῃ χρώμενοι τῶν δυνάμεων οὐ κατὰ φύσιν. ἀνδρείας
γὰρ οὐ χρήματα ποιεῖν ἐστιν ἀλλὰ θάρσος, οὐδὲ στρατηγικῆς
καὶ ἰατρικῆς, ἀλλὰ τῆς μὲν νίκην τῆς δ' ὑγίειαν. οἱ δὲ
πάσας ποιοῦσι χρηματιστικάς, ὡς τοῦτο τέλος ὄν, πρὸς δὲ
τὸ τέλος ἅπαντα δέον ἀπαντᾶν.

Αριστοτέλης πολιτικά. Πολιτεία. Bekker σελ. 1258a, Γρ. 15

…γὰρ οὐ χρήματα ποιεῖν ἐστιν ἀλλὰ θάρσος, οὐδὲ στρατηγικῆς

καὶ ἰατρικῆς, ἀλλὰ τῆς μὲν νίκην τῆς δ' ὑγίειαν. οἱ δὲ
πάσας ποιοῦσι χρηματιστικάς, ὡς τοῦτο τέλος ὄν, πρὸς δὲ
τὸ τέλος ἅπαντα δέον ἀπαντᾶν. περὶ μὲν οὖν τῆς τε μὴ
ἀναγκαίας χρηματιστικῆς, καὶ τίς, καὶ δι' αἰτίαν τίνα ἐν
χρείᾳ ἐσμὲν αὐτῆς, εἴρηται, καὶ περὶ τῆς ἀναγκαίας, ὅτι
ἑτέρα μὲν αὐτῆς οἰκονομικὴ δὲ κατὰ φύσιν ἡ περὶ τὴν
τροφήν, οὐχ ὥσπερ αὐτὴ ἄπειρος ἀλλὰ ἔχουσα ὅρον.
Δῆλον δὲ καὶ τὸ ἀπορούμενον ἐξ ἀρχῆς, πότερον τοῦ
οἰκονομικοῦ καὶ πολιτικοῦ ἐστιν ἡ χρηματιστικὴ ἢ οὔ.

Αριστοτέλης πολιτικά. Πολιτεία. Bekker σελ. 1258a, Γρ. 28

αὐτοῖς, οὕτω καὶ <πρὸς τροφὴν τὴν φύσιν δεῖ παραδοῦναι γῆν ἢ
θάλατταν ἢ ἄλλο τι), ἐκ δὲ τούτων, ὡς δεῖ ταῦτα δια-
θεῖναι προσήκει τὸν οἰκονόμον. οὐ γὰρ τῆς ὑφαντικῆς ἔρια
ποιῆσαι, ἀλλὰ χρήσασθαι αὐτοῖς, καὶ γνῶναι δὲ τὸ ποῖον
χρηστὸν καὶ ἐπιτήδειον, ἢ φαῦλον καὶ ἀνεπιτήδειον. καὶ γὰρ
ἀπορήσειεν ἄν τις διὰ τί ἡ μὲν χρηματιστικὴ μόριον τῆς
οἰκονομίας , ἡ δ' ἰατρικὴ οὐ μόριον· καίτοι δεῖ ὑγιαίνειν τοὺς
κατὰ τὴν οἰκίαν, ὥσπερ ζῆν ἢ ἄλλο τι τῶν ἀναγκαίων.
ἐπεὶ δὲ ἔστι μὲν ὡς τοῦ οἰκονόμου καὶ τοῦ ἄρχοντος καὶ περὶ
ὑγιείας ἰδεῖν, ἔστι δ' ὡς οὔ, ἀλλὰ τοῦ ἰατροῦ, οὕτω καὶ περὶ
τῶν χρημάτων ἔστι μὲν ὡς τοῦ οἰκονόμου, ἔστι δ' ὡς οὔ, ἀλλὰ.

Αριστοτέλης πολιτικά. Πολιτεία. Bekker σελ. 1258a, Γρ. 37

…ὑγιείας ἰδεῖν, ἔστι δ' ὡς οὔ, ἀλλὰ τοῦ ἰατροῦ, οὕτω καὶ περὶ
τῶν χρημάτων ἔστι μὲν ὡς τοῦ οἰκονόμου, ἔστι δ' ὡς οὔ, ἀλλὰ
τῆς ὑπηρετικῆς· μάλιστα δέ, καθάπερ εἴρηται πρότερον, δεῖ
φύσει τοῦτο ὑπάρχειν. φύσεως γάρ ἐστιν ἔργον τροφὴν τῷ
γεννηθέντι παρέχειν· παντὶ γάρ, ἐξ οὗ γίνεται, τροφὴ τὸ
λειπόμενόν ἐστι. διὸ κατὰ φύσιν ἐστὶν ἡ χρηματιστικὴ
πᾶσιν ἀπὸ τῶν καρπῶν καὶ τῶν ζῴων. διπλῆς δ' οὔσης
αὐτῆς, ὥσπερ εἴπομεν, καὶ τῆς μὲν καπηλικῆς τῆς δ' οἰκο-
νομικῆς, καὶ ταύτης μὲν ἀναγκαίας καὶ ἐπαινουμένης, τῆς
δὲ μεταβλητικῆς ψεγομένης δικαίως (οὐ γὰρ κατὰ φύσιν
ἀλλ' ἀπ' ἀλλήλων ἐστίν), εὐλογώτατα μισεῖται ἡ ὀβολο .

Αριστοτέλης πολιτικά. Πολιτεία. Bekker σελ. 1258b, Γρ. 12

…τόκος γίνεται νόμισμα ἐκ νομίσματος)· ὥστε καὶ μάλιστα παρὰ

φύσιν οὗτος τῶν χρηματισμῶν ἐστιν.
Ἐπεὶ δὲ τὰ πρὸς τὴν γνῶσιν διωρίκαμεν ἱκανῶς, τὰ
πρὸς τὴν χρῆσιν δεῖ διελθεῖν. πάντα δὲ τὰ τοιαῦτα τὴν
μὲν θεωρίαν ἐλευθέραν ἔχει, τὴν δ' ἐμπειρίαν ἀναγκαίαν.
ἔστι δὲ χρηματιστικῆς μέρη χρήσιμα· τὸ περὶ τὰ κτήματα
ἔμπειρον εἶναι, ποῖα λυσιτελέστατα καὶ ποῦ καὶ πῶς, οἷον
ἵππων κτῆσις ποία τις ἢ βοῶν ἢ προβάτων, ὁμοίως δὲ καὶ
τῶν λοιπῶν ζῴων (δεῖ γὰρ ἔμπειρον εἶναι πρὸς ἄλληλά
τε τούτων τίνα λυσιτελέστατα, καὶ ποῖα ἐν ποίοις τόποις·
ἄλλα γὰρ ἐν ἄλλαις εὐθηνεῖ χώραις), εἶτα περὶ γεωργίας,.

Αριστοτέλης πολιτικά. Πολιτεία. Bekker σελ. 1258b, Γρ. 21

τε τούτων τίνα λυσιτελέστατα, καὶ ποῖα ἐν ποίοις τόποις·

ἄλλα γὰρ ἐν ἄλλαις εὐθηνεῖ χώραις), εἶτα περὶ γεωργίας,
καὶ ταύτης ἤδη ψιλῆς τε καὶ πεφυτευμένης, καὶ μελιτ-
τουργίας, καὶ τῶν ἄλλων ζῴων τῶν πλωτῶν ἢ πτηνῶν, ἀφ'
ὅσων ἔστι τυγχάνειν βοηθείας. τῆς μὲν οὖν οἰκειοτάτης χρη-
ματιστικῆς ταῦτα μόρια καὶ πρώτης, τῆς δὲ μεταβλητικῆς
μέγιστον μὲν ἐμπορία (καὶ ταύτης μέρη τρία, ναυκληρία
φορτηγία παράστασις· διαφέρει δὲ τούτων ἕτερα ἑτέρων τῷ
τὰ μὲν ἀσφαλέστερα εἶναι, τὰ δὲ πλείω πορίζειν τὴν ἐπι-
καρπίαν), δεύτερον δὲ τοκισμός, τρίτον δὲ μισθαρνία (ταύ-
της δ' ἡ μὲν τῶν βαναύσων τεχνιτῶν, ἡ δὲ τῶν ἀτέχνων.

Αριστοτέλης πολιτικά. Πολιτεία. Bekker σελ. 1258b, Γρ. 28

… διαφέρει δὲ τούτων ἕτερα ἑτέρων τῷ

τὰ μὲν ἀσφαλέστερα εἶναι, τὰ δὲ πλείω πορίζειν τὴν ἐπι-
καρπίαν), δεύτερον δὲ τοκισμός, τρίτον δὲ μισθαρνία (ταύ-
της δ' ἡ μὲν τῶν βαναύσων τεχνιτῶν, ἡ δὲ τῶν ἀτέχνων
καὶ τῷ σώματι μόνῳ χρησίμων)· τρίτον δὲ εἶδος χρημα-
τιστικῆς μεταξὺ ταύτης καὶ τῆς πρώτης (ἔχει γὰρ καὶ τῆς
κατὰ φύσιν τι μέρος καὶ τῆς μεταβλητικῆς), ὅσα ἀπὸ γῆς
καὶ τῶν ἀπὸ γῆς γιγνομένων, ἀκάρπων μὲν χρησίμων δέ,
οἷον ὑλοτομία τε καὶ πᾶσα μεταλλευτική. αὕτη δὲ πολλὰ
ἤδη περιείληφε γένη· πολλὰ γὰρ εἴδη τῶν ἐκ γῆς .

Αριστοτέλης πολιτικά. Πολιτεία. Bekker σελ. 1259a, Γρ. 6

Ἀπολλοδώρῳ τῷ Λημνίῳ περὶ γεωργίας καὶ ψιλῆς καὶ

πεφυτευμένης, ὁμοίως δὲ καὶ ἄλλοις περὶ ἄλλων, ταῦτα
μὲν ἐκ τούτων θεωρείτω ὅτῳ ἐπιμελές· ἔτι δὲ καὶ τὰ λεγό-
μενα σποράδην, δι' ὧν ἐπιτετυχήκασιν ἔνιοι χρηματιζό-
μενοι, δεῖ συλλέγειν. πάντα γὰρ ὠφέλιμα ταῦτ' ἐστὶ τοῖς
τιμῶσι τὴν χρηματιστικήν, οἷον καὶ τὸ Θάλεω τοῦ Μιλησίου·
τοῦτο γάρ ἐστι κατανόημά τι χρηματιστικόν, ἀλλ' ἐκείνῳ
μὲν διὰ τὴν σοφίαν προσάπτουσι, τυγχάνει δὲ καθόλου τι
ὄν. ὀνειδιζόντων γὰρ αὐτῷ διὰ τὴν πενίαν ὡς ἀνωφελοῦς
τῆς φιλοσοφίας οὔσης, κατανοήσαντά φασιν αὐτὸν ἐλαιῶν
φορὰν ἐσομένην ἐκ τῆς ἀστρολογίας.

Αριστοτέλης πολιτικά. Sophistici elenchi “Aristotelis topica et

sophistici elenchi”, Ed. Ross, W.D.Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1958, Repr.
1970 (1st edn. corr.).Bekker σελ. 171b, Γρ. 28

…ἀδικομαχία τις, οὕτως ἐν ἀντιλογίᾳ ἀδικομαχία ἡ ἐριστική

ἐστιν· ἐκεῖ τε γὰρ οἱ πάντως νικᾶν προαιρούμενοι πάντων ἅπτον-
ται, καὶ ἐνταῦθα οἱ ἐριστικοί. οἱ μὲν οὖν τῆς νίκης αὐτῆς
χάριν τοιοῦτοι ἐριστικοὶ ἄνθρωποι καὶ φιλέριδες δοκοῦσιν εἶναι,
οἱ δὲ δόξης χάριν τῆς εἰς χρηματισμὸν σοφιστικοί· ἡ γὰρ
σοφιστική ἐστιν, ὥσπερ εἴπομεν, χρηματιστική τις ἀπὸ σο-
φίας φαινομένης· διὸ φαινομένης ἀποδείξεως ἐφίενται, καὶ
τῶν λόγων τῶν αὐτῶν μὲν [εἴσιν] οἱ φιλέριδες καὶ οἱ σοφισταί,
ἀλλ' οὐ τῶν αὐτῶν ἕνεκεν, καὶ λόγος ὁ αὐτὸς μὲν ἔσται σο-
φιστικὸς καὶ ἐριστικός, ἀλλ' οὐ κατὰ ταὐτόν, ἀλλ' ᾗ μὲν νίκης.

Aelius Aristides Rhet., Πρὸς Πλάτωνα περὶ ῥητορικῆς “Aristides, vol.

2”, Ed. Dindorf, W.Leipzig: Reimer, 1829, Repr. 1964.Jebb σελ. 113,
Γρ. 21

…πολλοὺς, μηδὲ ὡς ψήφῳ καθαρᾷ προσέχοντας θᾶττον ἢ

συμφέρει βουλεύσασθαι περὶ τῶν τηλικούτων. περὶ τοίνυν
αὐτοῦ πάλιν τοῦ μέρους αὐτὸς ὡδὶ μαρτυρεῖ “Οὐκ οἶσθα
ὅτι ἐπὶ παντὶ ἐπιτηδεύματι οἱ μὲν πολλοὶ φαῦλοι καὶ οὐ-
δενὸς ἄξιοι, οἱ δὲ σπουδαῖοι ὀλίγοι καὶ παντὸς ἄξιοι; ἐπεὶ
γυμναστικὴ οὐ καλόν σοι δοκεῖ εἶναι καὶ χρηματιστικὴ
καὶ ῥητορικὴ καὶ στρατηγία; Ἔμοιγε πάντως δή που. Τί
οὖν; ἐν ἑκάστῳ τούτων τοὺς πολλοὺς πρὸς ἕκαστον τὸ
ἔργον οὐ καταγελάστους ὁρᾷς; Νὴ τὸν Δία καὶ μάλα ἀληθῆ
λέγεις. Τί οὖν τούτου ἕνεκα αὐτός τε φεύξει πάντα τὰ
ἐπιτηδεύματα καὶ τῷ υἱεῖ οὐκ ἐπιτρέψεις;” οὐκοῦν χρὴ, .

Arius Didymus Doxogr., Liber de philosophorum sectis (epitome ap.

Stobaeum) Fragmenta philosophorum Graecorum, vol. 2”, Ed. Mullach,
F.W.A.Paris: Didot, 1867, Repr. 1968.Pagëcolumn 76,2, Γρ. 19

…λέγουσι τὸν σπουδαῖον καὶ ἀγαθὸν οἰκονόμον. Ἔτι

δὲ χρημαστικόν. Τὴν μὲν γὰρ οἰκονομικὴν εἶναι
θεωρητικὴν ἕξιν καὶ πρακτικὴν τῶν οἴκῳ συμφερόν-
των· τὴν δ' οἰκονομίαν, διάταξιν περὶ ἀναλωμάτων
καὶ ἔργων, καὶ κτήσεως ἐπιμέλειαν, καὶ τῶν κατ'
ἀγρὸν ἐργαζομένων. Τὴν δὲ χρηματιστικήν, ἐμπει-
ρίαν περιποιήσεως χρημάτων ἀφειδῶς, καὶ ἕξιν ὁμο-
λογουμένως ἀναστρέφεσθαι ποιοῦσαν ἐν συναγωγῇ
χρημάτων, καὶ τηρήσει, καὶ ἀναλώσει πρὸς εὐπορίαν·
τὸ δὲ χρηματίζεσθαι τινὲς μὲν μέσον εἶπον εἶναι, τινὲς .

Arius Didymus Doxogr., Liber de philosophorum sectis (epitome ap.

Stobaeum) Pagëcolumn 100,1, Γρ. 26

…αὔξοντα διὰ πορισμῶν ἐλευθερίων, ἢ τὰ δαπανήματα

συστέλλοντα· μέγιστον γὰρ τοῦτο τὸ κεφάλαιον τῆς οἰ-
κονομικῆς. Δι' ὃ καὶ πολλῶν ἔμπειρον εἶναι τὸν οἰ-
κονομικόν, γεωργίας, προβατείας, μεταλλείας, ἵνα
τοὺς λυσιτελεστάτους ἅμα καὶ δικαιοτάτους καρποὺς
διαγιγνώσκῃ. Τῆς δὲ χρηματιστικῆς τὴν μὲν εἶναι
κρείττω, τὴν δὲ χείρω. Κρείττω μὲν τὴν φύσει

γιγνομένην, χείρω δὲ τὴν διὰ καπηλικῆς. Καὶ ταῦτα

μὲν περὶ τῆς οἰκονομικῆς εἰρημένα ἀπόχρη.
Περὶ δὲ πολιτικῆς ταῦτ' ἂν εἴη κεφάλαια· πρῶτον
μὲν ὅτι συνέστησαν αἱ πόλεις τῇ μὲν διὰ τὸ φύσει .

Polybius Hist., Historiae Polybii historiae, vols. 1–4”, Ed. Büttner–

Wobst, T.Leipzig: Teubner, 1:1905; 2:1889; 3:1893; 4:1904, Repr.
1:1962; 2–3:1965; 4:1967.Βιβ. 5, Κεφ. 81, Τμ. 5, Γρ. 5

… ὥρμησε θρασέως ἐπ' αὐτήν, καὶ τοὺς μὲν πρώτους πάντας διελθὼν
ἔλαθε, παραπεσὼν δ' εἰς τὴν σκηνήν, ἐν ᾗ χρηματίζειν εἰώθει καὶ δει-
πνεῖν ὁ βασιλεύς, πάντα τόπον ἐρευνήσας τοῦ μὲν βασιλέως ἀπέτυχε διὰ
τὸ τὸν μὲν Πτολεμαῖον ἐκτὸς τῆς ἐπιφανοῦς καὶ χρηματιστικῆς σκηνῆς
ποιεῖσθαι τὴν ἀνάπαυσιν, δύο δέ τινας τῶν αὐτοῦ
κοιμωμένων τραυματίσας, καὶ τὸν ἰατρὸν τοῦ βασιλέως Ἀνδρέαν
ἀποκτείνας, ἀνεχώρησε μετ' ἀσφαλείας εἰς τὴν ἑαυτοῦ παρεμβολήν,
βραχέα θορυβηθεὶς ἤδη περὶ τὴν.

Clemens Alexandrinus Theol., Stromata Clemens Alexandrinus, vols.

2, 3rd edn. and 3, 2nd edn.”, Ed. Stählin, O., Früchtel, L., Treu, U.Berlin:
Akademie–Verlag, 2:1960; 3:1970; Die griechischen christlichen
Schriftsteller 52(15), 17.Βιβ. 6, Κεφ. 17, Τμ. 157, subΤμ. 2, Γρ. 2

…καὶ συνόρασιν, τοῦτο ἐπὶ τοῦ θεοῦ γίνεται. ἀθρόως τε γὰρ πάντα
καὶ ἕκαστον ἐν μέρει μιᾷ προσβολῇ προσβλέπει, οὐ πάντα μέντοι
κατὰ τὴν προηγουμένην ἐπέρεισιν. ἤδη γοῦν πολλὰ τῶν ἐν τῷ βίῳ
καὶ διά τινος λογισμοῦ ἀνθρωπίνου λαμβάνει τὴν γένεσιν, θεόθεν
τὴν ἔναυσιν εἰληφότα. αὐτίκα ἡ ὑγεία διὰ τῆς ἰατρικῆς καὶ ἡ εὐεξία
διὰ τῆς ἀλειπτικῆς καὶ ὁ πλοῦτος διὰ τῆς χρηματιστικῆς λαμβάνει
γένεσίν τε καὶ παρουσίαν κατὰ πρόνοιαν μὲν τὴν θείαν, κατὰ συνερ-
γίαν δὲ τὴν ἀνθρωπίνην. θεόθεν δὲ καὶ ἡ σύνεσις. αὐτίκα τῇ τοῦ
θεοῦ βουλήσει μάλιστα ἡ τῶν ἀγαθῶν ἀνδρῶν προαίρεσις ὑπακούει.
διόπερ κοινὰ μὲν τῶν ἀγαθῶν [μέν] ἐστιν καὶ τῶν κακῶν .

Aspasius Phil., In ethica Nichomachea commentaria “Aspasii in Ηθικά

Νικομάχεια. quae supersunt commentaria”, Ed. Heylbut, G.Berlin:
Reimer, 1889; Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca 19.1.Σελ. 6, Γρ. 9

μανθάνειν ἐν τῇ πόλει καὶ ἐπιτηδεύειν καὶ μέχρι τίνος ἀρχιτεκτονεῖ, καὶ

τὰ τέλη τῶν λοιπῶν ἕνεκεν τοῦ τέλους αὐτῆς. εἰσὶ γοῦν ὑπ' αὐτὴν ἅπασαι
καὶ αἱ ἐντιμόταται δυνάμεις, οἷον στρατηγικὴ ῥητορικὴ οἰκονομική.

στρατηγικὴν δὲ καὶ οἰκονομικὴν νῦν λέγει οὐ τὰς ἀρετάς, δυνάμεις γὰρ

αὐτὰς λέγει. αἱ δὲ δυνάμεις εἰσὶν αἷς οἷόν τε εὖ καὶ μὴ εὖ χρῆσθαι·
τοιαύτη δὲ ἡ ῥητορικὴ καὶ τῆς οἰκονομικῆς ἡ χρηματιστική, ἧς νῦν
μέμνηται, καὶ ἡ στρατηγικὴ δέ τίς ἐστι δύναμις τοῦ ἡγεῖσθαι
στρατεύματος καὶ κρατεῖν δύνασθαι τῶν πολεμικῶν. ὑπάρχει δὲ τῇ
πολιτικῇ καὶ τὸ χρῆσθαι ταῖς πρακτικαῖς τῶν ἐπιστημῶν καὶ τὸ
νομοθετεῖν <ἢ προστάττειν τίνα δεῖ πράττειν καὶ τίνων ἀπέ-
χεσθαι· καὶ τοῦτο τεκμήριόν ἐστι τοῦ προστακτικὴν αὐτὴν εἶναι ταῖς
ἄλλαις καὶ ἀρχιτεκτονικήν, ὥστε τὸ ταύτης τέλος περιέχει καὶ τὰ τῶν

Aspasius Phil., In ethica Nichomachea commentaria Σελ. 15, Γρ. 25

…καὶ πράξει, οὗ ἕνεκεν τὰ λοιπὰ πράττεται. ἔνθεν μὲν οὖν οὐκ ἔστι
τέλος δι' αὑτὸ αἱρετόν, ἀλλὰ πάντως δι' ἕτερον, οὐκ ἔστι τέλειον τέλος τὸ
τοιοῦτον· ἄλλων γὰρ χάριν πράττεται, ὅπερ οὐ λέγει οἰκεῖον ἀλλὰ τῶν
πρὸς τὸ τέλος. τοιαῦτα δὲ τὰ ὄργανα πάντα, οἷον πλοῦτος αὐλοί· οἵ τε γὰρ
αὐλοὶ τέλος ὄντες αὐλοποιητικῆς ἕνεκεν τῆς αὐλητικῆς εἰσι καὶ τοῦ
τέλους αὐτῆς, ὅ τε πλοῦτος, χρηματιστικῆς τέλος, αἱρετός ἐστι διὰ τὴν
ἐλευθεριότητος χρῆσιν· τελειότερον δὲ τὸ τῆς αὐλητικῆς τέλος τοῦ τῆς
αὐλοποιητικῆς· οὐ μόνον δὲ τελειότερον ἀλλὰ καὶ τέλος ἂν εἴη πᾶν τὸ
καθ' αὑτὸ αἱρετὸν κἂν δι' ἕτερον ᾖ, οἷον ἀρετὴ καὶ ἡ ἀβλαβὴς ἡδονὴ καὶ
τιμή· τούτων γὰρ ἕκαστον καὶ δι' αὑτὸ αἱρετὸν καὶ διὰ τὴν εὐδαιμονίαν.
τὰ μὲν καθ' αὑτὰ αἱρετὰ πάντα τελειότερα τῶν δι' ἕτερον αἱρετῶν μόνον,
αὐτῶν δὲ αὖ τούτων τελειότερον τὸ μηδέποτε.

Aspasius Phil., In ethica Nichomachea commentaria Σελ. 72, Γρ. 21

… ἐφ' ἡμῖν καὶ ποιῆσαι καὶ μὴ ποιῆσαι· οὐκ ἔστι δὲ ἐφ' ἡμῖν ποιῆσαι
τὰς τοῦ τριγώνου γωνίας μὴ εἶναι δυσὶν ὀρθαῖς ἀλλ' οὐδὲ τύχης οὐδὲν
εἰς τοῦτο δεῖ, ἀλλ' ὥρισται τὰ θεωρήματα ἐξ ἀιδίου. ἀλλ' οὐδὲ ἡ γραμ-
ματικὴ βουλεύεται πῶς γραπτέον. οὐκ ἀκριβεῖς δὲ οὐδὲ αὐτάρκεις τέχναι,
ὅσαι μὴ ἔχουσι τὸ ἀναγκαῖον ἀλλὰ τὸ ὡς ἐπὶ τὸ πολὺ καὶ δέονται τύχης,
οἷον ἰατρικὴ καὶ χρηματιστική· οὔτε γὰρ ὁ ἰατρὸς ἔχει ὡρισμένον θεώ-
ρημα ὡς πάντως ἐκ τοῦ τοιοῦδε ἰασόμενος, ἀλλ' ὅτι ὑπὸ τῆς τοιαύτης
διαίτης ὡς ἐπὶ τὸ πολὺ ὠφελοῦνται οἱ τοιοῦτοι, οὔτε ὁ χρηματιστὴς ὅτι
πάντως κερδανεῖ, ἀλλ' ὅτι ὡς ἐπὶ τὸ πολύ. δέονται δὲ καὶ τῆς τύχης.
καὶ ἐν αὐταῖς δὲ ταύταις ἄλλαι ἄλλων ἀκριβέστεραι καὶ αὐταρκέστεραι·
ἧττον γὰρ διηκρίβωται κυβερνητικὴ γυμναστικῆς καὶ τὸ πλεῖστον ἐπὶ τῇ .

Alexander Phil., In Aristotelis metaphysica commentaria “Alexandri


Aphrodisiensis in Aristotelis metaphysica commentaria”, Ed. Hayduck,

M.Berlin: Reimer, 1891; Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca 1.Σελ.
260, Γρ. 29

διὰ τοιούτων γὰρ ἡ πεῖρα· καὶ γὰρ πρὸς τὸ διελέγξαι πολλάκις τἀληθῆ
χρῶνται τῇ πειραστικῇ, ὃ οὐ γίνεται δι' ἀληθῶν τε καὶ ἀποδεικτικῶν,
ἀλλὰ διὰ πιθανῶν τε καὶ ἐνδόξων. τὴν δὲ σοφιστικὴν φαινομένην φησίν,
οὖσαν δὲ οὔ, ἤτοι διαλεκτικὴν φαινομένην, ὅτι ἐκ φαινομένων ἐνδόξων,
ἢ φαινομένην σοφίαν, οὖσαν δ' οὔ, εἴ γε ἐστὶν ἀπὸ φαινομένης σοφίας

Chrysippus Phil., Fragmenta moralia Stoicorum veterum fragmenta,

vol. 3”, Ed. von Arnim, J.Leipzig: Teubner, 1903, Repr. 1968.Fragment
623, Γρ. 5

Stobaeus ecl. II 95, 9 W. <Οἰκονομικὸν δ' εἶναι μόνον λέ-

γουσι τὸν σπουδαῖον καὶ ἀγαθὸν οἰκονόμον, ἔτι δὲ χρηματιστικόν. Τὴν
μὲν γὰρ οἰκονομικὴν εἶναι θεωρητικὴν ἕξιν καὶ πρακτικὴν τῶν οἴκῳ συμ-
φερόντων· τὴν δ' οἰκονομίαν διάταξιν περὶ ἀναλωμάτων καὶ ἔργων καὶ
κτή-σεως ἐπιμέλειαν καὶ τῶν κατ' ἀγρὸν ἐργαζομένων· <τὴν δὲ
χρηματιστικὴν ἐμπειρίαν περιποιήσεως χρημάτων ἀφ' ὧν δέον καὶ ἕξιν
ὁμολογουμένως ἀνα-στρέφεσθαι ποιοῦσαν ἐν συναγωγῇ χρημάτων καὶ
τηρήσει καὶ ἀναλώσει πρὸς εὐπορίαν· τὸ δὲ χρηματίζεσθαί τινες μὲν
μέσον εἶπον εἶναι, τινὲς δὲ ἀστεῖον. Φαῦλον δὲ μηδένα προστάτην
ἀγαθὸν οἴκου γίνεσθαι, μηδὲ δύνασθαι οἰκίαν εὖ οἰκονομουμένην
παρασχεῖν. Μόνον δὲ τὸν σπουδαῖον ἄνδρα χρηματιστικὸν.

Thales Phil., Testimonia Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker, vol. 1, 6th

edn.”, Ed. Diels, H., Kranz, W.Berlin: Weidmann, 1951, Repr.
1966.Fragment 10, Γρ. 2

ΠΛΆΤΩΝ Theaet. 174 A ὥσπερ καὶ Θαλῆν ἀστρονομοῦντα, ὦ

Θεόδωρε, καὶ ἄνω βλέποντα, πεσόντα εἰς φρέαρ, Θρᾶιττά τις ἐμμελὴς καὶ
χαρίεσσα θεραπαινὶς ἀποσκῶψαι λέγεται, ὡς τὰ μὲν ἐν οὐρανῶι
προθυμοῖτο εἰδέναι, τὰ δ' ὄπισθεν αὐτοῦ καὶ παρὰ πόδας λανθάνοι αὐτόν.
ARISTOT. Pol. A. 11 1259a 6 πάντα γὰρ ὠφέλιμα ταῦτ' ἐστὶ τοῖς τιμῶσι
τὴν χρηματιστικήν, οἶον καὶ τὸ Θαλέω τοῦ Μιλησίου. τοῦτο γάρ ἐστι
κατανόημά τι χρηματιστικόν· ἀλλ' ἐκείνωι μὲν διὰ τὴν σοφίαν
προσάπτουσι, τυγχάνει δὲ καθόλου τι ὄν. ὀνειδιζόντων γὰρ αὐτῶι διὰ τὴν
πενίαν ὡς ἀνωφελοῦς τῆς φιλοσοφίας οὔσης, κατανοήσαντά φασιν αὐτὸν
ἐλαιῶν φορὰν ἐσομένην ἐκ τῆς ἀστρολογίας, ἔτι χειμῶνος ὄντος

εὐπορήσαντα χρημάτων ὀλίγων ἀρραβῶνας διαδοῦναι τῶν ἐλαιουργείων

τῶν τ' ἐν Μιλήτωι καὶ Χίωι πάντων.

Vettius Valens Astrol., Anthologiarum libri ix (1764: 001)

“Vettii Valentis anthologiarum libri”, Ed. Kroll, W.Berlin: Weidmann,
1908, Repr. 1973.Σελ. 8, Γρ. 1

…πίστεις ἀναδεχόμενοι· γίνονται δὲ καὶ ἑρμηνεῖς, ἐμπορικοί, κριτι-

κοὶ κακῶν καὶ ἀγαθῶν, φρόνιμοι, περίεργοι, ἀποκρύφων μύσται.
καὶ ὅσα ποτὲ ὁ οἰκοδεσπότης εἴωθεν ἀποτελεῖν κατὰ τὴν ἰδίαν
φύσιν ἤτοι ἀγαθὰ ἢ φαῦλα ἢ ἥττονα ἢ μείζονα, ταῦτα καὶ ἓν
ἕκαστον τῶν ζῳδίων ἀποτελέσει κατὰ τὴν τοῦ οἰκοδεσπότου σχη
ματογραφίαν χρηματιστικὴν ἢ ἀχρημάτιστον, ἵνα μὴ δοκῶμεν τὰ
αὐτὰ γράφειν. εἰσὶ δὲ καὶ εὐδιεινοί· κατὰ μέρος δὲ αἱ γʹ μοῖραι
εὐτελεῖς, φθαρτικαί· ἀπὸ γʹ ἕως ζʹ, εὔυγρα· εὐκρασία δέ ἐστιν
ἀπὸ μοίρας ζʹ ἕως ιεʹ· <τὰ νότια εὔυγρα· τὰ δὲ ἔσχατα μεμιγ-
μένα· ἀστέρας δὲ ἔχει καʹ. κεῖται δὲ ἐν ἀνέμῳ λιβί. πρόσκειται .

Vettius Valens Astrol., Anthologiarum libri ix Σελ. 204, Γρ. 17

…ζῳδίοις οἱ μῆνες χρηματίζουσι καὶ τὴν ἀρχὴν ἔχουσιν· ὁποίαν ἂν

τύχῃ ἐπὶ γενέσεως ἔχουσα ἡ Σελήνη ἤτοι ἀπὸ συνόδου ἢ ἀπὸ
πανσελήνου, καὶ ἐπὶ τὴν ὁμοίαν ἀναπληροῖ ἡ τοῦ μηνός. οἷον
ἐὰν τριταία ἢ πεμπταία ἤτοι ἀπὸ τῆς συνόδου ἢ πανσελήνου,
ἔκτοτε ἔσται καὶ ἡ ἀρχὴ τοῦ μηνός.

<κθʹ. <Περὶ ἡμέρας χρηματιστικῆς.

Vettius Valens Astrol., Anthologiarum libri ix Σελ. 215, Γρ. 1

<ζʹ. <Περὶ ἡμέρας χρηματιστικῆς τε καὶ ἀπράκτου. ἀληθὴς αὕτη ἡ

διαίρεσις τῶν ἡμερῶν.
Περὶ δὲ ἡμέρας χρηματιστικῆς τε καὶ ἀπράκτου οὕτως. τὰ
καταγόμενα τῆς γενέσεως ἔτη πλήρη πολυπλασίασον ἐπὶ τὸν εʹ δʹ
καὶ τὰς ἀπὸ τῆς γενέσεως ἕως τῆς ζητουμένης ἡμέρας συναγα-
γόντες καὶ ταῖς προτέραις ἐπισυμμίξαντες ἐκκρούομεν δωδεκάδας,

Flavius Claudius Julianus Imperator Phil., Εἰς τοὺς ἀπαιδεύτους κύνας

“L'empereur Julien. Oeuvres complètes, vol. 2.1”, Ed. Rochefort, G.
Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1963.Τμ. 6, Γρ. 7

…ταύτης εἰσὶν ἐρασταὶ ξύμπαντες ὧν τε ὑπεμνήσθην μικρῷ


πρότερον, ὧν τε ἐν δίκῃ νῦν εἴποιμι ἂν τοὔνομα, τοὺς τοῦ

Κιτιέως ὁμιλητὰς λέγω, οἵ, τὰς πόλεις ἰδόντες ἀποδι-
δρασκούσας τὸ λίαν ἀκραιφνὲς καὶ καθαρὸν τῆς ἐλευθερίας
τοῦ κυνός, ἐσκέπασαν αὐτόν, ὥσπερ οἶμαι, παραπετάς-
μασιν οἰκονομίᾳ καὶ τῇ χρηματιστικῇ καὶ τῇ πρὸς τὴν
γυναῖκα συνόδῳ καὶ παιδοτροφίᾳ, ἵν' οἶμαι ταῖς πόλεσιν
αὐτὸν ἐγγύθεν ἐπιστήσωσι φύλακα· ὅτι δὲ τὸ «Γνῶθι
σαυτὸν» κεφάλαιον τίθενται φιλοσοφίας, οὐ μόνον ἐξ ὧν
κατεβάλλοντο ξυγγραμμάτων ὑπὲρ αὐτοῦ τούτου πεισθείης
ἄν, εἴπερ ἐθέλοις, ἀλλὰ πολὺ πλέον ἀπὸ τοῦ τῆς .

Porphyrius Phil., De abstinentia Porphyrii philosophi Πλάτων nici

opuscula selecta, 2nd edn.”, Ed. Nauck, A.Leipzig: Teubner, 1886, Repr.
1963.Βιβ. 4, Τμ. 10, Γρ. 5

…τοῖς πολλοῖς οὐδενὸς ἄξια αὐτοὶ εἰς σέβας κατηξίωσαν.] προσγέγονε δ'
αὐτοῖς οὐχ ἧττον τῶν εἰρημέ νων κἀκεῖνο εἰς πίστιν τοῦ σεβάσματος [καὶ
τὰ ζῷα]. τὴν γὰρ ψυχὴν ἀπολυθεῖσαν τοῦ σώματος κατέλαβον παντὸς
ζῴου λογικήν τε οὖσαν καὶ προγνωστικὴν τοῦ μέλλοντος καὶ
χρηματιστικὴν δραστικήν τε πάντων ὧν καὶ ἄνθρωπος ἀπολυθείς. διὸ
εἰκότως ἐτίμησαν καὶ ὡς οἷόν τέ ἐστιν ἀπέσχοντο αὐτῶν. πολλοῦ δὲ
ὄντος λόγου δι' ἣν αἰτίαν διὰ τῶν ζῴων οἱ Αἰγύπτιοι τοὺς θεοὺς
ἐσέφθησαν καὶ μείζονος τῆς παρούσης πραγματείας, ἀρκεῖ τὰ
δεδηλωμένα περὶ αὐτῶν.

Joannes Stobaeus Anthologus, Anthologium “Ioannis Stobaei

anthologium, 5 vols.”, Ed. Wachsmuth, C., Hense, O.Berlin: Weidmann,
1–2:1884; 3:1894; 4:1909; 5:1912, Repr. 1958.Βιβ. 2, Κεφ. 7, Τμ. 11d,
Γρ. 13

…καὶ ἀγαθὸν <οἰκονόμον, ἔτι δὲ <χρηματιστικόν.

Τὴν μὲν γὰρ <οἰκονομικὴν εἶναι θεωρητικὴν ἕξιν καὶ
πρακτικὴν τῶν οἴκῳ συμφερόντων· τὴν δ' <οἰκονομίαν
διάταξιν περὶ ἀναλωμάτων καὶ ἔργων καὶ κτήσεως ἐπι-
μέλειαν καὶ τῶν κατ' ἀγρὸν ἐργαζομένων· τὴν δὲ <χρη-
ματιστικὴν ἐμπειρίαν περιποιήσεως χρημάτων ἀφ'
ὧν δέον καὶ ἕξιν ὁμολογουμένως ἀναστρέφεσθαι ποιοῦσαν
ἐν συναγωγῇ χρημάτων καὶ τηρήσει καὶ ἀναλώσει πρὸς
εὐπορίαν· τὸ δὲ χρηματίζεσθαί τινες μὲν μέσον εἶπον
εἶναι, τινὲς δὲ ἀστεῖον. <Φαῦλον δὲ μηδένα προστάτην
ἀγαθὸν οἴκου γίνεσθαι, μηδὲ δύνασθαι οἰκίαν .

Joannes Stobaeus Anthologus, Anthologium Βιβ. 2, Κεφ. 7, Τμ. 26, Γρ.


… ἢ τὰς προσόδους αὔξοντα διὰ πορισμῶν ἐλευθερίων

ἢ τὰ δαπανήματα συστέλλοντα· μέγιστον γὰρ δὴ τοῦτο
τὸ κεφάλαιον τῆς οἰκονομικῆς. Διὸ καὶ πολλῶν ἔμπειρον
<δεῖν εἶναι τὸν οἰκονομικόν, γεωργίας, προβατείας, μεταλ-
λείας, ἵνα τοὺς λυσιτελεστάτους καρποὺς ἅμα καὶ δικαιο-
τάτους διαγινώσκῃ. Τῆς δὲ <χρηματιστικῆς τὴν μὲν
εἶναι κρείττω, τὴν δὲ χείρω· κρείττω μὲν τὴν φύσει
γιγνομένην, χείρω δὲ τὴν διὰ καπηλικῆς. <Καὶ ταῦτα
μὲν περὶ <οἰκονομικῆς ἀπόχρη.

Hephaestion Astrol., Apotelesmatica (epitomae quattuor) Hephaestionis

Thebani apotelesmaticorum libri tres, vol. 2”, Ed. Pingree, D.Leipzig:
Teubner, 1974.Σελ. 32, Γρ. 3

Σελήνης. ἐὰν δὲ σινωθείσης τῆς Σελήνης οἱ κακοποιοὶ

αὐτὴν ἐφορῶσι κακὸν σημεῖον τοῦ διώκοντος· οὐ γὰρ μόνον
ἡττηθήσεται, ἀλλὰ καὶ ὑβρισθήσεται καὶ βλαβήσεται. ἡ
Σελήνη ὅταν ᾖ συνοδικὴ ὑπὸ τὰς αὐγὰς τοῦ Ἡλίου τότε
ὁ ἰσχυρότερος νικήσει τὸν ταπεινότερον.
Ἐὰν δὲ χρηματιστικὴ ᾖ ἡ δίκη οὕτω δεῖ σκοπεῖν. Σελήνη
αὐξιφωτοῦσά ἐστιν ὁ δανειστής, ὁ δὲ Ἥλιος ὁ ὀφειλέτης,
εἰ δὲ ἡ Σελήνη λήγει ἀνάπαλιν ὁ μὲν Ἥλιος ὁ δανειστής,
ἡ δὲ Σελήνη ὁ χρεώστης. ὅστις οὖν ἐκ τῶν δύο κεῖται ἐν
κρείττονι τόπῳ καὶ οἰκειοτοπεῖ μᾶλλον τοῦ ἑτέρου καὶ
ἀγαθύνεται μᾶλλον ἐκεῖνος τὸ οἰκεῖον πρόσωπον .

Eunapius Hist., Soph., Vitae sophistarum Eunapii vitae sophistarum”,

Ed. Giangrande, J.Rome: Polygraphica, 1956.Βιβ. 6, Κεφ. 1, Τμ. 1, Γρ.

Αἰδέσιος δὲ κατέλαβε τὸ Μύσιον Πέργαμον.

ΑΙΔΕΣΙΟΣ. Ἐκδέχεται δὲ τὴν Ἰαμβλίχου διατριβὴν καὶ
ὁμιλίαν ἐς τοὺς ἑταίρους Αἰδέσιος ὁ ἐκ Καππαδοκίας. ἦν δὲ
τῶν εὖ γεγονότων εἰς ἄκρον, πλοῦτος δὲ οὐχ ὑπῆν τῷ
γένει πολύς, καὶ ὅ γε πατὴρ αὐτὸν ἐκπέμψας ἐπὶ παιδείαν
χρηματιστικὴν ἐκ Καππαδοκίας ἐπὶ τὴν Ἑλλάδα, εἶτα ἐκδε-
χόμενος ὡς θησαυρὸν ἐπὶ τῷ παιδὶ εὑρήσων, ἐπειδή πο-
τε, ἐπανελθόντος, φιλοσοφοῦντα ᾔσθετο, τῆς οἰκίας ὡς

ἀχρεῖον ἀπήλαυνε. καὶ ἐκδιώκων “τί γάρ” ἔφη “σοφία ὠφε-

λεῖ;” ὁ δὲ ὑποστραφείς “οὐ μικρά, πάτερ,” ἔφη, “πατέρα
καὶ διώκοντα προσκυνεῖν.”

Michael Psellus Polyhist., Oratoria minora “Michaelis Pselli oratoria

minora”, Ed. Littlewood, A.R.Leipzig: Teubner, 1985.Oration 18, Γρ. 88

καὶ ἵνα τι σοὶ γελοῖον εἴπω διήγημα, ῥήτορά τις, τὸν τὰ Ξέρξου καὶ
Δαρείου ἐν ταῖς δημηγορίαις ἤθη ὑποκρινόμενον, εὔωνόν τι εὑρηκὼς
ὠνούμενον ἔδεσμα ‘πῶς’, ἔφη, ‘ὦ βέλτιστε, Ξέρξης καὶ Δαρεῖος γενήσῃ
τοιαῦτα σιτούμενος;’ τὸν αὐτὸν οὖν σοι κἀγὼ λόγον ἐρῶ ὅτι πῶς ἂν
χρηματιζόμενος τὸ ὑπερφυὲς θηράσῃς χρῆμα, τὴν γεωμετρίαν φημί; τί
δὲ μὴ περὶ τὴν χρηματιστικὴν πραγματεύειν αἱρῇ; ἔστι γὰρ καὶ
χρημάτων συλλογιστικὴ ἐπιστήμη καὶ λόγοι κερδαλεώτατοι, ὥσπερ δὴ
καὶ παρ' Ἕλλησιν ὁ Κερδῷος θεός· τὸ γὰρ οὕτως εἰπεῖν ἢ οὕτως καὶ
καπηλεῦ-σαι τὸν ἀνθοσμίαν καὶ νοθεῦσαι τὸ στάθμιον καὶ τὰ ζυγὰ
διαφθεῖραι καὶ καταχαλκεῦσαι τὸν ἄργυρον καὶ τὰς ἀκάνθας τῶν
ὑφασμάτων συστεῖλαι λειώσαντα τοῖς κυλίσμασι καὶ τὸν δάκτυλον ὡδὶ
παρενεγκεῖν σταθμώμενον .

Olympiodorus Phil., In Πλάτων nis Alcibiadem commentarii (4019:

004)“Olympiodorus. Commentary on the first Alcibiades of Πλάτων ”,
Ed. Westerink, L.G.Amsterdam: Hakkert, 1956, Repr. 1982.Τμ. 200, Γρ.

…τὸν τὴν οὐσίαν βελτίω ποιοῦντα, οὐ τὴν ἐνέργειαν’. τρεῖς γάρ εἰσι
συστοιχίαι καὶ τρία πράγματα· ἐγώ, τὸ ἐμόν, τὸ τοῦ ἐμοῦ. καὶ οὔτε
τὰ πράγματα συγχέονται πρὸς ἄλληλα οὔτε ἡ ἐπιμέλεια οὔτε αἱ τελειό-
τητες, ἀλλὰ μὴν οὔτε αἱ τέχναι αἱ ποριστικαὶ τῆς τελειότητος. ἑαυτῶν
μὲν γὰρ τελειότης γίνεται διὰ φιλοσοφίας, τοῦ ἐμοῦ δὲ διὰ γυμναστικῆς
καὶ ἰατρικῆς, τῶν δὲ τοῦ ἐμοῦ διὰ χρηματιστικῆς.
Ἣ ἐκείνη ᾗ πόδας βελτίους ποιοῦμεν; τουτέστιν ὅτι ‘οὐ διὰ σκυτικῆς
βελτίους ποιοῦμεν τοὺς πόδας, ἀλλὰ ἄλλῃ τέχνῃ· αὕτη δέ ἐστιν ἡ καὶ
τὸ ἄλλο σῶμα ποιοῦσα βέλτιον, ὡς ἡ γυμναστική’.

Ευστράτιος. In Aristotelis Ηθικά Νικομάχεια. vi commentaria

“Eustratii et Michaelis et anonyma in Ηθικά Νικομάχεια. commentaria”,
Ed. Heylbut, G.Berlin: Reimer, 1892; Commentaria in Aristotelem

Graeca 20.Σελ. 307, Γρ. 15

…ἐνεργείας ἀποτελούμενον, ὡς οἰκοδομικὴν μὲν οἶκον,

δὲ ἀνδριάντα καὶ ἑκάστην τῶν ποιητικῶν τὰ ἑαυτῆς, φρόνησιν δὲ
τοιοῦτον οὐδέν, εἰσὶ δὲ καὶ τέχναι πρακτικαί τινες ἕτεραι παρὰ τὰς
ποιητικάς, ὧν τὰ τέλη οὐ ποιήματα ἀλλά τινα ἕτερα ταῖς κατ' αὐτὰς
ἐνεργείαις ἑπό-μενα, ὡς τῇ μὲν τῆς στρατηγικῆς ἐνεργείᾳ ἕπεται νίκη, τῇ
δὲ τῆς οἰκο-νομικῆς ἢ χρηματιστικῆς πλοῦτος, καὶ ἄλλα τὰ τέλη ταῦτα
παρὰ τὰς ἐν-εργείας εἰσίν, εἰκὸς ἦν τὴν φρόνησιν μίαν δόξαι τῶν
πρακτικῶν τεχνῶν. διὰ τοῦτο ταῦτα προστίθησιν, ἵνα καὶ τῶν πρακτικῶν
τεχνῶν δείξῃ ἑτέραν οὖσαν τὴν φρόνησιν. πάσης γὰρ τέχνης ἕτερον παρὰ
τὴν ἐνέργειαν τὸ
τέλος, εἴτε ποιητικῆς † ὅτι τὸ τέλος ἕτερον φανερόν· ποίημα γάρ ἐστιν,
οἷον οἶκος ἢ ἀνδριὰς ἤ τι ἕτερον.

Ευστράτιος. In Aristotelis Ηθικά Νικομάχεια. vi commentaria

Σελ. 307, Γρ. 23

οὖσαν τὴν φρόνησιν. πάσης γὰρ τέχνης ἕτερον παρὰ τὴν ἐνέργειαν τὸ
τέλος, εἴτε ποιητικῆς † ὅτι τὸ τέλος ἕτερον φανερόν· ποίημα γάρ ἐστιν,
οἷον οἶκος ἢ ἀνδριὰς ἤ τι ἕτερον. τῆς δὲ πρακτικῆς εἰ καὶ μὴ ποίημα
τὸ τέλος, ἀλλ' ἔστι τι ἕτερον τῇ ἐνεργείᾳ ἑπόμενον παρ' αὐτὴν τὴν ἐνέρ-
γειαν, ὡς ἡ νίκη τῇ τῆς στρατηγικῆς καὶ <τῇ τῆς οἰκονομικῆς καὶ τῇ
τῆς χρηματιστικῆς ὁ πλοῦτος. διαφέρει οὖν καὶ τούτων καὶ τῶν πρακτι-
κῶν τεχνῶν ἡ φρόνησις, ὅτι καὶ αὕτη πρακτικὴ οὖσα ἕξις αὐτὸ ἔχει τέλος
τὸ πρᾶξαι καλῶς. εἰ δὲ καὶ κλέος πολλάκις καὶ ἔπαινοι ἕπονται τοῖς εὖ
πράττουσιν, ἀλλ' οὐ τέλη ταῦτα φρονήσεως. ἦν γὰρ ἂν ὁ φρόνιμος ἄρε-
σκος, οὐ τὸ ἀγαθὸν ἔχων τέλος τῆς αὑτοῦ ἕξεως, ὃ ἡ εὐπραξία ἐστίν,
ἀλλὰ τὸ ἀρέσκειν τοῖς ἐπαινέταις· νῦν δ' οὐδενὸς τοιούτου ὁ τῷ ὄντι

Anonymi In Aristotelis Ηθικά Νικομάχεια. Phil., In Ηθικά

Νικομάχεια. paraphrasis (pseudepigraphum olim a Constantino
Palaeocappa confectum et olim sub auctore Heliodoro Prusensi vel
Andronico Rhodio vel Olympiodoro) (4033: 003)
“Heliodori in Ηθικά Νικομάχεια. paraphrasis”, Ed. Heylbut, G.
Berlin: Reimer, 1889; Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca 19.2.
Σελ. 47, Γρ. 22

περὶ γὰρ <τὰς ἀκριβεῖς καὶ αὐτάρκεις τῶν ἐπιστημῶν οὐκ ἔστι
βουλή, οἷον περὶ τῶν γραμμάτων· οὐ γὰρ διστάζομεν πῶς γρα-

πτέον, ὅτι ἐγνωσμένον ἐστὶν ἀκριβῶς καὶ ὡρισμένα εἰσὶ τὰ σημεῖα. ἀλλ'
ὅσα γίνονται ὑφ' ἡμῶν δυνάμενα πολλαχῶς γενέσθαι, <περὶ τούτων βου-
λευόμεθα, οἷον περὶ τῶν κατὰ τὴν ἰατρικὴν πράξεων, αἵτινες οὐ πάνυ
εἰσὶν ὡρισμέναι ἢ τὴν χρηματιστικήν (πολλαχῶς γὰρ δυνατὸν χρηματί-
σασθαι) ἢ τὴν κυβερνητικὴν ἢ γυμναστικήν· καὶ μᾶλλον <περὶ τῶν κατὰ
τὴν κυβερνητικὴν βουλευσόμεθα ἢ τὴν γυμναστικήν, ἐπεὶ καὶ ἔλαττόν
ἀκριβὴς ἡ κυβερνητική· καὶ περὶ τῶν λοιπῶν ὁμοίως. πλέον δὲ περὶ τῶν
κατὰ τὰς τέχνας βουλευσόμεθα ἢ τὰς ἐπιστήμας· πλέον γὰρ διστάζομεν
ἐν ταῖς τέχναις, ὅτι ἔλαττόν εἰσιν ὡρισμέναι τῶν ἐπιστημῶν.

Michael Phil., In Aristotelis sophisticos elenchos commentarius (=

Pseudo–Alexander 1) (olim sub auctore Alexandro Aphrodisiensi)
“Alexandri quod fertur in Aristotelis sophisticos elenchos
commentarium”, Ed. Wallies, M.Berlin: Reimer, 1898; Commentaria in
Aristotelem Graeca 2.3.Σελ. 8, Γρ. 1

διδασκαλίαν ἔρχονται, οὕτω δὴ καὶ αὐτὸς ἐνταῦθα ποιήσει. πρῶτα δ' ἂν

εἴη τῆς σοφιστικῆς μεθόδου ἥ τε διαίρεσις ἣν λέγει καὶ τὸ δεῖξαι ὅτι ἔστιν
εἶδός τι τοιούτου λόγου σοφιστικοῦ, καὶ τὸ τίνων ἐφίενται οἱ σοφισταί,
καὶ τίς ἡ τούτων προαίρεσις, καὶ τίνα ἐστὶ δι' ἃ μετίασι καὶ ζητοῦσι τοὺς
τοιούτους λόγους, ὅτι τὸ δοκεῖν εἶναι σοφοὶ καὶ ὁ χρηματισμὸς καὶ ὁ
πλοῦτος· “ἡ γὰρ σοφιστική ἐστι χρηματιστική τις ἀπὸ φαινομένης
σοφίας, διὸ καὶ φαινομένων ἐφίενται ἀποδείξεων”· κἀν τούτῳ γὰρ τῆς
διαλεκτικῆς ἡ σοφιστικὴ διαφέρει, ὡς ἐκείνη μὲν πρὸς δόξαν μόνον
ἀφορᾷ, αὕτη δὲ <καὶ πρὸς τὸ χρηματίζεσθαι.

Leo Magentinus Phil., Commentarium in Aristotelis sophisticos

elenchos (excerpta e cod. Vat. gr. 244) “”Vaticanus Urbinas Graecus 35.
An edition of the scholia on Aristotle's sophistici elenchi””, Ed. Bülow–
Jacobsen, A., Ebbesen, S., 1982; Cahiers de l'Institut du moyen–âge grec
et latin 43.Bekker pagëΓρ. 165a19, Γρ. of scholion 13

ἣ καὶ ἐπιστημονεῖ τὴν ψυχὴν καὶ τέλειον τὸν ἄνθρωπον ἀπεργάζε-

ται, δυσπόριστος δέ ἐστι καὶ διὰ χρόνων πολλῶν καὶ ἱδρώτων
τοῖς πονοῦσιν ἐπιγίνεται· ἡ δέ ἐστι φαινομένη μὲν σοφία, οὐκ
οὖσα δὲ κυρίως, ἡ καὶ τῶν τοιούτων σοφισμάτων ἐφευρετική, ῥα-
δίως κτωμένη τοῖς ἀνθρώποις καὶ εὐκατόρθωτος. Λέγεται δὲ χρη-
ματιστική, καὶ οἱ περὶ ταύτην καταγινόμενοι σοφισταὶ χρηματι-
σταί, ὡς ὁ Ἱππίας καὶ Γοργίας καὶ Πρωταγόρας ἀπὸ τῆς φαινο-
μένης ταύτης σοφίας πολλὰ χρήματα ἐπορίσαντο. Διήρχοντο γὰρ
οὗτοι περὶ τὰς ἀγορὰς καὶ τὰς κώμας ἑαυτοὺς ἐπιδεικνύμενοι,

καὶ θαυμαστοὶ τάχα τινὲς ἐδόκουν τοῖς ἀκούουσιν· ὑπισχνοῦντο

δὲ καὶ τοὺς παῖδας αὐτῶν δι' ὀλίγου χρόνου τοιούτους …

Καινή Διαθήκη Λουκάς Οικονομία

Λκ Ιστ‐1 ῎Ελεγε δὲ καὶ πρὸς τοὺς μαθητὰς αὐτοῦ· ἄνθρωπός τις ἦν πλούσιος,
ὃς εἶχεν οἰκονόμον, καὶ οὗτος διεβλήθη αὐτῷ ὡς διασκορπίζων τὰ
ὑπάρχοντα αὐτοῦ. 146
Λκ Ιστ‐2 καὶ φωνήσας αὐτὸν εἶπεν αὐτῷ· τί τοῦτο ἀκούω περὶ σοῦ; ἀπόδος
τὸν λόγον τῆς οἰκονομίας σου· οὐ γὰρ δύνῃ ἔτι οἰκονομεῖν,
Λκ Ιστ‐3 εἶπε δὲ ἐν ἑαυτῷ ὁ οἰκονόμος· τί ποιήσω, ὅτι ὁ κύριός μου ἀφαιρεῖται
τὴν οἰκονομίαν ἀπ᾿ ἐμοῦ; σκάπτειν οὐκ ἰσχύω, ἐπαιτεῖν αἰσχύνομαι·
Λκ Ιστ‐4 ἔγνων τί ποιήσω, ἵνα, ὅταν μετασταθῶ ἐκ τῆς οἰκονομίας, δέξωνταί
με εἰς τοὺς οἴκους ἑαυτῶν.
Λκ Ιστ‐5 καὶ προσκαλεσάμενος ἕνα ἕκαστον τῶν χρεωφειλετῶν τοῦ κυρίου
ἑαυτοῦ ἔλεγε τῷ πρώτῳ· πόσον ὀφείλεις σὺ τῷ κυρίῳ μου;
Λκ Ιστ‐6 ὁ δὲ εἶπεν· ἑκατὸν βάτους ἐλαίου. καὶ εἶπεν αὐτῷ· δέξαι σου τὸ
γράμμα καὶ καθίσας ταχέως γράψον πεντήκοντα.
Λκ Ιστ‐7 ἔπειτα ἑτέρῳ εἶπε· σὺ δὲ πόσον ὀφείλεις; ὁ δὲ εἶπεν· ἑκατὸν κόρους
σίτου. καὶ λέγει αὐτῷ· δέξαι σου τὸ γράμμα καὶ γράψον ὀγδοήκοντα.
Λκ Ιστ‐8 καὶ ἐπῄνεσεν ὁ κύριος τὸν οἰκονόμον τῆς ἀδικίας, ὅτι φρονίμως
ἐποίησεν· ὅτι οἱ υἱοὶ τοῦ αἰῶνος τούτου φρονιμώτεροι ὑπὲρ τοὺς υἱοὺς τοῦ
φωτὸς εἰς τὴν γενεὰν τὴν ἑαυτῶν εἰσι.
Λκ Ιστ‐9 κἀγὼ ὑμῖν λέγω· ποιήσατε ἑαυτοῖς φίλους ἐκ τοῦ μαμωνᾶ τῆς
ἀδικίας, ἵνα, ὅταν ἐκλίπητε, δέξωνται ὑμᾶς εἰς τὰς αἰωνίους σκηνάς.
Λκ Ιστ‐10 ὁ πιστὸς ἐν ἐλαχίστῳ καὶ ἐν πολλῷ πιστός ἐστι, καὶ ὁ ἐν ἐλαχίστῳ
ἄδικος καὶ ἐν πολλῷ ἄδικός ἐστιν.
Λκ Ιστ‐11 εἰ οὖν ἐν τῷ ἀδίκῳ μαμωνᾶ πιστοὶ οὐκ ἐγένεσθε, τὸ ἀληθινὸν τίς
ὑμῖν πιστεύσει;
Λκ Ιστ‐12 καὶ εἰ ἐν τῷ ἀλλοτρίῳ πιστοὶ οὐκ ἐγένεσθε, τὸ ὑμέτερον τίς ὑμῖν
Λκ Ιστ‐13 Οὐδεὶς οἰκέτης δύναται δυσὶ κυρίοις δουλεύειν· ἢ γὰρ τὸν ἕνα
μισήσει καὶ τὸν ἕτερον ἀγαπήσει, ἢ ἑνὸς ἀνθέξεται καὶ τοῦ ἑτέρου
καταφρονήσει. οὐ δύνασθε Θεῷ δουλεύειν καὶ μαμωνᾷ.
Λκ Ιστ‐14 ῎Ηκουον δὲ ταῦτα πάντα καὶ οἱ Φαρισαῖοι φιλάργυροι ὑπάρχοντες,
καὶ ἐξεμυκτήριζον αὐτόν.
Λκ Ιστ‐15 καὶ εἶπεν αὐτοῖς· ὑμεῖς ἐστε οἱ δικαιοῦντες ἑαυτοὺς ἐνώπιον τῶν
ἀνθρώπων, ὁ δὲ Θεὸς γινώσκει τὰς καρδίας ὑμῶν· ὅτι τὸ ἐν ἀνθρώποις
ὑψηλὸν βδέλυγμα ἐνώπιον τοῦ Θεοῦ

Λκ Ιστ‐16 ῾Ο νόμος καὶ οἱ προφῆται ἕως ᾿Ιωάννου· ἀπὸ τότε ἡ βασιλεία τοῦ
Θεοῦ εὐαγγελίζεται, καὶ πᾶς εἰς αὐτὴν βιάζεται.
Λκ Ιστ‐17 εὐκοπώτερον δέ ἐστι τὸν οὐρανὸν καὶ τὴν γῆν παρελθεῖν ἢ τοῦ
νόμου μίαν κεραίαν πεσεῖν.
Λκ Ιστ‐18 Πᾶς ὁ ἀπολύων τὴν γυναῖκα αὐτοῦ καὶ γαμῶν ἑτέραν μοιχεύει, καὶ
πᾶς ὁ ἀπολελυμένην ἀπὸ ἀνδρὸς γαμῶν μοιχεύει.
Λκ Ιστ‐19 ῎Ανθρωπος δέ τις ἦν πλούσιος, καὶ ἐνεδιδύσκετο πορφύραν καὶ
βύσσον εὐφραινόμενος καθ᾿ ἡμέραν λαμπρῶς.

Αγία Γραφή οικονομία

TLG Texts doing_search χρηματιστικη tlg Go

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Scriptorum veterum nova collectio e Vaticanis codicibus edita ab ...1833

ΛΟΙΠΟΙ ΤΩΝ ΑΓΙΩΝ ΠΑΤΕΡΩΝ ήγουν εκλογή χρήσεων, δι' ων την όλην
της αποτολικής εκκλησίας δόξαν σαφώς διδασκόμεθα, τότε της θεολογίας
φημι κήρυγμα, και της θείας οικονομίας τον λόγον, και το άλλων ... τ
πατρος εβήλθε, ν --καθώς ουσιν ή γραφή, ό το πνεύμα εκ του θεού, και
παρά η πατρος εκπορεύε;), αλλ' (1) Qui sequitur Nysseni tractus, totus alest
ab editionibus, etian a parisiaca Morelli an.
Haereticus Magister ab orthodoxo discipulo confutatus Σελίδα 3 1706 ...
όσις αυταλήθεια τυγχάνφ, τέτο 3 καλώς είχάν, εδρώφ, ει ψώδης παρ' ημών
η Αγία Γραφή... ή βεβαιότατον και αναλλοίωτον είναι, ο άν ελαλήθη..
Μέγα τω όντι ή και Θεώ, τοις ανθρώποις οικονομία ...
Alice Munro Αυτό κάνω κι εγώ, σκέφτηκε η Γκρέτα, οικονομία
δυνάμεων, τον περισσότερο καιρό. Φυλάγομαι με την Κέιτι, φυλάγομαι με
τον Πίτερ. Στη δεκαετία που είχαν ήδη μπει, αλλά ... παραβολές από την
Αγία Γραφή, αλλά και από το σήμερα, για τα απαίσια.
Ho hairetikos didaskalos hupo tou orthodoxou mathētou elegchomenos:
...1706 τιμή αυτή δεν επε απλές θεία τυγχάνέτο ή καλώς είχε άν εδρώφ ει
ψεύδης παρ' ημών ή Αγία Γραφή οκηρύξεις, τότε ... και αναλλοίωτεν είναι,
δάν ελαλήθη,. Μέγα το όνσι ή ο Θεέ πής ανθρώπους οικονομία
πέφυκεν, ...
Μεταφρασις Α. Κοραη ... ὑπο Α. Κορομηλα το τριτον ἐκδοθεισα..1836 …
ήθελεν ήσαν όμοιοι ενώπιον του Θεού ό δίκαιος και ο ασεβής, το όποιον
άτοπον είναι να συλλογισθή τις και περί ανθρώπου τινος δικαίου, πολλώ
μάλλον περί Θεού. Η Αγία Γραφή το ... Τούτο γίνεται κατ' εξαίρετον
οικονομία » του θεού.

Οι Δυο Μάρτυρες Μαρία Ηροφίλου 2012 «Τικομπογιαννίτικες αναλύσεις

είναι αυτές; Ποιός σου έμαθε ναερμηνεύεις μ' αυτό τον τρόπο την Αγία
Γραφή; Eσύ oύτε την ... Το'χουμε ξαναπεί ότι η πνευματική και οικονομική
ευμάρεια που διαδέχτηκετον πόλεμο, εσάςποτέ δεν σας συγκίνησε.
Η ελευθερία του ήθους Χρήστος Γιανναράς 2002 ... τους άπογυμνώσουμε
άπό το ύπαρκτικό περιεχόμενο που έχουν μέσα στην Αγία Γραφή. Η πίστη
είναι μια στάση έμπιστοσύνης και αυτοπαράδοσης στον Θεό, που ... –S.
BOULGAKOFF, «Ορθοδοξία και οικονομική ζωή», περιοδικό Σύνορο,
Heortologion (Festkalender) Σελίδα 58 1701 ... κατά το σολομόντίον
εκείνο, Ιο διατί θ δος μερίδα τοις είπα κνίγε τοις οκτώ δια τούτο και η Αγία
Γραφή ή πρώτην ακείνην όκοσμογόνον ημέρα, μίαν ή ονομά9) ζ Και
εféίεσο εατέρα 2 ... έτους της ενσαρκα οικονομίας του της δικαιοσμύης
Η'2ο ...
Χριστιανική Θεολογία: Μεταμορφώσεις της Σκέψης Αλέξης Καρπούζος,
Εργαστήριο Σκέψης 2014 Στη σκέψη του Ιουδαϊκού και αργότερα
Χριστιανικού κόσμου, η Ολότητα του Σύμπαντος Κόσμου αναδύεται από
το Μηδέν, εξαιτίας της ...
Ecclesiae Graecae Monumenta. 2 Σελίδα 117 1681 Ταύζα ή γραφής
υπαγορώούσης , υπεραπολογούμεθα τocjς τίιο χαζά θεό σαύεσιν υ αγάπην
σου ότι ουχ ούτως ο ... χαι ομόφρgνας ημίν τεί τε τίμο ασφαλή θεολογία
της ζωαρχικής και ομοουσίου αγίας στιάδος , και τία ένσαρκον οικονομία
, τoδ ...
Hē kainē diathēkē tu Kyriu kai Sōtēros hēmōn Jēsu Christu diglōttos:
...1710 ... τα μυσήρια της Αγίας Τριάδs», της ενστόρκα οικονομίας και
αιωνίς Λόγκ , της εξαγορήσεώς μας 2ja τέ αχράντε και λιμί, ... Περιέχει
λοιπόν η θεία γραφή καθόλg όλα & πζάμιαία τα αναγκαία σωτηρία των
ανθρώπων τότε λέγεται, πο, ...
Panoplia Dogmatike Alexiu Basileos Tu Komenu. (Panoplia dogmatica
...1710 ... λιτό γε, των ανθρωπίνως ειρημψύων διά τίμι μετα σαρκός
οικονομίας διορίζεσι τας Φωνας, σόκεις πρόσωπα δύο τέμνοντες, ώς
έΦίμι, ... κεκcrώδα, ύσοδείξωσιν ημίναι θεία γραφα και δοκήσει, αλλά
ενεργεία, cία ή την αυτόν ημίν δαγορώύεσιν εν πεσΦητικόις, και μuυ ο
Σάτο 5 ολικδις κηρύγμασιν . ... σαρκικώς σαρκωθρύτα Θεόν ή αγία
Θεοτόκος, πάσα πως αυάγκη , ώ και χ έκόντας αυτές ομολογείν, ότι
κοινόν ...

Tomos charas en ho periechontai: 3 Σελίδα 380 1705 ... και Πέτζα , δί

άκραν συγκατάβασιν προτεσιμηκώς τluό αγία αυτού εκκλησίαν, ό
σμυωκεαμύος αυ% εαυτόf4'δοκία του Θεω, και Πατζός ο ... &λλά το μετά
της όλης 2/3 ή οικονομία σιωοικευμούων αυτο", ο 2/σκονόμοτων σιω
αυτο' 2) και σω?lgνεμόντων τάχαείσματα αυτού. ... δικανικώς κατά το
τηeύτερs , και το ύσέe"ν παραλαμβανόμυα μαρτυρήματα της θείας γραφής
ώ τοί θεοπνόφων ερμηνέων αυτής αγίων ...
Seira henos kai pentēkonta hypomnēmatistōn eis tēn Oktateuchon kai
...1773 ... της οικονομίας των κατά τliύ απ' Αιγύπjs έξοδον πραγμάτων
τετρακόσια (7) κο τριάκοντα, καλτών κατά τιυ Αίγυπλον οξ ... (12) λέγα
δε ή Γραφή τεοσαράκοντα πήχεις έχαν Δ το μήκος τον ναόν,
αλ'εκαναντιέται, χως ρίς γαρ των λεγομcίων άγια ...
“S. Maximi ”Scholia in eos B. Dionysii libros qui extant. Michaelis ...1562
Χα. λώς οώ λέγνιδν,όπ εις της αγίας σειάδης δεν πω πωρώτύπ
κ7'νετoeιαιών και ακεφαλωνίδου λόφκσι, μία ή ... Η Καθηγεμόνων
κρυφία) σημείωσαι, όπ ά αίει ή'αιηγμένων, ε υπέρ τίωή" πολλών ακoίω
όντα,είτε ωει θεολογίας, είτε και τοείτης φυ ζωοπιού θεσύ οικονομίας
κρυφίως ... χτως και αμεταβλύπει είπε, και το ή όλου αθώεν διο και ο
Σπόςολος γράφων θεωαλονικεύσι φησί, χρίδα φυλάfiaν αυτοις ...
Orthodoxos Homologia tes pisteos tes katholikes ... ekklesias tes ...
[Anonymus AC09967557] 1699 Τώ λόγω Κιείκαι οι δρανοί έφερεώθησαν,
ο το" Πνώματι τύφόματος αυτό πάσα ή δύναΡωΙζ αυ". αέι και φησί
πλατύτερον υ ή Αγία Γραφή ... ιδίωμα και ειναι και η erσαρκος πασα
οικονομία , τίω οποιαν δού αιώληφε μήτε.
Historiae Byzantinae Scriptores Post Theophanem, Partim Nunc Primum
...1729 ζήλα εχόντων, προς έλεγχο των εναντίων της πίστως της
διδασκαλίας των αγίων και ορθοδόξων ημών Πατέρων, DISSERTATIO
AC ... και το γεγραμμένον οι μεν δe δόξή τε ο καθαρώ |όμματι τους ιεροίς
ή θεούς και γραφής περι, τυγχάνοντες λόγοις, ... σαρκός οικονομίας .


PRESS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 1916 By The University of Chicago
Published August 1916 Composed and Printed By The University of
Chicago Press Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. AUG 25 1916 PREFACE The

need of a reinterpretation of Greek Economic theory in the light of our

modern humanitarian Economy is presented in the introduction to this
work. If this volume may, in some degree, meet such a need, by awakening
the classicist to the existence of important phases of Greek thought with
which he is too unfamiHar, and by reminding the economist of the many
vital points of contact between Greek and modern Economy, our labor
will have been amply repaid. There are doubtless errors both in citations
and in judgment which will not escape the critic's eye. We trust, however,
that the work is, on the whole, a fair representation of
the thought of the Greek s in this important field. In the course of our study,
we have naturally been obhged to make constant reference to the actual
Economic environment of the Greek s, as a proper background for their

Λατινική γλώσσα Oeconomia

A Catalogue of Useful and Valuable Βιβ. s, ... Including the ...1798 1700
1205 Witsiusde Oeconomia Fœderum Dei cum Hominibua, 3s 6d tfi7? ...
Gardener.s and Botanist.s Dictionary, new, 2I 1t 1797 1236 Nicholfon.s
Chemical Dictionary, 2 vol. new, 2I 16s 1 795 1237 Parkhurst.s Greek and
Engli/h Lexicon, ...
A Companion to Families in the Greek and Roman Worlds Beryl Rawson
2010 So M. I. Finley opened his The Ancient Economy (1973) with the
acute observation that Oeconomia meant “household management,"
rather than modern-day “Economics,” from antiquity through to the early
eighteenth century, but then Finley ...
A Economia portuguesa em retrospectiva: edição comemorativa dos 20
...Aurora Teixeira 2008 edição comemorativa dos 20 anos dos working
papers da faculdade de Economia da Universidade do Porto Aurora ... 1
regions those with per capita income bellow 75% of EC average are located
in Ireland, Spain, Portugal and Greece.
A Large Dictionary: In Three Parts Thomas Holyoke 1677 ... sicilia, alize
шлет, ш omnino intelligentmeccßizria. 5. Bodem тат cenßi habena'aßint
(oil exaŕlum Lingue: Greece ас intelleŕlum, ... juris Civilis öc Canonici,
Francofurr. 1567. (z) Oeconomia Hippocrarirßccper Ритмы?
гапсо[иг:2‚158 8 ...
A New and General Biographical Dictionary: Containing an Historical
...1761 He translated into Latin the whole works of Hippocrates, and

judiciously corrected the Greek text, as he went along. ... He composed a

kind of Dictionary to Hippocrates, intitled, Oeconomia Hippocratis, in an
alphabetical order } and was the ...
A Subtle and Mysterious Machine: The Medical World of Walter ...Emily
Booth 2006 'The Life of Marcellus, translated from the Greek ', published
in Plutarch's Lives, ed. ... Oeconomia animalis, Oeconomia superstructa et
mechanice explicata (Acc. ejusdem diss. epist. de ortu animæ humanæ,
Londini, Typis R. Danielis, & J.
An Account of the Life and Writings of John David Michaelis Σελίδα 7
Johann Gottfried Eichhorn 1835 In regard to the Greek , they employed
their grammatical drudgery upon the New Testament, as if there were no
other Greek ... In didactic theology, Lange's Oeconomia Salutis was an
oracle universally esteemed ; and in the department of ...
Anabasis: With an InterΓρ. ar Translation, for the Use of Schools
...Xenophon, Thomas Clark 2012
Benn's Media Τόμος 2 Σελίδα 1217 2004 813 Economía Exterior Spain
1044 Economía Guipuzcoana Spain 1045 Economía Industrial Spain 1043
La Economía ... Effektivt Landbrug Denmark 274 efinance Romania 1021
Vir Russia 1022 Efterskolen Denmark 285 Efthmi Greece 773 ...
Bioethics YearΒιβ. : Theological Developments in Bioethics: 1990–1992
B. Andrew Lustig, B.A. Brody, H. Tristram Engelhardt Jr. 2012 Alexander
M. Stavropoulos, a member of the faculty of the University of Athens,
Greece, discussed persons who ... and ethics, the relationship of the canons
and ethics, and the connections between ethics and the practice of
Causes of International Migration: Proceedings of a Workshop ...Bob
Vandererf, Liesbeth Heering 1996 ... the Greek Economy, Athens 57 H
Hungarian Central Statistical Office, Budapest 58-61 H Institute of
Πολιτεία. l Sciences, ... Roma 66 I Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche,
Facoltà di Economia e Commercio, Université degli Studi di Brescia ...
Challenges at the Bank for International Settlements: An Economist's
...Elmar B. Koch 2007 bond issue by Turkey on the German market and
also the only sovereign bond issue by Greece on the Swiss market ... Press
Release, Ministero dell'Economia e delle Finanze (Italian Ministry of
Economy & Finance), Communicato No. 166 ...

Ciencia política comparada y derecho y economía en las relaciones

...Ferrán Valls i Taberner, Manuel J. Peláez, Chia-Jui Cheng 1993 In 1832,
France, Great Britain, and Russia joined with Bavaria to conclude an
agreement that: "Greece, under the Sovereignty of Prince Otho of Bavaria,
and under the guarantee of the three Courts, shall form a Monarchical and
Independent ...
Colloques · Economie générale · HPE · Economie agricole
Conferência Internacional sobre Economia Portuguesa, 26 a 28 de ...1980
A less objectionable procedure seems to be to compare the performance
of the Portuguese Economy to other countries that can be considered
similar. Greece and Spain appear like a reasonable choice. A few rather
arbitrary assumptions ...
Conferencia internacional sobre Economia portuguesa: 11 a 13 de ...1977
Effects of FDI in Greece: Some Preliminary Results The above briefly
described methodology was applied in the manufacturing sector of Greece
for the 1970-74 period. Each of the two sectors of the model was
subdivided in a number of ...
Constantinople and the West: Essays on the Late Byzantine ... Deno John
Geanakoplos 1989 For in their letter the Greek clergy had informed him
that the incumbent Greek patriarch, the anti-unionist Joseph, had been ...
On Michael's speeches stressing Economia (the concept expressed here)
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Credit Cooperative Institutions in European Countries Σελίδα 125 Simeon
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Does Spelling Matter? Simon Horobin 2013 ... 'equal' (Latin œqualis) and
œconomy 'Economy' (Latin Oeconomia), although these have not
survived into Modern English. ... by supposed Latin etymons; there were
also attempts to reform spelling to reflect supposed Greek etymologies.
Drama, Philosophy, Politics in Ancient Greece. Contexts and
...Montserrat Reig & Xavier Riu 2014 2 Respectivament, FFI2009-13747,
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Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad del govern d'Espanya) i 2009
SGR 799 (finançat per la Generalitat de Catalunya).

Economia Dell'allargamento Dell'Unione Europea Σελίδα 67 Franco

Praussello 2003 In addition, unlike Greece, Ireland used for a long time
EU funds for infrastructure projects of lasting value. Greece, on the other
hand, lagged behind other EU countries for years following its EU entry.
There is a concern that with Poland on ...
Economía Fall 2011 Σελίδα 114 Raquel Bernal, Ugo Panizza, Rodrigo
Soares 2011 Yet we have learned a lesson from the current Greek Crisis:
a sudden stop can occur for one country even within a currency union.
When that happens, the country's plight is the same as under a hard peg.
Greece's lack of competitiveness has ...
Economia internazionale Τόμος 52,Τεύχη 1-2 Σελίδα 150 1999 2 Maggio
1999 The Greek Economy: Current Issues CONTENTS I. Kaskarelis, L.
Tsoulfidis Inflation, Demand, Import Competition and Markups in Greek
Manufacturing Industries pag. 151 K. Mattas, V. Tzouvelekas The Impact
of EU ...
Economia Para Principiantes / Economy For Beginners: Desde la
...Alejandro Garvie 2004 Desde los inicios de la vida gregaria, la
Economia ha sido el arte de producir, distribuir e intercambiar.
Economía Spring 2010: Journal of the Latin American and Caribbean
...Roberto Rigobón 2010 “Is There a Bank Lending Channel of Monetary
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Economia Τόμος 5 Σελίδα 123 1981 Regions such as these, in which
farming is the major account for a very substantial part of the present
Community; with the enlargement of the EEC to include Greece, Spain
and Portugal, not only will there be an increase in the total area in ...
Ecosystem Homeostasis Σελίδα 7 P. Trojan 1984 This persistence of
natural species had a different meaning in Ancient Greece, where it
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(1787, 1789) is his works 'De Oeconomia naturae' and 'De politia naturae',
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Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy: Philosophy Between 500 and 1500
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Entrepreneurship and Growth: An International Historical Perspective G.

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Ezra Pound e l'Economia Σελίδα 172 Luca Gallesi, Giano Accame 2001
The document was compiled in the tenth century, probably from older
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in Greece in 1636 and deposited at Geneva University Library, where it
remained unexamined ...
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Food and Society in Classical Antiquity Σελίδα 149 Peter Garnsey 1999 E.
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For the Unity of All: Contributions to the Theological Dialogue ...John
Panteleimon Manoussakis 2015 ... (Maximus Planudes translates
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of the Father is preserved and upheld.14 As distinguished from the former,
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Foundations of Πολιτεία. l Economy: Some Early Tudor Views on State
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Greece and Turkey in the 21st Century: Conflict Or Cooperation, a
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Preface And Acknowledgements This Βιβ. stems from the network that
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Superior de Economia e ...
Greece in the International Press 2000 Σελίδα 30 2001 'Economia. Grèce
et Turquie avancent à petits pas. il ministro greco Papandreu (a sinistra) e
il presidente turco Demirel. DI ALBERTo NEGRI sn secondo processo di
pace sta | per decollare nel Mediterraneo dopo quello, tormentato, ...
Greece Investment and Business Guide Volume 1 Strategic and ...IBP, Inc.
2015 ... Athens Tel: +30/210/687 4711 (secretariat), 687-4400
(switchboard) Fax: +30/210/687-4444 E-mail: pwc.Greece ... TO VIMA (Daily electronic newspaper – available through
internet only at Website: ) TO VIMA ...
Greece, Financialization and the EU: The Πολιτεία. l Economy of Debt
...V. Fouskas, C. Dimoulas 2013 Among others, Michele Salvati (1984)
Economia e Πολιτεία. in Italia dal dopoguerra a oggi (Milano: Grazianti);
Augusto Graziani (1972) 'Introduzione' in his L'Economia italiana, 1945–
1970 (Bologna: il Mulino). For further discussion and ...
Greek 15000+ Portuguese Portuguese Greek Vocabulary Gilad Soffer eco
ηχώ Economia οικονομία Economia οικονομία Economia οικονομία
economista οικονομολόγος econômico Οικονομικός edifício κτίριο
editor εκδότης educado ευγενικός educação εκπαίδευση efeito αποτέλεσμα
efeitos αποτελέσματα ...
Greek Americans: Struggle and Success Σελίδα xi Peter C. Moskos,
Charles C. Moskos 2013 He cared passionately about the country that had
welcomed his parents as Greek immigrants and, like most Greek ...
Economia.” If I heard it once, I heard it a thousand times. “Be thrifty,
Michael. Be frugal.” In fact, the first Greek word my wife, ...
Greek and Roman Historiography in Late Antiquity: Fourth to Sixth
...Gabriele Marasco 2003 A comprehensive Analysis of Greek and Latin
historiography from Constantine to the end of the sixth century AD. It aims
to examine the development of late antique historiography, stressing the
relations between pagan and Christian ...
Greek Economic Review Τόμος 10 Σελίδα 297 1988 Courakis, A. S. and
Moura Roque, F. (1984) 'An Enquiry into the Determinants of the Net
Exports Pattern of Portugal's Trade in Manufactures', Economia, 8 : 299-
331. and (1987) 'Supply Determinants in the Pattern and Evolution of
Portugal's ...

Greek Lexicon of the Roman and Byzantine Periods Σελίδα 796

Evangelinus Apostolides Sophocles 1975 Oeconomia, dispensation,
applied to the Incarnation and the concomitants thereof. Ignat. 660 A. Just.
Tryph. 30. 31. 43, p. 573 A. Athenag. 936 A. Iren. 549 A. 608 A, et alibi.
Clem. Л. П, 269 A. 349 C. Hippol. 808 A. D. Tertull. 1. 156 B. 164 A.
HandΒιβ. of the Economics of International Migration Σελίδα 1137 Barry
Chiswick, Paul Miller 2014 Factors determining migrant remittances: The
case of Greece. Int. Migrat. ... Economıa 6 (1), 217–256. Lucas ...
Economic growth through remittances: Lessons from the Greek
experience of the 1960s applicable to the Albanian case. Journal of ...
Hermeneutics and the Rhetorical Tradition: Κεφ. s in the Ancient ...Kathy
Eden 2005 This Βιβ. poses an eloquent challenge to the common
conception of the hermeneutical tradition as a purely modern German
Hiera chremata: il ruolo del santuario nell' Economia della polis Rita Sassu
2014 From these examples, it is clear that the Greek sanctuary was not
only used as a religious space: the hiera chremata preserved in the
sanctuary reveal its connection to the needs of the polis.
History of Italian Philosophy Τόμος 1 Σελίδα xxxix Giorgio A. Pinton
2008 ... in 1849, premised his Storia della Economia pubblica in Italia
with these remarks from the preliminary discourse of the ... and Πλάτων
nic-Stoic philosophy, after the Italic-Greek flourishing of philosophical
and scientific knowledge, “suddenly the ...
Human Freedom, Christian Righteousness: Philip Melanchthon's
...Timothy J. Wengert 1998 ... to the "proper division" (Oeconomia) of the
biblical work.6 This Κεφ. will examine Melanchthon's exegetical method
... As was demonstrated in the previous Κεφ. , he employed the Greek text
in conjunction with Erasmus's translation and ...
Human Rights in Contemporary European Law Σελίδα ix Joakim
Nergelius, Eleonor Kristoffersson 2015 4, 170–1, 179 Amministrazione
dell'Economia e delle Finanze and Agenzia delle entrate v Fallimento
Olimpiclub Srl (Case .... 158–9, 174–7 Commission v Greece (Greek
Maize) (Case 68/88) [1989] ECR 2965... 158–9, 161–70, ...
Interconnections in the Central Mediterranean: The Maltese Islands
...Anthony Bonanno, Pietro Militello 2008 Lo spazio marittimo nel
Mediterraneo occidentale: geografia storica ed Economia. Atti del XIV
convegno di studio, ... MORTON J. 2001. The Role of Environment in

Ancient Greek Islandscapes under question: The Maltese Archipelago...

Introduction to Sacred Philology and Interpretation Σελίδα 177 Gottlieb
Jakob Planck 1834 It was even known and made use of by some of the
older Greek fathers. ... A dissertation by the chancellor Reuss, De
Oeconomia qua Christus in docendo usus fuisse dicitur, Tubing, 1773, 4to,
' On the Economical method which Christ is said ...
Italian 28000+ Greek Greek Italian Vocabulary Gilad Soffer ...
αναστατωμένα eccitazione διέγερση eccitazione έξαψη eccitazione έξαψη
ecclesiastico κληρικός echi ηχώ eclettico εκλεκτικός eclissare επισκιάζω
ecografia υπερηχογράφημα ecologico οικολογικός ecologo οικολόγος
Economia οικονομία ee ...
Key Contemporary Concepts: From Abjection to Zeno's Paradox John
Lechte 2003 derives fromthe Latin word Oeconomia, adapted from the
Greek oikonomia, from oikonomos: the one who manages a household
(usually a steward). Aspects of the Economy of a society are studied by
the discipΓρ. of Economics....
La città nell'Economia della conoscenza Σελίδα 148 Riccardo Cappelin,
Fiorenzo Ferlaino, Paolo Rizzi 2012 ... are the results of the spring 2012
elections in Holland, France, Greece, Germany and Italy, which saw the
increased strength of radical parties and/or further fragmentation of the
party system, thus fuelling Economic and Πολιτεία. l uncertainty5.
L'Economia del cittaidno \|! in villa. Del signor Vincenzo Tanara. ...1665
:om-'nem Za Wee-7 Wem-rexeou Ze/eee Greece-'a /a tere-e, ehe 4W cke-
'me Ferxee/j,yekeße cim-WOB mum-e ace-'o' NOW-ca yjei &mee-'gNum'
(ze-We ejwe coeee Fey.), ...
Legge, legislazione e libertà. Critica dell'Economia pianificata Friedrich
A. von Hayek, A. Petroni, S. Monti Bragadin 2010 ... non della
progettazione umana».19 Questi erano quei fe18 V.F. Heinimann, Nomos
and Pbysis (Basilea, 1945); John Burnet, Law and Nature in Greek Etbics,
in «International Journal of Ethics», vii, 1897, e Earfy Greek Pbilosopby,
IV ed.
Living on the Edge: An Empirical Analysis on Long-Term Youth
...Thomas Kieselbach, Kees van Heeringen, Michele La Rosa 2013
Enimerosi (monthly edition of the Labour Institute of the General Workers
Confederation of Greece, INE/ GSEE), 35 (April), 5-12. Muro, J.,

Raymond, J.L., Toharia, L., & Uriel, E. (1991). Estimación del empleo
irregular en la Economia española.
Medieval Italy: An Encyclopedia Christopher Kleinhenz 2004 The Greek
katastichon (“list”) is the root of the Italian term catasto (also cadasto,
catastro, catastico), which refers to a type of tax based on inventories of
personal and real wealth. Originally, costato ... Economia e Storia, 2, 1955,
pp. 76-84 ...
Memorias Del Tercer Simposio Internacional Sobre Políticas, ...Armando
González Cabán 2008 The variables found significant, for the number of
forest fires, were: the Gross Domestic Product (Spain), the livestock
density (Greece and Italy) and the population density (Portugal, Israel,
Cyprus, France and Turkey) for the period 1995–2004.
Mercatus (Oeconomia) Vicipaedia Mercatus est conventus hominum ad
omnes negotiationes libere publiceque agendas, sicut venditiones,
emptiones, auctiones, cambiationes, et alia ...
Museum Worsleyanum; Or a Collection of Antique Basso-relievos,
...Richard Sir Worsley, Ennio Quirino Visconti 1824 Tm: Greek
inscription shews that this column belonged to a Temple of Bacchus: the
words upon it are sufiiciently distinct, and have the following meaning
:—To the God Bacchus,' Servilia Oeconomia, together with her husband
Callicrates, ...
Oeconomia Bibliorum sive partitionum theologicarum libri quinque
...Georg Eder, Johann Quentel, Calenius 1582 ... Г Combußionem rempli,
TANÖEM LAMEN tatur prophet a \cap.4l. Deprxdationem yaforum.
rHicremia:,quac Greece dicunturThreni. CONTINVATIO.
Oeconomia Copernicana ... initiative to prevent scholarly and professional
plagiarism. Oeconomia Copernicana. Journal Homeσελ. Image.
Oeconomia Copernicana. Cover Σελ. ...
Oeconomia Copernicana is a journal devoted to contemporary Economics.
The initiative is the result of close cooperation between Institute of
Economic ...
Oeconomia GmbH: Home Oeconomia GmbH. Die Versicherungsmakler
aus Hamburg. KFZ-Versicherung (privater PKW). KFZ-Versicherung
(privater PKW). PLZ des Halters:.

Oeconomia History, Methodology, Philosophy Oeconomia publie des

articles en histoire de la pensée économique, en méthodologie et en
philosophie de l'économie, mais aussi des articles d'économie ...
Oeconomia History, Methodology, Philosophy Oeconomia
has a broad coverage, publishing articles in history of Economic thought,
Economic methodology and Economic philosophy, but also in
normative ...
Oeconomia Journal Impact & Description ResearchGate Journal »
Oeconomia. Locate articles and query publisher details.
Oeconomia Sacra; or, a parænetical discourse of marriage: together ...1685
... and Nimrod was the first Prosecutor hereof, s and changed the Paternal
Government into National Monarchy; and . . the Genius of his afpiring
Nature instrućted him in this principle of Policy; which very word is
derived from the Greek ztxía, ...
Oeconomia. Latin. Etymology. From Ancient Greek οἰκονομία
(oikonomía, “management of a househould, administration”), from οἶκος
(oîkos, “house”) + νόμος (nómos, “law”). Economie agricole, Economie générale, Economie
d'entreprise, Histoire de la pensée économique.
Onomasticon sacrum opusculum tripartitum in cujus prima parte ...1764
dus , ceu {iatio'n'es conñituerunt Primal.,` dicebatur Леш: , Greece
Proc1auůn_-fe cunda мата ‚ Стсе летал/Ем. -Tertia Subßratio , Grxce
Hipolito/in .» Щиты 'Арт/571 ... камышами“ idem Лапшcat, ас Greece
Oeconomia. (Diconomix auteru ...
Periodical title abbreviations Σελίδα 210 Leland G. Alkire, Gale Research
Company 1986 Istruzione e Formazione Professionale — Econ Istruzione
e Formazione Professionale Economia e Lavoro — Econ e Lav ...
Commercial Bank of Greece (Athens) — Econ B (Athens) Economic
Bulletin for Europe — EBEUA Economic Bulletin ...
Periodical title abbreviations Τόμος 2 Σελίδα 507 Leland G. Alkire, Cheryl
Westerman-Alkire 2005 E: By Title Economic Commentary Economía a
Soclallamo Econ e Socialismo Economía a Sociología Econ e Sociol
Economía a Storla Econ e Storia Economía .... Commercial Bank of
Greece (Athens) Econ В (Athens) Economic Bulletin.
Pliny the Elder on Science and Technology Σελίδα 137 John F. Healy 1999
R Higgins, Greek and Roman Jewellery (London, 1961, and Berkeley and

Los Angeles, 1980), 28. ... the Elder's Natural History', in Atti del
Convegno di Coma — Technologia, Economia, e societa nel mondo
romano (Como, 1980), 179-80.
Public Management Reform and Modernization: Trajectories of ...Edoardo
Ongaro 2009 Trajectories of Administrative Change in Italy, France,
Greece, Portugal and Spain Edoardo Ongaro ... Airoldi, Giuseppe,
Brunetti, Giorgio and Coda, Vittorio (1994) Economia Aziendale.
Bologna: Il Mulino. Alba, C. (1997) 'Modernizing ...
Redefining Dionysos Σελίδα 38 Alberto Bernabé, Miguel Herrero de
Jáuregui, Ana Isabel Jiménez San Cristóbal 2013 However, detailed
examination of the uses of the term βάκχος in Greek texts from the archaic
and classical periods shows ... framework of a research project supported
by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad: FFI 2012–
Reverse Acronyms, Initialisms and Abbreviations Dictionary Mary Rose
Bonk 2002
Saving Europe: Anatomy of a Dream Σελίδα 508 Carlo Bastasin 2015 33.
Mario Draghi, “L'Italia e l'Economia internazionale, 1861–2011 [Italy and
the international Economy, 1861–2011]” (Rome: Banca d'Italia, October
12, 2011). ... “Schuldenschnitt für Griechenland immer wahrscheinlicher
[A cut on Greek debt ...
Schiavitù e servaggio nell’Economia europea. Secc. XI-XVIII =
...Simonetta Cavaciocchi 2014 WIEDEMANN, Greek & Roman Slavery,
London 1981; reprint 1994, p. 41. 64 See the discussion of manus iniecto
in W.W. BUCKLAND, A TextΒιβ. of Roman Law From Augustus to
Justinian, Cambridge 19633, pp. 618-621. 65 M. MIRKOVIC ...
Social Democracy in Neoliberal Times: The Left and Economic Policy
...Andrew Glyn 2001 Malo de Molina,J. L. (1983), 'El Impacto del Cambio
Institucional en el Mercado de Trabajo', Papeles de Economia ... Greece:
Historical Retrospective and Prospects for the Future'), IkonomikoDeltio
(Economic Bulletin), Bank of Greece, 12, ...
Southern Europe: Politics, Society and Economics Since 1945 Giulio
Sapelli 2014 Le possibility di sviluppo dell'Economia italiana e il
contributo del sistemafinanziario, Ente Luigi Einaudi, 1981, p. 213. Nadal,
J. ... Tsoris, N., The Financing of Greek Manufacture, Center of Planning
and Economic Research, 1984. Maroulis, D.

Sport in the Cultures of the Ancient World: New Perspectives Zinon

Papakonstantinou 2013 Notes [1] Throughout the volume journals are
abbreviated according to L'Année Philologique, Ancient Greek authors ...
Papiri dell' Universita` degli Studi di Milano VIII, Milan: LED Edizioni
Universitarie di Lettere Economia Diritto, 2001.
Stewardshift: An Economia for Congregational Change Σελίδα 17 Bob
Sitze 2016 Economia: A. Short. History. of. Stewardship. Theology. and.
Practice. Although. there are only a few places where “steward” ... The
history of stewardship—an Anglo-Saxon approximation of the original
Greek term Economia—carries with it the ...
Talanta: Proceedings of the Dutch Archaeological and Historical Society
2008 Cartledge, P. 1998: The Economy (Economies) of Ancient Greece,
Dialogos 5, 4-24. Cory. ... Govantes-Edwards, D. J. 2007: Las limitaciones
del estudio de la Economia antigua desde el aparato te6rico de la ciencia
Economica ortodoxa, ...
The Age of Titans: The Rise and Fall of the Great Hellenistic Navies
William M. Murray 2011 Centonove: Settimanale Regionale di Πολιτεία.
, Cultura ed Economia 16, no. 34 (September 12, 2008): 28–29. Moll,
Friedrich. 1929. ... Greek and Roman Oared Warships. Oxford: David
Brown. Morrison, J. S. 1941. “The Greek Trireme.
The Ancient Greek Economy: Markets, Households and City-States
Edward M. Harris, David M. Lewis, Mark Woolmer 2015 Atti degli
Incontri capresi di storia dell'Economia antica (Capri 13–15 ottobre 1997).
Bari. Lo Cascio, E., ed. 2006. Innovazione tecnica e progresso Economico
nel mondo romano. Atti degli Incontri capresi di storia dell'Economia
antica (Capri, ...
The Cases of Greece, Spain, Ireland, and Portugal Σελίδα 163 European
Commission 1997 Gonzalez-Romero, A. 'El Mercado Interior en la CEE:
Aspectos basicos y efectos sobre la Economia espanola', Economia
Industrial, No. 269, 1989, pp. 147-160. Grinols, E. 'Unemployment and
foreign capital: the relative opportunity costs of ...
The Economic Reader: TextΒιβ. s, Manuals and the Dissemination of the
...Massimo M. Augello, Marco E. L Guidi 2012 Martín Rodríguez, M.
(2000) 'La enseñanza de la economía en España hasta la Ley Moyano', in
E. Fuentes Quintana (ed.) ... Psalidopoulos, M. (2005b) 'Economists in the
Greek Parliament (1862–1910): The Men and Their Views on Fiscal ...

The Edinburgh Review, Or Critical Journal: ... To Be Continued Quarterly

1830 It would not be respited a day later, were any form of Christian
worship, Greek or Roman, to displace the Imaum from before the altar of
St Sophia. Poland and ... Storia della Economia Pubblica in Italia, de
Gwsnrrn PECCHIO. Svo. Lugano ...
The Education of an American Dreamer: How a Son of Greek Immigrants
...Peter G. Peterson 2009 Ultimately, this is a man's account of his
legendary successes, humiliating failures, and personal tragedies a
testament to a remarkable life and, indeed, to the American Dream itself.
The General Biographical Dictionary Containing an Historical and
...Alexander Chalmers 1812 He was a man of extensive leiirning, critically
acquainted with Greek and Latin, and well versed in history and
antiquities. His principal publications were, 1. “ Dissertatio de ... 5. “
Brissonius dep formulis,“ 1754, fol. 6. “ Bergeri Oeconomia .Iuris ...
The Greek Crisis in the Media: Stereotyping in the International Press
George Tzogopoulos 2016 Parasite Economy lies behind Greek financial
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... at: /Economia-unatragedia-greca-la-Crisi-ha.html ...
The Greek tragic theatre: containing Æschylus by dr. Potter, ...Greek
tragic theatre 1809 Tota Oeconomia dramatis impia est et inepta. — Hie
uno moraento tota scente facies mutatur, et pro Delphis ac templo Apollinis
Delphici habemus Athenas et templum Minervse Athenis. Nihil ineptius
aut inconcinnius excogitari posset.
The Greek World After Alexander 323–30 BC Σελίδα 514 Graham
Shipley 2014 (1977c), 'The fault of the Greek s', in Momigliano (1977a),
ch. 2 (pp. 9–23). ——(1981), 'Greek culture and theJews', in Finley(ed.)
(1981), ch. 11 (pp. 325–46). ... (1977d), 'L'Economia ellenistica', in
Moretti et al. (eds) (1977), ch. 5.1 (pp.
The Limits to Capital in Spain: Crisis and Revolt in the European South
G. Charnock, T. Purcell, R. Ribera-Fumaz 2014 ...
80_850215.html, dateaccessed2 June 2012. .... Fouskas,V.K.and C.
Dimoulas (2012) 'The Greek Worship of Debt and the Failure of the
European Project', Journal of ...
The Modern London Catalogue of Βιβ. s, with Their Sizes, Prices and
...1818 8vo Cure de Wakefield, 12ino, 3s — 2 vol. i2mo • DAKINS' Greek
Teftament, royal 8vo Dal2el's Analecta Grarca Minora, 8vo, ... 8vo

Duvoifin's Demonftration Evangelique, i2mo, bd ECONOMIA della Vita

Umana, i2mo Economie de la Vie ...
Toward an Understanding of Europe: A Πολιτεία. l Economic Précis of
...Alan W. Ertl 2008 Latin polus (Greek polos) means the pivot or the axis
(the centre of society's thinking) and drawing people who overly diverge
from this centre back into the centre ... 154 Latin Oeconomia, Greek
oikonomīa-oikos means a house, nomos a law ...
Turkish-Greek Relations: The Security Dilemma in the Aegean Mustafa
Aydin, Kostas Ifantis 2004 ... Post-Communist Economies, Regional
Studies, Small Business Economics, East-West Series in Economics,
Business and the Environment, Economia Internazionale, International
Review ofEconomics and Business, and Greek Economic ...
Πολιτεία. ed Economia nella Sicilia greca Emilio Galvagno 2000.

Ενδεικτικά αποσπάσματα από κλασικά κείμενα ΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΙΑ-


1. Ξενοφών. Οικονομικός (5-4 B.C.) Κεφ. 1 Τμ. 1 Γρ. 1

(1) ΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΙΚΟΣ Ἤκουσα δέ ποτε αὐτοῦ καὶ περὶ οἰκονομίας
τοιάδε δια- (1)λεγομένου· Εἰπέ μοι, ἔφη, ὦ Κριτόβουλε, ἆρά γε ἡ
οἰκονομία ἐπιστήμης τινὸς ὄνομά ἐστιν, ὥσπερ ἡ ἰατρικὴ καὶ ἡ
χαλκευτικὴ καὶ ἡ τεκτονική; Ἔμοιγε δοκεῖ, ἔφη ὁ Κριτό-
(2) βουλος.

2. Ξενοφών. Οικονομικός (5-4 B.C.) Κεφ. 1 sect 1 Γρ. 2

(1) ΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΙΚΟΣ Ἤκουσα δέ ποτε αὐτοῦ καὶ περὶ οἰκονομίας
τοιάδε δια- (1)λεγομένου· Εἰπέ μοι, ἔφη, ὦ Κριτόβουλε, ἆρά γε ἡ
οἰκονομία ἐπιστήμης τινὸς ὄνομά ἐστιν, ὥσπερ ἡ ἰατρικὴ καὶ ἡ
χαλκευτικὴ καὶ ἡ τεκτονική; Ἔμοιγε δοκεῖ, ἔφη ὁ Κριτόβουλος. Ἦ καὶ
ὥσπερ τούτων τῶν τεχνῶν ἔχοιμεν …
3. Ξενοφών. Οικονομικός (5-4 B.C.) Κεφ. 1 Τμ. 2 Γρ. 2
ἐπιστήμης τινὸς ὄνομά ἐστιν, ὥσπερ ἡ ἰατρικὴ καὶ ἡ
χαλκευτικὴ καὶ ἡ τεκτονική; Ἔμοιγε δοκεῖ, ἔφη ὁ Κριτό-
(2) βουλος. Ἦ καὶ ὥσπερ τούτων τῶν τεχνῶν ἔχοιμεν ἂν
εἰπεῖν ὅ τι ἔργον ἑκάστης, οὕτω καὶ τῆς οἰκονομίας δυναίμεθ’

ἂν εἰπεῖν ὅ τι ἔργον αὐτῆς ἐστι; Δοκεῖ γοῦν, ἔφη ὁ Κριτό-

βουλος, οἰκονόμου ἀγαθοῦ εἶναι εὖ οἰκεῖν τὸν ἑαυτοῦ οἶκον.
(3) Ἦ καὶ τὸν ἄλλου δὲ οἶκον, ἔφη ὁ Σωκράτης.

4. Ξενοφών. Οικονομικός (5-4 B.C.) Κεφ. 2 Τμ. 12 Γρ. 2

…πρόσοδοι ἀπὸ τῶν τοιούτων· ἐμὲ δὲ πῶς τινὶ τούτων οἴει ἂν
ἐπιστηθῆναι χρῆσθαι, ᾧ τὴν ἀρχὴν οὐδὲν πώποτ’ ἐγένετο
(12) τούτων; Ἀλλ’ ἐδόκει ἡμῖν, καὶ εἰ μὴ χρήματά τις τύχοι
ἔχων, ὅμως εἶναί τις ἐπιστήμη οἰκονομίας. τί οὖν κωλύει
καὶ σὲ ἐπίστασθαι; Ὅπερ νὴ Δία καὶ αὐλεῖν ἂν κωλύσειεν
ἄνθρωπον ἐπίστασθαι, εἰ μήτε αὐτὸς πώποτε κτήσαιτο αὐλοὺς
μήτε ἄλλος αὐτῷ παράσχοι ἐν τοῖς αὑτοῦ μανθάνειν·

5. Ξενοφών. Οικονομικός (5-4 B.C.) Κεφ. 2 Τμ. 13 Γρ. 1

Ὅπερ νὴ Δία καὶ αὐλεῖν ἂν κωλύσειεν
ἄνθρωπον ἐπίστασθαι, εἰ μήτε αὐτὸς πώποτε κτήσαιτο αὐλοὺς
μήτε ἄλλος αὐτῷ παράσχοι ἐν τοῖς αὑτοῦ μανθάνειν· οὕτω (5)
(13) δὴ καὶ ἐμοὶ ἔχει περὶ τῆς οἰκονομίας . οὔτε γὰρ αὐτὸς ὄργανα
χρήματα ἐκεκτήμην, ὥστε μανθάνειν, οὔτε ἄλλος πώποτέ μοι
παρέσχε τὰ ἑαυτοῦ διοικεῖν ἀλλ’ ἢ σὺ νυνὶ ἐθέλεις παρέχειν.
οἱ δὲ δήπου τὸ πρῶτον μανθάνοντες κιθαρίζειν καὶ τὰς λύρας

6. Ξενοφών. Οικονομικός (5-4 B.C.) Κεφ. 3 Τμ. 4 Γρ. 5

…πάντας ὡς εἰπεῖν δεδεμένους, καὶ τούτους θαμινὰ ἀποδιδρά-
σκοντας, ἔνθα δὲ λελυμένους καὶ ἐθέλοντάς τε ἐργάζεσθαι
καὶ παραμένειν, οὐ καὶ τοῦτό σοι δόξω ἀξιοθέατον τῆς
οἰκονομίας ἔργον ἐπιδεικνύναι; Ναὶ μὰ Δί’, ἔφη ὁ Κριτό- (5)
(5) βουλος, καὶ σφόδρα γε. Ἂν δὲ καὶ παραπλησίους γεωργίας
γεωργοῦντας, τοὺς μὲν ἀπολωλέναι φάσκοντας ὑπὸ γεωργίας
καὶ ἀποροῦντας, τοὺς δὲ ἀφθόνως καὶ καλῶς πάντα .

7. Ξενοφών. Οικονομικός (5-4 B.C.) Κεφ. 6 Τμ. 1 Γρ. 5

…λέγειν κελεύων πειρᾶσθαι σὺν τοῖς θεοῖς ἄρχεσθαι παντὸς
ἔργου, ὡς τῶν θεῶν κυρίων ὄντων οὐδὲν ἧττον τῶν εἰρη-
νικῶν ἢ τῶν πολεμικῶν ἔργων. ταῦτα μὲν οὖν πειρασόμεθα
οὕτω ποιεῖν. σὺ δ’ ἡμῖν ἔνθεν λέγων περὶ τῆς οἰκονομίας (5)

ἀπέλιπες, πειρῶ τὰ τούτων ἐχόμενα διεκπεραίνειν, ὡς καὶ

νῦν μοι δοκῶ ἀκηκοὼς ὅσα εἶπες μᾶλλόν τι ἤδη διορᾶν ἢ @1
(2) πρόσθεν ὅ τι χρὴ ποιοῦντα βιοτεύειν. Τί οὖν, ἔφη ὁ Σωκράτης…

8. Ξενοφών. Οικονομικός (5-4 B.C.) Κεφ. 6 Τμ. 4 Γρ. 3

…φιλόγως διελθεῖν, οὕτω καὶ λόγων κοινωνοῦντας περὶ ὧν ἂν
(4) διαλεγώμεθα συνομολογοῦντας διεξιέναι. Οὐκοῦν, ἔφη ὁ
Σωκράτης, ἐπιστήμης μέν τινος ἔδοξεν ἡμῖν ὄνομα εἶναι ἡ
οἰκονομία , ἡ δὲ ἐπιστήμη αὕτη ἐφαίνετο ᾗ οἴκους δύνανται
αὔξειν ἄνθρωποι, οἶκος δ’ ἡμῖν ἐφαίνετο ὅπερ κτῆσις ἡ σύμ-
πασα, κτῆσιν δὲ τοῦτο ἔφαμεν εἶναι ὅ τι ἑκάστῳ εἴη ὠφέ- (5)
λιμον εἰς τὸν βίον, ὠφέλιμα δὲ ὄντα ηὑρίσκετο πάντα…

9. Ξενοφών. Cyropaedia (5-4 B.C.) Βιβ. 1 Κεφ. 6 Τμ. 12 Γρ. 6

…μέμνημαι ὅτε ἐγὼ μὲν πρὸς σὲ ἦλθον ἐπ’ ἀργύριον, ὅπως
ἀποδοίην τῷ φάσκοντι στρατηγεῖν με πεπαιδευκέναι, σὺ δὲ
ἅμα διδούς μοι ἐπηρώτας ὧδέ πως· Ἆρά γε, εἶπας, ὦ παῖ, (5)
ἐν τοῖς στρατηγικοῖς καὶ οἰκονομίας τί σοι ἐπεμνήσθη ὁ
ἀνὴρ ᾧ τὸν μισθὸν φέρεις; οὐδὲν μέντοι ἧττον οἱ στρατιῶ-
ται τῶν ἐπιτηδείων δέονται ἢ οἱ ἐν οἴκῳ οἰκέται. ἐπεὶ δ’
ἐγώ σοι λέγων τἀληθῆ εἶπον ὅτι οὐδ’ ὁτιοῦν περὶ τούτου

10. Ξενοφών. Cyropaedia (5-4 B.C.) Βιβ. 5 Κεφ. 3 Τμ. 25 Γρ. 2

ἐξεπλήρωσαν εἰς δισχιλίους· τὸ γὰρ πρόσθεν καταλελειμμένοι
ἦσαν πλείους οἴκοι αὐτοῖς ἱππεῖς, ὅτι καὶ οἱ Καδούσιοι καὶ
(25) οἱ Σάκαι τοῖς Ἀσσυρίοις πολέμιοι ἦσαν. ὅσον δὲ χρόνον
ἐκαθέζετο ὁ Κῦρος ἀμφὶ τὴν περὶ τὸ φρούριον οἰκονομίαν,
τῶν Ἀσσυρίων τῶν κατὰ ταῦτα τὰ χωρία πολλοὶ μὲν ἀπῆγον
ἵππους, πολλοὶ δὲ ἀπέφερον ὅπλα, φοβούμενοι ἤδη πάντας
τοὺς προσχώρους. (5).
11. Πλάτων. Apologia Socratis (5-4 B.C.) Stephanus σελ. 36 Τμ. b Γρ.
τίνος ὑμῖν ἀντιτιμήσομαι, ὦ ἄνδρες Ἀθηναῖοι; ἢ δῆλον ὅτι
τῆς ἀξίας; τί οὖν; τί ἄξιός εἰμι παθεῖν ἢ ἀποτεῖσαι, ὅτι (5)
μαθὼν ἐν τῷ βίῳ οὐχ ἡσυχίαν ἦγον, ἀλλ’ ἀμελήσας ὧνπερ
οἱ πολλοί, χρηματισμοῦ τε καὶ οἰκονομίας καὶ στρατηγιῶν @1

καὶ δημηγοριῶν καὶ τῶν ἄλλων ἀρχῶν καὶ συνωμοσιῶν καὶ

στάσεων τῶν ἐν τῇ πόλει γιγνομένων, ἡγησάμενος ἐμαυτὸν
(c) τῷ ὄντι ἐπιεικέστερον εἶναι ἢ ὥστε εἰς ταῦτ’ ἰόντα σῴζεσθαι,

12. Πλάτων. Lysis (5-4 B.C.) Stephanus σελ. 209 Τμ. d Γρ. 2
τὰ αὑτοῦ. — Οἶμαι ἔγωγε, ἔφη. — Εἶεν, ἦν δ’ ἐγώ· τί δέ; τῷ
γείτονι ἆρ’ οὐχ ὁ αὐτὸς ὅρος ὅσπερ τῷ πατρὶ περὶ σοῦ;
(d) πότερον οἴει αὐτὸν ἐπιτρέψειν σοι τὴν αὑτοῦ οἰκίαν οἰκονο-
μεῖν, ὅταν σε ἡγήσηται βέλτιον περὶ οἰκονομίας ἑαυτοῦ
φρονεῖν, ἢ αὐτὸν ἐπιστατήσειν; — Ἐμοὶ ἐπιτρέψειν οἶμαι. —
Τί δ’; Ἀθηναίους οἴει σοι οὐκ ἐπιτρέψειν τὰ αὑτῶν, ὅταν
αἰσθάνωνται ὅτι ἱκανῶς φρονεῖς; — Ἔγωγε. — Πρὸς Διός, ἦν (5)

13. Πλάτων. Πολιτεία. (5-4 B.C.) Stephanus σελ. 407 Τμ. b Γρ. 6
τὸ δὲ Φωκυλίδου παρακέλευμα οὐδὲν ἐμποδίζει.
Ναὶ μὰ τὸν Δία, ἦ δ’ ὅς. σχεδόν γέ τι πάντων μάλιστα @1
ἥ γε περαιτέρω γυμναστικῆς ἡ περιττὴ αὕτη ἐπιμέλεια τοῦ (5)
σώματος· καὶ γὰρ πρὸς οἰκονομίας καὶ πρὸς στρατείας καὶ
πρὸς ἑδραίους ἐν πόλει ἀρχὰς δύσκολος.
Τὸ δὲ δὴ μέγιστον, ὅτι καὶ πρὸς μαθήσεις ἁστινασοῦν καὶ
(c) ἐννοήσεις τε καὶ μελέτας πρὸς ἑαυτὸν χαλεπή, κεφαλῆς τινας

14. Πλάτων. Πολιτεία. (5-4 B.C.) Stephanus σελ. 498 Τμ. a Γρ. 1
πόλιν ἅπτεσθαι. Πῶς; Νῦν μέν, ἦν δ’ ἐγώ, οἱ καὶ ἁπτόμενοι μειράκια
ὄντα ἄρτι 498.(a) ἐκ παίδων τὸ μεταξὺ οἰκονομίας καὶ χρηματισμοῦ
πλησιά- σαντες αὐτοῦ τῷ χαλεπωτάτῳ ἀπαλλάττονται, οἱ φιλοσοφώ-
τατοι ποιούμενοι—λέγω δὲ χαλεπώτατον τὸ περὶ τοὺς λόγους
—ἐν δὲ τῷ ἔπειτα, ἐὰν καὶ ἄλλων τοῦτο πραττόντων παρα-

15. Πλάτων. Νόμοι. (5-4 B.C.) Stephanus σελ. 694 Τμ. c Γρ. 7
ΚΛ. Φέρει γοῦν ἡμῖν σκέψιν τοῦτο ἐφ’ ὅπερ ὡρμήκαμεν.
ΑΘ. Μαντεύομαι δὴ νῦν περί γε Κύρου, τὰ μὲν ἄλλ’ (5)
αὐτὸν στρατηγόν τε ἀγαθὸν εἶναι καὶ φιλόπολιν, παιδείας @1
δὲ ὀρθῆς οὐχ ἧφθαι τὸ παράπαν, οἰκονομίᾳ τε οὐδὲν τὸν νοῦν

16. Πλάτων. Νόμοι. (5-4 B.C.) Stephanus σελ. 747 Τμ. b Γρ. 1
φορᾶς καὶ τῆς κύκλῳ περιφορᾶς· πρὸς γὰρ ταῦτα πάντα (5)
δεῖ βλέψαντα τόν γε νομοθέτην προστάττειν τοῖς πολίταις
πᾶσιν εἰς δύναμιν τούτων μὴ ἀπολείπεσθαι τῆς συντάξεως.
(b) πρός τε γὰρ οἰκονομίαν καὶ πρὸς πολιτείαν καὶ πρὸς τὰς
τέχνας πάσας ἓν οὐδὲν οὕτω δύναμιν ἔχει παίδειον μάθημα
μεγάλην, ὡς ἡ περὶ τοὺς ἀριθμοὺς διατριβή· τὸ δὲ μέγιστον,
ὅτι τὸν νυστάζοντα καὶ ἀμαθῆ φύσει ἐγείρει καὶ εὐμαθῆ καὶ

17. Πλάτων. Νόμοι. (5-4 B.C.) Stephanus σελ. 809 Τμ. c Γρ. 5
καίτοι τὰ μὲν περὶ τὸν πόλεμον ἃ δεῖ μανθάνειν τε αὐτοὺς
καὶ μελετᾶν ἔχεις τῷ λόγῳ, τὰ δὲ περὶ τὰ γράμματα πρῶτον,
καὶ δεύτερον λύρας πέρι καὶ λογισμῶν, ὧν ἔφαμεν δεῖν ὅσα
τε πρὸς πόλεμον καὶ οἰκονομίαν καὶ τὴν κατὰ πόλιν διοίκησιν (5)
χρῆναι ἑκάστους λαβεῖν, καὶ πρὸς τὰ αὐτὰ ταῦτα ἔτι τὰ
χρήσιμα τῶν ἐν ταῖς περιόδοις τῶν θείων, ἄστρων τε πέρι
καὶ ἡλίου καὶ σελήνης, ὅσα διοικεῖν ἀναγκαῖόν ἐστιν περὶ

18. Πλάτων. Νόμοι. (5-4 B.C.) Stephanus σελ. 819 Τμ. c Γρ. 5
διαδιδόντες, ὅπερ εἶπον, εἰς παιδιὰν ἐναρμόττοντες τὰς τῶν
ἀναγκαίων ἀριθμῶν χρήσεις, ὠφελοῦσι τοὺς μανθάνοντας
εἴς τε τὰς τῶν στρατοπέδων τάξεις καὶ ἀγωγὰς καὶ στρα-
τείας καὶ εἰς οἰκονομίας αὖ, καὶ πάντως χρησιμωτέρους (5)
αὐτοὺς αὑτοῖς καὶ ἐγρηγορότας μᾶλλον τοὺς ἀνθρώπους
ἀπεργάζονται· μετὰ δὲ ταῦτα ἐν ταῖς μετρήσεσιν, ὅσα ἔχει
(d) μήκη καὶ πλάτη καὶ βάθη, περὶ ἅπαντα ταῦτα ἐνοῦσάν τινα

19. Αριστοτέλης. Ηθικά Νικομάχεια. (4 B.C.) Bekker σελ. 1141b Γρ.

μόνοι γὰρ πράττουσιν οὗτοι ὥσπερ οἱ χειροτέχναι. δοκεῖ
δὲ καὶ φρόνησις μάλιστ’ εἶναι ἡ περὶ αὐτὸν καὶ ἕνα· καὶ (30)
ἔχει αὕτη τὸ κοινὸν ὄνομα, φρόνησις· ἐκείνων δὲ ἣ μὲν
οἰκονομία ἣ δὲ νομοθεσία ἣ δὲ πολιτική, καὶ ταύτης ἣ
μὲν βουλευτικὴ ἣ δὲ δικαστική. Εἶδος μὲν οὖν τι ἂν εἴη
γνώσεως τὸ αὑτῷ εἰδέναι· ἀλλ’ ἔχει διαφορὰν πολλήν·
(1142a) καὶ δοκεῖ ὁ τὰ περὶ αὑτὸν εἰδὼς καὶ διατρίβων φρόνιμος

20. Αριστοτέλης. Ηθικά Νικομάχεια. (4 B.C.) Bekker σελ. 1142a Γρ. 9

τοὺς γὰρ περισσοὺς καί τι πράσσοντας πλέον ...
ζητοῦσι γὰρ τὸ αὑτοῖς ἀγαθόν, καὶ οἴονται τοῦτο δεῖν πράτ-
τειν. ἐκ ταύτης οὖν τῆς δόξης ἐλήλυθε τὸ τούτους φρονί-
μους εἶναι· καίτοι ἴσως οὐκ ἔστι τὸ αὑτοῦ εὖ ἄνευ οἰκονο-
μίας οὐδ’ ἄνευ πολιτείας. ἔτι δὲ τὰ αὑτοῦ πῶς δεῖ διοι- (10)
κεῖν, ἄδηλον καὶ σκεπτέον. σημεῖον δ’ ἐστὶ τοῦ εἰρημένου
καὶ διότι γεωμετρικοὶ μὲν νέοι καὶ μαθηματικοὶ γίνονται
καὶ σοφοὶ τὰ τοιαῦτα, φρόνιμος δ’ οὐ δοκεῖ γίνεσθαι.
21. Αριστοτέλης. De generatione animalium {0086.012} (4 B.C.) Bekker
σελ. 744b Γρ. 18
ἕνεκεν ἐκ τῆς χείρονος καὶ τῶν ὑπολειμμάτων καὶ περιτ- (15)
τωμάτων. ὥσπερ γὰρ οἰκονόμος ἀγαθὸς καὶ ἡ φύσις οὐθὲν
ἀποβάλλειν εἴωθεν ἐξ ὧν ἔστι ποιῆσαί τι χρηστόν. ἐν δὲ
ταῖς οἰκονομία ις τῆς γιγνομένης τροφῆς ἡ μὲν βελτίστη τέ-
τακται τοῖς ἐλευθέροις, ἡ δὲ χείρων καὶ τὸ περίττωμα ταύ-
της <τοῖς> οἰκέταις, τὰ δὲ χείριστα καὶ τοῖς συντρεφομένοις δι- (20)
δόασι ζῴοις. καθάπερ οὖν εἰς τὴν αὔξησιν ὁ †θύραθεν ταῦτα

22. Αριστοτέλης. Πολιτεία. (4 B.C.) Bekker σελ. 1253b Γρ. 2

δίκη πολιτικῆς κοινωνίας τάξις ἐστίν, ἡ δὲ δικαιοσύνη τοῦ
δικαίου κρίσις. (1253b) Ἐπεὶ δὲ φανερὸν ἐξ ὧν μορίων ἡ πόλις
συνέστηκεν, ἀναγκαῖον πρῶτον περὶ οἰκονομίας εἰπεῖν· πᾶσα γὰρ σύγ-
κειται πόλις ἐξ οἰκιῶν. οἰκονομίας δὲ μέρη ἐξ ὧν πάλιν οἰκία
συνέστηκεν· οἰκία δὲ τέλειος ἐκ δούλων καὶ ἐλευθέρων. ἐπεὶ
δ’ ἐν τοῖς ἐλαχίστοις πρῶτον ἕκαστον ζητητέον, πρῶτα δὲ (5)

23. Αριστοτέλης. Πολιτεία. (4 B.C.) Bekker σελ. 1253b Γρ. 3

δικαίου κρίσις. (1253b) Ἐπεὶ δὲ φανερὸν ἐξ ὧν μορίων ἡ πόλις
συνέστηκεν, ἀναγκαῖον πρῶτον περὶ οἰκονομίας εἰπεῖν· πᾶσα γὰρ σύγ-
κειται πόλις ἐξ οἰκιῶν. οἰκονομίας δὲ μέρη ἐξ ὧν πάλιν οἰκία
συνέστηκεν· οἰκία δὲ τέλειος ἐκ δούλων καὶ ἐλευθέρων. ἐπεὶ
δ’ ἐν τοῖς ἐλαχίστοις πρῶτον ἕκαστον ζητητέον, πρῶτα δὲ (5)
καὶ ἐλάχιστα μέρη οἰκίας δεσπότης καὶ δοῦλος.
24. Αριστοτέλης. Πολιτεία. (4 B.C.) Bekker σελ. 1253b Γρ. 12

δεσποτικὴ καὶ γαμική (ἀνώνυμον γὰρ ἡ γυναικὸς καὶ ἀν-

δρὸς σύζευξις) καὶ τρίτον τεκνοποιητική (καὶ γὰρ αὕτη οὐκ (10)
ὠνόμασται ἰδίῳ ὀνόματι). ἔστωσαν δὴ αὗται <αἱ> τρεῖς ἃς εἴπο-
μεν. ἔστι δέ τι μέρος ὃ δοκεῖ τοῖς μὲν εἶναι οἰκονομία ,
τοῖς δὲ μέγιστον μέρος αὐτῆς· ὅπως δ’ ἔχει, θεωρητέον·
λέγω δὲ περὶ τῆς καλουμένης χρηματιστικῆς. πρῶτον δὲ
περὶ δεσπότου καὶ δούλου εἴπωμεν, ἵνα τά τε πρὸς τὴν (15)

25. Αριστοτέλης. Πολιτεία. (4 B.C.) Bekker σελ. 1253b Γρ. 19

ἀναγκαίαν χρείαν ἴδωμεν, κἂν εἴ τι πρὸς τὸ εἰδέναι περὶ
αὐτῶν δυναίμεθα λαβεῖν βέλτιον τῶν νῦν ὑπολαμβανομέ-
νων. τοῖς μὲν γὰρ δοκεῖ ἐπιστήμη τέ τις εἶναι ἡ δεσποτεία,
καὶ ἡ αὐτὴ οἰκονομία καὶ δεσποτεία καὶ πολιτικὴ καὶ βα-
σιλική, καθάπερ εἴπομεν ἀρχόμενοι· τοῖς δὲ παρὰ φύσιν (20)
τὸ δεσπόζειν (νόμῳ γὰρ τὸν μὲν δοῦλον εἶναι τὸν δ’ ἐλεύ-
θερον, φύσει δ’ οὐθὲν διαφέρειν)· διόπερ οὐδὲ δίκαιον· βίαιον

26. Αριστοτέλης. Πολιτεία. (4 B.C.) Bekker σελ. 1253b Γρ. 24

θερον, φύσει δ’ οὐθὲν διαφέρειν)· διόπερ οὐδὲ δίκαιον· βίαιον
γάρ. Ἐπεὶ οὖν ἡ κτῆσις μέρος τῆς οἰκίας ἐστὶ καὶ ἡ κτητικὴ (23)
μέρος τῆς οἰκονομίας (ἄνευ γὰρ τῶν ἀναγκαίων ἀδύνατον
καὶ ζῆν καὶ εὖ ζῆν), ὥσπερ δὴ ταῖς ὡρισμέναις τέχναις (25)
ἀναγκαῖον ἂν εἴη ὑπάρχειν τὰ οἰκεῖα ὄργανα, εἰ μέλλει @1
ἀποτελεσθήσεσθαι τὸ ἔργον, οὕτω καὶ τῷ οἰκονομικῷ. τῶν

27. Αριστοτέλης. Πολιτεία. (4 B.C.) Bekker σελ. 1258a Γρ. 29

ποιῆσαι, ἀλλὰ χρήσασθαι αὐτοῖς, καὶ γνῶναι δὲ τὸ ποῖον
χρηστὸν καὶ ἐπιτήδειον, ἢ φαῦλον καὶ ἀνεπιτήδειον. καὶ γὰρ
ἀπορήσειεν ἄν τις διὰ τί ἡ μὲν χρηματιστικὴ μόριον τῆς
οἰκονομίας , ἡ δ’ ἰατρικὴ οὐ μόριον· καίτοι δεῖ ὑγιαίνειν τοὺς
κατὰ τὴν οἰκίαν, ὥσπερ ζῆν ἢ ἄλλο τι τῶν ἀναγκαίων. @1 (30)
ἐπεὶ δὲ ἔστι μὲν ὡς τοῦ οἰκονόμου καὶ τοῦ ἄρχοντος καὶ περὶ
ὑγιείας ἰδεῖν, ἔστι δ’ ὡς οὔ, ἀλλὰ τοῦ ἰατροῦ, οὕτω καὶ περὶ

28. Αριστοτέλης. Πολιτεία. (4 B.C.) Bekker σελ. 1259b Γρ. 18


τὸν βασιλέα διαφέρειν μὲν δεῖ, τῷ γένει δ’ εἶναι τὸν αὐτόν· (15)
ὅπερ πέπονθε τὸ πρεσβύτερον πρὸς τὸ νεώτερον καὶ ὁ γεν-
νήσας πρὸς τὸ τέκνον. Φανερὸν τοίνυν ὅτι πλείων ἡ σπουδὴ τῆς
οἰκονομίας περὶ τοὺς ἀνθρώπους ἢ περὶ τὴν τῶν ἀψύχων κτῆσιν, καὶ
περὶ τὴν ἀρετὴν τούτων ἢ περὶ τὴν τῆς κτήσεως, ὃν καλοῦμεν (20)
πλοῦτον, καὶ τῶν ἐλευθέρων μᾶλλον ἢ δούλων.

29. Αριστοτέλης. Πολιτεία. (4 B.C.) Bekker σελ. 1264b Γρ. 6

…αὐτῶν—κἂν εἰ κοιναὶ αἱ κτήσεις καὶ αἱ τῶν γεωργῶν γυ- ναῖκες; ἄτοπον
δὲ καὶ τὸ ἐκ τῶν θηρίων ποιεῖσθαι τὴν παρα- βολήν, ὅτι δεῖ τὰ αὐτὰ
ἐπιτηδεύειν τὰς γυναῖκας τοῖς (5)ἀνδράσιν, οἷς οἰκονομίας οὐδὲν
μέτεστιν. ἐπισφαλὲς δὲ καὶ (6)τοὺς ἄρχοντας ὡς καθίστησιν ὁ Σωκράτης.
ἀεὶ γὰρ ποιεῖ τοὺς αὐτοὺς ἄρχοντας· τοῦτο δὲ στάσεως αἴτιον γίνεται καὶ
30. Αριστοτέλης. Πολιτεία. (4 B.C.) Bekker σελ. 1265b Γρ. 25
δὲ τὴν πᾶσαν οὐσίαν ἐφίησι γίνεσθαι μείζονα μέχρι πεντα-
πλασίας, διὰ τί τοῦτ’ οὐκ ἂν εἴη ἐπὶ τῆς γῆς μέχρι τινός;
καὶ τὴν τῶν οἰκοπέδων δὲ διαίρεσιν δεῖ σκοπεῖν, μή ποτ’ οὐ
συμφέρει πρὸς οἰκονομίαν· δύο γὰρ οἰκόπεδα ἑκάστῳ ἔνειμε (25)
διελὼν χωρίς, χαλεπὸν δὲ οἰκίας δύο οἰκεῖν.
ἡ δὲ σύνταξις (26)
ὅλη βούλεται μὲν εἶναι μήτε δημοκρατία μήτε ὀλιγαρχία,

31. Αριστοτέλης. Πολιτεία. (4 B.C.) Bekker σελ. 1277b Γρ. 24

ναικὸς ἑτέρα σωφροσύνη καὶ ἀνδρεία (δόξαι γὰρ ἂν εἶναι
δειλὸς ἀνήρ, εἰ οὕτως ἀνδρεῖος εἴη ὥσπερ γυνὴ ἀνδρεία, καὶ
γυνὴ λάλος, εἰ οὕτω κοσμία εἴη ὥσπερ ὁ ἀνὴρ ὁ ἀγαθός·
ἐπεὶ καὶ οἰκονομία ἑτέρα ἀνδρὸς καὶ γυναικός· τοῦ μὲν
γὰρ κτᾶσθαι τῆς δὲ φυλάττειν ἔργον ἐστίν). ἡ δὲ φρόνησις (25)
ἄρχοντος ἴδιος ἀρετὴ μόνη. τὰς γὰρ ἄλλας ἔοικεν ἀναγ-
καῖον εἶναι κοινὰς καὶ τῶν ἀρχομένων καὶ τῶν ἀρχόντων,

32. Αριστοτέλης. Πολιτεία. (4 B.C.) Bekker σελ. 1278b Γρ. 18

γον καὶ περὶ τῶν ἄλλων. ὑποθετέον δὴ πρῶτον τίνος χάριν @1 (15)
συνέστηκε πόλις, καὶ τῆς ἀρχῆς εἴδη πόσα τῆς περὶ ἄν-
θρωπον καὶ τὴν κοινωνίαν τῆς ζωῆς. εἴρηται δὴ κατὰ

τοὺς πρώτους λόγους, ἐν οἷς περὶ οἰκονομίας διωρίσθη καὶ δεσπο-

τείας, καὶ ὅτι φύσει μέν ἐστιν ἄνθρωπος ζῷον πολιτικόν.
διὸ καὶ μηδὲν δεόμενοι τῆς παρὰ ἀλλήλων βοηθείας οὐκ (20)
ἔλαττον ὀρέγονται τοῦ συζῆν· οὐ μὴν ἀλλὰ καὶ τὸ κοινῇ

33. Αριστοτέλης. Πολιτεία. (4 B.C.) Bekker σελ. 1285b Γρ. 33

κύριος εἷς ὤν, ὥσπερ ἕκαστον ἔθνος καὶ πόλις ἑκάστη τῶν (30)
κοινῶν, τεταγμένη κατὰ τὴν οἰκονομικήν. ὥσπερ γὰρ ἡ
οἰκονομικὴ βασιλεία τις οἰκίας ἐστίν, οὕτως ἡ βασιλεία πό-
λεως καὶ ἔθνους ἑνὸς ἢ πλειόνων οἰκονομία . Σχεδὸν δὴ δύο
ἐστὶν ὡς εἰπεῖν εἴδη βασιλείας περὶ ὧν σκεπτέον, αὕτη τε
καὶ ἡ Λακωνική· τῶν γὰρ ἄλλων αἱ πολλαὶ μεταξὺ τού- (35)
των εἰσίν· ἐλαττόνων μὲν γὰρ κύριοι τῆς παμβασιλείας,

34. Αριστοτέλης. Πολιτεία. (4 B.C.) Bekker σελ. 1308b Γρ. 32

ρᾶσθαι ἢ συμμιγνύναι τὸ τῶν ἀπόρων πλῆθος καὶ τὸ τῶν
εὐπόρων ἢ τὸ μέσον αὔξειν (τοῦτο γὰρ διαλύει τὰς διὰ (30)
τὴν ἀνισότητα στάσεις). μέγιστον δὲ ἐν πάσῃ πολιτείᾳ τὸ
καὶ τοῖς νόμοις καὶ τῇ ἄλλῃ οἰκονομίᾳ οὕτω τετάχθαι ὥστε
μὴ εἶναι τὰς ἀρχὰς κερδαίνειν.
35. Αριστοτέλης. Πολιτεία. (4 B.C.) Bekker σελ. 1314b Γρ. 15
εἰσὶ δὲ φοβερώτεροι τῶν τυράννων τοῖς ἀποδημοῦσιν οἱ
φυλάττοντες τῶν πολιτῶν· οἱ μὲν γὰρ συναποδημοῦσιν, οἱ
δὲ ὑπομένουσιν)· ἔπειτα τὰς εἰσφορὰς καὶ τὰς λειτουργίας
δεῖ φαίνεσθαι τῆς τε οἰκονομίας ἕνεκα συνάγοντα, κἄν (15)
ποτε δεηθῇ χρῆσθαι πρὸς τοὺς πολεμικοὺς καιρούς, ὅλως τε @1
αὑτὸν παρασκευάζειν φύλακα καὶ ταμίαν ὡς κοινῶν ἀλλὰ
μὴ ὡς ἰδίων· καὶ φαίνεσθαι μὴ χαλεπὸν ἀλλὰ σεμνόν,

36. Αριστοτέλης. Πολιτεία. (4 B.C.) Bekker σελ. 1335a Γρ. 3

πρεσβυτέροις ἡ χάρις παρὰ τῶν τέκνων, ἡ δὲ παρὰ τῶν
(1335a) πατέρων βοήθεια τοῖς τέκνοις), οὔτε λίαν πάρεγγυς εἶναι
(πολλὴν γὰρ ἔχει δυσχέρειαν· ἥ τε γὰρ αἰδὼς ἧττον ὑπάρχει
τοῖς τοιούτοις, ὥσπερ ἡλικιώταις, καὶ περὶ τὴν οἰκονομίαν
ἐγκληματικὸν τὸ πάρεγγυς)· ἔτι δ’, ὅθεν ἀρχόμενοι δεῦρο

μετέβημεν, ὅπως τὰ σώματα τῶν γεννωμένων ὑπάρχῃ (5)

πρὸς τὴν τοῦ νομοθέτου βούλησιν.
37. Αριστοτέλης. Πολιτεία. (4 B.C.) Bekker σελ. 1338a Γρ. 16
ἀσχολίαν ὡς ἀναγκαίας καὶ χάριν ἄλλων. διὸ καὶ τὴν
μουσικὴν οἱ πρότερον εἰς παιδείαν ἔταξαν οὐχ ὡς ἀναγκαῖον
(οὐδὲν γὰρ ἔχει τοιοῦτον), οὐδ’ ὡς χρήσιμον (ὥσπερ τὰ γράμ- (15)
ματα πρὸς χρηματισμὸν καὶ πρὸς οἰκονομίαν καὶ πρὸς
μάθησιν καὶ πρὸς πολιτικὰς πράξεις πολλάς, δοκεῖ δὲ
καὶ γραφικὴ χρήσιμος εἶναι πρὸς τὸ κρίνειν τὰ τῶν τεχνι- @1
τῶν ἔργα κάλλιον), οὐδ’ αὖ καθάπερ ἡ γυμναστικὴ πρὸς

38. ALCIDAMAS Rhet. Fragmenta {0610.001} (4 B.C.) Fragment 15 Τμ.

25 Γρ. 6
καὶ χρῆσθαι κατὰ τρόπον· αἱ γὰρ ἀκρίβειαι τῆς τῶν ὀνομάτων
ἐξεργασίας οὐ παραδέχονται τοὺς αὐτοματισμούς, ἀλλ’ ἀναγκαῖον ἢ
μηδὲν χρῆσθαι τοῖς ἀπὸ τῆς τύχης ἐνθυμήμασι δοθεῖσιν, ἢ χρώμενον (5)
διαλύειν καὶ συνερείπειν τὴν τῶν ὀνομάτων οἰκονομίαν, καὶ τὰ
μὲν ἀκριβῶς τὰ δ’ εἰκῇ λέγοντα ταραχώδη καὶ διάφωνον καθιστάναι
τὴν ἑρμηνείαν. (26) καίτοι τίς ἂν εὖ φρονῶν ἀποδέξαιτο τὴν τοιαύτην
μελέτην, ἥτις καὶ τῶν αὐτομάτων ἀγαθῶν ἐπίπροσθεν τῇ χρήσει

40. EPICURUS Phil. Epistula ad Herodotum {0537.006} (4-3 B.C.) Τμ.

79 Γρ. 8
οῦντας καὶ τίνες αἱ κυριώταται αἰτίαι, καὶ εἰ μὴ προσῄδεσαν (5)
ταῦτα· τάχα δὲ καὶ πλείους, ὅταν τὸ θάμβος ἐκ τῆς τούτων
προσκατανοήσεως μὴ δύνηται τὴν λύσιν λαμβάνειν κατὰ τὴν
περὶ τῶν κυριωτάτων οἰκονομίαν. διὸ δὴ καὶ πλείους αἰτίας
εὑρίσκομεν τροπῶν καὶ δύσεων καὶ ἀνατολῶν καὶ ἐκλείψεων
καὶ τῶν τοιουτοτρόπων ὥσπερ καὶ ἐν τοῖς κατὰ μέρος γινο- (10)
(80) μένοις, καὶ οὐ δεῖ νομίζειν τὴν ὑπὲρ τούτων χρείαν ἀκρίβειαν.

Ενδεικτικά αποσπασματα από αρχαία κείμενα . TLG.


1. Πλάτων. Euthydemus (5-4 B.C.) Stephanus σελ. 289 Τμ. a Γρ. 5

…ἐφάνη ὄν· ἢ οὐ μέμνησαι; ἔφην ἐγώ. — Πάνυ γ’, ἔφη,
μέμνημαι. — Οὐδέ γε, ὡς ἔοικε, τῆς ἄλλης ἐπιστήμης ὄφελος
γίγνεται οὐδέν, οὔτε χρηματιστικῆς οὔτε ἰατρικῆς οὔτε ἄλ- (5)
λης οὐδεμιᾶς, ἥτις ποιεῖν τι ἐπίσταται, χρῆσθαι δὲ μὴ ᾧ ἂν
ποιήσῃ· οὐχ οὕτως; — Συνέφη.
2. Πλάτων. Euthydemus (5-4 B.C.) Stephanus σελ. 307 Τμ. a Γρ. 6
ματι οἱ μὲν φαῦλοι πολλοὶ καὶ οὐδενὸς ἄξιοι, οἱ δὲ σπουδαῖοι
ὀλίγοι καὶ παντὸς ἄξιοι; ἐπεὶ γυμναστικὴ οὐ καλὸν δοκεῖ (5)
σοι εἶναι, καὶ χρηματιστικὴ καὶ ῥητορικὴ καὶ στρατηγία;
ΚΡ. Ἔμοιγε πάντως δήπου.
ΣΩ. Τί οὖν; ἐν ἑκάστῃ τούτων τοὺς πολλοὺς πρὸς

3. Πλάτων. Gorgias (5-4 B.C.) Stephanus σελ. 477 Τμ. e Γρ. 7

ἀδικία ἄρα καὶ ἡ ἀκολασία καὶ ἡ ἄλλη ψυχῆς πονηρία (5)
μέγιστον τῶν ὄντων κακόν ἐστιν; —ΠΩΛ. Φαίνεται. @1
ΣΩ. Τίς οὖν τέχνη πενίας ἀπαλλάττει; οὐ χρηματι-
στική; —ΠΩΛ. Ναί. —ΣΩ. Τίς δὲ νόσου; οὐκ ἰατρική; — 478.(a) ΠΩΛ.
Ἀνάγκη. —ΣΩ. Τίς δὲ πονηρίας καὶ ἀδικίας; εἰ μὴ
οὕτως εὐπορεῖς, ὧδε σκόπει· ποῖ ἄγομεν καὶ παρὰ τίνας

4. Πλάτων. Gorgias (5-4 B.C.) Stephanus σελ. 478 Τμ. a Γρ. 8

—ΠΩΛ. Φημί. —ΣΩ. Ἆρ’ οὖν οὐ
δικαιοσύνῃ τινὶ χρώμενοι κολάζουσιν οἱ ὀρθῶς κολάζοντες;
ΠΩΛ. Δῆλον δή. —ΣΩ. Χρηματιστικὴ μὲν ἄρα πενίας ἀπαλ-
(b) λάττει, ἰατρικὴ δὲ νόσου, δίκη δὲ ἀκολασίας καὶ ἀδικίας. —
ΠΩΛ. Φαίνεται.

5. Πλάτων. Gorgias (5-4 B.C.) Stephanus σελ. 478 Τμ. b Γρ. 4

ΠΩΛ. Φαίνεται.

ΣΩ. Τί οὖν τούτων κάλλιστόν ἐστιν [ὧν λέγεις]; —

ΠΩΛ. Τίνων λέγεις; —ΣΩ. Χρηματιστικῆς, ἰατρικῆς, δίκης.
—ΠΩΛ. Πολὺ διαφέρει, ὦ Σώκρατες, ἡ δίκη. —ΣΩ. Οὐκοῦν (5)
αὖ ἤτοι ἡδονὴν πλείστην ποιεῖ ἢ ὠφελίαν ἢ ἀμφότερα, εἴπερ

6. Αριστοτέλης. Ethica Eudemia (4 B.C.) Bekker σελ. 1231b Γρ. 39

μεσότητα εἶναι ἀσωτίας καὶ ἀνελευθερίας περὶ χρημάτων
κτῆσιν καὶ ἀποβολήν. διχῶς δὲ τὰ χρήματα λέγομεν καὶ
τὴν χρηματιστικήν. ἣ μὲν γὰρ καθ’ αὑτὸ χρῆσις τοῦ κτή-
(1232a) ματος ἐστίν, οἷον ὑποδήματος ἢ ἱματίου, ἣ δὲ κατὰ συμ-
βεβηκὸς μέν, οὐ μέντοι οὕτως ὡς ἂν εἴ τις σταθμῷ χρήσαιτο

7. Αριστοτέλης. Ηθικά Νικομάχεια. (4 B.C.) Bekker σελ. 1112b Γρ. 4

περὶ γραμμάτων (οὐ γὰρ διστάζομεν πῶς γραπτέον)· ἀλλ’
ὅσα γίνεται δι’ ἡμῶν, μὴ ὡσαύτως δ’ ἀεί, περὶ τούτων βου-
λευόμεθα, οἷον περὶ τῶν κατ’ ἰατρικὴν καὶ χρηματιστικήν,
καὶ περὶ κυβερνητικὴν μᾶλλον ἢ γυμναστικήν, ὅσῳ ἧττον @1 (5)
διηκρίβωται, καὶ ἔτι περὶ τῶν λοιπῶν ὁμοίως, μᾶλλον δὲ

8. Αριστοτέλης. Πολιτεία. (4 B.C.) Bekker σελ. 1253b Γρ. 14

μεν. ἔστι δέ τι μέρος ὃ δοκεῖ τοῖς μὲν εἶναι οἰκονομία ,
τοῖς δὲ μέγιστον μέρος αὐτῆς· ὅπως δ’ ἔχει, θεωρητέον·
λέγω δὲ περὶ τῆς καλουμένης χρηματιστικῆς. πρῶτον δὲ
περὶ δεσπότου καὶ δούλου εἴπωμεν, ἵνα τά τε πρὸς τὴν (15)
ἀναγκαίαν χρείαν ἴδωμεν, κἂν εἴ τι πρὸς τὸ εἰδέναι περὶ

9. Αριστοτέλης. Πολιτεία. (4 B.C.) Bekker σελ. 1256a Γρ. 1

τική. περὶ μὲν οὖν δούλου καὶ δεσπότου τοῦτον διωρίσθω τὸν
τρόπον. (40)
(1256a) Ὅλως δὲ περὶ πάσης κτήσεως καὶ χρηματιστικῆς θεω-
ρήσωμεν κατὰ τὸν ὑφηγημένον τρόπον, ἐπείπερ καὶ ὁ δοῦ-
λος τῆς κτήσεως μέρος τι ἦν. πρῶτον μὲν οὖν ἀπορήσειεν

10. Αριστοτέλης. Πολιτεία. (4 B.C.) Bekker σελ. 1256a Γρ. 4


ρήσωμεν κατὰ τὸν ὑφηγημένον τρόπον, ἐπείπερ καὶ ὁ δοῦ-

λος τῆς κτήσεως μέρος τι ἦν. πρῶτον μὲν οὖν ἀπορήσειεν
ἄν τις πότερον ἡ χρηματιστικὴ ἡ αὐτὴ τῇ οἰκονομικῇ ἐστιν
ἢ μέρος τι, ἢ ὑπηρετική, καὶ εἰ ὑπηρετική, πότερον ὡς ἡ (5)
κερκιδοποιικὴ τῇ ὑφαντικῇ ἢ ὡς ἡ χαλκουργικὴ τῇ ἀνδρι-
11. Αριστοτέλης. Πολιτεία. (4 B.C.) Bekker σελ. 1256a Γρ. 11
νον ἐξ οὗ τι ἀποτελεῖται ἔργον, οἷον ὑφάντῃ μὲν ἔρια
ἀνδριαντοποιῷ δὲ χαλκόν). ὅτι μὲν οὖν οὐχ ἡ αὐτὴ ἡ οἰκο- (10)
νομικὴ τῇ χρηματιστικῇ, δῆλον (τῆς μὲν γὰρ τὸ πορίσα-
σθαι, τῆς δὲ τὸ χρήσασθαι· τίς γὰρ ἔσται ἡ χρησομένη
τοῖς κατὰ τὴν οἰκίαν παρὰ τὴν οἰκονομικήν;)· πότερον δὲ

12. Αριστοτέλης. Πολιτεία. (4 B.C.) Bekker σελ. 1256a Γρ. 17

εἰ γάρ ἐστι τοῦ χρηματιστικοῦ θεωρῆσαι πόθεν χρήματα καὶ (15)
κτῆσις ἔσται, ἥ γε κτῆσις πολλὰ περιείληφε μέρη καὶ ὁ
πλοῦτος, ὥστε πρῶτον ἡ γεωργικὴ πότερον μέρος τι τῆς χρη-
ματιστικῆς ἢ ἕτερόν τι γένος, καὶ καθόλου ἡ περὶ τὴν τρο-
φὴν ἐπιμέλεια καὶ κτῆσις; ἀλλὰ μὴν εἴδη γε πολλὰ τρο-
φῆς, διὸ καὶ βίοι πολλοὶ καὶ τῶν ζῴων καὶ τῶν ἀνθρώπων (20)

13. Αριστοτέλης. Πολιτεία. (4 B.C.) Bekker σελ. 1256b Γρ. 41

Ἔστι δὲ γένος ἄλλο κτητικῆς, ἣν μάλιστα καλοῦσι, καὶ (40)
δίκαιον αὐτὸ καλεῖν, χρηματιστικήν, δι’ ἣν οὐδὲν δοκεῖ
(1257a) πέρας εἶναι πλούτου καὶ κτήσεως· ἣν ὡς μίαν καὶ τὴν
αὐτὴν τῇ λεχθείσῃ πολλοὶ νομίζουσι διὰ τὴν γειτνίασιν·

14. Αριστοτέλης. Πολιτεία. (4 B.C.) Bekker σελ. 1257a Γρ. 18

κατὰ φύσιν, τῷ τὰ μὲν πλείω τὰ δὲ ἐλάττω τῶν ἱκανῶν
ἔχειν τοὺς ἀνθρώπους (ᾗ καὶ δῆλον ὅτι οὐκ ἔστι φύσει τῆς
χρηματιστικῆς ἡ καπηλική· ὅσον γὰρ ἱκανὸν αὐτοῖς, ἀναγ-
καῖον ἦν ποιεῖσθαι τὴν ἀλλαγήν). ἐν μὲν οὖν τῇ πρώτῃ
κοινωνίᾳ (τοῦτο δ’ ἐστὶν οἰκία) φανερὸν ὅτι οὐδὲν ἔστιν ἔργον (20)

15. Αριστοτέλης. Πολιτεία. (4 B.C.) Bekker σελ. 1257a Γρ. 29


οἷον οἶνον πρὸς σῖτον διδόντες καὶ λαμβάνοντες, καὶ τῶν

ἄλλων τῶν τοιούτων ἕκαστον. ἡ μὲν οὖν τοιαύτη μεταβλη- @1
τικὴ οὔτε παρὰ φύσιν οὔτε χρηματιστικῆς ἐστιν εἶδος οὐδέν
(εἰς ἀναπλήρωσιν γὰρ τῆς κατὰ φύσιν αὐταρκείας ἦν)· ἐκ (30)
μέντοι ταύτης ἐγένετ’ ἐκείνη κατὰ λόγον. ξενικωτέρας γὰρ

16. Αριστοτέλης. Πολιτεία. (4 B.C.) Bekker σελ. 1257b Γρ. 2

(1257b) ρισθέντος οὖν ἤδη νομίσματος ἐκ τῆς ἀναγκαίας ἀλλαγῆς
θάτερον εἶδος τῆς χρηματιστικῆς ἐγένετο, τὸ καπηλικόν, τὸ
μὲν πρῶτον ἁπλῶς ἴσως γινόμενον, εἶτα δι’ ἐμπειρίας ἤδη
τεχνικώτερον, πόθεν καὶ πῶς μεταβαλλόμενον πλεῖστον

17. Αριστοτέλης. Πολιτεία. (4 B.C.) Bekker σελ. 1257b Γρ. 5

μὲν πρῶτον ἁπλῶς ἴσως γινόμενον, εἶτα δι’ ἐμπειρίας ἤδη
τεχνικώτερον, πόθεν καὶ πῶς μεταβαλλόμενον πλεῖστον
ποιήσει κέρδος. διὸ δοκεῖ ἡ χρηματιστικὴ μάλιστα περὶ τὸ (5)
νόμισμα εἶναι, καὶ ἔργον αὐτῆς τὸ δύνασθαι θεωρῆσαι πό-
θεν ἔσται πλῆθος χρημάτων· ποιητικὴ γάρ ἐστι πλούτου

18. Αριστοτέλης. Πολιτεία. (4 B.C.) Bekker σελ. 1257b Γρ. 9

θεν ἔσται πλῆθος χρημάτων· ποιητικὴ γάρ ἐστι πλούτου
καὶ χρημάτων. καὶ γὰρ τὸν πλοῦτον πολλάκις τιθέασι νο-
μίσματος πλῆθος, διὰ τὸ περὶ τοῦτ’ εἶναι τὴν χρηματιστικὴν
καὶ τὴν καπηλικήν. ὁτὲ δὲ πάλιν λῆρος εἶναι δοκεῖ τὸ (10)
νόμισμα καὶ νόμος παντάπασι, φύσει δ’ οὐθέν, ὅτι μετα-

19. Αριστοτέλης. Πολιτεία. (4 B.C.) Bekker σελ. 1257b Γρ. 18

Μίδαν ἐκεῖνον μυθολογοῦσι διὰ τὴν ἀπληστίαν τῆς εὐχῆς
πάντων αὐτῷ γιγνομένων τῶν παρατιθεμένων χρυσῶν. διὸ
ζητοῦσιν ἕτερόν τι τὸν πλοῦτον καὶ τὴν χρηματιστικήν, ὀρθῶς
ζητοῦντες. ἔστι γὰρ ἑτέρα ἡ χρηματιστικὴ καὶ ὁ πλοῦτος ὁ
κατὰ φύσιν, καὶ αὕτη μὲν οἰκονομική, ἡ δὲ καπηλικὴ (20)

20. Αριστοτέλης. Πολιτεία. (4 B.C.) Bekker σελ. 1257b Γρ. 19


πάντων αὐτῷ γιγνομένων τῶν παρατιθεμένων χρυσῶν. διὸ

ζητοῦσιν ἕτερόν τι τὸν πλοῦτον καὶ τὴν χρηματιστικήν, ὀρθῶς
ζητοῦντες. ἔστι γὰρ ἑτέρα ἡ χρηματιστικὴ καὶ ὁ πλοῦτος ὁ
κατὰ φύσιν, καὶ αὕτη μὲν οἰκονομική, ἡ δὲ καπηλικὴ (20)
ποιητικὴ χρημάτων οὐ πάντως, ἀλλὰ διὰ χρημάτων μετα-
21. Αριστοτέλης. Πολιτεία. (4 B.C.) Bekker σελ. 1257b Γρ. 24
βολῆς. καὶ δοκεῖ περὶ τὸ νόμισμα αὕτη εἶναι· τὸ γὰρ
νόμισμα στοιχεῖον καὶ πέρας τῆς ἀλλαγῆς ἐστιν. καὶ ἄπει-
ρος δὴ οὗτος ὁ πλοῦτος, ὁ ἀπὸ ταύτης τῆς χρηματιστικῆς.
ὥσπερ γὰρ ἡ ἰατρικὴ τοῦ ὑγιαίνειν εἰς ἄπειρόν ἐστι, καὶ (25)
ἑκάστη τῶν τεχνῶν τοῦ τέλους εἰς ἄπειρον (ὅτι μάλιστα γὰρ

23. Αριστοτέλης. Πολιτεία. (4 B.C.) Bekker σελ. 1257b Γρ. 30

ρον (πέρας γὰρ τὸ τέλος πάσαις), οὕτω καὶ ταύτης τῆς
χρηματιστικῆς οὐκ ἔστι τοῦ τέλους πέρας, τέλος δὲ ὁ τοιοῦτος
πλοῦτος καὶ χρημάτων κτῆσις. τῆς δ’ οἰκονομικῆς αὖ χρη- (30)
ματιστικῆς ἔστι πέρας· οὐ γὰρ τοῦτο τῆς οἰκονομικῆς ἔργον.
διὸ τῇ μὲν φαίνεται ἀναγκαῖον εἶναι παντὸς πλούτου πέρας,
ἐπὶ δὲ τῶν γινομένων ὁρῶμεν συμβαῖνον τοὐναντίον· πάντες

24. Αριστοτέλης. Πολιτεία. (4 B.C.) Bekker σελ. 1257b Γρ. 36

γὰρ εἰς ἄπειρον αὔξουσιν οἱ χρηματιζόμενοι τὸ νόμισμα.
αἴτιον δὲ τὸ σύνεγγυς αὐτῶν. ἐπαλλάττει γὰρ ἡ χρῆσις, (35)
τοῦ αὐτοῦ οὖσα, ἑκατέρας τῆς χρηματιστικῆς. τῆς γὰρ αὐτῆς
ἐστι κτήσεως χρῆσις, ἀλλ’ οὐ κατὰ ταὐτόν, ἀλλὰ τῆς μὲν
ἕτερον τέλος, τῆς δ’ ἡ αὔξησις. ὥστε δοκεῖ τισι τοῦτ’ εἶναι

25. Αριστοτέλης. Πολιτεία. (4 B.C.) Bekker σελ. 1258a Γρ. 6

κὰς ζητοῦσιν, ὥστ’ ἐπεὶ καὶ τοῦτ’ ἐν τῇ κτήσει φαίνεται ὑπάρ-
χειν, πᾶσα ἡ διατριβὴ περὶ τὸν χρηματισμόν ἐστι, καὶ τὸ (5)
ἕτερον εἶδος τῆς χρηματιστικῆς διὰ τοῦτ’ ἐλήλυθεν. ἐν ὑπερ-
βολῇ γὰρ οὔσης τῆς ἀπολαύσεως, τὴν τῆς ἀπολαυστικῆς
ὑπερβολῆς ποιητικὴν ζητοῦσιν· κἂν μὴ διὰ τῆς χρηματιστι-

26. Αριστοτέλης. Πολιτεία. (4 B.C.) Bekker σελ. 1258a Γρ. 8


ἕτερον εἶδος τῆς χρηματιστικῆς διὰ τοῦτ’ ἐλήλυθεν. ἐν ὑπερ-

βολῇ γὰρ οὔσης τῆς ἀπολαύσεως, τὴν τῆς ἀπολαυστικῆς
ὑπερβολῆς ποιητικὴν ζητοῦσιν· κἂν μὴ διὰ τῆς χρηματιστι-
κῆς δύνωνται πορίζειν, δι’ ἄλλης αἰτίας τοῦτο πειρῶνται,
ἑκάστῃ χρώμενοι τῶν δυνάμεων οὐ κατὰ φύσιν. ἀνδρείας (10)
γὰρ οὐ χρήματα ποιεῖν ἐστιν ἀλλὰ θάρσος, οὐδὲ στρατηγικῆς

27. Αριστοτέλης. Πολιτεία. (4 B.C.) Bekker σελ. 1258a Γρ. 15

…τὸ τέλος ἅπαντα δέον ἀπαντᾶν. περὶ μὲν οὖν τῆς τε
μὴ (14)ἀναγκαίας χρηματιστικῆς, καὶ τίς, καὶ δι’ αἰτίαν τίνα ἐν (15)
χρείᾳ ἐσμὲν αὐτῆς, εἴρηται, καὶ περὶ τῆς ἀναγκαίας, ὅτι
ἑτέρα μὲν αὐτῆς οἰκονομικὴ δὲ κατὰ φύσιν ἡ περὶ τὴν…

28. Αριστοτέλης. Πολιτεία. (4 B.C.) Bekker σελ. 1258a Γρ. 20

τροφήν, οὐχ ὥσπερ αὐτὴ ἄπειρος ἀλλὰ ἔχουσα ὅρον.
Δῆλον δὲ καὶ τὸ ἀπορούμενον ἐξ ἀρχῆς, πότερον τοῦ
οἰκονομικοῦ καὶ πολιτικοῦ ἐστιν ἡ χρηματιστικὴ ἢ οὔ, ἀλλὰ (20)
δεῖ τοῦτο μὲν ὑπάρχειν (ὥσπερ γὰρ καὶ ἀνθρώπους οὐ ποιεῖ
ἡ πολιτική, ἀλλὰ λαβοῦσα παρὰ τῆς φύσεως χρῆται

29. Αριστοτέλης. Πολιτεία. (4 B.C.) Bekker σελ. 1258a Γρ. 28

… ἀλλὰ χρήσασθαι αὐτοῖς, καὶ γνῶναι δὲ τὸ ποῖον
χρηστὸν καὶ ἐπιτήδειον, ἢ φαῦλον καὶ ἀνεπιτήδειον. καὶ γὰρ
ἀπορήσειεν ἄν τις διὰ τί ἡ μὲν χρηματιστικὴ μόριον τῆς
οἰκονομίας , ἡ δ’ ἰατρικὴ οὐ μόριον· καίτοι δεῖ ὑγιαίνειν τοὺς
κατὰ τὴν οἰκίαν, ὥσπερ ζῆν ἢ ἄλλο τι τῶν ἀναγκαίων.

30. Αριστοτέλης. Πολιτεία. (4 B.C.) Bekker σελ. 1258a Γρ. 37

…φύσει τοῦτο ὑπάρχειν. φύσεως γάρ ἐστιν ἔργον τροφὴν τῷ (35)
γεννηθέντι παρέχειν· παντὶ γάρ, ἐξ οὗ γίνεται, τροφὴ τὸ
λειπόμενόν ἐστι. διὸ κατὰ φύσιν ἐστὶν ἡ χρηματιστικὴ
πᾶσιν ἀπὸ τῶν καρπῶν καὶ τῶν ζῴων. διπλῆς δ’ οὔσης
αὐτῆς, ὥσπερ εἴπομεν, καὶ τῆς μὲν καπηλικῆς…

History of economic theory Greek word Economy

A History of Economic Theory and Method: Sixth Edition Robert B.

Ekelund, Jr., Robert F. Hébert - 2013 - Business & Economics Each theory
uses observations, ideas, and assumptions about how the world ... The
ancient Greeks gave us the word economics, but restricted its meaning
to ...
Economics - Wikipedia Economics is a social science concerned with the
factors that determine the production, distribution, and consumption of
goods and services. The term economics comes from the Ancient Greek
οἰκονομία from οἶκος .... From the 1960s, however, such comments
abated as the economic theory of maximizing behaviour and ...
Economy - Wikipedia An Economy is an area of the production,
distribution, or trade, and consumption of goods and services by different
agents in a given geographical location. Understood in its broadest sense,
'The economic is defined as a social .... In Ancient Greece, where the
present English word 'Economy' originated, many people were ...
G CAMERON - 2008 - history of economics not from the perspective of
the modern notion of economics, but from the ... 'economics' was a
perfectly good Greek word. .... wealth in theory and practice; the
application of this discipΓρ. to a particular sphere; the.
Greek Thought Ancient Greek Philosophy ~ ECONOMIC THEORIES
History Of Economic Theory and Thought. Facebok · RSS ... Classical
Greek Thought, Ancient Greek Philosophy Thoughts ... The word
economics, derived from Greek, was used by Xenophon as the title of his
Βιβ. Οικονομικός . As used by ...
History of economic thought - Wikipedia The history of economic thought
deals with different thinkers and theories in the subject that became
Πολιτεία. l Economy and economics, from the ancient world to the present
day. It encompasses many disparate schools of economic thought. Ancient
Greek writers such as the philosopher Aristotle examined ideas ...
History of Economics — The Centrist Party A brief history of economics
allows us valuable perspective on the nature and ... French yconomie, from
Medieval Latin Oeconomia, from Greek oikonomia, from ... We do not
live in an ideal world although we hope that the principles of fair trade ...

Mercantilism is an economic theory that holds that the prosperity of a

nation ...
Journals In Economics Find Journals In Economics In 6 Search Engines
at Once.The Complete Overview · Information 24/7 · Trusted by
Millions · Wiki, News & More..
Oikos and Economy: The Greek Legacy in Economic Thought -
ORIGIN OF THE WORD "ECONOMICS" - Economy : Learning Basic
...Μ 29 Οκτ 2010 - The word "economics" is derived from a Greek word
"okionomia", which means ... -The theory of economics does not furnish a
body of settled ...
The History Of Economic Thought | Investopedia Economics is the
science that concerns itself with Economies, from how societies produce
... Theoretical economics uses the language of mathematics, statistics and
computational modeling to test pure concepts that, in turn, help
economists ...
word "Economy" can be traced back to the Greek words οἰκονόμος (i.e.
"one who manages a ... economics, but may include sociology (economic
sociology), history (economic history), .... Mercantilist theory varied in

Oikos and Economy

A Companion to American Art - Σελίδα 449 John Davis, Jennifer A.

Greenhill, Jason D. LaFountain - 2015 - - ... like “Economy,” in the Greek
oikos, meaning home, household, or family), ecocriticism inquires about
the environmental significance of creative work in any moment, past or
present, by attending to historically specific frames of reference, ...
A Companion to Milton - Σελίδα 157 Thomas N. Corns - 2003 - - But its
etymology suits the language of natute in Milton's poems bettet than its
neatest eatly modetn equivalent, 'Economy'. Both come from the Greek
OIKOC (oikos, household), but Economy's othet toot is vouxxt (nomos,
law), while ecology ...
A Critical History of Contemporary Architecture: 1960-2010 Asst Prof
David Rifkind, Dr Elie G Haddad - 2014 - - he intimacy of our Economy,

the law of our hearth (oikos), our familial, religious and political
“oikonomy”, all the places of birth and death, temple, school, stadium,
agora, square, sepulchre.6 For Derrida, therefore, architectural meaning
directs ...
A Home for the Homeless: A Social-Scientific Criticism of 1 Peter, ...John
H. Elliott - 2005 - - (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1941), 2: 1309; also id.,
The Social and Economic History of the Roman Empire (SEHRE), ... 52
Philo expresses a general conception of antiquity regard» ing the relation
of the oikos and the polis and the roots of the ...
A Materialism for the Masses: Saint Paul and the Philosophy of ...Ward
Blanton - 2014 - - It has the force of law, of a law which is the law of a
house (oikos), of the house as place, domicile, family, lineage, or
institution. Having become a museum, Freud's house takes in all these
powers of Economy.7 For this reason, after the ...
A New English Dictionary of the English Language - Σελίδα 633 Charles
Richardson - 1836 - household affairs ; (oikos, a house, and vtu. - iv, to
rule. ) Written (Economy by the older writers, and sometimes by modern.
The verb is now in common use. To regulate or manage household or
domestic affairs ; to manage or arrange, ...
Altarity - Σελίδα 263 Mark C. Taylor - 1987 - - The English translator
notes: " 'Tomb' in Greek is oikesis, which is akin to the Greek oikos —
house — from which the word 'Economy' derives (oikos — house — and
nemein — to manage). Thus Derrida speaks of the 'Economy of death' as
the ...
An Etymological Manual of the English Language: Comprising the
...William Smeaton - 1843 - Nomos, a law ; (nom) — astronomy,
Economy. Nosos, a disease ; (nos) — nosology. O. Ode, a song ; (od) —
ode, psalmody, rhapsody. Oikos, a dwelling-house ; (oik) — Economy,
diocese. Okto, eight ; (okt) — octopetalous, octogon. Oligos ...
An Introduction to Plant Ecology - Σελίδα 15 A.G. Tansley - 1993 - -THE
word ], as is well known, is derived, like the common word Economy,
from the Greek OIKOS (oikos), house, abuJc, duvttifig. In its widest
meaning ecology is the study of plants and animals as they exist in their
natural homes ; or ...
Ancient Greece: Social and Historical Documents from Archaic Times
...Matthew Dillon, Lynda Garland - 2005 - - The central focus of
civilization for the Greeks, after the oikos or family unit, was the city-state

or polis (plural: poleis). ... The most specific evidence for the Economy of
a city-state of course derives from Athens, because of the wealth of
evidence ...
Ancient Mesopotamia - Σελίδα 147 Susan Pollock - 1999 - - References
in texts indicate that fruits were specialty items delivered to temples and
offered on the occasion of festivals (Postgate 1987). Summary In the
course of the Early Dynastic period, a tributary Economy gave way to an
oikos-based ...
Antiquity and Capitalism: Max Weber and the Sociological Foundations
...John R. Love - 2005 - - For on close scrutiny it can be seen he provides
a quite different model of the socio-economic base of ancient society ... is
the rich and varied series of ideal types— urban Economy, oikos
Economy, mediaeval town Economy, the feudal army, ...
Archaeology and Colonialism: Cultural Contact from 5000 BC to the
...Chris Gosden - 2004 - - On the basis of both sets of data for southern
Mesopotamia, many scholars, following the lead of Max Weber, have
argued for the existence of an oikos Economy (Pollock 1999: chapter 5).
In this structure a number of individual households ...
Aristotle to Zoos: A Philosophical Dictionary of Biology - Σελίδα 73 Peter
Brian Medawar, J. S. Medawar - 1985 - - HtCOLOGl The words
"ecology," "economics," and "ecumenism" all have their root in the Greek
word oikos, meaning house or home. Ecology, topmost in the hierarchy
of the life sciences, has indeed to do with the Economy of the great
house ...
Athenian Economy and Society: A Banking Perspective - Σελίδα 61
Edward Cohen - 1997 - - Because Athenian banking was closely involved
with the “invisible” (aphanés) Economy, which avoided taxes and ... of the
“household” (oikos), where the leading role of the male citizen was
sharply circumscribed by economic reality and ...
Authority in Byzantine Provincial Society, 950-1100 - Σελίδα 66 Leonora
Neville - 2004 - - In more fer11le ateas the schoinion was 10 orgyiai long
because n measured land in rela11on to productivity, Lcfon, "Rutal
Economy." 3oo. ' Paul Magdalino, The By2anrine aristoctaric oikos," in
The By2anrine 66 Provincial households ...
Between Freedom and Necessity: An Essay on the Place of Value Steven
Schroeder - 2000 - Smith is among the early theorists of political Economy
which, as the label implies, combined a concern with polis (city), oikos

(house), and nomos (law). When Smith and Marx speak of "value," both
attempt to do so in ways that attend to laws ...
'Bread and Circuses': Euergetism and Municipal Patronage in Roman Italy
Tim Cornell, Dr Kathryn Lomas - 2005 - - Thomas Wiedemann A
generation ago, analysis of the economic structure of the ancient world,
where it did not ... to see the ancient Economy as based on small-scale units
of production centred on the individual oikos or domus, and aiming at ...
Burning Center, Porous Borders: The Church in a Globalized World
Eleazar S. Fernandez - 2011 - - Economy. Is. Possible. o. ne night a friend
and i were served a meal by a poor peasant- farmer family in the village of
... economics is the table manners of the household. given that the root of
the term economics is oikos (household), the ...
Business Power: Supreme Business Laws and Maxims that Win Wealth
Frank Channing Haddock - 2009 - And here we have nomad, from Sanskrit
nam, "to count out, to share ;" and wick, "a village," vicinage, "belonging
to the same street," with the idea of sharing in some established way; and
finally, Economy (economics), from Greek oikos, ...
Capitalism Vs. Environmental Sustainability Sascha Krüger - 2008 - - The
parts "logy" and "nomy" descend from "logos" (meaning "doctrine") and
"nomos" (meaning "law"). So, essentially people are talking and writing
about a natural balance and operating efficiency. These are two similar
Case studies in sustainability management and strategy: the oikos ...Jost
Hamschmidt - 2007 -
Centrality of Agriculture: Between Humankind and the Rest of Nature
Colin A.M. Duncan - 1996 - - Such questioning of course depended on
what we so glibly call “the Economy" having first been perceived as an
Other ... the Economy was the same size, so to speak, as a household (the
word “Economy” deriving from the ancient Greek oikos, ...
Christian Faith and the Earth: Current Paths and Emerging Horizons
...Ernst M. Conradie, Sigurd Bergmann, Celia Deane-Drummond - 2014 -
- This follows the classic distinction between the immanent and the
economic trinity, between who God is and what ... 2 See E. M. Conradie,
'The Whole Household of God (Oikos): Some Ecclesiological
Perspectives', Scriptura 94 (2007), pp.

Christianity and Earthkeeping: In search of an inspiring vision Ernst

Marais Conradie - 2011 - - The word oikos is also the root of oikoumene,
the whole inhabited world. Christian communities live from the conviction
that the whole household (oikos) belongs to God and has to answer to
God's Economy.2 Larry Rasmussen explains the ...
Christianity and Politics: A Brief Guide to the History - Σελίδα 10 C. C.
Pecknold - 2010 - - ... word for “household” was oikos, and the “rule” or
“law” of the household was oikonomia). In other words, the larger
“Economy” of the city depended on the smaller domestic Economy, and
the virtues of a woman were seen in accordance with ...
Classical Horizons: The Origins of Sociology in Ancient Greece George
E. McCarthy - 2012 - - International trade was marginal to the economic
life of the community and limited to the purchase of expensive consumer
goods for the wealthy. It was a peasant Economy built around the
household (oikos) and based on a local market for the ...
Community and the Politics of Place - Σελίδα 84 Daniel Kemmis - 1992 -
- Economics is referred to as the dismal science because it deals in the
inescapable limitations and hardships of human existence. If Adam and
Eve ... The Greek root for our word Economy was oikos, which meant
"household." To the Greeks ...
Conflict, Security and the Reshaping of Society: The Civilization of War
Alessandro Dal Lago, Salvatore Palidda - 2010 - - 10 Financial profit is
disconnected from the way the Economy is traditionally defined and
measured (the production and ... for the good management of the needs of
human inhabitants – oiko-nomia (οικο-νομια) = regulation of the
Core Sociological Dichotomies - Σελίδα 138 Chris Jenks - 1998 - - ...
Economy (oikos): the domestic sphere was regarded as the realm of mere
physical reproduction and therefore of the compulsion and slavery of needs
(particularly bodily), of immersion in the trivial, industrial and 'merely'
private. The public ...
Creation: A Biblical Vision for the Environment - Σελίδα xi Margaret
Barker - 2009 - - In the Orthodox tradition, the phrase 'divine Economy'
is used to describe God's extraordinary acts of love and ... 'Economy' is
derived from the Greek word 'oikonomia', which implies the management
of an environment or household, [oikos], ...

Criticisms of Classical Political Economy: Menger, Austrian ...Gilles

Campagnolo - 2010 - - Menger, Austrian Economics and the German
Historical School Gilles Campagnolo ... and public life in the polis,
whereas economics was limited by definition of the term in its original
meaning to domestic (oikos) Economy (nomos in the sense ...
Cuneiform Texts and the Writing of History - Σελίδα 111 Marc Van De
Mieroop - 2005 - - Many scholars investigating aspects of the
Mesopotamian Economy, such as prices, trade, craft production, etc., seem
to ... in the importance of the oikos. the household unit, as the fundamental
unit of production and consumption in antiquity.
Deep Economy: Caring for Ecology, Humanity and Religion - Σελίδα 35
Hans-Dirk van Hoogstraten - 2001 - - 'Ecology concerns the logos of the
oikos; 'Economy' concerns the nomos of the oikos lsome prefer the
derivation from the word nomeus, meaning 'ruler,' 'shepherd'). The word
logos is a rich concept. ln ancient Greek culture, it meant 'creative ...
Demystifying Sustainability: Towards Real Solutions - Σελίδα 47 Haydn
Washington - 2015 - - The ancient Greek root of 'Economy' is oikonomos,
'one who manages a household', derived from oikos, 'house' and nemein,
'to manage'. From this was derived oikonomia, or 'management of a
household or family'. Given how far apart the ...
Dimensions of Environmental and Ecological Economics - Σελίδα 47
Nirmal Chandra Sahu, Amita Kumari Choudhury - 2005 - Joan Martinez-
Alier Eological economics does not resort to a single scale of values
expressed In terms of a single ... the art and science of the material
provision of the «oikos» or home, whereas chrematistics (which we now
call economics) ...
Discontinuities in Ecosystems and Other Complex Systems - Σελίδα 243
Craig R. Allen, C. S. Holling - 2012 - - Oikos 70:127–130. Bokma, F.
2001. ... Pathways to randomness in the Economy: Emergent nonlinearity
in economics and finance. Estudios ... The Economics of Small
Businesses: Their Role and Regulation in the U.S. Economy. New York: ...
Divine Economy: Theology and the Market - Σελίδα 108 D. Stephen Long
- 2000 - - To understand the relationship between theology and economics
in America, we must become acquainted with the ... IV Rosemary Radford
Ruether: the wickedness of capitalism and the protest of the oikos
Rosemary Radford Ruether's ...

Dynamics of Energy Governance in Europe and Russia C. Kuzemko, A.

Belyi, A. Goldthau - 2012 - - Ekaterina Demakova isaPhD candidate
inPolitical Sciences atthe Faculty of World Economy and International
Affairs and ... She tookpartin the Oikos Young Scholars International
Economics Academy2011: 'Management of NaturalResources ...
Earth Democracy: Justice, Sustainability and Peace - Σελίδα 13 Vandana
Shiva - 2006 - - Mahatma Gandhi1 The word economics is derived from
the Greek word oikos, meaning home. Home is where one is born, grows
up, and is looked after. Mathew Fox wrote, "Our true home is the universe
itself."2 Robert Frost observes, "Home ...
Earth-honoring Faith: Religious Ethics in a New Key Larry L. Rasmussen
- 2015 - - coherent culture and a moral vision for life together amid present
fragmentation.30 Curiously, however, his cultural and economic critique
largely omitted the ecological. His oikos quest for a durable present and
future thus needs its own ...
Earthkeeping in the Nineties: Stewardship of Creation - Σελίδα 216 Peter
De Vos - 1991 - - Wendell Berry, "Two Economies," in Home Economics
OIKOS, house, and nomos, order (or law). Oikonomos, then, is the
ordering of a household, the principles by which it is ...
Ecological Economics: An Introduction Michael Common, Sigrid Stagl -
2005 - - 1.1 WHAT IS ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS? The Greek word
'oikos' is the origin of the 'eco' in both ecology and economics. Oikos
means household. Ecology is the study of nature's housekeeping, and
economics is the study of housekeeping ...
Ecological Processes Handbook - Σελίδα 3 Luca Palmeri, Alberto
Barausse, Sven Erik Jorgensen - 2013 - - 1.1 Introduction The term
ecology, which is an extension of the term Economy, was introduced by E.
Haeckel in 1866 to signify the study of the ... The term comes from two
Greek words: oikos, which means house, and logos—that is, the study.
Ecological Restoration of Southwestern Ponderosa Pine Forests Peter
Friederici - 2003 - - The word economics, like the word ecology, takes
its root from the Greek oikos, meaning household. Ecology (Greek
okologie) is the study of our household, while Economy (Greek
oikonomia) refers to management of this household.
Ecology and Development in Conflict: A Gandhian Approach - Σελίδα 77
Gunanidhi Parida - 2000 - Chapter - 3 Ecology and Gandhi The term

ecology comes from the Greek word oikos (house) and, significantly, has
the same Greek root as the word economics from aikonomous
(household) manager. Earnest Hackel, the German biologist ...
Ecology Is Permanent Economy: The Activism and Environmental ...
Ecology of War & Peace: Counting Costs of Conflict - Σελίδα 1 Tom H.
Hastings - 2000 - - The common etymological origin of our "ecology" and
"Economy," from the Greek oiko, meaning "home," or "house," ought to
guide us back to the ineluctable connections we "civilized" peoples strive
to forget; our Economy (monetary ...
Economic and Social History of Ancient Greece: An Introduction M. M.
Austin, Pierre Vidal-Naquet - 1980 - -
Economic Persuasions Stephen Gudeman - 2013 - - In this book,
international scholars from anthropology and economics adopt a rhetorical
perspective in order to make sense of material life and the theories about
Economic Structures of Antiquity - Σελίδα 64 Morris Silver - 1995 - -
portant roles in the expanding Economies of twenty-fourth-century Lagash
in Sumer, nineteenth-century Assur in Assyria, eighteenth-century
Babylonia and northern Syria ... The Greek slave belonged to the ousia
"being, essence" of the oikos.
Economics After the Crisis: An Introduction to Economics from a ...Irene
van Staveren - 2014 - - Image 1.1 shows a physics model of the Economy,
in which water flows represent the flow of resources and goods. Such a
model was ... Others recognise a broader role for economics as studying
the provisioning of the oikos, the classical ...
Economics as a Political Muse: Philosophical Reflections on the ...M.K.
Deblonde - 2013 - - Philosophical Reflections on the Relevance of
Economics for Ecological Policy M.K. Deblonde ... (Paper gepresenteerd
op het congres van The International Society for Ecological Economics:
Designing Sustainability. ... In: Oikos, 1 (3), p.
Economics for Engineers - Σελίδα 3 Economic activities are those
activities which are concerned with the efficient use of such scarce means
as can satisfy the wants of the man. Human ... Oikos (household) and
Nemein (to manage), meaning thereby Household Management.
Economics: Aristotle, Aeterna Press - 2015 - - The title of this work
means “household management” and is derived from the Greek word,

oikos” meaning “house/household.” The term includes household

finance as it is commonly known today and also defines the roles members
Economy and Ritual: Studies in Postsocialist Transformations Stephen
Gudeman, Chris Hann - 2015 - - “Economy. and. Ritual”. Project. and.
the. Field. Questionnaire. The project ran officially from March 2009 to
March 2012. ... Revised versions of these essays will be published shortly
as the second volume in this series under the title Oikos and ...
Economy and Society: An Outline of Interpretive Sociology - Σελίδα 384
Max Weber, Guenther Roth, Claus Wittich - 1978 - - Cf. also GAzSW,
463k 5. Karl Johann Rodbertus (1805—75), who championed a
conservative form of socialism, advanced the theory that all of Antiquity
should be classified as falling into the stage of the "oikos Economy," a
concept created by ...
Economy, Family, and Society from Rome to Islam: A Critical Edition,
...Simon Swain - 2013 - - The estate — the oikos — comprises money and
properties, and Bryson presents us with an owner who is responsible for its
financial security and welfare. He is a landowner: he is in possession
of'scattered estates' in which he 'invests' his ...
Economy's Tension: The Dialectics of Community and Market - Σελίδα
29 Stephen Gudeman - 2013 - - This house Economy has "doors" and
"windows" through which things pass in exchange, it has "supports" that
maintain it, ... Erasing the division between human and the environment, it
is a model of an oikos Economy in the original sense of ...
Egypt, Greece, and Rome: Civilizations of the Ancient Mediterranean
Charles Freeman - 2014 - - The Cambridge Economic History of the
Greco-Roman World, Cambridge and New York, 2007.) The primary unit
for production, the storage of goods, and their consumption in the Greek
world was the oikos, or household. (The Greeks used ...
Environmental Economics: A Textbook - Σελίδα 71 Karpagam M. - 1999
- - —Isavasya Upanishad he last few chapters analysed the economics of
environmental issues. The impact of economic ... The word “ecology” is
derived from the Greek word “Oikos” meaning 'house' or place to live.
Literally, ecology is the study ...
EPZ Deconstruction and Criticism - Σελίδα 62 Harold Bloom - 2004 - -
"I"] are also the last letters of these "texts," their final paraph [paraphe, also
"initials"], in his untranslatable signature. 24-31 December 1977. Here,

Economy, the law of the oikos it. If it is a sort of quotation, a sort 62

LIVING ON Jacques Derrida.
Eradicating Ecocide: Laws and Governance to Prevent the Destruction
...Polly Higgins - 2010 - - It is no coincidence that the word Economy has
its roots in the Greek word oikonomos, which when taken in its
constituent parts of oikos and nomos provides us with the etymology of
the word. Nomos means 'manager, steward;' oikonomos, ...
Etymological Guide to the English Language: Being a Collection, ...John
Wood (of Edinburgh.) - 1837 - Arc, Terra, Gea, Mundus, Kosmos, Humus,
Fundus, Solum. EASE. Aise, Facio, Pedis. EAST. Eos, Orior. EAT. Edo,
Manger, Phagein, Voro, Gluzo, Gorge, Gourmand, Rodo, Mordeo,
Gangrene. ECLIPSE. Leipo. ECONOMY. Oikos, Parsimonia.
Everyone's Guide to the South African Economy - Σελίδα 88 2005 - - The
term 'economics' is derived from the Greek oikos and nemein, meaning
'to manage a household'. In fact, economics is the study of how human
beings match their multiple needs with scarce resources. When the cost of
satisfying needs is ...
Facing Public Interest: The Ethical Challenge to Business Policy and
...Peter Ulrich, Charles Sarasin - 2012 - - ... und Grenzen kooperativer
Subpolitik, in: oikos, Umweltökonomische Studenteninitiative an der
Hochschule St. Gallen ... Ulrich, P. (1990): The Social Contract Theory,
Discoursive Ethics, and Political Economy Towards a critical
conception ...
Families and States in Western Europe - Σελίδα 68 Quentin Skinner - 2011
- - The Aristotelian model revolves around a set of binary divisions
between oikos and polis, between household and political sphere, ... The
Economy, relegated by Aristotle to the household, is assigned by Hegel
to a third sphere of civil society.
Families in the Greco-Roman World - Σελίδα 84 Ray Laurence, Agneta
Stromberg - 2012 - - The Language of the Oikos and the Language of
Power in the Seleucid Kingdom Omar Coloru The kingdoms born from ...
As Rostovtzeff pointed out in his analysis of the Economy of the
Hellenistic world, the kingdom was indeed the oikos of ...
Feminisms in the Academy - Σελίδα 180 Domna C. Stanton, Abigail J.
Stewart - 1995 - - Domestic. Economy: Rereading. Xenophon's.
Oeconom/cus. Sarah. B. Pomeroy. Xenophon wrote the Oeconomicus, ...

to the importance of the oikos ("estate," "household," or "family") as an

economic entity.1 The earliest written evidence from ...
Fifty Years of Invasion Ecology: The Legacy of Charles Elton David M.
Richardson - 2011 - - Environmental and Resource Economics, 23, 319–
342. Elton, C.S. (1958) The Ecology of Invasions by Animals and Plants.
Methuen, London. Evans, E.A. (2003) Economic dimensions of invasive
species. Choices ... Oikos, 87, 15–26. Levine ...
Fleeing the Iron Cage: Culture, Politics, and Modernity in the ...Lawrence
A. Scaff - 1991 - - Despite its one-sided and sometimes misleading
formulations, Rodbertus' reconstruction of the oikos and the ancient
Economy was praised by Weber as "uncommonly fruitful and stimulating"
for his own work on antiquity and on the ...
Forest Resource, Economy, and Environment - Σελίδα v Anil K. Singh,
Virendra Kumar Kumar, Jagadish Singh - 1987 - - The long-term, indirect
economic benefits of the protective function of the forests are staggering
indeed. In order to ... Like ecology the word "economics" is derived from
the Greek root "oikos" (meaning 'household'), and the "nomics" means ...
Foundational Texts in Modern Criminal Law Markus D Dubber - 2014 - -
Beccaria, in other words, was a practitioner of “political Economy,” in the
traditional sense epitomized by Rousseau's ... only nine years before
Crimes and Punishments, in 1755: THE word Economy, or OEconomy,
is derived from oikos, ...
Freedom Bound: Law, Labor, and Civic Identity in Colonizing English
...Christopher Tomlins - 2010 - - Economy of the oikos, then, gave leisure
– release from toil, opportunity to participate in vita activa – primacy over
accumulation as a value to be cherished. But the leisure that it was the
object of the oikos to produce was not designed for equal ...
From Metaphysics to Rhetoric - Σελίδα 188 Michel Meyer - 2012 - - The
very notion of political Economy constitutes a Copernican revolution with
respect to the Aristotelian notion of domestic Economy (oikos homos). For
Aristotle, domestic Economy is dependent on the private sphere and
therefore cannot be ...
General Problems: Political Economy - Σελίδα 13 Oskar Lange - 2013 - -
RELATED TERMS The word “Economy” dates back to Aristotle and
means the science of the principles of household management. It is derived
from the Greek oikos meaning a ...

George Alfred James - 2013 - -

Global Sustainable Development and Renewable Energy Systems Olla,
Phillip - 2012 - - There have been some very interesting linkages and
comparisons between the Economy and the environment (Yale, 2011a).
The premise is fostered by the linguistic root of Eco. “Eco” is derived from
the Greek word, oikos, meaning house, ...
God the Economist: The Doctrine of God and Political Economy M.
Douglas Meeks - - Whether all potential members would be included in
the predominant political Economy of a time has always ... our beliefs and
practices about consumption and about what, how, and to whom the goods
of the oikos should be distributed.
God's New Testament Economy - Σελίδα 207 Witness Lee - 1986 - - 1:1-
8 GOD'S NEW TESTAMENT ECONOMY We want to stress again that
our fellowship is concerning God's New Testament ... The Greek word for
dispensation is oikonomia, composed of oikos meaning house and nomos
meaning law.
Governance Ethics: Global value creation, economic organization and
...Josef Wieland - 2014 - - According to the convictions of governance
economics firms are socially created forms of organized cooperation of ...
The economic sphere as a separate space, the Oikos as an organization
subject to its own formal (legal) and informal ...
Greater Ethiopia: The Evolution of a Multiethnic Society - Σελίδα 113
Donald N. Levine - 2014 - - ... of political Economy—an oikos, as
Wolfgang Weissleder has aptly termed it. The Amhara household has two
distinguishing characteristics: its members are expected to carry out
specific tasks allocated according to sex and other criteria, and ...
Health Ecology: Health, Culture, and Human-environment Interaction
Murtaz̤á Hunarī, Morteza Honari, Thomas Boleyn - 1999 - - I have become
of necessity a student of geography, economics, geology, history,
anthropology, environment, literature, ... Hanns Reiter appears to have
been the first to combine the Greek words oikos (house) and logos (study
of) to form the ...
Heidegger & the Political: Dystopias - Σελίδα 158 Miguel de Beistegui -
1998 - - To Economy proper — that of labor and of the Worker, that of
production in the age of technology — Heidegger wished to ... another
Economy, which he never acknowledged as such, not even as an
anEconomy: it is the law of the oikos, of the ...

History and Historians of Political Economy - Σελίδα 39 Werner Stark,

Charles Michael Andres Clark - 1994 - - For if one contrasts organized
and individualistic Economy, domestic or town Economy and national
Economy, natural Economy and ... and Buchcr is wrong, according to
which antiquity on the whole did not outgrow the stage of oikos Economy.
History of the Weksel: Bill of Exchange and Promissory Note - Σελίδα 23
Sergii Moshenskyi - 2008 - According to the first one, the ancient
Economy was of the archaic, the so-called oikos type. Supporters of the
second approach adhered to the tendency of the modernization of the
Economy and social structure in the ancient World, wishing to ...
Home Informatics and Telematics: Information, Technology and Society
Andy Sloane, Felix van Rijn - 2013 - - ... in the home, a Oikos is Greek,
means home and household, and is the source of the words Economy
(oikonomia) and Ecology (Oikologia) threat of cultural discontinuity,
disempowerment in regard to accountability” and 2 Kresten Bjerg.
Homer, His Art and His World - Σελίδα 52 Joachim Latacz - 1996 - -Here
there evolved an upper class of wealthy landowners who managed their
property from an estate house (olicoc,, oikos; cf. Economy) with the help
of farm laborers, stewards, herdsmen, and domestic servants. Since in these
early days ...
House and Society in the Ancient Greek World - Σελίδα 39 Lisa C. Nevett
- 2001 - - ... wife, who formed the central relationship of the oikos, the
household is likely to have included, at various stages during its ... capable
of, in order to contribute to the household Economy for as long as they
were able (Garland 1990, 256-258).
House of Disciples: Church, Economics, and Justice in Matthew Michael
H. Crosby - 2004 - - Church, Economics, and Justice in Matthew Michael
ISRAEL This chapter will discuss Matthew's connection between
oikia/oikos and krisis/dikaiosyné, especially as Matthew uses ...
Households: On the Moral Architecture of the Economy - Σελίδα 26
William James Booth - 1993 - - The dancing scene on Achilles' shield, the
merrymaking of Penelope's suitors, in short, the leisure necessary to the
good life, is a substantial part of what the oikos Economy was intended to
yield. Even the more modest household described by ...
Human Body Systems - Σελίδα 155 Daniel D. Chiras - 2012 - - ...
thoroughly]: diabetes, dialysis, diaphragm diplo- [Gk. diploos, two-

fold]: diploid eco- [Gk. oikos, house, home]: ecology, ecosystem,

Economy ecto- [Gk. ektos, outside]: ectoderm endo- [Gk. endon,
within]: endoderm, endometrium epi- [Gk. epi, ...
Human Error: Species--being and Media Machines - Σελίδα 129 Dominic
Pettman - 2011 - - Economy. to. Libidinal. Ecology. Landscapes and trees
have nothing to teach me; only people in the city can do that. —Socrates
... and foreign—as grasped within the word Economy, derived from the
Greek word oikos, itself meaning “home.
Image Studies: Theory and Practice Sunil Manghani - 2012 - - The word
'ecology' has its root in the Greek oikos, meaning'house, dwelling place,
habitation' —the English prefixeco' also appears in 'economics', which
ofcoursecan pertain totherunning of a household as much as a national
Individualism - Σελίδα 12 Economy is from the Greek words oikos
(house) and nomos (to manage), thus "house management." Some
accepted definitions of Economy are: 1. The careful or thrifty use or
management of resources, as of income materials or labor.
Institutional Variety in East Asia: Formal and Informal Patterns of
...Werner Pascha, Cornelia Storz, Markus Taube - 2011 - - The role of
guanxi and the family for Chinese economic development Susanne Rühle
8.1 INTRODUCTION The emergence of capitalism is said to always lead
to extreme changes ... traded on (labour) markets, thus obliterating the old
Insurgencies: Essays in Planning Theory John Friedmann - 2011 - - Here
is a challenge – some argue, the principal challenge – of economic
development, the very purpose for which ... Central to my thinking was the
household Economy – the oikos of antiquity, rather than the
utilitymaximizing individual of ...
International Law and its Others - Σελίδα 365 Anne Orford - 2006 - - The
self circulates in an Economy with law; and this is a circumcision; a
circular Economy. The position of circumcised before the law can be
viewed as a particular rendition of economics as the oikos nomos;34 a law
which is named and ...
M. SULPHEY, M. M. SAFEER - 2014 - - The term ecology is derived
from the word oekology, joining the Greek oikos, or household, and

logos, or study. ... In Oxford English Dictionary, the term is defined as 'the
science of the Economy of animals and plants; that branch of biology ...
Introduction to Marine Biology - Σελίδα 15 George Karleskint, Richard
Turner, James Small - 2009 - - T i m L a m a n P h o t o g r a p h y The
term ecology is derived from the Greek word oikos, meaning “home,” in
reference to nature's household and the Economy of nature. The science
of ecology deals with the interactions of organisms with ...
Jacques Derrida's Aporetic Ethics - Σελίδα 154 Marko Zlomislić - 2007 -
The gift enters into the circle of exchange and into an Economy of debt.
Among its predicates, Economy includes the values of law (nomos), and
of home (oikos). Economy implies the idea of exchange, of circulation and
return. The circle stands ...
Karl Polanyi: The Limits of the Market - Σελίδα 28 Gareth Dale - 2010 -
- ... Polanyi's blueprint was original and distinctive, and quite unlike other
attempts to paint a future socialist Economy with ... the complex societies
of modernity the sort of overview that had existed in the household (oikos)
Economies of the past.
Killing the Moonlight: Modernism in Venice - Σελίδα 262 Jennifer
Scappettone - 2014 - - As a literary and conceptual structure, Calvino's
Venetian oikos, with its incalculable reach, resembles Henry James's ... that
prevents him from turning a blind eye to the contaminations of
modernizing infrastructure, Economies, and values in ...
Landscape Ethnoecology: Concepts of Biotic and Physical Space Leslie
Main Johnson, Eugene S. Hunn - 2013 - - In discussing what we mean by
landscape ethnoecology, we reflect on the common root of ecology and
Economy: oikos, the Greek word for house. Landscape ethnoecology,
then, is the sum of what Chapter 13 Landscape Ethnoecology: ...
Landscapes of Power and Identity: Comparative Histories in the ... Cynthia
Radding - 2005 - - chapter 2 Political Economy: Communities, Missions,
and Colonial Markets This chapter narrates the historical ... and the oikos
(house), the managed Economies of production and distribution that
sustained the ecological and economic ...
Law's Cut on the Body of Human Rights: Female Circumcision, Torture
...Juliet Rogers - 2014 - - An Economy —an oikos nomos in Derrida's
terms, the definitive constitution oftheobjects inthe master'shouse — the
subjectof 'economic calculation', all that heowns. 45 As Derrida discusses,
the place of return is'its own'; both the place where ...

Leading from the Emerging Future: From Ego-System to Eco-System

...Otto Scharmer, Katrin Kaufer - 2013 - - From Ego-System to Eco-
System Economies Otto Scharmer, Katrin Kaufer ... The prefix ecogoes
back to the Greek oikos and concerns the “whole house.” The word
Economy can be traced back to this same root. Transforming our current ...
Long Term Socio-Ecological Research: Studies in Society-Nature
...Simron Jit Singh, Helmut Haberl, Marian Chertow - 2012 - - Haeckel
derived the name from the Greek word oikos, or household, so that
ecology was meant to be the study of Nature's household, or the natural
Economy, including the interactions of plants and animals, their relations
to the soils and ...
Lutheran Identity and Political Theology - Σελίδα 25 Carl-Henric
Grenholm, Goran Gunner - 2014 - - The terms “Economy” and “politics”
in their modern Western connotations really do not convey what Luther,
following a long medieval tradition, called oeconomia and politia. ... the
oiko-nomos, and make it sustainable for generations to come.
Making Pollution Prevention Pay: Ecology with Economy as Policy
Donald Huisingh, Vicki Bailey - 2013 - - The implication is that the
environmental and economic health of society are in direct competition
with each other. If this is true ... As Michael Royston astutely points out,
"ecology" and "Economy" are derived from the same Greek root, oikos.
Management and the Tao: Organization as Community - Σελίδα xi
Leonardo R. Silos - 1998 - /he modernization of society has polarized the
economic enterprise against the familial household. ... used the Greek
word oikos (household) as title to a book on organization.1 As a root word
of the English 'Economy (oikonomia) it was meant ...
Management Development Through Cultural Diversity - Σελίδα 107
Ronnie Lessem - 2005 - - Introduction Market Economy and cultural
anthropology Primal roots Having provided you with a global perspective
on ... Oikos Hundreds of thousands of years ago our ancestors, the ape men,
lived out in the wild as nomads, barely able to ...
Managing in a Five Dimension Economy: Ven Matrix Architectures for
...G. D. Venerable, II, Greenwood - 2009 - - ECONOMY: Managing. the.
"economics" came into the English language by way of the Greek roots
oiko (house) and ...

Managing the Global Supply Chain (Collection) Chad W. Autry, Thomas

J. Goldsby, John E. Bell - 2013 - See financial performance metrics,
goodwill. economics – The social science that studies how people and
groups ... The word “economics” is from the Greek for house ( = oikos)
and custom or law ( = nomos); in other words, economics is about ...
Mapping Discord: Allegorical Cartography in Early Modern French
Writing Jeffrey N. Peters - 2004 - - If Homer's Odyssey laid the foundation
for a Western concept of home (or oikos) as the fixed point of reference
from which travel ... By refashioning the notion of the oikos, which is
related etymologically to the English word Economy, Powertel ...
Marine Algae Extracts: Processes, Products, and Applications, 2 ...Se-
Kwon Kim, Katarzyna Chojnacka - 2015 - - Oikos, 30, 438–447. Dere, S.,
Gunes, T., and Sivaci, S. (1998) Spectrophotometric ... Energy Convers.
Manage., 50, 14–34. Demirbas, A. (2008) Biofuels sources, biofuel policy,
biofuel Economy and global biofuel projections. Energy Convers.
Martin Luther's Theology: A Contemporary Interpretation - Σελίδα 142
Oswald Bayer - 2008 - ... business, and education and academic study; he
is rooted in the Aristotelian tradition, which understands Economy
(oỉκoνoμíα) as coming from the house (οἶκος), from the way a household
operates. The available pa- rameters do not make ...
Marx and Aristotle: Nineteenth-century German Social Theory and
...George E. McCarthy - 1992 - - despotically nor (wholly) through
markets, but like the oikos Economy in being subordinated to the purposes
of the community. I shall discuss each of these in turn, with an additional
section devoted to Marx's critique (and praise) of capitalist ...
Max Weber : critical assessments. 2,3: - Σελίδα 278 Peter Hamilton - 1991
- - In the latter, production is primarily oriented to the satisfaction of
immediate wants, there being no exchange to speak of — in its pure form
Biicher called this "oikos Economy." But by largely denying the existence
of exchange, even between ...
Max Weber and 'The Protestant Ethic': Twin Histories - Σελίδα 75 Peter
Ghosh - 2014 - - One reason is that Carl David was (in fact) an economic
traditionalist who refused to give way to the modernizing trend, ... to the
household Economy of the classical oikos—a patriarchal and radically
anti-capitalist form in Weber's eyes.101 So ...
Mercanti e politica nel mondo antico: - Σελίδα 17 Carlo Zaccagnini - 2003
- - I concentrate myself on the economic situation, namely on the

structures of the Economy in the late third millennium and the periods
afterwards until the second half of the first millennium. 2. The oikos-
Economy of the third millennium The ...
Mind of Society - Σελίδα 23 Provencal, - 2013 - - In its usual definition,
an economic system comprises all those activities of a human collectivity
which concern the production and the consumption of goods. The word
"Economy" is made up of two Greek words: "oikos" meaning "house,"
and ...
Money, Labour and Land: Approaches to the Economics of Ancient
Greece A G Leventis Senior Research Fellow Clare College A G Leventis
Professor of Greek Culture Emeritus Paul Cartledge, Paul Cartledge,
Adjunct Professor of Classical Studies Edward E Cohen - 2005 - - Drawing
on comparative historical and anthropological approaches, sociological,
economic and cultural theory, and developments in epigraphy, legal
history, numismatics and spatial archaeology, this volume will be of
interest to all students ...
Moral Codes and Social Structure in Ancient Greece: A Sociology of
...Joseph M. Bryant - 1996 - - Like aristocratic rule elsewhere, Eupatrid
supremacy was not destined to last, as the economic and military upheavals
of the ... Although the oikos-based Economy with its supplemental local
exchanges between agricultural and craft sectors ...
Nature, Culture, and Society: Anthropological Perspectives on Life Gisli
Palsson - 2015 - - A similar house model, the ancient Greek notion of
Oikos, the household of life, provided the root for the modern notion of
“Economies” and “ecosystems” and the names of their respective
disciplines. In The Politics Aristotle argued that the ...
Nature, Space and the Sacred: Transdisciplinary Perspectives Sigurd
Bergmann - 2009 - Oikos. Metaphor. in. the. Built. and. the. Non-Built.
Environment. Ernst M. Conradie 1. Introduction: Ecumenical Discourse ...
redemption, completion), which has traditionally been described as the
'Economy (oikonomia) of the triune God', from ...
New Approaches to Monetary Economics and Theory: Interdisciplinary
...Heiner Gan Mann, Heiner Ganßmann - 2012 - - Economy of Ancient
Mesopotamia and have – for a number of reasons – not come to Polanyi's
attention. ... The Oikos Economy during the 4th and 3rd millennia The
oikos Economy is the dominant economic organization in Mesopotamia ...

No Place Like Home: Organizing Home-Based Labor in the Era of ...David

Staples - 2007 - - Chapter Six Political Economy and the Unpredictable
Politics of Women's Home-Based Work . ... Rather than a miniaturized and
thus controlled metaphor for civil society and the state, the power of the
oikos, domes- tic Economy, can be used ...
Of Divine Economy: Refinancing Redemption Marion Grau - 2004 - -
God gives Green Stamps. A look at the theological and economic
meanings of redemption.
Optimization Models in a Transition Economy - Σελίδα v Ivan V.
Sergienko, Mikhail Mikhalevich, Ludmilla Koshlai - 2014 - - ... man still
has almost no control over the weather. Unlike the weather, Economy was
created by man. The word “Economy” itself was introduced by a great
scholar of ancient times, Aristotle. It was formed by combining two
words: “oikos ...
Orientalia: Vol. 63 - Σελίδα 170 The oikos (I house; I Sumerian é =
Akkadian bitum) or household Economy, a concept known to economic
historians in the terms of K. Beecher's “geschlossene Haushaltswirtschaft”,
is the basic structural element of ancient Mesopotamian ...
Panorama of the Classical World Nigel Spivey, Michael Squire - 2011 - -
The book highlights the modern relevance of classical antiquity, from its
influence on contemporary politics to the representation of the female body
in Western art, and concludes by charting the history of classical
Paramedic: Anatomy & Physiology - Σελίδα 306 American Academy of
Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS),, Bob Elling, Kirsten M. Elling - 2012 - ...
thoroughly]: diabetes, dialysis, diaphragm diplo- [Gk. diploos, two-
fold]: diploid eco- [Gk. oikos, house, home]: ecology, ecosystem,
Economy ecto- [Gk. ektos, outside]: ectoderm endo- [Gk. endon,
within]: endoderm, endometrium epi- [Gk. epi, ...
Pericles of Athens - Σελίδα 67 Vincent Azoulay - 2014 - - an “Economy”
means the production, distribution, and consumption of goods, both
material and immaterial. But this term ... In the fourth century, oikonomia
defined, first, the way of managing an oikos, an agricultural property. It
was only by ...
Perspectives In Resource Management In Developing Countries (volume
...Baleshwar Thakur - 2009 - - JYOTIRMOY MUKHOPADHYAY It is
imperative to observe that 'ecology' and 'economics' have a common

etyrnologic origin: the terms stem from the Greek 'oikos' that means
house. The latter part of the term economics has its root in the ...
Perspectives on Ecological Integrity - Σελίδα 175 L. Westra, J. Lemons -
2012 - - Donald Worster, Nature's Economy: A History of Ecological
Ideas (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1977), p. 10. ... K. Shrader-
Frechette and E. D. McCoy, “Theory Reduction and Explanation in
Ecology,” Oikos 58(1990): 109-114.
Pestalozzi and the Educationalization of the World D. Tröhler - 2013 - -
... Rudolf Tschiffeli (1716–1780),2 an economic patriot and secretary of
the marriage and morals court of the city of Bern. ... upon a fundamental
principle of the republic of virtue—namely, the self-sufficiency of the
family household, the oikos, ...
Philosophical Basics of Ecology and Economy - Σελίδα 16 Malte Faber,
Reiner Manstetten - 2009 - - Concerning the term 'Economy' – the oikos
and its nomos No individual scientific discipline can make the claim of
being able to autonomously lay the foundation for environmental
education. Nonetheless, there are two disciplines that occupy ...
Philosophy of Economy: The World as Household Sergei Bulgakov -
2008 - What is unique about Bulgakov, Catherine Evtuhov explains in her
introduction to this book, is that he bridges two worlds.
Philosophy of the Economy: An Aristotelian Approach - Σελίδα 105
Ricardo F. Crespo - 2013 - - Chrematistic, in turn, is the technique of
acquisition, production or trade to provide what the Economy uses. ...
Economic. Need. and. Value. With the expression ''life in general'',
Aristotle refers to the realm of the home (oikos), while the ''good ...
Poiesis: Manufacturing in Classical Athens - Σελίδα 47 Peter Hampden
Acton - 2014 - - This chapter elucidates the microeconomic forces behind
the transformation from a rural subsistence Economy to an ... Further, the
decisions of each Athenian oikos in classical times as to whether to make
or buy the products it needed ...
Political Ecology: Global and Local - Σελίδα 27 David Bell, Leesa
Fawcett, Roger Keil - 2005 - - ... transform endosomatic forces of humans
and animals into exosomatic energy and render the spatial and temporal
limits of 'oikos' and 'polis' irrelevant for human activities. In modern
monetary Economies, fossil fuels propel the Promethean ...

Politics of the Gift: Exchanges in Poststructuralism - Σελίδα 12 Gerald

Moore - 2011 - - As is illustrated by the feminist movement's demands to
repoliticise the oikos, the advent of postmodernity brings with it the
reversal of the modern situation of economics prior to politics. To
paraphrase the prominent slogan of the feminist writer ...
Politics of Urbanism: Seeing Like a City Warren Magnusson - 2013 - -
Oikos,. nomos,. logos. To this point, Ihave been presenting urbanism ina
generally positive light.I have been working ... sense of environmental
crisishas intensified, andacontrast is often drawn between thinkingin
narrowly economic terms and ...
Public Religions in the Modern World - Σελίδα 42 José Casanova - 2011 -
- distinction between the family and the market Economy (with the latter
becoming the “public” realm).5 Some of the ... of “public” and “private,”
which to a large extent derive from the dualistic differentiation of the
ancient city into oikos and polis.
Rationalism, Religion, and Domination: A Weberian Perspective
Wolfgang Schluchter - 1989 - estate craftsmen and also by coloni"79 In
this way, the combination of expansion and peace produced the structural
preconditions for the replacement of the capitalistically 'deformed' oikos
Economy by the development of a pure oikos ...
Reflection and Action - Σελίδα 114 Nathan Rotenstreich - 2012 - - ...
mutual concern, which, in turn, is part and parcel of what goes traditionally
by the name of oikos and Economy. The fact that mutual concern again
can be related or relevant to the assitance provided by supplementation and
exchangeability ...
Rethinking Global Political Economy: Emerging Issues, Unfolding
Odysseys Kurt Burch, Robert A. Denemark, Kenneth P. Thomas - 2004 -
- Capital versus oikos I identify the historical tension between capital and
oikos (two perennial forms of economic organization) as a key element of
global history. The antagonism between these two contending forms is
based on their different ...
Routledge International Encyclopedia of Women: Global Women's Issues
...Cheris Kramarae, Dale Spender - 2004 - - Even in rural areas it can be
part of a global Economy. ... For the ancient Greeks the main contrast was
between the household, or oikos, as the realm of necessity and the city-
state, or polis, as the realm of freedom and human action.

Scottish Philosophy in the Eighteenth Century, Volume I: Morals, ...Aaron

Garrett, James A. Harris - 2015 - - the oikos by the Economy', and the
classical citizen by the 'fluid' and 'transactional' 'homo faber et mercator,
shaping himself through the stages of history' (Pocock 1983: 242–3).
Machiavelli's virtù became, in Hume's view, the ability of ...
Securitizations of Citizenship Peter Nyers - 2009 - -
Foucauldiangenealogies ofgovernment have notedthatthe line of
emergence which givesus modern political Economy can betraced
backtothe Greek notionof oikos, meaning household. Untilthemiddle of
the eighteenth century one finds ...
Society and Democracy in Europe - Σελίδα 1 Oscar W. Gabriel, Silke I.
Keil - 2013 - - Although 'oikos' and 'polis' were seen as separate domains
of social life in Greek political philosophy, a good polity was ... political
systems to other aspects of society has been that democracy is related to
the state of economic development.
Spartan Women - Σελίδα 51 Sarah B. Pomeroy - 2002 - - The oikos is
usually described as a unit for reproduction and production.1 At Athens,
the wives of citizens were ... Because before the fourth century the
Economy at Sparta more than elsewhere in the Greek world depended
upon the labor of ...
Spirituality and Ethics in Management - Σελίδα 87 László Zsolnai - 2006 -
- Economy and ecology are twin categories. They have the same
etymological root, “oikos”, oikos-nomos and oikos-logos. At the semantic
source there is no contradiction, but there used to be antagonism between
economic success and ...;Ένδεκα λέξεις ελληνικής προέλευσης…
Spirituality, Inc.: Religion in the American Workplace - Σελίδα 21 Lake
Lambert III - 2009 - - Used throughout the New Testament, οικος meant
much more than “household” does today; in that time the household was
truly the center of economic production, faith, and family life. On the land
and in the household all the necessities of life ...
Statistics for Economics - Σελίδα 3 TR Jain, VK Ohri - - Dictionary
meaning of the term economics refers to that science which studies human
activities relating to wealth. The term Economics in English language has
its origin in two Greek words: Oikos (household) and Nemein
Suffering Divine Things: Theology as Church Practice - Σελίδα 164
Reinhard Hütter - 2000 - - God's Economy of salvation demands that the

church understand itself on the one hand as a specific public in analogy to

the polis, and on the other, simultaneously remain precisely as such the
household of God. For in analogy to the oikos, ...
Surviving Technopolis: Essays on Finding Balance in Our New Man-Made
...Arthur W. Hunt - 2013 - - Oikos. A. Casefor. Reviving. the. Household.
Economy. Your wife will be like afruitful vine within your house; Your
children will be like olive shoots around your table.1 One of the more
effective strategies in converting an Anabaptist to a ...
Sustainability: A History Jeremy L. Caradonna - 2014 - - nuclear power,
16, 110, 116, 131–132, 164, 174, 192, 194, 196, 283–284n21 Ocean Wise,
188 Odum, Howard T.: ecological economics and, 113; on energy, 126,
128, 132–133 oikos (household), 112–113, 135 oil. See also fossil fuels:
Arctic ...
Taking Nature Into Account: A Report to the Club of Rome : Toward a
...Wouter van Dieren, Club of Rome - 1995 - - This is the fate of every
Economy that has exceeded the limits to growth, and this means that in
those countries, ... Economics can be a beautiful instrument when applied
in its original meaning: to put the house (oikos) of mankind in order.
That ecology is permanent Economy is his reply to those of all countries
who believe that environmental concerns have to be weighed against the
demands of our economic well-being. Both words have the same root
which refers to the oikos ...
The Agamben Dictionary - Σελίδα 84 Alex Murray, Jessica Whyte - 2011
- - Though this conception should not be confused with modern
economics, neither does it exclude the theological roots of certain aspects
of economic ... (Oikos, in Aristotle for instance, refers to the management
of the home and not of the polis.) ...
The Age of Agade: Inventing Empire in Ancient Mesopotamia Benjamin
R. Foster - 2015 - - For example, Renger 2007: 190 writes, “The oikos
Economy was the dominant economic organization in Mesopotamia
during the later part of the fourth and the third millennia... . the patrimonial
household (oikos) of the ruler is identical in ...
The Ancient Economy - Σελίδα 17 Moses I. Finley - 1973 - Economy. IN
1742 Francis Hutcheson, Professor of Philosophy in the University of
Glasgow and teacher of Adam Smith, ... The word "economics", Greek
in origin, is compounded from oikos, a household, and the semantically
complex root, ...

The Ancient Economy - Σελίδα 17 Moses I. Finley - 1999 - Economy. In

1742 Francis Hutcheson, Professor of Philosophy in the University of
Glasgow and teacher of Adam Smith, ... The word "economics", Greek
in origin, is compounded from oikos, a household, and the semantically
complex root, ...
The Babylonian World - Σελίδα 190 Gwendolyn Leick - 2009 - - Once
this stage was reached there remained little room for societal and economic
structures outside the palace. Oikos Economy during the fourth and third
millennia The oikos Economy as an ideal-typical concept of economic
organization was ...
The Beginnings of European Theorizing: Reflexivity in the Archaic
...Barry Sandywell - 2013 - - Homer's world: the oikos Economy The
collapse of Mycenaean Greece left an economic and political vacuum that
was only slowly recolonized by an agrarian system based on the self-
sufficient patriarchal household or oikos. The tenure ...
The Cambridge Companion to Literature and the Environment Louise
Westling - 2013 - - Biosemiotics and Natural Constructivism During the
nineteenth century, the idea of a natural oikos, an Economy of natural
being and relationship, gave rise to the invention, by Ernst Haeckel in
1866,1 of the term “ecology.” Despite its evident ...
The Cambridge Companion to Ulysses - Σελίδα 95 Sean Latham - 2014 -
- A homecoming bespeaks a balanced narrative Economy in which the
outlay of the journey is rewarded by return: indeed, the word “Economy”
derives from the Greek word for home (oikos).2 The rhetorical excesses
of Joyce's Nostos, however, ...
The Cambridge Companion to Weber Stephen Turner - 2000 - - He
stressedthe growing structural tension between a barter Economy anda
political and military system which ... issuewith the economic historian
Karl Bücher who had presenteda schemeof sequence from oikos
(domestic) Economy through ...
The City as Comedy: Society and Representation in Athenian Drama
Gregory W. Dobrov - 1997 - - asps articulates a struggle between the
individual oikos ("household") and the polis that threatens to subsume it.
... is the direct product of material conditions that emerged in the classical
period, the appearance of a monetary Economy, and, ...
The Community of the Weak: Social Postmodernism in Theological
...Hans-Peter Geiser - 2013 - - ... fulfilled in justice for vulnerable

communities and the earth's own Economy” (Grey 2003, 211–212). The
oikos and koinonia of cultures in God's plural world may be this healing
place. Finding the Healing Place—In Dancing In a healing place ...
The Contemporary Spanish Economy: A Historical Perspective Sima
lieberman - 2013 - - Anderson, C. W. (1970), The Political Economy of
Modern Spain, Policy-Making in an Authoritarian System (Madison, Wisc.
... Oikos-tau). Aranguren Amezola. N. V. et al. (1977), La transición
política y los trabajadores (Madrid: Ediciones de la ...
The Corporate Financiers: Williams, Modigliani, Miller, Coase, ...C. Read
- 2014 - - The formal discipline of economics definesthe laws orprinciples
thatgovern the choices we make in meeting our needs.The term economics
isderived from the Greek word oikos, meaning environmentbut also
referring toone's house orlife.
The Development of Productive Subsistence Economies in the Nile ...Stine
Rossel - 2007 - The analysis of two archaeofaunal assemblages is used to
address a series of questions pertaining to the development of specialized
pastoral systems in ancient Egypt.
The Divine Dispensing of the Divine Trinity - Σελίδα 105 Witness Lee -
1990 - - ... which is anglicized into the English word Economy. This refers
to God's plan, arrangement, household administration, and household
management. The first part of the word, oikos, means house or household.
The last part of the word, nomia ...
The Divine Economy - Σελίδα 7 Witness Lee - 1986 - - CHAPTER ONE
THE DIVINE ECONOMY Scripture Reading: Eph. 1:9-10; 3:9-11, 2-6; 1
Cor. 9:16-17; 1 Tim. 1:3-4 ... This Greek word is composed of two
words—oikos meaning house or household and nomos meaning law.
Economy is a ...
The Ecology of Building Materials - Σελίδα xiii Bjorn Berge - 2009 - -
Before all economic considerations, this law would decide that nothing
will be destroyed or severely damaged, ... in his essay An alternative
constitution The Greek terms Economy, ecology and ecosophy belong
together: Oikos House Nomos ...
The Economics of the Mishnah - Σελίδα 13 Jacob Neusner - 1990 - -
Distributive economics, resting on status and preferment, competed with
market economics because of the advent, in the ... a document of political
Economy, in which the two critical classifications are the village, polis,
and the household, oikos.

The Economy of the Greek Cities: From the Archaic Period to the
...Léopold Migeotte - 2009 - - The Greek cities and the Economy.
Constants and constraints -- Economy and oikonomia -- The economic
space of the cities -- Primary text -- The world of agriculture.
The Economy of Ulysses: Making Both Ends Meet - Σελίδα 35 Mark
Osteen - 1995 - - Ruskin 1905, 17:94 Stephen Dedalus embodies many of
the young Joyce's economic habits and philosophies. ... as the steward or
economist (he who sets the nomoi, or rules, for the oikos, or household)
of the treasure house of language.
The Effects of Conservation on Risk Perception and Behavioral ...2007 -
OIKOS, an Italian NGO working in the area, estimated that annual
population growth rates in portions of the Maasai Steppe range ... Economy
The Manyara Region, which includes both Tarangire National Park and
Simanjiro District, is quite ...
The Environmental Imagination: Thoreau, Nature Writing, and the ...
Lawrence Buell - 1996 - - In western culture, the order of nature has been
variously imagined as, for example, an Economy (from the Greek oikos,
household), a chain or scale of being, a balance, a web, an organism, a
mind, a flux, a machine. Master Metaphors The ...
The Essential Weber: A Reader - Σελίδα 161 Max Weber, Sam Whimster
- 2004 - - The starting point of this controversy was the theory of
Rodbertus, 2 according to whom all Antiquity was dominated by what he
called an 'oikos Economy', one in which production centred around the
household and the household was ...
The Ethics of Cultural Studies - Σελίδα 63 Joanna Zylinska - 2005 - - This
investigation is rooted in the assumption that capitalist Economy both
engenders and is informed by (in a ... departure, to the origin', which he
traces through the etymology of nomos (law) and oikos (home, property,
family) (1992b: 6—7).
The European Dream: How Europe's Vision of the Future is Quietly
...Jeremy Rifkin - 2013 - - Most economic activity was traditionally based
in the household. In fact, the very term “Economy” comes from the Greek
oikos, which means “home.” Members of an extended family produced
what they needed for themselves, bartered with ...
The Excavations at Ancient Halieis: The houses : the organization
...Marian Holland McAllister, Bradley A. Ault - 2005 - Oikos. and.
Oikonomia. -APPENDIX I - Concordance by House of Loci, Rooms,

Trenches,. In this final chapter I examine specific aspects of household

organization — namely, the nature of male and female space and the
domestic Economy.
The Face of Mammon: The Matter of Money in English Renaissance
...David Landreth - 2012 - .. that my writers share with the
commonwealthsmen whose analyses they interrogate, and that
distinguishes them from the history of political Economy to come—from
the thought experiment that construes the polis as an oikos, and which
we ...
The Fugitive's Properties: Law and the Poetics of Possession - Σελίδα 29
Stephen M. Best - 2004 - - ... nineteenth-century American jurisprudence
was overwhelmingly "economic" in focus — economic, not as Aristotle
defined it 1n the Politics, as the wise production and distribution (nemesis
) of household (oikos ) for the common welfare of ...
The Gift of Property: Having the Good / betraying genitivity, ... - Σελίδα
27 Stephen David Ross - 2001 - - Having the Good / betraying genitivity,
Economy and ecology, an ethic of the earth Stephen David Ross ... Leading
to household management, to Economy and ecology in memory of the
oikos, where the properties that make humans human ...
The Gift of the Other: Levinas and the Politics of Reproduction Lisa
Guenther - 2006 - - We have seen how the feminine welcome makes
possible an Economy of dwelling, possession, and representation. ... YOU
ARE WELCOME: FROM OIKOS TO ETHOS The home, understood as
the economic space of dwelling, is the seat of ...
The Golden Mouse: Ecology and Conservation - Σελίδα 193 Gary W.
Barrett, George A. Feldhamer - 2008 - - The German zoologist Ernst
Haeckel (1869) defined ecology (the study of the “house” based on the
Greek oikos) as a body of knowledge concerning the Economy of nature
(i.e., the total relationships of both the organic and the inorganic ...
The Grammar, History, and Derivation of the English Language Evan
Daniel - ... oikoumené, pres. part. the habitable world; ecumenical oikos
(aims) house; Economy, economize, economist okto (one), night;
octagon (gouia, angle), octopus (puns, rm) oligos (hiya), fm; cligarchy
(in, onion (6:, In“), being; ontology onoma ...
The Growth of an Early State in Mesopotamia: Studies in Ur III ...Steven
J. Garfinkle, Justin Cale Johnson - 2008 - - In certain respects,
patrimonialism is related to the oikos Economy as envisioned by

Classicists. The oikos was the ideal selfsufficient household under

patriarchal authority. There is a great deal in these theories that is of value
to the study of ...
The House of Prisoners: Slavery and State in Uruk during the Revolt
...Andrea Seri - 2013 - - He did not resort to them to characterize early
Mesopotamian Economy and society as a “patrimonial” system of ...
Sumerian, bītum in Akkadian)” and explained elsewhere that he
understood oikos Economy in the terms of Karl Bücher's (1893) ...
The Household as the Foundation of Aristotle's Polis - Σελίδα 2 D.
Brendan Nagle - 2006 - - The driving force of the oikos Economy was not
profit in the modern sense of the term.4 The oikos was a moral and
religious entity in its own right whose purpose was not just the generation
of legally recognizable citizens, but the proper ...
The Invention of the Economy: A History of Economic Thought David
Singh Grewal - 2010 - The modem discourse of economics that helped to
shape this invention of the Economy arose in partial reaction against and
partial mimicry of the seventeenth-century political theory that described
and justified the modern state.
The Limits of Hospitality - Σελίδα 153 Jessica Wrobleski - 2012 - - ...
metric one, indicating a lack of confidence in the United States' political
leadership rather than in its economic viability. ... out that the word
”Economy” comes from the Greek word oikos, which is generally
translated ”household” in English.
The Little Republic: Masculinity and Domestic Authority in ... - Σελίδα 24
- Karen Harvey - 2012 - Oeconomy was the practice of managing the
economic and moral resources of the household for the maintenance of
good order. Derived from the classic Aristotelian model of oikos, the
meaning of oEconomy changed over the seventeenth, ...
The Max Weber Dictionary: Key Words and Central Concepts Richard
Swedberg, Ola Agevall - 2005 - - In his notes to one of Weber's texts on
domination in Eco and Society, Talcott Parsons notes that the English
word "office" covers three different terms in ... Weber often refers to the
oikos in his economic history as well as in his sociology.
The Mediterranean Context of Early Greek History - Σελίδα 332 Nancy
H. Demand - 2011 - - “The Growth of the Mediterranean Economy in the
Early First Millennium B.C.” World Archaeology 24: 361–78. ̧Sho glu, A.

2009. ... “Surviving the Collapse: The Oikos and Structural Continuity
between Late Bronze Age and Later Greece.
The Mishnah: Social Perspectives - Σελίδα 196 Jacob Neusner - 1999 -
tural produce of the land of Israel, and, it follows, market-economics, is
tacitly assigned as the mode of distribution for ... is a document of political
Economy, in which the two critical classifications are the village, polis,
and the household, oikos.
The Near East: Archaeology in the 'Cradle of Civilization' - Σελίδα 140
Charles Keith Maisels - 2005 - - ... along with the other papers, under the
heading of State and Temple Economy in the Ancient Near East (Lipinsky,
ed., 1979). ... called in Sumerian é and in Akkadian bîtum, and which for
convenience we can call, as Gelb did, the oikos.
The Origins of Business, Money, and Markets - Σελίδα 54 Keith Roberts -
2011 - - In fact oikos, the word for household, is the root of our term
Economy. Homer and Hesiod, the first Greek writers, list only nine
occupations other than farming: priest, seer, bard, herald, doctor, carpenter,
potter, leatherworker, a nd smith.
The Origins of Neoliberalism: Modeling the Economy from Jesus to
...Dotan Leshem - 2016 - - Dotan Leshem recasts the history of the West
from an economic perspective, bringing politics, philosophy, and
economics closer together and revealing the significant role of Christian
theology in shaping economic and political thought.
The Oxford Companion to Classical Civilization Simon Hornblower,
Antony Spawforth, Esther Eidinow - 2014 - - Aristotle's analysis is
pertinent to recent criticisms of welfare and development economics which
appeal to notions of ... the management of a private household (oikos)
rather than that of a 'national' Economy (see HOUSEHOLD (Greek)).
The Police Power: Patriarchy and the Foundations of American
Government Markus Dirk Dubber - 2005 - - As Rousseau explains: The
word Economy, or Œconomy, is derived from oikos, a house, and nomos,
law, and meant originally only the wise and legitimate government of the
house for the common good of the whole family. The meaning of ...
The Practical Imagination: The German Sciences of State in the ...David F.
Lindenfeld - 2008 - - ... household — as formulated by Aristotle in his
Oiko- nomie (Oikos means "household").2 The theory of the well-run
household em- 1. ... Tribe, Governing Economy, 23, 27; Bruckner,
Staatswissenschafkn, 55; Krauth, Wirtschaftstruktur, 96-97.

The Practices of Happiness: Political Economy, Religion and Wellbeing

Ian Steedman, John R Atherton, Elaine Graham - 2010 - Political
Economy, Religion and Wellbeing Ian Steedman, John R Atherton, Elaine
Graham ... just outwith the narrow realm of the family but quite beyond
our own societies to the oikos or household of nature on which we all
ultimately depend.
The Prayer that Jesus Taught Us Michael Crosby - 2002 - - The notion of
“house” (oikia/oikos) undergirds Matthew's symbolic world. ... Until the
nineteenth century everything involving houseordering (oikia+nomos)
alsorevolved around the household; thisoikonomia (Economy)
detailedthe way persons ...
The Primacy of the Political: A History of Political Thought from ...Dick
Howard - 2010 - - This trend is seen first of all in the role that what was
once called “political Economy” and now is simply referred to as ... How
did labor in the quest for wealth, which was classically relegated to the
oikos and was considered by Christians to be ...
The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism: and Other Writings Max
Weber - 2002 ... greater household (the “oikos”) of a ruler or landowner:
something which Rodbertus recognized as extremely divergent from, ...
True, along with city Economies, municipal food policies, mercantilism
and welfare policies imposed by rulers, ...
The Pythagorean Sourcebook and Library: An Anthology of Ancient
...David R. Fideler - 1987 - - Economics. TO BEGIN WITH, we must
mention the kind of labor which preserves the union of the father. To the
husband are usually assigned rural, forensic and political ... The word
"Economy" is derived from oikos (house) and nomos (law).
The Question of Hermeneutics: Essays in Honor of Joseph J. Kockelmans
Timothy Stapleton - 2012 - - ... be at home, an essential feature of all
civilizations lies in their being a specific way of establishing an Economy:
the law (nomos) of culture is the law of a home (oikos). The typical way
of modern Economy is constituted 458 Adriaan Peperzak.
The Question of the Gift: Essays Across Disciplines - Σελίδα 229 Mark
Osteen - 2013 - - "Economy" (Carrier l995: l92); Georges Bataille's
general vs. restricted Economies; the oikos vs. the agom (the home vs. the
marketplace); alienable vs. inalienable objects. As Arjun Appadurai notes
(l986: l l,, the tendency to view the two ...

The Satanic Chaos in the Old Creation and the Divine Economy for the
...Witness Lee - 1992 - Verse 9 speaks of “the Economy of the mystery.”
Oikonomia is composed of two Greek words: oikos, meaning house, and
nomos, meaning law. Hence, an oikonomia is a house law, a family
administration. Some versions translate oikonomia ...
The Search for a Methodology of Social Science: Durkheim, Weber, and
...S. Turner - 2013 - - It is also belied by Weber's discussions in Economy
and Society, where, in speaking of the transformation to capitalism, he said
... Thus, in distinguishing the oikos from the capitalist enterprise, he
remarked that the range of historically realized ...
The Social Evolution of Indonesia: The Asiatic Mode of Production ...F.
Tichelman - 2012 - - Further comparison between Weber's oikos-
state/patrimonial bureaucracy and the Asiatic mode of production would
show the greater ... Commodity production and a cash Economy
developed, as it were, in the interstices of this society.
The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere: An Inquiry Into
...Jürgen Habermas - 1991 - - The duties of the household head were
narrowed and "economizing" became more closely associated with
thriftiness.44 Modern economics was no longer oriented to the oikos; the
market had replaced the household, and it became ...
The Traffic in Praise Leslie Kurke - 2013 - - Reprint, 2013, with minor
corrections, of the edition published in 1991. The corrections constitute
revisions of the translations of some of the Greek text; but these do not
substantially change the argument of the book.
The Triumph of Seeds: How Grains, Nuts, Kernels, Pulses, and Pips ...Thor
Hanson - 2015 - - The First Modern Economy: Success, Failure, and
Perseverance of the Dutch Economy, 1500– 1815. Cambridge, UK:
Cambridge University Press. Diamond, J. ... Oikos 121:589–596. Evenari,
M. 1981. The history of germination research and ...
The Two Narratives of Political Economy - Σελίδα 3 Nicholas Capaldi,
Gordon Lloyd - 2010 - We begin with Locke and Rousseau, rather than the
classical thinkers or Church fathers because (1) the economic questions
had to be removed from the confines, and the laws (nomos), of the
household (oikos) and be made public or political ...
The Unacceptable J. Potts, J. Scannell - 2012 - - Aristotle confinedsimple
or naturallife to the'home' or oikos, while thegoodlife wasthe domain ofthe

polis. ... Europeformany centuries was the extended family, defined as a

threegenerational family linked by a common Economy and community.
The Ways of Aristotle: Aristotelian Phrónêsis, Aristotelian ... - Σελίδα 479
Olav Eikeland - 2008 - - ... as an individual, and his capacity to work
(labour power), is equally important, and pushes in the same direction. In
the private and feudal manor Economy of the Middle Ages, where oikos-
relations of role loyalty and subordination dominated ...
The Wealth of Nations - Βιβλία 1-3 Adam Smith, Andrew Skinner - 1982
- The classic eighteenth-century treatise on the principles of political
economics is presented in a definitive text with an introduction,
chronology, and index.
The Wiersbe Bible Commentary: New Testament - Σελίδα 599 The word
dispensation comes from two Greek words: oikos, meaning "house" and
nomos, meaning "law." Our English word "Economy" is derived directly
from the Greek oikonomia, "the law of the house," or "a stewardship, a
The World's Religions: A Contemporary Reader - Σελίδα 184 Arvind
Sharma - 2010 - Abrahamic monotheists informed by this fresh view of the
human-earth relationship can now comprehend that all beings on earth are
one household (oikos) requiring an Economy (oikonomia) that takes
ecological and social stewardship ...
Theology that Matters: Ecology, Economy, and God - Σελίδα 172 Darby
Kathleen Ray - - Eleazar S. Fernandez How do we reimagine the church
in the face of today's ecological and economic challenges? ... of an
alternative economic model, or of new "table manners" for a household
(oikos) characterized by just (right) relations.
Timescapes of Modernity: The Environment and Invisible Hazards
Barbara Adam - 2005 - - Of course reciprocity, a key assumption of the
public Economy, is also a feature of the social oikos Economy but it is
complemented there by an acceptance of the needs and rights of those not
in a position to reciprocate economically or in ...
To the Other: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas
Adriaan Theodoor Peperzak - 1993 - - world in which it is at home (oikos),
the title of section 2 characterizes it as an "Economy" (oiko-nomia). The
independence on the basis of which this selfsame is capable of having a
relation of exteriority with its Other, the infinite, is constituted ...

Tools and Tactics for Operations Managers (Collection) Randal Wilson,

Arthur V. Hill, Hillel Glazer - 2013 - less to the Economy than it devours
in resources ... Until then it does ... The word “economics” is from the
Greek for house ( = oikos) and custom or law ( = nomos); in other words,
economics is about the “rules of the house(hold).” (This definition ...
Top Class Competitors: How Nations, Firms and Individuals Succeed in
...Stephane Garelli - 2006 - - Victor Hugo (1802–1885) Economics (from
the Greek words oikos “house” and nemo “rules” – thus “household
management”) is the social science which studies how societies allocate
scarce resources to satisfy the unlimited wants of ...
Tracking Thoreau: Double-crossing Nature and Technology - Σελίδα 17
John Dolis - 2005 - - Economic. Technique: Home-Work. Walden's
inward turn toward subjectivity might seem, at first, an aberration in an ...
Exploration's first step always already depends upon a certain Economy (
oikos nomos) , brings house work into play, puts ...
Trade in the Ancient Economy - Σελίδα 1 Peter Garnsey, Keith Hopkins,
C. R. Whittaker - 1983 - So began one review of the published proceedings
of the Second International Conference of Economic History ... the oikos
controversy', he did wish to underline the truth and fruitfulness of
Hasebroek's 'fundamental distinction between an ...
Transcultural Psychiatry - Σελίδα 132 CIBA Foundation Symposium -
2009 - It means a study of organisms in relation to their environment and
is derived from the Greek, oikos which means house, ... The same roots
are also the basis for the word “Economy”, which in commerce signifies a
money system and in biology ...
Transforming the Polis: Interpretations of Space in Attic Old Comedy
Matthew F. Amati - 2008 - - (1-3) Athenian women are not "prisoners" of
the oikos, at least not all the time.36 At festival time, they crowd public ...
Kalonike paints a picture of women in the home, not supervising the
household Economy or the activity of the kitchens (as at ...
Two Houses of Oikos- Essays from the Environmental Age James a
Schaefer - 2015 - Thoughtful, hopeful, and thoroughly readable, Two
Houses of Oikos is a journey through this pivotal age. Schaefer explores
our relationship with science, the environment, Economy, and living
Understanding Weber - Σελίδα 127 Sam Whimster - 2007 - - From his
1898 Lecture Outline, it is clear that Weber was fully informed about

Bücher's division of economic history into three stages: the 'oikos'

Economy, the city Economy and the national-Economy. Weber was
probably agreeable to this as a ...
Urban Culture: Critical Concepts in Literary and Cultural Studies Chris
Jenks - 2004 - - ... of the city looms and the city ceases by degrees to be a
mere appendaged market settlement alongside the oikos. ... As a rule the
quantitative expansion of the original princely city and its economic
importance go hand in hand with an ...
Visions of Power: Imagining Medieval Japanese Buddhism - Σελίδα 285
Bernard Faure - 2000 - - In other terms, if it tends endlessly toward
Economy, toward the circle, toward an image of ritual as exchange or ... or
semantic values, Economy no doubt includes the values of law (nomos)
and of home (oikos, home, property, family, the hearth ...
Vulnerable Communion: A Theology of Disability and Hospitality Thomas
E. Reynolds - 2008 - - to God and others—an Economy of grace—that
summons the corporate body of Christ to be transformed into the ... the
Holy Spirit is the cement that holds together the household of God, which
is a “spiritual house” (oikos pneumatikos, 1 Pet.
Weber and the Weberians - Σελίδα 23 Lawrence Scaff - 2014 - - In
antiquity Aristotle had written about the domestic Economy as part of the
conception of the household or oikos, but the idea of a farreaching theory
of an extensive national Economy was an alien notion. Setting ancient
wisdom aside, Smith ...
Weberian Sociological Theory - Σελίδα 287 Randall Collins - 1986 - -
When the household does become the center of the Economy, it is
generally in advanced agrarian societies, in which military ... the various
forms of a farm or manor, an urban capitalist business (such as craft, trade,
or banking), or an oikos.
Who Cooked Adam Smith's Dinner?: A Story About Women and
Economics Katrine Marcal - 2015 - - In which it becomes apparent that
economic man is not a woman Men have always been allowed to act out
of selfinterest – as in economics, so in sex. ... Even though the word
'Economy' comes from the Greek oikos, which means home, ...
Wirtschaftsethische Fragen der E-Economy - Σελίδα 174 Peter Fischer,
Christoph Hubig, Peter Koslowski - 2013 - - Erst mit dem Geld hat die
Ökonomie den „oikos" verlassen und ihre Räume und Zeiten verbindende

Dynamik erlangen können. Ich möchte mich hier ganz allgemein auf Georg
Simmels berühmte Studie von 1900 Die Philosophie des Geldes ...
Works and Days: A Translation and Commentary for the Social Sciences
Hesiod - 1997 - The introductory essay discusses the changing economic,
political and trading world of the eighth and seventh centuries B.C.E.,
while the notes present the range and possible meanings of important
Greek terms and references in the poem and ...
WORLD SYSTEM HISTORY-Volume I: - Σελίδα 84 George Modelski
and Robert A. Denemark - 2009 - Capital versus Oikos The opposition
between capital and oikos is based on different uses of property and labor
in pursuit of the ... Karl Rodbertus first developed the concept of the oikos
Economy and the widely accepted idea that this was the ...
Η προτεσταντική ηθική και το πνεύμα του καπιταλισμού Max Weber -
2010 -

Oikos and Economy, GREGORY CAMERON

Oikos and Economy: The Greek Legacy in Economic Thought

GREGORY CAMERON. PhaenEx 3, no. 1 (spring/summer 2008): 112-
133 2008

Επιλογή αποσπασμάτων από την εργασία. Θα φανεί ότι αντίστοιχα

κεφάλαια υπάρχουν στα περιεχόμενα της εργασίας μου.
Αναφέρονται στον Αριστοτέλη, Πλάτωνα, Schumpeter.
Οι λέξεις-έννοιες, economics Greece, Greeks, oikos, nomos, economy,
Oeconomicus, household, Adam Smith, Oikonomikos, Greek Xenophon
In the study of the history of economic thought, there has been a tendency
to take the meaning of the term “economics” for granted. As a
consequence, when considering economic thought in ancient Greece, we
turn to what the Greeks said about wealth, about money or about interest.
This seems relatively straightforward. Problems emerge when we consider
that the term “economics” had a different meaning in ancient Greece
than it does today. As a rule, we project back onto history what we mean
by “economics” and more or less ignore what it meant during the period
in question. On one level, there is nothing wrong with this way of
proceeding; after all we have no choice, ultimately, but to study the past
with the concepts that are at our disposal. But the procedure can have
certain drawbacks. The tendency of positive investigations is that they risk
overlooking the kinds of transformations that give rise to our own concerns

and even what is essential to our own thought and assumptions. The term
“economics” has a long and varied history; the following is a brief attempt
to turn things on their head and consider the history of economics not from
the perspective of the modern notion of economics, but from the
perspective of its ancient Greek ancestor and to begin to indicate the non-
obvious ways in which the Greek legacy continues to inform even our
most recent Economies. As such, while brief mention is made of some
modern economic historians, the primary focus is on the meaning of the
oikos in ancient Greece and the ways in which the transformation of the
meaning of the oikos continues to inform the meaning of the economy

I. From Oikos to Economy

In his history of economic thought, Joseph Schumpeter begins his

discussion of ancient Greece with the following remark: “So far as we can
tell, rudimentary economic analysis is a minor element—a very minor
one—in the inheritance that has been left to us by our cultural ancestors,
the Ancient Greeks.” He goes on to indicate that for the Greeks,
“Oeconomicus (from oikos, house, and nomos, law or rule) meant only
practical wisdom of household management.”
The reason for this is that “the Greek philosopher was essentially a
political philosopher” (Schumpeter 53-54). While this claim has been
contested by a number of more recent historians of economic thought,1 it
remains the case that the Greeks, despite the significance of what we
would call economic activity, never to the best of our knowledge focused
attention on economic activity for its own sake. And yet, Schumpeter’s
claim remains rather peculiar given that ‘economics’ was a perfectly good
Greek word. What are we to make of this claim that the Greeks, who
wrote a good deal on the subject of economics, paid only lip service to the
subject of economics? At the beginning of his book on ancient economy,
M.I. Finley brings the discussion closer to home and begins to clarify what
will be at stake in the following essay:
In 1742 Francis Hutcheson, Professor of Philosophy in the University of
Glasgow and teacher of Adam Smith, published in Latin his Short
Introduction to Moral Philosophy, ...
Book III, entitled “The Principles of Oeconomics and Politics,” opens with
three chapters on marriage and divorce, the duties of parents and children,
and masters and servants, respectively, but otherwise is entirely about
politics. It is in Book II, entitled “Elements of the Law of Nature,” that we
find an account of property, succession, contracts, the value of goods and
of coin, the laws of war. These were evidently not part of ‘oeconomics.’

Economics had a quite different meaning for Hutcheson than it does for
us. But Finley is not saying that Hutcheson had no interest in economic
matters. For Hutcheson, what we call economics falls under the heading
“Elements of the Law of Nature.” As indicated by the reference to Adam
Smith, Hutcheson stands at a crossroads between ancient economics and
modern economic analysis. Thus Finley continues: “Hutcheson was
neither careless nor perverse: he stood at the end of a tradition stretching
back more than 2000 years. ... The book that became the model for the
tradition still represented by Hutcheson was the Oikonomikos written by
the Greek Xenophon before the middle of the fourth century B.C.” (Finley
In the middle of the XVIIIth century, then, the term economics continued
to bear the meaning it had in ancient Greece, but by the end of the century
‘political economy’ had come to refer to what we now associate with
economics—the science of the wealth of nations. And, as Finley indicates,
“there was no road from the ‘oeconomics’ of Francis Hutcheson to The
Wealth of Nations of Adam Smith, published twenty-four years later”
(Finley 20). What then happened to the notion of economics? How does
one get from “household management” to “the science of the wealth of
nations”? That there is, as Finley says, “no road” from the one to the other
does not eliminate the fact of the transition.
On a certain level, it seems quite anachronistic that commentators on
ancient economics look to ancient authors in order to catch sight of
economic analysis and are disappointed with the results. Schumpeter, for
example, points out that while Plato and Aristotle did at times touch on
economic issues, much of what they wrote is little more than common
sense, and rarely reaches the stage of analysis. Thus, he notes, referring to
classical scholars and economists who rate Greek economic achievements
too highly, “that, in economics as elsewhere, most statements of
fundamental facts acquire importance only by the superstructures they are
made to bear and are commonplace in the absence of such superstructures”
(Schumpeter 54). The tendency is for historians of economic thought to
seek out that which corresponds to our understanding of economics.
Neither Schumpeter nor his detractors consider the possibility that social
relations in ancient Greece were not demarcated in such a way that would
have made what we call economic analysis a relevant practice. Perhaps, in
claiming that the Greeks did not engage in economic analysis, despite the
importance of the economy, one is overlooking what was fundamental to
the Greek world view and to our concept of economics. In saying this,
however, it again becomes possible that even in terms of economic
thought our inheritance from the Greeks is far greater than any simply
positivist procedure could discover. This does not however mean that we
should hope to discover what we call economics being practiced by the

ancient Greeks. The issue here, it should be stressed, is not merely

semantic. The transformation of the term economics constitutes a
fundamental event of the modern world. But this transformation leaves in
its wake the very subject which for more than 2000 years was studied under
the name ‘economics.’ The transformation is not a mere change of
meaning; it is, rather, a drastic change in the way we demarcate human
social space. However, this drastic change, on a conceptual level, is hardly
modern. In fact, contra Schumpeter, this change can be traced back to Plato
and Aristotle and even to the pre-Socratic philosophers.

II. The Economy of Metaphor

The second entry under the term “economics” in the Shorter Oxford
Dictionary suggests that economics is “the branch of knowledge that deals
with the production and distribution of wealth in theory and practice; the
application of this discipline to a particular sphere; the condition of a state
etc. as regards material prosperity; the financial considerations attaching to
a particular activity, commodity, etc. L18” (782). This definition poses few
problems for the economic historian. The historian would merely
determine the mode of “the production and distribution of wealth” and the
material prosperity of the society, region or period under consideration.
The problems arise when one considers what would constitute “the
production and distribution of wealth” in a given society. What would the
terms “wealth,” “state,” “material prosperity,” “commodity,” mean in
what used to be called primitive societies?
It might seem that if we could determine how the transition from
Oikonomikos to economics came about, then we could begin studying non
modern societies under the rubric of Oikonomikos, with a clear
understanding of how this would later become economics. This approach
would have the advantage of allowing us to see a connection without
radically undermining the nature of the society we were seeking to
understand. In order to pursue this approach, we would first need to
determine whether or not Oikonomikos was itself applicable to all non
modern societies. Unfortunately, there is little indication that Oikonomikos
is any more applicable to “primitive societies” than the term “economics.”
No doubt the classic text on primitive economics is Marcel Mauss’ The
Gift. In analyzing primitive societies, Mauss introduces a concept that
should be added to the above dictionary definition of economics: the
concept of exchange. … “The exchanges of archaic societies which
[Mauss] examines are total social movements or activities. They are at the
same time economic, juridical, moral, aesthetic, religious, mythological
and socio-morphological phenomena” (Mauss vii; cf. 76) ….

We must rid ourselves of the ingrained notion that the economy is a field
of experience of which humans have always been conscious. To use a
metaphor, the facts of the economy were originally embedded in situations
that were not in themselves of an economic nature, neither the ends nor the
means being primarily material. (quoted in Le Goff 20) That Polanyi refers
to this description as a metaphor is extremely ambiguous. It is not at all
clear what the term metaphor refers to, unless it be the very use of the
word “economy.” But then it is not entirely clear that the word
‘economy,’ when taken to mean that ‘either the ends or the means are
primarily material,’2 is not already a metaphoric use of the term. Polanyi,
in other words, would be providing us with a further metaphoric use of the
word ‘economics.’ What would this metaphoric use be?3
‘The facts of the economy’ which are not themselves economic, would
seem to imply not a metaphoric use, but an improper use, which in the
interest of economy we should avoid. However, since the proper use seems
to be already metaphoric, it is not entirely clear that the material which is
economics’ “primary concern” does not already lead us away from the
realm of the real and into that of the purely figurative. Is there not a sense
in which “the embeddedness of the economy in situations which are not
themselves of an economic nature” indicates that from a metaphoric
perspective there is a total economy of relations within a primitive society,
that no relation escapes a certain economy? Indeed, might it not be the case
that a certain totality would constitute any and all metaphoric uses of the
term “economy”? That only an absence of an economy of relations could
constitute an economy in the literal sense? But, if this were the case,
there would immediately emerge the problem of rigidly demarcating this
economy. How would one demarcate an economy that refused to embed
itself in an economy of relations?
It might seem that similar considerations apply to the ancient Greeks.
Writing of Plato and Aristotle, Schumpeter says: “They merged their
pieces of economic reasoning with their general philosophy of state and
society and rarely dealt with an economic topic for its own sake”
(Schumpeter 53). Was this merging a consequence of the fact that
economic issues could not be divorced from a web of human relations, or
was this really a matter of merging? We need to determine to what extent
Plato and Aristotle did engage in an act of merging economics and politics
and whether this prevented them from engaging in what we call economic

III. The Greek Economy

In his essay “Hestia—Hermes,” Jean-Pierre Vernant gives us a glimpse

into the Greek oikos that is prevented by turning to the Greek

philosophers. Vernant’s essay is motivated by the question of why Hermes

and Hestia are paired at the base of the statue of Zeus at Olympia.
Hermes and Hestia seem to break the mold of pairing that applies in the
case of the other gods:
…Vernant proposes two immediate solutions to the problem of this
pairing: on the one hand, unlike the other gods, both Hermes and Hestia
dwell in the realm of the mortals. Hestia is the god of the hearth. As the
hearth, Hestia occupies the centre of the oikos and symbolizes both
stability and the navel which attaches the oikos to the earth. Hermes is the
messenger god, and is generally identified as the wanderer, with no fixed
abode. On the other hand, while both gods dwell in the realm of the mortals,
their relations with mortals seem to indicate a polarityHowever,
immediately after providing these solutions to the problem, Vernant
suggests that these solutions are simplistic and a distortion of the relations
between the Greeks and their gods. He writes:
... the experience of space took place—but which nevertheless covers a
very much wider field than that implied when we talk of space and
movement. (130-131)
The objective of the initial solutions was to reduce the gods to symbols of
space and movement thought according to the abstraction by which these
terms will later be determined. Vernant indicates that Ancient Greek
thought proceeds in terms of material distinctions and different types of
agents and not according to the logic of subsequent philosophy.
According to Vernant, Hestia is, at one and the same time, the principle of
stability and the nodal point of all movement. Vernant exemplifies Hestia’s
internal polarity by focusing on the role of women in the oikos: “The
woman’s domain is the house. That is her place and as a rule she should
not leave it” (133). Men, by contrast, are what Vernant calls the
“centrifugal element.” However, there is an exception to this role of
women: “In marriage, in contrast to all other social activities, it is the
woman who is the mobile social element, whose movement creates the link
among different family groups, whereas the man remains tied to his own
hearth and home.” …Clearly, this system of representations is designed to
ensure a purely paternal heredity. And yet at the same time, it is Hestia, the
virgin mother, who symbolizes the stability of the oikos and the patrilineal
line. The system of representations here seems to suggest that the woman
plays no role in childbirth at all, since the whole system suggests that
Hestia herself, through a ritual rebirthing at the household’s hearth, gives
birth to children.
In other words, what Vernant has revealed in his analysis is that Hestia
contains the ambiguities that suggest her relationship with Hermes. The
relation between Hestia and Hermes is not one of

polarity, but is rather a relation of mutual implication and interpenetration.

But how does this
relationship relate to the question of economy?
Hestia, as goddess of the hearth, is the god of the oikos. This suggests that
Hermes would be the god of the polis. But as Vernant has shown, this
simple polarity does not get to the heart of the matter. Nonetheless, the
hypothesis of a polarity between oikos and polis is not without its
adherents. Perhaps the most influential account of this polarity is that
provided by Hannah Arendt in The Human Condition. Arendt distinguishes
between oikos and polis by claiming that the latter is the realm of action,
and the former the realm of the retreat from action. This account parallels
Vernant’s initial hypotheses of the relation between Hestia and Hermes.
The oikos is the realm of stability, certainty, rootedness and security,
whereas the polis is the realm of movement, uncertainty and conflict.
However, there is more to the story than this simple opposition. The inside
and the outside are both more and less strongly demarcated than Arendt
would lead us to believe. On the one hand, the outside is demarcated by far
more than political activity…
hospitality, into the household. The oikos encapsulates, without
reconciling, the tension between opening up and shutting out. This is not a
simple dichotomy. The oikos centers the activity of the human community,
drawing activity towards it as a site of rest and projecting that which is at
rest out into the realm of action. The two cannot be separated or considered
in isolation. Hermes, and not Hestia, is the god of exchange. Neither
exchange nor the acquisition of wealth belong to the realm of the oikos.
If we consider the Hestia-Hermes relation as representing or constituting
the Greek conception of space, then these sets of oppositions reveal that
what for us constitutes economic activity did not for the Greeks belong to
a single spatial or social sphere. Most of what we would call economic
activity does not belong to the realm of the oikos at all. The division
between Hestia and Hermes allows us to see that an economic analysis of
ancient Greece distorts the nature of Greek society. The Greek
demarcation of space indicates why the Greeks did not develop what we
call economics.
How, then, does the term oikos come to represent what was originally not
part of the oikos? Vernant presents the key to this transition. The oikos that
we have just been describing is not the oikos of classical Athens. This oikos
continues to be referred to by Homer and the tragedians, but by the time
of Plato and Aristotle the oikos has begun to move. Of course, to say that
it has moved in any absolute sense would be an overstatement: the oikos
persists, but it is tending outwards. It remains where it was, but finds itself
reflected outside itself—in the agora. The agora constitutes the common
land at the heart of the city, and Hestia comes to represent not the hearth

of the oikos, but the communal hearth. Hestia has “become the centre of
the city and symbol of the unity of the citizens, just as previously she was
the centre of the home and symbol of the unity of the family group”
(Vernant 151). The persistence of the oikos despite Hestia’s emigration
allows the spatial differentiation of inside and outside to persist without the

IV. Hestia On the Move

With the movement of Hestia out of the home and into the city, is it
possible to see a return to the previous economy of relations? To see, as
Schumpeter suggested, a merging of politics and economics? In his
treatise The Parts of Animals, Aristotle tells the following story about
Heraclitus as a means of justifying the study of even those things that
might seem distasteful: and as Heraclitus, when the strangers who came to
visit him found him warming himself at the furnace in the kitchen and
hesitated to go in, is reported to have bidden them not to be afraid to enter,
as even in that kitchen divinities were present. (Aristotle 1004) Aristotle
tells this story in order to drive home his point that we should study
everything regardless of how it makes us feel, since even in the lowest of
things there are wonders to be found. But is this all that this story tells us?
Certainly this would depend on what we make of the fact that the strangers
hesitated. One could read into this seemingly innocuous story a critique of
the entire Greek tradition. But does it indicate a return? It does seem that
Heraclitus is suggesting what I have called an economy of relations, but
what is striking and indeed unique about Heraclitus’ economy is that it
is an economy of the outside, an economy dominated by Hermes.
Heraclitus’ economy seems to be an economy of the irreducible, of that
which can only be spoken of in riddles, of that which exceeds totalization
and enclosure. And yet, at the same time, Heraclitus’ suggestion cannot but
be thought of as a reduction, a reduction of a bifurcated or pluralist
conception of space into a unitary conception.
… The Greek philosophers, and Plato and Aristotle in particular, were
engaged in a radical critique of existing social relations. More than simply
identifying the movement of Hestia and working out its implications, Plato
and Aristotle were in the process of completely undermining the social and
spatial relations upon which the entire city-state operated. The issue
here is not simply, as has been suggested, that Plato and Aristotle were
emulating Sparta, nor is it simply the case that they were conservatives
attempting to justify the role of the Athenian aristocracy. Plato and
Aristotle were engaged in what we would call a de-mythologization of the

Greek city-state. What they attempted was a rationalization of Greek

social life—a rationalization in the name of Hestia.4 The elimination of
Hermes from the polis, the economization of social space, transforms
the polis into a site of non-contradiction.
From the perspective of the imaginary, the elimination of contradiction and
ambiguity tends invariably towards the creation of stability, and the realm
of stability, as we have already seen, is the realm of Hestia—the oikos.
Heraclitus’ dismissal of Hestia is entirely consistent with his claim that
everything is in flux, but flux here is an absolute, and thus is not itself in
flux. It is flux that the polis as oikos overcomes. Politics is anti-thetical to
philosophical thought precisely because it is politics that threatens the
economy, whether this economy be an economy of the oikos or of the
polis. Thus, Heraclitus is no less economical than Plato and Aristotle.
Heraclitus eliminates the oikos in order to eliminate that which would lie
outside the realm of flux, just as Plato and Aristotle eliminate politics in
order to eliminate that which would lie outside the realm of stability. This,
it seems to me, is the philosophical gesture par excellence. Philosophy,
while not yet economics, is always already economical. And here it
becomes clear that the multiple uses of the word “economy” are not simply
metaphoric, rather the multiple meanings circumscribe an economy of
space and relations according to a systematics of totalization and
incorporation. Nothing escapes the economy. And yet, it is clear that for
Plato and Aristotle at least, despite their economizing, there remains an
outside. The outside that persists in the analysis of polis as oikos is the
outside of the realm of Hermes—… Indeed, it is possible to read the history
of western thought as an
attempt to incorporate into a single system the entirety of human relations;
to read, in other words, the attempt to create a total economy with no
remainder, with no other, with nothing that cannot be incorporated into the
system. Such absolute economizing is nothing other than the attempt to
eradicate the wanderer, the stranger, the political, in the name of totality,
stability, systematicity, identity, the incorporation of every relation of
exchange. There is, in other words, far more to the relation between the
oikos and the economy than Schumpeter and Findley would have led us to
believe. And there is no reason to assume that the representations of so-
called primitive societies are not merely a reflection of this desire.
Economic analysis continues the transposition of Hestia that began 2500
years ago; the globalization of the economy does not render reference to
the home simply metaphoric, rather it indicates that today we are
witnessing the absolute incorporation, by force if necessary, of every
relation under the rubric of a single and stable set of analyzable relations.

V. Conclusion: Oikos and Economy


Far from being a minor element in our inheritance from ancient Greece,
economics is our inheritance. Attempts to overcome this legacy have
invariably been incorporated back into its economy. The history of
philosophy has always sought to curtail the movement of Hestia; to
discover the realm of stability within a generalizable set of stable
processes, methods, rules, or axioms. Economics seeks to discover the
laws which govern fluctuation, or to discover the means by which
fluctuations can be contained or controlled, but regardless the fluctuation
itself already appears to incorporate everything it touches.
The movement of Hestia has been recognized, but Hestia is never
overwhelmed by an outside that she could not welcome with open arms.
To be sure, Hestia was always already on the move. But the Greeks sought
to keep her to herself nonetheless. Hermes, that most ambiguous of gods,
constitutes that which Hestia can never quite succeed in seducing to the
warmth of the hearth. The subsequent history of philosophy, and
economics, but not only economics, as a continuation of this history, has
sought to put an end to this ambiguous predicament. The internal
contradictions of the hermetic realm have been reconciled; space has
been reconsidered and reorganized. Even the most radical critiques of a
given economy today appear to remain within the confines of that
economy. And yet, are there not indications that Hermes has already
insinuated himself into the household? Can we be certain that beside the
hearth there is not a stranger unwilling to be incorporated, offering us the
promise or the threat of another way of being—of an outside which, while
perhaps never present, offers us the glimpse of a potential opening? Is it
possible that today we are again hearing the first tentative knocks of the
stranger at the gates of the oikos? And if so, what does our hesitation


1 There have been a number of important reconsiderations of ancient

Greek economic theory since the publication of Schumpeter’s history.
Perhaps most important is Polanyi’s “Aristotle Discovers the Economy.”
In some respects this essay is an attempt to take up again Polanyi’s
argument. But the general claim against Schumpeter does not strictly
interfere with the argument being made. The Greeks may have said more
that is relevant to today’s understanding of economics than Schumpeter
assumed, but the Greeks did not understand what we understand by
economic activity as constituting a unified sphere of investigation
comparable to politics or physics.

2 Polanyi is using the term “material” in the sense developed by Marx, and
thus is related to the satisfaction of needs.
3 In Economics and Evolution, Geoffrey M. Hodgson devotes some
attention to the question of the role of metaphor in economic theory. He
does not, however, consider the fact that the term “economics” is itself a
metaphor. His interest is in economics’ adoption of metaphors from the
natural and biological sciences. I would suggest that the metaphoric nature
of the term “economics” already contains a good deal of his more
extensive argument.
4 At the centre of the city described in The Laws, Plato establishes a shrine
to Hestia; Hestia is clearly also the unmoved mover of Aristotelian
5 It should be clear here that I am not merely speaking about economics as
the science of the wealth of nations. The economy of relations of which
economics is merely a part is far more insidious than this simple equation
would suggest, and is not limited to the realm of theory.

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Adam Smith, 4, 32, 36, 94, 97, 114, 120, 299, 300, 301, 303, 306, 309, 310, 311,
124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 313, 314, 315, 316,317
132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 140, arithmetic, 126, 167, 170, 172, 173
142, 144, 145, 147, 148, 172, 179, 183, Crisis, 84, 86, 106, 107, 108, 116, 130,
190, 193, 201, 203, 213, 295, 304, 306, 177, 178, 187, 192, 205, 206, 207, 208,
307, 308, 309 210, 212, 214, 244, 247, 255, 280
Aeschylus, 65, 100, 137 Descartes, 135
Alfred Marshall, 4, 31, 119, 120, 121, Ecology, 86, 111, 141, 194, 274, 275, 277,
122, 123, 124, 190, 194 279, 282, 284, 285, 288, 291, 292, 297,
Analysis, 69, 76, 89, 106, 123, 125, 136, 299, 304
161, 165, 166, 178, 179, 180, 182, 183, Economia, 55, 77, 192, 242, 243, 244,
193, 197, 198, 200, 204, 206, 211, 212, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 252, 253,
216, 248, 250, 317 254, 255, 256
Ancient, 7, 53, 54, 59, 63, 64, 65, 67, 72, economic, 4, 163, 189, 271, 272, 273, 274,
75, 76, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 91, 94, 95, 275, 276, 278, 281, 282, 284, 286, 287,
96, 97, 102, 105, 107, 109, 113, 116, 288, 289, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295,
118, 125, 128, 132, 133, 136, 137, 138, 296, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 303, 304,
140, 142, 144, 145, 146, 148, 150, 154, 305, 306, 307, 308, 309, 310, 311, 313,
157, 158, 159, 160, 162, 165, 166, 167, 316
170, 174, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 183, Economic benefits, 89
184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 191, 193, 194, Economic character, 129
195, 196, 197, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, Economic growth, 83, 95, 248
207, 212, 242, 244, 245, 248, 249, 252, Economic historians, 95
253, 254, 271, 272, 274, 276, 279, 281, Economic problems, 91
285, 289, 290, 295, 298, 301, 302, 305, Economic questions, 118, 183
308, 312, 317 Economic Rules, 93
Ancient Greek, 8, 85, 88, 91, 96, 179, Economic Science, 89, 122
188, 204, 272 Economic terms, 89
Apostles, 149, 209, 213 Economic Theories, 205
Aquinas, 7, 8, 34 Economic Thought, 87, 88, 106, 113, 143,
Aristotelis, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 146, 174, 176, 179, 181, 182, 183, 193,
219, 220, 227, 230, 235, 236, 237 212, 272, 300, 307
Aristotle, 8, 40, 59, 62, 72, 86, 97, 98, 99, Economic wealth, 125
100, 102, 103, 106, 111, 127, 129, 130, Economiche, 243, 245
132, 142, 143, 145, 161, 175, 177, 181, economics, 119, 121, 123, 271, 272, 273,
192, 194, 199, 205, 219, 237, 272, 275, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 283,
280, 282, 283, 289, 290, 291, 292, 295, 284, 285, 286, 288, 291, 292, 294, 295,

296, 297, 300, 301, 303, 304, 306, 307, ekonomi, 39

308, 309, 310, 311, 313, 314, 315, 316, Ekonomia, 39
317 ekonomie, 39
Economics, 4, 7, 54, 72, 79, 83, 84, 85, English, 3, 49, 53, 61, 64, 67, 70, 71, 75,
86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 79, 84, 86, 87, 88, 89, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96,
97, 116, 120, 121, 122, 123, 125, 128, 105, 109, 117, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123,
130, 131, 132, 133, 136, 137, 138, 140, 124, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148,
141, 142, 145, 146, 147, 148, 159, 171, 150, 153, 154, 156, 158, 159, 160, 161,
173, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 185, 163, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 174, 175,
187, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 188, 189, 193, 196, 200, 211, 214, 215,
197, 198, 200, 201, 202, 205, 206, 207, 244, 247, 272, 273, 274, 281, 283, 285,
209, 212, 214, 215, 216, 242, 247, 248, 286, 288, 294, 297, 298, 299, 300, 304
250, 251, 253, 255, 271, 272, 277, 278, Finlay, 75
279, 280, 281, 282, 285, 289, 290, 294, Finley, 94, 97, 179, 202, 242, 255, 295,
295, 297, 302, 304, 306, 308, 315, 316, 308, 309, 317
317 French, 29, 39, 43, 45, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54,
économie, 39, 40, 43, 45, 47, 49, 51, 54, 56, 57, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67,
55, 57, 58, 85, 119, 251 68, 69, 70, 71, 73, 74, 75, 84, 93, 111,
'Economie Politique, 74 117, 120, 129, 132, 143, 154, 161, 163,
économie politique, 40, 43, 45, 47, 49, 51, 165, 167, 168, 170, 173, 175, 191, 198,
54, 55, 58, 119 202, 207, 211, 215, 216, 272, 288
Economies, 83, 85, 86, 90, 91, 96, 118, General Theory, 18, 128, 177, 203, 208,
199, 206, 253, 255, 272, 279, 280, 287, 210, 211, 212, 214
290, 292, 297, 302, 308, 317 Greece, 3, 51, 54, 57, 58, 59, 61, 62, 64,
économiques, 14, 54 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 72, 84, 86, 88, 105,
economist, 29, 39, 54, 59, 64, 71, 83, 124, 106, 107, 108, 110, 111, 113, 114, 115,
130, 141, 144, 148, 158, 163, 168, 174, 118, 119, 125, 127, 128, 130, 133, 134,
176, 177, 180, 182, 184, 187, 190, 192, 135, 136, 137, 138, 140, 142, 144, 145,
195, 196, 197, 202, 205, 207, 209, 213, 148, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156,
241, 297, 299 157, 158, 159, 160, 165, 167, 169, 170,
Economista, 9 171, 174, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181,
economists, 88, 91, 95, 116, 120, 121, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 192, 193,
130, 144, 145, 179, 186, 196, 202, 212, 194, 195, 196, 198, 199, 202, 203, 205,
272, 309 207, 211, 212, 214, 242, 243, 244, 245,
economos, 85 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253,
Economy, 4, 8, 25, 39, 40, 47, 50, 54, 59, 254, 272, 274, 276, 279, 281, 289, 290,
61, 62, 64, 66, 71, 72, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 296, 300, 307, 308, 309, 313, 315, 317
79, 80, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, Greek, 3, 4, 7, 22, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56,
92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 99, 100, 107, 113, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69,
116, 119, 127, 138, 139, 142, 143, 146, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 78, 79, 80, 83,
152, 170, 177, 179, 180, 185, 186, 192, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94,
194, 204,205, 206, 208, 209, 211, 214, 95, 96, 97, 102, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109,
215, 216, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117,
247, 248, 250, 253, 254, 255, 271, 272, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125,
273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133,
281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 140, 141, 142,
289, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150,
297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158,
305, 306, 307, 308, 310, 311, 315, 316, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166,
317 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174,
Economy and Taxation, 116 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182,

183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307,
191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 308, 309, 312, 313, 316
199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, households, 22, 83, 91, 93, 275
207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, houses, 106, 115, 298
215, 216, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, Influence, 133, 156, 214
247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, John Maynard Keynes, 121, 128, 145,
255, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 148, 177, 186, 196, 203, 207, 208, 209,
278, 279, 280, 281, 283, 284, 285, 286, 211, 212, 213, 214
287, 288, 289, 290, 291, 293, 294, 295, John Stuart Mill, 4, 145, 148, 149, 150,
296, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158,
304, 305, 306, 307, 308, 309, 311, 312, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 197, 215
313, 314, 316 Keynes, 4, 95, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207,
Greek word, 75, 78, 79, 80, 83, 84, 85, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215,
86, 87, 88, 89, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 216
124, 189, 193 language, 3, 57, 63, 64, 65, 66, 70, 71, 72,
Greek , mathematics, 159, 164 73, 79, 80, 87, 88, 92, 93, 106, 113, 116,
Greek and Latin, 150, 163, 204 126, 128, 131, 134, 136, 137, 168, 174,
Greek City State, 212 192, 204, 216, 272, 273, 288, 294, 297
'Greek culture, 255 Language, 67, 68, 69, 70, 74, 79, 95, 110,
Greek -English, 22, 121, 123, 124 117, 141, 177, 208, 273, 274, 281, 282,
Greek history, 138, 143, 156, 212 299
Greek letters, 110, 177, 211, 213 Latin, 61, 67, 68, 69, 70, 73, 75, 78, 80,
Greek nation, 136 84, 86, 88, 95, 105, 109, 116, 117, 118,
Greek poleis, 109, 117 122, 124, 126, 127, 128, 129, 132, 136,
Greek religion, 211 137, 140, 141, 143, 146, 148, 150, 151,
Greek romance, 114 152, 153, 154, 155, 157, 159, 161, 162,
Greek Text, 122, 123 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170,
Grote, 108, 118, 150, 152, 153, 155, 156, 171, 172, 173, 175, 176, 189, 190, 200,
158, 159, 162 201, 202, 204, 205, 207, 208, 210, 211,
Grotius, 135 216, 242, 244, 245, 248, 250, 252, 254,
Hebrew, 101, 105, 108, 116, 121, 128, 255, 272, 308
134, 136, 137, 165, 175, 176, 196, 197 Liddell-Scott, 3, 22
Hellenism, 52, 56, 63, 66 Macroéconomie, 47, 58
Hellenistic, 102, 109, 193, 254, 282 Malthus, 4, 120, 135, 138, 140, 141, 142,
Homer, 108, 177, 184, 285, 288, 296, 301, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148
313 Marx, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104,
Homo Οικονομικός, 14 120, 129, 145, 178, 185, 196, 212, 275,
house, 66, 83, 84, 86, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 289, 316
94, 95, 96, 106, 118, 123, 124, 163, 169, meaning, 54, 66, 72, 76, 83, 84, 85, 86,
171, 214, 247, 252, 255, 273, 274, 275, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 119,
278, 279, 280, 281, 283, 284, 285, 286, 127, 146, 168, 181, 184, 187, 188, 210,
287, 288, 289, 290, 291, 294, 295, 297, 214, 216, 245, 247, 251, 271, 273, 274,
299, 301, 302, 304, 305, 306, 308, 312 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 283,
House, 83, 90, 113, 126, 131, 166, 167, 284, 285, 286, 289, 293, 294, 295, 297,
172, 183, 285, 288, 297, 298, 299 300, 301, 302, 304, 307, 308, 309
household, 22, 54, 59, 74, 75, 76, 83, 84, means, 54, 66, 75, 78, 80, 83, 84, 85, 86,
85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 87, 88, 89, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 97, 111,
96, 97, 123, 242, 246, 250, 273, 275, 113, 127, 133, 138, 143, 156, 172, 181,
276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 182, 183, 188, 189, 199, 200, 255, 272,
284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 291, 279, 280, 281, 283, 285, 291, 295, 297,
292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 299, 298, 301, 305, 306, 310, 314, 315

Montchrestien, 3, 6, 9, 28, 29, 39, 40, 41, Rousseau, 9, 104, 135, 158, 186, 283, 301,
42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 303
53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, Schumpeter, 4, 7, 35, 129, 176, 177, 178,
64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186,
MONTCHRESTIEN, 41, 51, 52, 53, 54, 187, 197, 205, 208, 212, 307, 308, 309,
55, 58, 59, 62, 64, 65 311, 314, 315, 316, 317
Montchretien, 9, 42, 60 scientific terms, 89
nomos, 55, 84, 85, 89, 92, 94, 96, 119, Spinoza, 135
180, 247, 255, 273, 275, 276, 277, 279, term, 50, 61, 62, 64, 65, 66, 71, 72, 73, 76,
281, 284, 286, 287, 288, 292, 294, 297, 85, 88, 89, 91, 93, 94, 95, 96, 124, 146,
298, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 180, 184, 187, 188, 189, 208, 214, 217,
308 247, 250, 252, 253, 271, 275, 277, 279,
Nomos, 250, 274, 281, 297 280, 281, 282, 286, 291, 292, 294, 296,
nonGreek barbarians, 159 297, 298, 300, 301, 307, 309, 310, 311,
Oeconomia, 4, 77, 242, 243, 244, 245, 313, 316
246, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 255, 272 Thomas Robert Malthus, 9, 36, 138, 141,
'Oeconomie politique, 51, 55 143, 148
OEconomy, 283 Wealth of Nations, 9, 12, 75, 84, 116, 124,
oiko, 66, 92, 277, 279, 288, 304 126, 127, 128, 131, 132, 136, 137, 140,
oikonomia, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 83, 84, 145, 147, 304, 309
85, 86, 87, 89, 90, 91, 92, 94, 96, 250, Weber, 4, 169, 178, 185, 187, 188, 189,
272, 276, 277, 278, 279, 284, 285, 288, 208, 274, 280, 282, 289, 296, 298, 300,
290, 291, 297, 302, 304 302, 303, 305, 306, 307
oikonomos, 83, 84, 87, 89, 93, 97, 250, William Fetty, 163
278, 281 William Petty, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167,
Oikonomos, 279 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176
oikos, 55, 75, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 89, 90, Wirtschaftlichkeit, 39
91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 119, 123, 138, word, 4, 64, 65, 66, 68, 70, 71, 73, 74, 75,
247, 255, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88,
279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 106,
287, 288, 289, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 107, 111, 112, 123, 124, 126, 127, 128,
295, 296, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 129, 138, 143, 168, 188, 189, 193, 200,
303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 308, 311, 312, 203, 205, 210, 214, 248, 250, 252, 271,
313, 314, 315, 316 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279,
Oikos, 4, 85, 89, 272, 273, 274, 276, 278, 280, 281, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288,
279, 280, 281, 282, 284, 288, 289, 290, 289, 291, 295, 296, 297, 300, 301, 302,
291, 292, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 300, 304, 305, 306, 308, 310, 315
301, 303, 305, 307, 308, 315 Word, 56, 65, 68, 69, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79,
Physiocrat, 216 80, 95, 97, 111, 120, 145, 213
polis, 111, 210, 249, 273, 274, 275, 277, words, 74, 75, 78, 84, 85, 87, 88, 89, 90,
282, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 92, 95, 96, 122, 123, 124, 150, 158, 161,
300, 303, 312, 314, 315 169, 179, 184, 197, 200, 204, 210, 214,
Ricardo, 4, 46, 57, 105, 106, 107, 108, 216, 251, 273, 275, 276, 279, 283, 284,
109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 285, 286, 288, 289, 291, 294, 295, 297,
117, 118, 119, 120, 142, 144, 145, 148, 302, 304, 305, 311, 312, 315
193, 292 Xenophon, 94, 97, 211, 215, 243, 272,
Rome, 57, 68, 72, 76, 80, 84, 88, 89, 106, 282, 307, 309
118, 125, 127, 128, 135, 136, 137, 151, Αγγλικά, 39, 149
154, 159, 165, 174, 176, 183, 197, 234, Αγία Γραφή, 4, 239, 240, 241
247, 253, 281, 295 Άλφρεντ Μάρσαλλ, 31
ανταλλαγής χρημάτων, 33

Άνταμ Σμιθ, 10, 11, 32, 36 οἰκονομίας, 5, 225, 256, 257, 258, 259,
Αριστοτέλη, 4, 5, 7, 10, 29, 34, 41, 103, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 271
104, 105, 217, 307 οικονομικά, 7, 10, 24, 25, 26, 30, 33, 35,
Αριστοτέλης, 4, 6, 7, 10, 34, 97, 103, 104, 37, 41
105, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, οἰκονομική, 224, 229, 269
226, 227, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 266, οἰκονομικὴ, 5, 225, 263, 270
267, 268, 269, 270, 271 οἰκονομικῇ, 220, 267
διδάχτηκε, 149 οικονομική ανάπτυξη, 35, 37
ελληνική οικονομία, 81 οικονομική δραστηριότητα, 24, 30
Ελληνικών λέξεων, 149 οἰκονομικήν, 217, 221, 263, 267
έννοια, της οικονομίας, 31 οἰκονομικῆς, 217, 224, 228, 229, 233,
ιδιωτική η οικονομία, 24 236, 270
Καντιγιόν, 12 οικονομικής επιστήμης, 7, 10, 16, 23, 31,
Κέινς, 18, 139 35, 119
κλασική σχολή οικονομικής, 26 οικονομικής θεωρίας, 10, 17, 32
Λατινική γλώσσα, 4, 242 οικονομικής θεωρίας., 17
λέξη, 3, 6, 9, 21, 30, 31, 34, 39, 75, 80, 81, οικονομικής κρίσης, 18
82 οικονομικής πολιτικής, 12, 81
Μακροοικονομικά, 37 οικονομικής σκέψης, 26, 29, 40, 119
Μαρξ, 16 Οικονομικός, 6, 14, 24, 25, 26, 27, 248,
Μάρξ, 4, 80, 97, 98, 101, 103, 104, 105 256, 257, 272
Μικροοικονομικά, 37 οἰκονόμον, 225, 228, 231, 233
Μίλτον Φρίντμαν, 19 οἰκονόμον, 238
Μπαμπινιώτη, 3, 23 οἶκος, 6, 30, 236, 252, 257, 271, 289
νόμισμα, 11, 30, 34, 219, 223, 224, 226, Όμηρος, 5
269, 270 παγκόσμια η οικονομία, 24
νομίσματα, 19, 38 περιβάλλον, 3, 32, 38, 81
νόμος, 223, 252, 269 Πλάτων, 10, 104, 129, 133, 142, 143, 148,
Ξενοφών, 6, 10, 256, 257, 258 152, 156, 158, 175, 179, 181, 192, 202,
Ξενοφώντα, 5, 34, 149 209, 212, 215, 217, 218, 233, 235, 245,
ὀβολο, 226 249, 258, 259, 260, 265, 266
Οδύσσεια, 5 Πλάτωνα, 5, 149, 227, 307
οἰκονομεῖν, 238 Πλόύταρχος, 217
Οικονομετρία, 37 πλοῦτος, 217, 221, 223, 224, 229, 230,
Οικονομετρίας, 37 234, 235, 236, 237, 268, 269, 270
οικονομετρικός, 23 Πολιτεία, 40, 47, 50, 54, 59, 60, 61, 62,
οικονομία, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 20, 23, 24, 64, 65, 71, 72, 74, 76, 77, 79, 83, 85, 90,
25, 26, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 91, 93, 96, 99, 102, 107, 111, 112, 113,
39, 75, 80, 81, 82, 139, 239, 240, 241, 114, 116, 119, 120, 127, 129, 130, 136,
248, 249 139, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 148,
οἰκονομία, 5, 6, 22, 30, 75, 84, 220, 252, 150, 151, 152, 154, 155, 157, 158, 159,
256, 257, 260, 261, 262, 263, 267, 271 160, 162, 168, 170, 172, 174, 175, 177,
οἰκονομίᾳ, 232, 259, 264 178, 179, 180, 182, 185, 186, 187, 189,
οικονομία του κράτους, 37 193, 199, 200, 202, 204, 206, 208, 209,
οικονομίαν, 24 216, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226,
οἰκονομίαν, 6, 22, 228, 231, 233, 258, 259, 227, 243, 246, 247, 248, 250, 254, 255,
260, 263, 264, 265 256, 259, 261, 262, 263, 264, 267, 268,
οικονομίας, 3, 7, 9, 10, 11, 20, 26, 29, 31, 269, 270, 271, 272
32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 40, 80, 82, 138, πολιτική οικονομία, 3, 9, 10, 31, 149
239, 240, 241 Ρικάρντο, 10, 13, 139
Σωκράτη, 5

Τζον Στιούαρτ Μιλ, 14, 148 χρηματιστικῆς, 217, 220, 222, 223, 224,
χρήματα, 23, 24, 28, 37, 105, 219, 221, 225, 226, 228, 229, 230, 232, 233, 235,
224, 225, 237, 257, 266, 268, 270 236, 261, 265, 267, 268, 269, 270
Χρηματιστική, 4, 7, 34, 217, 265 Χρηματιστικῆς, 218, 266
Χρηματιστικὴ, 218, 266 χρηματιστικόν, 227, 231, 233
χρηματιστικὴν, 217, 223, 231, 232, 233, χρηματιστικοῦ, 221, 268
234, 235, 269 χρημάτων, 31, 32, 33, 219, 223, 224, 225,
228, 231, 233, 235, 266, 269, 270

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